Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 03, 1888, Image 8

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    wtn'rvT nrd rmir itiTnMDHiviriMr fftffttT
American Cltlf Nrril Oicut flullrrlci il
l'aliitlltRM Men of Wealth Sliutlltt llullil
In llio I'laro of Their lU'nlcIciico Tlirunrit
for Amcrlian Art.
UltooKI.YN, Oot, IS. -Tlio tlov T. Do Witt
Tnlninge, I). I)., (ircncliwl nt tlio Tntwrnnclr
this iiiornlnj. A vnrt congregation tittoiuloil
tlio servk-o. Tlio pastor cxoiiiiIpI a clinptor
about tlio room of hnngery In RtoUi'l, nftcr
wlileli tlio hymn beginning;
Tliino itirthly BaMtatlm, lOnl, wo tore,
Hut tlivro'i u nobler nit atxm
wits Ming. I'rofesnor llruMtio prwltlctl nt tlio
grand organ nnd raiilornl n concerto In H
lint liy Handel. Tlio subject of Dr. Till
inugo'M (llseoiirso n "Tlio Dlvlno Mission of
Pictures." Ills text nut iKilnli, chapter S,
parts of tlio twelth mid sixteen vcn.: "Tlio
day of tlio I ml of Hoots shall bo upon nil
pleasant pictures." Ho Nildt
Pictures nro by sontorolegnteil to tlio realm
of tlio trlvinl, nccldentnl, tentlinciitiil or
worldly, but my text Minus that Uod tcrtitl
nlres pictures, nud whether they nro gtxitl or
bad, whether used for right or wrong pur-lK)se-,
Is n matter of dlvlno observation mid
That the artist's ikmicII nud tlio engraver's
knlfo havo sometimes liecn mado MiWrvlcut
to tlio Kingdom of tlio bad Is frankly ad
mitted. After tlio ashes nnd scoria wero ro
tnoved fi-0111 Hcrculaueuiu nud 1'oinpell tlio
wnlls of thoso cities discovered to tlio explor
ers n degradation in art ulilch cannot lio ex
aggerated, Kalan nnd all his imps havo id
ways wanted tlio lingering of tlio easel; they
would rather have possesion of thnttliau tlio
nrtof printing, for tyiics nro not so jiotent
and ipiicl; for evil as pictures. Tlio K)wers
of dni'laiess think they have gained a triumph,
and they have, when in 601110 rcsiectnblo
parlor or public nrt gallery they can hang a
canvas cmkirriiKslug to tlio good, but fas
cinating to tlio evil.
It is not in n spirit of prudery, but kicked
tip by (Jod's eternal truth, when I Bay that
you havo no right to hang (11 your nrt rooms
or your duelling houses that which would
bo oireusivo to good iwojilo If tlio figures pic
tured were alivo in your parlor and tho
guests of your household. A plcturo that
you havo to hang in a somewhat secluded
plaeo, or that In a jmblio hall you cannot
with a group of friends deliberately staud
beforo nud discuss, ought to havo u kuifo
(.tabbed into it tit tho top and cut clear
through to tho bottom and u stout finger
thrust lu 011 tho right fide, ripping clear
through to tho loft. 1'lluy, tho elder, lost
his lifo by going near enough to fceo
tbo insido of Vesuvius, and tho further
you can stand o'.X from tlio burning crater
of sin, tho Itetter. Never till tho Books of
tho Last Day nro opened shall wo kuow what
has been tho diro harvest of evil pictorials
nnd unbecoming nrt galleries. Despoil a
man's imagination nnd ho liecomes n moral
carcass. Tho shop windows of English and
American cities in which tho low theatres
havo sometimes hung long Hues of brnzcu
actors and netresses in stylo insulting to Jill
jironrioty huvo mudo a broad path to death
for multitudes of people, llut so havo all
tho other arts been ut times suborned of evil.
How has muslo been bedraggled! Is thcro
any plaeo so low down lu dissoluteness that
into it has uot been carried David's liar) and
ilandcl'tf organ nud OottschalU's piano and
OloBull's violin; nud tho (lute, which though
named after so Insigulllcant 11 thing ns tho
(Sicilian eel, w hicli has seven spots on tho
&ldo liko iluto holes, yet for thousands of
years has had nn exalted mission. Archi
tecture, born In tho heart of Him who mado
tho worlds, under its arches and across its
.floors what bacchanalian revelries havo boeu
enacted 1 JtJsuot against any of thesonrU
that they havo bocn so led into captivity.
What u poor world this would bo if It'Wero
not for whnt my .text calls "pleasant pict
ures!" I refer to your memory nnd mine
-when J ask if your .knowledge of tho Holy
Scripture has not been mightily augmented
by tlio woodcuts or engravings in tlio
old family lliblo, which .father and
mother read out of, nnd laid on tho
table in tho old homestead when you wcro
boysuud girls. Tho 111 bio scenes which wo
all carry iu our mind wero not gotten .from
tho Ulblo typology, .but from ,tho Uiblo
pictures. To jirovo tho truth of it in my
own case, tho other day I took up tlio old
family lliblo which I Inherited. Sure enough,
what J huvo earned iu my mind of JucobV
ladder was exactly tho lliblo engraving of
Jacob's ladder; und so with Baiusoti carry
ing oil tho gates of Uazu; Klishu restoring
tho Bhuuamito'k sou; tho massacre .of tho
innocents; Christ Messing little children.; tho
crucillsiou uud tho last judgment. .My idea
of all theso la that of tho old Uiblo engrav
ings which 1 scanned beforo 1 could read a
word. That is truo with uino-tenthv of you.
