KBtMumrxwrxiWMUX!.trniitLrtKKVtV,i, r. .. zj. .sasscr.. jrlpS.TS",5 --OTrttriwywi')iwii'Wtii!vir'Hn'Miiulu)iru4rJilliHiiLiti" MiWst!.jw" H. W. BROWN, Dealer In .Drugs and Medicines PA I NTS,OIIiS, (Hi ASS. "Books, Stationery, etc. 1:7 S. Klevcnthst. Buy Lumber of The Badger Co. Eighth and 0 Sts, &WBusjjtjaME THE WlSTSliORE lJ":ci((P0RTlAND.-OnEGONJi Tlio VlYt Slioro In the only lllti'tittnl nMgv rlno imbllMioil oti tlio l'nrlllc timet, nnd nrldo from lta excellent lltcrnry featured, Itiinlijoct li to comry Inform.itlnji, by both cii atiJ riicl1, o( tlio ojrat reotirccn o( tlili rcglou, aucl tha progress of thrlr ricvclopmrnt. Hiicciftl llliistrntal nrticlrn nppcar In each Jmuo; al, fccrnl I'hrcs of note of tlio pro rroM being inmlo In every wctlon. Orcijon, Vftliln'ton, Mntio, Montana, Alfukn, Utah, California, llrllls'i Columbia, and tlio l'aclflc Northwest In Eencral, wine lllurtrnlrd. Tho Biibecrtptlnri prlco Is only $2 (10. It Is Kot only the chcapcot llhirtrntctl magazine In tho United States, but rontnlns articles and en- K 'ravines of treat Interest to every resident or tils region, ulilch can not bo found In any oincr puinicauon. Suliscribers for 18ffl rccclvo a largo supple ment every month. Tto first ono Is n lionutl ful oleograph of tlio " Knlratico to the Colnm bla Itlicr," printed In nlno colors, and each of tho others represents somo featuro of onr euhllme scenery, Tlio supplement) arc atone worth moro than tho prlco of the magazine. Try It for IKsh, and after reading, send It to your friends elsewhere. You will flucl It both ntertalulng and instructive. L. BAMUKn, rubllsher, 171-175 Second St., 1'orUand, Ortfoa. Monarch of the Dailies! THE Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the city for 20 cents a week, every day in the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, I027 P street. TAKETHE lissouri Pacific Railway ThetShortest, Quickest and Best Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Si. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, New York and Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. liTKor further Informal km roliler, ctc.,ca r .ddrcss II. (J. II.VNNA. City Tlehet Agmit, Cor O nnd IStli tn. fl 1JA11U t'K, Diiot Ticket Agint. OIMDERFUL SUCCESS. TCCONOMY IS WICAI.TH. All tlio 1'ATTKUNS ymi wl.h t uu during tlio ye'ir. fur nothing, luoiivliiguf from JJ.OO to $ l.uO;, by kuliicrlblug fur THE CAPITOL CITY COURIER ANO Qe mo rest's it.j WithTwolvo Orders fir Cut Piper Patterns of your own selection and of sny site. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAH, ron $3.26 (THREE TWENTY-FIVE). D EIQOREST'S m : THE BESl o or till tlio IMuRny.liK'H. CONTAIMN'll ''T"llir. 1'omiS, AM) UTIIKII I.ITHUUl ATTIIAITIDSS, ln'IIIININO AllTIBTIC, SclKN- Tirir, ANI1 llulKKII 111) UATTril. lllunlrnliil with Original filtrl J.'iifriie inv, l'lintiiiriii'iire, (HI J'lclurm unit inn l undent, md.diy it tlio .Mvtlil Mo(j(t. alne of .Interim. Ill h M 1.' ,7.1'ui contains ninupuii outer entitling I a holder t 1 1!.' mIi 1110,1 1 f 1111 V pattern illucr.itul li tliu (inliim iU iiirtm nt 111 tli.it nuinhcr, mid In iv of Hi i liumifiirturp'l, iniiKing p'lllirtm tiring tlio vi'ircif ih value of nicrtliiec dollars. l)i;Mi)ltl' , JIUN'1 IIIA Is jii'tly iiiilllidlhii I '... I I - II...I. I XI I.... Tl... I .1 I,, l,,rni tit,. Ih id of 1 11 ill I v I'lrmduiiln It niiititinii T"J agr, lirj