Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, November 03, 1888, Image 1

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uyrwtr." i -r-r- r"r"" T''--n "-'
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"V PoPdl IAR PAPER ' op AV?'pi:RN -TIMES '
Vou. 3. NO. 7
Lincoln, Nichkaska, Satuhuav, Novkmiikk M, l8t
ilJWcPrhra fil -(&Mrtl Pi
iiyt'viJMvjja ja','- . . t.t n ei i m- ' :. )mi is iv;cvwi,vii v.- l in ... mii rxv. . vLs-Lt csin :
fflaiAar--3s--- -av mvm$&
: xr.
W3C5S9ES3?: v.iJtW1. ' WT-- -- i..x.---.- ..-..-.- --.-? .:-. ...,..
ir .BT--U.-.W t . -- . -. -,rM-- ' -- -T- - - - r w
'ji.wfi.'.jv.... "i kt i v u. --. . - - v-. - wt-- -- x-ir- -
w hut in npiirii, scen, i.cnrnrti nun rem- ,
Iiontly Suggested ( llir Multitude.
Work upon tin eupilol Ih progressing rnp
Mlv, nml I iv tli tlmotlu. IcslKlntiilK oiwiis.
.ve.-ytliltiK will Ik In much l.ottor ilmiH) tlmn I
t'xiHutl. Tlio Rtal' wnvs will mhiii Ih nun-1
lilotul, tin omi of lron'liiivmi' ixwntly Ihimi J
ixwlvwl nml wo:k ww U'L'uii liuttliic tin I
Mnlrs in inr.c,., ns will nlso tlio layliig or ti.
llmirs with tho Vonutliin mm lile liloh h:is
just arrived. Tlio work In tin rotunda
ntai ly ctniilvttl and Is very elegant.
, , , , .... .... ..
1 doslro to call the attention of tho pni'vr
mithoiltles to tl'i terrible eondltiou of tho
., , , , ,, ., r ,, . .. ,
railroad rosslnH of tlio H. t M. anil Uiiirtii
i. in .... . iim .r i .i i .
i'iu (lent O M root. hat few iilnnks hp
i ; i i.,i..i,i.. '.... i 4
in."vii imiw -i ii lift ' vtiui -i i. nnin tii uviv rni
""I " hl" "II- " ..H-.l IH.,HVH
tho planks. All I wish Is that some worthy
Individual ooiineelod with either mud would
attempt to drive a horse acrovsthotraflcs and
try to mi remain the wagon. If his rclUious
proK'tisities would not be slightly ruffled by
their con lltlon, and ho bo led to onss as 1 did
u few days since, let him call on me and 1 w ill
give him a diploma at once as a rtOlgious ex
porter. V
Have you ever stood at tho wirthwest cor
ner of Eleventh mid O when? tho "Pnlun I'n.
eitlc ticket olllee Is located and whero tho
street fountain jKiurs forth mjitnus water for
the thirsty dumb lirutW If not, you are not
included among those whom I will now pro
coed to mention hi gentle Utiiis. 1 refer to
nil thoo gentlemen of gixxl elegant leisure
who have such an abundance of time to talk
politics, lellgion, hurt trades, laud trades,
houses for sale, for rent, dogs for sale, rows
for mli, sheep for sale, wind fur sale, bialns
wanted, prohibition to le heard roin;lu
fact this corner is liuido the general lounging
place of a crowd of men u bo iuv no attention
to the rights of pas-rs hy, cmiii ladies, mid it
is disagreeable and disgusting, mid in any
other city would not lie Udorated. Why don't
the police stop thisHtrvet'Oorner loallng and
order such crowds to jsson'
It liccn ipilto interesting to me to notice tho
papei-s ns they li.ivu ouo by one llopjKsl from
Tluiyer to McShntia Altor tho former was
nominated there was niioudiions calm; it was
plain that it was not a satisfactory selection
lint no ouo seemed to care to make tho break
against him. Tlio fctitJi of 'party did anil has
kept many In lino who arojiersoiially opposed
to tho decrepit governor. Hut onco started
they have ouo by m ootne out manfully for
McKlmno, and I bdit-ve that if the election
weronotto take jiIiuh.' for two weeks there
would not Ik) u dozen uperx in this pmt nf
tho state hiipiKirtiug him. McSlmuo ii so far
miK'i'ior hi all tho ipwlitles that go to make
up a model governor that, altiiough this statu
is republican by about ail.tHKI majority, I
believe that Mac. Iuih inoio than a lighting
chance to down Tlmjor. The revolt is so
general and wide spread tliatgrnsl authorities
place McKlimio's nuijority all tho way from
4,K.U to 1(I,(KKI.
Mrs. Emma I). K. N. fiouthworth's most
jKipular copyright ikvJ, " TllK Maidkn
Widow," Ims juit been Jwneil by her publish
eir, T. B. IVtei-Min & Ilrothers, I'lilladelphia,
to K'll nt tho exceedingly low price of twenty
live centH n copy, retail. "Tho Maiden wid
ow," is ono of tho most pojrular novels over
writtedby Mix Bouthworlh, and as it has
never lieforo Ixs-n puhlUheil ir sold under one
dollar and a half a copy,thl edition must have
mi enormous sale, ok it Ik oue of tho largest
and cheapest InKiks for Hie price over pub Copies will lien.'iit kt mail, every
where, on i emitting price, to her publishers.
Tllllt I'lllllll I'cpirt.
Whit has Ihcoiiio of the union deimt pro-JtH-t?
Is it to end in talkf Err-Amy .Vic.v.
