ifeufc&wjvwt.jiw ' b-y :r-. l! I ' Perkins Bros. Have just received an elegant line of i Ladies' Parly Slippers and Shoes in colors to .natch Suits worn. Also a hand some line of Black and Uron.e goods. A specialty for a few days will be a Welt Waukciipliast Shoe, for street wear, at $3s50. We have this shoe in all widths from A to 12, and sizes i to 7. A FULL LINK OK BOYS' AND YOUTHS' llinil-CUT SIIOKS, ALL SIZES and WIDTHS. 1 1 29 O Street. H. J. HALL & BRO 1126 0 STREET. HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE. LEAVITT'S DOMESTIC COAL Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Office, 115 South Tenth St. Tolophono 360. BARGAINS -IN- Dress Goods, Cloaks, AND BLANKETS, FRED. SCHMIDT, 921 0 Street, opp postoffice. FOR CHOICE AND CHEAP Books and S tationery, GO TO THOS. 7AWELL, LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM, 143 H. 10th at, under V. M.C. A. Also a llrostockof ALI1UMS, I1I11L.1SS, SCRAP IJOOKS, FEN or PENCIL TABLETS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, kc. 1 "E s35ti m Saturday Evening, Nov. 10, '88 Cornor I Oth nntl P atroots. LoadingDryGrOOclsHoiiso TAKE NOTICE! Tho CorniKU will not 1h responsible for nuy dohUmnilo by any ono In Its niuno, tin Ioks 11 written onlri accompanies tlio sumo, properly signed. 1. Wiihhki., Jr., I'rnp'r. NEXT WEEK Black Silk Sale! (iULATF.ST Of Till: SKASON. Herpolsheimer & Co., Tim (.'oil 1 1 it Cuu In. I'liiiml At Windsor lloli'l News Hliiiul, Jupltul Hotel NowsNtund, Udell's Hitting Hull News Hliiml. CliiMin A Fletcher's, lllli () Street. A.T. LomlngACo'M.. mm O Hired. Tlio (lolliiini NowsHtnuil, IIS Houtli Mill Ht. Keith Urn., Ill Noilh llth Hliod. 1M. YiiuiiK. KWOOHtreel. Knton .l-Hiultli, ISIIU J. Bti'lnlsrg, O st. upp. wtotllco. Ilniw h'h Cafe, near Windsor lintel. BEST G RAD IDS OF UNDERWEAR At Attractive Prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1137O. I.oml nml l'rritoiiiil. Whltobronst Coul nntl Llmo Compnny Lincoln Ieo company, puro It e. Tlio lit Tons. 8. 1. Slovens & Co. Telephone ut tlio CouniKU ollleo Is 'iil, Lidics, nttoiul tlio Feather Sulont Famous. Leuvltt's ollliv, tir S. Tenth. ToIophoneMO Kin); Stoenr, Kill) O street, Ihmi'.kuiiiI sIiocm. Hnllot, diamonds nml watches, 1 lit N 1 1th. Sawyer it Moslicr, llorlsts, Masonic Temple. Mlnornl wntvr used tor ltthlng, 10111 O Ht, Trlckoy &Co.,wholcnlounil retail Jewelers. L llnrr, Joweler, tftiililNlurl IS7I, lOIPOst. For kltl gloves HeriHiMiciuicr & Co. boll tlio best inndo. Nobby itylo lints nml lino neckwear nt Iliirlhurt's. Cnnon City Conl nt tho Whttebrenst Coal nml Llmo Co, For Imported Yarns uud Bilk Ribbons. 11. It, Nlssloy &;Co. Tiy some of tlio lino fresh llt.li served every ilav "t Cameron V, Seclul linen mill white goods mlo nt Hcr lH)l!ihe.inr & Co. s. (. lonks, cloaks of every description nt Her jMiNlivlinur oi Co.'s. Tlio great diamond nlietlim niIo ut Hnllctt's commences tislay. Canon City Coal again nt tlio AVhltcbrcust nt nnd I.lmo Co. llonst meat., mid vegetables of all kinds nt Cameron's Luueli House. A diop in both pricis and stinkpot dry goods nt H. It. Nlssloy & Co. Full lino of fins mid fur trimming just re ceived, Ashby & Mlllspnugh. Improved shower for Turkish baths nt 101(1 O street, basement Union block. Only plnco in Lincoln Hint uses mineral water in baths Ik nt 101H O street. The grout silk mlo of last week will lo con tinued nt Heixlhcimcr & Co.'s. Ity nil dlds tlio Illicit lino of pocket cutlery in the city nt Zohrung & Ilcnklo's. Forjiolsholnier & Co. mo daily opening novelties in Indies.' mid chlldicn's clonks. For information concerning and rates to tvi'stcru polntK npply nt 1 15 H. Tenth