Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 10, 1888, Image 3

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ballot nox ORswoni).
Ilia ttiillnt Ilium of Hid Anrlciitn The
IiiiKirtiiiiio nf tho llullot lit (lo.cru
incut I liu rilii of tlm llullot IVciilt
urltln nf it I'M 'lilrntliil ('nnipiilpi. I
IIiiooki.yn, Nov 4 At tlio TutxriMrlo
tbis morning tlio Itov T Do Witt Tnlumco,
D I) , expounded some j iss.iki of Scripturo
nlmilt ancient olitlcs. Ho gavo out tlio i
Arm of tlio, TrisKv,watol i
I'nt on Hi strength, Uio nations .tinko. I
Thodoctor's textual: "Two cubits nml n
linlf was tlio length of it, nm! a cubit mid n
Imlf tlio brcft'lth of it, ami n cubit ntnl ti linlf
UlO llClftlt of it." KxOlltlSXXXVll, I. HoMlllli
Loot, nt It tlioRiicrodi'lii'Stof tlionnoioliK
It wn: about ilvo foot long, time fitt uitlo
mul tlirco foot lilgb. It was within ntnl out
of ptiroKolil. On tbo top of It ktotxl two
nugols fining ench ollior with
wings In t lint microti box wns tlio l.iw, mid
UlC'lOWlTO In It a Rifiit many pit clous (.tones.
With box went tho fntoof tho iiutioii.
Cnrrltnl In front of tho host, tho waters of
thoJordin paitul. Divinely chiin;i'(l, cost I,
pi colon;, inmuculoils box. No unholy bunds
Illicit l.i) hold of It. It wns called tho nil;
of tliu coven tut. Hut j ou will iiiiilcrntiiiiil It
was a Imi, tho most precious box of tho iircs.
Win ro is It now? Uono foruv or. Notncrjpt
of ehui eh or museum of tho woild has a
liagmeiit of it.
Hut Is not this tuition Cod's chosen people?
Hao wo not passed tluougb tho lied son?
Hnxo wo not been led with u pill ir of llro by
n'glitf tins this nation no arl; of the cove
mint? Vcs, tlio ballot Ikix, tho sacred chest
of tho nation, tho arl: of tho American cove
nant. In ft Is tho law, in it is thoillvluo and tho
human will, in It is tho fatoof tho nation.
Can led in flout of our host again and again
tho wutirsof national trouhlo hae parted.
Mighty i.i li of tbo covenant, tho American
ballot bo It is it very old bjx.
In Athens, long bcfoio tlio art of printing,
tlio jieoplo dropjK'd pchhls into it to gio ex
pression to their sentiments. After that
Ivans w vio dropped Into it n whlto bean for
tho nlllim.itivc, n black bean for tho nega
tive. After that, when they wished to oto
a man out of citizenship they would wiito his
iiniuo upon a shell and drop that into tho box.
Tin: maiiTiNUbs or tub iiali.ot nox.
0 Council and Uroto mid Cobdcu and Ma
c.iulay nudUladstouo fought great buttles in
tho introduction of tho ballot Ikixcm in Kng
laud, and today it is ono of tho fastnesses of
that nation, it Is ono of tho corner stones of
our government. It is older than tho consti
tution. In it is our national safety. Tell mo
what will bo tho fato of tho American ballot
box, tho in I. of tlio Aiuct lean cov uiant, and
I will tell ou what will bo tho f.ito of this
nation. Gl o tho peoplo onco n J ear, or onco
in four cm s, an opiwrtuiiity to epiess their
political sentiments, nud 3011 practkally
avoid lusuricctioii and revolution.
Kitlier glvo them the ballot or tlicy will
tal.u tlio sword. Without tho ballot lot lltcru
can bo no f 1 co republican Institutions. Mil
ton isiting in Italy noticed that on the bides
of Vesuvius rjaideuers and firiuers weiv at
work vvhllo tho volcano won in eruption, and
lie asked them if they wcro r-afo. "Vcs," said
tho farmers and tho gaiileuei-h, "it is safe;
all tho danger is lforu tho eruption; then
comes eartliipinko nud teiror, but Just us
soon us tho volcano begins to pour forth lava
wo all feel at lost." It is the siippicsskmof
political sentiment, tho suppression of
ptlbllo opinion, that makes moral earth
miko and national carthipjako. Lot pub
lic opinion pour forth, and that gives
satisfaction, and that gives iieace, nud
that gives pet nianeucy to Rood gov
ernment. And Jet, though tho ballot box is
tho sacred ehitt unci tho ai 1: of tho Amci icau
covenant, jou know its well ns I know it has
its bvvoiii (ilitagonisU, and I projioso thii
morning, In Ood's namouiidns n Christian
pati iot, to let I eforo jou tho names of somo
of thoHwo.iieULiuicsof this cluiL, tU
ml: ot tho Auicricnii covenant, tho lullr-i
io.Noitv.NCi: as av uij;itn.NT i.v tomtics.
Tlist, I icuiarl;, Ignorauco is a inl'hty foo.
Other things U-ing ctpiai, tho mom intelli
gence a in 111 h is tho lietter ho Is cm to
exeiciso tho light of MilTr.ige. Vou huvo
been ten, llfteen, twenty, thirty jean study
ing Amu nun institutions, juu have can
vassed .11 thogieit (piestlousnbouttariirniid
homo 1 ulo anil all tho educational questions,
mid evtrjthin 1:1 Auiuicnii (KilUics jou nro
.ve.l aiqutiiiiidl with Vou consider jour
self competent to cut 11 V oto ne.t Tuewlay,
illld jou mo comieteiit Vou will tal.o jour
position In tho lino of electois, jou w.U wait
for join tin 11 to c'umo, tho Jiidu of election
will auuoum.0 jour name, jou will ciV- jour
vo'i and (i'.ss out. Well ilone.