Jfo, "not by a jug full." Tbo union iIcot
project is not asleep, but merely moving on
in a (pilot unpretentious manner. And, fur
thermore, wo might adit that within nine
months Lincoln will have anothoriroW route
to Chicago via tho Hock Island. This road U
not n tmiHT promise, but proves to U) a real
ity for tho near future, for they am taking a
prominent part In tlio meetings (u reference
to tho new union depot Abide jr time,
gentle reader, and seo if the Couuifu is not
getting it straight.
Tho C'oillt Unlike.
Tho ceremonies of laying the corner Ktono
of tho ljineastor county court hoiis. took
place Thursday afternoon under Masonic aus
pices, tho exercises lielug hi charge of (I rami
Master (leorgo H. Franco and thodrniid
lodge of Nebraska Masons. Mr. II. II. Wil
son delivered tho oration, followed by an ad
dress from Mr. t) 1. Mason. The ceremon
ies were unusually iuteiestiug and enjoy able,
occupying ii little over an hour. When com
pleted Lancaster county can point with pride
to ouo of the most elegant and complete
county couit houses in the country and ono
which will ho a credit to the state mid city.
Tho I'nper .Mllii.
Tlio Lincoln paper mills, loc-titnl on tho H.
t SI. tallway in llydo lV.ik, about tluec
iuaitiMfof a miloiioithof the penitentiary,
hao bccti opened and are now in running or
der. The opening of thoc mill, h an impoi t
nut one and an addition to Lincoln mauufac-
tilling Indicts whiih is worthy of suppoit
and oneoinagenient I ho mills will give em- i
ployiuent to foity hands mid Will turn out I
six tons of lino wi appiug paper a day, all
packed and icwly for the market. The Hist
inn of paper win. t ill lied out In 111 st class
lull.', every thing w);lng far beyond tho!
lt expectations, new machinery and oveij
thing being taken into cvuisiderutiou. These
works mo win th visiting by all who aro Inter
ested in Lincoln's do elojuuejii iu a initnufac
tilling lino.
Fur JJpsJory mid Uniionviy'r, Jl, J, Nis.sley
t (It).
Mr. I.iiuihi-itxiii I'ntcrtutio I'rli'iiilit In
lliiiiiir ttf Visiting Iti-tntlws,
i All Informal ton was given yesterday aftor-
0)m ,,., tim, ( Kx vi(xk Iiy Mir. (J. SI
liiuilHrtsii. ill honor of her niHtcti, tin1 1
I Misses (lumlry of Mineral l'olnl, VK, who
n ix NftliiK I.IiH'ulii mid will tviiiiilti hcio '
some tiim Tin occasion wns ii int I'lulioi - ,
"Ii" "Ifnlr, tin IjihiU-iImiii mMniiv Ih-Iiij;
n-ini4'ly lotiiiil.-.i Min iiowiim iiimhi ipx,
'U. Tin Indies xiv ixwhtilliy Mis. ljn
l'Ku, nsvWcl I MIniNmiMoiIi of W iim-Iii.
Minn., nml Mi--dniii.s Mnlrnml ShiOdmi. Tin
"' - '.r, , ,,-,v ""T'T" 'A '" """,.. ... "i
n im.i.op nu on. ,., ... ,v..m. . ...j. , . . ,
tlielluosl ifftvAimrnt-. mid i-onicntlhles whleh
I con lil 1p Rrtttcn Tin Tlio tea lastisl fiom tliroi-
until nfipr vix o'i look, and was fully In keoi
Ime with Mrs. kiiinlKJTtioii'M well known el
' h , vL
, W"H n T'li .. . . l.. l,.i..,.
Arnniic tlio liiilics prisoilt wore MoKilallii-s
, .''. . . ,.' ,,. ,,, . P .. i,ii,,.1.
i'. " TllchnriU. I. r. l.lehanis, I . l IllKhtor,
, ,, . ; ., ... .. , u.. .. .," w
1 rutimm, 1. Sewell, 1-. I. Sheldon, .
... . i t ll il.I.. . II,. ....
Wheeler. t V.. Yates. J. Zehrilllg, ('. N. Lit
tle, It II Townly, (I F. Ijni.bertsoii, K. K. .
Ilrown, Jolun''ii, W. J. Iinib, Ornisby, W.
H. Ijitta, W. N. Leonard, C. S. Llpplncott,
T. M. Maript-tto. W. .1 Marshall, J. C. Me-1
Itrlilo, W. II. Mci'rearv, A. S. Minor, I). I). '
Mulr, II. K. Noble, W. H. Ogden, II. II.
Oakley, It. (). liillllps, K. l'liiumier, I. M. I
lhiymoud, A. S. Ita) monil, Ashby, Atkinson, I
I), r.auin, A. O Hee-on, Hilliugsloy, Houuell,
Hroek. lhiekslair, . 1) llurr, C (.'. Hurr,
L. C. Hurr, T K. Calveit, V. M. Caito .John ,
H. CTaik, Amasa Colib. L W. Coster, W It.
Dennis, John Doollttle. S. Doir. S. C. E'liitt.
B. 1'. Bwlng, A. W. Filch, John Fitgerald. ,
Carl Fiinke, Mis. Ilutscy,
... . J .. '
........LJ............ ....... .........11 (lain. I n, I
iwr niiiiiuriF, nK.r, n,rm u, .mi., ... -
ta, Miller, Hnnly, Abbott. Addlo Algei-s. Ma-
dio Ilecker. Lulu Claik. Luto Cla.k.Chua
Tho music was excellently fiiriilslieil I y
Miss Willoughhy, assistisl by Mossiv. Hapi
now and Ashman tf the l'hilharmnnicorchos.
