O'O'O-O'O'to'O'OOj X N. , i& i' ,v .V . 1 1 'CV .hf i wiViy; ... ra &a z l.A.r.lr- a: k a, wmv '.-V S3 V -i .AilVI, ' "Sv - -- '111 Vm x. ,-v-, ,,- ,J S V' Claras TCTym:' "A- P6Pd UR RMt!R or AX9PUUN -TIMES :c'l Vou, No. A3 Lincoln, Nisukaska, Saturday, Novkmiiick Id, l8Hd m'mma jfii...tt.' 'Iml v .i-.v .it i or itr. ' x-v .. --vi' . vvvav:. i - .. t . . rvifM tfc-"-7i -aa -v,. iviv vmm rm rr bmm . .xhhs Wv w i 'inx. i m r v i;MoaiKniM4 m s TUINCSS DULY ONSEUYlvl) COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE Willi! I' tli'iinl, Neon, I.t-ixrnrd itiWl T'i'itl iictilly Suggested (o lite Multitude. I wonder If our neighbors In Otmilm lire mv.iro of tho fact Hi it Lincoln Is txt ty, mid mid lus for sonn tint It? en In closer com- lllUllllMHoil M til Clll'lgO tltllll tlll llll'tltl- polisf Do our friends know Hut it person mil leave Chicago Jit 1 o'rlt' 'k in Hut nfter msm via the Iluiliugtou ii'i'l reach Lincoln lit'Xt iiiiii nlng t T, while Diimlm pnssengers louvliiK on tin mine truln tin not rvm-li llii'lr ili-stiiiiitiiin until :i.'ti Amlwi Lim-oln, tlu llh otiTrowu ntuntry town llfty llvo mill" furtliTitway Un'jettor ifi.-om I itio i th-tii liloatfil, liluU-niiK Otimhii, mill whilo the Oiuuhivr mis tutitu u ulilo tini'k nt I'Mflllc Jiuu'litui "xmilinj; for lime" Liiii-ohilttunrf fi:i tin? Iiotii-wunl run mi I ii-a-litho hoinc litso Jn-t llftu luluuttii i).nll"r thiin tltn -o-jtloof thi mtro(iulU tin win livo iiiiicIi cliitertu Chlfu;n. It It nut iilmut tluii' thut Omiilit wa lieliinln to imImi tho old howl viititltfti, "Why do tlu-y ilis?rliiiiii itu iignluit us." V UL'etionJiiovor 'I'ru'HOil ho tho Iird," forull tliut lin lijou heard or ro.td about in tlieptpir for tho hut thrco months was, Cleveland, HarrUoti, froo Itu h', protection, etc. And no v that It ils ovvr lot us look to tiurelvt.'S lajk uliout m mid seo what there is toltsdou.'. It you hivo voto 1 forthlueky winutTit, fuuurutiiluto yourselt and k " w-orkuitha n-uewol will. If on tho con trary you haw thrown iiw.iy tliut whl -h you trltj.lMlilf;lily and exp.etod mi -It j-ood io turnx from, reiuetulir you are mi Aiiieiican cltUen mil ciuut; niljnlt) allow jnrty predju llcun to carry you to uuieasonalile extreni'.-i. You uiuy ho ii repuhlicau, ileiuo crat, proUHiitloiiU:, iiuun'iiiiip or niiythiiiK vino, ami may Jiavo lost your choice, hut tluit cutu no ll(?ure in overy day life, nml now Uiat tho hatllo in over let us liuni the linhtof jieaee ud with one accord join in to profiler our ri0,11 nml Rlorlnus country. We luvo mu -U to do nml no time to npiiro in which t J do it- lli'ht here at horn protest is at hand and e .must add our might to pushing things Keuerally. Tho boom kxiiih to hj olf, no much tho more reason for our htreuuous eirnrts, but wo mv having n solid hoilthy growth, thut which beats all booms. Ict us tn lc nuwr and do wlrtt wo can to elevate the hoims, to ruiur tho community mid U hotter ourvelves. Tho campaign is over and wo have nil douo our duty. N iw tli m, let im one mid till tliop polities for tho present and do our common duty. V Of luto i; have noticed ji uuUniice fu tho opera homo an 1 that is the manner i.i which I ho op?mgluv lioi,('ulli.'t their lo.iiilugs. it ,.v,nw Mi-it. Iii it ab lut tint tim ) an eiitei tain- I mentis within a hulf un hour of b-lii at 11 clot , or shortly ni'erthe ciirl.tln rings up on tn 1 1 tst act these urchlnes clamor about their patiousmid ilejimml their goods. They tlou't uiiiid cliiuhilig till over everx one to get what they want mid If told to wait till the iiliiv U oxer ls'ivmio oulte insijlcjit. I tloi.V liellexo the miinage'Ui'iit, so to speak, is "oil to" tho bo)S and tlM'irdolngs, or tills kind ol . ile tllng would not be permitted. People hlr- liigopeia gl.ivse for tho liilit want them 1 t.niii tliet'Ii s.'