Hut 1 ijht behind jou will conio a
in 111 who ciuuot spill tho inmoiif comp
tiollir, or attoiii"j- or major. II canned
wnte, oiif ho can vvnto ho uses it small "1"
foi tho personal prouou 1. Ho could not tell
nn which side of tlio Allegheny mountains
Ohio Is. IMiif.itcd can 11 j birds, educated
hui sos know 111010 than he. Ho will cast his
vote mid it will lulauco jour vote. His ig
norauco is as mighty iu jour intelligence
That is not 1 ight. All men of fair mind w ill
uckuovv lodge that that is not 1 ight. I'ntil 11
man can lead tho Dici.iialiou of Imlccnil
cueo mid tho constitution of tho United
Htiitcs, and calculato tho iuteiist on tho
Amci lean debt, mi 1 know tho diiTeicuce bo
tvvcen n lopublicaii foim of Government nud
II muuaichj or a despotism, ho I J unlit to ox
crciso tho 1 ight of siiffi ago at any lu lot box
between Key West mid Alaska.
In lb7J lu Ihigland theio wcro 2,000,000
childicu who ought to have been in school.
Theio weio only 1,:KXJ,000, lu other words,
nbotit U) per cent., and of tho 60 per cent, not
iiiuio than 5 per cent, got mij thing worthy
thoiuimoof an education. Now, tal.o that
forcigu ignorauco mid add it to our American
ignorance, mul there will bo in Novomlxr
thousand uud thousands cf jicoplo who aro
110 moioquaUllud to exeiciso tho light of suf
fiago than to luctliio on astionomj. How
uio tluso thJugb to boconected? l)y laws of
compulsory education, well executed. 1 go
iu foi 11 law uhieh, uftei giving fair warning
for n few viis, tlmll uuko iguoiauco u
crime 'lheio is ut excuse for Iguoi unco 011
these subjects iu this laud, whilothocoiiiiuoii
schools make Lmmlcdo us flee ns tho fresh
;ilrof he.iveii. 1 would itav a it board of ex
Uininatioii seated beiiidu tho olllceisof icgis
tratiuii, mid let them decidw w hethei tho men
wbocomoup to vote all) capacity to
bo mount chs iu a lmd whero wo mo all mou
iirchs. Ono ef tho most awful foes of tho
Auieiicnu ballot box today is popular iguor
diieo. JMuc.ito tho leojile, gno them mi
oppoitumty to know uud uii(U)i.t uul what
they do. If they will not tal.o tlio ujuealion,
deny them tho vote.
Another powiiful enemy of thin encied, tho ml. ut tho Auurieuu cuveuint, tho
ballot bis, (j PiuukuH votluj. lu ISiO, iu
Jlioul.I) 11, there ticio u tliouwuul iiuiues ru
coaled of pel suns it ho had 110 issidctico here,
uud if theio view a thotianud uttemplfd
lrauduVjut votcaln lh li.t i.t o 1 tho con
Muout, ,'jj'jnry ugeij;tl in (iiieuot co
forttinntc? What n Rrattd thliig Is tlio law of
icgutrntlou' Without it elections in this
countiy would honfnrcc, ilprc iiimt Ihj n
fiTiitlny 011 this subject Tho law must have
Lcviicst tvv 1st for the iue k of ree ttei n. Koine- '
thing more than slight fluo r.ud short Im '
pi Is-emmeiit, It Is au iitti nipt C.t tho assassin
ntionof tho icpublie when it nun attempts
lo put iu it spin Ions vote hi olden times
when men hud unholy hands on the ml. of
the covenant thej dropinsl down dead. Wit
ness Usiili And when iikii rttompt to put
1111I10I) hands on tho ballot box,
tho mkof tho American covenant, thej do
MtvocxtriitiluiitUm I
j.NTiitiiiATio.N of Tiir ritrujvEs of con
Another jiowerful foo of this sacred ehest
is Intimidation
C01 porut Ions some! lines dennnd tint their
empojesvo'.o iu this and tlu.t vvuj It Is
hlilllfullj done It Is not pcsltlvolj In so
many vvouls deurinded, but tho ctuplovo un I
deiNtauih ho will bo ftozeu out of the cstab
lislimeut unless ho vote-s as tl o 111 in tin. So
jou can go Into v illagct wheio thoiv aro cs
talilishtiHiits with buiidieds and thousinds
of (luplojes, and hav 111 found out tho ki1I ,
tie's of tlio IiimiI men lu tho facility, ) 011 cm
tell which wnv the tlectlon Is going Now,
that is damnable. If in any precinct in tho
United Htutes a mill cannot vote as ho
PUMA'S, there Is something nw fully vvion,;.
I low do jou tttut that ciuplojo who votes
dilleieiith 1 1 0111 wlni t vou do? Oh, jou niv
jou da not intei file with his tiht of suf
ri 11 ol Hut jou cull him Into jour private
ollliv, and jou Uud fault with his hoi U, mid
uflir 11 while jou tell hlui tlicio is all uncle,
or ii'i aunt, or 11 niece, or 11 rephew that must
bnve that odtion. Voudouotsnj It Is Ins
cause hovotcd this or that wnv, but he knows
and (lod knows it Is. If that iii'in lun given
to jou iu haul w 01 1: nil equivalent lor tho
wages jou paj him, j on have no 1 ight to ask
mij tiling else of hint, Ho Mild vou Ills woil:;
ho did not sell Jo I his political or I eligloits
principles. Hut jou know as well as I do
theio issometi lies 011 that saeiod chest, tho
(irk of the American covenant, a shadow cor
porate or iuonipolitle.
1 do not wonder at tho vehenietico of I.ord
Chief Jiutic-o Holt, of Huglatid, when he
said, '"hot tho people v oto lalrlv-. Intel dr
dice with it mill's vote is In boh ilf of this or
that jnuty. I give jou notice that If un of
fender ngalnst tho law comes beforo mo 1 will
chiiigo tho Jm y to make him jwy well for it,"
No shadow plutocratic, or inobociatJc, or
capitalistic. livery man voting iu his own
way (Sod mid his own eoiiscieiicu tho only
I Another iHivtcrfiil foo of tint sacicd chest,
j the nrk of tho American covi uunt, tho bullot
box, is-bribtrj-You
know Mimethlng of tho hundreds of
I thousands ofdollans thatwcio expended to
' cany Indiana iu ISm) Vou inou something
I of tho vast sums of mouey (eiided iu n mid New Vork iu other j ears to
cairj elections. JJrilwry is 0:10 of the ills
gr.u-cs of this country. And theio will bo
iuoiv moiiov used in lu.bery this autumn's
election than Iu ury previous 1 lection. It is
often tho caso tuata man u nominated for
olllcowilh icferciico to his 1-np.1t ity to pro
I vide iiiouey foa" tlio elections or with refer
ence to his cajetcity to command money
I from othirs. Vou know tho names of men
I who h.tvo at different tuiicj gono into tho
julici nutoi lal chair or congressional ofllco
buj ing their way ull through. 1 tell j on no
lien. Your pdUiotlu limit his been pained
again und again with it.