iiiiirtu Hijxli'.j Inihi'S, ilivtmll) pr.i.tcil uiiil full) Illii trued. Published by W, JiUillngs l)j uorot, Now YrU And by Special Aroomunt Com- blnod with tlio Capitol Cily Courier at S3.25 Per Tear. KAIiK OLD IMiOYKI.NS. SOME QUCEH GEMS AND A VEHY QUEER DEALER THEREIN. ltd. Wlllliini Hi nil Iliiwnrj, Ono r Nun Vorli's t'lilef i:'ri'titrlrs of tlio I.011JJ Arii Clmlni l.xri-ipts friiui tlio Strung.' Olil Itonk lln I'iiIiIIsIikI. Rptvl.il l)rnKiiiliiHV 1 Nr.w Yohk, Nov. 0. A tliiimotiil lirolc cr imiiumI IsnnvH olTorod for wilo, a Cow ilays uu;o, to a li'iiilinj; tlcnlor in kciih, ono of tlio nio.4 icinnil.iililo pnvlons RtuiiiM that tlio world Iiiih over whmi. It wnii a diamond, of lino ulillo color, wclKliitiK ttlKUit four curate nnd liund Boinoly cut, which had crack c, I into two iMliml i;iits,ici'tiliiiiii itHCcntcranothcr mniill dltitnond accuriitcly lilted into a matrix In tho inclosing ulirll of diatnoiul. Tho inlcrior stoiio wan a pciiliilicdron, with facolM tiMin it nn regular and ht feet at if tlioy hud U'cit cut li.v a nkillful lapidary. .So pel fcclly did thi'i lit t lo dia mond lit into its matrix that it was in viuihlo when tho (luce pattnof thocom hination woo Hit together. The import Kihility of putting two illaiiiondilogellier in Hiieli a way hy ait ii hcvond iiucstion. It was tlio work of nature, hut what nat 111 al law, or prruT'iion of law, hud Mieh nn uiiiiihiK ireet, wan fur hcyond oven Iho tlicoriiiiK f thoso who inspected tliOHtone. Mr. Isaac 1 wanted $1,000 for Iho pii.'zle. It i.s worth hcaiocly nny tliingiii a merely ornamental koui, hut doubtless m)iiiu wealthy collector will gio for it, iihii curiosity, thoprico awked uiiil i'en more, pel haps. llinh llgureH iiui tometinien com manded hv oddities, far out of iromr tion to their iutiiiisic woith, anil a good tiiany j cam tu;o e-.Mavir Wieldiain'ii father, who is the oldoht diamond iiu ixnter in New Voik, hrou;;ht to thl.s coiuitt yand Mild l.ciufor$.i(ltl a ono carat diamond. Tho upper part of it wan a hrilliantlv clear whito diamond, tho lower :itt a Inlaid cllow; and no hiimiine.o, Iiowexer e.xpei t or. aided hy ;laxto.s nnd rellection-, .ouhl tell win ro tho white ended or the yellow heaii. I lad it all hern like itu toi it miht have lieeti woith ,$(l,i to.Sl.'); had Hull heen like its bottom, rV)0 to 7o; heinj; what it wan it readily mid for $,H. Other diamondrt tiro ahialili) for what can ho Keen in them; it wan lor what could not 1h ueen that hlenditiK lino of color. A curious uptcitneti of what inlKht ho called a natuial "douhlet" in diamondn, i. e., thosi uliowiiij; two coIoih, though not ho hlemled as in tho Wickham ilia mond, wiiHtold not long ninco hy .Julius Wodiska, a diainonil deah r, on account of the lato Ro. William Scott Downey. It hail a line hulliant cut, and the upper Hix-Hovonths of it til lowed as ( lesir while as wan ever i ecu in n diamond, hut the little seventh at tho I ottoin, jiibt a oint, wiih of an emerald kiccii tint. Looked at from directly ahovo that tint would not ho Htispietod, and the many colored rays of light that tcintillatcd from its facetH wt-ined lefracted from a pine whito (stone, hut, laid in an angle of whito );i-er to throw lellected liht Into it.s lioily, and, viewed from tho hide, tho ureen jiait was ividly conspicuous, and tho lino whoiv it met tho white wiw dis tinctly to Iw been. Tho Hov. William lu-ott