If I could swing oiicn tho door of your fore
heads 1 would iiud that youurownlking plot
uro galleries. Tho great Intelligence abroad
about tho lliblo did not comu from tho gen
eral reading of tlio hook, for tho majority of
tho iuiplo read it but little, if they rend it
at ull; but nil tho sacred scenes havo been
put beforo tho great mosses, nud uot printer's
ink, but tho pictorial nrt, must huvo tho
credit of tho achievement. First, paiutorV
pencil for tlio favored few, uud then en
graver's pinto or wood cut for millions on
lullliousl What overwhelming commentary
011 tho Dible, what ro-enforceuient for patri
archs, prophets, ujiostles nud Christ, what
distribution of scriptural kuonledgoof all
nations, iu tho paintings und engraving
therefrom of Holman Hunt's "Christ iu tho
Templo," I'uul Veronese's ".Magdalen Wash
ing tho Feet of Christ," Raphael's "Michael,
tho Archangel," Albert Diner's "Dragon of
tho Apocalypse," Michael Angclo's "l'lnguo
of tho Fiery Serpents;" Tlntorct's "Flight
into Egypt;" Hubeus' "Descent from tho
Cross;" Leonardo Da Vinci's "Last Supper;"
Claudo's "Queen of tSheba;" Uelllnl's "Ma
donna nt Milan;' Orcugua's "Last Judg
ment," and hundreds of miles of pictures if
they wcro put in lino, illustrating, display
ing, dramatizing, irrradiatiug lliblo truths
until tho Scriptures nro not today so much
011 paper as on canvas, uot so much iu ink as
iu ull tho colors of tho spectrum, lu 1KK1
forth from Strasburg, Germany, thero enmo
n child that was to eclipse iu sH.ed and bold
ness nnd grandeur anything und eerything
thnt tho world had seeu suieo tho llrst color
appeared 011 tho sky nt tho creation, I'uul
Oustuv Djiv. At 11 years of ago ho pub
lished limn clous lithographs of his own.
Suylug nothing of what ho did for Milton's
"l'arudiso Lost," emblazoning ic 01 tho at
t:ntlon'.of tlio world, ho takes up tho Hook of
books, tho monarch of literature, tho llihle,
ami lu his pictures, "Tho Creation of Light,"
"Tho Trial of Abraham's Fnilli," "Tho Uuriul
of Sarah," "Joseph Kohl by His Uiethreu,"
"Tlio liriizcii Serpent," "ilunz and ltutli,"
"David and tioliath," "TlioTmusllguiution,"
"Tho Marnago iu Cana," "ll.ibj lua Fallen,"
nud tttt scouei iu nil. with a bold
ness nnd n i-rcsji und uhnost supernatural
alliums that mako tho heart throb, and tho
brain reel, nud tho tears start, cud
tho checks blanch, r.ud tho cntiro nature
tiuahc with tho trcr.;csilou3 things of Gi,J
nnd eternity nnd the dead. 1 actually itng
gered down tho step of tho London Art gnl
lory under tho power of Doro'i "Christ Lrav
lug tho I'lwtorluin." IVofess you to I n
Chrlitnlu ninu or woman, nnd seo no dlvlno
mission In art, nud ncknowdedgo you no obli
gation either In thnuks to Ood or man'
It Is no moro tho word of Uod when put
U-fore 11 In printer' Ink than by skillful lay
ing on of colors, or designs 011 metal through
incision or corrosion. What n lesson in
moral was prevented by llognrth, tho
piititcr, lu hi two picture, "Tho Ilako's
I'rogrvV nud "Tho Mler' Feast," nnd by
Thomas Colo's engraving of tho "Voyngo of
Human Life" nuil tho "Course of Empire,"
nud by "Turner's Slavo Ship. " Clod In nrtl
Christ iu nrtl 1'ittrlnrvh, prophets nnd
nKllc iu nrtl AngcU In nitl Heaven lu
Tho world uud tho church ought tocoino
to tlio higher appreciation of tho dlvlno mis
sion of picture, yet tho author of them
luvo generally Ikvii left to hmiiI starvation.
West, tho painter, toiled in tmapprccl'
ntiou till, Mug a great skater, while oil tho
I co ho formed tho iiCiptnlututico of (leu.
Howe, of tho English 111 my, uud through
coming to admire West ns 11 sknter, they
gradually eanio to appreciate ns much that
which ho accomplished by Ids hand a by his
heel. l'onvlu, tho mighty painter, wn pur
sued, nud had nothing with which to defend
himself ngaiust tho mob but the artist' Kirt
follo, which ho held over his head t keep olT
tho stones hurled ut him Tho pictures
of Richard Wll-ou, of Kiiglaud, wero
sold for fabulous sums of inonoy niter
Ids death, but tho living painter
was glad to get for his "Alcyone"' n piece of
Stilton ehceo. Fiom 1(110 to KlIII there
wero4.(!00 pictures willfully dcstr.jcd. lu
the reign of (OncCu Lliz-thcth it was tlio habit
of some K'oplo to spend much of their tlmu
iu l.iKK'klug pictures to piece, lu the reign
Charles tho First it was ordered by parlia
ment that nil pictures of Christ Imi burnt.
I'alutcrs were so badly treated nud humilia
ted In tho beginning of the Kightccutli cen
tury thnt they were lowered clear down out
of the sublimity of their art, and obliged to
give mhuito accounts of whnt they did with
their colors, ns a painter's bill which camo to
publication iu Scotland in 1707 Indicated.
Tho painter had been touching up some old
pictures lu the church, uud ho sends iu this
itemized bill to tho vcstiy: "To Idling up a
chink iu tho lied Sen nud repairing tho dam
ages to Pharaoh's host;" "to n new pair of
hands for D.inlel iu tho lion's den, und it new
net of teeth for tho lioness;" "to tvnlriug
Nebuchadnezzar's beard;'' "to giving 11 blush
to tho cheek of Hvo on presenting the npplo
to Adam;" "to making 11 bridle for tho Good
Sjuiarltaii's horse, nnd mending 0110 of tils
legs;" "to putting on n new handle 011 Moses'
basket una llttiug bulrushes, nud ttddiic
more fuel to tho fire lu Nebuchadnezzar's
furnace." So painter wcro humiliated clear
down Mow the nutjestyof their mt. Tho
oldest picture iu I'ugluud, n jKirtrnlt of
Chaucer, though now of great value,
wns picked out of n lumber gnrret.
Great were tho trials of Queiitiu Mntsys,
who toiled on from blacksmith's nnvll till us
a painter ho won w ido recognition. Tho first
missionaries to Mexico mado the fatal mis
takoof destroying pictures, for tho loss of
which art nud religion must over lament,
llut why go so far back when in this jcar of
our Lord 1888, and within tucho years of
tho Twentieth century, to lieu paluter, except
iu rare exceptions, means jiovcrty and neg
lect? 1'oorly fctl, poorly clad, oorly housed,
because poorly appreciated! When I hear n
man is a painter, I havo two feelings: 0110 of
admiration for tho greatness of his soul, uud
tho other of commiseration for the needs of
his body.
llut so it has been In all departmenta of no
bio work. Soino of tho mightiest havo been
hardly instead. Oliver Goldsmith had such n
big patch 011 tho coat over his left breast tliut
when ho went anywhere ho kept his hat in
his hand closely pressed over the patch. Tho
world renowned Bishop Asbury had n sal
ary of $01 a year. Painters nro not tho only
ones who havo endured tho lack of apprecia
tion. Let men of wealth tnl.o under their
-patronage tho sulTerltg men of art. They
lift 110 complaint; they muko no strike foi
higher wnges. But with a keenness of ner
ous organization which almost always choi
ncterizes genius, theso artists suffer
moro than any 0110 but Uod can rc
.nlizo. Thero needs to Ixj a concerted
effort for tho suffering artists of America,
not sentimental diseourso about what wo owe
to artists, but contracts that will give them
a livelihood; for I nm iu full sympathy with
tho Christian farmer, who was M-ry busy
gathering his fall apples, and touio 0110 nsked
him tojirny for n jioor family, tho father of
which had broken his leg; nud tho busy
.farmer said: "I cannot stop now to pray,
but you can go down into tho cellar uud get
Muno corned beef and butter nnd eggs nnd
potatoes; that is till I cnu do now." Artists
may wish for our prayers, but they also
want practical help from men who can give
lhctu wort. You havo heard scores of ser
mons for all other kinds of sitfTeriug mc-.i
und women, but I think this is tho
first sermou ever preached that mado
n plea for tho sulTcriug men nnd women of
American nrt. Their work Is more truo to
nature and lifo than any of tho niastcrpieccu
that havo become immortal on the other sido
of tho sua, hut it is tho fashion of Americans
to mention foreign artists, aud to know little
or nothing about our owu Copley, and
AlUton, aud luuuin, and lireciiough and
Kensctt. the nillucnt fling out of their
windows nud into tho hack yard valueless
daubs on can vim, niul call iu theso splendid
but uurowiirdcd men, aud tell them to udoru
your walls, not only with that which shall
please tlio taste, but enlarge tho mind, mid
improve the morals, nud save the souls of
thoo w ho gazo upon them.
Brooklyn, and all other American chics,
need great galleries of urt, uot only open an
nually for u few days on exhibition, but
which shall stand open nil tho jcar round,
uud from early morning unt 1 ID o'clock at
1 night, and free to nil who would come nud
1 go. What a reparation lor tho wear nud
I tenr of tho day a live minutes' look lu tho
morning ct some picture that will ojicnn
door into somo larger realm than that iu
whi li our population daily drudge! Or
1 what a good thing tho half hour of artistic
opportunity on tho way homo iu tlio evening
from exhaustion that dcmatuW recuperation
I for inlnd nud roul us well us body! Who
will do far llroollyn cr tho city where jou
live w hut W. W. Corcoran did fer Washing
, ton, nud what I nm told John Wnmimakcr,
by the doiuttu :i of Do Munaiesy'b gieat pic
ture "Christ l.efurp 1'ilate," N going to do for
I'hiladelphiat Men or wealth, if ou aro
t'A) modest to build and eudo . such u plaeo
' during our litctime, h not go to jour iron
tafe nnd take out your last wilt and testa
ment, nud make a (.udicil that shall build for
the city of jour lesidence, u throne for
American Mil 'lake somo of tiiat money
thut would otherwise spoil jour children,
uud build 1111 art gallery that shall associate
your name foivv cr, not only with the great
master of painting, who me gene, but with
the great masteis who nro loin,; tolic;uud
uLo win the udmirutiou n'ld luo of tens of
thousand ol people, who, tumble to hu e line
pictures of their owu, wouri Le udvantagod
bj yoc.r bone! act ton. Build j ur o 11 monu
ments, nn J no; leave it 10 tlio whim
of others. Somo cf the best people
bleeping i"i Greeuw ood have 110 lucuumeuta at
nil, or omo cru milling itonro Hint In n few
jenr will let the ruin wah out tin ma nud
epitaph; while omo men, whoso death wn
tho nlmtemotit of a nuisance, have n pile of
polMiod Alierdocn high enough for a king,
nnd euloglum enough to etub.trrnn ser.tph.
