kauww-wwMwiwiMMPwrwviiMi w w m jibuxiiv pjwit'y i jjj'il1 ,- ta j.rviM -. J --,, wL-MaB,lSi--iV-jLiEW "T?' MuwuvAtettwi xn.ttrxnm iitwii i i im a i " i mi ihmiiiw' 1 Perkins Bros. 1 lave just received an elegant line of Ladies' Party Slippers and Shoes in colors to match Suits worn. Also a hand some line of Black and Hronx.e goods. A specialty for a few days will he a Welt Waukenpliast Shoe, for street wear, at $3.50. We have this shoe in all widths from A to E, and .sizes i to 7. A FULL LINE OF BOYS' AND YOUTHS' HIGH-CUT SHOES,' ALL SIZES and WIDTHS. 1 1 29 O Street. H.J. HALLS BRO 1126 0 STREET. HARDWARE. STOYES AND TINWARE. Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Offlco, 115 South Tenth St. Tolephono 360. BAROAINTS -IN Dress Goods, Cloaks AND BLANKETS. FRED. SCHMIDT, 921 O Street, opp postoffice. Books and Stationery. XL LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM. 113 H. 10th Ht, mulor Y. M.C. A. A fine stock of books of the best authors The C. L. S. C. books and Cliautuuquan furnished to members. Chautauqua games of Character, Dibit cal, Historical and Literary, on hand. THOS. FAWELL, mw$m. Saturday Evening, Oct. 2788 Corner I Oth and P Streets. LoadingDryGrOodsHouso TAKE N0TICE1 TlioCouniKii will mil Ih resonslblo for nny duhbt nmdo by iiny hum Iii Its nnino, un less n written ortlcr accompanies the miiiiii, proorly signed. Ij. Wkhhki., Jr., Prop'r. NEXT WEEK Black Silk S.ale ! or latest or tiii: season. Herpolsheimer & Co., Tim Courier Cnn lin 1'nnnil At Windsor Hotel News Hlond, Jupltul lintel Nows Htond, Oilell'11 DIiiIiir Hull Nows Wand. Closon A Fletcher's, 1110 0 Htreet. A. T. I-emlng A Co's., llftl O Htreet. Thotlnthum NowsSlniul, IIS Hoiitli lllh HI. Kollh linn., Ill Noilh lllli Htieot. Kit. Yiuiiiic, IMOO Htreet. Kntoii AHiiillh, lUO J. Hlelulierg, O st opp. "OHtoflleo. llrown's Cnfe, neur Windsor hotel. OCTOBER 22(1 to afrth. GRAND FUR OPENING. Goods at strictly wholesale prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1137O. l.ornl unit remount. Whltobroast Coid niut Lime Couinny. Take TurkMi nt WHO street. Lincoln Ico coin puny, puro lie. TI10 best Tenn. H. P. Stevens i Co. Look for (Ireen it Hagorinan's adv. L'nvltt's ollleo, lift H. Tenth. Telephone MO King Htecnr, HMD O street, Imki'.hiukI shoes. Lwllos, ntteml thu Feather Halo nt Famous. Hallct, diamonds nnd witches, ll!l N 11th. Bnwyer Si MohIici, Hoi Ists, Masonic Temple. Mineral water used ror bathing, 101(1 O st. Trickey &Cov hole-sale nnd rotnll jewelers. U llorr, jeweler, established IS7I, lOlUOst. For Hosiery and Underwear. II. H. Nlssloy & Co. For DressOoodsnnd Plushes. II. It. Nlss ley Hi Co. Nobby stylo lints and lino neckwear at Ilurllmrt's. Canon City Cool at tho Whltebronst Coal Biul Llnio Co. For Imported Yams and Milk Ribbons. II, It. Nlssloj & Co. Try Homo of tho flno fresh llsh served every dnv at Cameron's. wlonks, clonks of every description at Her polshelmer & Co.'s. Canon City Coal agabi at tho Whltebreast at and Lluto Co. Uoast meats, and vegetables of all kinds at Cameron's Lunch House. A drop in both pi lees and stock of dry goods nt H. It. Nlssley &C0. Improved shower for Turkish baths at 1010 O street, Iwisoincnt Union block. Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral water In baths U nt 1010 O htreet. My all odds tlio finest line of pocket cutlery In tlio city at Zehrutig & Henklo's. An Immense assoi tmeut of underwear nt tho lowest prices at Hoi xIshcuncr & Co.'s. For Information concerning and rates to western points apply at lift S. Tenth street. Doctor P. F. Ualliy, ollleo and residence or. of Thirteenth and O streets. Tel. 017. Hayden Is now making cabinet photographs for $:.00 a dozen. They nro tho llnest, in tho city. Tho llnest luncheons lu tho city nro served at all hours at Cnnlei's European restaurant, WU I street. "You pays your niam'y and takes your choice-'' Is tho now onlcr Orf things at Oilcll's dining hnll. Tako tho WUinrn-U. & N. W. nnto vestibule slwper to Chicago and tho east. Always on time. Host Htting kldgl'ves in nil of tho newest shiiwi and colors jut vecehiHl at Herpol klu'liucr & Co.'s. Kiervthitu; new and neat, llnest menu and best cook In tho city at Coulee's Lurniioaii rotanrant, tl 1 strwt. Thotlnest woiklu tlio city nt Hnyden's photographic studio. i 1 O stri-et. 8eo our tine rniuples of nit work. Toko your bivnkfiut at Udell's dining hall. Onler by bill of faro 1 n 1 get what our an petltodi-shes. Diuner und bupper 1110 still scned as fonneilv. llound trip tickets to Dakota Hot Springs, fcil.itt; Douglas, Wyo., ?;'.:); llapni uuy, W7.1ft; Long l'iuo, $I2.W. via Klkhorn line. Ulllco lift south Ttnth ttreet, Ai 0 j ou going to glvo party soon f If m), don't fail to leave jour older for printing w ith tho Coi'iiiKii. Wo nro tho only printing house lit tho city that makes a specialty of this class of woi k. Turkith Cabinet, olectilo nud plain ixith for ladles nt KMI Bouth Lloventli sheet, every foi enoou and Wednesday and ! 1 idny evening. For gentleman, every afteinouii, and Tues day and Hutunhiy evenings. Are. you seriously thinking of getting tan gled in love or do jou oxpeet to marry sooiW If so a look nt tho Couuiun stock or now wedding stationery will bo an Inducement to you and act as an encouragement in tho mat ter. Try tho delicious dinners at Carder's.scrved dally. They compi Iso soup, choicest moats, vegetables, iwstry, etc., all for twenty-live cent Everything is nicety cookixi, neouy served, and tho price Is just right for everybody. 'lint Unity op llin llovt? Utile Infant. (liirdcn hose, Iii t tint 110I0 To Iiit nni.il Miiinnm turns The water nn. (Irnrloust Where Is lluliy Kono ? Ladles, ntteml the I'cntlicr Huln at Famous Ixxik for tit it'll & Ilngernuin's iiihertiMi inrnt. For Dress Trimming nud Corsets, II. It. Nlsdey & Co. Iloti. It. W. Fin nas was In tlio elty sovornl dn)s this week. Miss Mau North of Columbus Is visiting the Misses Cowdioy. Mr. A. H. Dodger paid Omaha a brief busi ness visit this week. Miss Lllllo Toblu of Chicago Is visiting hor sister, Mrs. II. (. Kostka. Hon. U. II. Willnnl returntsl Monday from an extended eastern trip. Mr, J. J. ImholT returned Mondny night from a Inislnewt trip to the east. MIhs Ina llurch arrlvisl houid Tinwlny af ter n very pleasant visit In Hastings. Tho l'leasoiit Hour Juniors will give their oMnlng party 011 Thanksgiving night. Oral ill's Mill, nn old liiudmnik, was sold at foiced snlo Monday to Mayor Kawjcr. Mr. O. H. lIopjKir and wife have retuined f nun a visit to filonds In Kniidwluh, III, Miss Nettle Hoblw of .Toilet, III , Is visiting her cousin, Mrs, 0. M Humus, 1111(1 street. Messrs. Mason and