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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1888)
v. .7. f !i. mtch J . y.eit, dem der in Ster Men ban nen - i -sehen Til gen titun - de, eke, den 10 nifr inir a - etj I'rte - da vault io iiteht meln Wd virm bn - iter AGAIN I HEAR MY MOTHER SINK. P (WAS MIR ALS KIIfD JIE MUTTJJJi SAXO.) Modern to assai, J too. a. noiiM. 1. hours, In pain nml sad - - iicm, HIio whs my trim - est 5 I 'J. me, II, - hovo Iho' (link with tiou - lilt', Htm had noino loy In joy doth (ho stars, soft Hill II Whem cv - 'ty S'-E--. zrs, in :f l- o m -i-- 0T- -x-Ot- LWi.', J n u 1 J ty -1 " -"if - b- i J jr sp.i "L. p. .& .r .j. S- -J 1 tl -,r f sj J ia ,llIlEgt 3 3 4 I IE J. (7ml O vttl Va sing in met -- ter - haus noch cin - tier lets an er ttidl tiifr ten Stun ne Stran - dlo Wet - do er - (') - tehrn de. trirli mleh das se, die mir als O Hill)' From child When llfo I 'J n - Riiln hood's home, for mo tltO FOIIg, u - far Is iii'nr I ? so 1 Its a I S-fc ? 91 J :tnl 3fc-?i ! :rfc: ; loV - wnti -olos - 1- Intf, To mo n dcr'd Ami wea - ry In;,', Ami HKe n i. e -3 -2 a n 5. net 2. bit 1. Kind - - - nes - - - tcr die 3-u -v- Le - bens Stern, bl) - sc Muss, Mut - ter sang, dann h'irt dock Many die mir PP ieh xcohl mtr aus so sltss, &. :MF l -9T- -9ZI1 aus dti - nrm dem J lei - math- so mild und lllilil 1. child 2. euros It. dreum, ly moth - cr snngl my henrt has known, lias gono Its woo, It was Hut o'er How sweet so sweet, that voh'o on moth so c mild nml my thoughts havo cr's heart re- i -"V l . n n ' x ' :iJS5ft i5 z- 1- 9: ?9EF, .0 0 10 . ,h -:r5s. f3- ilim -?a -Id - 3. 2. 1. & 1. a! dc, dd so 0 oft bis Mut -ici'c -t'rt ter, d?r die i jf nc JC - TIT a f - sc rT. Wet - - sr Lie - - Lt Sen - - te gem. Gnats. ttrang. Dort Und In P o -krilnk bi't ben to scr niov - Inir, lion - dcrd; J10S - ill,', That It To tluo' dear -hear my in - er, fond that sonr lUOAt - er ho . 9- f a0 '9 -9 E- - - Zrf- ge s- heart It. mil;! still has grow til furn I i'o! . i - i Or a III lone Tlio world Ah! far l.v for a- J: a -J-5: .i i gaggw it'oa fummraa 90 0 a e P- '" c- PO- :t. laeht, 'J. (llllek, da Mr' ieh jj lift Lie - d.s Klang, das mir uls Kind ....... j.. .1.... jkthh in hit .... r. , i, ....... ..t. 7. J,Viii.!. twiiii Vn r "f "'" '",, "'li ir.irmiri. ui ircnn - '"i .-....- ... .... 7 dlo Mut dto Mut tcr tcr f tmnqutllo. fyp i ?- -mrwjz I. friend; hen t no nij l M,i (hat ptrnln doth rlni', A - kiiIii I ',. store; Wlieniliro my J u ! It. dwell, I theie shall hear thoio eeh - oeii llni;, hear t i,..,i -JJidn I'll hear vl) C " l It -m -' ftrimutllo. m&m f i i -a-V2 .3 a- i -o-- d 0 I- I II ' . -i -j -I - -V if " i J al H0 0 H- u" S 0 (- my moth - er my moth - or -cisiljran.jui buim 1 0 0J 40 01,0 9 9 9 t-il 1 - ,V. o;i(;, J,L'. di, 0-I - -rf - 1 r- - jr " O- g 0 rf( ii!f' fc jf - - ucs He - tfci Klang, das mir als reenn in der Jlrust das Lied er - klang, war mlr's als i,'i. slug! When tluo' my soul that strain doth ring, 11, sing! 1 theio shall hear those eeh - oea ring, A - gnln I'll PFifH n ! 1M.i I I I I l j vp zS :?- 0 0 J S-e - S 0 p - - " '" '" .V. 7i7ik( dffl Mut - - ter sang. 7, 'J. wenn die Mat - - ter sang. rit. I l.J. hear my nioih - - er Mug! ! I- 4 It. hear my nmtli - - or sing! o "u 4 . rl? "mr ramiw . s -t 0 1 03r5 "-""Si t i'ii I v f " -t- I t V--A -im A 44 -A ZJ3 U I -fi i a 0 01 A 0 - UmJ- -1 9-9--M 0 0 0 Ti- Ml 1 4- -9' t I . m- U I 1 ! .. -Cupyrislit-Kuukcl Urog., 1S88 Kl!NKIC4AS KOYAI. KDITION. K -9- 'AU11N I IIEAIt MT MOIIIIT. 1NU--U !.. Importer of Ladles', MUses'and Children's HEADWEAR Only House in the West that Imports Direct from Europe. Ofllces In Paris, London and New York. No. 1 5 14 Douglas Street, Omaha, Nebraska Estimates Givkn. OllDKKS I'llOMI'TLV ISXKCITKD JAMES H. O'NEILL, Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, GAS FITTING, GAS FIXTURES, IKON, LEAD AND SEWER l'IPE. Matiikws Si Holt Gas Maciiini:. iINCOLN, IN EH DON'T FAIL To Call and Examine the Large and Elegant Stock of IM PORTED and DOMESTIC WOOLENS Just Received by the American Tailors OMAHA, NEB. i.j 1 1 Farnam St., Faxton Hotel Hid. t n They are Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed by none. Do not fail to give them a trial. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODET.L'S DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY HLOl'K, 1 1 19, 1 1 -i 1 and ii-1, N Street. Meals 25 cts. $-1.5 rcr wcck' A MODEL ESTABLISHMENT. Tim lYcrloH Sltmin l.iiunilr)' in ClrKiint Nit MiurliMH llnril at Worli. Litmili los are ns noee.wiry in every elty iih giMhl KOveriituiMit, nml tluit l.iiieolu is not Ik hind eitles or the size of Cliieno, Ht. IhiIh or oven No v York in tills line of Imslncss will bo roaillly eoneediNl liv nny who will visit thu esUdilMiinout of tlio I'eorlesi Ijnuidry at !KT, !Mt mid :i:il North Twelfth street. C. J. l'rntt, tliooiitoriiriviiif; proprlfUir, Boiiiutlmo since recoKiiizliii; tlio netsU of Ills i;ruwiii; liusliiess, for laiKi'i mid uioro commodious quarters, erecttsl the trtrgo douhlo tlireo-story lirlek block on Twelfth street, lietweeu Q mid It, which is now entirely o'jciiilud for laundry purine. A rrproscutatlvo of tlio L'ouiilKIt was recently nhown through tlio Inuudry hy Mr. W. II. Wilder, Mr. I'rntt'ii Kfiiml nmnii Ker. Mr. Wilder was formerly with Mini Ker's Chicago laundry, und enjoys tlio repu tation of lieliu; oxport in tlio business. It (!(H' without Hayhi); that the I'eerle.s4 is a model laundry in every respect. In tlio Ikis.' meut of the building is u thirty-live liorsj ioer engine, whicli furnishes tlio motive power; also 11 drive well eighty feet deep, which supplios the pure water for laundry purjKises. It is also distilled mid used for lino starchtsl goods, shirts, collars mid eutrs, therehv reudeiing them, when washed, as whitens snow; mid after which they are put through a process which gives them the "Stock" finish, which is tlio Niiperlor mark of all Peerless work. The first Moor of the building is thowash,oi lauudry room proper. Ileiu the clothes are tnkeii after leliig marked mid chocked, mil are put into thu revolving ''washcrx," which work automatically backward mid forward, mid after a propur length of tinu are p.isvsl through too extractor, which serve tlio pur 1onos of 11 wringer. From tills Moor, by mi elevator, they are sent to the second Moor mid put into tlio drying room, which is of tea drawers of eight racks each, which when closed, ('(inline the heat from the steam plK's, thoroughly drying tlio clothes. They are then ready for tho starching ami ironing, nlvi done on this Moor, All the latest devices for Ironing partoses are found on this lloor. from tho Ktnrchcrx to the irouei's. Tlio ihirt ironer luiMii capacity of fsVl jier day, and tho collar and euir ii oner so" dou per d ly, u capacity which not only ensures siiivrior llnli, but ipilck service, for with such unrivalled lacll i ties as tho Peerless has, lauiiihy can bo washed, dried, staichisl, ironed and dilieied in four houin' time if iioeess:ii'y. One of the lllict automatic iiiiielunes in the w hole oMmU lishmi'iit is the "iiiaiiglii" or ironiii; mm tune weilllllg iienrl two loie., mid Is tlio only one ot tho kind we.i of the Mississippi rl,ei. Ii is ued fordrjiug mid ironing towels mid table and lied linen, mid l tell wiiilh se 'illg, ruuuing as it dists with . ry little noise and doing tlie work of a iiiiiiiIk-i' t pmrsof ImnU. Taken all in all tho PociIosk sioaiu l.iuudiy has fni'lllties lor doing w oik M'rond in imih 111 the coiiutr in pri.'eh 11111I ipi,ilit if wmk All help olliplo) isl ale expel leliotsl mid lio lol of liinnilij is sent inn without UMng uispis led us lo finish and ehckisl to tho ilolner) list The Peei'lew a sHvmlty ul t.iunh iN.ishuiK, and stock ihmIs tm klmi. eipial t I'rov wuik, Althmuli I u lied witn wink.t'ii -ip icily ihiihnosl iliillimtisl and Iheieisal wii. rotini for uioro work at the l'isrliM. Ml'. ,'. 