Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1888)
rrf (& e . 2i..u -iAm:. )jmk Sfoa&to r w ' iS,a n sSVMI J.' Ili,.:KU-l rt MIL: II F1Nal. ,m '.'tfl W F if m j4S v'V; 'K&M p . f'.f 'A-PoPd-llAR' PAPCoPAXopiiRM .TIMS r ' Vol.. 3. No. G Lincoln, Nicuwahka, Satuwday, Ootomick UO, IWBH 4 FUIOIC FiVIC OlfiNTS ';siv5is4''i-s. HiliiiliWHi: f5a a?i'?K $5?w,. JBr,7.v'. 'W- ;,..., AKS 'lK'.-:t. v.r&SSMiwtft: . li ! MUSIC AND TIIK DKAMA. -MINSTREL, DRAMA AND THE OPERA, A I'rospeettn mill Itovlow of Ainiisutiimit lit tlm l-'unko. TIIK TWO 01.1) CIIO.NIKM. Tint presentation of this popular play nt tho Kunko's lust Tuesday ovoiilux wns witnessed by n lnrgo nitdiouco. Am grotoxquo entiled Inns WIIIh nml Honshnw nro without kuiKrlciiii.niiil thoy nro well supported by Misses Mny Ten Ilroeck mid Lizzie Hlght nml an excellent oompniiy. Tlio pruning hnud of sonto isnster playwright has rendered tho p'ooo much moro picturing than whou presented hero lust. Sov ernl now songs nml choruses havo Isjen willed, nnd tho sconoa nro differently produced. Ah Professor Kroltzmoyor, Frank Wills wns nn occontric Mid most nmusing character, whllo Honshnw as O'Donovan Duff, thu snldo fir cusman, wns simply immense. Ills now song "Across tho llrldgo," Is very tnking, mid ho rocol rod several recalls nt Its close. Tho jtli or momtiors of tho company nro nil good singers, nnd thoy rondorod tholr different specialties In tho most approved manner. AH IN A LOOK I NO OI.AHH. Tho much ndvertlsod actress, Mrs. Llllle Langtry, npK'Oied In her now play "As In n Looking Glass" nt tho Funka Wednesday uvolilng. 8he wns greeted by ono of tho larg est and most fashlonnblo audiences over ns somlilod in that templo of nmusement, n mini Iwr of ladles appearing In evening dress with out their customary headgear. Mrs. Inug try has greatly Improved in her acting slnco her last appeurnnco here, or to Hcnk moro tmthfullY, she has a character 1 totter suited to her peculiar talents thnn she has heretofore attempted. Lena Despard Is a cosmojiolitnii woman, who has prototypes, wo douht not, in every enpitnl in EuroH). Sho is a strange, complex mixture of depravity nnd well, not oxnetly goodness. Sho is nu adventuress pure and simple, hut raised nlxjvo tho com mon herd by hvr bewitching bonuty nnd na tive talont. Tlicro Is nothing instructive or elevating in tho play. It is simply n portrayal of life in tho gay continental world. Lnug try's costumes nro nmply described by tho word magnillcent, nnd wero tho cynosure of tho oes of tho hundreds of Indies present. It Is seldom thai bo great nn actress is surround ed by biicIi un nrrny of "sticks" as attempt to support Langtry. Hut two of tho half dozen or more, Coghlun as Jack Eortlnbrns and Er vlllo as Count Dromtroff, nro worthy ""of any mention. Nearly every seat In tho house was occupied, nnd Mrs. Inngtry has every reason to feel proud of tho reception accorded' her. HII.AHITY T0NK1IIT. Tho play for tonight is ono of fun and frolic nnd ns such is snld tolio a winner every where. Charles A. Ixxler is tho gient comedian nnd tho company's HiiociiiUiex nro descrilied by ex changes as being far nbovo tho average. It is one of thoMt iHpular plays which aio now ndnyH constituted for laughing put poses and in this it unswers every reipjiiviueut. SIAO01K MITCIIKLU A regular visitor expected and looked for In Uncoil! Is Miss Magglo Mitchell nud her coming isalways preceded by n roynl welcome in way of n largo sent sale. Unlike nearly nil other attractions, wo do not Hud it necessary to give an extended announcement or to speak at length of tho lady's ilriunatlu abilities, for anything added to what hits heretofore Wii said would bo merely a waste of space, timo and words. In short Miss Mitchell lins been on ho stage long enough to gain friends and admirers every whcio and her uppenrauco herons well ns in all the larger cities of tho country nro greeted by largo houses of tho most icflucd nnd appreciative clement, nil of which is produced by the niero announcement viz.: "Mngglo Mitchell will bo at Kunko's TuoMlny evening, October SKld," She will Imj scon in her new and very successful play en titled 'Itav," and the supporting company as is usual with Miss Mitchell, is n powerful one. Seats go on snlo Mommy morning. Till: 5IINhTUKI.S AT Fl'.NKK'X. It will be a source of general satisfaction nml pleasure to lovers of tho burnt cork amusement to hear that Slaiu iV Johnson's celebrated minstrels will appear at Kunko's on next Wednesday evening. Iist