Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 17, 1888, Image 1

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    HfW'lHH'""miH,WPTWI-i'ilUli.i,Piii)'i IU'WIUWI-M i ,i ... fffA
- . v r , hia.t k
T7 TV mA1lt .'. IV. ZV III M7 Millie ?NffV:!iTrfT W . .
nv iVI f ' 'il LA
lf7 l
zOS-S' ri
"A- PoPd-l UR PAPER op AopcRM -TlMlfS "
Vou a. No. -in
Lincoln, Nishhaska, Saturday, Novismiiick 17. 1BB8
wir'-i'.A'i'i"ii!'.n iii);ii immiimnmii)n,i.iwmmmiiijijLunLinnMi.'iiimii ifimiiuininuMPimifiHwiii!,1"" '
jX4rraY5mwxsyi?f . 3$ss
WwtM.MMPm&k I bf I J. IkMa I wail ,? -mm I ,? .. ....:- llWmfM!f
fiaKS52arSi-'.V .-ATv,i-' . 11. iTOrrr.V5s"j s.suvvt2j,; tra;
E 1j
.. VMwr
3aE5fVSNq.." J.rrt .? .w.Sv vfcj -i - ' ,-- Vfmm--0'ho-o-o-u,iS!Sg -
"Vlu.l 1 l.mri.,'s.ecii, Learned ixl Peril
vtciilly Suggested u (In. ,M nit It ttilv.
UN pleasant to (Miser, o Hit1 iimnls'i' of
'sidewalk Improvements that have lioeii ninth'
about the city since tlio htUM-t paving Iiiih
Ikvii laid niitl imrtleulurly on 0 street. How
ever, with nil tlmt has Imh'U ilone, I'nelo
HainV sidewalk In ft out of the .Hist olllco lint
not been touched, nml now instead of having
'the Mine wide uiveinenl there, ns In the ease
everywhere ele, the former iiiiiti w one still
i cumins Mini the mkico between the tslgoof
this anil tlie curbing shows mother emtli,
which Im'coiiics anything lint pleasant when
wet. If that pint 'Uiipnvtsl huh only leel,
little loss might he cnu.plnimst, hut the fnrt
tlmt it hns n downward grade to n consider-
nhlo' decree, makes It miMife to walk on in
Inclement weather, and certainly such
wmill,.,,. ,.... in i,..., .,!.,., i.. ,,r i.,...- ...... i
, ' vim miit I'll III i w it n'rrni
Irust tho iiuthnrltiei will o this their at-
Idttlo did theaudleuce think, when seeing
the wounded soldier taken away on a bier In
theplnyiit Kuiikc'it .Monday evening, that
this self kiiiiiu liler would be ulillcd in real
llf.nittlie close of the performance. How
ever Mich was the ease, lor after the play,
while transferring the baguage of 'Held by
tho Kncinv' comtMinv to the detiot. n ttiiul;
was iiImiiiI to ftliilu oli' and in his endeavors to
hold it on the wagon Mr. Dennis .Sullivan,
who has charge of the theatrical baggnge
work for Ktisigu's transfer, fell, landing lie
twevn the wheels, one of them lislng over
his right leg abovo the kns ami then over
his left fisit. The man was plekisl up by
passerhby and the horses stopcd in llni.i to
kivc a iimawii). 'lho lctlm fairly howled
with Hiiii and as a I'orumi reporter Vio i hl,,lv m ,',m'0'1' '' '"'O' "H,y "I"'"' wl
amis an eye witness looked about for some-1 for lu'r ,",N; but having iiiueh Icisuie
thing to convey lilm to the neaiest drug lm'w'll risvivo orders for tic work, com
stoie. his cvii cniiuht sIlOiI ol llmt mint ..v. . nienclng next week.
.. ' " .".. .' ''
Kldcr Howe called at the CouittKlt olllco
this week and iiipicstcd the Observer to say
to tho nlniicm of election 1h1s, that if their
conscience Doubled th , they might bo
Uoiug a noble act and theieby idieve the uu-
.I....I.... I I J..I..- U.ll .... 1 I. .. .. .. '
...... K ...u ...i.e. o, ,. t ,i o, tt was ,,1 I
the rmil ui.s sine., tlun. i.H.i.i'u lusin !
vooguiMslas the mo.t pleanaiit and Instine
,tivn club the city has ever had, their eiiter
.tainnients itlwajs. having betn attendisl only
diy the elite of the city, and mostly those who
.coiiipostftl our best musicle circles. The
.uM'nirti were looktal forward to with an uuus-
unl umiiiiiit of ildciiHiiro and their auticipu
rtlimh wuro never disappointed.
J have sjKikuu to Mm. Jansen, Mm. J.lpHin-
.... .7 " . . . '. . 1
'Coit ami inner latlles who were jntoiostisl
leaders., and nil Hioiik onuaumgliigly regard- I
Jlig llie hoolt'tysjoorgairtatlon audi nuihiiroi
Tiiejnuuiirioi llie Itulles noultl be delightul
u Hour the iiiutOciilcti ngaln. Yes. by all
jueans, biJng ln-o life umtln the JjidioS' Mils
Jcjile iiud Club.
It bus bfs-ii suggesttsl Ut Jue the jiaki wool
that, in iik iiiudj us theie lias as yet lieeu no
home opera given this season, thut uu -iJoit
Ik liiado to liuve Mis. Iipix'tuugt urruti''oto
ntesent the Is'.inliliil iiim-iii 1.11I11I..I "Tl,..
Hollo of Siirilt.uu " Ills a charmluL' , !
duclioii, lull or e.itehy ails, uul I am told
that as Mrs. Lippetnsitt sang iuthissaine
opera in Cincinnati Heveial veiirs an, win
ning ilistiuguisiieii Illinois for her lole, sh
Sidewalk Insprclor McCloU.lli Istloiiignune
e-'elleiit nnik about the city us may be no
ted by lho way new walks nro being hut in
proper place Let the good woik goon, Liu
coin can Hand Outlier improvement in this
iliiccliniiniiil MfcUiJIovo "Mao" is tho man
who can hring more w'w nldowulU Inloex
inlnilc.0 thiiu ny !!;; ;;;un in tho oily.