A Mini of Klu.
Magistrate (to Undo Kastui) This polico
inn n, Undo HattUH, Kays ho caught you steal
iiiK chickens last night.
Undo llastus i es, will, air I tolo do R Io
nian when ho 'rested 1110 dat do minister was
coinin' tcr dinner do nux' day, an' I hadn't n
scrap oh meat in do hoiifo. Yo1 kv, rjiIi, it
wus n matter of rcliuyuu wif inc. It wouldn't
do tcr dlsappiiit ouo ob do Land's elect.
Magistrate And wliat did tho policeman
ay I
Undo Hastus Ho said "Ilata,niiah. Now.
ycr hoiinli, dat man hain't got 'miir rcsjec
fo' do reliBJus sido ob llfo tcr bo ov'u 'motoly
counectetl wif do majesty ob do luw. New
York Sun.
Suspected 11 Trn I.
"Here'd an articlo headed 'Man'elonii
Ksaipo of n Distinguished Citizen from a
Horriblo Deuthl' " haul tho dutiful daughter,
who was reading tho moruincj paper to her
Invalid father. " 'Tho friends of Mr. J.
Alpbeus Ilramblo wcro shocked ou learning a
fow mornings ago that' "
"Jane," Interrupted, tho irritablo parent,
"before yoii read any more of that you will
obligo mo If you'll look ubout half way down
tn tlu, Itnttrmi if tlio nttieln mid Kei wIiiikii
iiatoiit uwdlcino ifu advertising." Chicago
AU the tie Murines.
Funvituro Mover Whut did you do witli
those kitchen utensils, wash tubs und o-lds unci
lilixxl Man lilt 'em lu tlio open wagon,
'Frald it might rain.
'JlyBtnrsl Tho lady will never hlroiue
again. That open wagon was for tho purlor
furniture." Philadelphia iteconl.
L'so nf Dlptoniuii.
Dumb Youth (who got through collcgo by
u scratch) Is this diploma of any use, pi o
lessor? Professor (dryly) Yes. it will show that
you have received u college education. I'lill
adelphia Uecord.
Illustrating Ills Mc:i.
A Boston boy was telling his father ono
day of n. schoolmnto's attempt to sing. "And
time," said tho IU car-old, lu deep disguct;
"why ho didn't keep any better tiuio tluili u
cow when u ilo'iruniiiiix utter her." Chris
tian Advocate.
Tlio 'leveling 1'roeess.
"I washed Willie's pants t'lidilef day, and
cloy shrunk so dat du po' chilo kin ha'dly
walk in tun. Wou'cr how I gwau fix iiiiil"
"Try washlu' do chile. Maybo ho shrink,
too." HariKir's Young l'ooplo.
I!vrr)'buc1y Knows That.
Au exchange ajs: "Nobody knows n hero
tho Uica k." J'ciiiuiiB uut ; but wo know
viicro jicople ,tcll thcuu lo m to, though,
Yonkers tjlutenmou.
The surprise party given last week to Mr.
mid .Mrs. N, 8. Halrd was of such a pleasant
nature mid such a brilliant suctvss, that they
ihi'iii it their duty to return thanks, and de
slio tho Cot'liii'.li too.vpros their heiuty ap
prcciitiou of tho kiudlieivs conforieil uiMiu
! them hy the pieseiice of mi many fi leuils, mid
io inaiiK ouo aim an inr mo very lensmil
ovenlug tliatwiis occasluaeil by thelrefloits.
Tho generous token lett will always Ui duly I
plied, ami by it the ties of friendship w ith
tho iiiomoiies of the ciicumMmiccs connected
' with tlieaU'uir will eer leiuaf it green ill tl.e.i
, iiieuiurles.
Harry HeU'olllnger rctiiiinsl Thursilav
fioin (Iriunly Center, la .after a week's visit.
While absent ho eujoyiil a slant stop at
Missouri Valley and other western lown
cTiililnhlo perfoimaueo and made many
friemU and won scores ot' admiieis who will
bo pleased to have mi oppoitulty to seo
them again,
Herpolshehuer ev Co. have opened an im
mense Hue of coiufot ts f i emi Mi- up.hcsl iiiado:
and bjuukets in tlio I -"'. values to bo fouinl.
"Tlir Uiiitii'k Mute" ii Dig uooos -.Mini)'
fSIlr nf (lariiionts Noticed on
Mtnte street.
It Iiiik Wen wild then Is no Ametieiin elty
like Clilcun", mid certainly this eliiiui is al
hiivs liioirlit to inliiil on oiieh ot-ensloii of a
visit to this cront eoiumoiiwoaUh. Vou may
ko to Cliiniuo in tlio summer or full, in M.rliiK
. ... . . .
I lie liimv tlioioiilifmes, mid from tliu llrtit
)iluiise of the elty, tiiken alter leaving any
of the several beautiful passenger stations, I
enustmit uiovltofll asM-ilsMi-ii and ,
onthiunl noise ami butlo, the limn of bush
ness greets the oo nml ear. Slato street, that
Immense mercantile thornughfaie, Isalnajf.
crowded, mid it Is at this im tletiiar season
that much of Intel est Is seen, not only in tho
uioxclucllt of the uuiltilUilo, but tho Mir. oils
new things mid thouuiueroU'ihiiniNoniostoix's
with elaborate window displays catch and
hold the attention of the visitor.