season's engagement of this company was t!' t most notable of Its class of attiactlous and was pronounced as such by everyone who saw it. This season they npH)ar in numerous new specialties among them being "A Night In Unyou," "Tho host Aon," etc. Mr. Will Stevens sings tho very pretty song entitled "I Will Return Again," also "The Convict nnd tho Hlrd." Mr. Fred Mnlcomb receives nightly enchores on his lino falsetto vocullsm, and tho audience always appreciates tho very clover clog dancing of Mr. Georgo Marshall, whoso intricate steps nnd easy nitisriu move ment is wonderful its well as very interesting. Of couisoSlavIn und Johnson comolnproni inontly as well as other lenders in tho pro fession. Tho first part Is n great Improvement over all previous efforts and tho many novel tie presented make Mils organization what it nlwnys has been, tho best minstrel comnuy in America. Seats go on sale Tuesday morn ing. A HTAll MUHICAI. KVK.NT. Thus far this season Lincoln has had almost nothing in tho lino of lino musical entertain ments, and tho llrst important event takes place Thursday evening nt Kunko's on which occasion tho celebrated vocalist Miss Emma Juch nssisted by Krauz Lists celebrated and accomplished pupil, Krauleiu Allele Aus Der G he, who nets ns Miss Jueh's pianist, Tills noted prima donna inado her recent reputa tion with tho National Ojiera company with whom sho was lending soprano for three years. Tho company aside fioiu these two ladles Includes Hma Undo, contralto; W.J. Jiiiviii, tenor; Clemeutel llologna, basso, and Victor Herbert, cellist. Tho loservetl sent Nile opens Wednesday morning. Indies, please bear In mind that Ashby & Millxpaugh's great annual fur opening occurs next Friday and Saturday, and i'mtlieriuiue that you aiu cnnlially invited to attend same and will Is) expecteil. FURS FOR THE LADIES. Wlmt Anliliy Mllliuni;1i Itsvn In Store fr tlm I'ulr Ki. On next Krlday nuirnlng, OctoW SJrtUi, nt their handsome stoi c in oH'ra house block, Messrs. Ashby oi MIINpnugh will inaugurate their annual furoH'nlng, which wlllcontinuo two days, closing Saturday night, nud as usual every attention will le pild this jinrtlo ular event nnd every delall duly prepared In advance for the ooenslon, J.lncoln Indies have U-gun to look tiisiu these nnnunl fur ojienlngs of Messrs. Ashby &. Mlllspnugli as n xipular event, nud as soon ns the chilly months of mitumii ippronch al ways look forw aril to them us not only n mercantile eiiterpi Iso but ns a resort where ladles ( ongrrgato to nilmlro nil that is lovely and stylish in this great world of fashion. Tho fair ones nssrmblo nud plensantly sjiend nu hour discussing the merits of theso beauti ful pluMi cloaks, tliat elegant sealskin sacquo, or tho lino lino of seal hats nnd other fur goods, nnd whllo it nllonls them n selection of anything in this largo varloty, It gives to them tho same ndvnntngo as tho ladies of Now York or Chicago havo In tlio way of tho finest of tho art, tho latest in style, nnd equal ly ns low In price. Tho goods to bo exhibited during this open ing are from tho well known nnd popular fur house of Messrs. K. Iluhl & Co., cf Detroit, tho largest and oldest established house in tholr lino in tho UnlUl Stntes. They bring a complete lino of everything made of fur and tholr cxjicrfenccd salesmen w 111 assist Ashby & Millspaugli in entertaining tho hundreds of guests who will cnllm tho two dnys. Should tho Indies havo anything in tho fur lino that they desiro altered or repaired, such work will lo skillfully nnd promptly ntt-nded to by lenvlug orders on cither of the owning dnys. Mnko n note of the grand fur oenlng nnd don't let It slip your memory. Krlday nud Saturday next are tho days, and you will be cordially received if you will call. A I'nrlor Concert. On Wednesday tho ladles of Grnco M. H. church in Fast Lincoln gavo n most enjoyn- blo parlor concert nt tho lienutlful now homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. A. Hovey, Thirtieth nnd It street. Tho program wns mndo up of n choice selection of iiopulnr nlrs rendered by some of Lincoln's best talent. A lurgo audience was present.and everyone oxpressed themselves as lielng well pleased with tho evening's entertainment when time for adieu nrrlvcil. It was n succew In overy particular. a Tlio I.ettrr Currior's Hull. Tho letter carrier's ball nt Temnle hall Thumlay ovonlng'wriff lanJe'ntfoililtfiTiiiKi m pronounced success In every nwiiect. There wtro over sixty couples present, all of whom oxldeutly