Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 20, 1888, Image 7

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    H. W. BROWN,
Dealer In
Drugs and. Medicines
Books, Stationery, etc.
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ffTmflt irii nnnil lun.nntrnu.lV
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rrti AmloKlitn for Thin Crlmi Ocinilno
Kcleneo nml Heveliitlon In Aeronl.
I1UOOKI.VN, Oct, 14. At tho Tnlwrimclo
this inonilnp, tho llev. T. Do Wilt TiiIiiiurp,
1).1., took for lifs text Acts xvl, 2S ntnl LMi
"Ho drew out hln awonl, nml woulil lmvo
killed himself, aiipxalnf; thnt tho prlsotierH
liml U-cu lloil. Hut l'ttiil Pilctl with n loud
voice, niyliiR, Do th"solf no Imnn." Tho
Fcnuoit vn na follows:
Here Is n would ho sulcldo itrmlcd In his
deadly ntleinpt. llo wnn n aherlir, mid nc
conliiiK to tho ltoiimu luw, a luillltl" liluiR'H
must nuffer tho piliilsliinont duo mi rcnod
prlhonerj nud If tho prisoner breaking Jnll
ns 8ciitoncod to loetuliiiigioiieil for threo or
four ycura, thou tho ahorlff inunt ho ciiilun
Ecoiipd for thrro or four yearn; mid If tho
prisoner breaking jull wnn to lmvo Miirorinl
enpltnl punKhnieiit, then tho sheriff tntist
suircr capital punlshtneut, Tho shorllT liail
rvci'lrtnlcsiM'cinl chnrt;o to keepn Hhnrii look
out for l'nul nud Silns. Tho Koveriiinent had
not hnd cnnlldvuco in holts nml lurs to l.wp
safo tluvjo two eleriTyinen, about whom thero
Kt'iuoil to Ih) bomcthllii; fclriiligo and niei--natura'.
Suro enough, by miraculous iKmer, they
aro frif, and tho sherilT, waking out of n
hound sli-ep nml supposing thes! lululslerx
havo run away, and kuowiiii; that tlioy Welti
todlofor proichliiK Christ, and reallrlni that
henuust therefoio (llo, rathor tlmn ko under
the executioner's axoon tho inon'nw nud Mif
fpr public disgrace, resolves to ireelpltatohln
own decease. Hut before tho sharp, keen,
ClItterlnjf'dnKper of tho aherilT could strlko
Ills lu art, one oT the uulo.soued iirlsouers ar
rests tlio bliulo by tl'iocommiiiiil: "DoHliysolf
no luirin.'V
In olden t'liiui and where Christianity had
inot iuterfcrcd witli it, suicido "as consid
ered honornblo and a sign of couriig". Do
inostheueH iHiisoned himself uhen told that
AlexmulerV ambassador had demanded tho
fcurreuiler of tho Athenian orators. Isocrntes
killed himself rather than surrender to l'liilip
of Miiccdon. Cato, rather than submit to
Julius Cx-sar, took his own life, mid after
thri'O times his wounds has boon dressed toro
them open and licrUhcd. Mlthridates killed
himself rather than submit to l'ompey tlio
comiueror. Hanibal destroyed his hfo by
poison from his ring, eonkidering lifiuinlieur
nhlo. Lycurgiis a suie.ile, llrulus u siiieide.
After tho dwister of Moscow, Napoleon al
ways carried with him a preparation of
opium, and ouo night his servant heard tho
ox-emperor urise, puthouietlnii in a 1" nud
drink it, and toon after tho groans urou-cd
all tlio attendant, ntnl it was only through
utmost medical skill ho was resuscitated from
the EtniK r of the opiate.
