Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 27, 1888, Image 2

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t noil moro hot llf-iint
Ir. flolli Arnold
coroii Kiixnt
1 ttmn nf nnv other chiirIi
J Medicine Kept III Mock, ill
thiiiiKh 1 keep lliti-i'ii inrio
I tic
v M.ltolictUoM. Coyvltlo.
DmgB1'"! S30'! WO'i M"1 ,,t'-
,-rV - ...S""'-
wuTEiirEir iv
51 Y
Eit lanje pa5
Arn flllisl every vwk Willi rnrrfillti cnllrctnl
niiwu. correct innrlil report" nml Jiilwt'llniicmi
ntrri'stlnit mutliur. Tim llliiitmlrit n'J'J'M "IJI
Iim liiivn nttmctnl linker! iimIm', 'I lit,
ALU'S I'lcliiri! nrrillnit lliiwnof wiy tilliir iipm-
ImiKT. Now fiMiitr urn Winn wlilil from lliuo to
lni nml ronllnunlly lncrfn.i llio HIpit1 In tin;
loiun rlrclo. U. mro In, HKNil I'Oll A 1 lllii:
HAMI'I.K IMII'V Iwfnni milrnvrllilnit for nn)f ulhrr
nuvint'r. AliHllKhS
Chicago, III.
CHcngo'i Ilt Morning NomDapcr U
Hold by ncwumcn nvcry wlicro or vent bjf mall for
CO C'enta r inonlli. ADIIKKSH
120 A 12'J Flftlmv., I'UIOAUO.
JAMBS W, QCOTT, Publlohor.
Ifituod March nml Sept.,
onoh yonr. It lit nn oncy
olopoilla of uiioftil Inlor.
mntlon Tor nil who pur
olinso tho liixiirlaa or the
nocowiltloH or lilo. Wo
cim olotho you iind Iirnlah you with
nil tho Jioccmiiu'y nml unnocuHioiy
appliance- to rldo.wnlk, dnnco, rlccp,
out, Hull, hunt, work, oo to church,
or ittvy at homo, nml In various nlzc. ,
ntylos nml qunutltloa, Jiiitt Hruio oet
what In required lo do nil thoso things
COMFORTflDLY. nml you enn mnko n fnir
ostlmnto or tho vnhio or tho 11 U YEWS'
aUIDU, which will bo sont upon
rooolpt or 10 cunts to pay postage,
111-1M Michigan Avonuo, UhlcnRo.IU.
The (lotitcu Hlrcniu Tlmt Pour In for (lit
"Wiint" AdwrlloiiM'iil- The r.lnlMiml
Ainiticiiiriilr of it Model l.'impilii
llooiu Oilier Mullein.
Ppeclnl l'irnmil'ni'o.1
CllK-AMO, Oct. IH Tim milking of a
nowspnpor Is a process in Industrial iniiglo.
Tliero Is nothing dull or monotonous uboiit
any of Hm phnsivi. I5von tho mcchuiilcnl
nml lliiniirlnt dopiirtinontsnf u gront nows
pnpor nn full of Interest. It is 0 o'clock
of n Huturdny evening In the- "Uli'o of Tlio
Clilriimi Trllmno. Tim lilfrliultilliifr, wlnmo
iril hiiiiiIhIoiip wiiIIh with iuiioiik tlio fow
tlmt mdi('(l Kiifoly tliroiifli tlm iTiirlblo
of tlnif'rt'iitllro wlmmi wvi'iilccntli mini
vorwtry rcct'iitly occiirtt'il, Im alilnzo with
Unlit. In tho I'llllorlnl itionm nv'rlHi(ly
Ih at work. Tim iiiiiiiiikIiik t'llltor ami lilt
liiiiiH'dlnlo nml (h'iiirttm'iitiil mutlHtiintti
niti wiiilliiff lilft rollH or copy to mo com
ioMiik room on tlm llftli lloor. Tlio city
I'llllor ami IiIhhcoi-o of UMHlHtiuilMiii-cHi'iut-Iiil'
up ollii'i'i-olU. In tlio Icli'Kriiph room,
whcit' tlio Hpcclnl wlit'H from Nmv York
nml Witsliliigiun, ami tlio li'li-nipli com
ptitivV tt'Kiiliif whtw aro tlt'llvcrlnu thou
hiiiiiU of woi-iIh to nix opcrntorH, li til f n
doen til('Krnpli t'dlloru Hit, rcmlliiK the
copy, coiincotlim II, tlntiwlnp; mmio of It
In tho wahto iiiiHki't, putttiif; I'1 omltlcd
woiiIh, fliiMnlfvltiK It ami iiiloruliiK It with
head IIiich. 'lVUritli iiii'NHciim'rM coino
ami pi, tlio hiNti-uint'iit rattle, typo
will cih keep up a coiitliiuoiiH cliittcr ax
tho opornlorM, dlHCiinlliit; llio Mower pen
cil, truiiHcrllio tlm words which llio wired
lirlnir, ami liumllo after liumllo of cony
poiirH In uiion the tollcra In tliocompoKln
t-oom. All over tlio world, literally, men
mt at work at thin very moment prepar
ing or dlKpatchlun; iicwh, mid nil over tlio
city ami Hiiliiirlm reporterH at work gutli
url'iiK llio homo iiowh of tho dny.