enjoyed tho nil'alr to tho fullest ex tent, tripping tlio light fantastic until cnrly morn. Tho carriers did everything hi their liower to make tlio occasion ono to lie remeni liensl by their friends, nud their elTorts wero appreciated, I'lriisimtly I In tert allied. On Tuesday evening Mrs. OrllUth enter taiueil a number of the friends of her daugh ter, Miss Grnco, who is nt present absent from tho city attending school. Tho young lieoplo Invited wero those who had ofttlmes called on Miss OrllUth, and It was to glvo them nn evening's pleasure as well as to en liven tho homo In tho nbsenco of tho missing ono that tho party was given, and if expres sions of praise may lie termed an Indication of tho timo all had, then one and all certainly enjoyed a mostilelightful time. Dancing was tho order of tho evening, and from nine till one this popular exercise held full sway. Miss Wllloughby very acceptably furnished piano music, nud elegant lefresh incuts caused the evening to pass inoroipiickly than on ordfuiry occasions. Following who wero present sieak of Mrs. Grilllth ns lieitiga most pleasant hostess: Misses Miuulo Lnttn, Lulu Clink, Gertrude Laws, Annio Ihirr, Kittle Mnrslnnd, Kittle Weston, Lizzie lloimcll, Luto Clark, Dona Loomls and Messrs. Northam, Kvnrts, Niss loy, Walker, Storrs, Young nnd others. Mr. Northam very creditably acted ns master of ceremonies. A riilwrslty Munlciilc. Next 'Wislnesday evening tho music de partment of the university will oirer for the beuelltof its pupils nud the gratification of those who appreciate good music an excellent program in tho cliajiel. The noted l-Mwanl It. Perry, who halls fro i llostou, is today tlio finest blind pianist In tho country, will render thu principal part of thu program assisted by .Mrs, A. W. Jauseii nud Prof. Meuzeiidorf. Tho piofessor hns some excellent eudoise incuts from tho leading press of Boston and societies of tlio east, and Ills work Is said to bo a marvel. As for Mrs. JniiM-u, Liucoluites havo not had tho pleasuie of listening to her sweet voice for souio timo nnd will bo glad to havo an opiioituuity olfercsl to enjoy her selections, As for Professor Meuzeiidorf, wo know of his ability to delight tlio enr nnd his work is nlwnys appreciated. The concert will begin at 8 o'clock und 11 U to bo hoped tho hall will bo full. In Honor uf it (incut. A very pleasant ntfnlr was given last oven lug at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Leonard on E street. Tho occasion was it party given in honor of Miss Miller of Chi cago, who is at present a guest under their hospitable toof. Tho time was pleasantly passed in (lancing, caul playing mid social con versation, n duinty icpast lioing served early in tho evening. Those piesent wero Messrs. Krauk Sheldon and wife, Carl KuuUo and wife, J. A. Iluck stall' and wife, Walter llargieaves and wife, I). 1). Muir nnd wife, L. W. Hciskell and wife, C. L. Llppeucottnnd wlfennd Mcsdiimcs Ininlcitsoii,llussoylnud llallentmeol Omaha. Misses Guilder, .Minnie Latta, Agev. Out cault and Guuiler. Messrs. Hichter, Lemist, Zclnung, Kores mnn, Aaron llucUstall', Will Ileiskell, Haidy, lleesoii, lladger, I) E. Thompson and others. Tho paity tllspei-M'il about midnight, all voting Mis. Leonard a charming hostess. Regular made, all-wool underwear, closing out at t-l.M), woitli SJ.W,nt llurlburt's. AMONliTIIEUOOK-MAKKRS CHOICE QEMSOFFRESH LITERATURE ? Newsy Nutrs Iriiin tlin World of Wrllrr New Hooks ami Miiuntlncn. Tiik' Pai'KIihiIiv liolgh Hunt. New nlition. Huston: Ias fc Hhepnrd. "Tho Wlshiiig-Cap PnMin,"by Uigh Hunt need no Introduction, nnd whet her or not ono has, ns had I.011I Maenulny, n "klniluess for Jigh Hunt," thu phsiKitiit nrt of enpy nnd graceful writing which this dlstlugulshra man iiossesstsl the ability to amuse nnd In struct at thu same timo renders ills work tieriiiiincnt value. At "li These Papers are written In I-oIgh Hunt's happiest manner, and nhounil In rich nud fH iicuous uescripiiuus 01 nature, 111 Kiuiiiy cou incuts on Vavoi Ite authors nud Issiks, and Ifl thoughtful and g( oil-nntiircil K'Culntlous on' hmniiii life. Tho various ussnvs In tho collisJ. tlon nro terso In stylo, vigorous in thought)1 and show that this gcillnl essayist hnd "till) true rnabilltles of wrath, " nud could batlbi for the right. The book has n llrui hold on thu rending public, nud in its now uppcnraius$ will gain additional Kpularity n isipulnrlt)' win thy of Ijulgli Hunt, who never wrote n dull line. v Hai.uiu's" Monthly; n Literary