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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1888)
BBBBBitWlWii r fiwS rrsS $ TA-PoPdlttXR- EPER 'ol-AAPPUftii -TIMUS '' Vol.. 3. No. lO Lincoln, Numkahka, SatIjhuay, Octoiiicw '.17 , 1HHH r'wioic Kivic Oicnts Mb I P II I I II I I1 I ' THINGS DULY 011SKRVKI). COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. What Ih llcnrit, Seen, Learned unit Perti nently Stigonteil lo tin Mitltltiiite. I have an ohiorvutlou to nmko In regard to Urn cuitoni tinny theatre goers Iiiivo of not waiting until n pjrfornmico is ovit beforo getting ready to leave tlio house. How miicli bettor It would Ito if everybody in tlio liouso would wait until tlio curtain lulls In tlio lust not, thou nmko ready for IpAViiiR- tlio hoiiso. Tlio confusion consequent iihjii tluiJiuliit of everybody trying to got out of tlio houso nt once, leads to what happened n few evenings since In tlio oiorr. lions, wliun u lurgo mini lor Rot up from their seats iiikI begun to put on their wraps, nml tliuro still remained mi other s?ono lioforo tho piny wns over, mid nil Imil to be tcst-ntcd, Tliciitre-goera should reineinU'r Unit tho phiy Is never over until played, just llko a gntno of carils. Ami it illicit also l,o well for tho usher to nmko loss noiso In seating people nfter tlio curtain Imp, V I have observed Hint Lincoln citizens nro generally very rovorent, osocla1Iy in the oh Horvnncoof tho Sabbath. Americans hick roverencoiinlvorsiilly, as thoy lack in ninny other Mutf. Dr. Cnldorwood, ono of tho most celebrated English metaphysicians, char acter 1 7.0s the Aiiicricnii peoplo ils lacking two of three virtues, roverenco mid modesty , but lu Mympnthy thoy uro nhond of tho English. Hero there is Ilttlo roverenco for church, state, fnnilly, mid ofUm of tlio young for tho old. Take your children with you to church, and when you nro old mid they at mini's es tate, reverence for nil things good will lie their guiding star through life. V I think It is high time Unit tho sidownlks In tho city wero put In n bettor condition mid thoroughly ropnlred before some ono receives n serious injuries which will rovoit ngnlnst tho city in a big dninogo suit. There Is noth ing which makes n better impression upon u stranger thiui gooil sidowalks in n city. Tho sidownlks of I.lncohi nro n grout den! llko tho timsiciil scnlo. Itlsncnso of C sharp or IJ (hit, with everything in favor of tho lint. V Some llght-hemled indlvldunl, probably with i build like a nine pin, little at both oiids but groat in the middle, Incklng oven tho qualities of a dog, thought to do a gicnt uct Tuesday evening by turning tho faucet of tho lire how in tho socoiid iloor of tho now llurr block, Hooding tho olllees underneath, nud causing considerable ilnmnge. If raid indlvldunl will call at tho CouitlKlt olllee, wo will (111 his head with pi, so that there will bo something in it. V Humor 1ms it that within n fow ilnys there Is to lie a ibublo wedding on I street, a fow doors east of Twelfth, two sisters of ono fam ily Mug tho pintles Interested. Indeed, if signs go for any thing, tho factthnt Mendels sohn's Wedding March hr-s been most vigor ously practiced in their houso from day to day for tho past throo weeks shows thutsomo thing must lie going to hap;ou. V Hnvo you observed how fnt tho streets of tho city are being cleaned Just give tho contractor n show, mid by tho tinio tho snow is two root ilcop on tho ground ho will Ikj Inborlng very hard to find tho dirt under tho snow. Then all will lio lovely until the time when nil Is nllont in tho spring. Excuse us then. Wo may not bo hero. The Wcslcyim University. The formal opening of tho new Nebraska Wesloyau University took place Wednesday afternoon, tho exercises being of a high order mid largely Attended. Chancellor Crelghton and Hlshop Newman delivered interesting addresses. Thoso interested have shown n great denl of earnestness In their ollorts for tho univer sity and Hlshop Newman especially, will carry on limit etrectual work In Its Uihnlf. Tlio Wesleyan university will rnnk with any institution lu tho country, ami is an inqioit. nut addition to the educational interests of the state. nillcors Klortcil. Tlie following nro the olllcers eleetisl nt tho meeting of tho I'lensiuit Hour club held last Siturdiiy evening: President C' H. I.lppincott. Vice president W. K. Hardy. Secretary A. H. Tren-iirer V. H. McArthur. Master of ceremonies A. (I. Heeson. executive comniltU'e II. J'. Foster, C. E. Mngoou and Frank C. Zehritng. The club meets iigniii tonight when dnt for tho ojs.ulng paity mid other business will receive attention. t.nillexl We have just received a siiki b lino of hand tin n mid oxtiiislim sole lino shoes, which for style, tin i-li mid siiieiior liuish mo iinoxcvlleil. 