Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 13, 1888, Image 6

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ygnwuiWinniTlTrriTHTr iftfcrVlVVi""'"'r"r"''lV"'1 f lfcWHI)WilftlHMIilMWlWMHMf'WWWWMIWi
Were nil wlso rnoupli to herd this nJvIco In
season, n world of .uflcrlng would ta nvuldcd.
Tlio best mouths In which to tnko Hood's
ttartaparllt.1, tlyi creat blood imrlllcr, nro
March April May
At no other season Is tlio body no much In
Herd of, or ro susccptllilo to tlio benefit to I u
derived from Hood's Barsapaillla, ns now.
Tholniotcrlshcd coiulltlonot tlio blood, tlio
weakening cftectsof tlio lonp.rold wlutcr,tho
lost appetite, nnd that tired feeling, nil make
a good spring inrdlrlno absolutely necessary.
Try llorMl'ft Harsaparllla nnd you will bo con-
Inrrd llmt It Is tho Ideal spring medicine.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Polt tijr nil (lrnpclt. fdiUforf'. Prepurnloiitr
T C. 1. 11001) A CO., AlMillicrailci, Lowell, Mim.
100 Dosos Ono Dollar
TlulUtlnz coinpli tod or In course- of erection
trc-mAprtll, IttUij
lUislm-ss block. 0 H ontgoincry, tlth nnd N.
itn do I.WlMlhiiiMley.lltlim-nrN.
ItcstAurnut (Odella) 0 K MimtKoinery, N near
Itcsldfiicc, .1 .1 IndiorT, J nnd l'.lh.
do .1 1) Mnofitrlan.l, y and t llh.
do Joint .cluum. 0 nil I tlth
do Alln-rt tt'ntkln. I) tt Ml. nnd 10th
ilo Win M Iwiinnl. Kli'l Dili niul lutli.
ito i: Udutlulf, 3.TI11 niul S.
do J t: I teed, M ti, l bit lUih mi.1 17th
do 1. (I M HitMwtii. tt liet IStli nnd 18lh.
Sanitarium tmlMlnv' nt Ml Iron). Nob,
KIit. ltaptlt church, Ulh nnd K strfts.
ortunry u.t idjl n: I ivolvln, nt Wyuln
Rooms !13 nud 3-1
Rlolinrcls Bloolc
Help Wanted
Wanted nt 6licc a responsible part of
good address to represent
IlyllON. TWOS. E. HILL, author of
11IU' Manual of Social and Husl-
ncs Forms. In
An excellent opportunity to secure n good
position nnd make money. Sales can be
made on the Installment plan when desir
ed. Address for terms fin. I particular,
ioj State St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, Kansas
City, St. Louis and all points South,
East and West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Parsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson and all principal
points in Kansas.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. 1'uli.mav Sluuckks and
Free Rkcmkino Chair Cars an all
City Tkt Agent, Gcn'l Agent.
Cor. O and 12th Sts.
Wlmt Clin Press Pays Cor.ccrnlnu
Moru or Ie I'muttis.
Oustnv Preying, tlio Clrrmnii novelist, pre
fers not to tun tho tltlo of nobility w hlcli lins
been conferred ujion him.
Tlio emperor of Austria li very fond of
chnmol shooting, nnd In that sport uses nu
old fntliloucd inurzlo loading gun.
Tho crnr has oitlercd that henceforth all
tho dmnmtlo 111 lists of tho Russian liniicrlnl
thentro nro to wear n uniform In public, ,
llyrou Bnlrsberry, tho Unlaw nro peach
ijrower, recently mndo n prolltof two rent
on n carload of pcnclies thnt sold forf l,ISi.-IO.
Zola' icsidciico nt Mislati Is uineulflecntly
furnished nnd tho grounds, In swsoti, blnzo
with orchid, rhododendrons nnd geraniums.
Tho mllindo of Jnpan gets publicly nnd
uproariously drunk In broad daylight nud
swaggers nmund his palace liken eoiiiuiou,
every day drunkard.
During tho I'rlnco of Wales' recent visit
to llombui'irho Initialed somo wheelbarrow
races, with ladles In tho bnrrons trundled
nloui; by tho highest Kuullsh nobility.