. ir until tint cuitJiln is about I to lull, for iu many iustances, jtrtieulaily mi xvith spectacul.ir pluxs, tho best scenery is often ill the l.i st act. '1 tie Miulli Uud (.tub. Another oiganhatiou that piiiini-cs much amusement during the Jong winter iixcnmgs llllllls,iiie;i,,i,o,iS"""l,n ,..,v. r . . ... ... . has Ueu orgmilzed uitilci tno title tunnel. , " "' given .mil tl,.rilrst,;athc.ing took place Inst , ' l""lt ll- ii'lm..iii.l..iii.iw..tlais,,l,.,xM.x! Kl.tlay cxemng at the horn, ... Mr. ami ill. ',' l' M'- ,M' " """ ,M; L. Las erday, W. II. llargreaxes on listie.it. The uxening I . !.,,N' l"1'uN t'i;...-jy .,! Major .Naixxer was most enjo) ably .sis.nti'i plax.ugp.og.es- ' ' " t.p .u-. Itl. a pud up c.p.U.l ol siveeuchieandnota minor lH.rt..m..tllioi.f-. f'""- ' "M " ' '" 'oiuli..ii ...i .,.. .,.. i .i within sjix daxs in Hie new She dim block. ittir, weii. nie iiniiiij MMu..,..w.is ,.... u gahsl the ..inerican ot nil iox.-iil. 1 he l will meetexeiy alternate I'.id.iy evening the iiextbeingattliehomeotMrani M.s. Ijiw- iciicollel.liell, ..mil lentil rli.sjts. I he mcmbcisliipof Hie club jstiunt), com- poM'd ol the lollowing: Mr. mid Mis. (. ai I Kuukc, Mr ami Mis. h. . iluisUell, Mr. ami Mix. W. N. Leonaitl, Mr. mid Mis. H. H. lliiiuhaui, Mi. mid Mis. ('. V. Jhirr, Mr. mid Mis. C. H. Lippemott, Mi.iukI Mis. S. U. Mooie, Mr. anil Mix W. II. lliui eaves, Mis. Ilioey, Mrs. .lohu Helming, Musis I'rauk Z.'luuiig and D. L. Thompsoii. (ileal llllilion .sale M. Ackerii.nii & Co. purchased for ll.elr ictail stoic, the 'iimiiihm, 1,000 jiieeen, All till I., Snl in anil (i iii (liuni lUhinniH, anil will oiler them nt Special Hale the coming wtek at pricct. lets thuii ever oltl or bougut for iu ttis illy. Iu udilitioii to this it veiy Hue stock ol Dstiich Phimes;woi th from $.'! (HI tof.MHI each, will be sold at T.le. l.tx) mid I.:J7 each. The U'nuly of the Kamul'sj' Hpecial Sales me: They give ala)s what they atlvrtise. Call ami insjsct tho bar gains at the 1'AMtU'h. corner O. and l'.'th, under Kiinke's Opeia House. A t'olort'il 'Vlaii .Mmltt Itlch lloxxn Sol. III. Amos Mai'sh, an old colored iiiaii llx lug on Hell street, xxho iIih-s jobsaroimtl the city ,1 ill Just drawn tsb'i.lHK) iu the Louisiana Htate Jyittery. In July ho ami a fi lend inxistetl each Iu tickets for the monthly thawing, which look plate Aug. 7. Last week Mmsh leinncl that his ticket, which was.i.s'.H, had ili-ntt n oiiu-twentleth ol the capital ,,rie of j W(KI,(HK), making his shaio tl.i.OOO. He placed , I IK) UCKCl 111 till) iiaiiiis iii Vilnius r.pitss rompmiy for collet tion. .Mmsh has a large f.tliilly mill Is jKhjr. Ovinir (N..I I Cicoanc, Aug. AV Imiiin taut. Hvery vo.er should know that the 1'iilon Pacille, "the Ovei land Uoute,"and the Chi uigo iV Northwesleui iiiilway commciiceil Huutlay, Dttober II to December l.'i, miming Pulliiiaii mid Wiijiiervestibuhsl palaio leep-!'hi ers tliioiighfrnii Donxm1 t Chicago x in Diiiaha mil Council llliittji, tlw lihiclpal line fi om Denver to Chlciiijo, BITS ON BICYCLING. A 'I'(ili,nii 1 1 ,i r Notes Alum I 111,' Spin t mill Personals Alimit W'lii-i-l iiK'ii. TIk liojt imv iIiIIiik nwful fnM, 'Wlii'Pi In it inonuwit, hi llinnlil hi lift, H. Ii'h tllllt'llilllt mi full of lllist Thrown Saniinv In four Inchiw of dutt. (To Ik coutltiutMl hi our not 1 Till lllt I till Will llli wlll'lff MirtlMK uUlil on th- l:ith lint. "The link Is not mi nssuiiil fact i't." YnilliK hns Ik URhl n ni'w Miilillf, I ho "I'll,.,,!,,!!,. ..,. ,, . ,, one wimlit lint i'iiitv nil liU trtmliltn, fttiiv iiuciitly it ut'w mill litrrr one. Tht'wiltt'r itft'lviil it mix of ilntifiN liisj MihhIiiv innniiiip, In spilr of thi' Mpt't'liil ii ipii'tt, "No ilitwt'rs." T'lankn to tho iiukiiutvii itl't-r l',ie weather is erv em.l to start on a tour so mil y in the morning, i . would be ml iwible to wait untlll about ten o'clock befoie be ginning n slmit journey. Young, I'olliK'k, l'nt', Vim Horn mid ('ii)it. Higliter Khleto YalpmaiM) iiud letiirn last Sunday. The roads were in cry fair condi tion and hoiiiii quick time was made, Hlghter and Van Morn milking tweuty-llvo miles in two mid one half hours. .Matt