., , r. !. . ,. " !"'"' " , i,is ,.iiv unsilie mi,, r.ip Mim i,'...,b ui,..i miiilo niiieli out of them, ultlioiijli It must lie I Lincoln has o-easlnn at lulcrvals to wel
n-rvo at tlmt critical moment to d the " n u, "l' -M's. Sheldon thinks the world of , , l''"-v '"'" "ll;' l ""'' ""; ' ' "ot '" U U "'i0 '"V '"Pnvlalion tor such visits as w
seryiee for real life. Ho tho le.Mv st ,mgl l" " - ""tie piecs. of brush ""lr- '?' .VM v",7 """,' vlt ,,?.'.1 " wUi'1 ' ? 'Z'"Z " U"m' "rv v"UNm Jv "(1,'''
into use and tho. nan conveyeil t ZS " Another lino plctu.e was made ))f they sat slksl the an lience or not. il.eysang 1 r M is tors," Messrs. Murray ,v Murphy,
drug store in tho Lltth block, hero ,il..r I'lo.encoL. llrown and several ot,K. .vh-ly and when euchored, sao In one d Is pleasant to know hat on next Tlnirs-
mhmT called, and now tho Injured "baggage f'- Idncolniles, all of which icvuiwU the In-; . Il..-y the i-nll. I J these exponcnu of Iiish co.mslv
smasher" lifting easy with hut a luokeu ""'"!o citlclstnof both friends of '1";'" " r,KH-laltlcs therein wll nptH'ar again at the I tmke.
nmt which is oxi wUslw ill sik.1 me .1 , t,0 the subjccU and all who saw them. Lincoln "ere clover and inerlle.1 the applause hat Manager Hill has hit the p.op.r kind of
." ...i. "J ..., :.'.V".: ? ".'. h"t." ,,,t-,,,, "'' l,, ,imlllll ',, ,, ,., ....,,,,,' i.. . was duly ace rde.1 the mveral nrtlsU. Xlw tcntlliunent in "Our Irish Visitors." in
fun... ..,. tit..,. .i,.i I I.I..1.I.... .I.... ip it u .1' ii Hie iirsL ineiiires oriii.Tn.i kitu... in
I Un.lll. Ul aMIIIIUUV I1ILTIIL H MOI'IC. -"I v. . Jt n . ...I n, 1 1 llllll . II 111
eaHness of the mluil by contributing lo the lls ,; u, Z J " that although the house was onlv lair in sl,e, thing at a time when ,h.s,, llol ',, , , "' " " ' ' ' "'Z, ,, V .".T ,", . !' ' ''''''
isior fund. The Lincoln Ud.ef and Aid Ho- I aJ ,; "r Hamso n S,li vet those pros,...! ,mI,I full prl e .,f admivs.on think I, to . ple,' Nt ,,!) are Mur ' , ' '" '. "" rni"W ,,,,K"r' " I
t-lety is doing a grand wo, kin looking to the , Tu "r "'" r t X? XllTlZi ustiw th.ugh the house we, e ja.nmcl and . ay ,t Murphy excellent sp imens of 1,1, '' '.'.. A.V'TV. ''.'" 'V'"'"""! "''"I . .. ";d -I'i.Ke.l.
con.ioiolt stltilte and pox city of the U, " " ' - -"" ; "" "-"" ;"" were entitled and expe, them to do their men of the broad kind shown upon the , " ' , , V , ,,. ",,,,,"l"";,w "'"' rt " "r """" '","! '"""l I he past
city. They have already .nude disbursements ' "" ? " 11 T ,HJnU I full duty. hoards, but they have a deal of that " ' , ," 'l'" ' nl """'' w,,, " "'evoi, week whe.eln one of Lincoln's w,.-lnl be
that lender the almost barren, W"H f'" ' Mn- ul- I Tlll. 1HVlnu humor which is so elli - it lea I f .swell ''""' '"l'l''H m"1 mI'"" ""1u fHt nirlvisl fotsakos tl e cpllal city to accept th- Inv
alid now that winter with itschilling winds Tll Xrt (.,,, T,,,: "AN"NS- ni i, "mi tliel!u.Ke guests piotnena.hsl to ll,e l.,orbve whe.e ' of an anient ,H,,r and a homo in a foreign
has an i vis I, thoneodof help is most kivnly ( iYolrihle tl,,, ,.', i, ,..ln,. . ,i The two nights' engagement of the Haiilon i leven other tables all icady for wink Ci land, jet a foimer place of iiImmIo. We speak
felt. Therefoie.klnd citi.ens, and purlieu- L en 1, th b.vle,, t L I! ','' HI,lll"lll)'l''IH,1Mllllltllt the l'unke with l'i..,-K..tis. gn; I the eye. of the nuplUils of Mr. Thorn is K llniwel
larly tlio,i or you whom the election has Tuesday o ci Ji ' i the ITitlv eisltv el,,. I """'' 'lli'-'e ' "tU'iiiliiiico to wltncssthe "What (.'.si huth Julius! together let no lli nicmbcmof thoelubnio as follows: Mr and Miss May Pickett, which took place Tues
Hindu richer, call on or send to the olllco of l ." .., .... I.-' repetition of the splendid perfonu itn 1 put ussiiinler." ami with these winds '""1 "" Huihon Imhnir, Mr. and Mrs. W N. day at the home of the bride on J stiocl I,
tlintriuiktirer. M. C. .1. Ki-nst. liifli., ltl,.li,.Ui. .... . h . . .' .' l"n"1"" ' ! Tlitisiliiveveiiin-'. of the L-iT-at farcical com- snoketi bv Rev. funis flu, IU...f Mi- .1 c L'Oliard, Mr. mid Mrs. ('has Rheahiniler. ' was mintl Instjii,,.., of I, .v.. l.t 1...1 ,.,
me irujtsurcr, ji. i. . ,i. r.nisi, in llie uichaiils braska inoonlli:l it is! all'ilrs and wusiiiniili, in ' """"""J ''""oi', ui mi- Kirai inieicui "i m lu'v.uiun, ine iites.u .Mr. .1. I
block, vnel, uninimt ..Itli.K In .....I. . ....,1.11.. ,1""M" UIO(imil.UUKl IUI llm Illlll Wlisaillllu III ' . ... ,..,.., ,.,. MllUs(. Tl.., nllllH ICllllllsilll.l Miss Mln, n.. l,..v I
, . .... , ....s., ,,, , ,,, , ,,, Mi'llHIJ ! lll.lUinr III i riltl tl .in,) ,, 'II... "ft- ----- j .- - (l(i,i wm , ,
possessions us your means willauord, and do oecnsion was i, ..u-.... n ".: If eiiitinisi ror ll. ncn in inecniiiii- the winning taking plt.e at the honnt ' " ""J"'""". .ir win .iim. .1. w. .Mclar I
your portion of chant's work to alieviato I s,,. Jr Cera'iles ,11 ,, ver int .rnVtli . ''"Udrrcts and traniformation M-enes. Kver of the bride's aients on P street. Mr I"'"'. Mr. and Mm. A. (i. IIc.-m.ii. Mr. and
thoMiireiiagsof j ourless fortunate brothers 'V,?.. .i, J l?it..t vi.J 3 v- 11?- l.r.i. 1" I Imh1 wns t-'liKl"tcl and "L. Vojago Kn ' Krn.-st Yates acting as gioo.uesiunu and Miss M,H- M Lniul. itsoii, Mr and Mm. . I A I
andhistem. Anything will 1st acceptable, Lh,v. lwl ich r vl 1 o co,nwl" ""'' " """" Tucker as bridesm . Huckstair Mr. and Mrs. H. II. lluiuham,': -
but of mio tho larger the amount the bet- , iu,tr, etivw s well T , ,, !,L Uli 1 .1 ... ' U lms l"'L'u ''"""'ly reuuslelisl ami improved j Numerous ptints were n-eclved and ""' 11"'- ' ' ' ' '"'. Mr. anil Mm. 1). I)
tor. ,f ... .','"', " ,r " , , , , , " I i-hice last seen in l.tnclu. many new charr.e- 1 showers of well wish.-s weie lav hlily U- M,,lr' "", ""' l"vl,t',l '""" "'tc. Miss Hud j
lh,U l'mt",l"'ltemi,detreots being added. The Hnnhms 1 si. 1 upon the newly made nun and wife l'"Hh.MiR J II. McMurtry, Mr. and Mm. C
lanwisk.slbya number of the ladies who ' it '! :... ,j ., , .? , nM S,!, !r IT,". ",oa lii' success. w efl for their fiittm, home in West Vir- . ' ". Mr. and Mrs. A C denier, Mr .
dis.k piomi.ient i,rtes in the L.dUV Musical j ,K" I n" It v 1' , o tin, in Th.nk.iit at tiii: .r,..'!.!:,'.- " "' tl. Uurllng.ou llir in the afer , "" 'h R. O. Phillips, and Mrs. C. II. Llp-
n..dH.H:lal Club two seasons ago, to n.enllon ,,, ,.0 .ic, tnm- T lauxhable emedv "A ,"Hm' T,, w" ' f't was a ino-t mini,.- I-ii.II. Mr. ....! air tt .1. Marshall. Mr.
thofaetthatwlthiilittleconeertedeirortlhlsl ...?... ... ... ' I .' . . ' ". ,.tU ","".t." "'f""1"" i"'d. t,w nil ilr iin.I .lulv bv not .... 1 "' Mis. L C. llurr, Mr and Mrs. N. C I
. , ., ... , J ' 'i"er inieiesiiiiK iiiaiures were on ine pro- icgu I'ocumc 11. w tie iireseuusi 111 me ,. . ,, ., - - " " ,, "' . Hril,.. M,.t,. n 1... t..i,..i'in .. . 1
k, me popular orga..iz.,tlon could In., brough Bnlln Mr. H. I). , ,x ,.., ,lHlh, tllL. . ,.rt)p,(.h. for 10 ,,lki Ultll, .;,, , Itar,Hmr In contracting pa, lies, but the follow lnK ' " '" k ! . I I .III,,,., Join
ilnto oxiteuco ana 11 and llouiish us t d d .. 1.1. .. 1 . .. . T ... ' ... . , ladles ami edit lemon as we : lr I'.nie 1 1 . " v light anil llobt llichter.
would cci taiidv make a sitccAvs of the uu ler- , , ,7-" ' '' ' , "" I,"lM", '" a uiilstri' of sfige craft. In Jth-elyu he is L '' ci'pi" was a most enjovable allair. , " ' ' . ;. , , ' V '"' '"" "v N" ,,rsl' "l our tepot tcr l.utieo.1
taking. The all'alr ,r gotten up u ill, a cast hJ," "1 ''' , ! 'U"" "'""'",1 "'""' i oredilrd w ith having done the best wo,k of ' ,""t "V f-t"- si ..1 audience w ,.. ,.,.. ' ' "V ' ""'TV' V ?'"","' ,,II'" '"""'" 'fon. Intving: Misses lt,si,
of on, Icnibng vocallsls, all of hom noyAI " 'T.m'i ' hmiu, s we.e taken .0 I his ,,,,.,. ,H u llllMt ,om, , , hUa-al ; their encores of apptis'laii,,,,. The ' ' "" , '.f.. ."I '"l .T TV1"!'"1' : """''.""'' """'. K-nuw (hitoalt. ll.',
cerlulnly and the popular j ouugl,,,nlfll,l,!'',l'-M.,,''V;,' f11,'- '"," J"l"'' critic, so far as t sJy that it I. the -""" '"'"..stisl ,.f , m,.,,!... Mis. 11 "V .1 the el.v.,.,, of 1 ,.,. one I'uu.uiii. u, Htiir.,,,,,,, Hard UnlV
orthetilvinthe cho,Ls. it ,, 1 beat, lH mM iittemlisl lho las. s.,d files ! lll()st llM1,7llllt oonir.bution to KngH.l, ,M Tit.-I.llel.l a,s,nug 0.,,, ,,.. ..,.M1,mil ' "l " ;;'" 'V;t i. tins date, her man. Hess,.. .ltl,.. U, ,,,,; ,, ,',
...linens, s, ,,s. As for the ptocetsls. that , ,l ''" ''" . "' "'"'' lll' "Kcd. cad, ,.. . t ,ms ,. lmif , . led I., Jliss I,ol.tte on the p,u. (..hots o W" '" '" ' ' '"' l-l,.lcal isp , ,,. ,,, K. I ll-hnr. I sv MII, (iellie liag.
would not be the object .,. the unde, taking. 'U'M"X ! ""; "J? '"""rj "" "'' ''" . sent decade 'llo p.av is .eitaiulv -s,e of Hi-p,oj.raiu weie Mr. Seamark, two , " " ' " -V" il-en h-i y..iithf'.l m.lor . l.,.v It .(,., ,s. -Masters nlly Hullmr,, (! " !