Vciy often It Is not money that lu ibes, but
it it olllce. "You make 1110 piesideiitand I'll
make vou a cabinet olllccr, jou innko 1110
goviruor mid I'll uuko jou survejor gen
ual; you innko mo major mid I'll put jou on
the water board; j oil glvo mo position and
lUlglvoyou position." That is tho term of
brllio often mid often iu tlie.-o gie it cities. 1
do not say it is iu our city, but jou know
again and iigulii tliioughout tho laud these
havo beeu tho fuiuiH of brilto ulTcrcd. Suit
I often thocisotliatbj'thotimou man comes
tonuoillco to which ho has Lcen electeil ho
is from the crow 11 of head to tho solo of foot
inartgasod v.ith pledges, mid tho man who
goes to Albany o.- to Washington to get an
ollleo is iippljiug for so'iu position which
was given uwny tlnee months liefole tho elec
tion. Two long hues of worm fence, ono
wormfeiicvio ichlng to Albanj and the other
to Washington, mid there a many
citireus) astiido tho fence, mid they mo
cijuallj jioisi-d, uud they nro waiting toso
0.1 w hich side thuio U most emolument, and
on this sid' thej get down liut bnbcij
kicks both wajs It kick', the man that of
feisitutid the man that t.iU.ut. Hi'ibcr.v
tcxliy jou will admit to bo o.iu of tho might'
iest loo j of tho Aiuericau b illot bo.x.
Another li eat i ueiny of tint sacicd 1 host
is deluuiation of chainctci Can jou Uud
out lioui tho ue-wsp.ip,ri whc.i tt.o men mo
I liuuiug for olilco w hii h is tho best? Hot.
often iu tin iiuluuj i.U lections tho good man
is denounced and tuo bad man applauded, lo
lint juu can cuiuo t.ometime.i to 1.0 Jast
opiuio'i i.s to who is tlio bit 111 in, and theio
uio hundreds nud thousands ol cluluitwho
i;o ui) to oto so utteily befogged they know
not what the) do. lu not that u foaitul in
llucuco to Lo luoujht upon tho ballot box of
this country? Ithaslceii so ever smco tho
foundation of this govuuuient
Thomas I'aiuu writca WusUiugtou n letter,
nud publishes it, hajing: "i'leachuiuiis in all
privjito fiieudship uud a hjpociito iu public
11101 nis, tlio woildtull bo puzzled to know
whether wo had better call jou nu apostate
or an impostor, mid whether joj abandoned
good inoinlj or never had nnj." That is
Thomus ruino'u opinion of (Joorjjo IVaslimj
John Qulncy Adams declautl that he was
boluccd ill legaid to tho u-audiUuud the
uiiatheuins iullictcd upon him bv tho fact
that his fat la r, John Adams, hul to j;o
through thoKimo pioccss, mid Julin (Juincy
Adaui3 declaicd ho leally thought in that
present election theio weio men who g.tvo
thoir ciitii-o tune to manufacturing iaUo
hooil in legmd to him. Mm tin Van Huieii
waJidwajs pietori.ili.-.ed as a rat. Thonni
II. Ht'iitou mid Afno Kendall weio nlwnjs
pictoiiuliuil cs lobbcru with battel in,; inius
breaking iu tho door of tho United States
b ink.
On tho day on which Thomas Jcffc'iso'i was
iimttgltiatnl president of tlio Ul.lted htatis,
Mnivh -I, IbOl, tho lollowiug uiipeiued iu
Tho Sentinel of Ilostou: "Monumental in
scription. Ycstuduy exjiired, deeply 10
yielted bj iiiilhons of grateful Aim rictus,
and by (ill good men, tho I'ecleral iidmiuistia
Lion of tbo government of tlio U'uted M ites,
aiiiinstcd bj ushlligtou, Adauu, Hniuiltou,
It'nos, riekeiiiig, Kclloui), Mais.hall mid
modduld, nged tuelvo Jc.ti j Its death was
occasioned by tho secret aits and open v 10
leuco of foivigu and dotuistic di ni.igoguea.
As 0110 tllhulo of gratitude li these times
this monument to tho talents and tot v ices of
tho decetsed is r.ued bv Tho heiiliuel.'
Under bueh di f.uuatiou us Hi it Tlioiuas Jef
lerson went into clllitv
My f.ithei told 1110 fi it win 11 Andrew
Jackson w.n iiiuatiig for pn mo it it the
United Ktutos tho wholu laud was lln ided
with cotllu handbills pic'tuit of nix dead
men, lu alluMo.i tovlio m; descrlcm vvlioiu
Audiew Jack-rtjii had ha.l uot, uud ail tin
pjtoi mil cf t ).'. UiucJ uj i seated Jucksuti
at I iki'ti hu ctlleo fiyia tw hand vf the
I saw nt I'ut-tti liny, 0 , In n museum, n
prominent piper of 18H, winch sH)ko of
lien j Clnj us 11 gambler, a llhcitlno mid n
murderer, uud tho mnnner In which lie was
defamed nud thiMUitingcs which weiv bo'ipcd
iioii him mat bo well guessed fi-oni Mr I
Clay's eulogy of his native state, Kentucky
lln s.tld "When 1 seemed lo bo nssulled by
nil tho rest of the world, sho Intel ponsl her
blond and liiiH'iietinblo shield, ivnHisI tho
(loldmcd shafts that weivnluiisl for mj do !