Miller, an old time rider, and a good out" too, Intends lo visit Knglimd shortly. He also will go to South America. Tho boys in the h"jH in general mid the writer wish Mr. M. a very pleasant time and ti list that he w ill not let Ids mu .culcd decay nor his w heel got i usty. "I'IM.LII." A Titleiilfil I.iilj. Lincoln ought to feel happy in tho posses sion (for a time onl I of a joutig lady who Is destined to win latitels on the inierntie st ago Hie will be one In a line of exnuisite simrers ' whom America has given the old world. In deed so many prima donnas of KuroM'iin fame aro American by birth that it has been said w ith some truth that America is giving I''tltOHi its female oIcch. Lincoln, however, hns not often had in its midst singers of cele brity and it may not prove uninteresting to glvo a brief sketch of Miss Hllle frltchllelil, who Is now tho guest of Dr. Iaucoli Eleventh street. Miss Crltchfleld was horn in Indiana, nml there her musical education was begun. Kor the last three enis, however, she has studied in that grcntciit of cities fornmsfcal training, Milan. There under the celebrated Delia Valloaml Cmelllshe pursued her studies, amongst pupil, ficm every nation iu Kurope attractislto Milan by the fame of those two givat teachers. The result of the training is easily discer nible iu Miss Critehlleld's style. Hhoposse-hes a clear and resonant mezzo soprano voice of ample range, extending to C iu alt, ami of (tower sulllcient for the largest opera houes, and owing to the dlstiuetniss of her enuncia tion it is possible to undelstiiud etery word h'"" N "higlng, mid this Nmi litre a x irtue that "'" " iiinions puma uoima is nicking 111 it. Her execution is admirable and lier breadth I of stylo enables her to sing such widely -ar)-Ing p.titsas thosenf Auceu.i iu II Tiovatoie, Mlgtion.Hieliel (Ktiisl), II IVophite and the iimneusjly dilllcult inusie ot Wagner. 1 Miss Crlt hllel I lias not jet, wo bellexe, made her lorui'il debut. When she does 1 Ameiiea will hive le.isoii to be proud that 1 another pi ima donna is added to the list of , those smgeis wliose xones haxe eharuusl continents. Allot her ll.mU r,ir Lincoln. Not content with live liaukiug houses, and being iimple room for the sixth, Lim olu is I to haxe such additii.n ml. led to its lists of ' conimeifial Institutions. The lnstii to be! titled the I'm halite National bank, with ' . , ,i ... . .. .. llOlle I, s till,,, .in, f-imlnl f.i,n,l l,. tti.,,1 - - -, it xv i 1 1 I ,ts ixt.-I-sl 1 1 . A t c- . i . j I T ill "t 1 1-7' llnkh. K, ,.,,.,, ueiestttl ate xoun- ' mi(11) in;;li)lliiiinm ,1Mlei ,.,,, ttll.rZ' ' t unly mwt with success, ami Hie Cut Hint I , L.uu,uil ut ul.u.h ' i ' Pllnlj's (irt'itt I'letiiie. This magnlllceiil wo-k of ait, "The Wise nntl I'oolUh iruis arrived Wednes lay in several huge boxes ami Is b.-iug arranged for iiisjicct Ion today. The Ilavdon m t club mi tier xx hose auspiues thexxork is shown hero uie entitletl to gicut cnsl.t for tliUontci pi ie mid now that it is about leadx to lx exhibited , ovtry lover of ait should tutu out lo make ",u cii.o.uiiiiia. euoit m mis mie, u nig sue . .. .... jount i.iiwjt'r I tieinis. ,x , ,, , , n, . , .. During he past w. -ekl Hi: Ct.l-liiim m.e has urited out some elegant e.fliiiii.siii law bnels, tmo number ing nearly "undiisl pages. U4. ouW like our Mentis of the legal fialeniity toivmember that in this class of work w extvll ull others and that our prices mens low n the lowest. Calls by tele-I phone. No. liVI, promptly ansvxeictl ami all woik lelt at our olllco in ilm v block done , neat, ipiick autl cheap. lliillell's .Sew Move. The end of the )earl)eing at IiiukI mid hnv lllg a larger stock than Is ilesiicil at this sea son, Jeweler Hulk-It has concluded to dlso of same to highest biddeis mid commencing this evening at sev eu o'cIik k, the gtsitU vx ill comment e to move. Mr. Daw sou, one of tlu i 110sl ,w ,, ime.esting sale talkers has i.tl t.t,KK ,! , conduct the vile. He is not a