Tho richest nnd most liillucutnl Chlnninnn
In Chlcngo Is II fp Lung, tho inn) or of tho
Colestlnl colony Ihoro nnd tho laundry king
of tho city. Ilo Is a llttlo mnii physically.
Ills fortuuo nuioiiuU to (L'OO.UJU,
An old gyiy iimncd lUfne) hm nsked tho
emiieror of AutrlIo luvcNt lilmwlth tho
dignity of king of tho gyise, bctmuso ho
can prove his direct descout from King
I'linrnoh. Ilo proiuUus to innkn tlio gypslt
renso their vngrnut bnblts nud liocoiuo
orderly people, lit to untcr tho nrniy.
A negro by tho nmno of Hi, who uns
lately convicted of murder In tlio llrst degreo
nud mnteneod to bo lintigi'd nt llrnudenbtirg,
uns granted n now trlnlou tho ground that
bo bml not been convicted byn. Jury of his
jiecrs. Thero ns no colored mnii on tho Jury
that tried him.
It is related of I'rlnco Dlsmnrck thnt whtlo
luiectliig tho harvest work 011 his Holds not
long slneo two of tho leaping m onion, fol
lowing 1111 old custom, foiled him nnd bound
him with bauds inudo of straw. Tho chan
cellor Mibiulttcd with good gmco, nud ex
tricated himself by xiyluj: 11 llborul riinsom.
Ho rodo iiwny in his enrringo with tho straw
baiuU still fastened round his nrmx
Historian Itnucroft visited Miu Toll: at
Kushvlllo, Tenu., not long ngo and borrow et
tho Into presidents Btato pnpciti. Ilo roturinsl
them to hor n fow dnyn ngo with n noto in
which ho wild: "I bono my life will bo nimrctl
to complcta my history to tho closo of your
husband's udiulutstrntlon. Thnt will closo
my life work. I nm engaged w Ith n corpi of
typowrltera nnd clerks, nnd 1 bollovo will bo
ublo to accomplish tho task."
Dlulztilu, tlio rebellions son of Cctownyo,
Is 1111 enormous black with n dovelopmcut of
brain nbovo other African chief. Ilo U n
total abstainer from Intoxicant, but maUeu
up for this asceticism by maintaining n largo
number of wives. Ho is a warrior by hcrodl
tary taste, and his tremendous physical
strength nnd wonderful swiftness ni n runner
givo lilm ga'ntlullucueo over his holdlcm. It
Is said of him that, unlike his kind, ho has 11
scuso of humor nnd is n henrty laugher.
I)ut ho Eomot.mca thinks things funny that
to n whlto man are quite- otherwise.
''I sco Gen. Crook on tho floor of tho lionrd
tho trado nearly ovcry day." Bald 0110 of '.ho
rounders tlio other day, "out no ono who
doesn't know him would tnko him for nn In
dian fighter. Ho Is of medium height, but ii
well built, broad shouldered nnd deep chested.
Ho wears n full beard below a pair of ell
bronzed checks. Ills eyes nro qulo'c ntul
pcuctratiug, and ho has tho noso of nlinuk.
It is tho uoso of n warrior liko Wellingtons
or Napier's. Ho wears n light mcl: coat of
grayish silk, dark trousew nud a straw hat
Ho is Eoldom without gloves. Ho conies 011
early, generally In tow of Jimmy Doyil or
Eotno such man, nud stays quite a long while."
At Kisslngen tbo chancellor breaks through
tho general rule, and appears out of uniform,
his favorlto dress being 11 long black over
coat nud n soft felt bat with n wldo brim.
Another characteristic featuro of tho Kis
slngen hoiiM) Is an outer court yard, which is
tilled with a noisy assorted family of ducks,
fowls, turkeys, geco ntul other birds, not ono
of which does Ulsmarck allow to bo lemovcd.
Ho is understood to spend hours In feeding
uud watching his curiously rusorted family,
In whoso raids and quarrels and feuds ho
may possibly find nn ornithological parallel
for much thnt is passing among tho mombcrs
of tho still inoro curiously nssortcd European
"happy family," with its Hear nnd Lion and
Englo nud Turkey and proudly crowing Cock!