It vrould bo gotten up Mmply for the cute?- ''" t""k l'e death of his eo.upa , In ' Ktrenglh nnd inters. The s -en.. isl I III ' l'""'' "n" al "'" B Hi., other 11 devoth ,p '' "" "" "' '"', r,.Ie as was Holuu-.. It .y AMil.y. K and s,.r-bencll. .stel, meniU,- would ,'"lr "B J'''"'!" " " ,;' tlmt grief ,-,,,, i August. HW... u. Ange.s at Anjon. 2;'"'""-' B. l .fl.' H-eMr pin.-, nv, '" I1""' Ttl '""""P' "' V'"V
ihrlvetheiefrom, while lho net cash receipts I ' ""U!' '""'"' '''" "'' 'is death,e I At tIml ,.,., In ,,,, , ,M..iy iihen; " ",,"',, umv ""isticully plavisl and , '"' .l""1 ''" .Uh-1,hI the . h...- of the s. It. t .,(...
could Uulonaled lo some d.aritable cuus,.. ! ' " 'i""! f .1" '""V "' ' 1)"!,li."1" '"1' Xl" '"'t jiM assumed tlie gov ! -iwsl u,c.itl iippl,ii,M.. v ,,,'iv , .1... 1 1 .. , .. Tl'" '"'""'' of Mr. Yates, oorner ol Six
.. .... ... . ' w. wlreil of the Mid oi'i'iirwnii'ii mi. I....! ...... . M ..j 1 v.,,.I.M..l.l 1... , .. .. 1 .. r... .seallv I'l ilitisl Inv I, litems I.e. n i,.m .....i I, .,...1 v .... .. . . . . V
witicn ny ine way wouiil not come am Ks fo ' ... , ,. , .. ., , , . , ' nment 01 mo -country lent ns-uii.l.i .......-. .. ...!.... miiishu . .,.f ",,,., , , ,. . "" '' "" "" oone of a Ui,it" nful
either of lho several channels of aid, or ! ' ", " m' ""' MVI,'-. ' "'j l"' "'' '" '"'by .0.0,1, ontrovc., ! A.t.u.ud 'l'"-f whl.'hshe has , v.vll.,., ,. ' ' "TVTr '"'' "v,"1l ,,""l',," Wl''-'uy cvolg,,7,hd
J.lucslnnjw here that u,.,h. be selected. Tl.eMX'"r ' "'"" V',1''W ''' Mr. nn. Jean hud 0.V01 ted hispowor. 'e "''' HI... sings easily and with pleasing , ,f '-' ' ' l. but t.,e ,v, ptjo,, f 1 nearly su f,.,isof Ml, ,, J
Observer will be plousnd lo note I'uilher do- '.'"l o ' , ,, i ," i" '"rlf,,lt ,""l,h' ,,f I "f f w P'ay are nobles ami commoners "'"'l- , t'"' " "! "' ,. ' 1! ,'1 V , T!"' I l l,,U" KaU,"r"l hl '""""-"f "' return of M rs
Mloin...i.sinlhis,ovcnie.. thnr iiuiueiousriionds. ,,f the P.ovlm'o ,,f Anj-a, and advcl,,,,,,! '1 he HI......,, s.e. , . " Zl !. f.' 77 lT ,,l!Ut'u,,, '""' h'"-""n'Uv.sro trip R,
The Artful llrilsh.
Invitations were font out yesterday ly Mrs.
1'niil Holm for itti Informal nrt rooepllJii ill
lit-r home, I.'U.i C street, which oooum next
Wislnosday, and lioiiig favonsl with one of
these kindnesses n Cot'lilKit reiireH.Mitatlve
cnlleil on the lady to wv ho the nlfiilr wai
10 iii;ivt'i' lor or to learn for what pailleu
lar pniKwe, If any. Mrs. Holm i cool veil the
repotter In her ikihiI pleosinl manner, and
in answer to IiIh IihiuIi Km xaitt that the lor
meily iIumiIisI niiieli of her lelsnro time to
art, in which she seetni ihvply urappisl, lint
Hlnce her icsl.lcneeln l.lneolnhad allowed her
talent to lie dorinant, and rcnllr.lnj; this fact,
eonehnhsl home inontlis ao toat;ain lnteixt
herself In this i;rcnt ,.d.
Ahont the walls of the coy home, n mini
herof iM'tuitlful HNi'inieii of Mix Holm's
work are mt'ii, not onlv in frayfin, ImiI In oil
and lustclns well In the latter, however,
the lady ms-ius to take most Intercut, and her
brush himlonc the Uncut work in this pat tie-
ular Hue we hae ever Keen, and It was one of
her pictures tlmt took llrht )ifiiiliiin nt tiic
recent Htato fair. The work In all of the free
hand order.and tho deft IIuInIicm uliow In their
detail the touch of an in tlntle hand, ninkini:
l ineKiililcrt iiiiik'iii'so natural to life that thev
. ----- -.--j
fIH'flly repretent nature In everything hut
icis'ii, nun to iook at uieni lorn lime one
would think they could wvll do this. Judging
by the expression.
Mm. Holm never had any decile to become
nil in tlste catering to public patronage, and
wcio It not for intimate friends would never
have made a picture for any one outside the
family circle. It was while risMIng hi Chi
cago hcvciiil yenis ago. that her intimate
. " '''
friends, Mr. and Mm. Heecher, one of lid
"" wealthiest families. Miggcstisl the Idea
to her of oening a studio, which, how ce
win. not entertained. Numerous r(ucstsat
Intervals theieaftcr were inaile and Umiu fur
I her pressing demands Mrs Holm derided to
enter. In a limited way, the Held of Industry:
not that thc needed theiemuuerntion fornii
port, hut aecfpttsl the favom for the loe she
enteitaiuiHl for the art. As nliovo stattsl.
r. r .,...,. ... .. ...
wi.e in me iirsi, piciuies pail. It'll hi
tho Cifiiii:ii is pleiiKsl to nolo that tho cap!
tal city art fraternity lias gained another viil-
liable member in this talented lady It might
be well lo say, U'foio concluding this notice
that in commenting tusui ner wink in Chlea-
go. Judge Oary, with other friends paid her
- l-.s- .' f
atUms Chila.s0 ,,,ulo Ulk.,, t , ,
... . ... .:.