stiuettoti, mid vindicated my good uttue
fiom evriy mnllgiiniit mid iinfouudisl 11s
smlon " I
Defmiintlonl It is tho curso of tho Ainerl
can billot box Just us soon ns lu tho '
cities a man is put up for olllce ho Is mndo
the till get Tho fact that ho Is up is ptiuu
fuelo evidence that he must lo lu ought down '
His public life mid his pi Ivutu life moseitill '
niisl, nud all the 1 lectin- lights 1110 tin nod
011. How often it Is tint men have gouo
down nuclei Mich thing c llieverv nutiimual
clivtloii tho air Is lllled with can lou ciows I
scouting c.tic.issos Caw I Cuw I Caw I There
mv iiewspaK'rH In the Unitisl Htutcs that iu
tho iiutitiniinl elections take wild
liceii'o for Illicit j They mo lllled with
calumny The cdltoiinl columns of such'
papers iceli with it, their columns nro
stulTetl with It. 'I heii! nro liewsp,iHfs
in tho United States which In tho pop
tllur dictions mid dine and sup on
indiceiiey, '1 lie) wallow In It. tlwlue like
the mire Thcv give moie foi one quill full
of it than it whole hogshead of decent pio
duet, 'lhcio 1110 lu lhee 1:1 eat
ilcvlious men sitting in ulitoiinl halls who
wnte with a quill, not plucked fiom the i.tu
pid goose or the siibllmo eagle, but fi un a
turkej hiurzaull Oil uflsl tilioulsl 'I lie)
tip tho citj sewir Into theli ulilorial ink
stmiils Def.iuiatlou of chin uclir Is 0110 of
thectllsiM of the Amci lean ballot 1 ox toil IJ
In join gtciit picsidiiitiul elections who can
tell fiom what he leads who is tho man ho vote foi ? Hid men sometimes ap
plauded, good men denounced
Aliothn powotful foo of tho saci ed 1 best ,
the 111 1, of tho Ann 1 lean coviuant, (ho
lot box, isthoiowtlj ami ill iinki 11 caucus.
Till: I'AIIT Till. SAEODN TAKCa IS I'lll.lTll'H
The ballot . ox does not glvo mi) choice to
11 man when the nominations 111 1 in nit lu tho
backp.irtof ngroggeij When thevlntoi
cxiiues up he has to elioo-o bet ecu two evils.
In some of tho cities men have 1001 to tho
Ihillot Ikix to vote, mid have found both
nainos such 11 scalj, gieasy ai,. steiichful
crew they had no choice, Vou say v oto for
somebody outside Then they throw away
theii vote CliiiHti.iii men of Now Yoikaud
lliooklyu, hu'ioi able men, puriotio men,
go mid titkii possession of tho caucuses.
1'iist hav Ing saturaUsl jout pocket hauilker
chiefs with cologne or some other disinfect
ant, go down to tho caucus uud tuku 1 osses
slon of it iu tho iiamo of tho (iod
Aliulghtj nud the Ameiican eople, though
uflir jou come luck jou should have to
lung join bat and coat ou 11 lino lu the back
Jiud fur veiitilitiou.
Ill some of tho states olitics luvo got so
low that the iiouiinissuo 111010 need good
moials than thej do a bath tub. Snatch tin
ballot box from suih men. Where is tho
David who will go foith and In m tho mk
of tho covenant line); from Kirjttli Jcaiitn?
Do jou not think politics Into got to 11
pretty low ebb lu our tl ij whin a Tweed
could bo sent to tho legislature of New York,
mul n John Morrissey, tho prince of gum
biers, could bo sent to tho American congi ess?
Now, how mo these things to be iciiiidicdf
Bomosny by u projierty quiilillcatiun They
sav that ufter a man gets aceiialu amount
of propei t j n eel tain amount of 1 eal estate
ho is lluaucially inteiestetl in go il govern
ment, uud ho becomes c.tutioiu mid cuusurva
tlve, I icply, it propcrtj'quuhllcution would
shut oil f 1 0111 the ballot box a gloat many of
tho best men iu this land, hiteiai y men nro
almost alwnj s jioor A jien is a good iuiple
meat to make the world lietter, but It is it
verj' nor implement to get 11 livelihood null
um ilj 1 have known scons of litemiy men
who never owntd n foot ot giouud and never
will a loot of gioind until tiny get
under It I'uilissors of colleges tcvicluri of
schools, editors of ucwspiipcis, ministcis ol
iihgion, quulilled 111 cvei) possible nay tc
voto, jet no worldly succes Theix has In en
many a 1:1111 who his not hid a houso ou
earth who will havuu mansion lu heaven.
'lheiouro 111 my who thiough accidents of
fortuno bnve lomo lo po it success vvhllo
lliey mo profound iu then stupidity, as pio-
found lu then stupidity us .1 iiuu'oflaigoj
toiiunc Willi wiio n l was ironing tho oieiu,
wh to'd 1. 10 ho was going t mo the of
ScotliuJl hen a me ul r of u tannly
asl.isl a ltdv on her u-iui.i fiom Uuiopoif
sho had wen Mont lllanc.slio iiplied. ' Well,
KMlly, I don t know, is that i.i Uuropel' by tne snunre toot. 1'ionertv
qualillc.ltiou will not do. Tho only wnv
these eviln will lie eradicate 1 v ill bo Iv
more thoioujli lejai dolen o of tin
I billot box aid u more tluioii,h nior
uli7.itio.i a d Cui'isti.tniziti i'i of tho
leople. T'i it ark of tho c vurit v.ns car
lied I ito captivity t ) Kujiiih ji 11 1111. butnn
day tho people' hooked oen to n cut, nud
'they put ml. 01 tho cait, and tho
. cait ttkeito Jeiust 1 iii-t'u mk of
! tlio cov cuint coining vvit'.i tho sh mting and
tluuksivin,: of tho p.-oplo. And though
tho Aineucai billot box, tho at : of tho coven int, our billed ehost, has
I been cm 1 ie I aaiii mid uguin into cnptiv it j
by fraud and iniquity nud Hp.uioj, voting, I
belie vo it will lie brought bid, jet by pi.ijer
and bj consociation, and will bo
sot down iu the midst of t'jo tivuplo ot
Chiistinn pitiiotisiu U lioo icspousibilitj I
Youis mid 1111110
A poor soldiei went to 11 hair diessir ii.