Robert Louis Stovcnsou's voyngo on tho
South bens goes to show tomo of tho possibil
ities of Amcrlenu enterprise nowadays. Tho
whole trip was got up by tho schcmlug brain
of a manager of uowsimpor syndicates. Mr.
Stevenson hires tho yacht, well equipped,
thoroughly seaworthy, and supplied with all
tho modern luxuries, nnd sails nway on n
voyngo of interest nnd novelty. Meanwhile
nil bills nro paid by tho man who manages
tho nowsnniier syndicate. When Mr. Btovcn-
son returns ho will pass over to him tho man
uscript embodying tho novelist's reflections
and discoveries on tho voyage, nnd tho salo
of this manuscript in America, England and
Australia will more than rulnibui-bo tho syn
dicate manager. Times linvo changed sinco
Milton sent ''Pnrudlso Lost" begging ann)ug
tbo publishers.
tlcnuly of tho "TrunU Nklu."
A woll known fomnl't physician said tho
other day. "Among tint young w onion rev
turned from their summer outing Is mom
than over noticeable what h now known as
'tho t"iiiih skin.' It is extremely beautiful
nud wn nlnnxt unknown unions women of n
prevlout gcucrutlou. It Is ns smooth and
polished us rutin, lino nnd closo In toxtun ns
ivory, Is n clear, delicate bbcult In color)
transparent, nud with tho rich coloring show
ing through rather than lying mi tho surfnro.
It gives (ho Impression, nlsn, of exquisite
rlennllncM. It Is tho result of sunlight nud
fresh air and tho healthful process of cleans
ing every kh-o of tho skin dally with crspl
ration. Nothing visit clean the skin llko tho
molsturo that Hows through It from warm,
pilck Mowing blood, No water put 011 tho
tnitsldo has n liko cu"cct to tho water that
tomes from tho Inside, This Is the tcison
why It Is called 'the tenuis skin,' bccnUKO the
girls who piny tennis wash nut their skins
w Ith iiersplrntlou nt b-nst once u day.
"There Isnnothersort, uiiiln Very iK'nutlftil
ono It is, known ninong tbo girls ns 'a Tin k
Mi bath skin.' That conies from thorough
sweating, too, but whlloltls very lovely 1
llko It less than tho tenuis skin, because tho
lleih nud muscles not mndo ns linn
beneath It ns by that outdoor exercise, nud
thcrcforo tho contours underneath It nro less
round nud smooth nud It does not wear so
well; wind nud sun Injure- It, it Is given to
freckling uud to chnpplng, nud hot rooms
mnko It dry and florid, wlillo tho tenuis skin
Is warranted to stand anything nud keep Its
lienuty. Tlio Turkish bath skin is veltcty
ruthcr than satiny, nud lins nmo leaf nud sen
shell sot t of tints, nil pink and white Instead
of brow 11 nnd red. Hut Is Is very pretty."
New York World.
Tlio "How Ii'jn o?" Hcnson.
Tho "How d'jo dor1 sensou has fully conio,
nud tho iHirlotl in which greetings nro often
est board Is tho presont earliest dnys of
nutunin, when tho summer, though dend, Is
not yet borne to her chilly tomb by 1'ntcr
Time. Those nro tho days of "Howd'yo dof
between countless thousands; between brlcily
tundereil friends, between widely separated
comrades hi tho battles of tho iwist, conio to
Join In tho veterans' reunion and tho Urnnd
Army's gatherings. Those nro dnys ns full of
social warmth nud heartiness us they nro of
1u1tum1r.1l sunshine, mid ns rich In tho awak
ening of friendships ns In varied fruits nud
Tho "How d'yo dor' is ubiquitous. It falls
gratefully nnd musically upon tho car from
tho thronged trottoir, In tho places of nmuso
ment in tho shopi, iutho druwing rooms and
the iwrlor, and nt tho threshold of tho sanct
uary, It la expressed in n variety of ways
that lias scarcely an cud, ranging from tho
hearty nnd sincere u tho formal nud non
committal. Thero nro "Qlad to too you's,"
spoken in a way that cloarly menus "Don't 1
caro a continental wlio'.her I ever seo you or
not," and thero nro "How d'yo do'sP that 1
cannot possibly bo hit irprctcd us Implying n
question or expressing nny curiosity. Uut '
ttioso nro fctrnggicra tu tit? groat nnny of cor
dial greetings that 1111 the autumn air with
countless ovidencci of tho cxistcueo of tho
vast ocean of mutual friendships, regnrd ami
kindly feeling thntcnvclops tho human race.
Tho autumnal "How d'yo dof season isntlts
height, and In its fullness of cordiality tho
"Good-by'sP of early cuuuner nro forgotten.
It Is more blessed (0 c?ii back than to go
forth.-1'ittbburg Ilullolin.
A Hawaiian PrlticcsV funeral.
Tho report of tho flunuco commltteo on tho
stato funeral of her ltoyal Highness Princess
Llkcllko tins bean printed. Tho orders room
in genernl to hnvo lecn given by tho king
personally, accompanied In somo casci by a
moro or less dcflnlto ropivsontation that tho
govenuncnt would nssumo thorn, or that tho
privy council would pass n resolution to
pettlo the bills. Asnti csainplopf tho reck
lessness and wanton profusion of tho expen
diture, tho following facts will sufllco: Eight
hundred and thirteen suits of clothing for
men nnd boys, VA shirts, 749 liati, 710 pairs
of shoes, 837 dresses, to bay nothing of tho
other articles of attire, mnsculiuo nnd fem
inine, wero given out, tho aggregato cost
being over $2.C00.
Tho commltteo find that commissions wcro
paid to certain turtles for orders, nud that,
as Mr. Mautalini would say, orders wcro
pressed ou persons who had no jiosslblo uso
for nuythlug of tho sort. Another expedient
which was practiced wns to tako out tho
amount of tho order in other tlJngsnn or
der for n black mourning suit in baby
clothes, for Instance. Tho commltteo lccom
mended tho paymentof claims to tho amount
of something over $10,000, designating cer
tain claims, w hich nro clearly for legltlmato
and necessary expenses, to bo paid'tiu full,
and declaring thnt tho rest bo divided among
tho different claimants ns shall f com proper.
As to tlio reslduo tho claimants should pro
ceed ngniust his majesty's estate, which, ac
cording to tho bhow ing beforo tho committee,
seems clearly llablo for tho uinotinU Hono
lulu Qnsetto.
Iloir Ilayiiiomt Itmrupit n Colored
from it Wnlrry flritrr.
A good story, lllustratlvo of tho presenco
of mind of tho Into John T. Itnyiuond, Is told
by an old actor. Itnymond's company wns
making a ono night stop Inn llttlo Georgia
town. Tho piny wns ouu In which tho ocean
played u prominent part. Tho only oeenti
owned by tho managers of tho thentrowns
very old nud weak. It bad m-oii much duty
nnd wns In n very crippled condition.
To llhiHtrnlo tho rolling of tho waves, n
number of street gamlui wcro hired to go
undcrnoatli n big blue cloth and bob up and
doit 11,
Tho play wns In Its most Interesing part,
lliymoud wns getting oil" souni of his host
gags. Ho wns tho only actor on the stage,
mid thonudienco was uproarious, when an
ncclilcut occurred that caino near wrecking
tho piny.
Among tho "waves'' was n little negro,
Tho spneo was very narrow under tho ocean,
nnd the lioblwr got qulto wnrm. Tills jrnr
tlcular llttlo negro felt tho heat. Ho removed
ono by 0110 his habiliments, until his ml
shirt nlouo co vol oil his imkodnest.
In tho'mldst of 0110 of Raymond's best gags
tho old hluo cloth ocean suddenly ripped nud
broke, nnd tho nforomciitloucd llttlo negro
wns seen gallantly struggling with tho waves
".Mnii ovcrlioardl" cried out Itnymoiitl.
Homo of tho slngo hands, dreswd ns sailors,
rushed In nud throw the llttlo negro n rope.
Tho "drowning wnvo" grabbed an end and
tho sailors drngged him out. When tho au
dience saw tho llttlo pickaninny In nothing but
his red (latmel shirt, they simply roared.