1.. Mill till I Hi eli.'iig. thnt solle illg, and says ho has so many oideis to l(ik after for lino woik dally in nil pints of the city tliat he is moio in iloniund than a waul councilman. Visltois will Mud themselves amply repaid by an inspection of the Peel less laundry, mid those who have their woik done theie will lie erfectly satislled, In Hie Uruc Trade, Our esteemed frien 1, Y. II, Howard, who for several years hue boon Identified as a part ner and traveling representative of tho Jar vis Wine Co., of California, Inn Kriimiiently ipilt the road and severed his coiiuectlon with the above concern to live mid luUir In Lin coln. Ho has purchasisl tho dru store of Mr. II. A. Nelson, l.'il Soutli Twelfth street, in the Little block. Mr, Howmd has many friends Isith In this city and throughout the statu who will lu pleased to learn that he has become n fiilltl'slgtsl Lliicolnite, mid will Join thu Coi'iiiKU lu wishing him well. As to his ability at pill iouuding or tho concoction of pharmaceutical nUturos wo will not vouch that each eomMiutid will prove n sure cum tive,hiit lie guarantees ench prescription MlUd at his store will surely not kill anyone, for his coniK)iiuder of medics is of the liest school and has ample exH.rieneo to iL Just i ight. Asa traveler Howard was a suecoss, and as a lu'irchaut in tlm fairest city of tho stale, we trust lie may meet with eipeilly the sumo good fortune. (ioiitlemeii whodesiiit to know whole they j can get the finest shave or hair cut in the oil) would do well to patrolilo the bin 1st shop ' under tlio Missouri Paeifle ticket otllee.south east corner of Twelfth mid O stns'ts His the best .shop ill town, (ieorgo Wilcox, the proprietor, employs only artists In the pnfo sioil, who give sueli smooth III cent shaves that ouu Is put to sleep under their gentle touch. (!io them atiialuiidbe convinced that this h . Tho gentle Indian summer is rnther delicate this ear, and the rod mail apKars to be en gagisl in doing something other than kecj iug up Ills icputiitlou on nice weather. C'lmniliorliiin'H Colic, Cholera mid Dlarrhiea Hemedy is tlm most srfis't preiiratiou in uso for bowel complaint. It acts quick, can always be ileiH'iidid iiH)ii and ispUnsautto take. Sold by W. J. Turner. No one cauniroid to neglect a cold; calurrh, chiouio biouclutisaiid coiihiimptloii are cans ed by neglecting common colds. Take Cliaiii berlaiu's Cough Remedy and cure it ulnlojon can. Sold by W. .1. Turner. Prof. V. M. (its'iiull has reinovisl hisimisi al studio from the Lnlwith block to Iho I. Ill dell hotel. Pupils intending to tlll.o lessons ill music, harmony or coui)ioitlou will pleas., call. Ill's! llillMsl Inclusion 'iu Miksnuri I'acill imha b isiiuts in Texas and Arkansas, August .'1st, l"sss,,iiheih to follow Seiteiutior llth and :'tli mid liiln Is'i' IHIi and 'J 1 1 at ouo fnio for Iho imi'id trip. Tickets me lll'st cls, In llni l dil).., and stop overs for the iiimii-m,i nl I Hid ullowtsl within Iho limit i'lenci laiid at finiutl i-'i to $ i K'r nolo Kuilli.-r iiifm iiintioi., in i, 'le'iiptiw I until r, it. , may b had b calling on or untie,; II. (). ll.WNA, R. I'. It MlI.I.KII. tit) Ticket Aueut, lieu. Agelll. Cor i mid I'.'th sire, u 1 .tit uin, NYb GREAT REMOVAL SALE! $25,Q(X) WOIvTH OF- FURNITRUE To be sold in next two months at Hardy & Pitchers A Complete Line of Folding Beds now in Stock. i FINEST LIYERY RIGS In tin Cit .i'l ionic (rum the Graham Brick Stables 1027 Q STREET, Where all kinds of Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses, v .11. I'l 1 1.1 1 al am nc, l).i or Night, on hort noiKe liifN Httauled and .aUen care of at Reasonable Rates. Call and xee us, 10:" Q htreet, or gie all ordei by Telephone 1.1,7.