Magazine for tho Family, lioiton: G. V. Sludley. , Among tho many first class publlcatlout wlthn national ivputntlou for entertaining,, instructive nnd nmuslng rending for tho fnm, ily, Iiallous monthly family magarlnostnuiU nt the head. Established for thirtyfour yenrt it hns a quota of contributors who nro well known nud iiumlicrcd nmong tlm U-st niith ors. Hnllou's Magazine is replnte with serial stories, romances, sketches of ndventuro, bl ographliii, jioetry, young folks' story teller, piixzlo jinges, curious matters, things pleasant nud otherwise, nud humorous matter, nil making nn elegant mibllcntlon for family reading. Its subscription price Is $I.WI nyear,' Kistpaid; or by niiwxlenlejs, ir cents n copy. MTKItAllY NOTKH. 77ir C'riV i'c maintnius Its reputation ns n purveyor of Into now s In tho world of litera ture, nH its Inst Issue now before us amply proves. Its book reviews aro nblo und con cise, its comments 011 things literary wholcq some nnd timely, and It is n recognized nu thorlty by men of letters as well n by dttel tunle.t. c 77ic Indicator, Chicago's oldoit and loading musical mngnzmo, Improves with cnclinum-) uer. ip,u tMnou-winu,cori).., nmiity .aii'jj cury,h'nd ttio rWfnlicrs''of' Usstnlfnrotneiii well iiostcd in every detail of tho musical world, who each week present a most refresh lug and delightful potpourri of notes for the renders. Ono of tho best musical magazines that reaches our table is Fremiti's .Un.iiV und Drama. It is bright, newsy ami replete with all the latest good things in the musical world. Published by the Freiiud Publishing compa ny, Now York. If you nro interested in mu sic and wish to keep posted as to the Into pro ductions In that line, send for n snmplo copy. A pretty pleco of work is thu "All Around thu Year" cnltudnr, hung on rings, with sil ver chain, deftly tied with a silken cord nud tnssels. In tho artistic grouping of n year's progress ns presented in Mrs. Sunter's Sepia tlnt calendar, u series of Illustrations of the flight of tune form tho attractive features of this exquisite boudoir almanac, in which the successive dates of the mouths appear in plain llgures or tablets, twelve hi number, mid w itli otlu illustrations I'm in n beautiful souvenir. YVt I'olnt with I'rlile To tl.u "good iiamo at home" won by Hood's Sursaparillu. In Lowell, Mass , where it is prepared, there is more of Hisid'sHnrsnpurllla sold than of all other medicines, and it has given tho best of satisfaction since its Intro duction ten years ago. This could not Imi If the medicine did not possess merit. If you suirer from liimuru blood, try Hood's Siirsa pitrillaaud realize 1U jicculiiir curative power. New Men-limit Tailoring INIalillsliiiieiit. A new merchant talloi iug establishment hns just been opened at I'M South Twelfth street, near the oHra house, by Mr. James W. Smith, who is well known In Lincoln as representative of P. 11. Cooper's mammoth merchant tailoi ing cstalill-liiueul atMenilota, Illinois. This llrui has branches at soveuil large cities in tho country and the owning of the Lincoln branch adds 0110 moro to the list. This II nn Is well known throughout the west ami do lino work, correct stj les anil nt iiopu lnr prices, Mr. Smith can hereafter Is) found at the location mentioned alsive, where he hits a largo and elegant stock of goods that will please, to select from in fall and winter suitings and overcoatings. IlUmiliitluli Of ritrtueralilp. Notice Is hereby given that tho partnership heretofore cxisitiiig lietwcen L. Wessel, Jr., nnd II. T. Dobbins, u'uler tho linn name of Wessel & Dobbins, in tho printing, publish ing and stationery business, is this day ills solved by mutual consent, H. T. Dobbins re tiring. All nccounts duo tho firm w ill be col lected nnd nil bills ngaiiut tho linn will Iss paid by L. AVoxsel, Jr. L. Wksski., Jit, 11. T. DomiiNH. Septemlier 111, UH. A IlnkiMu Wnuil Chopper's Strike. Joo Klvurd, who held 11 part of ticket No. Il.blH, which drew thu capital prio of fllOO, ihki in tho Imlslana smto lottery drawing of August 7th, received his money through the First National bank of this city, and left for Canada to purchase a homo for Ids parents. Ho was a woodohonner in thu Homestako camp near llrownsvllle, Dak., working for dayV wages. I bud wood (Dak.) Vmi.rr, Au gust Willi. ('iilllliu C1111U. The Coi'iilKlt has Just leceivisl a largo in voice of calling cauls iu the latest shaics and sizes. Our Indy friends esjK'cially are invit ed to call and examine. We furnish them