"" investigation, rwowell reinlerisl mtisi-
oat muubers worn next hem J by Mrs. P. V. 1
M. Raymond and Miss Kdith Doolitlle.
1 he next meeting ot tho club will lie taken
up with disoiiNsionsiin Piloty and the Munich
J he AVulleil fit.
A lecture by a prominent and cultured
speaker that will 1st a very interesting ouv
lakes place at lho (St. Paul M. K. church. The
lectin e is entitled "The Walks! City, or Life
Hdilndtho Prison Pars," by Rev. J. J. Wal
I''"'l'4'f the .toilet , ison will be given ca. I,
pi'ivoit in attet.ilanc
Mill I ml ,''!.
Kline ten iliivs ii(,'o Mrs. John Hooliltle was
imist tu.,r.,l.l ...,,.ii,, i ,, ii.. t... lienor, nut iney mu'i ceriauuy lememiH'r nig 1110 ciiusc. nucn aiuusetiieul is hist t in i ..i... , . ..... . .: .. . i ant event am one tint w locir hi r m
-,. . iii-fisKII ritt.ilrd nil. unu iii.k.I.. It. .- . "' .. " '
. ---s..s.tVVr.IIIIlllllllLlIIllIlllll'llI-l-. 1111 . . .1 . m . . . ... tl I II I II. IB! .
tor, chaplain or the states prison at Joliet, I """ phasing roaturoH In the minstrel ,,,';,,." ", ''""" """ , I ooiiig 01 hi any nanus, soi,er ami liiilii'.tilous, , pastime ami iiiumc llie all'alr was I urn
III. I). ,,-l,r tl... ........ i 1 1.1 1 1 . 11,,.. ti,.. ,.-... It ..r .....,..,.., .... !.... ,.f ' rol. w .liillllt furuislliug tuneful time for the , is IhiiiihI fo nwiLn l.i. n, ..ib .,, 11.... 1.1 ',.!,. .11.. M... , ii..,. .... .1 ,
'" '" . "'"h "" i.i'i-' p"iii'i mil j ". v .... ..... ,.... . ... 1 I ., 1 , .. , , ii, .""iui, .11--. .uu, j 11 iieiiiitiiy ine leiresli
review p.niU'iitlniy life. Its discipline, enjoy- Mr. (ieorgo WIU011 lo place his company in 1 'x " ' ,r l"" ltloi, uuicii of cotiise .iuiy ,s estimable heliums t is an accom in nt at tea t being aiiioug the p -asant
meiit, t'liiiliictoristich niiil hiH'iik nil thecihiie, I the lead ol anv. How well his ellorts mVt ' "'1'", ', "" ,"',",''"t- lady of rale dun ms and one who will things long lo ! ilieumc 1 or by the voti'i'
uud criuiiuuls, cuus", cure, morn! possibili- , miooo. d-d can be best appreciated by attend ' ., !1 , 'K1"" refrc.hinents, sii -It as nmke for Iter "!ieKi, oril"u devotisl and lov an I tender minds.
ilic.otc. ing the iK-rlonnaiiee this Miseliiier !... iie.i, M.r.nK. tugwife tluouKh the jo.vs and ttoublcs of A number of pretty presents were r ived
j Klder Howe, being personally ucpialnted wmKi iH.m.tx. ,,,M' w,1,1? V,'" ".'"" "' 5V"" ! . ' ''." 'rHK fi.i 1t1r.1t t i.I.-h tin- .s..,.t. and several ih.ral tokens wore loll bv the
Ml, hl.n.speaUortheRevoreudgentlemon! Next week will mark one of the in, tant L,t Mv .McVrtl, Chn ,' I' ! L 'TZ? K"" "'u"wlt,u'r "w i iU" "'' '"'" H.l.,ey, a bugle
lubdug a g.fusl shaker a,W one who cannot ...vouts of the present theat.leal sea'..,, A . , Vi,.,, ,: , " '','' ':''; '' '" l'''"' ''l.-i t th. , ,.,,,, miss and one full t bnght pn..,..'.
lUllloclvea newt ontcrtninfiiL' leeln.-.i A I 1 ... . .. ..?..' ........................... .,,.. .. ..,,..1,, ,,,,,,. ,i n.,,, ., n.
,,., ., . J ' , ,, , , hl"i:,""',ol!!01hcr, .Millie. I .Misllols. ilovas ;ilie l'-im..UH U'eii the .M week that Messm other aiiMlsi'lllelits in which llie i,i..V,,.l . V i. . . V ' . K ' H "'torootll-se, uus! d.-
Ihol. LUC. novouicnt in is latrsl the p.ovince and the thii,e. Ado iniann .V Co. ha e lo ...,, n l U T I , ., . . r ' r J'V,'",K ' ' B'd'i-I '""I enjojnlilo to those pr,,,,! on the Ihh Another circle was. Tho .onetindcolgrofueluvaliic and p.c.ur . nine the same , lining . I , k , I. I "s , Umm live, H,e va , a ' I .. ', h''''1 UT'kU l ""' was , u inVast, , .
guiiUs this week his, lino In Kist ,, es,p,, age are I pily p,ese,vc.l. '1 he .1, ,h, new. -st shades,,.,,, -k V....II . l-ltl" I o Cah I M 'T""U us
11. ', v v" '"''"''T1 "" f"n""": '"""!"'"'i''to..Ke,,n. i-.w.tlul. 'lie ,hr and many Mualit.os. ,.,..1 it the.efoie ii p, , , ,, .,, , lx, "J" auXt,,i 1 1'WmiU.
P.wl.1,.,1 . Mm A. (I. Htvenhs.. vice pa-si- aoMrof pure, hlgl.n.iudisl w . of .ttnny dent for the lad.. ol Line il I II and Leo , '! 1 .3,?" S .. . ...... m T ."
t'eUiHrj'r-'1 toinpeiatmnl.tniiith.' ..,,.,, ,..,, ,l,..o Imilns. A.I oolom ,.f ,h. ,.. Z ' u ',', . 'p . , "v oi v Klh t K , A B.-d rev iv .,,.,,,.., dry g.s.t.