Oh, innti of largo wealth, Instead of lea-ring
1 to tho w him of otheri your monumental com
I inemorntlon nnd epltnphlology to l looked
ut w hen people nro going to nnd front tho
burial of others, build right down lu thn
heart of our great city, or tho city where j on
live, nn Immense fivo rending loom, or n
free miMcnl conservatory, or it free nrt gnl
lery, the tilctie for rjulpture nud tho
wnlls uhlooiu with tho rise nud full
of nation, and lessons of courage for
the dljhcnrtened, nnd test for tho weary,
nud lifo for the dead, nnd one hundred
nud fifty year from now jou will le wield
ing Inllueneoi iu this world for good among
those whoo great-grandfather was your
great-grnndchlld. How niiieli letter than
white marble, thnt chill jou if jou put jour
hand on It w hen you touch it in the cemetery,
would lion monument In color, in beaming
ej'es, ill l'lug powchii, in spiel 1I1 rs which
under the elm 'delier would bo glow la;; and
warm, and looked at by strolling gioiipo with
catalogue iu hand on tho January n ght
when the necropolis where the body sleeps is
nil snowed under. The lower of I'm Id win
hung with one tlioliaud dented shield ol
battle; but jou, oh man of wealth, may
have it grander tower named after oti,
one that shall bo hung not with the sjinhoU
of carnage, but with tho Mctorie of that
nit which wn so long ago icoogiiucd iu my
text n "pleasant pictures." Oh, the power
of picture! 1 cannot deride, tv some luno
done, Card 1 1 hi I Mazariu, who, when told that
he must die, took Ills last walk tlirou.;h the
nit gallery of hi palace, saying: "Must I
ipiitnll thtsf l,oo!; i.t tlmtTltlalil l.ook at
that Couegglol Linik at that delugo of Cn
raccll I'nrewell, dear picture!" As tho
day of the lonl of Hosts, according to this
text, will scrutinize the pic. tires, I Implore
all parents to see that iu their hoiteliold
they have neither In book or newspaper or
011 canvas anything that will deprave.
I'ictutes are no longer tho exclusive posses
sion of the alllueiit. Thero is not 11 icspect
nblo home in these cities that lias notsptel
nielis of wood cut or steel engraving, If not
of painting, and jour whole futully will
feel the moral uplifting or depression.
Huvo nothing on your wall or lu
Ixioks that will fainlliarizo the joimg
with scenes of cruelty or wntsnll; Inve
only thoso skctchw made by artists lu ele
vnted moods, nud none of thoso scenes that
seem tho product cf artistic delirium tre
mens. Picture are not only a strong but n
universal laug.iage. The human race iu ill
viiled liiton'most ns many languages as theio
are nations, but the pictures may cnk to
ooplo of ull tongues. olapuk many have
liojK'd, with little renson, would become n
world wide language; but tiie pictorial is
nlwnys n world wide language, uud printer's
tyieshnvo 110 emphasis compared witli it.
Wo say tint children nro fond of pictures;
but notice any man w lieu he takes up a Ihk.U,
nud jou will see that tho Iht thing that ho
looks at Is tho pictures. Have only thoso in
your house that npjieul to the Mter nature.
One engraving has sometimes decided an
eternal destiny. Under tho title of flno
arts thero havo comu here from Franco
it class of pictures which elaborate ar
gument has tried to provo Irreproachable.
Tlioy would disgrace n bar room, and thej
need to bo confiscated. Your children will
carry the pictures of their father's house with
them clear on to tho grao, und, passing that
marble pillar, will take them through eter
nity. l'urthcrmorc, let nil reformers, nnd nil
Sabbath school teachers, uud nil Christian
workers realize that If they would bo effect
ive for good thej must make pictures, if uot
bj' chalk 011 blackboards, 01- kindergarten de
signs, or by iwucil on canvas, then by wonts.
Arguments nro soon forgotten, but pictures,
whether ill language or iu colors, m-o w hat
produco strongest effects. Christ wns always
telling what n thing was like, and his Ser
mon 011 tlio Mount wns a great picture
gallcrj', beginning with a sketch of a
"city on n hill that cannot bo hld,"J
nud ending with 11 tcnicst lieatlug
against two houses, ono on the rock nnd tho
other on tho sand. Tho parable of tho prodigal
son, n picture; parable of the sower, who
went forth to sow, n plcturo; parable of.tho
unmerciful servant, a picture; parable of tho
ten virgins, 11 picture; parabiont tho talents,
a picture. Tho world wnuto pictures, uud
tlio uppetito begins with tlio child, who con
sents to go curly to lied If tho mother will sit
beside hint nnd rehearse 11 story, which is
only a picture. When woseo how much has
been Accomplished In secular directions by
pictures Shakes)care's tragedies it picture,
Victor Hugo's writings nil pictures, John
Uuskiu's nud Tennyson's and Ixuigfellow's
works all pictures why not enlist, us far lis
K)ssiblc, for our churches aud schools and
reformatory work and evangelistic endeavor,
tho power of thought that can bo put Into
word picture, if not pictures iu colorf Yea,
why not all jcung men draw for themselves
on paper, with pen or iwiiell, their coming
career, of virtue If they prefer that, of leo
if tlicy pcferthatf After making the pic
ture, put it on the wall, or paste it 011 tho lly
leaf of some fnvorito book, that you may
have it beforo you. I read tlio other day of
a man who had been executed for murder,
and tho jailer found afterward a picture
made 011 the wall of tho cell by the ussussin'a
own hand, n picture of 11 flight of stairs. On
tho lowest step ho had written: "Disobcdl
enco of parents;" on tho second: "Sabbath
breaking;" on tho third: "Drunkenness and
I gambling;" on tho fourth: ".Murder," and on
tho fifth nud top step: "A gallows." If that
man hud made that picture More he took
tho first step, ho never would havo taken
any of them. Oh, man, make another pic
ture, 11 bright picture, uu evangelical picture,
und I will help jou make it! I suggest sU
steju, for tins lllght of stairs. On the first
step wnto tho words, "A nature changed by
the Holy (ihostnud wnshed in the blood of
j tho Lamb;" on tho second step, "Industry
nndgood eomp-inlonsulp;" on tho third step,
I "A Christian liome witli it family altar;" on
the fourth step, "liver widening ufclulncss;"
; on the fifth step, "A glorious deiui ture from
.this world;" on tho sixth step, "Heaven!