"TIME !"
The licst llludlrntcd ImmorouK ncwopn
ncr. 'J he effect of the lllutrntloitK Is
heightened by the use of four color. Also
printed on coated pnper.
Time is Staunchly Republican
It vigorously nilvocntcn the maintain
unco of n protective tariff; nml It fpenks in
no uncertain voice forUepubllcnii princi
ples, nml for doctrines of tlie party as set
forth In the Republican platform of iSSS.
Such n paper, speaking directly to the
eye of the voter directly through Its sim
ple nml powi rful cartoons, as well as to
the mind through its editorials, will be n
positive value to you iluilng the present
This being a campaign of education, In
which it is necessary to teach the voter the
plain facts of the situation by every means
within roach, a paper such as' TIM .should
he found weekly in the reading room of
every Republican club l.i the country.
Single copies, ten cents each; subscrip
tion, 3 mos., $1.25; 6 "'- $2-5o; one year
$5.00; sample copy by request. Ask yor
newsdealer for TlSlh.
1.4 Si 16 Vcsey street, New York.
Undertakers andEnibalmers,
2 1 2 North 1 1 th Street,
Wlml'tor Hotel Annex,
Telephones, Ollicc 145. Residence 156.
Open Dny and Night.
Reopened 1033 O Stree
Down ntnlrn In tlm btmlneHB officii Ih an
other IniHy Hi'ene. Hero tho most import
iintcoiitrl'lmtorMof all aro at work. Tho
advert Isem aro Hcmllng In their copy.
IiongdoHka aro occupied by hundreds) of
people writing out their wantH. Half n
dozen clerks aro receiving their cony, and
in u golden nttviuu tlio money nil Ih over
tho counter. These aro tho Hiiiall or
claHsllled advertleiiientH tlio help and
tdtuntloiiH wanted, rooms to rent, real
estate for sale, boarders wanted, articles
to Hell, etc. Few of these advertisements
are longer than four or live Hues, but for
each Hue tho paper gels twenty cents
over tlm counter, and what a lot of them
It does L'ct! In onliuarv times one full
sheet of tlm .Himdi.y paper, or eight
pages of seven columns to tho page,
Is completely Illled with them, in
tlio busy season of April or Decem
ber thirteen pages aro often filled. ICaeli
column holds about !H)0 lines, or $00
worth of advert Isemeiits. Thus tho thir
teen pages of tho busy season bring tho
paper n roventio of more than $5,01)0. All
this from tho little, advert Isements. Add
to bo great n sum tho thousands paid on
tho Hnmo dny for the largo advertisements)
of tho merchants and Chicago merchants
pay moro money for advertising tlinn
thoso of nnv othur city in tlio world and
you get an fden of tho wonderful rovenuo
"from advertising enjoyed by a nowspnper
llko tho ouo I am writing about To con
tain nil tills advertising und tho news of
Uio day and special Sunday rending, the
Sunday paper will havo to consist of
thirty-two, or thirty-four, or sometimes
thlrty-bix pages. It Is u cyclopedia
of tho world, uiiido in n night,
and at an expense almost fabulous. Hut
who cares for tho expense with such n
f;oideu stream pouring constantly In? It
s a fact that the advertising earnings In
a single Sunday paper hnvo been largo
enough to defray the expenses of n wholo
week, not counting the cost of tho white
paper, with a. few thousand left for profit.
Regularly tho Sunday advertising nays
tiio week's publication In a
Mnglo itssuo Tho Chicago Tribune has
printed advertisements ror wlilcli it re
ceived $10,000. Tho cost of running tho
paper a week, overvthlng but white paper
counted, is about if i.ikiu.
No wonder tho profits aro groat. Ixiok
over tho lingo pages of advertising and
you will not miuvel that, though as much
money is spent in making tlio paper as is
expended upon any other paper in tlio
world, tlio proprietors aro able to dlvldo
yearly profits amounting to $1100,000.