1 .adics w ho desire a fashionable, durable and comfoitalilo slim at moderate prices will tlud that our store is the plnco to trade. I'iik'amo Kiiok HoL'si:, Next door to .Mrs. Foreman's, I'M South 12th street. fill 1 1 iilt Cauls. The CoritlKH has just received a largo in volt oof calling cards In tho latest shapes and biAw. Our lady friends especially nro Invit ed to call ami examine. We furnish them cither printed or engraved In any stylo of tho mt. llUsotiilliin Of rurtnernlilp. Notice Is hereby gion that the partnership heretofore exlsitfng Is'tHeeii I.. Wessel, Jr., nuil II. T. Dobbins, under tho linn name of ihM'l tc Dobbins, lu tho printing, publish ing and stationery business. Is this day ills wilvisl by niutunl consent, H. T. Dobbins re tiring. All iiccoiintsdue the ilrm will Imi col lected and all bills against the ilrm will Ih paid by I.. Wessel, Jr. I.. Wksski., J ii, ... H. T. Dotiiii.NH. SvpttMiilior III, WSi. BITS ON BICYCLING. A riitiniiirl of Notes A limit I lie Hpnrt nmt rrsiiiuits .Vliniit WIiitIiim'II, What Is the matter with our inascottel Ditto, our president? Perry nadolol's kindlier is proveibinl. A present to the V. P of the L. W. C. Is one of many sustiiuccs, Thanks, old boy. Will IViuiho of Ouiiihn has our thanks for kindnesses show u a short time ago. You Will Ik' rcincmhcnst, Coomho what mr.y. We understand that A. L Shader and sou Cln ton hnve swuiisl the agency for tho Co lumbia tunchlnes. Success to ou Ixitli. On closij Hcrullfi'y of the heading which ndorns the Coi'lllKli we fail to Mud a bicycle, a tileyclo, or even an Icicle. Why Is this tliusf The renting of the link is almostalinssuioil fact, although there are several molehills to get over beforo tho completion of arrange ments. The delinquents hnvo not nil reortcd with tlio necessary amount yet, Wako up, Isiys, beforo election; afterward you may not have so much. Wo had tho pleasure of an introduction to John 8. Prince. "Jack," as tho lioys call him, Is a racer mid a gentleman. Mr. P., no will scu you Inter. Some of tho lsys enjoyed (0 a run to Ilny iiioiul last Sunday morning. Thoy cxcr! onccd mora pleasure on tho train homeward, however, ltlcycles and snow can not agree. Thoso of tho boys who saw I.llllo Ialla of Johnson fc Hlavin'ri minstrels, must hnvo turned green with envy. Talk about riding' This Ilttlo lady ecllscs any and everything over seen In Lincoln or any where else. Hoys, you missed n treat mid a tare sight. Homo gentlemen in Omaha who am Inter ested lu cycling nro building a coliseum to 1st used for bio. do riding, racing, etc. John S. Prince, wo understand, is at tho head of it, nod ho pioinlses to have a six (lavs' tourna ment there shortly, when all tho best racers in tho country will participate. Sir. Sherwln, wo must say has no love for a cyclist, or probably ho hits more hue for tho dollar of our daddies. If tlio gentleman in question is desirous of renting the rink to tho club ho hud lietter wo our seerotnrv at oucc, as mi oiler hns been inailo to build a largo and exceedingly lino club room, If tho boys so deslro. Tho writer wns In Omaha lust week Thurs tlny, mid let himself be congratulated on nc count of tho organi'ition of tho L. W. C. Tho boys in tho metropolis nro very kind mid oxtcud to tho L. W. C. a cordial invitation to visit them on the SlOtli Inst. Thofestivo occa sion will bo the celebration of the owning of tho new passenger bridge across tho lllg Muddy, joining Nebraska and Iowa. It is a big thing for cyclists In Omaha; they can ride from their homes to Council limits on paved thoroughfuie. l'UM.V. A IIIk Silk Sale. On Monday morning Messrs. Ashby & Mill.simugh Inaugurate a grand ;ccial sale on all kinds mid qualities of silk having marked the price down