Frank (Iregg. a 1 1 1 1 their wives, sMut last Hiinday In Nehraskn City. Tho Johnsou-Ulavlu troilve woro guests of tho Capital hotel during their stay In tho city. Mrs. H. 1'. Vanntta of I'lattsinouth, Is visit ing her daughter, Mis. C. M. Hands 011 I stl eet. Col. C, J. lioiig of tho county court, Is sieudlng n short time at his homo In Carth ago, III. Mr. (Its). H. llowerman has returned with his family, who lmo Ihmjii visiting nt Hpring Held, III. J. I). I'arrish Is making a pleasant visit nt tho Colorndo resorts, Laving for Denver on Tuowluy. Hon, II, M. Illeo, tma of tho city's eflkicnt nldermeu, left Wislnesdny on u Imsine trip to tit. J(SI. Tony Harrington, thn stTalilo deputy clerk of the district court, hint been laid up with ilieunmtimn. iMIsH Hstello Wlrlck of Uirlvillo, III., is vis iting her brother, C. A. Wlrkk, of thu IJn colu trunk factory. Ilov. K. II. Chaplu Is nttendb)g tho national invention of theUulvei-sHllsti elturch now in session nt Chicago. Eleventh stl eot is pavtsl now im far south as II stus't. It is one of tlm Imndtwinest boi( lovanls In tho wwt. Hon. I'ati lek Fgan left Monday 0or Now York whem ho w ill do some caiupai(piliig for tho lepublicoii lurty. If jou aii) not a CouniKli reader j'ouiought to I hi. Wo can usn your iiiiinu Uv gm)l tub vantage to oil concerned. Mrs. Paul Holm, after a threo we'k- ab sence, visiting In Chicago and. DolGilli) Hli, ivtiirmsl homo yestenlaj-. Mr. .T. II. Worlej', wlfii of ni inlssionary whoso Held of lolKir is ill China I visiting her brother, Judge Field. At lost It may bo dullnltelj' nuuouiieed.that tho Nior mills have really stalled. Long life to tho now enterprise. Tho Picshy teriaus liavo rented a. building ut Twenty-seventh and Q streets, and will hold Hnnday school there. Mrs. I). II. Wheeler of Omaha arrhvd In tho city Weduosdoy, and Is a visitor at tho homo of hor son Myron. Tho Omaha delegation which. nRsistcd In organizing Lincoln lodge, ll'nal H'rJth, left for homo Monday inornliig. Mr. W. L. l'ickottof tholhiillngtoii fnJght otlliv, returned Wednesday from a Isit to nolsslj' knows exnetly where. Tho freight olllces report a grent increase in tonnage over lost year, a sure ludlcntion. of how Lincoln is prospering. Will W, Oregory, for several mouths a momber of the growing CouniKli family, left Tuesday for Uolvestoii, Texas. Mr. John l Dorr, 0110 of our most invet erate hunters, puiil tho northern part of the state a devastating visit tills week. Hood's Snrsapnrilla Is a purely vegetable compound, lieiug freo from Injurious Ingre dients, It iseculiar In ilseuratUe Minor. Mr. W. II. Dorgan returned homo Tuesday from iittendiiuco at tho obsispiiesof his moth er at tho old homo In Now Hainptoiii Iowa. 1'iof. and Mrs. O. It. Howell wlllsoon leave for Hoston to ssiul tho winter 111 a.courho of study at tho Now England conservatory of music. Tho ladles of the Plymouth congregational church gave an oj'ster stipiei nt Uiu church pai lorn Tuesday evening. Itwnsa lliiauclal success. Contractor Inyno reorts or Icon tlio new Industrial college piogresslng rapidly, with everything fnvomblo for its couiplutlon by middle of January . Tho cornerstone of the now uourt bouse will lw laid next Thursday with uppiopriato ceiemoiiies. Tho (lianiLMastui: JLaaou of tho state w 111 lmvu chorgp. Prof, Warner gave his iuitliU