Just now society Is prominently observed
on the coinuieieial highway in search of the
hundred and ono various m tlc'es tliat will
ailoiu leadeis of the ehaiiuid elide this win
ter in Hie homo, at thooeia, III tho ball I (Mini,
etc., mid us the fashionable menu thcirsiiop
plug totus, their outer winps are conspicuous
for the vmlety of styles worn. (If course Ma
lady with the m'u1hI;1u sucipio or clonk, not
withstanding the time is a Utile previous for
IhU stylish gmb, is most prominent, and as
i. k,.i.t.i.t at . ,.,,. r.i,. lt... i....u fin i. !... uiui..u
II Pill' I I iri III I llll .(1- ..r-..flL..Ill.'n.,.'.n...
- i
"" '"h --" .-..-.i... nnip unit
swin to have caught the spular idea of ,-tvle
on vinciiiis ,iiiicijiai siieeismouoicxMliereii
. on any one pmticular garment, for hi the
various colois, black of course picdouilnntes,
we observe cloaks, ilo'iuaus, uewiumkets,
j sneiptes, Jackets, eirctitaisand vaiious citheis
j all in tho grand march t uowheie iu imltlc
I ularand everyvvheio in genera'.
, Tueislny evening 1 went to seo (IllU'it ct
.Sullivan's latest opera, "Tlio Yeoman of tho
Guard," nt the (iuind, and If ever I was ills
I gusted or disappoiuted with n H'rformauco, I
certainly wiisou this occasion. It was tho
ilrst night, tho initial perfonnaiico in Clii
I cngo, mid after all I had read about It cer
i tainly had cause to expect, if not imi'ii, cxr
I tainly a gissl prisluetion: but to tho contrary
It is, in my humble opinion, a very poor ex
cuse for what is claimed n. line opera, forlr
does not in any way even compare w ith the
average pi-iMluetious of theilay. Tho scenery
well theie's hardly any sn'iiery in it. Tlio
only one in It is that of tho tower of Ixindou
I hi the bai ..-ground, very plainly painted, and
i it is at this that a tired an. Hence must gaze
, dining tlio entlio evening. There aro but two
acts, no marches or Iwillet, mid were it not
' that the spilghtly raiiuy ltieo mid several
.other excellent artists woio in tlio cast, the
os'ra would be a lniro and a dismal (allure
from tho start, and even with such clever
! people in it I predict that it will not Ih.' heard
'after this season, Tho Chicago critics, who
are over lenient in their lenmiks, as a Ilrst
I night presentation could not say aught but
"failure for tlio piece, and on Wednesday
""1"B 1 1"-' 1'ic llatly i.nnouneisl It
There mo ouo or two Hissibly pietty 1
nirs, but they didn't even call foith an en- j
core, or of suUHcut hiilllaucy to carry tho
p-'ia through, and ft dragged. Itself through I
i till the close, when the Iniinenso audience that
had gieeted It arose and left tho house any
i thing hut sntMlcii
My second mid last evening In Chicago was
most delightfully spent at the new Columbia
theatre, where another new oera was Ising
given. It is e 'it I tied the "Queen's Mute," an
adoption from the Ficnch ojsTa of the smuo
name, hy Messrs. Hairy I'oultou (author of
Ermlnic) and Moustyu l'oiilton, tho hitter
gentleman being prominently f dcntillcd iu tho
! lace iiulace some forty fisi high. Tho inarches
1 aro wonderfully smooth an 1 artistic, and iu
the scene above mentioned forms and stieams
I of humanity npis-aiing from the tower in tho i
I center of tho palace, forming a grand specta- I
, cie, marching down a high stairway in ciicu-!
ltr form on eitlier side, and again niietiug on i
i laiidini: sjine twenty feet below, whole nil i
, dlsapis'iir again into the palace to come out !
'oil thegiouud tloor. There men hunched iu I
tho inaich all dressed iu silvery minor, the
... . - .
etecti ic aim calcium ellects making tlio var
Ions luoveliieutK especially attractive. The
! oH.'i'a ims mi excellent ballet and Is well put
I on w ith elegant scetiei y mid aecessoi ies The
j music. Is catchy and tho costuming of tlio
piiucipal rhmaeteis rich, mid I legiet that
Lincoln ur the west will not see tho piece this
j season, for utter this engagi ment, which
closes this week, the company goes to New
Yolk and othei eastern lolnts tortile balance
of the seiL'Oli.
Lot W.
( mil I ii mil .
The Famous l.avo la en oirering at a siv, m
sale, bargains iu an imiuenso Hue of Ostrich
lips I'lincy lialheis, illiu k and Colon d
Iiuiius, in tact everything iu the feather hn
n lithe newi st nud bum iimi.lifW ,t l.,.il,
if, k.jj.,, , (iotnestio make. Thorn coo,s
weio on sale all this week, and tho Kale hnv ing
pi own such a big sin cess, will bo oontiniuil
in M vm el; at icial puces for eoxionlv.
I, , ,li, t
1ui.'Iiuk-s,w, Hud it to their advantage t..
I ill I t llllh.ll f full 1.1 lis I il.l' lil.i I ......... I . ... 1 .. II
miy these giMiils, as tlu-y ate bargains. Call
I and see them at the Fumai, Cor. O and P,ih
Lincoln ii-al estate still conliuius tube
largely iu deiuand, and baldly a day isos
without sowinl lecoiiUof liupertaut deals
being' closed, mid many nf them to fo eign
capitalists. The puuiiuso teceiitly made by
Mi. J. I-i master of .Mcirimao. Mass.. ot the
icuithwist ccnier of N and Eluveuth strtetn
lor giifl'lsi, (UsKiMnf one of tholluikt pincii
vi I'li'iivnt in iim cny, nuo ouo wmon mis
long bail looked upon as a largaln.
east as one or Hie ooineiltaiiu Tin. "C l,it..,.V
Mate" Is a decided success and has len play- I "H "re ?1lT,M,!t XT M,'fl ,,,,WH Ul'T
ing to big houses in Chicago for tho past live " "J ' "" """ " , ' ' """, "' rl , ""' '
I w.'eks. The scenery Is nu.gnillcent, the final ' ,,,0"i- , J" 'M l'"' ttw M-V,c '"'""" 'j
u'nilii hi Mm li. inn ,1.1 nut lu,l ,l,.,l i,r .. -'" ' " -'J i-li-uili nil i"riil-lll, linn
Di'neilpllini tit Hie Train Service iis'lnld
I13 11 t'oiiilor ei live.