iienvcii! lieavenl" nto it three times, and
let tho letters (f the one word bo made upcf
j banners, the bccoud of coronets, uud the third
of thioncb! Promise mo that jou will do
I that, nud I will promise to meet jou 011 thu step, if the Lord will, through his par
doning grace, bring mo there, too.
I And hero 1 nm going to saj- 11 word of
j cheer to 1 coplo who have novtr nuord
of consolation 0:1 that subject. There ore
I men nud women iu this world by hundreds of
I thousands, nud somo of them nro hero to
daj, who haven fine natural taste, and j-ct
nil llieir lives mat taste Hits been supprciscd,
and nlthough they could oppieeinto the gal
leries of Dresden nnd Vicuna nud Naples fur
inure than uluo hundred uud uliiety-muo out
of one thousand who visit them, they never
may go, fir tiny must supjiort their house
holds, mid tread nud bchooling for their
children nre of more importance than pict
ures. Though fund of music, they tiro com
pelled to h nuuiid discord, uud t hough fond of
tiu'liiti-s;jn. they dwell iu clumsy ubodis, und
though appicciativo of nil that engraviupi
uud painting:, can do, they are in perpetual
deprivativiu. You cro Eoh'oi utter j on get on
the litli Mrpof Hint flnir Jut of, to
find yourselviM In tho roynl gallery of tho
unlvcne, tho concentered plendors of nil
worlds before your transported vision. In
FOiun way nil the thrilling scene through
which wo nnd the Church of llolhavo paed
iu our enrthly state will bo pictured or
)irought to mind. At the cvcloinuia of
Gettysburg, which we had iu llrooklju, one
.! ti lillii.l .... i. I... !... 1. 1 it. l.i In ilmt
j III. J f. iilllli. III. ill, 11 lr l'p, IIIH I 1)11. Ill iimi.
I battle, wa with hi child heard talking
uiiiiu dimming oeioro uiai pii-ium i lie
blind man raid to the daughter: "Ale thero
it the light of tho picture soi.i
regiment marching up n hllll" "Yes,"
the said. "Well," said the blind ninn,
"I thero 11 general on horseback lending
thcmotif" "Yes," shosnld. "Well, Is theio
rushing dim 11 on thco men 11 (Mvulrj elmrgel"
"Yes," wns the teply. "And tin there m cm
to lo many djlng ami deudf" "Ye," w.ts
thonusiver. "Well, now, do jou mo 11 shell
from the wood bursting rear the wheel of a
cnmioul" "Yi," the said. "Stop tight
there!" snld the blind man "That Is ino
lust thing I ever saw on eai tht httt atlme
it wns, Jenny, when I lost my cj 1 sly lit I"
Hut when jou, who Itavo found life it li. I'd
, o.iiue, a veiy uclljMMirg, snail i.tiiiiu mine
royal gallcrj of heaven, and with jour in-w
vision bem to see and understand that
which 111 jour earthly blindness oil
could not ti-ii nl all. von villi IMiInt
out to jour celestial coiuimh, peih.ipl
to jour own dear children who have gnu.'
before, the scenes of thecal lldy eolilllets lu
which jou pirtieipated, sajlng. "There
from that hill of ptuici-ilj I was driven
back; iu that valley of humiliation I was
wounded. Thero 1 lost my ejesight. Tint
was the way the world looked when I lint sav
it. Hut what 11 grand tiling to get celestial
vision, and stand heiv before the lyi-lornuin
of llltvvoiUU while llio ltlder oil the while
horse goes on "eoiiipieriug and to conquer,"
the moon under his leet uud the stars of
heaven for his tiara!
"Old Hutch" gave lieu lititlerthe lint law
case he ever hail.
A Howell, Mich., man brags of 11 pumpkin
vlnoseventy-nluo feel long.
John L. Sullivan bus made mid spent "CM,
100 iu the last three jeaiu
Dr. William Pepper ro.'uscs to accept pay
for his scrv ices to tho late Gen. Sheridan.
Lord Teimvson, now nearly K), will, for the
llrst time, iibtudoii Fuglnud during the win
ter to seek ths lllviera.
Viscount Vimbrook, ono of tho oldest mem
ber of the Hiillsh peerage, prides himself on
never hav lug rend 11 novo'.
Deer aro fast bring exterminated In tho
mountains of Oregon, mid the legislature
will bo nsked to adopt incisures for their
A machine which lays rnllioid ties nud
tracks bv steam power Is ivirteil to have
been given a successful trial in Washington
Mm. Klla ICell.v, of IIoxsto:i, Ills., has do
signed a "national quilt" to lie sent to the
wifoof the next prthldunt immcdiatclj' after
his inauguration.