Dowmoy, men tioned in the pieecdiiiK iianiKrapli, wan, hy tho way, ono of tho most oceontiio anil widely known men in Now York, and well woith v of leineinhranco. Ho looked like an elf who had htenned out of a child'iiHtory hook. Ako hail Lowed Ids llguie ho that ho walked heat, an tho iiietnred elses do; ho always wore a very long anil iimplocoat, that (ool.cd as if tho touch of tho I a i ry qiiccu'n wand might mako it Kiiddenly llv oil' and ieeal liitu in nuito tiiiotlii'r(;iiisc; and hi i wrinkled, jellow face, deep i.unken and hiillmntlv sparkling hlaek oyei amhiished heneatti heavy oveiliaiiKiny white hrown; llehraie noso that Kicined to havo Uen jutt on Mift nnd run to a hlot at tho end liefore it hardened, and ciip.ieioun, thin, Ktiakily moving lip-, the lower ijuito petuhilons all werowieathed in a complicated and Krmanent i.inlle. His eiy ahuiidaut Iodk hairantl lonj; hc-.ird wero whito na snow, i,o whito an to nicest that ho might havo Ikhmi an nntiipio even 11111011 tho elves, who are know 11 to ho horn old. Tho hat hoalwaya worowasa hioad.holt Hluucli, that appeared to havo tlio power of cocking itholf into all boits of 1 tinny Hlinja-.s. Hut when ho wit up Htrnight anil ircbeuted his full front to havo his pic ture taken ho wua (juito another itcrson, nnd ono could rco him ns ho wan. a genial, humorous, kiudhenrtcd, good, in telligent, vonerahlo and eritahlo gentle mail. Many other jiooplo aro deaf, hut proba bly very few, if any, u deaf 11:1 Downey wan. If un eighty ton gun had been ilred olT nt his hack ho might havo felt tho con 0 11 11 a i o 11, hut ' ' would not havo heaid tho noise. So, not heariiig his own voice, ho had 110 control over it, nnd it used to pcamper and wabble, up and down, he two on falsetto and basil, in an wu ECOrr ,)0VV -VKV. a ih a zing way tliuthfriuiibly iiumlir-apiicri his elTectivo vocal Hiiread of inmuirlal tiiith. Tho Hov. William Scott Downev waa liorn Homewhero in tho Wirt Indien, took naturally to piety nt an inrlv ago and epent tho hes.t ye.tr.i (.f his life an a misiuiiat y in India ar.d eKiwheie. Theio can he no iiucstion, among anv .ho knew him, ot his ninceiity in all that ho piofehMtl, even in lii , I elief of tho diiuo inspiration of tlio "viioiu," ho iw from time to lime, and lo which, they being all hi 1 own, ho could adapt in teiprctatioiischarmingly. To help along (he spread ot universal lroodnesn he put lortli a himdl volume, wliu h ho infilled "Downev j Proverbs." It is rather singu lar, hv tho v.:iv. that thin little 1 cud;. I issued cnrlv in tlio lilties, and soitl to tho 1 ('Mint of at least .JO.IHIO oopim, .i already quite rate, and tlio holden, ot t ueh copies as e.ist ticn lite them an valuable. Ir. Downey had some ciuious c h.M.tcteris tiei. l'lo wa.i kind ud geiuiotii lo tho )oor uiiil himihlo iiIwum,, hut ho de.uly loved ilch jwoplo and per bom of lanlf. Hit per -on. .1 cc 1 quaintance, lieto in New Yule, in cluded neailyeverv in h man 1,1 (he cily, and tho tame it mid to have 1 1 en titu'iif hit intimacy with tho vvalthv in many other place.! all over (ho woi Id. Ho hail a mania for giving jowohi, lings, pins, brooohe.i and uni.et. picciotis ntonen to prominent men, leading bankeiti, ttutes- ,fi'2. men, null .id iiuitnviM 1 n h.iiits nnd olheiswhii could Inlliiltel better havo J adolded to liliyjlhilll he inllld to give them When lie gave to p 111 people hit! benefactions took (ho pliiu foim of iiionev, in which lie demoustiatcd his prnctfcal poi' 'Use I'puii all occasions when heln'stowcd gifts upon ilclipci hons he caiefullv wiiilo down In a iiieni oiaudiim hMik just what tlio icciplciilH said or did. Am tor Instance: "May 17-(lavo to Mr. It. F. W a 1 lug, lit with a diamond weighing one caiat, for which I paid $'''!. He wild 'Humph,' put it on Ids linger and did not even thank me." In another case his hook looords, afler such details 1111 given above, that a lady to whom ho gave veiy pictty peai'l brooch," wild: "Oh! how lovel.vl How can I thank vou enough? You aro a dear, good ohfinnn." He was an Intimate nnd devoted filend of Mr. uiiil Mrn. A. T. Steward, paitieu la llv the latter, but had lor, lodge lllllon all the detcstatiou that his gentle natllio wan capalilo of. Many high dlgnitaiien iesotiiled hy uutogiuph letters to the missives lii'Hent them with )icseiitation copies of his book, among w'lom wan no less a iMrMonago than liieen Yicloiin. whoso liiief nolo of thanks ho valued above all his other eaithlv osscHHioun and wan vcrv fond of exhihi'tiiig. When he found his heating and voice contiol lading him, ho gave up tho iimiiteitrliome missionary work in which lie had cuipl'-v. d himself since ho had glow n too old lor foicigu ten lee, but his active disK)sition compelled him to have some occupation, so ho went into business u in pel ipatelie dealer in cm ions mid iiiccious stones, l'or a long time he conlliicd himself to handling such gi iiih as wero favoied hy mention in tho llihle, jasper, lervl, chalcedony, onyx and other qiiccraml little know 11 stones, iiihui whicli tlio niajoritv of peoile looked with vehement utiHp'ieioiin that they weio onlv ctiriottH hitnol glass. (iradually ho got to hiivingtiud tell ing tuhics, nipphircN and (liamouds, but 110 matter what his stock might be, ho seldom, if ever, sold a ntnno iwoopt for Mimelhiiig lets than it had ( ost him. Pioma Htiictly husincin oint of view this Hystem might havo iiemcd lome what " defective, but it nppcnicd to Mitisly him, mid ho wan liner without teveial huiuhed ilollarn in his Micket, icaily to buy anything that took his fancy. People used" to wonder wheio ho got all bin inouev. Hi 1 explan ation to a leading jeweler Mr. .1. II. Johnston, who wan 11 very old friend wan that ho had made n'wav with two largo inheritances and in hi i declining yearn wan going through a thiid, vvliich would bo ample to last his time out. lie bought a gicat deal of curious silver ware, mostly antiiiue iiiecen.all of which he gave away. Whether buying or wil ing or giving, the old mini iievcrlost a chance to proi laiin iiitu elf "11 si rvaiit of .lesiu Christ," to urge wh.it ho believed to bo icligious tint lis upon all who would hear them and to ndnioiikh against the ill inking of ardiut upirili. Piohably in. litter ending to thi.i tiketch of hit t.trange per.ionalily can hoolfcicd than liyipiota tiou of 1 01110 sample o.eorptu irom hi.