Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 03, 1888, Image 6

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In ito the Ladies of Lincoln
and vicinity,
When Visiting Omaha,
TO INSl'KCT Til Kilt
New Store and Stock
Good v
v Goods
At Low Prices are their
Main Features.
We call Special attention
to our Elegant
Ami House Furnishings.
Gents' Furnishing Goods.
Send for Catalogue. Ex
press prepaid to Lincoln.
Wi.BaiTDiy Goods Co
:6tli uiul l)oii;ln Ms.,
A I'lilpiiuiil or Niiti-t Altinit I In- Spent uiul
I'm-MUiiiM A limit Wliri'liiii'ii.
Six linivi riiloi-s wont to W'nlioo,
Four tui'iuil Inok, thou tlioru uoro two.
Two liolil oyolNts took tho lonn run,
Ono Kothick which loft only no.
OiuMiiKliniiitiii whoolor, uood fiithoi-'Hsnii,
Took tho truiii homo, thon thoio woroiiono,
(No llowoi-s )
Oh! my! Aithur Younj;.
Wii-hoo Whool or (:i) Ciin
Vnlpanilio Yoihib AiIiiiih.
Wlmt'rt tho iimttor with tho oaptninf
A llvo inllo hpin 111 the oiuly nmrniti Is
lionlthy mill iuvf(;niatiiiK.
KlKlit o'clock iloos not moan nine, or evuti
olsht-thirty, as somu of tho hoys think.
A run to Valparaiso Hunihiy Is thoonhrof
tlio ilay. Jloot at Don Cameron's at S a. in.
Tho roails arc not in tho host shapo IniiiKin
ahlo, hnt what tlio kuiIs lack tho woathor
makes up.
Hough! Hougher! Houchift! Tho latter
hotter ilosciilKs tho couilition of tlio ro.uls
lust Suuilay.
Kolly says ho wont to Wahoo. Wn! hoo'l
lioliovo that? Colonel, toll us something that
will sliilu easier.
Who Mild Young coulil not rlclel IJrliiK him
up and ho will Imvo u duel with ovory iiiem
lier of tho cluh.
Tho 1 ink is tho cry Just now. Some of tho
Ixiys w ill ho crj iii to enter tho rink shortly.
Wo hoK) thoy will not Imi too Into hut wo are
inclined to think tho will ho.
Tomoinbor tho regular monthly meeting
takes iiIiiou 011 Tuesday, November lit, at tho
CouitlKll olllco. As Imsiuoss of importance
will Imi transacted, every member bhoilld I hi
Tho Omaha Wheel club turned out in the
procession on tho Tuosdiy when tho now
hriilgo was oonod. Tho Lincoln Wheel club
was not reprosenteil on this occasion. I'rob
ably tlio Lincoln Ixi h have nil their money
out on tho election. v '
Our 7cncriihlo mid IkhioiihI lironiilont stntiw
that as soon as O street is op.'iiod to Twenty
seventh ho will l on wheel ovory mcotiuj;
lilglil. no are all mad, oxceisimiy so, n
hear it. The sicond in command cannot nl
wavs uuido riuht. and tho lovs of the counsel
of tho head of tho club Is severely felt.
Col. lv. Wheio'll wo go next Knnduyf
Lieut. C rVoiuont.
(len'l V. II Lei's (,' to Crete.
Cnpt. H. No, tho asyliiin is far oi.oukIi.
Major W. Look hero, bos! What's tho
matter with Vnluirnisof
Lieut. Y. Oh, a follow can't get iinjthlng
to eat there, can hcl
Chorus You bet1 To Valpaialso we'll go!"
Tho above was tho coiiersntiou hemd
somewhere, sometime, by somebody.