The greatest shooting ever donu lit u single
daj was by Lord Wulmiughaui on his moor
on Aug. .'Ml. He killed I.UVS grouse In thirteen
hours, thero Mug forty driver.
The eperlment of exploding shell 1 Isv
tu ceil decks has been tried on tho ship H
sistance. She is said to be a complete wreck
Internally from the n-Katcd explosions.
Tho new Persian minister to this country,
Ghnoly ICIian (IChau means colonel), ex
presses tho opinion that thu women of Amer
ica nro tho most beautiful in the world.
Tho einjieror of Austria mnkc-.i his Immedi
ate attendants miserable by smoking villiau
011s cigars. The finest brands he will not use,
btitsmnkcs the cheap cigars used bj- tho Vi
enna cabmen.
A pnrt of the house of tho Rothschilds 111
tho lluo Illinois to bo transformed Into 11
Rothschild museum, iu which all (li 1 souven
irs of tho family nro to lie gathered together.
The grand vizier of Constantinople has is
sued a docroe forbidding the publication of
morning newspapers in that city. Hereafter
onlj evening papers will bo allowed.
Tho yulo sophomores havo declined ngalnst
hazing. They are entitled to commendation.
Although tho practice of huziug has disap-(K-areil
from most American collcgis, its
modern prototype, "rushing," still lingers.
Prank-in Seiikrah, otherwise Miss Hark
ness, the American girl who recently gamed
nu enviable reputation in Germauj' as 11 v l
U11 plajer, has married 11 lawjer i.t Weimur,
cud will Ihi heard no more in public.
Kin;; lliiiiilirrl of Italy.
Another roynl Invalid ii ICIir; Humbert of
Italy. For some t lino 1 timors have been cur
rent that ho was nihiig, hut it is only within
the last few-d.ivs that I have 1 ecu, veil defi
nite details tcgardiiig his disea. IIuiiiIh rt
wns born on the ll:h of March, forty
four jenrs ago, and thus should lie in the
prime of life; but, if wo am to Mlevo Ins
physicians, both his heart nud his liver nro
seriously nfiected. Tho latter has given him
considerable trouble for many years, but of
late ho has been subject to fainting fits, tlio
llrst of which occurred during tho university
celebration nt Iljlogua lut summer. Since
then tho attacks havo increased in frequencj-,
hlsnpjH'tito has diminished and ho is rapidly
losing strength.
Tho fainting (its aro attributed by tho pliy
sichms to hypertrophy, or enlargement of
tho muscles of tho heart, which is making
rapid progress. Tho livertroublo only mani
fests itself nt long Intervals, but at tunes
produces such paroxjsms if pain that the
patient Is couqx'llod to bend himself double
nnd grasp the edge of tho Ml to enable him
to supiort tho agony. As 111 both these dis
eases, that of the heart nnd hver, tho
couqKisltlon of the blood Is ullccted, poor
King Humbert would seem to be iu rather a
bad vv jj New York Press.
A Wife's Iiif-culou Miicinc,
The death of tho (!imi'js-si ll.-ittuvrmt itl.n
.. ........j , ,.lv.
died, nged ?', 0:1 Oct.':, uvnlls a most in
genious, method which sho ndoptcd in lb-It) to
prevent her hiizbam from Is-ing hanged
lie was the Huupi'iiui premier, and had
Mm sentenced to death. Sho smuggled a
dagger Into his cell, with which ho woimdid
his throat, nud had to Imj shot instead of
hanged. New York Sun.
A (ilcautlo Mii-liroom.
Tho phenomenon at the Pans fair Is n gi
gantic mushroom, which h .s sprung up in it
garden in thoneigliboiiioosicf Limoges. Thu
extraordinary ell'oit of uatuie was llrt no
ticed n few ilajsngo iu tho midst of n plot of
cabbages. It was then as large as nu ordi
nary hen's egg; now it luuisiuvs over two
feet 111 circumference. New York Sun.
Caused by it Cloudburst.
Thero was n cloudburst i.t Coj-ote Creek,
Ore., the other day, uud Joseph Organ, w ho
was building a hartal wire lence lu too val
ley at tlio tune, had to quit on neouunt of the
utr.iosphcro beinj charged with eli-ctncity to
.....1. ..... . t. i .. ti .... e . i. , ..i.
rum UU VAlttH UIUV ftKH KB lieu UVIIl M V
And now ready for inspection at
John Morrison's
All the Finest Qualities and Latost Patterns in stock. I have
ihe lines', cutter in the city ami u.iranlec satisfaction. Oil
and see mv ods and work.