Tho little negro wns tho hero of tho town
over afterward. Now York Evening Bun.
Stonewall .lurkmm's .l.ilin.
I'ow mon wero over moro profoundly nud
Invariably sorlous thnu Stoiiowull Juckson.
Prior to tho wnr ho was professor of natural
nud oxjicrimeiitnt philosophy nt tho Virginia
Military institute, uud while in thnt liositlon
ho made what is boltuved to havo boon his
first nud last Jobo.
Ono morning ho called up n mciiilicr of tho
graduating cltss, uud with tho utmost
gravity propouudod tho following scientific
question t
"Why Is it Inqiosslblo to send n ti'legrnphlo
dispatch from IexIngton to Btaimtoii'
Tho cadot rclleoted for somo moments, nnd
then ivplicd that the explanation of this phe
nomenon doubtless lay In tho fnct that tho
nmount of iron ore in tho mountain drew tho
magnetic cm rent from tho whoa.
A covert smile touched upon Jackson's
features, Hod away, nnd ho said: "Xo, sir;
you can tnko your seat."
Another wns called up, but ho too fulled to
explain tho mystery. A third, nud then n
fourth wero equally unsuccessful, Jncksou
listening to their theories with profound nt
toutlou, but wltli tho samo sly biuilo which
had greeted tho first attempt.
This sinilo probably uttractcd tho nttcntiou
of tho next cadet who wns called. Hlscoun
toiinnco lighted up, his Up broku into n siullo
in return, nud ho said:
"Well, MnJ. Jackson, I reckon It must bo
bocnuso thero is no telegraph between tho
two places."
"You are right, sir," replied Jackson, who
had suddenly resumed his composed expres
sion. "You can tako your seat."
Then ho called tho class to order, nnd
calmly proceeded with tho recitation ns If
nothing had happened, Youth's Companion.
Owns and operates (WOO miles of thoroughly
oulpped road In Illinois. Wisconsin, Iowa,
Missouri. Mlnni'sotn 11ml Dakota.
It Is tho llrst Direct llnutn liotMOCii nil tho
Prluclpal 1'olnts In the Northwest, Southwest
and Far West.
For maps, tlmo tables, rates of passneo nnd
freight, etc., apply to nearest station ngent ot
OUIOAOO, Mii.waukkk it Mr. l'AUI. IU11.
WAY, or to nny llallroad Agent anywhere In
the world.
General M'e'r. Cien'l fns-. A Tkt Agt,
J. F,'rUCKi;it, OKI). II. llUAFKOUl),
As-t-Oen' -Mirr. Aut, a. P. & T. Agt.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Different Stjlcs In Btutloncry.
Elegant pcoplo will not write with lines,
oven though their characters spread nil over
tho page. Bo tho best paper is cither In tho
small squares or blank surface, "Shagreen"
Is a favorlto brand. It Is n thick bond paper
in nil tints, but most preferablo in sovcro
white. Tho largo squaro envelope, for which
tho taper is folded once, is in domaud. Tho
extra long narrow styles ore confined to notes
and Invitations.
Bright colors nro novor elegant. Thero nro
pooplo who will wrlto their sentiments on
green paper nnd send tliem In a yellow en
velope, In deflnnco of all good taste. Tbcao
outre styles can only bo tolerated in children
or schoolgirls.
(Sealing wax has had n renaissance, aud Is
again returned to tho past. It is too much
trouble, and unless skilfully used disfigures n
letter. It is nover in bad taste to uso it,
howovcr, especially with mourning corre
spondence. Detroit Free Press.
Ilo Snvrd llh Neck.
We can a ouch for a remarkable "find" In
tho caso of n gallant Federal oillccr of Drool;
line, Mass., who, upon visiting ono of tho
battlciblds around Richmond somo fourteen
years after tho war, traced up tho former lo
cation of his command nud found tho neck
of a chnmpagno bottle, with which was con
nected n llttlo lueldentof those stirrlngtlmes.