What a illlTi'ii'iico wo llnd In Din lallrivnd
tlavel of today mid that of compaiatlvclv
eaklui; 11 few j eatr npn. The tsiniparlson Is
Ki'eat, hut no iiioix) so than it Is Interest Iiij;.
tuirt Ii-iiIui ly to tho averaotraveler and lour
U Wo sKak hi lofereiioo to the now tialu
sprvleo leooullv Inaugurated 0:1 tho llutlliiK
ton, the osIIIiuIoh, their novellv, eloaueo, I
i'. A tripowr the lino eeitaiuly rouvlueos j
tho observant tiaxeler that Ihostliko iiwil
etitly has not, or rather does lint now, a I fee I '
tho iiuiil. Hint Is if tho liumouso irallle the I
oompn iv Is haiiillluK and tl intliiual full
liChsof tin tialns iiihv Ik taken 11s an ei
donee Hut It is of the train ser leo mid I lie I
'""'"J- mioros mm wo wouiu speaii. aim
not mitleularly alK.ut tho strlko. I he v.sll
' " '". ii"""K'i '"ii" .ion-louine ims
proven iiuuieiiseiy 'Hipuiar, mm oeiu anopi
islbyourfileiulsof tho Hurlhiglou shows I
nieir emerpi iso anil w'limgnoss in aiwas no
at the front and give their patrons the host,
in fact they are always ready to give llui ling
ton travelers "the fat of the hind" In way of
convenience, svi, luxury , etc.
Tho superior features of these coiiiies over
tho ordinary ones are many, mid not only nix
tho I'lillmmi can vestibule I and Mulshed fn
tlio latest sty lo, but tho day coaches as well.
Tho train is co-nposod of from ton to fouiteeii
coaches, according to demand of business, but
never less than ten; the Hist being tlio siuoU
lug ear, followed Iiy several chair cars con
tabling toilet apartments that mo supplied
with handsome minors, patent wash stand,
towels, ooinbs, etc. Tho chairs aro of the
latest patents, and a colonsl isnter is In
charge to do service similar to that in the
rullllllin Cat
Thero Is po extra charge for
this, hut from these cars we step Into the now I
sloeiH'i-s. Hero we find everything, It seems,
that money can procure or genius Invent to
make llfo on wheels pleasant. In one end is
the luxuriously furnished smoking risim, and
close by the gentlemen's toilet apartment
Hero wo find much of intciest. The combin
ation wash bowls urn iiiado of brown nimble,
tho water, instead of being pumped out and
running thtough a faucet, i ims Into the bowl
from underneath the top, by simply turning
a small wheel. Another iinpiovcuicnt that'
will cerlulnly Ik appreciated, eiH'cially In j
the winter, Is that cold, war.n or hot water
may I hi let Into tho IhiwI. .Should a gentle-
iiuiii seek privacy while washiug,acurtalu al
hand may bo iiulhsl into place without tho
least clrnrt.
"Tho Jadlen toilet is umgnlflcflltly furnished.
IugO Im'VcIciI plato mlirois on either sldu
seven feet long, tho Inst of soam, blushes ,
...! ..II .1... lli.l.. ..I !.... .1... r..iu
ami all tlio lltllo iilcmics that tho fair ones
use iu tho arialigoiueut of their toilet are con
venieutly at hand. Ouo leaturo in miticulur
that amused tliu writer as ho was being
shown through, was tho new arraiigoiueut of
tho iIikii'. "You ko," said the I'ullmau con
iluctor, "tho ladles formerly wont into the
toilet to pi imp mid make themselves lk
pictty and look the door after them, never
thinking that ochor ladies would want to enter
Iu this way you observe," as ho touched the
knob, "tho dear ones cannot loci; the elixir,
conseipiently thoy will Ihi (routed alike, and
the ap.irlnienlH arc much larger they will ac
coimuiMluto all "
Tho Intel lor finish is of light wcssl with
heavy hard oil finish. K.-lltsmo
I.. ..l.l nl.l ,.nl.n.. i.i.... .....ii i... i
I ... 1. "S'Z. .. ... 'V, .... ,';....
,.,,.,, ' ' ' B '
Tlio exiling U of sky blue, with sliver and gold
tint I'll.lKwsltig 111 artistic scroll designs. I ho
state rooms aro the finest pni t of the cars,
and ii them tho traveler revels Iu ecnial mng-
i nlllceucc) to nnythlng in the finest homo.
Those uirtnientH nro not only secluiisl fnim
tho balance of tho car, but in them ,,i, e.itlro
Journey of vves-kimay Is .nade without go ug
ta otl.erpa.tso the train for anything. It is
a homo within itself
Tho appearance of tho car from either end
j Is certainly Inviting, and when the hostess en-
tors to bid her guests good bye, tho sun omul
tlio s-inl-circle made theieiu adds additional
Is'iiuty to tho car. it is iu this circle that a
well suppllisl library of JKipular works is
kept from which patrons may soldi volumes
to road during the trip fieo of charge.