V rs'
121 North Eleventh street.
Tim follow l nff lira ftr (xiMUIifil Hi heat rumplilrt form, Miilr.l from cmtil rtiUIA Iri" nn rrwxl
rif r ml many of llifin liftiiUoinilr lllimlrmr-f 'lUy urn nilltmil cirf-i-tHm idn cl.rl .mk urtr iut
mlitil Hi nv Uml or UhuR Mid funnel to tl.o nmMf if tho t '"I'l" "I'irtuini)' In rrtif II Wfl
lllilftttiio if I'm iUr ftl ttir intiKt tiiflinj rurii!' In nny oll.rr nvtirn tl.i-on uifit Hotki tou.1 cml himy
ttnifi tho Tlru nt uhlcli thry nm linn i.n.'ie.l I t li
WiuiitrM of tUr ntA, Nttmt, h Orintn (' n
Utnt il 1 11 it an I dnitii AUniti tt II I" l w-.n.ti - in)
wnttaot lilii f i f iitAii nt (nltffitmr it l tittlfn. i
umlrr tf f In hril A il M iimi . i mm m r
fill tit I l-auillit Hilnna iuiit Ml Ulhiut t-( i i. tn, Hllli
rifitit iiiti'i ail na
A I'lciitiirn 1 trrtlnn" nn.t Oll.rr NLrfrlir. Ur
"Jenn Aimm i ' A r. II. 1 (loM 1 I lurauili i liiin.r
ihrli l n I 1 in. , 1 tiUt I 1 nioiiMta mpi l H t
'I lir 11nl liluli l'nti r ! 1 ii Aiiirt Riiilii r
ftf ' I ii Hot; lh ttntfiita intiat rdlli uluit! luttli Ih-W
-lnrn wit 1 ul 1 1 ' ' I. I'Moll '
I hrUliiiH iiplri I f I'immi lHir rntiiita
mitnl i-r 1 I l lift tit ! t mini I 1. 1 Miit t i..i it a iii nniiiu
1 1 I!.m- tlfl m llpr w I ofitr Mtr I r Uu In mi l i
Kmiitil I In i tiliitf 1, 11 in p. A lM h ti aioiua.i ! luiaa,
putrlri an I ram a I 1 i d ImIIo It III all nir
I'li.mliir Hi Itnllitiitt iimt llnlUMrt litimnrmn, Iram
I(ti 1 1 ittvirii (i it liit II ti llai, I t I n. I iti.tai , uiar
1 Uv Ir'iitiitto li 11 nf Mm) 1 ni 'I litM. rtiuni 1. 1
lrltatit it it 1 f lam tua (fit iiift.ln Ahiilflia,fMtin ,
Mm nt franklin I t t j irarltt
rimillliir Onnt ulliina. 'tnUliilng lit ntlln an 1 till.r.f
Mp f inaiir lta tirittt)ll)r tiitt In Ii1Iiik an I iiMittta
Hull A mlnal Wi tk f ir'rnlir
l,m? I.ITn In rr nrl. A t1 nf vtti 1 1 t iflnrn
Imttlnff lit Uih ail f f li in M. Kiral rlr lttmtlf,l
'I lip l(unl fit Wtnllh Nil an nlrrttilnf riiciiUp,
tul Ihfifushlr illrft .lk, ntttltt out way ,y
Mfh all tnr tnjfco n.. nVi fail), ia Mlf icl Imiir!!
Onn lliiinlrril liiiilnr hmiat ntim-tiiai idUtllc
w I rtimlr In in iii( iiki . 1 ih tatilir hwaiitiM
Mr Nfirl's llrlr. AN " lu klta Hit Ankm n vmitii
Allnrtrrnl 1,1 fi A N.-l It; tlaiNN Htm amt
An fllit .Muti'a HhCrlUrf A Suvtl. lly llti Ann d
0rWr ft til poihI nny rnr nf llm almm lionlnlijr nuili'nat ri mmi rfrrlttf only tU('riit ny ten tut
Vrt rriilti'thyftirrifi livltir rtM'rn (I.k rtillMi llati HlltiMiVaifur 7 A i n(lli ontltn l)l ImimihI Ml huirtl
Hhrlollih.i. k forttt , IO, IhinUtlif-urratftt liri;iin In hiHiknvvpr ttrrril lliiiitiirml totikr Atvmitinrtiif It.
1lir(ir(l('ti(U(iriinrrrifirfrtoriu rtfnntrt, l'nt"ff" inii n UVrti fr fraction oT r dollar AliMMirtilUlillllr(
rtfrr to any hnpNirr Milia!ii. In N-w Vdtk lthwia in il.o tNiiiiniorrUI Atrrnrlr Alt nnlMft f.HM by
rniuAll. AtUniiillUUtri, 1 M. J.l)l"TKNal'iibltlivru ilil Attirriiy Nlrre(,NW Yrl.
Union -
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Quit I ct
'I'm lie tlirirliiinl llyer uml mvc one il.'iy to nil I'nclllc conht points.
Ktinnliic Inlo riilon lii'iiiitHiitiilrdiiiit'clliiir ullli llio TiiHt lltiilk'il trnlim if nil lliimliir u
1pImIm ciisl. n.irlli nuil mmili. TlirniiKli Hi Io'In on inoilirii il'iy t'oitolii'n. llnpunyui'lu'ckiil
llintiiuli loili'Ktliiiilliin from nil "'I( iihI In Hit) I'nlltil KIiiIcr itntl Ciinuiln.
.Sk'CH.'r iiecomtiK'.l.itioiiN rcM-rvcil in llirouli I'nlliiittii l'tilncc cars from tlic MUtouri
river to the Pullk' const.
1:. 15. SLOSSON, City Ticket Acnt.