- Dooi; 01 pioviriu. u Hero tiro somo general oiicb: "It i.s far hettet to die a jiortpr in tin fear of tho lentil than a coiutier in tin fear of the devil." "Porccd love must soon hecomomorta hatred." "Punctunlity strengthen!! confidence nnd securen icspect." "lticheu havo benefited teiiHnnd rulneJ tlimiMiuds." "Ijiw without justice Is a wound with out a one." "Tlio (lifToiYnco between tho humble minister of .Irsu.s nnd tho faHhionahlo popular nreacher ii this: Tlio former i.tudies too pasturage for bin Hock; the latter, the transferability of their wool." "An eastern bashaw onco complained that he had no thocs, hut when ho saw a man without legs ho wan content. "Ituni intoxicates tho toper; love the amorous; and prosperity the fool." "A.i a crowded stomach letanl.t diges tion, so does prospoiity ictard charity. "Tlio harsh language of nn angry'nian is tho inero wuni of his cnul." Ilo had inndo homo Ltiuly of women, evidently, for ho wrote: "Tho tongue of the rilniulcn rim deadly poihon; and tho voice of the bcold gloomy." "Itathrr bo pierced by a dart than by the tonguoof a wife." "Would women lie ns nilent in most things a.i they 1110 in telling their age, men would bo far easier, and courts of justice lis 1 doubled." "If most married women poiiseneed an much prudence an they do vanity wo should I. ml many husbands far'hap pier." ".Scolding wives, liko bad clocks, arc t-oldoni in ordir." "A prudent woman f.tudiei tho com fort of her husband and household whereas a wold and i.pondthiift think.) of partionnntl fashions. "Marriage i.s tho comfort of tho con siderate and prudent; hut tho torment of tho iiiconsidoiatoiind self willed." "Whatever ban been tit fault of ono woman may bo tho fault f s.nothcr." "Most fashionable hulk 1 1110 tin dia mond , bocaiibo they tiro mi recently than u .Hul." "There in thunder in tho voico of the scold, I ut the music of 'Apollo'u lute' in the language of the ainial lo sxu.',c; the foimer wound.i, lint tho latter heals." "Most women net as if the wero bound to wound, nnd not to heal." "It is easier to mako a glass tube plia ble than to convince an obstinate woman hho 1 1 in lault." "To neglect a vvife'n jileasuro Is to cro- I ate a ttorm; but to grant her icqucht is l to leinain tranquil. "The obedience of a wife to her hus band is lovalty to a toveteign and sub mission to (lOtl." "Ann musivtonni i.s among 1 twrs, bo is a iihruw 111 n costlv 1 t.iblialimint." 0 An has Icon tuggested. Mr. Downev 1 was no l"iic ml to tho (lowing low)," and ho nit hiuibclf on moid about it thus: ' "'I hoso who rink intothooeean are Irit I to time; hut i.Il who Mill.- hybtioiig dunk aro lost to c tcinity." "To 1 eel; lor teetotaller! at n irin 1 hob. it to expect donations lioni hum is, to hear thieves sneaking tlllthn, 01 priebfu uii'sing tltlu..." "Tho u. e c I' t.trong drinks, to nuM p 1 tons, isiiiplllnof nieuie disguised 111 a honeycomb; although palatable i.t lust, It htiilni.t Let." "The (outlast which cxids b tvvre.i the iibsteinii us man and the di mil. aid id tills the foi un r gov ei in Ids . ufa ns, and thonlTaiisol the latter govoi 1 him." And lice is a line old int'cudi.ii.v beiiti ment (6 wind up with: "Uftiuty, liko liehi's, hai I e-en proi'uo tlvo of moro evil than good." Jamw II. Co:.m:i.i.y. sTomrs of the ctage. Duo ir ttii- : ilc I.ptrr WiiMn'Vi lulorrst. Inn "Uniinirlos," Aft r dm 1 eli Ii id drought In n rita! drnl of l-i is foim in tliu miv of ilixi llll'IV M1IH a lull 11 iln, -11 1 11 miio d.iinl t 1 iloiinvlliltig new. M inv 1.1 in r it nun 1 iter inv fiilliiT vtim eint f"i tliiMit of I'niwrl In Cibbi'i-s vei-slmi of "ltlilitird III" Ti'se-I Is the vmitliful inesvngi-r 11 lin chivoh to IClni; ifcmy VI the iii'it of tin iiiiirdi'r of lilt bun iiftci tlm li.il Ilo of TVwUlmrv. M.v I nt In r. 11 vniiiig, iiinlitttntiiiirtor, enino