street. Dr. D. F. lliilloy, otlUo niitl restdenco corner of Fourteenth and L streets. Telephone (117. Tlio llnest luncheon!) in tlio city nro served ntnll hours nt Carder's European restaurant, WHPhtiwt. "Ynu pays your money mid takes your choico" is the now order t thlni"s at Odell's dining hnll. Tnko tho Elkhorn-C. & N. W. routo vextfliulo deeper to Chlcngo mid tho enst. Always on time. Everything nuw nnd nent. flnefct menu nnd best cook in tho city ut Carder's European rwtnurnnt, UH P trcet. Tho llnest work In tho city nt Hoyden's nliotocraim c studio. ISM O street, boo our lluo camples of nrt work, Tnko your breakfast at Odell's dining hall. Order by bill of fare tnd get what your an potlto desires. Dinner nnd supiHT uro still sjrved us formerlv. Are you going to glvo a party soonl If to, don't fall to lenvo your onKr for printing with tho Coumr.it. Wo nro tho only printing lioustj lu tho city thnt mokes a speelulty of this chivs cf work. Turkioli Cabinet, electric nnd plain bath for ladles nt '-'"'1 South Eloventli stieet, every forenoon and Wednesday nnd Friday evening. I For gcutleninn, every afternoon, mid Tucs- day mid Saturday creniugR. Aro you serioiibly thinking of gutting tan gled in lovo oi do you ox-iecl to marry sconf If MHilook nt tlio Coi-iiikii'h htoek of new w willing stationery will lo un Inducement to you nnd net ns an encouragement hi tho mat ter. Tlio honor mid Integrity of tho manage ment of the Louisiana 1ittcry comMiiy nro now fully established nil over the country. All who know anything nlioiit it know that tho draw lugs of tho company me held with tho utmost fulriiets mid all prists paid fully nnd rnuiptly. ThouniniNiiro icndy of their own Lr.au Ivtlgc to tullfy to this. Thi: dvinii nt in Aw I wiilne me cnll.v, chappie, RPitlly, 1'ivnptlie pllluli 'lieath my bend, Turn the KiiHii llll In liluliuli, And plnco Iter plclelnili on the lied, l wi.nl to Ken her race at paw'tlmr, l.iioU (lie ilriir ewciiteliiili In lli(M')e 'I'd ,(( irxllM'sl I leleiKt 111 I Mil v v , I'aw inu awl now l' o jnt to die. Aw! Mir the Hull tiwlitlititli.cliapplc, 1'ilt.Mnmli awn lieneiilli inu ineli, I fear I'm dwIu wviittcr. chappie, Aiuliiwl my liweatli has k"I ii elieea. Now, put your huud In mine, old fellah, And awl! Union while I've tiucatli, 'I'liey'ro tlio lust words I'll nouk, ileah elinpple, l'nr mimiii I'll- awl lie riil.l In dentil, Awl inmiy n re the uluhtK, de.ili elinpple, 'IIidIIiuuIiiis sirirtly slipped nlontf, While wo the alaw would Hood with lailiilc tuw, Ili'Uiille the howulis with mlwtli and kouk. We've pleilued oilull fwteniU anil sweet- lieuwls, chappie; We've ilwank tii--iiwl-"imnli twiin love's ejes To lilne, In lilueli, nnd In the hurel, Mill ntuws were fnlllUK In II") l(lf. Awl I've lieen thlnliluu now, old fellali, How my ilus have kiiiio In wuMc, Thill all mi ul i wevelsaml imiuiiiIiik Were lint fwillls of pnliipnlieil taste; 'I'liNjiiuuli the yealis thai Iiiimi uwl-ruileil N i) lme ui'Mili know ii it -ii -till . Ami now, when aw! the death nlootn KIltllllllH, I cannot, old eliup, liireiitlieupwiiynli. Ah! wiiIko mo Kcnlly, ehupple, Kimtly, llu hi); her pleteliali neiitli tiy .lulil, It's UdlllK (liiMlliih rust. old elinpple. Turn I he t-nn up re, 'tis nlirlit- I lieah thiiellnU of nliiesel;iiln(,', Ami see! Iierfiiee Hiiht lii with Juy ; Hut, dentil old eliup. Hie curtain's lulling (lci(l-h.c-I'iM toiui;--aw! ileali imy. Aw! pwoime a lllllelilnliiih. Put jouiili hand ukuIii In mine, No iniiuiih I'uw me Hie elluli of ;hnes, No lluw Inu of (he uuiliaw wine. Asiill tlinse ullitsoryoiili, ileull elinpple,. That wcmioII liiiM'ulinlly seen, When fw mil Hie