f nun 25 to ft) per cent. Th"so goods aro of tho most fashionable, shades and textures, add nro placed on spo clnl kiiIo to move them at once. Ladles will find better bargains mid liner goods in r assortment than can lo found anywhere for the money . Tho sale Is for ono week only and tho price marked on each piece Is a Hire guarantee that, will sell It. Call early and iiisiec't tho lino lioforo tho assortment is broken. Sinitli-diHtlii Weilillnu-. Mr. (linhen E. Smith and MNs Alice C. Oustln wero married Saturday evening at the resldenc of Mr. J. C. Harpham,! VX'i S street. Hev. O. A. Wl limns ollieiatiiig. Tho wed ding was a pi ivato one, only a few friends being present. Mr. Smith is connected with tho DloU lumber company, and tho bride is a sister of tho Oustln brothels aim of Mrs. Hurphaiii. riiiiio Iteeltal at the t'nlerlty. Tlio music department of tho University gave a piiinofoi te lectin o recital Wednesday ovening in the University chapel, Prof. E. It. Perry, Mm. A. W. Jansen, soprano, mid Mr. O. U, Menendorf, violinist, taking pait lu thuoutcituiiiiucut. Selections wcic tendered fiomtho following pi-sgriiin, which were closely folio wtsl by tho largo audlenco pres ent, as the entertainment was highly pleasing. 'I 111: I'ltOdltAM. Plauo-lleethoven's .Moonlight Sonatii; fho- I'm Hiiiipiompiii iii a mil; .Noelurnoln I) Hat; Hallaillii A Hat. Holm "The Dally (llrsttuii," 1) Meyer-IIel- iiiiiuii;"iioiMi night," by lluliiustilii. Phllio lloniimn,s"Aus Sehoeuer .elt,"l)p. HI, No. a; ltuliensteiii's"K'aiueuiioi-llKtiow ' Op. 10, No. i!-.'; Slari'iito Ulmle, Op. 'Jrl. Violin Ithodu's Concerto No. ti, Mrst iuie- melit. Piano I.lst's Khapsiiille Hongrolse No. 1 1, Prof. Perry is blind, yet is recognized as a pianlsto ill every sense ot tho word. It is needless to say that the parts taken by Mrs. Jausen, Prof. Menendorf and Miss Cochran lu the entertainment rollocted great crislit to themselves, and much pleasiuo to tluir friends. Hecitals of this kind should lie more liberally patroiilisl, as they aro well worth atteiMliug. SuipiUeit on 'I heir I'lllli. Tuesday evening a party of friends of Mr. ami Mrs. N. S liaini gathered at their homo for a surpilso partv, the (Kcasiou being the llfthannlveisary of the marriage of that worthy counle. Hefreshinenls ui- t..i..ui mid tho ovening passisl in pleasant social Intercourse. Mr. John C. Stewart pieseuttsl inn couple wiui an elaborate antique oak Isiok case, as tho ottering of those present. Tho next meeting of tho Lincoln C. L. S. V. will be held on Friday eveiilnir. Nuvemlmr ' III I '.HI p. III. A pallor muslcalo was given Monday oven ing at tho lesldenco of Pi of. Howell, on H mid Seventeenth sticet, under tho auspices of tho W. C. T. U. It was well attendisl and provisl very enjoyable. Ladles, atttlid tho Foather Sale at Fainou. " AMONC TI11C IIOOK-MAKKItS CHOICE QEMSOFFHESH LITERATURE Newsy Nnles Irmii the World of Writers New Hooks unit Miigimliies, Dkmoiikst'h M"ntiii.y Maiuzink. Now York: W. Jennings Dcnimcst Another rxqulslto water color! and we learn that It is only one of a set lis. so Ik' fore Demorest'f, Monthly Magalue Mulshes this scries we will have quite a collection. Tho one lu the November number of this favorite family litngairiiio (Just received) Is certainly very beautiful. It Is called "Mine!" and Is the study of the he.ul of a child with a bunch of roses clnsH.t to her breast It looks llko an original water color woi th many dollars. Ilcslilc the Wnutlful lu the November num ber, the practical is very markisl. Tho chnp. terou "Help" gWes employers n hint as to their rights, mid tells the housewife Just how to liiindlo "llridget" If she docs not mind her P's mid Q's. "Afternoon Teas and lie ceptlons" answers all tho questions that might Ixi 'iskcd on this now most fashionably way of entertaining. "Dorothy's Window Harden" gives some novel ideas nlioilt this delightful iiiolo of decoration. "The World's Progiess'1 rccouuU tho pns.lug events of this mouth, mid numerous other articles and stor lee furnleh amusement and Instruction for each memlter of tho family. This compro henslvo iiingaziuo should Lh." found in every household. ClobKV h Ladv Hook. Plillndohihln: (Jodey Publishing Co. Tho November number of (lodoy's Iwidy Hook hns added another attraction to its al ready large retosltory In giving Illustrated stories. The table of content Is lull of goo I things; a pretty fronti'pleco illustration, "Meditation;" various designs in fashions, colored and black; and a beautiful variety in w oik designs bcidi-s a folded colored work lage, with numerous other Illustrations. Among the literary features wo find "Tho Unbidden tluesfby Emily Iciiunx, which is a truo Thanksgiving story, while "A Social Dagger" Increases gieatly lu Interest as it bears conclusion. "A I'umiivllnii Itoiiinnn," by L. P. S,, is full of llfo mid vigor; "Sarah Mullen," by Florence 11. Ilallowell, "A Cana dian (iliTs Honmnce," by Marian C. Hoove, "tlossip," by Henry Haitro, Jr., "A Most Melancholy Occasion," "Aunt Juno's Practi cal Foi tuno Tolling," mid "Tho Uoprosenta tlvo from llaccoon," with numerous pooiun, fashion articles, foreign gossip, mid other well written subject, complete u very lienu t If ul and bright number. Tiik (Inn. i.v Scaui.kt; by Emtio Zola. Phil adelphia: T. II. Pitersonei Ilrothem. Peterson it Hrothera have just puhllsheil a cliuip edition for tho million, of Emllo Zola's new mid groat work, "Tho (!irl lu Scarlet," to sell nt tho unprecedented low nrlcn of twcnty-llvo cents i. copy, retail. It Is it lovo I ir,.i-.... ........ .... i. i , .,. ... I ........ .- iuiit un ii, ii eiiuiiaiiiiug, anil mo s)etlecouitshipof tho youthful lovers is re plete with childish innocence and candor. The nus'tliiL's in tlio .M i...m..i..rv .....i i,.. I strolls into tlio country aro delightfully pic tured. They have also Just published in mil form stylo mid price with this book, "Nana," "Nana's Daughter," "L'AssoninioIr," "Iji Torre," and "Nana's Hi other," making them the largest as well as the cheaiest liooks for thepiicoover published, and they will com mand an enormous sale. They w ill lio found forsaloby all news agents everywhere, or copies w ill bo sent by mail to any one, to any place, on remitting pilco to tho publishers. Haiiyland; Annual volume PtoS, Illustrated. Huston: D. Iitluop Company. Price, 73 cents. Of all tho volumes which annually come to delight tho hearts of tlio little jieoplo of tho nursery not ono brings out a heartier shout of welcome than Haiiyland. Tlio publisheis, from long experience, have conie to ui.dor stand pretty accurately what the babies like to look at in the way of pictures, and what thoy like to have read to them in tlio wav of stories, and this is why Habyland Is what it Is, and why It appeals so strongly to huh. eyes mid little ears. Hahy laud tor IMS is as beautiful outside as it U Inside, and the two covers, front and back, with their pictures in color ot the lubies blowing bubbles, mid tl.o babies going to bed, fiirnMi iimtciiul for no end of pleasant stories for Ingenious papas mid mammas "Tho Niirsoiy Finger Plays," the ".Story of the Hoofer Kitten," and tho no end of calf, and cat. mid rat, mid dog stories, with their comical illustrations, which make up tlio contents, constitute a series of attrai tions that would besought for in vain else w here. i:tiiiurillnar sale. The Famous will otrer lor spm-ial sale next week an inimenso line ol OstiMi Tips and Fancy Fenthers, Hlack and Coloitsl Pinnies, comprising the latest novelties of both For elgn mid Domestic Manufactiireis. We will sell tlu-M'gooils for Cami only at about one half or their selling price or what thoy cm be bought for olsewhei n. Purchasers will tlud good bargains and those who come Urst will get the get the best mid choicest goods, as all will bo sold without any reserve. F.vuofs, Cor. Oaiid l.'thsts. A I'lc.isanl MiiprlKi., Saturday ovening a number ot Hie young friends of Master Nelson Abbrtt called at the family residence, 1(111 Eslicct, to pay him their respects ami give him a pleavint sin priso. Itelreshmeiits vieio erve.l, vailoii-, games playisl and all hands enjoyed a mo,t Interesting time. Following young jHsiplo mie presoiii Nelson C. Dennis. Willie Ablsitt, Eddie Ablsitt, ilttlo Alexmiilor. (ioitrude Alexau dor, llnttie (ioodoll, Ada Parks, Clara Loom', Mattle Medrow, Mary Meloue, Frank McClusky, Henry Hoehnier. I-Mdiu Vaullorn, Albert Meloue, Julian Field, Hobble Jackson, Hoscuo Alexmiilor. A nuinlKT of tho older folks wore Interest