Times lmvo changed, mid yet the American
conscience needs to ho toned up on tho nib
ject of Milcidv. Huvo jou seen a paper in
tho last mouth that did not iuiiioiiikv the
passage out ot life by olio's own Udieslf Di.
fa'ulters, alarmed at tho idea of exposure,
quit lifo precipiutely. Men losing largo for
tunes go out of tho world because they cannot
endnro earthly existence, Krustrnted direc
tion, domestic infelicity, dyspeptiu impa
tience, anger, remorse, envy, jealousy, desti
tution, inisautrophy aro considered biilllcient
causes for absconding from this lifo b l'uris
green, by laudanum, by bollndontm, by
CtheUo'a dagger, by halter, by leap from
tho abutment of u bridge, by Uieurms. .More
cases of felo do so in tlio Inst two years than
any two Jem's of tho world's existence, and
inoro in tho last mouth than in any
twelve months. Tho evil is moro and moro
A pulpit not long ago oxpro.sed some doubt
as to whether thero win really anything
wrong about quitting this Jifo when it bo
comes disagreeable, and there aro found lu
resectable circles eople apoloi tie lor tho
criuio winch l'uul in tho text arre.sti.-d. I
bhall bh.ow you Lcforo I get through that sui
cido is tho worst of all crimen, audi chall
lilt n warning unmistakable. Hut l:i tho
early part of this icrinon I wish to admit
that homo of tho best Christiauu that ever
lived haw committed self destruction, buf
always in dementia, nml not responsible. I
lmvo no moro doubt nliotit their eternal
felicity than I havo of tlio Christian wh:
dies in his bed in tho delirium of typlioii
fever. While tho shock of tho cutastropli)
is very great, I chnrgo nil thoso w ho huvo
had Christian friends under cerebral aberra
tion step off tho boundaries of this life, to
havo no doubt about their happiness. Tho
dear Lord tool: them right out of their dazed
nud frenzied statu into perfect safety. How
Christ feels toward tho insane, you may know
from tho kind way ho treated tho demoniac
of Uadutn anil tlio child lunatic, and tho
potency with which ho hushed tempests
cither of sea or bruin.
i Scotland, tho laud prolific of intellectual
giants, hud iiouo grander then Hugh Miller,
Great for Bcicnco mid great for dod. Ho
camo of tho best Highland blooM, mid was u
descciiilaiib of Donald Hoy, n mail eminent
for piety hud tho rnro gift of second sight.
His attainments, cliutblug up as ho did from
tho quarry and tho wnll of tlo stonemason
drew forth tlio astonished admiration ol
llucklnud nml MuVdiisol,Uho scientist., mid
Dr. Chnlmers, tho theologian, and held uni
versities spellbound whilolio told'them tho
story of w bat ho had socu of Uod in tho old
red sandstone.
ThaUiiiiuu did moro. .than uny b,chij; that
tavcrl'i'vcdko'Hho;vvthu6 tholitxl-bf thd hills is
tho God of tho Bible, and ho struck his tuning
fork oil tho rocks of Ctonilrty "until ho
broudhb geology nud thoology nceordaut'Jliii
di vino' worship. His two books, entitled
"Footprints of tho Creator" r.ud tho "TcSll
inony of tfio ID5cks" proclaimed tho bauuspf
uu ovcrhutlug tuarrlago between geuutlio
scleneo und rovcratlpu. On this latter bobk
ho tolled day and uight throucli lovo'bf
naitiro mid lovo of G6d, until Lo could not
sleep, and his brain gnvo way, t.ud ho Was
Ifouud dead with n revolver 'by Ins side, tho
cruel iutiuuout havlug had two bullets
ono for him nud tho other for tho gunsmith
who tit tho coroacr'a iuqi'.cst was csamlnihg
it nud fell dead, llavu you ntiy doulit of tho
beatification of Hugh Miller, nfter his hot
brciu had ceased throbbing that winter night
iu his study r.t l'ortobeUo? Among tho
mightiest of earth, r.uiou J tho intght.cst cf
No ono doubted thejplety of William Cow
per, tho autuer uf thoso three great liyiuns,
"Oh, for n closer wulk with God," "What
various hindrances wo meet," "Thero Is a
touutaln nilul with blood." William Cow
; per, whoshaies with Isnao Watts and CharlcJ
Wesley the chief honors of C'uristinu liycr.i
. ology. In liyptK'hondriu ho resolved to tal.o
I hisuwullfo mid i ado to thorner Thames,
I but found a man seated on tumu goods at tho
I very point from w hleh liuespvct d to spring,
I und rodo biKli to hK hou,o ami tlmt night
lurew Uluiselt t-.pjii Ins own l.nile, but tho
blade broke, and thou ho hauled himself to
tho celling, list tlio ropo parted. No wouJur
tlir.i v.1h.:Gj1 aurcifully dellicretl him from
that awful dementia tie wit down nnduroto
Unit other hymn Just as memorabloi
(lod inoen In a uijatcrlotis way,
111 wonders to pet form i
lie plants Ills fiHitrtep.i In tliu m'.l,
And rides upon tlio ttoiiA.
Wind nnlK'llef 1 1 aure to err
And rem Ills work In valiij
Ood Is hln own Interpreter,
And ho will umkii It plnin
While we make this merciful and righteous
allowance lu regard lo thoso who were
plunged Into mental Incoherence, I declare
that that mail who In tlio use of his reason,
by hln own net, snaps tho bond between his
tKxIy nud Ida soul goes straight lu(oordltlou.
Shall 1 prove III Iloveliitloti xxl, 8, "Mur
derers shall linvo their mrliii tho hiko which
burnetii' with llro mid hrlmntono." Hovels
tionsvxll, 1ft, "Without aro dogs, mid forcer
ers, mid w horemongeni, and uiunlerers.'
You do not liellovo tho Now Teslamentl
Then, jxrhaw, you bellovo I ho Ten Com
mandments! "Thou ahnlt not kilt." Do you
say till these pawagiis refer to tho taklugof tho
Hfo of otlieml Then 1 nsk you If you nro not
ns responsible for your own lifo ns for Iho
Hfo of others I (lod gavo you a special trust
in your life. Ho mndoyoutho custtxllan of
your lifo as ho iniulo you tho ciistiMllmi of
no other llfiv Ho gavo you an weapons with
which to defend It two arms to stilkolmok
assailants, two eyes to watch for Invasion,
inula natural love of Hfo which ought ever
to ho on tho nlcit. Assassination of others
is a I it 1 11 crlmo cotuimlt'd with tho assassina
tion of yourself, Ih-ciiumi In tho latter case It
Is treachery to mi cx'clul trust, It Is tho sur
render of n castlo you woru csioelully up
IKiiuted to keep, It is treason to a natural law
mid it is treason to (lod added lo onliniuy
To show how (lod In tho lliblo looked ukui
lids crime, 1 point jou to tho rogues'
plctiiro gallery In somo parts of tho
lliblo, tho pictures of tho coplowho havo
committed this unnatural crlmo. Hero Is
the headless trunk of Htul on the walls of
Hithshaii. Hero in tho man who chased llttlo
David ten feet In stature chasing four.
Hero In tho man who consulted a clairvoy
ant, Witch ol Hndor. Hero isa man "ho,
whipixil iu battle, Instead of surrendering
his sword with dignity, an many a man has
done, asks his servant to slay him; mid when
tho servant declines, then tho giant plants
tho hilt of tho Hwordliilho earth, tho sharp
point sticking upwind, mid ho throws his
body on It mid expires, tho coward, the sui
cido. Hem Is Ahlthophel, 'ho Muchlavelli
(if olden times, iKirayiug his best friend
David in order that ho may Ix'coino prima
miiihtcr of Absalom, mid joliiin;; that fel
low In his attempt at parricide. Not getting
what ho wanted by change of polities, ho
takes a short cut out of u disgraced lifo
Into tho suicide's eternity. 'Ilielo ho is, tho
, iugratet
I Hero Is Abimelech, piv.ctically u suicide.
I Ho is with mi army, bombarding n tower,
when a woman lu tho tower takes a grind
stone from its place nutl dropi it upon his
head, ami with what lllo lio has left iu his
cracked skull ho commands bis armor lieaier:
I "Draw thy sword and slay mo, Ic&t men say
a women slow lie.;." Tlieio is his hisI murlelil
photograph iu the bok of .Samuel. Hut tho
lieio of this group is Judas Iscarmt. Dr.
Donne says he was a martji, und wo h.ivo iu
I our day atiologisU for him. And what won
der, in this day when wo have a book i-evcal-ing
Anion Hurras a pattern of litue, anil in
this day when we uncover a statuo to lleorrjo
fi'iud us tho U'liefa-tress of lilcraturc, and lu
this day when thero aro lietrayals of Christ
on tho pirt of somoof his pretended apostles
a betrayal so black it makes tho Infamy of
Judas Iscariot whitol Vot this mail by his
own hand hungup fur tho execration of all
tl'oages, Judas Iscariot.