Lust Monday evening Mm. II. L. Casosur
pilstsl her husband very iignvuhH by luvit
iiig a nuinbor of young jieople to dinner
Mfbsru. Koily, TolliK-k, Drain, Young, Dins-
ntnr.1 tul KiiiiiW V101 Horn hiM'ii the onlv
ii-omlieiu of tho wins.'! club who (-ractyl tho
festivities withthelrpieseiico. Horace's bit th
ilay docs not como every day, anil tho guests
undo tho most of It. Hooral othorM outMldo
of tho club did justliw to tho bounteous rejxut
et beforo them by Mm. C.
Newsy Notes Irnlli the Wollil of WiIIits
New Itiinlis uiul flm;iiliie.
'1'itlili- Tiilk for November, aii'ither season-ably-lltted
iiuinber, full ol Thanksgiving sen
tiiuent and pahuluui. Tho lutok opens with
tho discovery ol tho ''Nation on Her Kmvs"
a short poem by .loseph Whitton. then bil
lows "Ancient ThanksgMng Days," after
which, '"A Thanksgiving Huiiier," wheieiu
Mr. Horer shows two ways of overcoming
that delicious dilll -ulty; shu also has a second
paper chasing up another little dilllciilty:
"How to Llvo on a Thoiisind a Year."
Among other articles intcrciting mid piolita
bio to tlio housekeeper aro "How Mih. Huskiii
Suvwl Fuel and Kept Warm " Tllllo May
Forney's "I'ashlouahlo Limchiou and Tea
Toilets;" "Kthel's New Home;" "New Things
for Taiilenud Kitchen;" "Hn;nekeoier.s' In
quiries," with their answers by Mis. Hoi it,
also a lull list of iii'iUM for the
entire month. How n mue:i me'itful unit
tor can bo crowihil together for a dollar a
year is a problem wo presiiniu tho publishers
ulono can solve. Tithtr Talk I'ubllshing Co ,
Utt, 101 it-IIXlHiicoSt., l'hlla
A fascinating work will slio. tly come fiom
the Kcilbiior prey's, in the "Diary and Let
teis of (louverneiir Morris " So-iot, poli
tics, travel, literature, mid th) theatre fur
uishoil this famous wit and popular man of
tho w-01 Id with material for his letters, mid
ono can easily imagine the ilellghllul lesult.
The most brilliant men and women of Amei
ica mid Franco wore his iutiiii ite friends, and
many of them m-ide him theii ti listed coull
daiit. Wo are in receipt of n copy of "Tho Indian
Kuuiuior Time," a beautilul song and chorus
by that popular I'omjMisor.Mr Will L.Thouip
son, author of "tiutticiiug Shells by the Sea
hlimi," "Como When tlio Lilies Bloom, ' etc
It is a lllioiomHsition an 1 can be hail of any
iinisio dealer or by mail, price folly ci i ts.
Irom . L. lhoiupoiikV Co , Last I.Uci pool.
With tho constant piilih d-'inand for "Lit
tle Lout Fauntlero' In story form lias now
come the draiiiati.ition to make tho hook
oeu uioio popular and ongerl) siuht for,
tho Sciibiioih having reached the sixtieth
thousind of Mis. Huructt's famous jiieuilo
A hands nuo ortrail of Mix. Ilumphr
Ward, tho iiuthor of the famous novel "Hob
ei t Flsinere," will apjs'.ir in the November
Honk lliiyer, together with mi interesting
sketch of iho ladj's life and liteiaiy caieer.
Margin ot Delaud's poi trait will bo printed in
tho s lino number.
Tho S.Tibnors h-ivo issinsl a now edition of
their' famous Thackeray letteis, in smaller
form, mid hao lil'ido it ouo of tho hauds.)iu
ist specimens of book lu-tking of tho year.
Flunk H. St("ktou's iittst book of stories,
"Amos Kilbiight," has as.sisl into Its second
edition with tho Sciibuers.
Thomas Nelson l'age's "In Olo Virginia" is
to Iki brought out in London with a geueioiis
Hint edition.