party of tho w Inter series nt Temple ImU Tuesday oveulng, It was a pleasant olToIr, iuul enjoytsl by a largo iuiihIh-T of tlancer. Tho Woman's lU'Ui'f Cor( will held a sccial meeting this ofteiuixiu nt !l o'clock nt A. O. U. W. hall, at which all ladles Inter ested aro letpiested. to b ptvseiit. The llurliugtou und Union Pacific roods cairied a number of LiniolniUs to Omaha Thursday t w itues tho gomes of ball Isi tweeii tlio ChlcagtMiind all America. It Is a matter of regret that Dob Hlavln Is suircringfitniiitthioitnlfectlon. He Is one of the lct comedian on tho stage, ana bis many admirers w ish him a sjieedy recovery. The Iloptist state convention will bo lu ses sion lu Lincoln next week, nud It Is oxpts'ted there w 111 lie 11 largo gathei lag. 1 ho serous w ill Ik) hold lu tho parlors of the First lioptist church. A largo pai ty of ladies and geutleuieii from Now England, on a tour of tho west, 111 rived in tho city Tuesday mid weio shown the beau ties of Nebraska's capital city by meiubeis of tho board of trade. Tho Cotholle fair closed Monday night. It wos a great llnanclal success. Tho managers of the Iwizar devoted n greut dial of hard work to tho enterprise, and It Is gratifying to know thnt they were well repaid. Tho political pot is boiling. Tho lepubll cans held n big rally Monday night, the dem ocrats followed suit AVediiesday. while this evening tho prohibs will commence 11 soi ies of meetings to lust until election daj MIssEllloCrltchfloldof Chicago, who has been pursuing her musical studies nt Milan, Italy, Is visiting In the city, the guest of Mrs. Dr. Ijuio. It would lw an agreeable treat could tho young lady be Indiieod to npjcor betoron Lincoln audience. A NEW LODGE. Organl rnthin of Lincoln l.ncliie No. .'HIT. Inili'ieliili'lil Older If Nil I ll'NUIi. All event of luminal Interest and 1 1 iijvort unco to Jtmlih moiI( In Lincoln and vicinity was tliooigniiir.utlon last Sunday afternoon and evening of Lincoln Islgo No. .'177, Imle pendent older of ll'Nal It'Illth (Sous of the Covenant.) Tho w oik of organlring Lincoln city lodge was iei fornusl by (Irnnd President .Samuel Taussig und Urauil Kecret-ary K, V. Hom biirgher of district No, (1, Isith gentlemen be ing from Chicago, They weie assisted bj" thirty leading uiombors of tho Omaha hslge, with their ladles. Prominent among those fiom Oinnha were Carl llrandels, M. Hell- man nnd lndj1, I. Oberfelder, K. Wedeles and lady mid Ferdinand Adlor and Indy, The now lodge starts Itsoxlstenco with twentyllvo clinrter memlMirs, and is nlllcereil as follows: Monitor Hlg. Beligsohn, President Louio Meyer. Vice president Imls A. Ksensky. ltoconlliig secretary Hoi. (lotthelf, Finnncla! secretnrj M. .under. Treasurer Isaac Friend. Inside guardian Charles Poskn. Outside gunrdlaii Albert Katrcustelit. Hoard of trusteed (Miarlea Meyer, L, ller scheler. and I), Ilymaii, '1 ho objects of the organization are aid to Jewish emigrants, tho suppoi t and education of those in want nud to elevnto tho moral stnndoid, There aro 1177 hslges of this order lu existence nt tho present time, with a total liieinls'rshlpof '.'O.OOO. After the llistitiitlcu of the Lincoln hslge, the memlieni nnd visi tors hold n nceptlou nnd iMiuipiut nt K. P, hull, which was n most oujoynhlo conclusion to tho ceremonies. The new lodge starts out