stranger ill our midst, haxiug been he re on similar occasions heretofoie mid evcrjujio xxho has piiichasctl ot him, lias nex er found his t epi ewntatiaiis to pi ox e olhei tliiiu true. ' " will U, Intel cstlng to our lady readers to ( hl,,m that Mr. Dawson's pleasant wife will be "ith him diiniig the saletowait upon the ' ' I'i'lles. uml In tliNcuse Ihe lair ones may their own bidding. It will bo a big WiU "l s cxer)thiiig will go fur what it will , , "''"Bi joushetilil not ftuJ to take puC u. the pixn'tixlliigs. j SOCIETY'S LATEST KAI). PARLOR TENNIS THE NEW GAME. An i:fiilnt: Pastime A iiiiiscniciit I lull Pr, Unix's llicnt Pupiiliirlt . So-ie'y Isever on Iheipil ie for some thing ii.m, an I neter le-ls llen'ou ;hlv sttl lie I unless at least one unveltt Is iutiohi'el each was m, mil with the Ojienlng of the o r eSi-r 'is to be known as I'.u lor Tenuis, will revive duii' tentl in Iu tli.thands ofth- iu mber of the U'liailiusl elr les. Ahead) In New Yolk, mi i we are mfi I nnsl bv the leading so, letv Jour- uals, I'm lor Tennis p.utle lime 1h,-h In I vogue for the -tsi s weeks We liereuith glteau lllutnitl"ii showing iiriaiiemeuls for the g mi an lth' podtlmi oc'-upiisl Ii) the plaver. Tin: u.kiiK ami now to i-lav it This new mid lasciiialiug game Is plun-il with a Hat bat and twenty lour Ii.iIU, col ored, mid coimtiug as follows: 10 (White) counts ft tallies. I (blue) counts 1(1 tallies. V! null counts l.'i talliis, 1! (jellowi counts till tallies. '.' (pink) counts i", tallies. 'J (gltxml counts Mi tallies. J Cjolcl) counts lot) tallies. 'i he balls mo played one at a time, the plajeiH object being to lend them, by batting into the net, which Is ealle I tli. '(in il." The game may beplajisl iuditldually or by sides. If the latter, ispntl number of playeis will Uj chosen by the holdets of No. 1 and No (!. tally cmds, Indies ami gentlemen i'i:i oil rx 1 1 c i w 1 1 ! - being s-lected and tally cards gicn them, umi.bcicl Iu lolnlion. t.i d.-s.g nale the.r turn to play. Kadi side will have thiee or mole innmg to be ilct-i mined l,v t,e im.t, who shall lie uinpiii , mid i!c nie ail mattei-s nimeituimiii: to the gnu... The all mutters nppei tabling to the gm.., Iside haxmg the laivtst iiiuubi. ol tallies at , ter Huts' Innings shall be ilechunl the t lining pious. 1 he lady mid gentleman on the win, I nhig side whohuxe the laigest grand total oj lallus will v cntltltsl to the ,;riiiid pnzi-s'Ti. case of a tie, the players nillt plav It ell Ii) each biiting Hiiee balls of ci..il ilti.omma tin. i., Tlielndym.il geiitleiuau on the losiu,' side who haxe lite Mnallist giand total ol tallies wih be i ut.tlcil ton count al plie If Hie game lspla)isl i idix I.luallx . th" pla.xeis niu-,t take thjr tin nsacconbnit to tin irniiin , -. ,,'w . I IH'I S M Ml, I I IK, I 1(11, III "". ... Ill I. III,.., ,,, ,, f desiguat.si by thel,lte.(i TllJ ,,,,. Iin, geullemau leceix mg the laigest ' a lot, al 10 ,,, ,)f Ull. ,,miR. tl) 1((. Hecl'iietl the xxinueis. , lifl.l.s iik Till. t. vxik. Na '1'lll, ,,lll-v olssliull be numbeieil to coiiesponn io ice niiiuuer oi piajeis. i nc huly's tally caul ipink ribboni, uml the gen Hemans (blue ilbbom me ill aw u sepaiatel) No. 1 (ihe lad) I, commencing the pin). No I ' (the geiitleiimiii, follows, anil the leiuaui I''1' m'cordiug to rotation. No.-. 'Ihe plate may be seven ami a hall fiet fiom the goal. N- !l- -ll 'he balls io lo placisl by the mile X the player. ,,i, i ihe player must simitl wnu one foot on the place No. fi Uno bull only to be hatted at a time. No. 0. Halls entering the go.il will lie counted, and the total uiiiiiIh'I' ol tallies inaiked on the plawaV tall) caid b) tin umpiie. N". 7 Liu h side will have their iiuim,. m tuin, ami all play in lotatioii (iieoidiu to luiiulteisoii their tall) t.i.ds. No. 