is 1 lookers-on. Telephone at tho Coi'ltlKlt olllee is 2.VJ, THE ELK SOCIAL." I.liiiMiln I, mine No. HO tllvr nil liilimitHl Iteei'iilliiii to the Mlimtirl lioys. The elegnut club iisims of Lincoln lodge No. Nl, 11 PO. E.,weio llllod Wednesday evening wllh a Jolly crowd of brothels, In vited ft lends from the city and a Inrgo iiiitn lsr of the Johnson Shtvlii minstrel troiist, their pi esouce lu the city being made the occasion of mi Informal social session, which was aekniiwlislgisl to Imi the best ever given by the lodge. The guests nolo iccelvcil by Messrs. A. tl. Heeson, W. S. Iluirmiiii, J, It. Inilst.C. E. MagiKiu and F. C. Zehrung, reception committee. It was nearly twelve o'clo'k when Mr. F. C. Zelutllig, oiiiltisl mler of No. HO, rnpicd for order, mm lutroducislas presiding olllcer of the evening, Hrot her llughoy Dough oitj of the Johnson Hlavlu company, who railed the session to order, and refreshments lining nerved, proposisl tho usual toast to ab iient brothers, Prof. F. M. Olboatilt being called Ukiii in tho Interval, rcudorisl two pieces ukiii the piano. From that time on mirth mid music held full sway, the chnli liimi calling iih)U tho several members of tho Johns n-Slav In troupe present, who emtio fully proiwired to respond to every cnll with selections, songs, impersonations, in fact everything light mid cute, rnttlln' mi' shrewd mid light and Jlugllsh, all of which was Inter spurseil with the continual How of refirsh incuts, couphsl with tho cITorts of tho special olllcers of tho ovening upioiiitcd by tho chair to dissvnso Justice to tho brothers who wore exjiectisi to do their duty. It would 1st lmHwsllilo to give in detail u fotrosiect of what was said and sung, hut hiiIIIco It to say that it was a continual loiiud of pleasure, lasting until the time when tho cool gray light of morning breaks the day, and later brother Elks mid Invited guests awoke, with naught but pleasant memories of pleasures past. Tim Ilrnnfltn of Travel. Mrs. nobson do Ilobson (recently returned from abrond) Wo lmd a chnrinlng trip. I think foreign travel ii so broadening unit elevating to one's mind, Mr. Hullwiiikcl. Mr. Hullwlnkol Yn'm You visited Lau fuiline, of course., whllo you wero lu Switzer land. Mrs. Ilobson do Ilobson (retro)octlvoly) Why, I think so, Mr. Uullwlukcl. (Turning to daughter) Wnsn't It at Lausanno, Clara, dear, thut wo had Mich delicious wallles for breakfast I Life, A 1'iitnl Olijoctlon. Young Mr. Johnsing (lu swell Thompson utreot Isoarding house) Am yo' do laxly of ills yoro bo'dln' housel Miss Purjilcbloom (genteelly) I'm do daughter of do inlstrfKS of ills 'utahllshmcut, rah. Young Mr. Johnsing (crowslng ono kneo Btylishly)-Well, Pso lookin' fo' er la'go airy somo room wlf nlcovo and damankus cur tains, an' fust cluas llxins, with southern ex posuro nn' gentility. Pso willln' to pay ns much as two dolla's a vvick. Miss Purplebloom (with a slight stiifT) Am do room fo' yo'sof I Young Mr. Johnsing Hit am. Miss Purplebloom Well, I'mi lierry sorry indeed, sah, but wo nebbor tnko Zulus. Now York Sun A Nightmare. In tho Hwalitig swirl of thesoughful wind, as tho gust goes gloorlug by, I sit by the Is-ilu of n bournful birch, with a moan and a soul ful sigh; tho mellowing mists of tho evo aro low, and tho frog in tho dunkful mnrsh chirps chirplngly tvid in tlio ghoulsomo gloom, in a swlvering voice mid hnrsh: O, where tithe swing of tho snoonful sninh, Ami tho voice of tlio Kim Itmn foiilr Methlnks It inoiiiis from the murky mold, From the home of tlio hootful owl. Now swivel mo swift from tho surging Kpri"g. I'm wenry of wold and wind: the grewBomo gtaik of tlio Jabberwock comes jlmmering to my mind; the feeble song of the spotsomo frog comos sulomnwise, sougli ing slow, and again I hear by tho bournful bircli tho wail of his wimplcsl uk: O, wliero istlieHiiiriKof tlio rwoonfnl sulsli, From tho laud of tho sprlugful spriilof Must tho Mho mists hhir on tho linker's drnlc, And fivlfjlit with their fraught my huiiIT I ilreumod, I dreamed of Amelie Hives, in tho dim of tho ilnul. some dark, and uiethought I rodo on a mnoufttl main, in tho prow- of a pilllf ul bark ; I w i ought a i hy mo as I roamed along, in the sirenm of tho starful, I avvuko nt dawn mi ilm dimpled it.iy.iiiidnbuva