riutliilliK, ullttewttn; uIicth We ilwiink (o wiiiiiiili--tiiiiu'H iml) ipleeu We two hnvo woilined Hiestweetstocetliah, I'ull many lunwiiluiis, death old lad, Awl hliinitlim out the eelmlun cIiowiih So woystowliiK, so weekli'H--nlinl, Wo'Miliisleil- nw! life's sweets liiitetliali. We've ilwalued Us spwiliKs of love ami Joy, Hut uw! tin curt ul n now Is fnlliiii;. I'm il liit,--itw!"tonli;ht, ileiirlmy. Kmimi flic iVrie Ymh Truth. Mrs. J. O. Kler left Wtslnes lay for n vllt to Colorado Springs. Sirs. C. S. I.lppencolt vitltoil lu Oinaliu hoverul itn s this week. Frank Hatliuw ay nnd Charley Clark nro out for u hunt hi tho wilds of Wyoming. Ilrlek pnvlug on Tenth stns!t comiuencliig nt N nnd going south Is progressing llnely. Frnnk C. Helming leaves tomorrow for northurn Iowa on a trip ot uiercmitllo iu torests. Hallett Is disoslng of his hniiilsoiuo stiK'k of jowelry, watches, diamonds, silverware, etc., ut auction. Tho Irving society hnvo arranged nn Inter esting pnigruiu for their meeting tonight nt tho High school. Tho whist oluli met InM evening nt Mr. nnd Mrs. F. M. Hull's homo and enjoyed n very plonsunt occasion. Mrs. J, II. McMurtry has returuo I to Colo rado Springs to Join her daughter who Is spending tho winter ut that risort. Miss Cora Silvers of CIiIoazo who vvius vis iting old time frieuus In Lincoln this week re turned homo with her father yesterday. Cull on J. C. Field, Lincoln Scavmiger, for prompt workday mid night. Olllec under First National bank. Cull telephone -I'.IS. Everything wusdioppod this week for sl itlcs. Social nirairs worn uou-est uiid tliure foro tho lack of society news in today's paper. A testimonial pnrty to bo given Tuesday evening nt Temple hull by his friends, NIki mg urraugt-d lu honor of Mr. Edgar E. Ed wnrds. Tho oMnlng pnrty of the l'lcmuut Houi club Is announced to take plnco November 27, at Masonic temple. It u ill be, ns muni, a delightful iillnlr. Mrs. II. (lolilberg, of Chicago, mother of Mrs. I). ise, uiTlvod In tho elty vcs'eiiliv uud will visit several mouths at tho h t ci's home, 1.VJ8 K stivet. Tho young Mnplo of tho Flint Baptist church niityisl a pleasant soclil Tuesday evening at tho ivsldenee of Mr. mid Mrs, S. S. Keiiney on East O street. Mr. H. 1). Silvers, mayor of Lincoln in its early day, but now u resident, of Chicago, wns hi Lincoln this week, mil u uo'.c):m guest, lie returned homy yesterday. Invitations ate out for a jurty to b given Monday nfternnon nt tlio homo of Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Wutl.'nsin honor of th twelfth nnnivci'Niry of their daughter, MIsCliiin. The Frank Llndon ctiuiblnatitiu which has been resting in Lincoln for k oral weeks, until the election escileiuent wns over, loft Wednesday lor Seward to opu their wi . tor's tour. Uetts Sc Detts, !W7 South Eleventh, nro again in the Hour nnd feed business. They Lis.'p everything in their lino nnd will l) pleased to receive n call front their fi lends mid tho public. ThoCofitiKU'H stationery depmtinimt bus Just recolvid nil Invoice ot card Uiurits, '22 -S, lu all tho high colors, ulso black. This , is tho nobbiest material for signs and art paint ing uud tliey nro sold v cry chenp. An enteitniiimeut of rare musical merit wns enjoyed by u largo audience nt St. Paul's M. E. church Wednesday evening. Tliu pro gram wns mudo up ot some of Lincoln's best talent nnd tho affair is spoken of generally us having been n big succefK. Mrs, Oriiulnger, ncoonipiniod by her son Frank nnd daughter Miss Lulu, arrived in tho city yesterday, on a visit to tho family of Mr. A. C. Zelnier, on M stieet. Tlio ninny fi lends of Frnnk will bo pleased lo know of Ids iccovery ufter