Thero aro numerous other things we might
speak of regarding those modern railway pal
aees.btit wero vo to euimierato them all.even
then our reud-rs would not nppiisiatc them
until they had soon the cars. Thev may Ih
I J"0" '"", ftl''"("""'t tho Hurllugto.i.leK.t at ,,!..., .I.... .....I .. .,11, r.... ,1....
... .i-v m,.-, (iitii ,, i.u i.r, 1 1, ilk Jim jnist-
mono wouiil pay one mm all. llio por.eis or
I'liHnum conililrtois always take pleasure in
showing visitors through If such rc-ipiest is
I. II. Hii ley Unt homo after a tour of tlii
trnpolituu maikothin search of holiday
mid novilties.
Charlie Mitchell, the clever little Eng
lishman whohuistcd the bubble of leputntiou
uppei taiuiiig to .Mm L. .Sullivan, has an iv i l
in Amciica once more He has pn haUv
Inmd that Sullivan was at the point ol death
and theiefore had no fear of u tinning
Mr and Mis. Mam holer gave a house
warming Wtdiiesdny evening titthitricsi
deuce, lTl'i It stint, wide h was eujoyiil by
ovu 100 uieuilH'ih of theti A It ait 1 W It
C. Tlio evening was paSMil iu sis-mi enjuv
' ! m-iri nun. iiiiiii it'll, I- HI III,
SUn.ts. and imitations Depaitincnt Com
... ..
lllelit, with vocal selet tions fiom some of the
W. C. Henry, ol Frouioiit, was pre.
Speak of popular livery 'inn and the name
of Flunk (Irahiim i- ahvnjs bnaight into
mind I'uinUlsone of those wholcsoulcil
youiii.' fellows that niaki . f i nuds with eveiy
OIK', and III this hes the N'Ciet of his success
as a liveryman. Ho has a Hue lot of trott
mid iipially as ulcoii linoof handsome rigs,
and the bovs all sav I'lank alwa s nleases
tlu-ui nud never ovoi charges
bo well for yo bloods uf Liu
Would a iut
tuulii to make
go to Urnlimu' btable.
1WT 0 bluet, wacit 1 1 uicsl of livery
A Iteilew of tho 1'iixl, a Wind lor (ho
I'loaoiil nail I'lnspeeti, for I'litmo
A lillix'iiicllla.
nit .ii:km.i. ami mii iivtn:.
The second ihno this season wo were, Mou
day evening, treats I to "Dr. Jekyll and Mr
llvdo" Theio mo piohably iiiiiio diainall
atloin, each entirely illlferout, of Hloviilsoti's
celebrated novel, than any pliated works in
ems The nuo played bj tlio IIU'l' complliy
is, In our opinion, tlio ImsI wo have yet seen
It dilluscs a lay of light eomisly Ihioiiuhout
which, In comparison with the valuable ting
olio features, lenders It palatable. Mr. 11 do
Is, ol online, a physical linpoNillilllty, but ho
suggests n lather dlMigiooiihle thought. Mr.
()M.,., the title n.o. shownl himself
a ca
pahle actor, and ho was well siipHittod.
Tin: vviitTK hi.avi:.
Wednesday evening witnessed tho prislne
lion at I'uuko's o'N'i'ii house of llutloy ('amp
bellV great phy of "Tho While Wave." It Is
'tiaiiinlie ton high degieii, mid tho liluiuxo
went well hi ought out. Miss Jeiiulo Kuril
nor, In the title lolo, carried tlio hcailsof her
uuditois with her through all tho trying
scenes, mid is a most cipihlo actress. Her
suppoit was geueially very fair, the uogio
parts Ising especially well liikou.
iioimoN ami iii.vm:.
The two einlnont oxMinenls of pure loiuo
dy, IloliMiiimid ( 'nine, i.ppeaiisl al Ihel'imko
Thui-sdny night In their now play of "The
llemletta" It is u picture of llfo in Wall
slrii't, and inlii) lueos lo the audience the
methiNl of bucking tho tiger in that renowned
(uimterof New Yoik. William II (Vano as
"Old Nhk in tlio Htrcct," was an ideal bull,
while Hobsoii as"Heiile, tho Linili," brought
down the house at every turn. The suppoit
lug company Is ono of the Is'st wo have over
sis'li. Knell member, male or female, is fully
up In I heir part, and the success of tho play
Is largely duo to their excellent woik. "The
Ilouiiettit" U in llronsou Howard's best vein,
and a tepresentativo Aineiicmi comedy,
tup. I'I.ay tiimiiiit. .
KMier's company, which has Usui so ry
Miiccessful this season hi their comedy eutl
lt,. A ,.,. i)liy ,j( t,boanlsut FiiiiIco'h
tonight. Of tho merits of tho isirforinaiieo
tho l'ittbburg LnuU'v says; An old-time
crowd was on haml last night to vviUn.h "A
Cold Day, or Tlio Liplivn lers," n iiiuslciil
comcsly. In which Messrs!. lA,s.,uger and
Hmuiison aptiear and extract much Inn. John
I-.1 '
J. L-Kcengor iniikoH a very comical Dutch
man, as Jacob lllow, alii Will ('. r!amsoii,
as his tmrtnor, Alilo Bll'ort, kii'ptlio nuilleiiiii
in a mar while they are on the stage, llio no
tlotl of tho play is at loug Ihaiuii and alnianl
a steamer nt sea. During the play, Carlnttil,
Misses Essie and E llth II irlou mid th main
meinls'iic of tho company slug a number of
,,,,ular songs, niiiong which aro niinilMrs
from "Erinl!ile,""Ado'iis,""Bvangelluo" and
"HM-ctro Knight" ('nrlotlu nlwi IntriNluces
I her sH'clalty, "I'm so Shy." "A Cold Day"
Is altogether ono of tlio fuuulcit plays of til
i season.