Is tho iliyino 1 wrote. Lincoln Journal. Aiiiiiiiiiireiiieiil I l . At. event in the special sale hue of more than ordinary tuti r..t w ill take place at Her polsheiiiier'n next week i nn nt. u 'lug Monday morning, w hen a line of Hue black gios gram I silks will Ui plactsl on Nile Theso goods it may lie well to add me fiom tho most Hipu lar iiiaimfaetuiers, and known to the trade everyw bet ens having the finest llnish mid most durable qtialilicat ions. They me none less than tho celebrated Haskell black silks and Missis, llonxilsholiner A: Co. are author i.eil to give a full guarantee to everv pur chaser that tho goods will not crack'nnd to warrant them lu every icspis't. I'm- this oc casion ami for one week only these goisls, usually sold at f'J.ltl ht jmd will Isi olfensl at f 1. 1 i. This is indeed a line bargain. jini - - i WwMit MUSIC AND TIIK DKAMA. MINSTREL, DRAMA AND THE 0'EHA. A I'rospeetus unit Itevleit of Ainiiaeiiieiits at I lie I'uiike. IIII..MI1TV U the Fuhko's hist Satuidiiy night drew a urge house. The play Is of the rough and limbic variety, and Is merely a vehlclo for a lumber of chestnutty specialties. And that s all there was loo It. .MUIIIIK MITl'llKI.I.. The Fnnko was coniplotely llllisl Tuesday veiling with an audience who eninn I Iv an entertainment given by the universal favorite, Magglo Mitchell, whoso iwiino for roars mis ms'ii a uoussiiioiii wont. Him ap Hnnsl lu anew plis-n "Uiy," written ishi Mnlly and adnptisl to Maggie's well known INH'iilimities and Mprlghtlliioss of acting, none if which shosiH-ms to lose as yearn goby, l'ho enjoyment of the evonliiL' uns inlilil in bv her excellent NiiotMirf. iiverv iiiimluii. nf tho comMiuy being mi mtist. mid eager to iieasc. TIIK MINHTIIKtt. All lllimeilso comblnntioii of nrll.l. In minstrelsy held tho Isianls at tho Funko on Wednesday eveulliir Inst for tin-.-. Iimin ..,.,1 not a soul mnong tho largo audlenco vvhlch cmwiusi mo iioiiso nut what liiughisl and lunulas! and laiiuhtsl with ennui a r..i many went prepansl to listen to tho smno old jokes and songs and soo tho iimiiiI mnoiini of high kicking, heretofjro tho solid part of a minstrel performance. Hut what a surprise waslnstoro islnestlny evening! Johnson oi Slnvlit have tho honor of pi (wonting tho brighti-st, cleanest ami most nrtlsllo inliistrel is-rforinai ce, with entirely now mid unique feutllles. which has over luwm niilninl.i.l I..- a minstrel loving public. Tho troiijK) Is made up hi wen Known nniHM lu tlio profi-sslon oToryono of whom "takes" tho uuillonco from llrst to last. The Hrloriiiauco on bicycle by tho Selbliil family was marvellous mid tho hit of the iiveiilng.not to sioak of tho delight ful afterpiece, "Tho I,ost Ace, or tho Island of Pokah," which Is comical and replete with liilith provoking hits. It was u great show, and Johnson oiSlavlu can lest assured they have captured Lincoln. Till'. JUCH CONUKIIT. Thonuillonct that greeted tho Juch co-icctt comimtiy Thursiliiy evening completely llllisl tho Funke, and was highly llntterlnir to sav tho least. From first to last tho program as miim-iuii nun u iioiigiuiui treat, anil Intensely apprii'laUsI, as was evidenced by tho iniiiier oiih recalls of tho jierforinorn. Tho highly artistic renditions of Miss Aus der Oho, tho piano soloist, showed tho sirfect technlquu of a grand pianlsto. Mr. Victor Heiliert can handle tho 'cello to jierfeclion. Everybody waited, however, for tho appearance of Miss Juch, mid they were not tllHiipjxilutvd in her singing, lu Its rlchiu-ss and sweetness, which was to Imi mora fully upproelntoil in tho sec ond part of tho program, whera shotiKiktho art of Marguerite in tho second act of (lou nod's "Faust," which wan given In costume. Mr. Lnvlu us Fust, Miss Hose l.lnile as Hlo lad and Martha, mid Slgtior Cloiiiento Holog iin nn Mephlstophelos were fair lu their ren ditions, although a Ilttlo more carni-stnoss might Imvo brought out the ability of each as Mipport, in n mora nipreclatlvo mnniier. However, tho lH.rforioniieii mn n. .. .. i.,,i.. of a high order, mid from fnvomhio comment Him expressions, sausiactory to tho largo audience. JA.NK I'OOMIIH I.N III.KAK IIOl'HK. Last eveiiliig's bill at Fuuko's wus an at tractive ono lu every sense uf tin. n.r.i i a largo auillonco was