Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 13, 1888, Image 8

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    rfr- n"".,l "-'
TT3iEr"T,wr!y'gi "g''"
: I
Perkins Bros.
Have just received an elegant
line of
Ladies' Party Slippers
and Shoes in colors to match
Suits worn. Also a hand
some line of Black and
A specialty for a few days will
be a
Welt Waiikenpliast Shoe,
for street wear, at $3.50.
have this shoe in all
widths from A to K, and
sizes i to 7.
1 1.29 O Street.
1126 0 STREET.
W. J. P, Lawton, D.D.S.
Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block.
levator on O St.. Telephone 628
Artificial Teeth Inserted without plates.
Administered for painless oxtructlun.
Got Your Laundry Work
t. l; 3 1 ;i 1 1 .
The Excelsior SteaM Liinnnvv.
S07 8. 11th st., rtfir entranco. Tel. SOI.
All orders promptly called for and ilellu-re il. Wo
pride outve'res uu jirooiptncsa mid superlurlty
or work.
MIU.KH DAV, Proprietors.
A Mijinfn Iiirr nf Modern Titnri.
Saturday Evening, Oct. 1388
Cornor I Oth nnd P 8trootu.
Tlu Count Kli will ttiit I hi responsible for
any debts mnito by any one In Its inline, nn
Iohsu written order accompanies tho sumo,
pnH'fly signed.
I,. Wi:mhki., Jr. i Prnp'r.
Great Underwear Sale !
Herpolslieinier & Co.,
Tim Cornier Can be Tomtit At
Windsor llolel News Htmid,
.'iipltnl Hotel Newsstand,
Oilell's Hilling Hull News Htuiul.
Climon .V Fletcher's, 1 1 til ) Strent.
A.T. l.viulligtU'n'., IKnlO Street.
Tliodntlinni KcwrH'iiiiiI, IIS Smith lllli HI.
Keith linn., , .1 Noilli ItthStieut.
Kil. Young, IWu') Street.
Luton A Smith, IJniO
.!. Weinberg, O st. "PI'. postonioo.
Unmn's Cafe, nenr Windsor hotel.
- -AND
Men's Furnishing Goods.
W. R. DENNIS, 1 137 O.
l.tieut unit rer.suniil.
Whltobreust Coul mill Unto Company.
llo to Cushinnn tomorrow.
Tnko Turkish nt mill O rtmt,
Lincoln leu company, pure lie.
Tho b.M Twin. H. 1'. Htovens Si Co.
King Htemr, 1010 O street, boots and shoe.
Hallet, diamonds nnd witches, llil N lltli.
Bawyerit Mosher, llorlsts, Masonic Temple.
Mineral water used tor ImtliltiK, 10111 O st.
Trlckey Si Co.,wholoalonnd retail jewelers.
L linrr, Jeweler, established IS7I, lOIOOht.
Canon City Coal at the Whltebreast Coal
and I.lmu Co.
Try sotno of tho lino ll-Ii served every
dav at Cameron's.
Canon City Coal again at tho Whltebronst
al and l.lmo Co.
I.ast Sunday concert- at Ciilmuiii tomor
row. Oo out nt 'J r. m.
Mrw.JW. K. now.-rsnud daughter left Wed.
nesduy for Iiiilliiiiiiiolls.
Uoast meats, and vegetables of all kinds nt
CameiWii Lunch House.
A drop In both prices and Block of dry
goods nt M. It. Nlwley Si Co.
Visit the neat ice crcnui mill oyetcr jmrlors
Wlilman H101, lL'lt) O hlivet.
Io ctvniu, oysters and lino confectionery
nt Wldinnn How, 110 O street.
Improved shower for Turkish Imths nt 1010
0 street, basement Union block.
Only plnco In Lincoln that uses mineral
water In Initial Is at 101(1 0 street.
Hoforo insuring look up tho Mutual Llfo
Insurance Company of Kew York.
lly all odds tho lliuut lino or iockct cutlery
iu tho city at olirtmg Si Henklo's.
liny Yarns or Asliby Sc Mlllspnugh dining
their cloIiiR snlo and nivo money.
A big land excursion will leavo Lincoln
next Thursday night for Perkins county.
DHiiy Underwent of Asliby Si Mills
during their closing salo and save money.
An Inunenso assortment of underwear nt
tho lowest prices nt Her'Htlslieunor Si Co.'s.
For Information concerning and rates to
western iolnts apply at 115 H. Tenth street.
Doctor 11. 1''. llailey, oillco and rosidenco
or. of Thirteenth nnd O streets. Tel. 017.
Tho display of rich dress materials at
Asliby & MlllHjxiUKh's Is almost Iiowildoring.
Maydeu is now making cnblnet photographs
for :i.00 a dozen. They aro tho ilnest In tho
Tho public Rchools oened Monday morn
lug, with 1111 enrollment much larger than for
meily. Cloaks for Ladies and Children in almost
endless variety nt con ect prices. Asliby :
Tuko tho F.lkhnrn-C. St K. W. route
vcstlbulo s!eeiH.'r to Chicago and tho east.
Always on time.
Ilest llttlng kid glvcs iu nil of tho now est
si m pes and colors Just received at HeriHil
shelmer& Co.'s,
Tho Mutual Llfo Iusuninco Co. of Kew
Vork. W. II. Hastings, District Manager,
room.V), llurr block.
Merpolshehner St Co. now display their
Uautlful lino of ladles', mioses' nnd children's
cloaks on tho first lloor.
Do you sulTer from Kiofuln, salt rheum, or
other humoral Tnko Hood's Hursapai Ilia, tho
mvat blood pm iller. One hundred doses 0110
Hound trip tlckeU to Dakota Hot Springs,
r-M.'tt; Douglas, Wyo fM.'.Vi; Rapid City,
M7.I5; Iong Pino, $H.'.S0. via Klkhorn lino.
Oillco 115 south Tenth str-ct,
nusylvania lawn mower, inndo in two sUon
to cut either long or short cruss, Uifgo lino,
.ehrung Si Her.kles solo agents, W170 stivet.
ChnpiMsl hands may bo cured iu ono night
by using ChomlKU'lnln's 'yo and Bkln Oint
ment ns directed with each box. It also cures
totter, salt ihcum and chronic soro eyes, For
salo by W. J, Turner.
i'eiulered 11 Hrlllliiilt ltd iillon liy l.llienlli
ICiiIkIiI" ol I'jtlihi".
At tlu uiHitiuof tliedraiid Lslge, K. of
P. In seHslon nt I'leinont this wis'k, Hlr
Kiiiuht William II. Iivniif this city was so
I H'bsl as giaiid I'hnuivllor r-r I ho ensuing
Mai. Tim ii'tiiinol Mr. Livo to tho elty on
Thin sdny I'veiilng was iniulo tho o-caslon of
1111 iiifm mill leivptlon teniliMisI him by Capl
till Cll lisle, N . US, assisted by Knights of
Iliii- lndges, about 0110 bundled Iu all lieiug
at thedepol tomeel the .eluilllllg blothers.
A I iins-vslmi was formisl nt tlioilexit,heailisl
lis III" IimihI, mid It iik I forwaul to thn K
P. castle, eonieV O and Tenth stleels, when,
an Infoi mal meeting was held, Hlr ICulght.loo
Clllelillelil being called Upon to prexlil"
Hpfts-lies were made by VV. J. Houston, Past
(Hand Cnamvllor O'Neill, V. II. live. tho
newly elivlisl grand ehalieellor, V. H. Ham
lltoii, W. (.'. Lane mid otheis Taken all In
all. Hie giis'llng to the new grand chancellor
was iiiiisteutbuslastle and Itllly in accord
w ttt the spli It usually shown Iu nil Pthlau
111 liters in LIiksiIii. Tills elty has Ik'ii highly
fiuousl by the (liand Lilgn, Kiilglitsor
Pythias, having had six grand chancellors.
.Htel;lilllK In New Ol leiins.
"He surely would 111 try lier, llmugli
lie wasn't ns rich as liuM gmugli,"
llo sal, I with aslj-h
Ami a leir Inlilslgh,
"' Ifherf ther would ghe liera Hhiiigh."
" ltllit ill" lliv liilsllii"is he'd gitigh
Of supplying New Orleans with snniigh,
Anil lii.'d rent tlieui a slelgli
1'iirteii itnllnrsailt'lifli
If tho leinperaluro would keep IoiikIi '"
Dmhr'n .Wcii.ulnr.
Mr. John II. Clark is in New Yoik.
Millie Present t In "lugoiuar' tonlghU
Telephiiui) nt tho Cot'lllKll oillco Is 5J.VJ,
I Ion. John KilgeiaM Is Iu Kew York.
The dust Is aw fill. Can't It bostopHvf
West Lincoln Is In have a new IT. P. depot.
The "Two Old Cronies" nt I'unko's next
Tho Lincoln paper mills will lieglli opera
(ions next week.
1 loaks, cloaks of every description nt Her
polsliellner it Co.'s.