Tho seventh edition of "How to Imi Happy,
though Married" is on tho press with the
line lint
Is woith n column of ihetoric, said mi Amer
ican statesman. Ills u lact. established by
tho testimony of thoiivmidsof people, that
Hooil's Sarsaparilhi iIhs cm e scrofula, salt
i Ileum, mid other diseases or atl'ectioiis m is
iug fiom Impure state or low coiidltiuii ol the
blood. It id) oveicomes that tiled fisdillg,
creates a good appetite, and gixes strength
to eciy pint of the sst'iii. Tiy it
Tho woist lentuie about catmrh Is its dun
goious temleiiey to colisiimptioli IIomI's
S.iisapai'llla cures catnrih by purifying the
To Our IiIiimN,
During the past w,-ek TlIK Cm UIKIl olllm
has tuineil out soma elegant 'peclmensln law
hrlels, one luimlM'rliig neai ly a bundled
page-. Wo would like our friends of the
legal fraternity torememlHT that iuthisclas
ol woik wo excel! all ntliersiiuil that our!
prices m oils low ns the lowest. Calls by telo- I
phone. No 'i'i!l, promptly misweml mid all
wink left nt our olllce in Hiiit block iiiiii
unit, iptlck nud cheap
I A CipIiiiiiI ,Iiiii .Hiiile Uleli llow II simtli. '
I Amos Marsh, an old coloied man living on I
, Hell stni't, who does jobs mound the city, has i
Just iliawii fl.'i.ihK) in the Louisiana State I
I Lottery In duly ho mid a fi lend lnestisl 1 '
leach In tickets for the monthly ilmwlug,
which look place Aug. T Last week Maish
I learilisl that his ticket, win -h was .l,s'.i, had I
drawn one-twentieth ot the capital piio of
1 :(ix 1,000, iiiakiug his shaie $t,o)o. U placisl
.the ticket in tho hands of Adams Kxpiess
company for collection. Marsh has a large
' family and Ispoor. Umiiui' iN. J t ("hiimirlr,
Aug .:.
I'or Itent,
Fino suites of rooms in tho Webster block,
furnished and uunintlhcd. Kuipiire ut
loom 1
It isadmittisl by all who have til. si them
that St Patrick's Pills are the moot perfect
plljsle ill llv. They IdlMi tho bowels ill a
oral mid healthy condition so that constipa
tion doe not Ml, u. For sale by W J Tur
Lincoln Much iiutl IIiiukhko I. Inc.
Telephone N . 'Jol. meat nuuket, U.IT O
street, or No IiOl Iimtv Iimi.i. tJrder slates
at s.une places mid C 1. ticket otllco, corner
Kleveutli and I) streets Hue), stands, Capi
tal hotel an I ket
II"IIAM. Hltos.
first lluicst i:iiu slim
Via Missiiiiri l'acili" railway to oints in
Texas mid Ai lean vis, August '.'1st. ls,s,oihei
to follow .September 11th mid '.'' th and Oi to
iler Hth and '-'id at one fare fur the round
trip. Tickets are llrt ca, IiiiiiNhI to t lilt ty
dii) , and stop overs tor tie n is lion of
Und allowed within the limit. Choice lauds
at fioni 6I.'-J") to per acre Fmther tnfor
matiol., map-, descriptive laud matter, t tc ,
may b had liv calling on or wilting
II. (i Ha.nna, H I H M11.1.KH,
City Ticket Agent, lien. Agent,
Cor. O and l'.'tll stioets, Lincoln, .Neb
( nllliiu Cards.
The CuuiUK.'. has just looeiwsl a largo In
oiceof calling cards in the latest shapes and
win., Our lady friends ess'ially mo invit
ed to cut mid examine. Wo furnish them
either printed or engruusl in unj st)lo of tlio
$2 5, (XX) WOKTH
To be sold in next two months at
Hardy & Pitchers
A Complete Line of Folding Beds
now in Stock.
John McWiiinnie's
The liable Tailor.
First Class Workmanship, Fine Trimming, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed.