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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1888)
shgataatsaBg? ROTO EfSfJJp3SSJ k,K.'S6,MTfTJv K. ' -T-xk , yiTTwr n-rv 4- . --. "4. -- !WKl &MWWBSK- iitaikmyiyjeiiwuw: w II Perkins Bros. lave just received mi elegant line of Ladies' Party Slippers and Shoes in colors to i natch Suits worn. Also a hand some line of Hliiclc and i . -- . . Bronze goods. A specialty for a few days will be n Welt Waukenphast Shoe, for street wear, at $3.50. We have this shoe in all widths from A to E, and sizes i to 7. A FULL LINK OF BOYS' AND YOUTHS' IIIGII-CUT SIIOKS, ALL SIZES and WIDTHS. 1 1 20 O Street. Saturday Evening, Oct, 2088 fH Corner I Oth and P 8trti. LoadingDryGrOodsHousG TAKE NOTICCI Tho Couuikii will not Iw rcsionsllilo for nny Itltf nmilo by any ono In lis nnino, un less n written onler mvomnnles tho nnino, proierly signed. I j. Wkhhki., Jr., IVrt'r. Great Underwear Sale ! Herpolsheimer & Co, Tim Cunrlnr Ciui lie round At Windsor Hotel News Htnnd, Japltul Hotel News Htnnd, Odell's DIiiIiik Hull News Wand. Clnson A Fletcher's, llltt O Hired. A. T. I-emlng A Co'., 1100 O Htreot. Tito (lothoin NowsBlttiul, HH Houlli lltti Ht. Kollli Jims., Ill Ninth lltli Htroct. Kit. Young, IW0O Htreot. Kiiton AHinllh, IffllO J. HUIiiIktk, O st. opp. iiostofllce. brown's C'nfe, near Windsor liotol. I'lriimint Hour Club, The onnuiil meeting of tho Plcntniit Hour cliili will Im liclit this (Hntiin)oy) evening, nt nt h o'clock, tlio Elk cliili looms. Every member Is liquishsl tolsl present. (Iko. N Foiikhvian, Secretory. OCTOBER 22d to 36th. H.J. HALLS BRO 1126 0 STREET. GRAND FUR OPENING. Goods nts'ilctly wholesale prices. W. R. DENNIS, 1 137 O. "rn M HARDWARE. STOYES AND TINWARE. Rock Springs, Wyo., Jackson of Col., Walnut Block, Mis souri Block, and Lackawanna Office, 115 South Tenth St. Telephone 360. BARGAINS -IN- Dress Goods, Cloaks AND BLANKETS. FRED. SCHMIDT, 921 O Street, opp postoffice. Books and Stationery. LINCOLN BOOK EMPORIUM. Ill H. 10th nt, under V. M.C. A. A fine stock o I books of the best authors The C. L. S. C. books and Chautnuqimn furnished to members. Cliautanqua games of Character, Hlbli cal, Historical and Literary, on hand. THOS. FAWELL, Local 11 ml remount. Whltelirmnt Cool and Llmo Company. Take Turkish at 1010 O street. Lincoln lco conipnny, puro lio. Tbo liMt Twin. H. 1. Slovens & Co. Jeavitt's otllce, 115 H. Tenth. Telephone IK) King Stecar, 101U O street, I wots ami show. Hallot, diamonds and watches, Mil N lltli. Sawyer & Mosher, florists, Masonic Temple. Mineral water used for Iwithlng, 101(1 O st. Triekoy & Co. .wholesale and retail Jowolom. L llarr, Jeweler, established lb" I, lOWOst. Nobby stylo huts and lino neckwear at HurlburfH. Canon City Coal at the Whltebrenst Coal and LI1110 Co. Tiy some of the fine fresh llMi served every dav at Cameron's. clonks, cloaks of every description at Her uolsheluicr & Co.'s. Canon City Coal again at tlio Whltcbreast aland l.lmu Co. Roast meats, and vegetables of all kinds at Cameron's Lunch House. A drop In Isith price and stock of dry goods nt II. It. Nlssley &Co. Improved shower for Turkish Imths at 1010 O street, Imsemeni union uiock. Only plaeo in Lincoln that uses inlnernl water in Iwtlu is at 10111 O Htreet. Uy all odds tlio flnwt lino of pocket cutlery In tbo city nt Zehrung & Henklo's. An immense assortment of underwear at tbo lowest pi ices ot HerHUheiiner it Co.'s. For Information concerning and rates to western points apply at lift 8. Tenth street. Doctor U. F. llailey, oillco and resiilcuco or. of Thirteenth and O streets. Tel. 017. llnydcn is now making cabinet photographs for M.OO a dozen. They aro the finest in the city. Tho Hnest luncheons in tbo city are served at all hours at Carder's European restaurant, IKM 1 street, "You pays your money and takes your choice" Is tho new order of things at Odcll'ii dining ball. Take tbo Elkhorn-O. & N. W. route vestihulo aleejier to Chicago and tho east, Alwuyson time. Het fitting kldgWes in allot tbo newest sbiiH)s and colon Juit receivwl at Herpol sheimer & Co.'n. Kverythlng new nnil neat, llnest menu nnil tiest oK)k In tbo city nt Carder's Kui-ojiean ivstaurunt, DIM 1 street. Tho fluent work In tbo city at Hayilon's photographic studio. 1314 O ttivot. Bco our fine samples of art work. Hound trip tiekcU to Dakota Hot Springs, e24.!lV, Douglas, Wyo., f'-'S.iW; lUpid City, l'JT.15; Ixng l'lno, l'ibO. via Klkhom lino. Oillco 115 south Tenth street. Aro you going to glvo a party soon I If so, don't fall to leave your order for printing with the CouniKU. Wo are the only printing house la tbo city thut makes a specialty of this class of work. Mothere who have small children subject to colds or croup should now procure a bottle of Chamberlain' Cough llomedy. It can always be depended upon, is pleasant and safo. For salo by W. J. Turner. Chapped hands may Ih cured in ono night by using Cbomber'aln's Kyo and Skin Oint ment us directed with oncii hox. n also cures tetter, salt rheum and chronic sore eyes. For sale by W. J. Turner. Turklih Cabinet, electric and plain bath for ladles at !SW South Eleventh street, every foiouoou and Wednesday and Friday evening. For gentleman, every afternoon, and lues day and Saturday evenings. Our brilllnnt Universal took tho first pre mium at tho Nehuiskn state fair. Our Uni versal lino w 111 take tho w liolo txikery. Call in id exninluo and bo convinced. Tbo Iewls Hardware and Implement Co. Try tbo delicious dinners at Cnriler's.servcd dally. They comprise soup, choicest meats, vegetables, pastry, etc., nil Tor twenty live cents. Everything Is nicely cooked, neatly served, and the prleo Is Just ligtit for everybody. Tlii'Mi moonlight nights are gorgeous. Mis. Homy Stout is lsitlm; In Cinelnimtl. Mr II. M. Wining Is at Iloldrege on a huliu?s trip. Miss Clam Kimko Is visiting hcmlster, Mm. Iluriis, at Old. Mm T L Allen left Weilncsday for a visit In Mitmnhl, Mo. Mm. A. (I. Ileeson left Monday for n visit to lifnyetle, lud, I'mIk l.uim makes her npiientauro rather Into thi'so linn nlghtii. Numerous state people wore In tlio city on Wednesday to msi Inugtry. Foi mill oHiulng of tho M. E, University Miss Miimle Hiulth of Hamilton, Ohio, is visiting friends In tho city, takes place next Wclmmlny. Lincoln's ebauces Just now for a new oiern house are brighter than ever. Mr. J H. UihsI ivturmsl Thursday from n trip to Colorado and Wyoming. Hon .1. II. Strode has returned from a sev eral weeks' campaigning In tho state. What think you of the CoUIUKU'h stylo to day I And tbelmpioveiiKUtsmo not allmnde yet. Mr F. A. llrown has so much Improved In health that he exieets to start for homo next week. Addison Crowley and daughter of Kan dolph are visiting tho family of Mr. M. II. Cheney, Mr. W, J. Ilryiin mid Mr. (I. M, Limbert sou will engage In a Joint debate at Cortland tonight. This Is lovely fn'l weather In fact, to our recollection surpassed nnytbing wo liavo had in yearn. Mr. A. W. Janseii has returned from n visit to Holt county, where ho has large landed Interests. Attention is called to tho advertisement of Tbos. Fawell which opjcnr In this Issue of the Couuikii. Mr. Charles E. Hoot of tho .Animiil, has Ik-cii suffering this week from a severe attack of ty pbold fever. Miss Mattle Stowart of Sycamore, III., is in the city visiting at tho homo of hor cousin, Mr. J. F. Hutchlns. Miss Mattle (illsrt of Denton was a Un coln visitor Wednesday to see the Jeney Lily's jierformauce. If you are not n CountKii reader you ought to 1h We can use your imino to good aU vantage to all concerned. Mn. Allle Tweed nmlilmightiir, Miss Jisslo, have returiusl from a very pleasant visit with friends in Illinois and Ohio. Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, who has 1smii sncndlnir a few days In Lincoln returned to his now home In Denver Sunday. Aliss (lirndry and Miss Harjory of Mineral Point, Wis,, aro guests at tho hospitable homo of Mr. and Mm. O. M. Irfiinbortson. Do y on suiter with catarrh? You can bo cured If you take Hood's Hnmatmrllla, the great blood purifier. Sold by all druggists. Mls Stella Fitzgerald of Port Huron, Mich., who has been visiting tbo Misses Potvln, will pass tho greater imrt of tho winter in this city. Misses May and Jesslo Hobinson. two ac complished young ladles of Chicago, "o vis iting in the city, tho guests of Mrs. C. E. Yates. W. Q Hell returned Tuesday from Orvllle, Ohio, where ho went to lw present nt tbo oli seipiles of his) father, who was ono of Ohio's early 6ettlera. W. S. Huffman of Huffman & Hlehter, left Thursday for York, wheio the firm has n laigo circle of patrons. Mr. Ilulfuian expects to leturn today. Avail yourself of tbo opportunity oirereil at Ashby & Mlllspaiigh's next Friday and Satunlay by imrcliaslng what you want at their fur opening. Take your breakfast at O.lell's dining hall. Onler by bill of faro and get what your np petite dcslieH. Dinner and supper are still served as formerly. Will Pickett Is on a little lay-olT for a week. Ho Is in tho western part ot the state, and while gone will visit his father, Col. Pickett of the mini at IJlooniinglon, Home 1'lrst y Alt Menim. A fart which Lincoln ladles nppteclato Is tlmt In thifo modem times of fnshlou, nil branches of millinery are ably represented In this city, and that their every want In the w ay of he'idgear can 1st fully supplied at homo without the need of g'lntf abroad. It has outlines liecn amply proven to our ladles Hint goods they bought ft out foielgu houses have cost mole than what they could linve Ikmii purchased for fiom homo dealels. Chicago, Oiuahii or otliei houses In tho larger cities have greater exKMises lo War, while heio at home, for instnuec, tho Famous millinery of M. Aekeinmn fi Co., has but small exienses In compnrlwm. Hunts are not half so hltih and nearly all other nxicnscs are (ipially so, and then again our mei chants nioherofor the purpovj of building up the city, to pell you goods ami to stay. Ileforo thinking of buying your winter lint or Isinuet, Iadles,you should not fall to see what on have at homo ATTEND THE (IE AM ME OPEIIM ! NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Ashby & Millspaugh. Double Store under Opera House. here. Take n look nliout the city, call in and wsj the Famous, In the oiiern houso block. Their Hue of fashionables will surprise you. The change mnde recently made at Odoll's whereby breakfast Is served on tho Eurojiean plan Instead of the former way of serving a regular breakfast, Is meeting with decided success, nud Mr. Odell ieK)rts great lucreaso In atroiiago. Onler what you want and pay for what you eat is the new run of things. Tlio grand lodgo of Odd Fellows hold their annual meeting nt Omaha Thursday, and was attended by n largo representation from tbo Lincoln fraternity. Among tho olllcen elec ted were: I). A. Kline, Lincoln, grand sec retary, and Snm McClny, grand treasurer. Over 1000 people attended the grand ball nt Goodrich hall In tbo evening. Mn. E. C. McSliano of Omaha, sister-in-law of the caudldata for governor, is in the city visiting Mr. and Mm. F. S. Potvln and attending the catholic fair and bazar. Mm. McHhano arrived Monday and leaves1 today for home to 1st on hand Monday and tnko mi nctivn jtnrt In tho catholic fair wh(chopn next Monday in Omaha and runs through the week Mm. Ada M. llittentwuder was on Monday nt Washington, D. C, admitted to practice in tho supremo court of the Unincd States, Being only tho third lady lawyer ever admit' ted to so high a tribunal, tho honor is certain ly a worthy ono mid seako much for tbo la dy's commendnblo legal ability. The Coun IKH Joins friends in extending hearty congrat ulations. On Satunlay, Nov. l.'k'l South Ninth street, there will Iks a grand gift drawing for nn Ameilcan "Champion" bicycle. The drawing will lie In charge of Chan. E. Selfert mid the holding of the lucky numW receives tlie bicycle. The "Champion" Is a lieauty, lltted out with alarm, lamp, bag and toots and tbU drawing will 1m un unusual opiMirtu- nlty for some lucky person to get mi elegant blcycht. The Capitai. Citv Couiuku will come out hi its Saturday Issue with a new head that is a beauty. It is tho finest im,hvIiucu of the kind the' Cttll has noted and w 111 lie liest o prociatod when seen. Tho will is sue a specially attractive edition Satunlay. .Kiyiiiiii'OtI. Well, hew it Is. Wo consider It tbo finest nowsnpor heading in the west. What do you think of it I There remains but a trlllo over two weeks until tho next prrsident is elected, nud there is one fact yam sliosild remember, and that is that whether Bldvn Lckwood, Cleveland or Hal rlsou aro eloetfil, you will still be able to get tbo best lire goods at the same low price at the general merchandise store of L. Meyer & Co., on North Tenth street. Thoy buy di rect from tho manufm-turer, keep tho fresh est goods In tho city, ami are a most reliable house to deal withi Tbo PrescotUMcLiwi company closed their engagement at the- lTiniko Satunlay evening, presenting "IllKomll.', Miss Prescott was an Ideal Purthcilia, ami her delineation of the character of tho simple Grecian maiden re ceived the appreciation it deserved. As In gomir McLean is not at his best, mid those who saw his Vlrglnlu the previous evening were disappointed in hit characterization of tho barbarian chief. At times ho was in clined to rant, but In. the latter part his pre sentation was more plvaing. The attention of. oiurlndy leaders Is called to tho display advertisement on fourth page of thlslssuo t Messrs, Hey man it Delcbes.tho popular cloak, suit and fur houso of Omaha. Many Lincoln ladies Une pmcha-sod their winter cloaks and furs of this homo,and they ZEHRUNG, BURNS S HENKLE, BUILDERS' HARDWARE We carry at all times a fine line of GRANITE KITCHEN UTENSILS FIRE SETTS, TINWARE And the most Elegant Variety of Pocket Cutlary in the city of Lincoln. EFFLEY Sy'0 ffiM S 134 South 12thi St., South YOU OUGHT TO SEE THE NEW LINE OF HANDSOME Fall Patterns in Carpets In Tapestries, Hrusscls, Hotly Brussels, Moquettsand afl otlior fine floor coverings. Our line of FINE DRAPERIES Cannot be equated iu the west. Call and sec us. ulwavs find their nrlcw far below the aver- 1M... I.. .I..1. ....!. .. f frVi.t.w,ll'.i VllllV tint'.. I I ,...!.. . ..!... ,1... ....1.1. 1.-.. I i iiu until iwi . ...vww. ...,-.. .. ""-v i ugo aim men siyi!- ur uinjuii'si. aim cij building on O street, tbo scene of the late lltost. Being direct tim;iortem and carrying the largest stock ot these goods iu the the Onklov Iho. has been commenced, and completion of tho woik is Mng pushed. Apples by barrels, wagon loads and car loads aro crowding tbo markets, and tlio lay ing iu of winter supplies is occupying tho time and attention of housekeepers, hotels, rostaurantr, etc. Mm. Ijmgtry's company was quartered at tho Capital hotel while in tho city. They sjK-ak highly of landlord Hoggen's hospitality and of Chief Clerk Johnson's endeavors to make their stay pleasant. A. S. Hoymond. after touring huropo ior several months, returno 1 Wednesday in com luiny with Mm. Hnymoud, who met him iu Now Yoik, and Miss May Lansing, who bus been sjienillng tho summer iu Troy, N Y. Tho now city directory will make Its np- IH-anmce early in Nov ember, and wo aro as sured by the publishers, Tho Cherrier Direc tory Publishing Co., that It will lie a complete handbook of Lincoln mid a credit to tho city. Aro you seriously thinking of getting tan gled In lovo or do you xoct to marry soon I If mo a look nt tho CoimiKitVi slock of now wedding stationery will lio an Inducement to you and act as an encouragement In tbo mat ter. The Union Pacific Tea company will open their Lincoln branch today at IKM O street (opposlto postolllce) w Itb a largo stock of suporlor teas and colTees. Call and oxamlno goods. The company have over 150 branch stores In the states. Hugh McVlcker, luto proofreader on tho State Journal, Is now on tho city start of tlio monihig luminary as reporter. Mao Is u bright young man and a good ullround news paper reporter, and ho has the Counaiui't best wishes for success. Geo. H, Poohlcr, tho O streot confectioner, made tho largo pyramid cako which was do noted to tho Cathollo fair by Mrs, Fitzgerald. Ho also made one for Mrs. Daubach, Mn. Halter and Mrs. J. Kelley, besides donating several fancy cakes himsolf, Monday evening next tho Lincoln W. C. T. U. will glvo a literary and musical enter tainment at the residence of Prof, O. H. How ell. II and Seventeenth streets Tho 'moetr lug will lie unusually Interesting, and there Simula lie n largo attendance, "To bo or not to lie, thnt Is tho question" regunllug tbo celebration in connection with laying tho cornerstone of tho now county court house. Tho commlssionen say they do not care for it and tho Journal says It wants one, and now who will come out tint bcstl A now tarriago factory is tho latest addi tion to Lincoln's list of now Industries. Mr. O. Wnlten, n well known carriage maker of Sandwich, III., tins liought n lotoOxl(X) on the corner of Thlitconth mid P streets, upon which ho will erect n three-story brick building. A. JVI. Davis & Serf. From Mother Goose To Herbert Spencer IS THE RANGE OF BOOKS AT H. W. BROWN'S, CALL AND SEE THEM. 127 S. HLEVENT1I ST. largest ami liantUoinoit stole in the west, their ad vantage over the ordinary dealer is apisueiit. Head their advertisement. A letter received from Mailumo Weber glv es the pleasant; lutrlligciiro that she is do ing nicely and Is well pleased with her new homo in Clii"agoi The itiadnmo sang nttho annual harvest home sociable of the woman's home uiittiioiuiry society of tho First Pi esby terliiu chin cb nt Evanston (a suburb of Chi cago) on Filday, and sxaks of the ulvalr as having Ihsmi u complete success. Mr. E. II. Eddy, who Is attending tho Chicago medical college, was also a mticipmit lu the concert. Mm. Wolier Is located in one of tho 111111 res idence iKirtlous of Chicago, at '.'Jill Michigan Avenue, where sho will Ik) pleased to see her Lincoln friends wiieu in that city. IXrlr Un-sslng. Grafton Goal heavens, Pavvclval, bov you gawn stark staring madf Why, you'vo shaved tho top of yoah bead as smooth as n billiard ball! Von Bnboony Aw, dcah fellah, I'm only follow Ing tho fashion of tho queen's holr, yo know. Judge, liuslncsa Is limine. First Now York Policeman That foller with tho big doublo team is driving kind o' reckless, ain't bo I Second Policeman Naw. That ain't reck lessness; that's business. Ho hauls for crutch factory." Flillatlelpula lleconL. After the Vacation. Coles Back from tbo country! Boles Yes. Coles Feel recruited I Boles Haven't been baok long ooagh (eel the benefits yet, Life, LINCOLN ICE COMPANY,, PURE ICE Not cut from the Filthy Salt Creek but from the Clear nnd Pino Watunof --OAK CREEK- Dellveied to all parts of the city nt reasonable prices. J NW1 New Garland, -AT- RUDGE& MORRIS STREET. In Serlons Trouble. "I say, Fwod, I've boon terribly annoyed," "Why, Charley, what can be tho matter?" "I met tho pretty Hobinson today about 4 p. m., and I'm banged, Fnod, If I didn't uavo an a, m. scarf on". Now York Sun, An Inception. An editor ailvislng his contributors says: "Brovlty always gets to tbn fi-ont." Not If It happens to bo doing duty us a rabbit's tall. Blughamton Republican. New York Society Note. Tbo engagement of Mlw Nora Cogan to Mr. Hblnolaiuler Do Lincoy Is announced. Miss Cogan Is engaged as cook for $20 month. Sun, A Matter f Color. "Why aro you always so bluo, Scribbler?" "Because," said tbo author, "I'm so boldom red." Uaipcr' Bazar. to m jsv .?? . -xcra .sX a Mustang Liniment ,a I m t Hj u (fcwstrHlFWm . jj,