either printed or engraved iu any stj lo of the nit. DITS ON UICYCLINQ. A rotpomrl of Notes Aliiittt the Ninrl mid l'emoiutls Atiout Vlierlmen. The Col'lilK.u'M new olllco makes it splendid meeting room, Tho editor and piopiletor hns tho club's thanks for jmst favors. Jim PolliH'k Istho fortunitto jsissessor of 11 now M Victor, ami Horace Cnse. sold It lo him. Jim could not do without 11 wheel If he tried. Clayton Blinder and Myron Wheeler rodo to Wahoo last Sntuiiluy, Slimier has Issn eon 011 tho streets of Lincoln since, but where is our wnndermg Myron Unlay I For tho Information of those members or would-1 si iuciiiIh'Is who Imyu notlss-n iremut nt tho lnst regular meetlugH, bo it (understood that tho Initiation feu must Imi paid buforo bo ing entitled to tho privileges of tho club. The ruin hist Sunday provculcd thu run to no ono knows where. No doubt a pleasant timo would have been hnd by thoso (hurt dis tance riders, but they can console themselves vifilu thu tact that thoy had ono Sunday nt homo Iu which to attend church. At tho regular monthly meeting of tho Lincoln Wheel club Tuenluy evening, Mr. Both W. Eddy handed in his resignation ns secret-nry urd ticmuirer. After ucceptlng it tho club voted him nu honorary memlier by ncclnmntiou. Mr. Eddy goes to Oiiinlm next Week to slay; hence his withdrawal. Tho Lincoln Wheel club will hire the Ant ing rink for tho winter If tho Isiys will stir up nnd Increase tho membership. It will Is) something uupnrnllelled by any club In tho west. MciiiIhm-b w III bo enabled to practice nud recruits will hnvo 11 chance to learn Imi fore spring. It Is tho biggest thing for ex erclso for tho young men that Lincoln has hnd for ninny n dny. There seems to bo 11 friendly dispute be tween some of thu members of thu club. Some wish to rido from ten to eighty miles kt day, while others (and they are fowl wish to go us fur its the nsylum. Although tho captain has indisputable right to chixm.) tho route, etc., it would, at thu Mimu timo, bo to the Interest of nil uiemliei-s wero ho to consult tho major ity nud then act accordingly. Every indi vidual cannot Imj pleased, hut by n little judi cious mniingement runs could bo arranged so ns to keep tho Isiyu together nud ill good humor. An oyster supper wns tendered Mr. S. W. Eddy on Friday livening, tho l'Jth Inst., by tho h. W. C. at tho rosidunco of Mr. II. L. Cow. Tho tnblo wns spread for twolvo, but only tun of tho members nrrlved, and thu way thoy got away with tho good things wtnild havo nstonlsheslnnyouo b uturjienlnl. lufat. ThoTioys nro deeply Indebted to Mrs.' Cnso fur un excellent supiier and her great kindness in preparing such 11 splendid meal, The members who were most conspicuous wero: Messrs. Iuwls, Wheeler, Slimier, Ilon nell, Ilirch nud Highter. They failed to up lear and mlssisl soutethiug glorious. un 1110 run to n (xxllavwi two wieks ago several of thu boys turntsl homewnnl at West Lincoln, thu writer among thu number. The latter had not been on an "ordinary" for nine yem-s, nnd everything wont us calmly nnd smoothly as It could when, presto I ho kept ongoing without thu wheel nnd laudisl face downward in nlsiut four inches of dust. As luck would have It, only one of tho Isiys saw thu tumble, and even ho did not laugh as much us tho tumbler. I ho would-lsi rider remarked that ho never riallzod thu saying, ''To dust thou nuist return" until lie got there. Tho next time he rides it will lie 011 an "extrn-orillnnry," simple, common ordi naries are not good enough. Lincoln Directory, 1HHH-1HNII. Tho publishers of our city directory, the Cherrier Diieetory, request us to iiiIvImi our citizens that the out loor canvassing and com piling is now done. If there should Im, how over, nny party or parties whoso names, nd dresses nml occupations they may not have secured, either on account of removal, nb senco fiont town, Into arrival or through any other cause unkuivvu to them, they wish to inform all such that 1m-fore handing their manuscript to the printers It will remain for inspection during n few days at their olllco, riHiiu -':i, Montgomery hlix'k, LHII South Elev enth stieet. This will enable those who might not have been culled uhiii by the ciiuv assets, to havo their mines, occupations and mldrcsx is, and otherwise give our citizens generally an oniKirtunlty for making any chance, cor- 1,... t.iif 1 1.1..1. ...1..1.. 