Mp.s Mary Ciinnlnghain led Monday morn
ing for Ban l'ranciseo.
A new timetable goes Into eirect 011 tho
Union Paellle toinoiiow.
IMIIor Wells or tho Cieto Vitlettr, was a
I.Incoln visitor Tin lay .
Kvery niglit next wis'k, tho Catholic fair
nnd festival at Masonic Temple.
Tho Ilnest lino or Dress Trimmings can bo
found at sliby i"i Millspaiigh's.
Mrs. O'Connor and h-r niece, Miss May
Carolau, 1110 visiting in Denvir.
liny Linens of Asliby Sz MilNpuugh dining
their closing sale and n.ivo money.
Tom liwivy has suisl thn Western Union
for'.i. Wo hope ho w ill get it.
11. It. Klssloy & Co. will open their new
stoi 0 w llli a largo nnd complete stock.
Mr. C. (). Wliodon will stumpthostatonext
wiek iu bchair of tho grand old p'irty.
l'oinoo and Juliet matinee, 'J p. in. Unlay at
Kunke'sby Marie Piscott and company.
Miss Jessie Wnrringlouof Oskaloosa, Iowa,
Is visiting her friend, .Mis. C. C. Calkins.
Miss .Stella Fitzgerald or Port Union, Mich.,
Is in thu city, tho guest of Miss May Potvm.
Mi's Kellio Piitchnnl or Cliamlierlalu, 1).
T., is visiting her sister, Mrs. K. H. Inigh
Tho Ilnest luncheons in tho city aro served
nt all hours at Cinder's Kuinpean ivsiauraut,
0:U P street.
October llrst found il'l" convicts taking
boaul and lodging with Warden Hyeisat tho
statu lockup.
Mis. A. II. Zimmerman, sister of Harry
Wiuv, returned to her homo in Hutchison,
Kns , Tuesday.
Mr. and Mis. A. Hiiilbut aro at tlr Hot
Hprlngs, Aik., w hero they will remain until
November lliiit.
Lulles wishing tho besUlttlng kjdgjov" in
tTa) iniuketwlll thai rfecuipleto lliuTui A"shl)y
Mr. K. H. llliilsallnnd wife left Monday
for Chilllcothe, Ohio, where they expect to
sieud tho winter.
Otto Mohionstechor left yesteulay for Kew
York to purchase holiday goods for his house,
HoqioMieluicr ec Co,
Min. M. M. (icoigoisat homo again after a
visit or nearly two weeks iu Milwaukee, Chi
cago and Kansas City.
Everything now and neat. Ilnest menu and
licst s"klu thoclty nt Cnuhr's Kurii'ican
rostr itit, H:U P street.
Tho Ilnest work III tho city nt Haydon's
photographic studio. 121 1 O sticet. Beo our
lluu tamplcs of 111 1 woik.
Mr. Carl Morton, sou of Hon. J. Sterling
Morion, candidate for congiesslonal honors,
was iu tho city Thursday.
Miss Clara Walsh left. Wednesday torn
visit or several weeks, which will lie enjoyed
with friends in Ixx'kport, K Y.
Tho liver and kidneys must lo kept iu good
condition. II owl's Barsapanlla Is a great
remedy for regulating those organs.
Councilman Clrahani mid wife aro back
from Bt. lails. where they cnjjyil 11 ten
days' stay and took til the big exposition.
Miss Anna Wheeler, who has been vMtlng
nt the homo of her brother, Hon. II. II.
Wheeler on U ttrcit, hut Tuesday for Cali
fornia. Kov. O. A. Williams was at KebiM'ca City,
his former home, this week, attending tho
meetings of tho. First llaptint distr.ct ot Ko
Dennis O.sborncii uativo of India, dcllvcicd
a very luteuting lecture at Bt. Paul's M. li
church Wednesday evening, on tho customs
of his people.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Camp, accompanied by
Mrs. C. 'smother, Mrs. li li Keguler of Her
riugton, Kansas, returned from that place
F. L. Illscr, M. D., tho O street homeopath
1st, has distinguished liinisoif as a taxlderm
ist. His collections a -o raro and well worthy
or lns'iection,
Mr. Walter C. Dals, Junior and mnunglng
member or tho firm or A. M. Davis Sz Bon,
left Wednesday for Chicago and tho east on
a purchasing tour.
Mrs. I It. Btrnwbrldgo and Mis Minnie
Ilaughiiiau nttended thu convention of tho
W. M. F. 8. ns delegates, at KebrasU City
Thursday and Friday.