A ix'turil of theso isiiiular favorites who
,.... n, i,,i' i.mniiri.nM.iit nt the I'm
I . P " .... .
!l,l,,M "" "'""-"-y "'.' "1 "" K",,,"
'' iimifiw lnnlmi l)n their last visit 'his
I, .,i,rlinllv. , . rit ....i.t- v -. ve.v Howe Is a vrh.ilo show In himself nml
his dialect is of the wittiest nml must pleasing
nut in i. Ho never falls to bring out roars of
--..--.------- -.--..- ... ...
laughter and please the audience. As for his
J rMny ,ms tll)) V(K,,, nlly ,,,,
, u(,t , ,, W,H, ,, .,,,
, ',,, ofn timtn.. The eugagement will
Imppj en laborer on tho stage, Otis Hcatii,
agemeut will
eel tainly Is) a bright one and it Is to hoped
the houses will bo as they should Is-, full
every night.
"I'.l.ll IIY TllK I'.VKMV.
For many a day has the Lincoln amusement
circle oxpiis-Mslaihs.Ire to seo that gioati-st
of all imslern ilranuis. "Held by the Enemy,"
mid It ii with a source of pleasure that the
CciuiiiKii is ii'i-mitted to aiinouiico this at-
traction at Funke's for Monday evening, No
vciiiUt . This gieat play, written by that
sterling play w light, Mr. William (lillotte,
has had a phiMioinounl run, having receivisl
!WI prc-sentatiotih ill Now York, 'Jul nights iu
Iiiidon, 1IK J nights iu Hostou mid a long con
N-ciitlvo run iu all the largest cities of tho
coiitiiieut. Tlio company is the original ouo,
mid the play will Is put o'l hcrooiitiul to its
Ilrst presentation 1'iieesof admission w.ll
Ih- held nt Usual flguies.
Ilii: ciillli lil'KKA KVKNT.
"The Little LyciMin,' withall its uiuguill
ceut sceiieiy mid giugenus cis.tllliies and a
grmid eouiimiv of llfty two artists, will Is-
. Ir-eiit-l for the Ilrst tun. lion next Wcslnes
day evening. The loiupany in 'hides Cuther
iue Liuvaril. Llviu Crox, Mm ie Sanger, Anna
I'onieioy, Thus. O. Scalnooke, J. Aldrich
Libby, Lloyd Wilson, Joseph Wilson mid J.
VV Mcuuriiio I ho l.lttle l.ycisiu Isa satiie
on the foreign till. worshiptung craro
(icucral KulekoilsM'ker has a iioantlfiil
daughter, Violet, who he detci mines shall
iiial.o a biilliaut match. "mltt is iu low
with Alviu Ikiuy, a young American of
splendid family, whom she iiuvtsnt Wince.
ltetuiiiiug fiom EuroH) em the same steam
er is a hightoiiisl English Imd Loid Dol
phhl with hi valet, Toddy. The hull's title
cn.iipletely eaptuies the (ieuei al audhuiays
g. at limit to "his lordship,' determining
" inlet sh.dl many him All on the steamer
yiuiNiliiie with Alviu mid Violet. Lorel
Dolphin, to gel Alviu out ol tho way. pus
i ure his ariX'st on the charge ot smuggling
and the . uitalii falls uu th" M-pmatlou of the
Act second llllds Violet in teal's ail t ciitfi'ly
guarded in her fmlu-i's villa at NeKirt. Al
viu dlsguist'd as lionl Dolphin gains distin
gllisheil etitrmii'o to the K nickel Isicker villa,
but is dlseiivoiisl mid has to heat a hasty to
tieat. As a llnal ntso he plays on the (luuer
al s great weakness- loco of title wnrshlit
nud i'isiiuiitcM the (ireat Tyeoon of Japan,
theteby wlnuinij 'wlet mid iiiukiug her "Tho
Little Tycoon,
r'uicic Kivie OicN'ra
A lloniillfiil I'noiu Willteli Iiy an Ail
mil ! ol tlio I'opiititr Aclroas.
Vou may slug or Mary Audcrpnii, lirr Iwanly
and her grace,
(irof (villa's perl abandon, or of Mrs, Ijuig.
try's face,
' if Hie miijesl) uf .tiiiiiiusehi'li, KaloCiiKlle-
tou's I rl in leys,
Or Hie Itiistlnu mill ss Klio.i mid hnr hive fur
1 1 it n i mid eggs,
ill nf Hoi lliullh Itusscl's liuuioi and his upie
lile riirJiilioN,
Hut head lliollsi of all these with Miss Ito-lim
You mii.v inllc niioiii jour iiiahlcus, you may
lallc nliiiul jour men
Vou ma) t ill ic it t mil t jour nttlits and the
iiiouariiis of llio pun,
Vou ina.v envy all Ih oiiudiirs," Ihej who
cotruseale o' ulglits,
And who rusli iliroiigh Ulclllcc llghlnlugou
the limit riu flc.ll it,' I lull In,
1 on may gmvel al Hie slirluu of all tho com
inoii net lug fotlis
roruiollie Peerleos Ouoof earth I Miss Ito-
slnii VoIkw.