with great promise, and bids fnlr to rank with tiny lu the country. Mr. I. A. Kolomoii, representing Fisher's "Cold Day" coninuy, which npiwurs nt the Fiinko next Hntunlay Is In the city urrniig ng preliminaries for this comedy event, (I rand Chancellor Ixive ofjthe Kiili'hts of Py thins reiKirts several itetltions from citizens of towns whodeslro to havohslgesiiistltuttsl. Tho grand chnucollor will shortly begin tho work of organization in many places in the state whuro iiotitlons linvo already Ikhiii granted. Mlfs Jesslo Warington, who has lieen a guest of her nunt, Mrs. C. C. Calkins, for tho post month, returnisl homo Thursday to Os caloosn, Iowa, Miss Jessie enjoj'cl a very pleasant tlmo while here, and made many friends who will bo pleased to wolcomo her on a future visit. Mr. Harry Forwmnn,onoof tho Wst viK'al Ists with the Johnson & Hlavln minstrels, U n brother of our Oeorgo, city ticket agent tor tlte Klkhorn Hue. This is Mr, Forcsmau's rlnit yenr on the road, nnd lieing the H)sstssor of 11 lino voice and a good presence he Is meet ing with great success. Oeorge F. Thiers, of the firm of Curtice fc Thiers, lias engaged a sccial artist, who lu duo crsime of tlmo will call Oeorgo "jmpa," and will no doubt iimnlpulab) the ivories in proper form. Ho arrived Hiinitoy night, weight tii K)iiuds, nml friend Tillers Is the recipient of n ImK. of i-ttigratutations. Tlio Ytsmg Lwlkw Minion of tho Presbj' turlan church gave u cainvrlo Wislnrsihiy evening, which win -nell attelidtsl and highly 'enjoyed, A causerin in where n fomentation is-itnrried on ujk)H nnj subject, tho interval of talk lieing llveminatrs Umiii each subject. Prog-rajus? are myl, wllb which tlio geutleuien lliioko engagements) with the Indies for ctn vorsutinn,. changing tu) meeting their iuxt partusr after the live minute limit ft) Ii -leli(italilo (Ufsftli whether Lincoln wllliuvsrhavpuru wwlxr again, notwith standing tho endeavor ling made to scuro iv now utsirce of supityr but tkert- Ls 110 iloubt that; L Meyer Sc Co., tho north Tenth stnvt merchauiv keep one oC tlio llix-st llix-of goods-In tho city. Tliolr Iiurg soU-a coinpvl tboiu.to keep o fresh, stock of goods nlwnys on llnndriuid ICyouaie In uued of k- wwh anything In their lUu,dniu1 forget to give themia.ell, A meeting of elersymeis and othr intcr mtotl'vnhekl at tho- First Congrrgstloual church liwt Frlilay ewmiuc; tor too puriMe of orgmiizlng nn auxiliary to the Aitwrkan HiblO'Hoiiety. A const J tail ion was UiUifttfd audlarrnngemeiits wont mailu for bringing tho-uuittier before thu- aluirches of tt city, nud tii hove each churctu name n uietikkr of tho exjoutive couimit'tko. Thi cotuiivlttee men Hist evenlmr and. oamplcted tlu ortpiuLa tltuii ut the soaiuty. Mr U.K. Wolftf, w!w is wulL knouru iu tho city nu a gimluatu ot tho state- university, anil1 who has spent suvwiul yeiu-staattiorough study of modern philosophy both lu this country nud thu Isist eilucutlouul rutres of Europe, has rucuutly Imhmi otTred und has accepteil n lectureship lu thu state- university lu that branch. lb. is-understood that 1k will enter iqioii his. diillvs nlsiut tht tirst of the j-enr, removing hure from California, wlieie ho has lieeu teaching tho piut year. Tlio ree ORUitlon given Mr. Wolfe 1 desvrvnl, and tho tilii wrslty has aimed, to- Its Wst of liiftnic