101 1 0 Btiiut, Lincoln, Nflirnslal
At'tiiiK (li'ii-iiil MiiiiiipT
(Icn. 1'iih.h uml Tkt Agt
Its cnnt-rtl pultun uml cl n c nmotnn with Eustorn llnoa at Chtcac-o
nnd lliv s nt UTu.l.m1 p, Wout, Northwout, and South'
woflt, mnk" it tho trim mid-llnl: In thu' truiiHcontincntiil chtiln of etcol which
unitotfthtt Atlttntlc und Pnclllc Iu, main lluos and brunchou Inclndo Ohl
riipo, Jollot, Ottnwn, LaStillo, Pcv j-ln, Gr-ncsoo, Mollno nnd Hoclc iBlnud, hi
Illinois . Diivonnort, MuictLtlno, Wiiuhlnrton, Fulrfli Id, Ottumwrt, OskalooBn,
V"tLllortj, IpwiiClty.Dc., Molin-s, Indlnnola, Wlmorsot, Atlantic. Kno&
vllle, Audubon, Uurlnn, duthrin Centre and Ccuncll Ehllo, in Iowa: Gallatin
Tronton, Cnmotx i.St Jouoph und Knneat) City, In Missouri; Loavonworth
and Ate llbon, in ivansas. Mlnnnpollo and St ul, in .nno8ota : Wntor
tpwn and Sioux Fulls in Dakota, and luuny othor prosperous towns and cIUob.
It also olloro a OHOIC13 OF llOtfTtIO to ,.nd f- Jin tlio Pacllio Couat and lntor
n??(,'.l,lA P1",0. maklngr all transforo lu Ui-t-ii depots. Fust Trains of tlno
KLEEPINQ CARS, and (hotwoon CM-'apo, St. Joseph. Atchli. n and Kuneaa
City, lvstnil PFULTNINO CHAIR ARS, Boats FRHlJ tc lioUlora of throuKh
HrBt-clauu tickets '"
Kxtends w"-: un so ahwost from ICuns Ity and St. Josoph to Fair,
bury, Molrfon, Ho.-ton, Topjka, II rPtbto.., ilutchlno. u, WlcUlta, CaldwoU,
und all points In S.utlio.i J, i '- Irttici- 1' und boydnd. Entlri
pa oonnor oQulpmnut d th c-'k-bi-ntcU PtJlhimn racnuf cturo Solidly bal
luMod truck of lunvy stot 1 rail, 'ron and Dton brlupros. All uufjty nplluuco8
irjtrcoSoSodvi;;;Vu 'e-bu,u stttiton'- &i c-
Is tho favorit.t brttveon Chloar-.i, Rock Ilnd, Atchison, Kunsns City, und
MIuji -utv.h i ..iiJ -. .'.till T.u' f vu-i i ,-o,.t , . , uU Vorrhor Si.ininer EcBorti
Its Wat rto.'i iii-iiitch nwrf. :ni iu. -.t proctif :'vo landn of tho irimib
Conmn Dukotu''' bllt" f I,o,nU0l'a Iovva' Soutlvc-toi-n Minnoaotu nd Euut
Tho Short Llm via Uftiora atul lCunkiilcoooUorisuporlnrfiiclllttos to travel
botwnon Clnclnuatl.'.poll?, lttUyotto, ;.iul Cojjncil Ulutlo. St. Josorh,
Atchison, Lavoii oi'.li, Kunstis Cliv. Mtunonpoho, and St. Paul.
,.,Ff,,'c,5:A,V mVii "St1 JPVJi'."?' ll0!"l Infonuutlojj apply to any Cou
pouTtoUotOltljo iniho UnltodStutouor Otinudu, crartdrosa
Ooceral Miniver.
'!IH' U!
iini'lttmn itri'H
'llio r.inrlllMl Unl. Ira. A Nml tlf t T Ciirft.
'I hnlHil llHtrnt lnl. Ntl Ityflti t tfVm ('..a a Jt.
'I hn I'rnrl nt hr On nn il fiotil. H Vi an iitiiiat
1 1 it t In tv Aili II ull. A Notal, 11 ftlaauatJir LfVftf
Ilium tt,t
i IHrr II mi ar. A Nnl ft? Ktra Vf riaurf
I inlrr Hid I.IIih. A Kutil. liy lt. a.llmr f li
1ttn '
'llio IMiiinnmt llrnrcUU A Nt.ttl. Tf Mil
W ii HtHiituit,!
'I lin I.iim j i rMrrrfl. A Nnl ifliaM f litM,
'I lir hiriiiiui Cnf r Ur JiL)ll hhI .Mr. Ilalrw a
Netvl lit Ml "
A Wlrl.i.Hllrl. A "! HfHHni 11
I. inly itlniirtliA iHamoiitl. A !. if M Ta
li i na "
llrltirrn Twii Mm. A Suva! lly lit f !;
Il ' llluHt,.l
I In Mnt r llriirf A Nfi liyn I rtAfi.
Hurl' riirlintc A Nntrl
A i.H Miirrlnar. a v.l
Hi t'l imip vRitftii
I li ll lll'MilB llhf
I til' tJiitllt f rr. A K 'l Ih Wn uln I'm I !
'riio PiiIxiii nf A ait. A Nt lit riniM lttT,
ftiml llrutiur. A Not) It r Mia IUnh? Wimti
'"'full. a llMtlillir. A hu My Uu
A IMmj urltflil' 1'iiuulilcr. A Noitl. lly Hi.
yiiwtm.a IUmH .f
1'Htr I. nt ImIt. A Nottl r lU ulUr f mIn
lit. tt.r ' fliiilliHfr.f
l.iiiirnlrr' 'hIIm. A Houl liy lltf II. V Vnint
I'liinnrr Itlnnlma Ontli. A Kotel. Ur Itrt Mt
A haiau fuiimfif,
'I lin Wmmihii Mulrr. A Kot.l tf Dr. J II noftiAat
IIip (itlffiirtitit Mlln. A Noffl. Hy II T Cut.
Route to all points in
Washing 'n
Ash. Uuii. 1. nnd T AkU, Omnlin.
Gou'l Ticket & Pau'r Agent
rum ..jti,. '