'I he total number of tallnsof tach s.thi must be kept l.y the mipue aller i.uh inning, No. ti. When pin) Ing the iudixi tuil guiut , Mm w Inuers of Mm llrt Innings ma) 1 hand (capped, by mux lug the pi tie one fool further from tho goal. No. 10 When plit) in x sid-s, the winning side inav be h itulieapped In like mminer. No. II The winners iu all sulmspieut In nlllgs, niM h iiidli'iiii.sl tine foot in each In nlilg. Nt'lltlKSTIONS. The pinto iu tv it ii'ulntisl ns lo ilistmiee from the i;nnl at the ill- I Ion of the ii'iiphe, liefoie the tMiiiuimvni 'ill of the gam The Imt should Ii lie) I iu the light hand, with Ihd Hut p ii I on nn angle of ttlnmt til iltirn,' The bill in t'lrleft li'lil I ii tosl two or llil'" lurlies lit the air mid bitted lUhtlv, so It will fall into the pul Th-giilmiy be plstctil mi Hint It llliet li,-!Ms'iilwo elrilrs. Diml strilr the liall haul, us a gentle tup l Mllllelenl. Tin re liillln's for e It'll side Is villlliii'lll fni the t'M'liliig's gain . The ;.'ess' l'i luting t'o , In the new llurr I block luxe the out lit lor plii)hu (hi game audwill take pleasuie in slant I114 it to all whocall It Isa verv luleiestlng gain' and tine that has U'l'omo ery .popul'tr Iron 1'ie stittt. ! 1 it's rinii untiiiiii). i Thui'whix afteiniHiu th home of .Mr. mid Mth. f. K lllgelnu was alive with little pen pie, Is'iit on having a gay time and they eer lalulv had it, If jofut laughter and the sounds of merry childish xolees me any Indl- ("ition. TIik reeasliiu was Hie llrlh aunl'.er s;iry of Master Clifford lllgelow mid many were the well wishes mid tokens showei'sl up on him. The young people present were lluv Lltnl sjiJ', Itay l)e I'ution, Walter liseh, llurr Latch, Hairy Litll'.HIilney Van Horn, l'eail Inez anil Midge (lullck, Maud Little and Ma llei De ration. i iamk T lift Ion U oxvr and eve.x.m, Is Uvill lo . tile down l.-exeixday life iiaiti ii.lcr is appro i-ltu. mid c.M w.'.thcr ,. il,n um .Miiuv . f Ushnxe not )i I sht-l om lighter gniineulsiuid otl eismcjitst about t akelhe change ,llui. Mi-m is' -tore, to liltilo'the ehilllge Lollle Jlexiis t,,r, lis I, Inee, is in els in smch o tlslilole, is IlutXadllVS Hie hCI'lli 'it I u-v bin ( xt inter i ouito. ts, and miiuv mo tiieiauiet, w.ioc.ui ineieior ntieuirao, goisls mid Im mshatgs. Inne is nlwn)sui. Iitiuil wilh the latest nn I an ample siippb ol It. Don't fall to call and sis Ids stH'', and get prn ts. Tlie Col'llint lordinllx mxit '. nn I as a matter of Im t itspiests tie Isdlcs of I.iii'oln to ciuttibllte all items of im'Wh tl ev max tliut to i-oiiiini I'fiuimst o ssiety Pel sons ui' III" im, t ick ,..,, . . .. .a,,,, i,.,i,i . , r. tl - n .....,.-.. i... e.sif thexwlll send a list of the name, f those p.esent at the parties, n-ii.1 fill., r bv m,, telephone, or call iu per m at the olllc'e iu the llmr bio k. McL'uno ',lu' ' hange mini .entlv nt (Melt's win leliy btuaklast is hcixul on the KnroN'iiH plan iii.teatl or tl.e toiiuer way ,, scrx mg a legiilar hreaklast, is unelmg vtitli dci idisl sin cess, and Mr. Udell icp a t gient im it xm iu patioiinge. Ditler what )mi txant mid pay tor wTTut von eal is the new rim tit things It isatlmittisl l,x all wl.n haxe tins I them that St Patiick's Pills ale Hie most s i fis-t plivsic ill Use. Tilt)' le'txe the boixtls IU ii urn! mid licilihy co'.ibtion so that constipa lion tloe not follow, i'ui'kileb) W J Tur. er. Jtiioxx All XIiiii hj 'I liese I'ic.i ills, 'ififct the t'tiliiii Pa.'ill'. "Hi.' Oxeiliiinl l(oiit,"aud the Cliiciuo, Milxxaukts' a. St Pauiltailxxay, touiinein e 1 S'.adav, (, t,'l r .'Mo Hetemlier IV to 1 it it Piillmiiu al ii e slii'pi'A tlllollgh ll'tllv fiom llenxer tot'hl igo x i'()iiiuhi. nml C'tiim il ItlnlV- I'ui Kent, Pine suites of looms in the W b ' fui'iiislnsl nud un.urnislu',1. 