Meotinp.wlllU;rWevei othorWi.huliiy to i.,., ,- i .,. v ,v tdlv nt lite all pi Ic... and great ln.-ais d,,,,,,. ,.u l.ri.iisri.i. i. .i. .V... - ,.., ..r "s! 1 1 i K tin-Hini,, v.k. Pifn ...H wool l.ntsl l,
'NU,""tf- '""" -"-thntal. ,,. Uhui, U Wop' , wo. k, al tl, .'lo,,,. ' & ll Za UuZL "SIS-TS" ""J '" '""' "'
A Ketlrw of lint P.tsl, u Wont for tlin
I'leaelil mill I'rnsperts lor I'lltllle
AlllllsclnrllH. nv Tin: i:nk.m
The oH'nluKittlractlon of the isk, "Held
by the enemy," was greeted li.v a huge house
Miiiiilny exenlug and thiHewho witnessed the
play hKak of it as oint of the mist Inlcicst-
, '"i5 "'' "''" " U'.uitlful, of the plivn wen
t "' mi" M'as4in. iiiomnni ueueiai
j Ntotnbiirg, hy Mr. C W Htokes, Is n Mtong
' l"""' "" nnH ,,,,b" tnkeii, while Mr .las. i:
I WUhom. with ensllt to himself, done the dllll
I l'u,t ,",,, ,,f (-'01- IVesnitt. Uncle Huflis, the
. lo1 ""i wrvimt, by Mr. .los. llumphrejH,
' l,(""' ,,cllent eomtsly work and rrelw-d duo
PIw'tlo from the audience. Ml-n hsther
I .yon assumes the leading female characle
that of Itachel Met 'reery, which she enacts
with appropriate womanly sympathy and
emotioui. The patt In her hands is worthy
of commendation and t No several applauses
attested the audilois' pleastiie. Miss Susan
Mrl'ns'ry, n sister, made a charming hllas
the Youthful lover. Her acting is natural
and taking.
"Ibid by the Kneiny" Is a line piece of
dramatic work, and as picseulcd by this com
pany, i.lilch iiutuhtrit about twenty people,
every one an in list, there Is no reason why
the play should not continue to diaw here
af'er as much as it has hetetofoie Tim
Feonery and the stage setting were well put on.
Tin: li.M.Y s (liscirt.
Onlv a fair si.-il audience turne I out to msi
the linly combmatloii TiicmIhj evening in
"lTcMi' Down," their new musical comedy.
In it these clewr coinisllans have ample
scopi. in which to Ulsplav their gymnaslle
nblllties nml llie nliiveis went IhroiiLdi all
manner of iuaui'Uers As Otto (Jowell and
Will (ietthere by Thomas and Daniel D ily
thcM' characters were in gisil hands and they
l,lt'",'Kc' '" u',w ''.xellcut nun llie cortorllonlst
Ul,s '""' "f ""' ,,t"t 'e have evor seen Taken
"i" holc the piny is good and the company
. -iiililo of giving a er line p-rforinanee.
a""" ful1 l',"i"' would uudoubledly have had
tlie ellect of tlie twi n.tiys iloing their iniiih
,)V j,iss ,,lM., H(MlKV)l llll( (l K(K)ll ,., I11V
. . " . . " '
have Ihs-ii play Iiil- to crow ilisl houses everv
where iimiI given llrst elass loudilion. Iist
night the house wts t rowded and the r.udi
euce were tieated 10 11 luuguilleent .erfnriii
ance, which will lie teHMiUsl this celling and
is well worth swing. The management of I
the Peoples Is deservl g of M, ,,h . t in the
ov dent etrort, pt forth to book llrst class I
",,r"t"""'- I
wn.hi.NV vil.NSTIlKt..sTO.MiiilT. I
The lloorge WlUoti Minstrel co,npan will
pear at tlie I itiike tills evening with many
waysa inatler of Interest to our theatre ,
iiii..Mis. ii.i.inij in .iihs'i 11, 1,1 , ci, in.' 1
I ('o;iliL',ii will iipnear WisIiiomIiiv , is fioiulhel
I pen of her talented brother, CIiiiiIom P. I
tiiv; iii'itii n vi'iiitt.niii 111111 1 11111111 iv in iut "ii I 'I 's'l 1111 1
1 i'-".' 1 n 111. , ..11. .. 1 1 is. 1 "i .'.irisii in... . ii.rrv .tl. u . in. . lulu . . .r. .
t oirlllnil. l I if is it ft ti! inn m 11 nf cull in 11 fiiu I 1
view by the stcctator tlilouj;li the ensuing
fctormv eptsisles.
Ill Joeolyn Mlsl'og'hlan has found a role
wclUultisl to her, mid one which calls fotth
her best in tistic efforts. Hhe niiikis .lo'eyln
ileturesiUM and synip itlii'tle. Hhe Is rcuiai k
ably happy In theipilel passages of Act I, in
siiggestlng the latent force of the woman,
and tlin encounter with Hnxlant's mlsttess,
and the mi'Iicn of bewildcimenl and dismay
hi Act III, she endows with lircaillhof hty lo
and luteii"lty of p'isiiou that can waieely fail
tolio eiris'llve Moteover, she chows herself
In the last net to be a remarkably oxcrt and
graceful swords unman. When eudeavoi nig
t(lcicaM, disguised In the eiolhes of her
younger brother, idle encounters I'rlnen Ha
vlaul, the villain id Hie play, who caused her
tlirm brothers lo be leuiHsslnatisI and kills
hllil In n ilili'l Much euro and expense has
Imsjii expended on the mount lug ot the pl,i
Mlm Cogldall bilugswilh her all the M'cnciy,
costmui'S, piopeilies, furiilliuo atnl Mage
appliances used, thus insiii lug a iierfccl, and
complete stage representation The engage
iiiciiI Is for one night only, Wislnewlav een
lug, and seals for lho o.-casloti go on sale
Tuesday moi tilug
I?lwluaud l.llnli Stum t begin n week's en
gagemental the Peoples on Monday, Nov. 111.
their III st night's bill being a hpleiidld co
dy wrllteu expiessly for l.ilah Hluait, cnt.
tlesl, "A Wondeifui (Hi I." The i-ompany will
glvua vnrlisl repel tolre during Hie wis'k, and
as they in e already well known lo our citi
ens, It is useless to saving mote than, thai
to atteml their ihm fm iiriiuvs U to he well I
jjlven last evening bv the Hnmit Theatie Co.