I London Ilo wnuti I to get back to tho c.iiny
JJohad ovciiun his ft-rlough, and wanted
bouio help to git back in quick transit, 'lho
money was given to tho pool sildicr, who
said to tho man who had jlleud tho kind
liess: "I have nothing to give y on iu iituin
butthis little wciu out icceipt for luil.m,;
blackin,;" lh gave it not thinking thiro
And that little vote, that msiguilJe'ant vote
which you tal.o out of jour pocket insignifl
emt iuvour sight uud insigniUctnt iujhc
sight of other may start au lull icnco thut
will hist ull thiough tho proxies., of this gov
bOMU CONC't.UMON-3 i:i nEOAItlt to votino
I charge j on then ns Aiflei lean citizens to
icMwnboi- vour icsnonsibiliiv mi tho ilmt
... . .. - -
TllUMisv of .NoVt'Mbci. It nil licrlii luiiv.
tlio biioit fctui in of suirrugcii. It mil mow
all d.ij hiiow on until njuii, mow on until
nn;lit. Thollal.ti.uill fall inner) town and
v iIIjijo ami iioiglibnibooil, tho wluto
'lho tut 11,51 nu i.ui will vo no up, lis hand
in milling, with bpfi-luclud e)o liu will
hciiiiinuo tliu voto ami ih i it and past on j
Thujouiiiiiiin win h.w li on wailiii' foi
hii tuno w ill Lomo up and pi on lly and Lltuli
ingly dqiobit I is lint voto and piu on. Tlio '
o ipltnliot w id iM.'ue up w itli liudi imoiidid ll i
gir ami tho labjir null bird lUi.nnd tin '
11110 tu'.o v .11 bo iis t; as tli
otlur Hnow storm of otiili tieo, m d
lliun llupo v Into Unices Wl.l Ihi Kitluud to '
tithiT and couipjote.I into uu aval ii.cliutliul j
will fln'o down in u.xprcuion of tlio will '
lho 'KHipIo Mtuidoutof tlio w.i nf itl It1
tlio 11 w till mtvcp if lUts hil uvalaUkLc ki .
..... ........ ... ...m.e, -"Stuciutill Still, 111 llllCO pot for tllO Cap, (Hid COUtlCl till
who took it.l.dnotsupIpsot,,,e wai any,bl, ,ther with n gun luurel, vvhkh
spial value , .. t ( but it yielded tho miu Knwi lor worm Ho could mash a IWck cf
y.hotook itS'Wj.OOO. nmlwavthefountla mtM) llt time, from whl. h ho could getn
tionof oneof thogieateitOitaU'siuIJu-laud I,,,,. ,,.,.1 i,nf ..1...1 .. n.. 1...1 ,..., .
tl w ftttl' I rl,i , I. ,. , ..nI.tll I .1... ....... 1
polltlcnl fraud go down n tliotisatnl feet tin
You hnto not only n vote, jou Imvo 11
prnjer. Thopiujer mny Iw mightier than
tho vote. Oh, us ciIIkciis of this beautiful
city, uud of this state, nud of this nation, l I
us do inn wholi'dutv Wocnnnut live 11111I1 r
any other foim of government than (hat
which (lod Ins given us iu thlscountij 'lhe
stars on 0111 lln,; nro not tho stms of 11 thick
cuing night, b it the still s sprinkled limit! tho
bars of illuming cloud Wo mo going to
hivooiicgovfiiitiii'titon this entile continent.
let the tli'iotlsiiH of Asl 1 keep tin It
feet olT tho I'liellle coist nud let Ilf
tj mimics of Uutopo I. up their feet oil
tho Atlantic co 1st, Wo mo going to
h.tvo ono government. Mexico will follow
Texin Into the Union, nud Chi Istlaiiltj mul
civlliiuilio'i will stand side hv side lu the
hills of tho Mouteuuus And If not lu mil
day, then Intliodnvof our chlltlieii. Vuc.i
tan and Cen 1 1 nl Amend will come in tin
minion, while on tho 1101th Canadii will ho
otirs, not bv conquest- oh, no, A met lean and
Dugllsh swonls m ij never clash blades but
wo will woo mil fan ucighh.r of the math,
mm thou lui-ltind will say to Canada "Vou
nro old enough for the lliniliiuo ihtv,"iiutl
then, tin iiln will s.ij' "tllnntof the west,
go take join luine." Ami then from Halibut
bay to the Caiibls'iin theio will bo one gov
eminent under ono II ig, with miedestlii) 11
flee, undisputed, Christ lanlod Aincilc.iu
contiucul (iod site thecltj of I'.rookljn
tioti snvu the commonweilth ol New Volkl
(Jod sivo the Union 1
Klnco tlm war rf 'TO I'mneo lint sis-ut
7,7IO,tiW,((Kl f i mica lKliles tho "oMilnaij
istlmati's "
It is lelitetlofa Ntucoln, Neb , man that
ho Joiiruejisl to Cibfoiuia in ordei toMiiuu
old CIICIIIV executtil
I'hiladelphia is to have another Industrial
school. '1 lie manual tialiilii,; Njstiiu Is veiy
IHipiilar iu that 1 it j
A crocodile lamer is the last l.lng in the
minim! subduing woild. His iimuo is I'eioi.
net. Ho is a citieii of (Hers, and bo is fining
to take himself ami hisciocodlles to I'm is foi
tho coining season
It I computed tint this j oil's corn crop. If
I ended foi imlroiid shipment, would lid
t! b7y,fil cars mid make a tialii that would
leach 1(1,11'.) miles, or two thinlsof tho vvuj
mound the woild.
Christianized Chinamen aro Uvomlng nil
meroiis enougli In New Vol 1. to 11111I.011 new
(piarter foi themselves 1, oar Unlvt rsitv place,
mid Mott stleet Is Ix'lng laplclly ubaiiiloliid
to the heathen.
An Atlanta book dealer keeps uiiuieioiu
illoiof local piqiei-M lu ordir to supplj the do
nimid for back uiiinbeiu Helluds itu luciii
tlvo husinch, too, ofteutlliicH getting us iiiuuh
us t'i foi 11 single pacr
It Is tho fashion to cover llovver pots w it It
ornamental covers made of crttoutio ovir
ctiitlbom'il. Tho cretonne is sell 1 tod to look
I us much as povsibie like oiieutiil china, and
the observii pi 1 tends not to see tbo cloth.