Tlio great nowspnpera of Chlcngo which
hnvo reduced their prices Tho Tribune,
Herald and Times now Mill on weekdays
for two cents and on Sunday for fivo, and
Tho News, which sells at n cent, will mako
as much money at tlio reduced rato as
thoy before inado at higher prices. It is
tho advertlslne that does It. They do not
expect to mako any money on their circu
lation, or at least very little. Printing
from eight to sixteen pages during tho
week and from twenty to thirty-six on
Sunday, tho cost of tho wldto pnper is al
most equal to tho sum'' received for tho
printed copies. A twoUo pago paper
costs tho publishers nine mills, and Is sold
for a cent at wholesale, whllo a sixteen
pago paper costs twelvo mills, or moro
thun It Is sold for. A thirty-two pngo
Sunday paper costs two and a half cents,
or all that tho dealers pay for It, yet all
theso papers aro making money.
Rut let us r-n to tho coinnoblmr room
and tako n hasty look at tho mechanical
process by which all this marvelous quan
tity of nows and advertising Is taken euro
of. Up hero, under tho roof, 110 com
posltors nro at work setting tho typo.
under their proper licndl'ig. llkr-v lao lnn t
All tlili U done by a pleco of nowspaper
legerilemnlii, nt It seems, hut for whit h
organization is n better term Nowlmro .
on llio enrth'H niirfnco Is I hero boiler or
gaiilzntloii or inure skillful workmen than '
in tlm composing room of n great news
In the renter of tho huge room standi
a little box. inside It Is filled with
pigeon luili", and there am two or three ,
Miiall windows. Into this little apart
inciil, called tho copy cutlers Ixix, all tho
product of editorial rooms, telcsrraph I
wires mid business olllce Hiurs. It comet i
by the bushel. Hero stiyiil two men who
do nothing but "cut copy." Ouo man
handles all the news. .Suppose it is II ;
o'clock at night. Ho has before him a lot '
of copy marked "add cabin." This means
that cabin news Is already in typo, and that i
this is to bo added lo II. Il is late, mid I
tiio pages on which tlio foreign news Is to
lie. printed nro soon to lxi closed, so ho ciiIh j
n column of copy Into twenty pieces, until
berlngtliem consecutively, lie puts them '
nil on a hook, by one or tho windows, ami
opens tlio window. Tho printers eonio
one after another ami takoolT theso pieces
or copy, ami quickly put tliem In type.
There arc about ten lines for each one. In
twelve minutes or mi tlmt column of news
will bo In type, on it galley marked "add
cable." A bov takes a proof of it and
I rarrlcH the proof, along with tho original
copy, lo tho pitMir room. Hero wo como
upon another depart meiit of newspaper
mulling. Seven men ami seven boys sit
at long tables. Ouo of tlm men takes thu
proof, oueof tho boys tho copy. Tho man
reads aloud, marking all the errors as ho
comes to them. The boy follows him, to
see that tho typo and tlio copy cor
respond. All tho other men and boys
hero aro doing tlio samo thing, livery
thing that goes into a newspaper Is thus
read over. Then the proof goes back to
tlio printer for correction. Often tlio
proof reader will nmrkhls nroof "revise."
meaning that another proof must bo taken
ami submitted to him, that Im make suru
tho corrections havo been properly made.
To follow ouo column of Hows, as soon as
It has been corrected It goes to tlm
"make up" table, where tho foreman' and
fivo or six assistants are arranging typo
In brass forms made just the size of n
nage. Tho column of cablo news is put
In Its proper place along wit It tho other
news or Hue character, the pago Is filled
out ami locked up and hustled aWny to
tlm elevator. Down It goes to tho stolen
typing room, where a papier niache onht
Is iiiiidf. from It, ami from this u roncavo
metal plate which fills tho cylinder of tho
press. "
Hut. I must toll you how tho !),000 or ko
miiiiII advertisements aro caied for. Tho
copy comes in small bundles from tho
business room down stairs. Tlio man in
tho copy box classlllea it by throwing It
Into tho miinv pigeon holes Ix'foro him.
Tho boxes aro marked "Male Help
Wanted." 'Female Help Wanted.1,
"Rooms to Rent." "Real Kslate South
Side," "Real Kstato West Side," "Part
ners Wanted," 'Personal," etc. Thus he
distributes tho copy. As soon as fivo or
six of a kind have "accumulated they are
given out to u compositor, and after being
put in type, rend in proof for errors) nml
tho errors corrected, como to tho classi
fied "mako nil" men, who add "real es
tate" to "real estate," "help wanted" to
"help wanted," each after Its kind
throughout tlio long list of human wants
as expressed In tho "classified" columns.
Hut this is not all tuey navo to uo.