1 .. .t 1 , ... , , ., . P ,,.; ',. " . V T '""""-I-;'"y."vai iHvii - (.iitii iait' ii 11 'n hiu mini their names and mldi esses Iu full to Mstolllco Ikix.V). A memls't'of tho llrni will always Ikj found at tho olllco dm lug business hours to receive any and all such corrections us may Ikj volunteered. Wo hojHi our citizens will htssl this suggestion, which is evidently In teudtsl to servo their interests. Wo need a giMsl directory and should do something to help on the present publishers, whom wu know to havo tlouo their duty Iu the mutter. Correct Stjles, .Millinery. Mrs, Ullss, tho leading juqiortiug milliner of Omaha, was at tho Capital hotel W ednes day and Thursday of this week, with us ele gant a lino of samples of imported tioimet nml hats as has tssm shown tho ladles of Lin coln fur somu time. Thut the was appreciated was evidenced by the enthusiasm of thu ladies who thronged the jutrlors nt tho Capital hotel, where Mrs. Illiss nindo her hendipiitrters. Tho Hue which wits shown consisted of Indies,' misses and children's Im ported iHiuuetK nnd hats, cs-cinlly lniMirted liy Ullss, nud selected by Mrs. illiss, who has recently returned from Pans. JUlss has gained a reputation as tint lending importer of Omaha iu the millinery line, for his store Is tlllisl with tho choicest stock thu market affords and his patronage second to uouo in the lluoof artistic millinery. Mrs Illiss expresses hei self as highly pleased with the appreciation shown by the lad'ts of Liu coin ami their liberal jtitioiuige. Later Mr. Illiss will have something In announce that will Ihi of Intel est to tho ladies. Watch the l.'ot limit lor his announcement. Telephone at tho Cot ltimt olllco l 'J.VI, A VKUY SITCCKSSFUL KAIIt THE CATHOLIC DAZAR AND FESTIVAL I.iugn Alteiiilntiee, I'lnn CxIiIIiIIk nud the Knlerprlne it III Milan! Ntiernss. During thu whole of the past week llohnii tin's hall has presented n pleasing attraction for the Hople of Lincoln who have gathered there 111 gient numbers In enjoy thu fair got leu up by the ladles of the Catholic congte gallon. Their duals went not In vnlu, as was proven by the exclamations of surprise and admiration coming fioiu lluwo who ls the hall. Tho display of goods was more vnrltsl nnd beuutlful than tiny ever before exhibited ata Lincoln bamr, nud was made morn cirecllve by thu urlisllc decorations 'which MiilDUtiilril I lii'iii on all sides. Neither pains nor expense hnd been spared, but nil things woionriungcd with 11 imv t) please tho most etilieal eye, nud In this the glcatcst success can bo accorded to Hie ladles. A lino baud concert Is-glnnlug nt H ncliK'k every evening drew thu attention of those who had not rend the nimouucemeiits of tho bazar iu tho dally stMrs; and nt Intervals during tho entire evening, delightful strains of music charnipil tho ears of the visitors nud clnistsl them to linger long enough lo exM'iid thu en tire contents of their purses upon thu throng of solicitors' who besiegisl them. This wns ono of the most Interesting features, i-sM-clally to the bazar ladles, and thu public iccngulz ing it nrf characteristic of nil fairs in general, yielded very gracefully. ITihiii llrst entering thu hall and turning to thu left, "Kaney Table No. JP nttrnctcd the eye nnd held It for many mlimlcs iu coutcin platlon of Its iMiiutlfiil mid striking uppear ituco. The decorations went Iu rod nud white Inco draperies, worn festooned nnd gracefully arranged on all sides, while tall ferns nud Is'ttutlful Mowers added a charming ficshmss to thu scene. Time or space will not Hrniit tho mention of all the beautiful nud valuable articles displayed here, but among those which nitriictisi tint gicnwsn, niicniion nnii the solid silver teasel given by Mr. John l'itz gernhl, n linudsomo mnrhlu cliwk anil n silver fruit illslidonntcd by Trickoy & (Jo,, 11 sllter cnnl receiver, donnled by E. Hnllett, nnd n silver dinner set of knives, forks and bikxwm prewitisl ly tlm luiyinor.'l brothers, In co. neetlon witli this table was conducted a "llachelor's Department," where could Ixt found tho lluest cigars, handsnmo smoking setts, shaving cases and various articles espe cially adapted to gentleman's use. hAt a ow feet dlnnt ttooili) long platform on which were, nn onk svcretnryNlonntcxl by Hardy & Pitcher, a silk plush folding chnir given liy A. T. Gruetter it Co,, a pair of garden vnses given by the Pottery works, 11 line card table donated by thu Planing mill company, n haniKoine parlor stove donated by llalrd Urns., nud 11 cook stove donated by Hall Ilros, Numerous placards hanging around announced that "Kaney 'I'ablo No, !l" hail at its iIIskiviI