When Itoslna glvis her head a shako anil
pulls her skirts aside,
When she jumps upon the sofa for her daring
limc-h'uk ride,
When her slippered lues go twlnklllll. ill mid
mil lielieatli her iliess,
And Hie queer uncertain motion agitates each
golden Iress,
i oil hehiitil In lin a being who all else In llfo
r 'Voices,
To worship nt the dying feet of Miss HohIiiii
I liceoiue as sciillinculiil as a hahy o'er iidoll,
When I hear the leinler pathos of Ills 'Art
was true to Poll,
And a thrill or horror pastes lliroujli each
nloiii or my frame,
At the story of Hie lover who forgot his loved
one's inline,
And whene'er slut sing of dancing, and tho
dancer who ne'er polks,
Mj heart with pll) overllousfor Mlsi Itoslmi
Well I Icmivv Ihal she's a "Mlsn," and that
Vukes Is not her lliiuie,
Hut I worship Iter mid love hnr and adore
her Just the snnie;
And nltboilKh I never met her though per
haps I never will,
From heron' I he footlights glitter I will Idol
ize her still.
And my vision ofelysliiui Is lo leave till baser
Ami spend existence dancing round with Miss
Itoslua Voices.
Toronto, Oct. '.', Itixs. W. C, N.
On noxt Turn lay evening nt tho IVsiphi's
theater tho vrcll known nml justly popular
Frank Llndon combination will present tliu
great stiecos-clul play that nil America ail
mho, entitled "lineal ICIrko," and In tho
hands of such clover artists as Mr. Llndon
mid his support, tho plis-o can not fall to 1st
ImiIIi pleasing mid Instructive. '1 ho Nriorin
Mll(.,, gUeu for the beuelltof tlio Knights of
l'ythias piano fund and as tho cause certainly
isa win thy one, It ii to bo hopol that tho
house will Is well llllisl.
The world famous I' T. (lllmoio mil Ids
'."Jil Regimental band will Is) at Fuuke's next
Thursday evening. While tho name mid famo
of (lllmoro have lieon world wide for a ipinr
tor of a century, ho has never until recent
years veutuioil on general cuneort toum
through tho country with his groat band. Ho
fcllliil every whero tho klndewt greetings and
IIIhthI itro.mge, vvl.llnthonppns.ialloi. was
Hl. thoroiich that no nnrt nf Can country
" ' ..V.T.?.T.'... " . .7 ..1. .. . "
..w..,.l .l .,v..w-l .1.1.. ... .., .'. in....
rii-vwtli r-swx"nj msr viu.J Mimw j
hnvo Imsjii marked by IncronsiiiK Mtniuigo
nli success, ns vvoll as tho most tiixiiiounccsl
eviileiiccs of delight and musical Instruction
mid encouragement.
A I'li-imiint I'lirly.
I Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Hurr wac
tho scone of u pleasant gathering Wcsluosiluy
, night, when a party of young ludlos and gen
men eujoyiil a novelty party given iu honor
'of Miss (files, nieco of Mr, mid Mrs. Hurr
Hallow e'ci pl visa res were hidalgo I iu, such
'as roashsl chest nuts, diving for npplos, enki
vv ith ling, nleklo and button, and varum,
other nintisements, tho evening Isiing inorvt
thoroughlv enjoyisi, passing only tocpiiekly
Among those piehont wero Misses A. Funke,
Hello ami Allccu Oakloy, Lllllo Hathawny,
Alice nud Katie Condon, (iraco Knelling,
Fannie Stout, (iertlo Ijiwo, Oscnr Eunice,
Will Clark, Uob Mulr. John Stunt, Mr. Jan
sen. Mr. Mason. C Teinpleton, W. Maxwell,
L. Storrs. E Edwards, Mr. Malhilieu.
The Mnrnij Motel.
Tlio now hotel iu Omaha, mid tho movl pop
ular now, Is the Murray. Although only
oH'iicd a short time, Mr. Silloray, the geiiinl
proprietor, has shown that he knows how to
i mi a Hipuiar houv, as is evidenced by tho
largo Mti linage which tho house is revolving
from the traveling public. The rooms of the
hotel mo large, newly furnished, and with
every convenience.
The sci v ice Is tuuspiullcd iu tho most essen
tial place, the dining hall. I lie way n tr.xv
i eler is welconusl at tho Muriay niakoH onii
fi'cl at home at oncu, instead of Ihing reielliil
bv the usual frigidity which pervades mid is
the welcome of many hotels. Tim "ilurmy is
located central, coiner of -rViiitiiiuth mid
Homey strisis, mid you can reach it in live
minutes by cable from the depots, (live us
the Muiruy every tiuio.
rieiis.iiitly Mupiiseil.
Wisinesdnv evening the lesideiux' of Mr
mid Mis C.J Daubach was tho scx'tic of a
very pleasant siupriso juiity, luaugiiiatisl l.y
host of their friemU, who tiled into the par
lots iilsmt eight u'i'lii I;, Tlio evening was
sis'iit in a most oujoytiblo inanuer mid the
party wus a complete suci'si. The follovviig
weix' puiK-iit. Mi. Thcw. Fitzgenild, of Den
vei , Mr. and Mrs. Jus Kelly, Mr. and Mrs
A. Halter, Mls-ses Nora i'itgerald, K Mu
Fitgerald, Mary C. Slattory, Aiua H i
Mury Hrady, Utttle Eckhart and Missm
liwlor, ltd lly, llogail, Hllldv, Shepiwril,
Smith, Eckhait, McUilau mid In. (Ml. a
' man,
Ashby i Mtllsp-iiih have just iiKiuiil ii
beautiful line ot plaid and striod llauueU for
winter droMc's. They ato lovely.