on wiih tliKfivithor Imaging from lilseup, nil wot, Ills luilr dlslievi'loil, nun boot loin lioul ot, ti'ii. spur Is iiken, the ntlicr goiin ciitlrclv, Ins gmuitli't xliiliiisl witii tdiMhl mid Ills tWVdlll SllllplH-ll In tllllill, tit wlileli nb I Won ltir, Mini wni tlin niiitiiigor, anil liml lnvii n inioiiigci' bi'fnin niy fntlicr win Item, Will V1II1MIV KISM'klM. 11 was too into to (III mi thing, llicn, but tli iii'vl tiininltip, WoMil rcr nolll fur llllll Iocomih to lilt nlllre. Mini j Milihowil him thus "Young 111:111, lieu iln I oil I'Vorlmpo to not in ill Jnlir pinfixoiltiii liyili'libisiitolv bivnUliiiill pi'eeiileh'. .' Wlml will In inn of tin u nfosHKin if mini 1i,ijh mi) iillmvtil ti) t 1I.0 those liUitlisI Wh'v, sir, vou 1.I11111I1I litivn cnli'ivd In 11 suit of do cent blaol., with sill; hIim'I,iii;s 011 and with 11 white IniiilKoivhlrf In voiirlmiiil." "Wlml I idler ilofoiit mill Might from hnttlor Inlor ruptoil tin father. " I'lint liml nothing tit nil to do wiih It," was iho loply "l'lio propil cllos, sir, t ho plupiioliosl' Hc-ritiucl 'it .Mug nzilio. A lliiiiiili'-s Cniiiiilj f 1:1 iiui. Miiith I! W1111I, fiirinorly of llm pioss of tills eilv, but iiiiw ngoiit of 11 p,iHT cur wheel concern on the lliuboii, it clmrllablo, i;iillant and nbsoiit iiiiinloil, Ho Inisa ni,ir lelalhn up tlio country to whom lie Kctiits all I1110I1I cluthos Tlioto urn liiany Imlios in tho city to whom IiommhU In vitations fur tho theatre. Tlio other day ho wroto to his poor tela tlon: "I send j 011 my Inil pair of pants but ono, they may boutiillo kiiiiiII, but j 011 can let thoin out In thn waistli.iml, If tlicynm too long voticin turn V111 up. Don't iiilml tho patch. " Tlio s.iiiii' day ln wrote to 11 lady : "Hliuv vim vveii' I.1111I enough to nci opt lay iiivitatliin to tho thcMlio, loav lug It to ine to Mdivt tho pla.v ami evening, t mriiil t mo to say tlio L'oliiiubiu, thN evi'iiiiig. ' III all ImirMr Waul lecelv oil tlio follow ing from his I ul acquaintance: "As you dni not sotnl tho pants by tho messenger who de livered jour note, I am, of ciiirn, nimble to do mil tiling to tlioiii. 1 low over, tins iieed not Intel fero with our eugae;iiuolit for tho theatre." Mr. Ward wont to tlio theatre, hut howaa very uiieasj. ('liieag;o .Mall. The Parrot ami thn On I, Tho Question lin nit; m iseu: "Why Do Wo ICitr'tlm I'urrol Clinllenged tlio Onl ton Dlseumlo'i and lift tlio Dci'Mou to thn Her K'iit. Tho Pari nt wont hick soveralTliou muiiI jearsto Prove that Adam Atonnil was Obliged toK.it, and that all Men wliocamo after him had bes'ii Obliged to Mat, and used up tlio lm,t xut of two hours lu draw lug coiiitarisoiis, M.il.in,' Deslui tmns anil Clliioh lug lin Points. When bo lliinllj mt down Wel. Willi 1. l-sl.il-iitlmi lillt l'lnll.,,-,..! I.c l.iu own Aigtitiients, tho H rix'iit, mUed tho Owl to begin. "tjoiitloini'ii," H-iid tho Ilird, nihu nlonly nrnu ''I Imv-.t .ml. 11 .t,..l ,.. l ... 1, I j .,., opinion that wo Kat lieeaiiso wo vveio built . i.... ,, lllllk Hill. Tlio Serpent promptly Decided that tlio Onl had tl'i'liestnf it, ii:id wlion tho 1'urrot raUod a lion 1 over it tho Pox cliticl.od him under tho win,; find s.iiil; "lllah Is a good thing, but IJrovlly and Coiiuuoi) Honso most alnaj-i lot u Jury." Iion.vt,: If somi Liwjers wero Duuih tlioy would do'.iblj their Patronage. niatei-:.illy DlllVunt. id. - ji 1. 