1 .' ISIIII t. i I I, SKKXATTIIKIMiAYIIOrSKS. MATTERS MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC A ltit lew or the I'tist, 11 W.ml lii'llie I'leienl nml I'riispet'l lur I'nliiie Aiiiilseiiieiitt, t tn i.mi.i: ixi "UN. The initial opera perforiu'iu if Hie kimsui was wIIiiixmsI at l-'iinlc's Wedneslav exen ln', mid the tn II litt pet form inee iu l.linolii of that xeiy po,iiilur Ojiera, (he Little Teoon, w is the attrn -tlo 1. It xai n I iiu lo 'e I for plcn'iiv a id crijilnl every aulli'ipillo 1 was freely fillHIIisI Toe coiluilllll mid seeii"i y was very llu, an I the s ng sittings exollent, th latter rcll 'tili.cislit upon the st ige w inkers of Ihii l'"iink . The cut, nllh ).l (h 11 1' a p 1 x ei fill one, was e mio4i 1 of a bittir Inland I enm.iiuy th in Is 11 u ill v s"ii Willi opir.t eompiiilet. Tin chorus xv, it well drill, I and Ih'lr voices sin o o I e ireful tr tint ig it 1 1 go 1 1 harm my. Miss Lyiigond us the Little Tycoon, wits a clover mi vsi an I xv ts fnxorisl xvilh tin 11 r ousapplniM.'i, notably wheusiuglu; "Live is Like it Hum 11 -r High " Hli 1 h is 11 elo ir voice, shut 11 1 til v an I 1. i'i.ii t.ti , u u-l., veev , ,,,,,, " ..... -.. ,.... . . , j .. --,. tnlily. Mr. , I, il, In ill Llhby nude all out of (hi pill of the Wall street bioker and the great Tyco in, th it thre w.n In It. Ills voice is si long aim moioiiious mm ins manner llle.lslllt I le l ..ts.l v..1 yjtiiti-iil ittii.liiii-.Mi 'I'li.i character of (ieiiernl lviiiekerbo"ker In the Ii.'iiiiIh of Mr. I hot Hcnhrooks xvas it success tin oughoiit, his topical song Iu particular receiving inci itisl nppreflat.nii. The entile company was excellent mid far above the average attraction, an I as for the satlsfac Hon tho pie e gave, that ceilaluly was evi dent by the amount of applause given at x at lous times. IIA.ki. kiiiki:, us presented by tin l'lank Linden company, Tuesday evening at Hie People's xxas lecclvoil with appropriate mmtcclatlnu by it lame house. I'rauk Lluilon iu the leading male role was as he is in every other chaiacter, gissl and Interpreted the role xvith credit to him self. The coimuitiv siihIiiIihhI Its reiiiitntliin as Is'lug a clever suppoit and tin play xxas receive i wiiu iieiignt ny every miiiiior. I lie p ifoi malice was given fur tho benelll of the Knights of Pythias piano fund mid the pto cecils ivlll net Hie bo.VH iHiuiltlflllly. Kleclltill returns read betxxen n"U xxeien featuit or the evening's entei taimueiit. TlIK (HlKATdll.SKIIti:. Lincoln never full to thoroughly appreci ate tine merit, neither hi the draiiia, comedy or music, a fact that Is aiwavs shown when I iles'i-yiugattra-'loiH appear Another illus Iratiou ol thii fact was shoixu at I'unke's , Tlmrs lay night on which o 'caslou (liliuoie's ' b nn) gaxe a grand conceit. Notwilhstau 1- Ing, the advancud price ol aihui'isiou, th. louse xxas full and the aoiiieciatioii sliimii by themiiheiice was wmm mid loud. Ml. (illlllOle I 1 1 1 LT almost , oIIIIM-II.iI to I,'Im nt . -, v. . . . j moi, ,,.,-, . ff itrtii IfCll'tlie lippilllMll Tae Allnlie Stoi in was ii xMinili'i tiilix' m. exiM uteil selection as also the anvil ilea us I rum II Trovatore, au I d m iiistiato I how iiciuratcl) mid well tiaiut',1 each ineiillicr ot Hie large orgmil. ilioa was In in. pari ol the --r, ,..,v ... .... work The xis'itllsts of the emmanv also icceixisl their slmie of the exeuiiig's honor lust liefoie the i loMilir number Ml (III moielna fexx lemaiks auuoiiucisl that he had two ui. (e uliti ly worm fticnils in Lin coin Hint he th suisl ti, honor, Hon. I 'at I irl; Pgun ui'd lluu. John Kitzjcinlil, mid lor llfii benelll xx until next riiilerthe "Ittx'k) Road to DuMiii." 'I'lu'te lemaiks xx -ie s'l leil tx Hi nppli.tisi' as was also Die ph-cc xxlieii (Piisliisl Mr. (iihuore als.) conioli , meiited Lim olu on giving him such a laige tuiiiout He in'i'paiisl I,mc .!ii tn otliu i''ln, slating that whil' exer)ono xxuset cited oxt I jNiiitits, t.iir citizens ttnik o asion to visit ll.eioiiei'lt Mini that, cei Niluly !im,1.,. iii'.ich toi Lincoln', mush til talent. Tn.Mi.in'H i'i..x at Tin: n m;b. Per Hi, si m mug's eiiageiiieut Hut manage uifiit of H." i'liuke has I, ul, si Hie blight littl- star Tuteiu an I her t xcelleiit couisiny who xx dl uppi'i, in' Htiu I, (his, ' a new mtiai, i,l celllt'llx , Mill of llle mid foolislllli ss Tlltelll isxoim,, : If mid talelitisl. She s.iils and iluu vs to h i lei foil nud Is as sit t lit-t t.