Many of tiio advertisements must no
elass'llled alphubetlcally, necessitating tho
handling of many linndrcds of them
singly. Thus tlio columns como mid tho
pages grow mid nil uro closed, and tlio
storeotypers, hot, rod shirted and impa
tient, mako plate after phito of hot, soft
metal, which quickly cools and hardens,
and tako their places upon tho presses
and inovo tho world.
Tlirtitinti it lli'ulou AImhiihIIih: In tttty
I'ruliK, Itmliln; KlrciniiK, Durli forest,
Unlet filmic, Woiidrrfill Vlstn nml
Deep (,'iiiijiiih.
Siecliil Corri'siKiiiiU'iice.l
Nf.W Voiut, Oct in. 1 havo lipcnt the
summer months In traveling thiotigli sev
eral provinces of the Dominion of Canada,
n country remarkable for the great extent
and variety of Its natural lesources ami
lis clinrmliip scenery I was niitch Inter
ested In tho new aultlc-iiiciitH on tho
prairlo which 1 visited for tlio purpose of
ascertaining how far I ho northwest Is
adapted forettlers comliig from l-'urotio,
and liiying devoted ninny weeks to tills
inquiry, determined to pi still further, nn'd nt u r.inall Htmlon called Wa-
,. A
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pella on tho Canadian Pacific railway I
pursued my Journey to Vancouver and
tlio Pacific. Our route lay across tlio
prairlo ror about 700 nil'les, passing
through Calgary, tho renter of tlio ranch
country lie fore wo enter-id tho gap of tho
Rocky niouiilalns. Wo stopped at Uatiff,
which is famous for its hot springs, nnd
tlm site of tlio Canadian National park, a
reservation twenty six miles long by ten
miles wide. It is at this point that tho
sublime scenery of tho mountains reveals
Itself to tho 'traveler going westward.
From tln gap to Vancouver, a distance of
r8!2 miles, the scenery of tlm mountain,
lake and woodland forms one unbroken
chain of beauty. Its varied grandeur
dnrzle and tiros tlio evo whllo It tills tho
soiii wltli Images bright, glorious mid
Imperishable. It was fiillO In tho morn
ing when tlm cars pullod up at the
utatlou, and in It was tlio queen's
birthday tliero was qulto a number of
holiday makers, who had boarded tho
train at various points during tho night,
and who alighted hero, as well as some,
invalids who mounted u wagon destined
for "The Sanitarium." Tho springs are
about two miles from the station and sev
oral hundred feet higher up tlio moiin
tain. Tliev are surrounded by a few small
mndrV rnd that thoy were so much nllkn
In nn. I dtosn lis to bo quite Imll.i
tingutslmhlu ono from another. Tlm old
government road Is visible from tho cats
nil along the Frazer and Thompson val
leva Twisting and turning about tlm
elllls It comes down to tho riverside ill
some places, ami In others It Is forced
to n height of a thousand feet above
tho liver, nnd Is pinned by worn
Inglv slender sticks to tho face of
n gigantic precipice. Indians nro seen
on projecting rocks down nl tho water's
edge, spearing salmon or Keooplng
them out with dip nets, ami in sunny
spots tlm salmon nro drying on poles. Tlio
railway passes Kamloop's laku, shooting
through tunnel after tunnel, mid then
tho valley shuts in ami tho scarred nml
rugged im 'ii, tains frown upon in again,
ami for hours we wind along their shies
looking down upon a tumbling river, now
close beside ui and again lost in n valley
far below. At Vale tlio gorge ends und
tlio liver wiudeiis out, but we never get
away from tho mountains. A gleaming
white cono lines from the southeast, It
is Mount llaker, (1(1 miles away ami 1-1,000
feet above us. Port Moody, at tlio head
of Durrani Inlet, was for a tlmo tlio ter
minus of tho railway. From hero lo Van
couver the railway now follows tho south
shore of tlio inlet, and the outlook from
tlio cars speeding along Is most pictur
esque. Snow tipped mountains, beautiful
lu form ami color, ilse opposite and aro
vividly reflected In the mirror llko waters.
1 Following down the shore ror hall an
hour, we reach Vancouver, the western
I terminus of the Canadian Pacific railway.
I found comfortable (iiiartcrs In u lino
hotel, equal to any of the hostelries I had
scon in tho east, and Its situation
on high ground affords u charming
vlowof tlio now city ami tlm surround
ing' country. Far away to the south
east tlio ever visible Mount linker
shows its crystal cone. At tho
north, and rising directly from tho sea, hi
a beautiful group of tho Cascade mount
ains. Ixioklug towards the west over tho
straits of Georgia, aro the dark, bluo
mountains of Vancouver island, and at
(ho southwest beyond Frazer river Is tho
Olympic range. Tho city Is new; only
one or two of its many buildings were
hero two years ago; a forest stood hero
then, but 'it has now n population of moro
than 5,000, which is rapidly increasing.