a Hue cow, horse, it ton of haul coal given by th Whltebrruxt Coal Co., and n ton of Canon City coal given by Hutch lusit Hyatt. The Indies presiding at this table were Mrs. K S. I'otvln and daughters, Mrs. E. ('. McSliano or Omaha, Miss Stella Kitgerald of 1 oil Huron, Mrs. James II. U':elllanil .M'H. .m. Corcoran. Passing 011 ii little distance another fancy table decorated i. pink and while with diap cries of lace, greeted the eju. This depart ment was iu charge of St. Teresa's church choir, uuilcr tho management of Mrs. A. Halter. Thu taste displayed hero in the dec orations could not 1st excelled, and numerous lienutlful nud valuable articles presented 11 very tempting apHarauce. Among them might Imj mentioned a largo mid very hand some crazy quilt, mi expensive toilet set, n llnely executed clay on of Madeline, an. I it lovely hanging lamp. At tho left of the table was placed an elegant oak IksIiooiii set given by Mr John Kitgerald, a chamlier set of beautiful chlnnwaie by Mix J. J. llutler.and ...1. . 1.1.. 1 , ., 1.. i, 1 I iiinrun nnii-inM, 11 uuiiiiLfi iij .Mi7.ilillliu Ulllliex and 1'itt Kelly. Thu Sixhtlity bible, situated to the right of the 1 loor tv ay mid tastefully decorated iu blue and white, was not the least beautiful or attractive of tint fancy tables. A whole corps of yoiin ladies under the direction of Miss Mary Savage, vied with each other iu the attempt to pl.inse and euteitaln the croud of ! ''m visitors that thronged nlxmt the table. One (if the most pleasing fcatuies of this tuhlu .1, of lit. MH (l .Mltnlt mll(N()llly fram Ilev. IINhop Hoiiacmn. This hung directly Iu tho centre, was draped artistically with lace, and attracted a great deal of attention. A teasel of antique china presented by Mrs. John Fitzgerald, an elegant ciiizy quilt do nate 1 by MKs Tlllio itoouey, u brass table given by A. T Gructtet A: Co., a silver water set given by Mis. O'She.t and a puilor set of furniture by Ml. John Kitgerald, uiu but 11 few of tho numerous and valuable articles. The refreshment table, under the manage ment of Mtsdnmcs J. J. Ilutler ami C. !. lbxiM-r, was a great suecovs. The table was loaded with the choicest confectionery, cakes, fruits, etc , while small tables at one side invited all to sit down und partake of cream, Ices, leiueuade, etc. The west side of tho hall was occupied by the dining tnliW, under the management of Mcsdiimcs Martin and O'Connor. Here meals wero served at all hours for only twentyllvo cents, and those who partook of them ex pressed themselves as perfectly putisllcd. The postnlUce presided over by Miss Sarah Hi ley and thu llsh pond iu charge of Miss Kiltie Pitgernid were objects of great at traction and niuuteincut csiccialry iimcug the vnung H'ople. Numerous contest iHvuplul the hhicklxuird 011 the platform, and kept up it continued excitement among the fi lends uf those taking part. The xills for the contest-' are to lie closed tonight , also a imiuU'i' of the must valuable ill ticlus will be rallied nud presented to the foituuate wluucis. The ladies of the bazar request thu attendance 111 large umuboisof uiir Lincoln lieoplo, nit I nay thoy a 10 ready to do nil iu their isiner toeutuitiiiu them. A CALL ON MRS. LANQTRY. l)inrlilliiii of Her Hrrr-"Tlin Lilly" I'eeU (Irittefiil Towitrds I.liienlii, A rcprrscutntlvu of tlm Couiiikh wan awarded thu pleasure of an Interview with Mrs, Langtry during her engagement in Mn colli Wednesday. Shu was found In tlm boudoir of her own private enr III which sho travels. Thu car Itself Is elegantly rqulppisl and furiiUhisI and gives tho nis-esxary sechl slim Ixtlh for travel nud during the cngnge incut Iu each place whom the Lilly is Ixxikod to npxnr, Shu expresMsl herself as highly plmised with Lincoln, reineinlMToil thu llnttering ro (vpllou given her last seaiMin by Lincoln ad mirers and was evidently sunt that her tp Mnraucu hero would be ns mattering ns It was. Shu very kindly furnished us with tho following brief description of tho Ily 11 cos tumes which she wore us Ici.n Disqiard Wed nesday night: Thu llrst dress, designed nud Hindu by Worth, Is u gross grain silk of deep roso color, iloeolletto corsage, trimmed with How. rrs. Alto royal mantle of blue plush, lined with chinchilla fur, tho work of Folli. A pink silk, omhmldorcd In black nnd gold, tho work of Wot lb, Tho corsage li itocolotto, with chemisette of silk gnuzo and lnco, nnd un empire wish of gold gnuzo. Her third dress Is by Felix. Itlsn black satin, with front of yellow lace, richly