Several (.iiruiuu ladies enjoj" n veij good
pi actlco as dentists. Among the inolo sue
tesKfulis I'liiiileiii vou Dummliig, who was
tralneil iu I'lu ladelpli 1 1. mul now practices
lit Wiesliaditi. Aliothei, riaulelii vou
Ocitzcn, praittivsin Inidon.
Tho Riqu emu com toi Utah has cntcicd a
llual Judgment dissolv mg I ho Mm moil ( 'liureli
coipoiulion and escheating tho piopeitj to
tho governiuent, Tho liofuiduiilHhuvo taken
thoc.isoto the huplemo colli l of the United
titates, wheio it will bo hotly contested.
rrinco Hlsuiarck recently gave 11 (eto fo his
servants nud tenants nt l'lledrichsriiho to
celebrate tho dispatch to Hei liu of 5,000 tele
griqih Kilmcut in his foiests. Hismiicl: Inn
Mipplied Oeimany with 100,000 telegraph
poles dm ing tlio lust ten
A Nebraska man hasoigaul.edabandcoii
sistiugof a conceit ma, a tnaulc ImocIiuiih,
a)i ur of cj minds ai.d a inuiilh orgu'i. Ho
pl.ijs the eutiio coiiibinatioii h.iuself, and
would nuke a mighty i.nm.y oigaiiizilion if
ho e-jiild only airoid to lino a di 11111 iiiujor.
Tho family of Admir.ilil I) imiiL ptssessos
it lunch jirizcd lieu loo 11 lu tho form of r.
hmI 1 bie istpui. This pin b is b -en woi 11 by
the brnlci of tho family M their nuptluls for
over u ceuturv nest. No ono bill u brulu
o 01 tho Dupont nnnio isulloive I to wear
luu I""- vjoou iiic-u is ih-iiovoii loaecompaiiy
tlio tie iter
I, Stnitli, of Valdnstt, (la , his n pair of
biasu "-poo.i iiidliU that woro 1 1 1 -four jours
befoic theicvoluliou. '1 hev vvi ie llrst ow ued
by Mr. bmith's gieat g"indfalhi'i, nud they
I. ivosuiCBsively di-sce idesl dovni tho luunij
line to tho p.eseut owuir 'liu uilo 11 t'iu
family has beeu lor j o m3'. tt boy lo get
Who Were I lie hldlicil I: illtiont?
Ol o of th" inj -to! .o.U 1 .1111 1 cities of
southern North Ann 1 let is t'iu'. ..f Kiidui
vu 1, near tho vvcstoi.i 1 01 it of sue 'luis
was known I 1 tho eailv rp inl h etplon is,
but liiunt pn&e'it foi... Iroiu water
it Im seldom Ikvii visile 1 A nt t.111 vcying
IMity found tho lulus tj 1 of i.igmitio'm.d
sulistiintiul ttouo build. i,rs, ono ol which was
four 1 wet in 1 teut. i!n indication! oint
t 1 lh" ft 1 im 1 cxisteuci of 1 di list popuhtioi
To thi'ioutlivvaiilitastieiiiitit I iva from 0.1c
to ten miles wltlo 1 11 1 1 irty t.nlei long, un 1
lho suriounding countiy is most urld mul
desolate. No lust 1 iptnai, 11 1 lee 1 1 tells tlu
tale of tho great city or of its fate. Ai kuu
saw 'liaveler.
Case nf it oun Mooimhlner.
A cm ions caso of moiinshiuing v.ns tlovel
opetl iu tl.o I'ltleiul tlistuct couit heio today
when Hiscom Johnson was placed on tnal.
Hogivo iu 17 und Kild In had I ecu
limning mi independent still foi (lveje.tis
without tho knowledge of his father Ho
txpluintd that ho Usui n lovvdei mil foi a
customers nil tholsijsof the neighborhood
Tho scene of his iugi unity wis iu Pranklm
county. -Atlanta Cor Clu'tao Ti ibuue.
Slnrtfcl lij ii IlugU'.
Tbo inittln,; o.i a fc'ioi t tuno njjo of tho fast
rxtites IhiUhi'ii ndinblli-L-li mul Lomluii liu
' '?'"" '""r',J f "' ''! inlmbituiit.uiilo
I ii f I ili illhinilin f.n t ...... . 1
"'"'". vji uKu, nun uuo
1 t tlu'so alltvi bo i-in iiiiMiiher win n
110 tiiini for IMinliiiih ttm t.ittol by n
li'lgloplajin.: "I'd Ik-ii luitti'ilh " 'IIiojiiu
Kiitr tali wh ns mull lil.n Hugo fuicbcs
as ijibli, I 11 lu.'giii'i! wiui.imtd 1 1I11I on
tu)aiidllio tat liUu din.r on top
llUO. -lllUOi.l) 11 HllLjl .
lio Wl.lild (n Olillcr.
Mr Odstiil.o (tal.iu bis i n to lUoii'S
(am mi lor n lii.t luiuli u!ui tho plav,
Uio'iiU'S lu. foi mi r fnu In inn 111 tin' pel u
1 1 tho .uUr tint s ivu lu n -Ah, U ilium,
I . 11. j on I Willi Iti..t'i. mis. liiiuus
k iiij bluo 1 h iln; j, plonto
U illiain i.ii'idoUh , I u: with tbo old
ti'tiotiuriluf h'.iaIi ncti i. 1 1.1 Miall I
I fli tlivin up in tho loIiI luu ins, ir tho il
1 1 liatUcrr-l'iUubmj Hi'iU in.
,-...v ...... .. ...... ... .......m, .1,' HUH llll IU9
Ami n v ii'.uh foi insi'tiion :u
John Morrison's
AM the Finest Uu.-ilitiVs niul Liit.tst l'iittctns in stock. I have
the fines' cutter in tl e cits ami ni.ii.-inlec salisfattion. Call
and see my k'ootis antl woik.