iceent illness. Tho third social club under title of The Pleasant Hour, has como Into existence. This time in tho hands of n number of our young eolonil citizens who have Uidr llrst dnnce Thursday evening at Bohnunu's hall. It w 111 bo known us tho Pleusnnt Hour second. Wo hnvo hi our elty literary clubs, whlst clubs nnd enchro clubs, but wo hear of no crlbbugo clubs. Crlbbugo Is one of tho most Interesting, entertaining, exciting and com plicated games of cnrdB wo know of. Ono, two nr three couples enn piny nt ono tublo. Now Is the tlnm when you can buy Clir'st mns presents nt your own price. Buy n ring, wntch, dininontl, or anything witublo ut Hal lctt's auction Kile. Indies will recclvu prompt attention nnd their overy wnut supplied by lls. Dawson, tho wlfoof tho venerable auc tioneer. The fiincinl of tho Into Clinrles E. Root on Moiiduy wns attended by tho Lincoln Pros.? club inn lusty mid lu tho last testing place of tho faithful now spoK'r worker each member dropped u llowery token, it was a s-id scene, but a Unutlftil net embleinntiu of tho warm friendship lu which tho deceased wns held by Iiijco Inborn. An Arctic Hello's Atllro.l In a lecturo In lirooklyn, In rolntlon to tlio Polnr sens, Wllllmu Brndford gnvo tho fol lowing description of nti Arctic Mlo: A red silk Iniiiilkcrclilcf wns tldl around her forehead nnd rlblKins fluttereil from tho knot of hnlr which stood up on thn crown of her head. I ler liools w ere as red ns her hntnl kerchief nnd ipilto ns Kitless. Her trousers were of the choicest mid most sliding seal skin, neatly ornamented with needlework uud Ix-nds. Her Jicl;ct wns also of sealskin, met with trousers nt tho hljis, vvl ero it wui fringed with n broad baud of oldcrd'iw n. Detroit Fi en Press. KitrprlM-il All Aioiinit. s fi "ByJovel thoso Jackson girls will bo sur prised to sen me." i-h. A, fu: I c r, f t ;'". K:t.H i" ' i -r They were Life. Ho Would Walt. Thcro wns onco n populnr comedian vvhoo nnnio was neither Orlo nor Urnball, yet whoso dominant weakness wns suggcstlvo of Itoth thoso unines. His mntingcr, having hml In run of 111 luck, gnvo him the noil ono salury day nnd said: "Look here, Mr., tho treasury is running low nnd I shnll hnvo to ask you to wnit n lltt'.o for your Rilary," which wns n good fnt tlgure. "Certaluly," wns tho ready nnd gracious response, "Certninly: I'll "wait till It's paid." Detroit Free Press. A Story About Sheridan. Richard Brlusley Slieriduy, tho brilliant orator nnd dramatist, nnd audacious mana ger, wns whnt tho Unks ot Scotland Yard would cnll n downy cove. Ho wns dining nt n friend's liouso ono evening nntl found him self much beset by ono of hU fellow diners of tho Kiddy old maid variety. "All, my dear Mr. Sheridan," sho said, "I should so lovo to tnko n walk with you this evening " Thn wily Sheridan was nppalled nt tho prospect, "Oil dear me," ho replied with well feigned regret, "my dear Lidy Blank, it is mining oats nnd dogs. I'm nfrald I shall havo to forego tho pleasure until It, clears otT." Fiftoon minutes Inter tho nlert spinster, who did not trust entirely to Snortd-in's sincerity, detected him lu tho not ut sneaking out by u ido door. "Oh, Mr. Sheridan!" b'jo exclaimed, "has it really floured upl How delightful I ' "Y-y-vs u-itu that I: it lias cleared up cuoush for ono, but not enough for two." Completely Terrorized. A good btory is told of Miss Mary Colletto. (daughter of tho popular comedian, Charles Colletto), wlio lately mndo n successful debut under tho Keudnls' management. Ui.o even ing during a starring engagement in n pro vincial town Mr. Colletto had sent his daugh ter, then u child, to see, tho pcrfurmaueo