Ixtniloil lnrgo black lnco bat, slisives embroidered In blue Jet, it largo bat III Jet on either shoulder and Iu fiout of thu corsngu with outspread wings, forming n trimming to thn wnlst. TI111 fourth dress Is n whito crext du chlmi Mlguiin it l, gris'quo. 1 hu imi I nuts Ixsllcu is entirely covcrtsl with gold embroidery. Tho skirt is of white creHi du chine, minutely plaited nud 11 draM'ry of crept) du chlno is nttnclnsl to tho left shoulder. Designed by Felix. Thu last dress, by Worth, Is of black do lours du mini, Its front Is 11 blaze of jot from neck to hum. Tint l'leiiDiiiit Hour .Juniors, Thn jiarty of young gentlemen who orgnu izod themselves Into it social club Inst season under name of tho Pleasant Hour Juniors ami so successfully conducted tho entertain ments through tho winter, hnvo reorganized for tho coming season with it competent nml ;leunnt set oj ofllcers. Tho club met nt Mr, Stout's odlco on 0 streot ami eluded tlio toU lowing. gentlemen toculdo iU dcstl lies:' Presi dent, Will Maxwell; vlco president, Robert Muir; secrcbty, J, K. Htout; treasurer, Hal Young; mnstei of ceremonies, WlirCuifko. Tho eiecutlvu commltto consists of Mtsrs. GeorgaJdcArthur, Frank Uathnwny nud tho tu.lster of coremonlcs. As yet tho dnUi of tho oixmlng pnrty has not Imsjii fully decMcil but Tlinnksglvinir night Is in fuvor. Another meeting will Is) held Monday evening at Mr Stout's ofllco nt which this and oilier matters will recelvo tit tontion, Tho club starts out with nearly every memlxT of Inst year's circle nud with nearly as many moro now upillcaiits 011 hniid ready to enter. The CouiiIKU congrntiilutcd thu Pt'asaut Hour Juniors 011 their prospects for nu enjoyablu serlus of festivities nnd wishes them brilliant success iu their xovorul alfalrs. The WhUl C'lnli. After n smnmer's vncntloii tho Wlilst Club which enjoyed so ninny pleasant evenings last winter was tcorgr.ulzctl last evening at tho lesiileucii of Mr. and .Mrs. C. C. llurr, nearly nil thu old members Ixiiug present. Out of tho dozen couples of last year's club only tin ihi dropped out, nmong them Mug Mr. and Mrs. Cuss who havo left tho city. Ah will Imi seen by tho names given Mow, tho ladies nud gentlemen conqxiso somu of our most prominent citizens nud scxjlal leadero and it is tho wish of tho Couiiikh that this season's enjoyment may Ixj up to thu club's fullest oxMK.'iutinns. Those present last evening wuro Mr. and Mm. J. C. Mcllrlde, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marshall, Dr. and Mis. ApM.-lgate, Mr. nud Mrs. J. H. Hurley, Mr. nud .Mrs. N. 0, llrcx'k, Mr. nud Mrs, A. V. Zleiner, Mr. nml .Mrs. C. C. llurr, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull, Mr. nud Mrs. N. C. Ablxitt und others. Kaino us lost year the club will meet every Wednes day evening at the hoiuesof the various mem lx.'rs. rrogressltit Kitrlire l'arty. Thursilay evening Mr. und Mrs. J. F, Lansing, corner K und Eighteenth, entertain ed a uuiiiImt of f 1 lends at progressive euchre. It was a loyal evening and nothing was oil the gixisit egg order except thu pcrbons who were fortunate or imfoituuiito us tho ciuso might Imj construed, to bo awarded such a piie. Elegant refreshments and nn elegant timo generally, such as Mr. mid Mrs. Ijinsing al ways ulford their guests, mndo tho evening; hours sjhssI quickly liy. Tlm I'liliious' lllg Hllle. On Monday tho Famous Millinery will oh-u it grand plush nud velvet sale. Ladlea attention is called to this fact, nud it thoy appreciate lino gcxxls at bargain prlcus thoy should certainly not fnil to call. Ashby & MilUpaugh's grand annual fur oiK'iung takes plnco next Krlday und Satur day. lndio should not full to bo present as the lino of fur goods represented will bo tho llncftt over show 11 iu tho city. Mr. und Mrs. Weatherwnx of Grand Hup ids, accompanied by Mi's. W's. mother, arolu th" city visiting their relatives Mr. nnd Mrs. S. J. Udell. They lenvo tomorrow for Wash ington Territory whero they oxixxit to locnto to enter in uiei'chitnlilo pursuits, Mr. Weuth ervvux having a brother there extensively engaged in tho lumber Industry. This week Roland Reed U playing "Tlm Woman Hater" in Montreal. As tho yellow fe er M-nro In tho south has abated, ho will jump from there to Atlanta, On., a distnuco of 100 miles, lunvlug the former cit) after his performance Saturday night. Tho rail road fare for the jouiuey will foot up $700. Mr. Retdiiud his iviiqiauy will return to Now York at the KoiiiUenth Street theatre Nnvuinlwr W'M. 1 iom