All the good men undwomeuof tho lliblo
left to God tho decision of their earthly ter
minus, and they could huuisaid with Job,
w ho had a right to commit suicido if any mini
over had what with hwdestroved nronertv.
and his body all all inio with iusuffcrulilucnr
' buncles, mid eve'rythUig gono from his homo
except tho chief eurso of it, u pestiferous wife,
I and four gai rulous jicoplo jilting him with
isiuiforth&n talk while ho sits uu a heap of
u-.hes scratching his scalis with a piece of
I broken pottery, yet crying out in triumph:
"All tho ilaj.i of my appointed llmo will 1
wait till my change come."
Notwithstanding tho lliblo is against this
evil and tho aversion which it creates by tho
loathsome and ghastly scetaclu of thoso who
havo hurled themselves out of life, and uot
wlthstaudliig Christianity is against it, nud
tlio arguments and the useful lives and tho
illustrious deaths of Its disciples, it Is a tact
ulariuingly patent tlmt suicido is on tho in
civuse. What Is tho cause? I chargo upon infldo'
ity mid agnosticism this whole thing. f
thero bo no hereafter, or If that hereafter l,o
blissful without reference to how wo live and
how we die, why not movo back tho folding
doors between this world and tho next! And
when our existence hero Incomes trouble
some, why not kus rigut over into KUsliunl
Put this down among your most solemn to
flections, mid consider It aiterjou go to yoi.r
homes: thero has iiucr been a cato of suicido
wheio tho operator was not either demented,
mid therefore Irresponsible, or an inlldel. 1
ehalleugo all tho uges, mid 1 challenge tho
w hole universe. Thero never has been a caso
of self destruction while, in full appreciation
of his Immortality and ot tho fact that that
immortality would lie glorious n.' wretched
according as ho uccepted Jcaiis Christ or lo-J.s-'ted
You bay It is a bus nes.s trouble, or you say
it U eli'Ctlieal currents, or it is tbi, or it is
tli-t, oi it U tho other thing. Why not go
clear luck, my friend, nud acknowledge that
lu eveiy caso it is thu abdication of icason or
tho teaching of Inlldelity which practically
utys: "If you don't like this lifo get out of
it, and jou will l.uul either lu nuuihilrition,
where thero nro no notes to pay, no persecu
tions to s'uircr, uo gout to torment, or you will
laud where thero will bo everything glorious
cud nothing to pay for It." Infidelity always
has been iqujlogetic for self immolation. After
Tern l'nluo's "Ago of Iteasou" wus published
mid widely tend thero wus n marked increase
of self slaughter.
A man iu Loudon heard Mr. Owen deliver
hlu iulidci lecture on bocialism mid went
homo, bat dow u nud wroto thoso words: "Jo
6us Christ is ouo of tho weakest characters in
history, and tho Uiblu is tho greatest ossiblo
deception," and then shot himself. Dnnd
Huino wroto theso words: "It would bo uo
criiuoformo to divert tho Nile or tho Dan
ube from its natural bed. Where, then, can
bo tliu crime iu my diverting u few drops of
blood from their ordiunry chunucif' And
luwng wnttc i tliu essay ho loaned it ton
friend, tho irieud reiul it, v.rotj a letter of
thunks nud admiration, mid thot himtiif.
Appendix to tho tamo book.
Kous-enu, Voltaire, Gibbon, Montaigne,
under certain circuuibt.uices, wero npologetio
fortelf Immolation. Inlldelity puts up no
bar to jieoplob rushing out from this world
into tho next. They teach us it does not nu.ko
nny (inference how yuulivo hero or go out
of this wot Id, you will land either in
uu oblivious nowiiero or a glorious some
where. And iuilJelity holds tho upper end
of tho ropo for tho suicido nud uluu tho
pistol with which n luun Mows his brains
out, and inius tho tirywUuiuo for tho hut
wallow. If inlldelity could carry the day
vud pcrsuado tho majority of tho peoploir
IIiIm coimtiy Ihnl II dnea no, nmke nnydlf
fcivnco hnv ou go nut of Iho world, I on
will hind safely, Iho lluiNon mid tho Ivist
liveis would Isi so full of eorpsTH Him ferry
bojitH w-dild io luixslisl In their progress,
nud Iho cruel, of a suicide's pistol would ho
no moi o aim miiig than tho rumble or u street
I have KomelltucH heard ItilltcussiMl whether
the gi eat dramatist wax n Chi Ittliiu or n t, I
do not know, but I know that ho coiuddeivd
appreciation of n future existence the might
iest hliulrnnootosolf destruction.