1 71 Dudlov llovv uiui.li do jou weigh, Muriolii" Hanliort Ninoty-foiinh paouiids." Dudley "'o; I mean net wclght-r, with out j tiro cane, dcali." Jud'e. fj.tm's 1'oetlc.il DHnrl. S.nn'n toaeher, upon dumissin school Pii d'iy (ifU'iiuxi:i, i.spiestel each ono ,,f JOr pujiiN to btin .Monil-i) i I'iniiii,; oin or moro versos of onslnal Netrytun coniiKjition. Now, Hani e mid easily have cut up a cord of wood or liddeli an lliibrol.eti colt, bill to compose poetry win beyond him. He tried unsuccessfully nil d'iy Sattuday nnd Sunday. Iito Sunday afternoon, worn and miserable, ho strolled down to tlio river side, soeklni; Inspiration. Tliero ho mw a half sunken llatboat. Tho ilivino ntllatiu c.iiuo and Monday morning ho appealed at school and triumphantly presented liw tenehir th" follow In;; couplet: A lioat r.- 'lit don ii Into the writer: it eul clo.a ilo-j;r thu:i it oun-litor K.M'lmngo. Hard IHl:. "0 I had Mich a lovely drenm :' said Mmnio toller I ittlu brother 01:0 rioming asthev wiie i;ong down s'.ain to biviUmt. "Di 1 j .'i Whit did (Hi dii-am iilsmt'" asked I: -b, btoppin,' o 1 Hit) I i!iibt t.ad evein Ills s -t. ' Mispiejoiiilv. Ho w...s a 1 ( 11 y (.011 amo'U Ii , d"Ugh'.er-, and 11 vci Icid 'ouum "W, 1 1 ilivamisl that I u i 111e.11 ! btoie, an 1 t' .t I iv.in ati'i cunt 1 Ui.nd t ilfv." "An 1 1 what v.i 1 1 1 atitu'' eiu I Hi , pttiii,'i di 1 thof i ji tiki the..ul tef i' -Vour 'v.., I." "Whj, voit .: u": : 1 at 11 I '1 W ,-,'t tin IV lit I II, Il'l I Vi ,1 elituiidi.l 'I I that j. j nolo ic - tie 1 -l. t vf. .t ' .- u ' 1 nd 1 b. .-! .1.; t u ..Hit. .; i. ' ..1 . . inj I j l.i. t.i'.hn.' -Lo-. 1 1 . .1 1 U An ()bse.-v nit '. t-ui-v tc :. On n iii'aiii'.r . 11 n.i v ' ' If.'. l.d'.io w.i. v .ilS.1.1 v..t 1 l.i , ,.1.11 , .. It.. wri.la (puKi'i I't'i H. i . ' ' .. I . . I 1 ; cl limed: "Oh, k ' I r 1 a i ...lM..,. tor I tl0.. ' CUu-iiu 1 .'..'.i.e.4 llli A-.'.hjult; I l mII.Ii d. CVih'h'I.iU !I 1 1 1 v . . rj "Ju l p.l i;i.iuJ.i.lMil.il'..i..Ji, "Iui os,ji ; ' '(.Viite ll 110." 'I' 11 J on provo i: " "Vii. lloketit n'ue fiotry t tho iiia.v fines and In el t 1 w.i ,; pubbshe I " "And tiu'toiily 1 vohi-ii . I . Will, vrU . l.lllCe.lll .K'lllll.l. I " . I M w Uvssrt h' Kt '-z; 12 22 OST. CAPITAL, Steam Dye and Cleaning Works S. R. MANN, Proprietor. I.itillm ami (icnts' t'lolhlug Clonned, Iirdiiud Uep.ihcdon .Short Notice. Tivenly Ihe jh'i cent dlit limit on all Phisho, civets nnd Ni'aUkliiH Steiuucd foi the next Slxtv D.ivn. YOU OUGHT TO SEE Till M W LINK Fa Patterns in Carpets In T'lipi'Ktilc, Ilnitiol-i, llodi llriiKcU, Moqurlti ami nil olhor line lluot (ovetlngs. Out line of FINK DRAPRRIILS Ciuuiot he ripi.ilcd hi the west Call and ec iih A. M. Davis & Son. LEAP YEAR BALL -PROGRAMS, AND INVITATIONS With Illumination designs appropriate for the occasion, Printed in finest style of the art at COURIER : OFFICE. ALSO LEAP YEAR RECEPTION CARDS, AVessel & Dobbiqs, iilrt "Printers, New .Burr JJlock. Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, liox Station cry, Fine Printing of all IvmkIs. G lyg Usa Trieil Order. The Season for Driving Has opened and we have just received a line line of Turf Good-, and a great ariety of mgsBmmSw xmsmEmmmwwm a i s5J&iMral Nils' I f Ladies : -AT Grey H orse Harness Emporium, 1020 O Street. I 2 2 2 O ST. OP IIANDSOMK Cor. llillmnclO Sts Whips, Saddles, CY DUSTERS T? ROBES a.ni:- Finc : Saddles Till-.- rzz&Bam