nt thorlvnl show. At supiior ho Inquired Iioiv she likeil tho cntcrtuluuieut. "Well," said tlio juvenile critic, "I thought it dull nnd very vulgar P "But ho.v v.iro tho other spectators pleased P "Thei-o wcro a few," roplieil httlo Mlsa i Mary, "that they ux-nusl afraid to hiss!" A Curloiu Colnrlileiicc. "Just flvo j ears ngo tisluy," eald n farmer nt tho Central in.irl.et j cstvrday, "I wns coin ing in with u load nt iwtntoeiiiudn bag fill off tho wagon. When I missed it I v. cut back, but some ono had gobbled it." "Upon my soul !" ;;asod a man who btotsl by, "but this is btniu'ol'' , "Whyr' i "Just llvo years ngo this mornlni; I found u bag of potatoes near tho toll gato:'1 'It must hnvo been mine." "Not a doubt of it." "Ami -mid-' "You'll bettlo with me, of courre. I hold them tour week?, utn charge of fifty cents nor week storage. I nlvi rtiscd them to tho amount of $1.'J0. Then, as they wcro lie: niiig spoil, I paid un expressman SO cents to cart them to mi orphan asylum. I'll run Into tho olllco nnd iiuiko out your bill." Ho run In, but when ho cumo out tbo farmer nnd bis team hud slid out and were not to bo found. Detroit Freo Prcs3. Llttlo 3tiio's Secret. A resident of Pcterboro street who has a llttlo il-ycar-old daughter named Mary, was sitting in his library after diuiicr, when tho llttlo ono elimlwJ on hU kueo. "i'aiia do 00 lovo nioP bho asked very BWeotU. "Yes, pet, very tuueh, IndcjJ," was hearty respanro. "Does oolovo me r. whola houseful P Being at.ure.1 of this, llttlo Mary becanto very demonstrative, nml hcrfuther fclttliut ller face uud araw wero dripping wet. "Halloo I" ho exclaimed, "boon in mischief, MoryP . "Pnpa," Ml:cd Mary Inslnuatlugly, "can oo keep n secret P llcr father nssureit ncr mat no coum, o wuisnereii 10 nun: most Lomctuuej tho'u j It Will Ho, Next Year. "I tlilnl: that I eau ut lost oa:!aIm with Monto CrUto, 'Tho world is mine.' " "And whyP "I hnvo learned tho trick of pitching n curved ball." N'.urotltsi Statu Journal. rit T X mm i I.- . ' tt rrx iv.i C J s hoi'il!lKi:i si "Ma sptlleil linger bowl at dinnei' mo dwou'd; don' 00 tell inaiiiiua'c.uiMiuuiiu ust horrid." Detroit V rco I'i-c-a You Cant Afford to Miss It Commencing this evening, Saturday Nov ember ioth, the large and elegant stock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Ac. will be offered at Auction, and the sale will continue every afternoon and evening until the stock is disposed of. It is the chance of a life time to buy JEWELRY AT ADCTM i ijuuI ) ou should at least tro to the sale and sec what a little nionev will buy. Ladies will be received bv Mrs;. Diuvsnn who assists her husband in conducting the sale, and eyery attention will be shown the fair ones. You can't afford to Miss this Sale at- HALLETT'S 1 13 North 1 1th St., near O. E. DAWSON, Auctioneer. T. SPECIAL CLOAKS Ashby & Millspaugh. Double Store under Opera House. COOPER'S Merchant Tailoring ESTABLISHMENT, Webster & Briscoe Block, 129 South 12th St. J. W. SMITH, Representative. We carry :i Full and Complete line of Foreign anil Domestic Cloths in sill Shades nnd Colors. Attn ul Mviiloltt, III., Aiirom, HI. mid I.ont, Ai. "OUR MOTTO" Fine Worlc, Correct Stylets, Popular Prlcus. thV AhVflHHHBHi Wot Syjf J a F TTX JN gpjyg Xtsr I ' in- arnr mmn : x jm vi I yw Jms wvl tho H a? rr z ' H 1 A Mustang Liniment a I H 95 s. JIfcXICANMnsTAMJI.INIlIKKTl4ilintlilnrn.ES, sP AS& . t, o.J. CrffcNsPI-u UoUtfi Uaxsu UuiajH tnJ nil lsrLAiuuTiu.s.f CC ot:vH SALE OF SEE TT-T1: New Garland, AT - RUHGK&MOKRlS wii X STUF.FT. i5Q?iatsssf?,,"s"' Tpijnynr"' "."Ti." '- nmnxii-imim I JlMIIII-l-lT ' ' ' I .,..-.. - .1. , mmmmm.S MUWiiiTWmrtwrHtf