present to witness tho juistiii;iiiiii oi --nieiiK Jloiise," as presenttsl by Miss Jnno Coombs and a very lino com- my. Tlio action of thu play Is smooth mid interesting and thoclimiiYes well l,r,,n,.l,t ..,,i mid duly applainletl, Miss Cisimbs mid Mr. Oossin, tho hading male character, Mug called outat the c1(m of iim ihlr.l m.t in.. Coombs is a ladv of iiIiuisIiil. nr..m... .....I .. line actress, her conception of the characters ot i.nny udiiocK nun iiorieiisolwliigdramat- te iii iiscoiiipieu-nts, a rm.ii iiay. Saturilav nlL'ht's iittrai'iinn ) n... p....i... n - ...... ..v ...w . Int pnimisfs to 1st a IllOtt interostiii'' nn.l 1U-..U- one, the bill being Fisher's company in "A I old Day. 1 he pith of the play is as follows: A lihotoirranher. In siiiiii'lilin. o.m. i...... an 1 there, accidentally secured a negative of mo i iciios siiung in iiio laps or two gentle men UM-ctivolV. The scone is inn .1 .,.- and the situation is biought alsnit by tho Hidden stoppage of the car. Tho artist, who has an eye to bushiest, sells a picture at an illlinei so price to each of the liufoi tunatos, who imiiksiuiosoir or hoi-seir Hie hole kiss essor With this complication to act iihiu these are worked into a numlHT of aiiiusing I situations. The husband, brother and wife of tills plmtographe 1 group follow tho Ilociug uilties on Immii'iI a ship, where the scene is ' principally laid. There is no need for the I chestnut boll, as all the joki-s are fresh mull laughable. j nn. jkkii.i. imi Mil in int. i Do not fail to see it at the Funke next ,on I day evening, OctolMM'lth. It must be seen I to be appiei-iabsl.aud as pieentisl by Ueorgo OIk-i's tlrstclasn company will draw a citiwtl tsl house. The story has Imvii drmnatiisl sNs'lnlly liy Mr tllier, who U a Ihiishod actor I and tin ills everybody. Fnsl I, Powers as I (iabriel Uttei-Nin, Mr. Dm ton as Dr. Iinyon, I Mrs Adelaide OU'i-itht author of tho play i ' as Mi. Pimmo, Mis Allot. Hamilton as MnM ' i minen, mm .Miss httiia lllaiitoru delight the audience in their sev etui i.iitsand sKvialties, and ably suisut Mr. OIkmIii his dual char acter. llllllsON ami i I The wonl success is prolKibly the most I abustsl vv nnl in our language. There ntssl ' be no hesitation, however, in applying it to the full extent of all that it can Htssbly luoiin, to the conns!) of "Tho Heiuietta," by Hrousim Howard that will Ik produivtl next Thursday night at FiiukeV Tho thoughts suggested by his work a bold and spbuilld elfoit in pure comedy, tho mast dlillcult Hold of ilrmnutle i-oinHisltlon aro tinged with such a glow of oxcltement Hint tholr oxpran. Ion here, on the Instant, might well produni tlin Impression of wild enthusiasm, Tim piny glows mid thrills with vitality from Hint to last. Tho touch Is light. The stylo Is brilli ant. Tho story Is actual. Tho humor and the passion mo blended with extraordinary facility. "The Henrietta" Is tho Is-stoomedy ot Ainoi lean llfo thai has over Im'oii soon on the Hinge, mid In the abstract sciimo tho best "dy on the subject of lovo mid liionoy that hns over boon wilt leu since "Tho lloud to Itulu" -of which It Is undoubtedly th uor lor, whether in chaiacler, pathos, humor, styleor moral slgiiltlcniKo Mr. Crano and M It hum have been suited with purls for which (hey me singularly lilted, unit which they act wllh coinummntu ability. HonU will boon Halo Wednesday morning, TIIK WIIITKHI.AVK. A leturii of this famous piny by a tnr company will bo tho stellar attraction nt tint Funko on next Wednesday ovening. Of tho various plays Hartley Campbell has given to tlie ssipo of Ameilca, tlio "Whlto Hlavo" s'ands prominent among tho number. Tho piece Is brliiifult of actl tho charactero well drawn audsounjof thont origlunl tyHM In their way. The wliolo plot tunis on tho fortunes or misfortunes of Lisa, tho atiiiowii daughter of Nance, a quadroon, but really thoillegllimntodnughterof Nnnca'ii owner, Judge Hnrillii. Tho Judgo Informisl of tho fnct Just iNjforo his dentil Iiiih)hcn nn oath oh Nance to keep tho secret for tho honor of tho family name, mid gives tho girl hor .freedom is'rs Just lioforo ho dies. These, however, are found invalid, ami Lisa is sold to a slave dealer named Lacy. It is on her Might from tho hitter's brutality, hor rescue by hor