tors, ninny of whom aie gnuluates of tho institution. Itlngl'iK Nwlxv In tllu-eors, sometimes a 1 earing, buzzing sound, arectsusod by catarrh, that exce si Ingly dlsagrts.able and very common i)isnMi' Loss 01 siuull or hearing, ulso ivMiltiiom rata nh. Hood's Harsaparilla, the great blood purlllerLin pecullnrlj" MKwssful reintsly for this dlsoiiM., which It Liutsi by punfylug the blo(sL If j'ou Riitlwr fiwu cnUrih, try Hood's BnrxupuTilla, tho nullni' medicine. Slioiiltt Uo .Seen. Ttvo elegant line of ladies hand turn nud cxteoslou solo flno shoes, made of the best carefully selected stock; they excel iu lieing serviceable, easy to wear und huiidsomo, nt prices which will astonish you. ClIILWIIO.SllOK IldL'HK, Next door to Mrs. I'oreinan's, I'JOBouthr.ith street. I'lilillnSaln "f Clienp lloineM, Wo will sell nt public auction, Octolier III, 18-S8, tho follow llig descilbeil pioHity I)ts 1(1 and 11, block H. East Lincoln mid, with good now 7 room house, born, cisterns, etc , 011 each. Two now houses, tl rooms, 011 east O street, Tuttle's add, with well, clstein nnd 1 bain, O oU 8 room hoiiso with well, cistern nud bin 11 on lot 'JO, Northsldo udd,corner 15th and V streets, Double 8100111 house on west half of lot 17, H. W. Little's sub. div. Unler slty Place, and other projierty such as vacant lots, etc., on best of terms. This proiieity w ill bo sold without reserve to the highest bidder. For particulars cull on (Ireen & Hngermnu, Heal EstoH, Iion and Insurance Agents, 117 Kouth 10th street. Ilnw Two Men llruw H5.000, Two geutleuien living lu (lilllam, Marshall county, Mo., hovo reopeil the rowiinl of in vestments In tho Ixmlslano Htnto Littery. Tho priro drawn hero In tho Lmlsiiiuo Htato lottery was 15.000, and was draw 11 by a tick et held jointly lietween E J. Duulap, the druggist, nnd Mr. James Woodrldgo, w lio Is Inthostoroof W. H. Loud & Son. They received tho cash through tho Citizen's Htock. Hank last Baturdoy, JlciiwiwJ irouress. GREAT SILK SALE. ONE WEEK BEGINNING ON MONDAY, 291I1 INST. Ashby & Millspaugh. Double Store under Opera House. ZEHRUNG, BURNS S HENKLE, BUILDERS' HARDWARE We carry at all times a fine line of GRANITE KITCHEN UTENSILS FIRE SETTS, TINWARE An i the most Elegant Variety of Pocket Cutlary in the city of Lincoln. 3effley & Sons, JIW 134 South 12tn st: 1222 O ST. 1222 O ST. CAPITAL Steam Dye and Cleaning Works,. S. R. MANN, Proprietor. Lailicsaiul Ocnts' Clothing Cleaned, Dyediamf Repaiicd on Short Notice. Twenty five per cent discount on all Flushes, Velvets nnd Sealskins Steamed for the next SKtv Davs. YOU OUGHT TO SEE THE NEW LINE Fall Patterns in Carpets- In Tapestries, Ilrusscls, Hody HrussoU) Mlocpictts and all other fine lloor coverings. (Our line of FINE DRAPERIES Cannot be equaled In the west. Call andVcn usi A. IVI. Dgivis & Soq.. From Mother Goose Te- Herbert Spencer- IS TI IE RANG1S OF BOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND THEM. yZfrnftttoa,- see: ti-i:b; iSTii Ti4 im HtniW ilaUJS New Garland, yVrjRM RUDGK & MORRIS TTHfaillffrif 1122 N STREET. ,'s'll'sss I Xm4 mm. 52v I M Sr ZkT- AWT- A.hMH tri.. - x-v S. .jjS in-w vsau. WWW smm ftr N' I I Mustang Liniment a I , U. XJs. '?'cANJpaTAN7jLINIJIENTM.Ii-atlitr.rir.E j ft?s '. I Q I M T Q" H T'Lh&i OU" WANOSOME KiT-S. RLEVENTII gamte: Kl'&a. m" 5r3V "sww-r-yWcirTtw. ' . ,-