For who could Is-nr the whlpj nml acortn of
t lino.
Tho oppressor's wrong, tlio prowl mini's con
Tlio pings of di'itpN'd love, llio law's delay,
The Insolence of onice, nutl tlio spurns
Tlint put lent inerll of tho unworthr tnkeis
When he lilinnif mtlit hln tpiletil'l iiinkn
With n Imre ImilMnr Who nould fiuilels btmr.
To i;ruut mid Kiteut uiulei' a weary life,
tint thill tliKilienil of Hiiinellitiu: nfter ileatli
llio uiiillit-oteitsl t'liiiulry, fiiun whoso hoiirtij
No Imti'ler letiini - purrlcs tho will!
Would (lod Iho coroncra would Ihi bravo
In rondel lug tho ilghtMnllet, and when lu a
caso of lni'sMiiistbility they snyi "Whllo
this man was dctiirutisl ho took his life;" tti
Iho other cam say: "Having read Inlldel
booki and attended Inlldel lectuies, which
obliterated from this mini's mind allnpprtvl
utlon of iiiij thing like futliru letiihutlon, he
coniliilttisl self slallgh eii"
Oh, Inlldelity, stand up and lake thy (ten
tclicel III Iho piiisclice of (lod, and angels,
nutl men, stand up, thou monster, thy lip
til.i'tcd with blnipheuiy. thy chick acai'led
with lust, thy brent h foul with the col rupl Ion
of llii'dgesl Stand up, Satjr, lllthy goat,
huzMinl of the iintliin, leper of the ceuturiesl
Stand up, I hou monster lullilelityl Fart man,
put panther, part reptile, part dragon, stand
up mid lake III scntcncel Thy hands led
with tho IiIimxI m which thou wiisIkhI,
thy fts't cilinson with tho bumaii gore
through which thou hast waded, stand up and
take thy ivuteucel Down with then to tho
pit and sup tin tho sobs mid groans of fami
lies thou hast blasted, and roll on Iho bed of
knives which thou hast sharKutd for others,
und let thy iiiuslu bo thcciei lasting mlscrciii
of those whom thou bast iliitiinctl! 1 bland
Iho foivhcad of Iiilldelity with all Iho crimes
of self Immolation for the Inst century on Iho
part of (hoso who had their reason.
My friend, If ever jour lifo through Its
abrasions mid Its molestations should seem to
bo unbearable, nud you nro tempted loipill
It by jour own hcluM, tlo not consider your
self as worse than cithern. Christ himself
was tempted to east himself from tho roof of
tho temple; but as ho ifslstcd, so resist ye.
Christ inctliciuo all our wounds. In
jour trouble 1 pivscrlUi lifo Instead of death.
People who hao hud it worse than jou will
ctcrhnvuit have gone songful on tho way.
iteuieiuber that (inii kt't'pt tln chiouology of
jour life with ns much piisisiouas ho keeps
tlie ehioiinlogy of nations, jour dentil as
wi il as jour ciadlo.
Wbv wis it that at midnight, Just at uiiil
liiu'.il, (In d hiriijili,; i.n0tl stiuek tho blow
that let tlio Isi.ielitt-s fioo from boudagt I
The lour bundled mid thlry jears wero up
at. twt Ivtin clock that night. Tho four hun
dred mid tniily jram worn not up at eleven,
r.ud one ti'clot I; wtiultl havo Imhii t a I'd J and
tiMilato Th" fo'-r hundred end thirty yc:wa
who up at twelve o'clock, and tho tlesiroy
lug angel struck tie; blow, and Israel was
fivo. And Co 1 l.iiuw's Just tho hour when it
Is tiuio to had j on up ft iiii eurth.y bondage.
lly his grnco inako not the worst of tliiiigs,
but tho best of tlic-m. If you must tako tho
pills, tlo not chew them. Your everlasting
rewards "ill accord with you- earthly per
turbations, Just us Cuius gavo to Agrlppa u
chain of gold as heavj' ns has been u chain of
iron. 1'or tho asking mid 1 do not know to
whom 1 speak iu this august assemblage, but
tho word limy bo especially appropriate for
jour asking jou nny lmvo tho samo grace
tlmt was given to the Italian martyr Al-(jt-riiis,
who, down lu tliu of dun
geons, tinted his letter from the "delectable
orchaid of the I.nniuc prison."