Will Hardy has been nursing 11 jct boil on
his neck this week, nnd knowing by oxhtI
enco jiiitt how to ujipreclato such iK'ts, wo ex
tend our wnrmest sympathy.
Lincoln Is furu'shing dozens of excellent
political speakers foi tho campaign, and their
names mo to bo seen In nearly cvury statu
j)ator that renvhe this ofllee,
Rov. K, II. Clll-Hi Vlsilei Vnik foveral
days this week, and on MVllltMlay delivered
an able addrss lefotA) tho convention of thu
state Clitlstiau Kndenvor society.
Df. Victor Is now "batching it." HH lxt-ter-huir,
nccompaiilLsl by her p&ront, Mr.
1)111) Mrs. J. II. U111111 or Olney, III., iu iwr
hig eastern Coloiwlo, sight-seeing.
A Nlioit tinier I till to tin NoMeil I'.very
Coinineiielin next Monday, OcIdIkt loth,
an Impmvf iiient in tho manner of serving the
niunilng meal at (Kliirs sipuiar uiniiig uau
will Iki Inauuiirated. Ileietotore, pations
have Ihimi lispilnsl to pay either twenty tUo
cenUiora ticket for each meal, and many
have oxpi essed a preference of taking In oak-
fast on tho KiiU)H'iin p'nn. 1. , avlng just
foi'what they want, Instead of taking regular
bieakfasi, Tho lesult Is that Mr. Odell, who
Is ever watchful for thu wants of his patrons,
has decided to give, the ontcrpi ise a ti Inl, and
accoullugly each table beiearter will bo sup
plied with a menu fiuiu wliicli guests may
oi-iler Just what their aps'lltes ilesliv.
To tho tunny who do not lellsh eating a
hearty breakfast, this plan will bo economical
and provides a llrst class renirt to dlno lit.
Tho pi Ices, as shown In tho menu below nro
the lowest or any in the city, wlillotno man
ner Iu which Odell's cooking Is done should lie
ample Inducement for everyone Iu tho city to
go their to enjoy their dilly meals.
Bliloln Bleak, UK.
Blrlolu Bteak, with onions, Ifte.
Tenderloin Bteak, Km.
Mutton Chop, plain, Hk
Mutton Chop, breadtsl, 15e
Pork Chop, 10c.
Pork Tenderloin, lOo.
Veal Cutlet. Ilk
Veal Cutlet, breaded, Iftc.
Ilreakfast Ilacon, I IK.
Liver nnd Ilacon, 10c.
Haul and Kggs, lac
Hum, liollod or filed, lOo.
Bausage, Ilk.
Two boiled F.ggs, KV.
Two Poached F.ggs, 10c.
Two 1'o.iclusl I'ggsou Toast, 15..
Two Ft led Kggs, UK.
Oatmeal and Milk, Ilk.
( 'nicked Whentiilld Milk, 10c.
Milk Toast, 10c.
Dry Toast, fie.
Dip Teast, fie.
Corn cakes with syrup, 10c.
lluckwhcat cake- ulth syrup, 10c.
Flannel inkes with syrup, 10.,
Tea, ColVeoor Milk, fie.
Ill end and llutter with all orders, filed po
tatoes also Included with all meats.
Tho A. O. IT. W. Omaha excursion train
loft yesteulay on time, H a. in., with live
eoachcH wellllllisl and thu military baud on
boaul to enliven tho trip nnd visit.
At n meeting or the management of the
Catholic fair ami icslival Mr. C. J. Daubach
was elected treasurer. It was a worthily be
stow ed honor, and put in tho right place.
Mrs II. I'. Foster and children havo retui n
from their trip east, and the family for the
present, until thoh' house i finished, will board
and loom at Mrs. Coleman's, ltW7 II strict.
L'lwrenco Murphy of Seaforth, Out., Is .ls
itlng his friend, Mr. (leorgo Kldd.and Is look
lug over Lincoln w ith n view or locating Wo
trust he may decide to liecomo a LIncolnitc.
Lincoln is getting more metiopolltan dally.
Now tioublo Is liable to occur on tho street
car lli-us caused by overworking the ill iveis,
and the council basordeieil an investigation.
Mrs. W. B. Uuiriuan anil her two charming
llttlo daughters aro at homo again and once
more our genial friend Huffman of HulVinan
V Hlcliter, enjoys homo life, iiud is accord
ingly happy.
Baniuel I). Cov, Ksij . s at home again, af
ter a threo win-ks' absence attending to the
business Incidental to the opening of tho Oif'x
Bt. Laiis branch oillco. Bam says tho new
oillco Is a succors.