121 North Eleventh street.
Tli rollimniff Iih.k nr( ( nhlitlif .1 In iifrtt I
rtpff un I iimny nf ilirm imn Uunifly Itinaiinipif
Ilitifil in miv Un.l i r i-ihuun-j nnd Inrttiiti t i ti
lllftntmo of tlm ilnv nl i n nicitn(lin 1 11 vu
lltnei tho rho nt nli li ti.fjf kiu Ik i it ( I ii.
unilrr nf lltn nrll, N ti mi mn Onm (
lh t ll It Ml I tl llfl of 0 ! l M )
nilii I nt nt I it tii t t inipil in l iimi i
11 fra ..P lliii k. ii I iU ill II . ..
nil mi t Iwiiii( I t ini it tin 1 tl li I iimu 1 1 an. w uh
l't.IIV-V ..u-vii ,..T- r. . i n1 q. it-
fi-iftKn iti i i mi
I'li.miir I rrtltiti. imtt (Mlirr Mttrhr t1'
J iimi Am Atl ii liittMliu rtiut
"'"," ' '.''..", '" ' ' '" ",, -i
I lii uiil Kirtnli I ii m r. ( ( i m ti mn and
ll. H ,t t m tit H MllniUnrliiMi, l h
-Inftnr itu r i ml I i UI w III II
i hrUtniH Miirli i l t it tn liimitk V hllna
rtti'iiitr ii im in ii. i( iiiMin in n m kiiiimi
li Cvtrrit at hi frrw t- irlllvl t l nttr l i im trip
KtMMI I (111 I trill II ( I iHMi A 1 k Ml Imlrff It I Ulff I,
fiiMlmt rn I t t MM w I lk M I m
lpnlnr Id i tl tt 1 1 iilii u ml IHiitntitit , Ittimormtt Itmn
ItOftllll tlrll il i4 All tl r Ulr-il lnimOp vl t , tr
1 Im i IT iiiiitli l ii nf MimIi rn 'I I mi . Miiitiiift p r
lift it m 1 I I r t ' t-u lit fit tut tft Aiiiflhtlil fltilii II
tlitm t I ruk t l lln itttnt
I ntnl lln r ) nut nl I mi I i tAtnlnt 0 rilln trt 1 fttitl rvr
H i( niftiiv t rt-iifnitt rtitt hiitallnf ah I luinnii
tt n A t iti h i ' i n iic
l.ntf I ITi lii Nrtr nrl. A tUt nf tltl 1 1 ttt Irturti
hi nln Id Uik ti Ip ri . I i l K"ftt r(l llluttrttt I
llirltiHttl In mil ti. N I m ivi-ittPinr ' if
frill m tli irli'v ti ti n vnk t 'i11npr ' l ft r ti
,(rl l Mtftv i k t tMllt ta I Ilf mt I li tlrtllf
tttm Mtimlriit l'iiiiiliir hiitiu, niinitiiui ititttlt ttili It lit ti k ii i Ii Uti i lira nw mi 1 1 1 1
Hie Norl". Ilrlr A N "I II M lit A imi Pi vmmi
Alliirftrr.l I ITi. IN irl lit tlm lttMn
An Olil 3lii Hh.rlllrr. A Nutil Hy Hi Ann n
TiTWn will fii nttr rtnr Mho Rtntr l(M((ntif Html imii ri I iim trr tnr nitly I i rnt nn) tm fir
Kit rittatiu ytvrjifv fr lur f.O i ina I tin fhl in Iitti tOI t oKtifnr 1ft i ml i tlir 1 1 lit ltl IhhiiiiI III lrill
lllirlotlittitk fop Hi t4l, 1liM-'ilieutitritl'ttKmn i n tmok R CTrr M n .1 i tm I r nil lot kr mrMlilnirtnf IL
tlliirMcn r uio nru rrftitt.tfil I'o'tictt fnitmi UVwi (ur frnrlintunf l tliilUr A a liitmr t-llit.lllf ,
rffr M . lif iit-ntpHirr I ul llthrtl in New i-rk iktHir t H n t'ltniiii trt -1 AtffMt tf AH orilrm nllfJ by
rniuall AOJrfipllletlvtii 1. M. I.Ur'iON.I'iililUhvr, .No n:i Aim rv Klrrrt. Nnvf V-trl.
Union -
The Overland Route.
Slioitest ami Quiikcsi
ailHil Kra t ii .1 Wm Xy r
i IH Ym In? fzMr
1nl! HiriiVcrliitiil lljcr mul Kiivt' nut iliij In nil I'licllli cniint iolnls.
Itnniiiiii; Into I'iiIoii DfpiiN iiiuIkiiiiii rllnir ullh lho fust llmllnl trulim nf nil lliif lor nil
pnlntwi'ii, lHirth mul niiiilli 'I lirmiuli lli'lti Ih mi iikhIi rn ilny mucin m. Hhkuiiiii' i'Iim knl
(lifoiiMli Im)i kI I nut ton fmin nil h.uIs i iih! In lln I nlli il stnti t mul I'niiiiilii.
.Slcc)cr .iccoiiuiH .l.itinns in tliidiili I'ulliimti I'iiIiilu card f i out tlio MtHtourl
ill ii In (In P.u tin mast
AitiiiK (ii'iicinl Miiuai'i'
I . -
ppJjJMLfa.1 mmmmu I n I w
1 1 r M j
I . - VWAiklS
E iliull C.l -v ( TTT'V.
-v.-vi' L.Ti ...1ri",
-At- A' nf'
I v- IF T "s . - r U.I V
v S.s -& -rTiiirrvSu. - "y''V ::
II . J v ,.v. At."-J. I.i S-tJU. . l ' , "A - '
MM"-" -.. -., .., ,- . , . rmr AiriiiiBiii mM nniAiiniiMi i
Jt" central ponltlon imtl rlo min-wri'in with Eitntorn Hiioh at Chlcupo
and rontiittio.H lln s ut t nntnul ji lint i, Voit, Noitlivvot.t. and Soutli
woBt, malto it tho tnio inltl-llul: In that tiiiiiBcoiitini-ntul cluilii of otool which
utiltoB tho Atliiutlc anil Purine Iu initlit luum ntnl hrunchoa Inchido Chl
ciiijo, Jollot Ottiiwu. L-iSullo, Ptjc lin, Ociiojoo, Mt lino und Hoclc Islnnd, ht
IJllnola. Davoitnoit, Mtiiratlnii, V'luihlnirtoii, Falriuld, Ottiunwii, OBknlooaa,
vlllc, Aucuhon, Tliirliin.cJalhrli-Coiiti-oniul Council rititlJ. in Iowa: cfallatln
Ti-on.on ('union i.Si JuM-pli i.nd Kunuitf Cltv . in Mlusouit. Louvonvvorth
itnd AtdilHon, li; KiniHiit . Minnoupollo and 8t ..ul, in h.tncaota ; Wutor
tov.;n nnd Bloux PidlB In Dakota, ami many othornro8i)".roiiBtownnand cltioa
It also OllPru IL C'lIOICn OK UOIJTER to .mil f ,m tun t.w.ltl. f'r..,if ..V.,1 ..
kt rUlllLII'II-V. Ill VV. IL 1 II . lll'l VII Mill H IT1I1IIII1I1U1 "J IIV
modluto Dlui i-o. nmklnir nil triniHf.ri.