Tho bottle, with Its exhilarating contents,
had been carefully 'witched over nnd saved
for some tlmo previous to tho battle, for tho
purposo of "celebrating tho ovcut," when
Richmond wns captured. A sudden dash of
Confederates, howovcr, changed tho pro
posed programme, nud headquarters had to
bo hastily abandoned, but not beforo tint
neck had l-ccu knocked off tbo precious
bottlo nnd Its contents put beyond tho roach
of tho attacking Confederates. Thoofllcer
mentioned nbovo has slneo had tho neck
mndo into n bandsomo ornament for his
ofllco tablo, nud naturally prizes it very
highly on account of the peculiar associations
counectcd with It, Norfolk Landmark.
MBFo: Information In reference to T.RnJs
ilii Towns owned by tho Ulilcnpo, Mllwnu
faMiA hl. Paul ltullwuv Comranr rria to II.
O HAUaAK.I.nnd ComniUslonor.Millwaukco
Tlio Eucalyptus for Doltcrs.
In their official roport to Rear Admiral
niinrlinnll. rommandaiit of tbo liavv vard. a
board of nnvnl ciurlnudr stated thev consld- I llko." as
trod tho uso of tbo eucalyptus boiler scale I tough paid his faro with fovcrlsh haste, nud
prevent! vo of great advantogo hi lessening! Immediately becatno as mild us a lamb.
tbo deposit ot scalo ana tu rentier! ng wlmt is . xsosion iranscnpu
As Mild as it Lamb.
On tho rear platform of n Into south end
car ono night not very long ngo thero was n
quarrelsomo tough, who was linlUiRwcd to
pay his faro, but perfectly willing, us ho
mado proclamation, to clean out tho car for
flvo cents. Tho conductor v. oro tho G. A. R.
button; ho looked at tho button nnd then
glanced at four iiassongers who wcro simi
larly decorated. Tho four pasvmgeru wan
dered out in tho platform "kind o' permlscus
Arteinus ward would say; tuo
deposited soft and easily removable, prevent
ing as it docs tho scale from adhering to tho
surface of the boilers. Tho test had been
employed In the steaming bolters of the
Richmond for over a year, aud tho lutcrlor
rfaees ha" been kept free from scale with
out tho usi of bcallng tools, tt being only
necessary t wash tho boilers out with a
strong Jet of water from tho steam hose. In
distilling boilers tho deposit of scalo was also
lessened. Tho Interior surfaces of 1U0 boil
ers, these ofllccrs reported, show no sign of
pitting or corrosion. Scientific American.
To Save tl:o Accnt's Time.
Tills Is tho ugo of brevity In business trans
actions. Placards, hum rous and seml-scri-ous,
distributed In mercantile houses, say so.
Tbo very latest indication of rush aud a con
venient means to save tlmo nro tho signs in
tbo stations along the Now Haven road
tacked up over bomo of tho clocks. They say;
"This is a clock. It is going. It is tho cor
rect time. Now shut up." The placurds savo
tbo station mon a heap of time Now York
Artistic I'xnggcrntlou.
Col. Wnde, representative from a Sllssourl
district, has mado for himself qulto n reputa
tion for nrtlstlo exaggeration and It takes
nu artist in this lino to nttrnct attention at
tho national enpltr.l. Col. Wndo wears a
military coat buttoned closo to his chin, giv
ing lilm much tho nppenrauco of n preacher.
Ills delivery Is very Impresslvonnd, with tho
unsuspicious, convincing. Tho colonel would
not hcsltnto to claim that In n historic gmno
of draw jwker played for cofteo beans out nt
his form, ho drew threo cards to n
pair of queens and filled out a royal
sequenco, nnd no ono but nu oxicrt
would doubt what tho colonel said,
and oven tho expert would not question his
sincerity. Recently Col. Wndo took n trip
down tho river and bpont n fow days in quiet
Maryland. When ho returned ho found n
constituent from n remote part of Ids district
waiting to seo lilm. Tho colonel was nil affa
bility. Ho took tho Mlssourinu to tho housj
and in tbo courso of n lull In tho proceedings
escorted him to tho restaurant. A member
who sat near Col. Wado's tnblo heard him re
lating tho circumstances of his triii. "Out
in Missouri," ho was saying, "you get no
Idea of wbnt tho world is. You sco nono or
tho wonders of nature Tho east, sir, Is some
thing wonderful. You havo heard of tho
big trees of California! They nro nothing
nothing ntnl' sir to what 1 saw tho day
lieforo yr-terdsy. What would you think
of nn cuk tree 05 paces hi diameter? 1
paced it off mjsclf. I would not trust nny
ono else, Aud fishing In tho bay I Why, 1
saw ono man pull outt),C00 fish In ndny.