All of the earlier houses were built of
wood, but now many solid structures of
brink stone are going up, and while
Drayage and loving
Dcklro to Hfurm IV viVi. lii e tiip
incut for muting I Io.kcIi ild (i .l,Pi in
Safes, M.mhaudUo, lleivt M.i IiItitv.
elc , Is the best In the city. ' Special mors
and wagons nre kost for the icmotiil o-
Pinnos and Household Goods,
Which nre always handled by compliant
and etpeilencod'holp, and the latet appli
ances ucd for handling Safes and other
'unty good. Call, address or telephone
Telephone in 917 f) st.
Fremont Elklton & Mo, Valley
Trnln leave l( 111. niul llMOp.m
Tmk ri.KiiunN Vali.ev Link.
To free homes In Kortlmit-tern SVIir.itln nn
Joiitliwestern Dakota.
Tollielllai'k lllll nml the Hot Spring.
To (Vtitrn! Wyoming cihiI nml on fteliW 1111
entile rniiKc.
To Clilomfo nnd Hie Knt.
To Hi. t'lUil.tlie North nn I N'iirllm-ot.
For farther hifonnnUoti Iti'iiilrt of
II South 10th stu-et, Lincoln
W. V. Pi run, J. 1!. llceiuvAN.
(leiiernl Jl'cer. (len'l I'ivm. Ar'I
Missouri Vnllev. lown.
.HTALKiocK taio.roo
C. W Moshrr. I'iv.l...nt. W. .r WntiU. V
IL C. OuumII, Caslilf r.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
Jrlnary and Rcctai Diseases a Specialty.
Treats reelnlillKonfOs liy IIUINMCKUIIOFK
I'AIM.KKSKYSIKJI. Ofllce, rooms I-.-J. lil nml
121 III .r llluck. Twelfth nml O ircil. (Jlllce
iclrpliniif MS. Iteslil.mce Ki'.liymrevt rhoiif, txi
Ofllce hours,'.) to l'. a. in. '.' to .'1 nmU'lo f, 11 in
MinOays, 10 lo II 11 m
ij-ai -fcUMMwMv?i,re..,3:ffl)i:iffl'.'."7"
shnntles, wlncli aro used as hotels und V-S,ffiVywi'Mf)TifMXi
which slioltered 11 score or so of visitors. fr?j .' mffSpM jKffB -""
An iMiutil number might bo counted at ' &$?!aS2SE&J?J!r j
"Tho Sanitarium." lower down lu tho ' .K'V,vV5r!l38HKrv' KiW,W
I T 'TTr VIWiiXH- .RWl)i
pfPf- ,m
1 HomtBopatliist Pliysician
Tcle-lione No (S$.
1 16 South 1 1 th Street, Lim-oi m
U Over a Million Distributed.
vitiligo, but tho accommodation provided
in nil thoso places was of tho rudest de
scription. Tlio Canadian Pacific railway
has, however, opened a hotel, the ar
rangements of which aro good. The more
important springs havo been improved by
tho government and picturesque bathing
houses hnvo been erected nnd placed
utuior tlio euro of attendants. From early
morning till tho shades of night shut out
everything from our view wo passed, or
leaving HauiT. through scenery of ths
tnui iitrtivtitflfiitit l1mnftlll 1 Mil mint nil i1n
hikes nnd waterfalls, glaciers, now aro discharging or taking In cargoes, nnd
enks and wooded heights, tower- I ni too wareuouaes aie 1 nuaoi iiiiiu.v .
tho public authorities aro clearing tho
ground to mako room for moro, there is a
brisk tlmo lu real estate transactions.
Down nt tho water's edge nre long wharves
where steamships from China nml Japan,
from California, Pitgot Sound and Alaska
At 1 o'clock tho Inst of tho pages must
go to tho storeoty pern. Thou tliero Is 11
rush ami 11 scurry. Loinposuors set
"takes" of but four or tlvo linos each,
that they muy tlio sooner finish. Tlio
night alitor, In charge of overvthlng and
everybody a man who rnnfdly grows
gray haired, under the weight of detail
and responsibility Is directing the throw
ing together of tho last pages. Not in n
dav could I tell you of tho wonderful
skill, sscul, organization, by which every
thing In tlds vast workshop Is brought
out In the right place just nt the right
minute, but soon wo hear tlio hnlf
big probses, which cost u cool hun
dred thousand dollars, turning out
papers In' tho basement. A dozen
men attend thoso monsters, and two
dozen men nro lu a room awaiting their
product. Thoy count out hugo bun
dies, tie them, nut address and labols
thereon, fill waiting wngons with them,
horses nro whipped Into a dend run, stop
ping only when alongside a whltomall car
which 11 pautlngengiiio is waiting to hurry
to tho west , and r.t 13 o'clock Sunday
morning, before you havo finished your
dreams about typesetters and reporters,
and murders and copy cutters, tlio peo
ple of Burlington, In., ticarly W miles
from Chicago, nro rending tlio Sundny pa
per which you snw go to press. At sl
o'clock, or 'just us tlint fast mail train it
starting, u second or city edition of ths
paper is put on tho press, with changes hi
three or four of tho pages to "iuko room
for luter newu.