SAVfc,gR hil!F?L ol '"r-V1 P-N'Nvl I'Mi?, trnsuia.-out PULLMAN PALACR
hLKfcPINO CAIIB. and (botwoon CI l-ngo, Kt Josi ph, Atchl. n and Ktinsiii,
flra'icutiu!ck"t5 NINQ CHAIK OAU aoaUi K,lJ cc I-oWom of tSrough
1-j.tnwjH ws. and no ithwndt from Kutts. i ity und St Joaoph to Tnlr.
W'iFu' V01"' r,p,&''. n rtiuun. ilttvhtiw n, Wichita, CaldwoU
ami all polutb in bou In u. N 'm I- In t v y .ia,ai ,in,i beyond Entir
in si niroi oqninmoiit i tl cololM-ntod Ptiilnuiit nn mif etitro Solidly bnl
lu I true: nt hoaw it . lriill Item and oton. bi-u'u-. a All nafjt npnlliincoe
tiSZW0' uU ---tonf Oolcrlty.ccr.
la Mm favprito bi iwii Ciitcnco, Rock It.ln.iid, Atchison, KtiiBiioClty and
Mr..! unoh i. in! -. . .. il Th f id ' roi.- . .11 V r horii St nim rPpim t
lnW.ft-o ,-n Un n. i -in i'., , mo iu.. i p ".. u i 'vo "limda or the riai
i im ii'tvitota
Tli Uhoit Line via Potior aivl K'.nkakoooit.n m unorlorfuoilitlontotravoi
bniv'.ii cnnctHiaiii. ImMmupoi. . .u CoB Bh siJo i
Au'hinon.j avo . -ir'h.Ki nmui li .Minm-apoh Piiul
tor 1 1c kot h, M ) v ohUii a, or any d Juiitd i uorruaMon uunly to any Con
pouTlci.itOiU.a intho Omtcdatutoa or Cntmda, oruodtoos " -"
Goscrnl Mt:.t)cr. fl I It ' (l , i,t, Gra'l Ticket &rftM'rAff,nt.
In iifrU lAtniMpt form rmlnl f- m pool tr.Ui 1 tj on rn-4
iiiiallHicif liipv. nri nit 1 1 n nt inn rhrArl I ik ?m ritl-
i h rn in mb pi i. nm ii nun.' in h fitt li k iii
ik n r 'hrr Ml rt Ittnr iitl i k4 uiiUld CU1 inttif
i t i mi U (it mi itm U
I Im r.tnilllnl Kultlr. A t rr t T Cuni
I lil'lH.I OnLliK (.ml A r.n.l HrMll-..r..P Jl
I I liii I (! I ail I ! Hi il 1 k ! Ill I I ii Jliaulli
IImIIimt AIi Hull. A N Ml li llimttiRT rinvf
tin t'r I
ir,. M.Mitr. ANnl Pf ftt W 1'irP. r
' I ntlrr lint I I1mi. A h ! It jr H kiiir l N !
I I tin IMiitnuinl llnirtlrl A N tl tf lln Itint
, W i lituii ,it
'I lit I til II r'trrrl. A Nn-rl fti It 1 f tlil !.
I Im Mmh.ui I nfti if llr. JiLttl mul Kir. Iltila
V H ft hf i it
A hltiMiltl A v. -l tli It .AM tin lli
I ii lit ultttiPlli' IMiitiiiiltiU. A Kuttl lit "T
11 t turn 1 tin Mm A Nottl Tj tl ftttllitr if Urtft
Tl I IfHtt tt, I
I tit Mint tf llt-itrl. A f-it1 r, li I rtMirm.
lln rift I urt tint an i I 1 1 miMi f shi in
A I mm Inrrliiur. A H lv Mitt tliimi llht.
I III tJtlllly lllttfi A vet llt Uii !. iit I tut
'I tn I'liUuii r ifthft. A N ttl li CiittMi m MiUftf
Mtlltt (JtHKUI. A fci trl Hf III ll'PJHV Wltlilt.
I nratllitr llu I I tit r. A K. I llfltlt AlllftPt.
I'lut Miliihl'a Mitiiutilvr. A Nwttl Itfllif AftfttA
Fi ni I it i it I
I nlr hut I u Ur. A Nml
11 II IllUtll ttltt
r ti. ull up it " l-mi
I Mitt-ii'tir- i utilii. A Ntft lly Ml II V Vicrtufc.
lliirinir ttlnfllnt ttnlh, A Kettl Hf Mr IUbi
a hi . i init tt
'I hi UiMiiMN lUtrr. A Ktl Pf I'r J II i1oiua
fit tl iM
llm I iitintrnlit rttlittt. A Nnttl (if It T rifhfift
Route to all points in
Washing 'n
IJ. SLOSSOX, City Tieket A-ent.
Kill () Stmt, Mn'inln, .NMuiisl.ii.
J H Tinilll-.TS. 1' 1, I OMAX,
(it'll I'iish iiml'Ikt A.t Aks (im I' mul T Agt, Ouinlia
Mauwr'tfMraKajr.KMCximr mnmjBianiMHiH
I's&ii. tfroL" y& H
U ,, -T. ' I VsK!lf l. il I o,U-u ,'vll! Tf"
.', jWT,fl"' '"Vn ' H o-sVh ikI
'A--' .l.l.lL.t
. Il'lll IV flVIIinl-l TL. ... n .
lu II. ' 1 .1 nnin rr.iut Tmina r.u...