Aro you going to glvo -1 party snonf If so,
don't fall to leavo your order for printing
witli the CorniKit. Wo aro tho only printing
house In tho city that nukes a specialty of
this class of work.
Mothers who have small children subject to
colds or croup slioul-l now pioeme a nouio 01
Chamberlain's Cough ltemedy. It can always
bo depended uisni. Is pleasant and safe. For
salo by W. J. Turner.
Our brilliant Universal took tho first pre
mium at the Xcliiaxka state fair. Our Lni line will take tho whole bakery. Call
and examine and be convinced. HioIaiwIs
ilardwaie and Iuipl-nielit Co,
llae you seen our new oillco yet I If not,
you aro 0110 of the fow who failed to accept
our invitation extended last week hi these
columns. Wo boast of having the finest uowb
papcr and printing otllco In thu west.
Aro you seriously thinking or getting tan
gled in lovo 01 do j 011 i-xiio'.-t to marry soonf
H son look at the Coi'iiiKii's stock or now
wedding stationery will bo an inducement to
you and act asan encoiiiagemcnt iu tho mat
ter. Try the delicious dinners at Carder's.servcil
dally. They comprise soup, choicest meats,
vegetables, pastry, i-tc, all for twenty-flvo
cents. Kverytliing is nicely cooked, neatly
served, and the price Is just 1 iglit for every
body. Tho Odd Fellows of the city have arranged
for a grand excursion to Omaha on Thursday
next to attend tho ineetlugor the grand hslge.
Hound trip only $1. 00; good going at S a.m. 1
regular train and return on sjieciul train at
Tho wedding or a ceitain .ory popular
druciiist or this city to a lady equally as h.i
ulnr in the social circles or Lincoln Is quietly 1
whlUK-itsl about among very intimate fi lends '
and thu airair Is to tako place early next
Mr. A. Austin, fntheror W. C. Austin, the
popular mayor of West Lincoln, has returned
ufter n year's absence, from Ban Diego, Oil ,
and will again enter tho Held of real estate
agents caieer, and begin booming up West
Don't fall to attend tho Catholic fair and
bazar at Teniplo hall next week. If on can
not go every evening, why, go as of ten as
tun can. The cause is a very charitable and
nobloono, and ceitainly dctorvlng of jour
Tho letter carriers glo their third annual
ball at Masonic Temple on Thursday evening
next. Like those ot previous yenis this airair
will beiundo thoroughly pleasant for nil elab
orato arrangements have been made, and you
aro invited to participate iu thu festivities,
(jood music and best order will provall.
Lincoln is tho cooler m the Knights or Pyth
ms work or Nebraska and has been tor sovtrul
years, Kothwithstandlng Omaha has moie
members. At tho crand lodge held at Fro
niont, Will livo or this city was elected
grand chancellor or Kt-braska to succeed Rich
ard O'Kelll. This makes tho third superior
olllcer iu succession that Lincoln has furnish
od, Undo John Mori isou bin lug been tho first
ofthotluvo. Pythian work iu Kebiutka is
constantly Increasing, nnd it is today second
largest iu membership of tho secret orders,
A flood Apctlio
Is essential to good hoiiltht but nt this season
It Is often lost, owing to tho jiovity or inipu
lityof tho blood, derangement or tho digestive
organs nnd tho weakening clfoctof tho chang
ing "Mison. Hooil s nnrsuiMriiui is 11 nunuui
fuluiodlclnotorercntlugnn nppetlto, toning
tho digestion nnd giving strength to tho whole
I system. Now Is tho tiino id muo 11. do sure
' to get Hoo l's Barsaimiilla.
ttZ "
This is tlic only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar
.-.ntccd to give satisfaction Call and sec it.
line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc.
Fall Patterns in Carpets
In Tapesttlcs, Ilruscs, Jlody llnisscl, Moqucttsaiul all o:hor
tine lloor covet ings. Our line of
Cannot be equaled In the west. Call and sec us.
A. 1VL Davis & Sor).
From Mother Goose
Not cut from the FIHhv Salt Creek but from the Clear nnd Pure Wnteis of
Delivered to all parts ot the city at rca-onahle pi lees.
itru 1 i3 WKJf 1 1 I vv
ieffOUli New G
atfJfeMJ WV - AT
g$jnw yIPPlvJKiRW
Mtjs M m a 111 4A " JB" o
9 jL Mustang Liniment a I
HovK rAtf Ns?" houm, umtu iiuuxxs una ull HiyuuuuTios.'x; N $."
1 y 1
134 South 12th St.,
Herbert Spencer