'" n fashionable house l.ilah Hluait, iii
, ix'nnsl at her very best as I'nulliic, the Ud
, ,,r 'Oons. Her acting was faullles., and the
, triklng passages were rcndei. si with genuine
r,""nK- Tlie costumes worn by Mri Stmut
w" marvels if lichuess. Mr. Hluait as
Claude Melnotte, the gaiilncr's sou, com
plutely captivated the audience.
w men .Murray .v Mm pliy mo tho principals,
the former as OHImoly and the lattci mm Me
(Slimls. Tlie omiiisly, if the coinl.alllles can
be so termed, needs no ctltleal auahsls as lo
( llsipmllly, as it hits the auditor liclween the
, cjcsiiiiu on I"' g's-s laughing without Inipil
wife. Dr. Hoover an I wife. I'rof I'
wile. MUs Taker. Mosduucs Knotls and
Iliibbanl and Messm. Krnest Villi's. Soujali,
IMgar Hunt, C.eorge unit lleury Hchwake
i:iitMt.MiiliiK l-rici
An evening spent at tlie hospltab'oliomwof
Mr tllld Mrs. Ziclllcr on N street is .is
K(.s,s never forget, and the entcrlaimnent !
of an evening ,,,, given by Miss fie,- '
trade .lenu'rand Miss Lulu (IruningerMon
dn evening was nnother such nirair as is
"h"""y '"Joy-l under tiller i.K.f. Tlie ik-cu-
""'" """" ""i'""i " umsicai scioo- ,
Hall, Chailes Hall, Chailes : Million m .. Piank
i.tiin en.;cr, mi'l Mr ami Jt. .tem, r.
, MUn C'l'ehllel.C. t,ertt.
1 ue musieai leeiuil give', last
w.,i....t,,, in-i iui 111 limn n ,,p in- ,.1'ui. , , ., . fr '
pleased and repaid eoiisnlctlug the prices of I ' ,,11I',"H Allcoand Kitty ( owdery, Col
adiiilsslon will H. Ill, '.iim mi ,.,.MH f,. ,'1""; Hathaway, Ihownl- Ilium, Martha and
week only. The ltm;r l)ih, Journal sas: I ,,"n , ', M1,,f,,",l',,,; '""'''ond. Helen
'lulwer Lytton's beautiful drama in live nets. J ,, '"".'. ,1'JK,,!! ' ,, " "i'",1,': ' f ,.1"" '"""'
"I.ndy of Lyons, or Live and Pildc" miih U,1,,',' i"ll'tliK. Desj, Lilllbri.lge. Ktmil,
ArciMiiils of Hulls, Piitlles, Wrilillucs'
llie, Tlnil Hate lllltei liilnril Seeli'l)
Tiicwluy evening Temple hall was ahlaire
with Illumination and alive, too, with a galh
ci lug of the popular joung pisiple who com
sim theclri'le known as the I'leasaut llout
Jillilois. 'llie occasion wasn faiewell iatly
Itiveu In honoi of one of their ntcmlicrs. Mr
IMgar H Mdwaitls, who has left tlieclt) to
take up his home In Omaha. Mr. Idle aid's
was the club's elllcient iniiHlcr of ceremonle
last season and made many friends by his gen
Iceland pleasant, luauuer of conducting the
iiiriihvt It Is with ii'grel that his many
young fiieuiUblil him adieu; but as hlole
paitnro Is for woildly gissl, iiuch as every
ouug man aspitiH to, all Join hi bidding him
faiewell and much luck for lho fittiue.
The pally was a cry delightful umilr,
theie being iiImiiiI twenty lUo couples pri-s
cut N'eaily all the IiiIIimwcic allinsl In
light shades of evening materials, while Iheir
gallanl Miuugesi'oitswei'e inosll) sisai in full
dless Tlie I'hllhariuoule otcheslra, asslstisl
bv Miss Wllloughby. fin ulslnsl excellent
music, and at iutcnnls Ices weie servisl dtir
lug thefouitceu muubers on the progiam
I nose pieseni weio.MNsos t:hle Drown, (let
Mamie Himlli, Audius, lloos'r, llclle anil
Alleeti Oakley, and Mcssis. (teoten McAr
Hun, Oscar Piiuke, Htout, Wlllard, Chaile
Claike, Hathaway, Lou Mmi-sIimI, llauuuouil,
Winder, llohncs, Norlham. McConiga, Hmllh,
Malllllcti, Mason, West, H'sitl. Htnrm. II. II.
Wheeler, Ambus, H. L Wilson, Maxwell,
Ivlwards, Templelon.
llie Capitol Kiielirnt'liili.
Dml-ig the past week another new social
circle was brought to life, II s'ulng nca-
sion being a very enjoyabli. one that took
place Tuesday evening at the beautiful new
home of Mr. and Mrs A. D. llurr on I)
Ktiect. It Is the intention of the dub In have
twenty four members, who may Invite
friends at tlnus, and the ims-tlngs nro set for
each alternate Tuesday e enlug at soiuo one
or IhuinomlterVhoiiHs. to bo awarded
at the cIihui of tho winter reason. , 4
On this occasion there went eleven' tables
(llhd and n most enjojahle evening was
ImissciI. Card playing of ciitise ttsik up Hie
...i i... i ...... .... .1. .1 . . .
I', iiiii'.ii uu i i ine I'tiio iiihi w lieu reft esh
menls were announcsl about eleven '..,.k
the Intetest taken at the nasllm,, l,l '
Sir ami .Mm A. H. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs.
Malcil In Mi.iil,iK..
I A ijulot lint plcamnt wisliliug took plie-o
, Saturday evening in which two tried health
I weie Joined in the holy Umilsof matrimony,
Kmnm L. Tinker. Rev. K. II Curtis deliv
i...ul tl... L s... nri ..:.!. . . .
and cong.atulnllons vvo.e extended , II
continue to be we.,,1 u.s u t , , '
twiilii. "
Mr Render Is one of Lincoln's iiin(. yomi"
bisims iiicti, beluK city sale.iuan for 1111"
greaves 11, os , wholesale gns
-. .I . I .