old lover, Clay Hritton, her nttonipUsl enpturo on the Mississippi stcamlsmt mid her ndveu tin en on a spar after thu wreck mid on nil slant! lu tho river, Hint tho remaining acta depend. DOI.MIH DIIAMATK'AM.Y. Duncan Harrison's roinnntlo inllltnrv ilrnmn of "The Pnymnster," returns to Now York Octolier L'fltli. at Nlhlo's. Tho crenin of tho 0siia houso nttractloiw iinxt weol: will bo Kobsou fcCrnno's prosentn Hon of "Tho Henrietta" Wednesday ovonlng. Funny Dnvenpoit mid company aro rehear sing In Now York city, preparatory to ojien. lug their tour October loth, at llochester, Now Yoik. Chailes A llyrne's now intislcal comrsly, "Tho Kitty." will Is) given lis llrst Now York production January 7, at tho HIJou theatre. Hobcrt Mautcll has caucelleil his south rn tour mid Is this week npiearlng lu "Moiilwni" ot thy HiiYiimrkel licarv III Chlcngo, whvrij lio Is drawing crbwilisl liouseft. Tho lAUth ram cHontntlon of "Nadjy" waft given nt New York's Cnstno Thursday oven ing. Orant prcpnrntlons had Imcu niado for tho celebration, and It was an uveut to bo ro iiieiubensl lu theatrical annals, Mr. Richard Darker, the stage inmiager for Messrs. (Illls-rt and Sullivan, Is a passenger on tho Servla. Ho brings tho libretto mid music for tho now ojora which in lu nettvo rehearsal at tho Casino. Young mothers lu Hoston nro said to bo en thusiastic over tho exquisite tendornosH Uls playotlby Viola Allen as Mrs. Eirot lu thu sceno between mother and child at tho end of tho llrst act of "Llttlo Lord Faiintloroy." It Is not generally known that tho Hanlon's "Ii Voyage en Suisse" comixiny aro gooil bass ball players. Last week lu Scrunton.Pn., they played a game with a picked nluo of lo cul ball (ossein and won by tho huiiiLsomo scorn of L'l toll. It Is said tint tho Haroness Hlmic. who hml a In lef career on tho Phlladolphlii stage, con templates a Now Yoik debut lato this season. She is a closo friend of Mrs. Lnugtry, and has sailed to join her In Iondoii, For a mouth or mora past she has boon an object of interest lu :sew wk. Julian Magnus, who formerly did tho drn inatlc win k on tho Now York Trlhunr, and in now business manager of Frtslerick Wardo, is meeting with a warm reception from tho nowspuier men of tho West. Ho seetns to till them with go I stories unit knows all tho lat est HOW'S. A gloat many requests hnvo been received at the box olllco of tho Chicago ojieni houso for at least ono performance of "Hamlet" during tho Ivdw-ji Ilmith mid Lawrence Itar rett cngagemout in Chicago. Tho nimiiigo nielli have therefore arranged with the trag isllans for their representations during tho final wis'k of their season there. Private advices to A. M. Palmer state that "Captain Swift" is doing a larger husluoM nt the I lay market theatre lu Ijndon than "Jim the Peniuau" did. Iltsjrbolmi Tree is said to have made a very great success in tho tltlo role, and the author of the play, Mr. Iladden CIiiiiiiM-h, has suddenly taken Urst rank among conteuis)rary vvritoni for tho stage. Mr Palmer has already limpjHsl out tho cast for tlio New Yoik piiHluctioti nt tho Madison Square theatre. Tho parts will Ihj assignetl, and inhiMrsaU commenced by bis comjiany during their engagement of two weeks in Chi eago "A llrass Monkey," Charles II, Hoyt's lat est faice imuusIv, will lie produced in Now Yoik next Monday at tho Hijou oieru house. In the new piece theauthor has sntirUcsl jietty suiiei-ststioiis. The fun lunges on the bad luck attached to a brass ornament in tho hitHMii n monkey. Charles Heed has tho part of Youth mid Miss Flora Walsh is teen as 1 luggage. The cast also llieludiw Alf M, Ilmnptoii, Tim Murphy, Ueorgo A, Hean, .Ir, Alice WiiMi, Mario Ztilin and other clover ptsiple. "A Hiass Monkey" made a hit in Philadelphia, mid it Is said to I hi the best mid most amusing farce that Mr. Itoyt 1ms yet luriiisl out. ituiL'itlitit in Clothing. Now Is the time to lio projierly clothed, for w inter w ill sikiii lie here, linker, the clothier mid gents furnisher, HSS O strtvt, is otreriug siK-cial bargains in winter clothing mid un derwear, which those who contemplate buy ing for winter wear, vvovld do well to tako advantage of. for Item, Flito suites of iiHiuis Iii tho Welister block, ftiruMicd and iiiwiiruishod. Eiiqulro at room t.