And muciuber that this brief hfo of tun's
I-, sin rounded by n run, a irj thin but very
important rim, and clo.oupto that run is a
gnat eternity, and j on hid better l.ip out
of it until God breaks lint run mid separates
this from that. To get nil ot tliosoriowsof
ourtli, do not rush into greater sorrows. To
l,etrid of a sunn i of summer Insects, leap
iiotlutoa Juugloof lleugal tigers.
Thero is a lomiwlcsu world, and it is v.
radiant that the noonday sun Is only tho low
ct doorstop, and tho aurora that lights up
our northern heavens, confounding nstrtm
omij-s ns to what it can bo, is tlio
waving of tho banners of tho pro
cession coino to tal.o tho conquerors
homo from church militant to church til
timplmut, mid you nud 1 havo ten thousand
reasons for wanting to go there, but wo will
never get theio either bv self immolation ui
impenitcney. All our sins slam by thoCnrist
who camo to do that thing, wo want to go lu
at Just tho timo divinely arranged, mid from
u church divinely spread, anil then tho dang
of thoscpiilchrnl gates Iwhlnd us will hoover
powered by tho clung ot tho ojicuiiig of tin
solid rnrl before us. OGod, whatever others
may choose, give mo u Christian's life, a
Christian':! death, n Christian's burial, a
Christian's iiiiiuortulitj I
Inhumation Cnuc at Vicuna.
Tho other day tho rem lint of u number of
citi.'.eiis of Vienna shot during tho involution
of March, 1WU, weio exhliiiietl from tho
ttchmolzcr cemetery 1 1 lw relnUrred in tho
new cuinutei'y at Siiiiiuering. It U bebovid
that forty-six jiersoin wero Interred lu tho
common pit, but tlio number cannot Ik as
certained accuratt I y. Tho corpses were orig
inally laid lu hospital shells, and when a Ilrst
exhumation tool: place, in Ibtil, with u wtvv
t.l providing tlioobscurociuiiiplousot Kpular
libcrlius with th-ceut graves, it was found
that all the colllns ha 1 rottiil away and many
of tho skcietoiui v.ciu blokeu 11 i.
A coiueuted pit, with two chumbers, was
prepared at the Sehmelier cemetery, mid In
these tho remuit.s wero deposited with all tho
let'.iunuts of clothing found uku them,
When tho pit wus opened all tho bones wero
teen mixed lu n heap. Wuikmon brought
them up i.i blcvea, nnd ghastly it was to too
bkulls, lingers, teeth and bunches of huir
rii'iglcrt with mouldy shoes nud fiiigiuentsof
b.-ovv n cloth. Fiftcc i entire skulls wero re
covered, ouo containing the brain in a com
plete stato of desiccation. Several of tlio
tkulL cjucd bullet hobt, end ono of tho ii v.oinau's. It I. thought that
four wo'uen Uilhsl during tho street lighting
were b.-ricd with tho men. The modest ols
i.U which ttood in tho Kehuuiser ground
v . j reai'jv cd a fowdajs ago to tho central
ccMotcry to bo placcil over tho now grav o.
Vieaua Cor. 1judou Tinas.
New btjlo of Ilulrtlrcsiiliig.
Kays u cloo oluervcrof details: "A stylo
cf lalrdressiug gieatly iu voguo among tho
most fas.'ionablo women in Newjit mid
Karattiga this Huuuuer was a Hal coil of small
bunds wound pancake fa.-lnon against tho
back of llio head. Mrs. Puwolt Lawivnisj
fpi-'ciallv ull'ects tins si vie, and it Is exceoil
i.igly Ik'-'jiiiiii to hi r beauiiiully shaixsl
Uad " New York Herald.
It is predicted that M nituu.i will piuluou
got I, s.lvir mid coipur tubs j war to the value
of vl'J.W'.UUO.
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1'iinttd in linest style of the art at
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Wedding Invitations, Kngraved Calling C'jihIs, HoK Station
ery, Fine Printing of all K:nds.
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I las opened and we have jnst received a line line of Turf
(loods and a great variety of
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