Oil- of t . most pleasant ju.eml" ntlalrs
or the week was the l.u thd.iv uty "ivett
their accompl.shisl young .laughter. Miss
I laru. by Mr. 1111 I Mis Alltc1lW4il.11.s1ti
- -j -'.
Twelfth nnnlvemary given on Hut Twelfth of
the mouth will long bo Iteasurid In tho nieiii
nili'Hof all those piesent who wnni as fol
Misses Hadle lluiuham, Miiiinii Oulcalt,
.lessln N'lanil, deimle 11.01, l-Mim Curtlss, Ina
Knslgn. Alice Puller, Ada llrcgg, May llurr,
l.nttlii Winston, Daisy llouunll, .IimiIii Cat
Iioiiii, buiri Unutx, this I'oster, Hmledus
in, (I gla Camp. I'anule ttisdor, Nelllu
Uiw, Helen Welch, Daisy ('odium, lleilha
lllce, Miuuli and l.ula Millar, Cnrrln I.voi .
aid, llessle llajileu, Kiln Raymond, Hadh)
Miiiuilt, Kuilly Wis'kN, (leitlo Kinsl, Hetlle
lliH'hmer, au Mantels Nelson Hawyer, Itolil
Mauley, Prank ( lust In, Hairy tfchrimg, Ia
Mi nt lldnnp, IMwaiil lleswy, Carl,
Krusl lles.s.'j, ,I,m lluiuham, l'risl llrviiu,
Pmnk llryan. lm'e Atkinson, (lllhert l-wis,
Pied Doollllle, Wllhe Maualt, Otis Wiskn,
Louie llrjan, Rob llnau nml otheis.
Itefieriuneuls were servisl atsiveii o'eloi k,
after will, h llief.s.tleM weiniitail end
Itiiuicj-Mllliit- Niiilnts.
Among the society events of the week jllt
at a close, one of the most iiotablo Is that of
the wedding of one of our In Ighlest young
ladles, Miss Anna Louise Millar (o Mr Oscar
II Itainny, which was cousiiiiinted ul. lho
chinch or Hie Holy Coin foi ler on Wisluewlav
iifleiiiooii by the Rev. Alexander Allen
After th ceremony the Iralu Idl for Omaha
xla the llutllngtiiu, Koiug ftoiu Ihero to their
flilme hoiue in Cheyenne.
What is Lincoln's los Is Cheyenne's gain
and in sucli inme the capital city os s one of
us must, picasnul anil accomplished Jnung
,....- j I.
ladles. Mr. Itamey In yens gone by I. sided
In Ihlsclly. .H-ciipyiuga minor position with
the I'aclf xp.vss Co. However, gaining
I ll'" ' ,IMlM( "'" "f l""""H "",l ''' '"r'
Mr RiiuicCh aluable s-rvlces hive r od
due appieelalion Iiom the company so that
lislay he holds u riMisiuslblo position with
Die simeciii'Kiratloii ut Cheyenne.
Numemus liaudsome and valuable pnseniH
weie iis'clusl here and others on their am
viil at Cheyenne. The CntmiKIt oxtends lis
best wIslicM for a bright and iirosp'rou
future. Mr. At nil's A mil tin Niii').
Monday evening Ihete iiNsembloil at tin
pleasant homo of Mr. I). I). Muir, on It
hIiivI, alioul a doj'ii of hlsgeutlemoii fi lends
who weie Itivlbsl Infotmally to paitakoofn
six o'clock dinili'r Tlie ocimkIoii wax Ml,
Muir's birthday and the event was 111
tluxl celcbratisl around lho festive board
The dinner which was elaborately rorvtsl was
In six courses and mi Idea of how th.i time
passed may bo given by tho fact that from
six to nine o'clock tho guests and host nle,
ilriink nnd weti) mi'iry, Mrs'. Mnlrhl.ling mil
turlally as tho hostess. Thus.) pit sent Is'sides
Mr. and Mm. Mulr, were Musni-h. A. I), llurr.
.. .. ii... u t i, .i i .. ..
v i. iiiiir, u. it. .iieriiiiaini, ii. .11 I .am
'"'"'""." '""" ii. 'niiiij.s, rrauK
i i ft if...., ... .. .,., ., . .
l''IHoii miy Al. Unckstair. It him u pleas
spited Itself in youthful days and only the
more ilH'insl as time rolled on.
Mr. ami Mm. lloswoll have Issm ac pniiiito 1
for nine oam and tho courtship has Insui 11
most pleasant one, ihu engagement having
Imi 11 chum inmtisl during tho tady's visit this
spiitigat I'ailucali, the brides residence bo
fote moving to Lincoln, nnd the present
Iioiiii of tlie giisim.
Mr and Mis. Ilmwcll leff on the afternoon
tram via the A fi N. for Ht. Lulls, them
going toth, tv old Kentucky home, vhere 11:
1 j future they will enjoy the bliss of imrrio I
lire. lougiatuUtlous of numerous fuein
accompanied them and tin, C'opiiikii tlr-sn.-s
lo add its 1st-1 w Ishes for ahmnlnucu of cv vrj
thing giMsl 1,1 their southei n home.
Ten Veil is Ohl.
Yesterday; afternoon tho little fiieiids
of Hyndey Murphy enjoyed a very picas
ant biithilay pally at the I101110 of her
patents, Mr. and Mis. W. L. Ilur hv ,
it being the tenth 11, mi vers iry i,f the youag
lady's exlslai It was a gay and fesiiv"
scene and one that the lively gathering en
jojisl to then- he.nts content, from four until
Cm eit. .ml. tii.. I... 1 ...ti,.. 1
... .. ..IIIIE, 4J (III ,'.
she mav live 10 see s-oros of occasions ...
lar to that of j.stuilav
There wu. sui a iargo nu.nW of ,.,.
st.-m piiss-nt .t,..l..... .,., I, ........
, , , I'" v ' " UUIIIfc'n
ery house, atnl elglil '.cliM-k. II. toeing was a feature 1.1 th.