And what a newspaper It Is that Is thus
turned out at high pressure! Thirty-two
pages, 221 columns, equal to a book of u
thousand pages, made in a night and cov
ering tho world.
WAirr.n Vi:i.i,m.n.
'aimed ncaks and wooded hchrhtti
ing in somo places for moro than a mllo
above us, with a wild and turbulent river
the Kicking Horse running below us
for n long distance, and which, In tho
windings of tlio track, wo crossed and
rccrosscd no less than seventeen times.
Tlio scenery of tho Rockies was
grand, but that of the Selkirks was
indescribably beautiful. A little way up
tho Heaver, ivlthln sight of a long lino of
tlio higher peaks of tho Selkirks, tho lino
crosses to tlio right bank, where, notched
1 jjiu'. 1 j-4 t-mmMtl A -ass. V
Tiim to tho X andUm river Is ' on tho surface of the, gloW
left 1,000 foot below, appearing as a silver
thread winding through tho forested val
lev. Mount Carroll towers 11 mllo and a
quarter obovo tho railway lu almost vertl-
Thoy fill tho wholo lloor of u largo build
ing nnd still aro crowded. Kucu second
rr f-t'C'U-z tome
slniullni; tho
fuel that Flio-
tocrnphs hnve
been mill cd
to about hnlf
tho former
prlro wo hnvo
ex traced the
of tho licit fin
ishers 'In Now
York to tnlce
clmrKoof Hint
department of
thevluillo. Our
('Hurts Khali be
un t Irl hr to
each cus
tomer entire
sail sfac t Ion
nml to produce
superior work
tonny wohnvo
done before.
Catinets, $3 per Dozen,
100 nieces of tvno drop into tho Iron
sticks under tlio shaded gas lights. In
threo minutes theso men will set a column
of typo. Whllo you aro looking on for
twenty minutes they sot a pago. Hut
oven at this rato they could not got tho
wholo thirty-two pages ready when
wanted, wero it not for tlio fact that much
of tho typo for tho Sunday paper, tho
special, literary ami Illustrated articles,
have been set earlier In tho week.
Hut how Is It that all these hundreds of
different news articles, and theso thou
tmiidt) of advertisements, can bo put lu
typo and gotten into their proper places
bo quickly? For Instance, tho copy of news
from IStirono, or tho tenor twelvo columns
on tho strict cnrstrlko, or tho pages of
real estate advertisements does not como
in all togothcr. Their copy straggles in
all through tho evening. Yet lu tho
paper next morning all tho cablo nows Is
together, properly displayed with head
lines, and neatly arranged with rofcrenco
to tho Importance or relationship of tho
occurrences described. All tho real cstato
r.dvcrtisen:cut3 aro together, classified nnd
nmuigcd by rectlonsof tho city, suburban,
etc. All tho houses to rent aro together,
subdivided by sections of tho city, Audali
tho flats o: apartments to rcut uro nlr-o
Tho Method or u "l.UIur."
I get into a Mrect car now and then,
and discover that twelvo of us aro packed
In on ono sent, whllo fivo women sprond
themselves over tho oilier. A lady Is
picked up at tlio next crossing, and sho
looks at overy man of us as sho holds to
tho strap. I bob up, point to tho other
seat end tell her tliero Is room for fivo
moro. Tho women have to movo along.
then, but thoy do it grudgingly, iind 1
hear them say to onoh other:
"Thero'n n genuine crank for you! I
wish I wero u man for about threo min
utes!" I simply break up a selfish plot on tho
part of tho fivo, and that U tho reward.
1 can go Into a grocory nud order and pay
for 10 worth of goodn in fivo minutes.