- when Hie lltii mi ipiueit ii-sliclsiiaixean 1 pnpi'iutc Hel songs me new, her stxle flesh and her tii.ii' sui.'t ami t.ikiuv. 'Ihe i ast is nluixe 1 the axel age suppoit in i ,, nialiii'sof the I. (ltd, mtil the louitily inns sii.tsithlv fioiu begin niiig to end. I AT rllK l'i lil'l.l. S I Hta.'h ,1 Ho xeis (Kijiiilur inuislrel cmisiiiy I, ,.s.. .I..I. ,.i.,.. i ,,... i ii ... .1.. ..... ... i.,,,. ., ..... ,,,iH.- ii,iit-iiin. Hi nils ll.c'ttie this vvifl., n.s'uiug Thursilav night i lnct tie n lift appi tlliilH c heie the i omklliy ' has bun ki'itll) uupioxtsl, Hum) s,ss laities aps-ai In,: on the lull that haxe heiet.ifoie not I Uf.i mh'II Kill il.) I tench llllil tills lloweisj make a u it -it t teiin and their wmkxxas tlul) npprtt luted ns ivus altestisl by fiequent eu ) ct us. The dog show in its. If is a big draw I mg cam and the antics of the canines never 1 tail to be ndiniiisl The oichestra and vis'til ' pails w, re well I emit i is I and in sliuit the en- ' tlie lull gaxe general Nitislaction. The com ' iux (os,s its engagement tonight mid if' im I it deseixiti miccfss, ceitainly Kisi, I. - i Koxxei-s shoul 1 Iw giis'tcil b) another full! 1 o'lse , HVIA s If ' I I'slllE DOW N " It is (ilwa)s a simrisi of nun h pleasure to theatre gis-s to hull Hint "the I) ll)sme isiin ' lug" mid nine mote the) aieamiotiiutsl to up k'in Is'lo. en Lincoln audit nee ,n next Tues day exemilg. oil xxlu.'l. is caslou (hi'ii n,.v I plav . l'i'lf li.oxii will U'gixeu SMNtk iu ol tit -ir ,11 v,' k in N,' l.ugLiud m. t -l i I ange sit) s ' "List mglit the D,tl)sitpp.iiitslal Poitlaud lltiatie in their ii w plav iitllksl "I'pxide d'wn, the plot ot the pi.s'c having ulrcud) In ell riven III ties, c i num. There xxas II Ii. (ie audi' it ,iif it' an I the laughter was' it llslllllt, XXlll.c It. 'tl.X i't Hie s.)gs WCIV IX- . KMti I on di maud It is uiuits-kssjiiy to nt 1. nipt to an it.- the p!u) It Mixes n tho indium foi t!us'itllf brothers, the Dal)s, to I i ie "tix iiumts't ot woii'ltrful uynuias ' ' m . at mu i iicus ill the second 1 'WlClfi lIVIC OlCNTH net Is a vei y goo I lake nT of (Iu leal thing The nuthorM of the pliv, Mottrs. Harris tin I MeNnlly, were evl leiilly mil 'h grallllsl at. I'm m inner hi which Hi pleeu wat iclvcd iii'.t.n ti,- i iik nvic.MV. Th opoilu; atlrie'iou of Hit coining week is pji'h i;m o i of Hi ) II nut w,i nh til see Ihlssnso iv mi I u it oily it Hit bright st t iiiiiong ih tlrt' e'att pr 1 1 1 'tio it in Hi load, but somewhal dlireit'iit In lluittlie plot I not laid to uiutlc, nor are Hi i e i tra'tirs ea Hrely of com si) u I'ure L it n pltHia uIniiiiiiIs hi lh' luxe for hill', I in duty of mill lo Ins en, miry irnl Iheiespii'L xve nil owe the Itri.e The play is not, of it ttensa tional order, b it Is tilled xxllli emolioiial net lug niii'Ii as Iu thi i Inttei it ty xxe sit II I He of, and b'hu by suet a pi.nilir pity weight as William (lillette, there can ho but one xerdu t for the play an I Hi it Issu mu. It it a null Im v ill ant t mil the Incidents Hiurehi me such as lob in; to, Hi ad iilr.ill a of all, mi I as It is the lli-.st play of the kind this seisin, should c riiluly In wile in si by a larg audience. I.K V'lV.VIIK I'.N HIMMIC. Many or our lentleiN will r.t uumb.ir the llleilHIIIlt I'lllel Iflilllllellt. Illi.Hitlllj, I lnut. mkmmiiii by the Haul, in llrolhei'ri, mid will ixi.