Fact, sir. They nover cat fish there. Thoy
uso them for fertilizers," And tho open
mouthed Mlssourlau sat with his eyes bulg
ing from his bond, without n sign ot doubt
or suspicion 011 his face. Chicago Herald.
Tlio Uulliif; Piuslon.
Tho comedian Kills ton used to tell n story
that humorously lllusti ates the ruling passion
strong hi death.
Mncready wasot ono time alarmingly ill
so HI that tlio most serious consequences
wero feared and tho most dcsiwuding steps
taken, such as tho administration of the sacra
incut, etc. Elllston called to see him and was
admitted to tho chamber of tho presumably
dying tragedian, who feebly expressed a be
lief in his approaching dissolution. Ellls
ton, deeply moved by his friend's prostra
tion, offered to do nny tervlco In his power,
strongiy enjoined tho family to keep tho suf
ferer quiet aud glided 011 tiptoo out of tho
room. Ho had not reached tho bottom ot
tho stn',-caso when an nudlblo whisper
reached lilm: ".Mr. -Ulston, step up for n
moment, Mr. Macroady wishes to speak to
Ha went up softly anil approached tho bed
of tho dying man, supposing that somo post
humous attention wns to bo required of hhn.
Elllston addressed him with soothing synv
pa.hy. Macready gavo a slight Indication
of temporary relief, and in broken acccuts
"EMIst-on, do you thl-nk that 'Rob Roy,'
ro-duced to two-acts, wruld be-a good utter
pleco for-my-bcuciltl" Detroit Free Press.
Its Greut Ilvanty.
Tbo president of tho Ilritlsh association
cited this Imaginary toast at tho recent meet
ing! "Hero's to tho latest scientific discovery.
May it never do any good to anybody." This
it only n now version of nn old story told
about tho late Professor Henry Builth, of Ox
ford. Ilo was cxputjating ono day to his pu
pils on tho beauties of u mathematical discov
ery; "but tho great beauty of tt is, gentle
men," ho ndded with humorous enthusiasm,
" that It cannot possibly bo of uny use to any
body." New York Tribune,
Tho most ancient of banking transactions
When Pharoah got a check ou tho Red 8
bauk, which was crossed by Moses.
Finest : Production..
1 '
1 '
1 1
N l(
Jarvis' California Pear Cider.
This delicious summer beverage is made in California, from very ripe mellow
Uartlett Pears. In the height of the ilpcning bcaton many tons of pears become too
ripe for shipping or canning purposes, they can then be utnllzcd by pressing tk tn Into
elder. The fresh juice is boiled down two gallons intoone, nnd is then strained through
pulverized char coal. This heating, condensing nnd straining completely detlroys fcr
mcntntion.nnd the elder ever afterwards remains sweet nnd good and is n most healthy
and nutritious article for family use.
Knowing there arc many spurious ciders sold In tills market we offer the nbov
explanation with the eminent testimonial of Piof. J. II. Long, Very Respectfully,
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Sole" Proprietors,
San Jose, California. 39 N, State Sticrt Chicag.
Chicago, Tiny 7th, 1887.
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Gentlemen!
I have made made n chemical examination of the sample of Jan is' Pear Cidc
submitted to 111c a few das ago, and would report these points among others noted,
'1 he liquid is non-alcoholic and has a specific ginvity of 10.65. The total extrac
tive matter amounts to 10.25 per cent., containing only .025 per ccntoi ficc arid. The
tccts show this arid to be malic ncld ns usuallv found in i'rult juices. I find no other
acid or foreign rubstnncc added for color or tlavor.
I believe it, therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear ns represented.
Yours truly,
J. II. LONG, Annhllcol Chemist,
Chlcogo Medical College.
San Jose, Oil. 39 N. State St. Chicago
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants,
. !$k. Jtj.1.''