Is tliero a woman on earth who can order
So worth in fifteen minutes? If I find
ono ahead of mo I leave- tho store. I
ieavo It becr.uso n mnn should always bo
waited upon first, his tlmo being moro
valuable, nud I know that sho will sit and
gossip ami ask prices nnd paw goods over
and lliuiily lcavo tho order for her hus
band to bring In next morning. Tho
grocer gives it away on tho qulot tlu.t I
am n crank. A crank beca:o I won't
ntami nrouuii on ouo leg raid wnlt tho v111
ami jdcasuro of a woman who la dimply
making iui excuso of trading, and who is
not yet out of tho Mora when I havo filled
tnv order, eaten my dinner and returned
oil foot. M. Quad lu Dotrolt Freo Press.
cnl height, its numberless pinnacles pierc
ing tho clouds. Towards evening we
skirted tlio shores o' I.ako Sliuswiip,
along which tlio lino threads its zjgzag
way for a distauco of fifty miles. The
hills rlso from Its banks to a prodigious
hole-lit. rlelilv and densely covered with
tall trees, among which huge cedars,
pines und the slender silver birch wero dls
tlnnnlslinblo. Several units of tho hike
reminded mo of Lucerne, in Switzerland,
but Shuswap lias uothlng to borrow from
Lucerno In point of beauty, and It scorns I
to mo to excel It in sublimity as well as
magnitude. On tho night that wo sped I
along Its shores tliero was ono element of
glory wanting to compieio mo loveliness
of tho scene. Tlio inoou.4vhlch was high
in tho henvens. stmcrirlod Ineffectually to
froo herself from tho thick, dark clouds
which enveloped her, and which robbed
tho bluo hike and tho verdant valk-ys bo
low of her sweet silver light.
An wo descended towards tlio coast our
ttiuto lay. for a good part of tlio way,
along tho banks of tho Frazer r,lvcr, and
through a valley of abundant nnd luxuri
ant vegetation, with wooded mountains
on each side, inch cs wo had passed
through tho day befcro. but with fower
jnowcaps; end thcro wc.a greater vr.rloty
of life and u:o mont along tho lino. o
passed several villages or oncamprr-entu
of Chinese luborcrn employed on tlu rail
wnv. nnd were mifh struck with tho mis
erable diameter of tho touts t.nd hovels
In which thoy dwelt, ns well as by tho
fact that thov appeared to bo all exactly
til tho bitmo'sl-o (short aud compactly
loading for tho east with teas, silks, seal
skins, fish, fruit mid maiiv other commo
dities. After spending a day and a night In
Vancouver 1 crossed the Straits of Georgia
to Victoria, tlio capital of British Colum
bia. Wo hud a delightful snll of about
seven hours through u beautiful archi
pelago. Victoria is charmingly situated,
with a genial cilmiito, which has been com
pared to that of the south of Kugliiud,
und n prosperous population, notwith
standing its quiet, old W(.rld habits ami
demeanor. Strolling through tho city on
the first evening of mvurrlval 1 wusiiiitch
impressed with tlio illusion that the snow
capped mountains on the other bido of tho
straits formed not only a part of tho
Island, but of tho city itself, so near did
thoy appear to bo at tlio end of one of tlio
principal streets. Nothing could bring
homo to ono a fuller conception
of tiio height and bull; of tho Olym
pian raugo than tlio fact that its
mighty presence filled all tho Inter
vening space of Bomo fifty miles of land
ami sea, and inado ono feci at that dis
tauco us If drawn within touch of Its
awful Immensity.
e ii
Tho physical features of British Colum
bia preclude tho Idea tlmt it is sultablo
for colonization on any largo scnlo, tlio
amount of nrablo land, compared to tho
whole surface, being conipurutlvely small,
it Is not a country for tho ugr'culturist;
but for tlio miner, tho lumberman, and
tho fisherman It Is ono of tho richest
needs, however, an abundant influx of
capital to open up Its natural treasures,
which aro hidden away lu Its denso forests,
or buried in Its deep valleys and untrod
den solitudes. To tho sportsman and tlio
tourist It is a perfect paradise. Tho
sportsman lias his cliolco of easy shooting
In tho moro settled districts, where va-
Louisiana State Lottery Comp"y.
Innirpi rutul hythe I.tTMntnre In nw lor
Educational iiliilcliiirltalite pmpneNnlil Its
rriini'hl'-e iniiile a part of the in c-cnt stale
eoiiKllliiilun lu Is"." liy an ovcrv!eliii)mr pop
ular vole.
Its Grand Fxtraoidlnary Drawings take
place Scmi-Aiinunlly (June nnd Decem
ber), and its Grand Single Number Draw
ings take place on each of the other ten
moutlib of the year, und are nil drawn in
public, nt the icadcmy of Music, New
Orlcniif, La. "
"Wo do hereby certify that we Mipcrvlir
the iirrnm.-1-metilK lor all Hie M nlhly anil
-eliil-Alinual !li'iiuliij:8 of The I oiiIhIiiiiii
Stale I ottery ' ompiiny, nnd In pi r.m innn
iiko nml cuutiol the IiiuwIukn tin iiim'Iwh,
nml thai the Milne me eoiiiliietiit ulth lion
ely, liilriii'i-M, and In l-oihI fnlth ti.wniil nil
panics aim we iiiiinorie ine i ni..paii.v to ion
this i erllllente, u llh Inc-shnllli s ol our vlcnii
tllics attiu'heil, III Its ndcrt!-( iui-IiIk."