-ollet Hielr novel and grand ssic.'tai'iilar produ HonofLj Voyage Ii i Hu'si." This com pauy will iigitiu iipisiitr at i'unke's On next Wislncsdny and l'luirslay tivonlngt, Their pity lia Ihsui iiiiieh Improvisl noiv lemlei lug thoexer popalar llnnlon's able to put, o i the plivei'ver It titer than on their Inst ImII , xx hlch hi Itself sty much. Kvcryono knows how and what his atli'itcleoi Is, llitiefoie win ds of commendation or introduction would Is' like ehall' in it wind itorm they woald do tl i no good. HetitH goon sale Tuesilay mi ruing at usual prices. imwimiAiiiiomt, The alliaetloii at the People's next week piomlM h to Im one of Hie most brilliant or (he season, the pi escalation being "A L'gul Doc iiuient," by the will known Harbour Din malic, company. The piece Is one that iilsmiids Iu stci ling xvlt and while the humor is tlellcale, tho sltuittlms are stiong. The plotiMOiiglmiliiiidtuiipie,t'oiitahilngnothiiig of the old wmu out stories that have Ims-ii told fiom tho sUigu hi a bundled illircrcnt forms din lug tho last llfty years. Theienie tiiitst acts jo tut' piay ami every part Is well taken by a Hue hujjhji ting company. Mr. llariiotir Is well siippoittsl and the piece Is'lug well mounted cannot fail toglxo the nunc satltfactlou l.ereit Ins all ov r tho cotiutiy. The engagement Is for oily two nights, commencing next Kilday. Unserved seats will Imj on sale Thursday morning at L. Ilarr's Jewelry sloie, 1(111) O. street. Wll.hO.N ANII KANKIN'H HtMNTtlKtX. Next week n box-y of iittractlous iipjH'.ar at the I'linkennil atnoii; the variety a mlnsticl organization uoin, Ichi than Wllsm a Hank In's come to close the wvtik'.s eub'l lainmniit Hatuiday night. Them aro old tun) fuvot I'es Iu Mm olu mid their u tui"s aro familiar tOeXel'X' IllVel' llf slfl'r., ,, ,,, ,,u. .,,,,. .. re,... I cxei mnliii" (irorcn IV iiu, u,iui i... ...... . x till exeiy x islt. anil his t oiutsly talent next r , lll"I.H tll.lt fl I'sloirs l,,r ul,ll, I... I.u .. I .----. ... ..) .,,. Iltk iiicxcu i illicit t,eiri'i's nnme has becon., populailj iile.itllled with hit pet saying, ' I c mill die walllng," while Ins genial uiiluci 'ai I Kaukiu Is know n the mimsemout wm Id oxer as Hie issu ot lolly inhiKtiel linvs tl,.. king of the litnj i p 'l.urs and the gieateM rt... ...j. im iiuin . llegltt Micclnlist of the nee. . lutliis jmiin pio'ram are notl minx I'oxi Itiet The cnmiiiuv it I In, I....I n,,,i thfte populir exponents of tin luir.it to. I. prousiim mix.) ever eaiiietl, while He orch-stia winch Isn classl j mie, lupresiuU the liesi luli'ii' on thu roul. Htf.its go oa mi . l'i itla) mi r iiug. V, !i, ,lu, Halsttl Him. "Ho'.- hr-t ),," i! !; Pas ;iowh," lt iiiiii kul Cora. - ic'inalicr when ho xw.sn nnv bi,;;,ei Him a , 1 1 n." "Yes." ,,.:,,.: xjp,. i.K.j.iu.-rt ,, miration, i.Msnai locro'x:i little I ,. I itiiii.om t i .u'ap.i:rof lovely s't.p 3 i.imleiastu 1 iMLl.r.1,'- ',Vtx York Su.i. V uttlil sp 'i,.J(,., Proprietor (to iceentl) cigugctl w.-iitu, on u ill have to go', 1 .-.,i,'t keep you. New Waiter- Wh-.r tt.o matter Proprietor-Wl'eticxiru customer mt'. , v,.u If the lUh u fresh )ou f;tt u, nK,f., ou, bleu, up Hi. hole bumiiiid hi u i,'..,rt time. -Tesa.. Sif tings .Mi't.lcil (liuuj-.es. Citwn (to eldetly ph)sician, You tlou't bleed Mticnti(isolKii as yon did fifteen o. twenty )enrs agnl . i,1,'1'5 'I'.'1"" to,,k'K ver paekngo of unpaid b lls)-No, wo don't bleed 'oil! ,lt . tlluy , ,,.',"? , bleiiltisl Life A .Han nf Honor. Nod - S.ty, Jack, can you pay that $10 vou liorrowetl of meuvvivk ngof Jack (relhciivel))-Teu tlollarsf-u w,xi; ngoi 01', )e-no, can't do IU Horry, but tn-ta. Ntsl-Holtl oti a minute, Cnu you lend mo Jack Why, tn-in-m-certnlnly, oltl mmi, certainly. Glad to accommodate you ! Time. Natural rears. Husband (i lianl; cashier, slightly under the wenther)-If I shoiiM lKi taken nxvay from von, darling, woul.l it really bo n very great blow hiyoul ' Wife (.bbing)-01i, dear. John, I hoist you haxent Ikvh foolma- with tho bunk fut.iL.-New Yotk Kim. I'liriileecictl ircnll.m. Magiiiiuo Poet (enjoyiuj; his kxl for bivnU rnt) Life is but n .'.ream. UiHllaiiy-Ile v on ever goluter Kit up ter ua bus I km make )oi-o lKtlr-i:.-.chutn,'e. A Toneliln- Woik. A new' novel hns lately Uvti publibhcsl iu reused letteis for the tike of the bh id. It Is Mill it exokett nmeut ileal t.j fovliurf.-Teno llauto Lxpiv&t, Hei'ioUht'iiucr A Co haxe ou.sl an im mcuMtllnexf itim'i it filial 'sk' up, licit inaile mid tilnukets in the I siit values to be found