We, the uiiilen.l(ciicil I'miks and Hunkers
will pay all prize diiiwn lu the
State Lotti'ili-h, Mhleh limy he pl'CM'Htcd at
our counters.
It. M. WAL.MSLKY. Tres'l Loiili-iinu Nut H'k
1'IKltltK I.ANAL'X, l'rcs.ftiite National It'll
A. IIALIiWIN. Prif. New Oilcan Nail Hank
CAUL KOIIN, 1'ick Tnton Nntlnmil lliiulc
In tho Academy of Mute, Niw Orlum,
Tcetday, Kovcn.Url3. 1888.
Capital Prize, $300,000,
Ho.WK) Tlrkds ill Tweiily Dollar uu-li.
Halves, IU; (miners, ft; Truth ; TwmiII-cthsl.
1. 1ST or i'1!i.i;h.
1 lMt!.KOF.irHi.iitilK
1 l'HI.K ()!' iui,miils
1 l'HI.K OV rii,lMlln
1 l'HI.K ul' Aeuill
rill.llsoK ill.Nlnro
r,(im aro
iro l'l-ieMortroiuro
Km do. .'tenure
HO do. '.Mime
Iiif.l do. IKIari
IKKl ilo. l()Jaro
ft IMtl.KSUF
ift l'ltl.l's (IK
HO I'UI.KHdl-'
JtKI I'HI.KHdl'"
rlous kinds of grouse, prnirio chickens,
quails, ducks, snipo and geeso abound,
with tho common deer; or. If ho loves
hard sport, tho mountain goat, mountain
bhoop, caribou, elk, and boars, both black
and grizzly, will glvo him aiiiplo opportu
nity to provo ills prowess and endurance.
Tho tourist who Is u lover of nnturnl
scenery will hnvo to connect together lu
his mind till that ho he. j hitherto eccn.
botli In tlio old world r.ud tl.a new, to find
a parallel fcr tlio matchless combination
of rugged grundour cud pjaecfnl loveli
ness which ho will gazo upon for tho first
tlmo when, with rupturaua emotion, ho
passes through this wonderful laud.
ji i,i mil
M 1,1 II .11
, ."il 1,1)1 HI
, :in,i(ni
. iitMoo
. wi.wn
;i,i;n 1'iles, umouiiiliiKl l.ifil.''''
it$T- For Cluli Hutes or nny other desired
luiorniatlou, write leulhly In tlio UllderrlKUi'il,
clearly i-latfut; your residence, villi Stale,
County, Slreet and Number. More riiplil re
turn mall dcllvi ry will liciissuieilliy your en
ehmlnt; nil l'.UM'lope licnrlnw iir lull ad
dress. Kenit rOHTAI. NiiTKH, Kxprc Money Or
der, or New York KxehiuiKc In oullniiry Id
ler. Send eurreney by Kxpress iui our ex
pense) uililroM'il M. A. li.MTl'HIN,
New (Irlcaii, La.
WiihhliiKton, I). ('.
Address Registered Letters to
) N( orhiins, La.
eu'iirilnnil Kurly, who uio In clmrut or llio
ilrnw IliUH, I u uiinrnuteo ol absolute lulrncss
und Inlemlly, that the chiiiices aiy all cmml,
anil thai uo one enn I oslbly divine whiil
number win urnw a prie.
HKMKMllKltnlMi thai the pajinelit or tho
I'rlcs Is iMiiimiitccil by Koitr Nutlomil Hanks
of New Orleiilis, und Hie llekelsure hlmied by
the President ol un Instllullon, whose ehnr
tereil rluhlH ate rocuunlt'd lu the IiIkIiohI
eouil; then lore, In-ware or nny ImitatloiiNor
anonynioiis scheme s,
c A'Ufi&'i&aa
ShorllimulaailTyiicwrllliiK. licit und Inrptcollruo
lu tlio writ. Klinl. nil preiiAriil fur liimlncti In from
3 to V month. IiiiIivIiIuhI liistriii'tlnii. Fu.l iinilex
ItIcikhh fueutty. FcikI fur eullcu JutuaaU and
nu-'lnu'iif of iH'iiiniiiihlilp Id
W&''SWrWmgKFlmTS'VS'Tyr' ri' - ; . ,77a 1 ThMHI