Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 13, 1888, Image 4

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    "IHr j-"
i)".i,4-.4K'wiM?!H-'"i'1-TrT-T"T"-f n-r-rrx (-'i,; l"Y.irr"i"-r4T"'l'''"''"''y''Wl''
ef "jrm '
Be Sure
If you have m.vlo up your mind to buy
lloml'a 8rparlll do not bo Induced to tnko
any other, llood'a rVusapnrllla I n peculiar
medicine, posse-Ming, by virtue of II peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
rurallvo power auperlor to any other article.
A liostnn lady who knew what alio wanted,
and whoso oxfiniplo I worthy Imitation, tell
her cxporlriico bclowi
'In ono atom where I went to buy Ifood't
Straaparlll. tho clerk tried to Induce mo buy
their own Instead of llood'a) hotoldmolhclr'a
would last longer) that I might tako It on ten
days' trial) that If 1 did not like It 1 need not
pay anrthliiR, etc. Hut ho could not prevail
on mo to change, I told him I knew what
llood'a Karaaparllla was. I had taken It, waa
ll.tUHlwlthlt,nnd did not want nny other.
When I began taklnR llood'a Baraaparllla
I waa foclliw real miserable, sulTcrliiir
a Krcat deal with dyspepsia, nnd no weak
that at tlmo 1 could hardly aland. I looked,
ami bad for aomo time, like a person In con
sumption, llood'a Haraapnrllla did mo ao
much Rood that I wonder at myself sometime,
and my friend frequently apeak of It." Man.
Ki.ijv A. dorr, 01 Terraco Street, lloston.
hold by all tlruitflUU. H I lx fr f't l'rcpired only
bf C, 1. UOOll A CO., AlKillicrarloi, Umoll, Mm.
IOO Doooa Ono Dollar
Pliilharmonio Orchestra
Omcc,Rooins 139 nnd 140 llurr ltluqk.
Telephone 13.1,
Leaders in Photography.
ffEU 5
Wc make n specialty of the celebrated
Life sled pictures nnd furnlub the Illicit
vvoik at lowest price.
Boat Cnblnots $3.00
Klegnnt line of Picture Finnic in stock
nnd made to order. Call and fee ui.
loifi O Street, LINCOLN, NKH.
New Jewelry Store,
L. 13ARR,
.019 O Street. UntablUhcil IS7.
He.Hlrealoealltlio nltentlon of the public to
bU now ami elegant stoolc of
Watches, Clocis, Jewelry, Silverware,
Hiving more room to accommodate tho trade
anJ show n Inrtcr lino Hum ever llefore pur-
cliaalm;, give iiMucallaud wo will kIiow you
Ilia iliiuftt line ut lowest possible price.
Watch Repairin and Engraving
Neatly done nnd nil work warranted.
122 South Twelnh Street.
M. HANDS, Manogor,
nealcr In IiIrIi crado Manes: The staiulanl
Wolmsav A B'i'h, Clilrkerlng and Knalw JC Co.
Hie elegant llehr ilro. & Co. nnd Vono A Son.the
.lurablrtjiiine Jt. Htnrr .t Co., tho erlebmtml
btory tt C'larlt organ. Mnnf Hold on Install
ments or for cash. Old Instrument taken In ex
change. An Invitation extended to all to exam.
Inn the j Instrument nnd get prices that jou can
nut gvlclftewhert).
Ladies5 & Gents1
At greatly reduced prices
1043 O Street.
B , 1214 O street.
fSkatnlna samples of our ork befoic
ordering elsewhere.
Cabinet Photographs' reduced from $.jto
1 3 per down
A lmlitr lipfrof Mmlem 7Vihcj.
iunsauiTioKi On Ywrfiy Mall or Carrier t ifl)
Hlx month, 51,00, Threo month 60 Cent, On
month 80 Out liivarably In Advance.
nKitTltxitvTH:ltftte furnished cm npplKatlm
ntthooflleo. Hpeelnl rales im Time Contra I.
CoMTitimmoK! Hhnrl fplry sVelchc, h-iii nnd
atorle solicited, Personal and Boclat note are
especially deslmhle.
I'mxtimii Wo nmlw n spoclolly of Kino Printing
In all It branches. Boclcty work a Hilalty
Address all ooinnnmlcntlon direct to Ihoofllee,
r.niTou Aim raoridcTon.
Now llurr Mock, Cor. 12th nnd O Bircr'.j.
TKI.KI'IIONI'. 23.1.
Tim council InvostlKntlon of tho stirot enr
busbies pi oiulso to be it moat scnsntlonnl
I.iXcor.NNnot n pioblbltlon town, but n
good iiowiifnll of wnter would bo n blessing,
or nt leant classed n one.
Tin: JitnovLIIv mill lier l'leddlo nrilved
In Now York iikiiIh Sunday. Wo hnvo not
yet noticed oven the slightest tipping of the
out th toward the cost.
TiiKiienploof Now Yoik mo bnppy n
ohiiu. For tho Hint tlnio In Ha hIMory their
ball club ha won tho leagtu ieiiuniit. It
doein't tnko much to inake wnuo ieoplo linppy
Tin: street rnr 1I1 Ivor nnd conductors of
ClilciiKilinveatriiek. Their netlon I to bo
iiiiiiiiirudcd, Any 0110 who him ever ildib'ii
In n Chlengo atiectcar will undoistaiul why
they atiuelc.
Tun Journal nvora thnt nntuntl ga bna
lieen dikcoveivd In Kixt Lincoln. In tho nb
nence of jkwUIvo lnfornmtlon on tho htibjoet,
wo oilno that Robert McHeynolda t 0110 of
tho RtnlTof our inoriilng conteinpoiary.
TllK street car eonipanles hould Ksno n
map, guide or omothliig or other to desig
nate where their respective line run. An old
eltlen oven U nt a losn to direct untinngcr
who t'liqulreu tho ahoiteitt route to n certain
Tun nnnouneeuient thnt the now union lc
pot wnannnMtiml fact, In last Sntuiilnj'
Couiukii, oernloticd considerable excitement
In bimliieaiclrclcH, nnd many mixloux imiut
rles wero imured In upon u. It was n j;rnud
sec op on tho diillleH.
Ah yet no duels hnvo been fought over tho
controversy n to whether tho evening news
paper gang or tho Journal nlno wn vlelorl
ova In last week ball gaino. The pi-pondcr-mice
of todtluiony, honowr, I In fnvorof the
former, nnd so history w HI record It.
With breadatuir climbing upward like n
grocery bill nud other neoessarles of llfo In
pmportlon, tho outlook for tho Kor man thi
w Inter is very bad. W 0 hour n great denl
about tho bountiful harvest of lb8S, but why
m-o tho price of provisions going up.
TllK wintry wind nro commencing to whis
tle, tho smile on the coal inau's face expand
Into a grin, nnd yet wo hear nothing of Ueo.
0. Miln projecting another tour of tho pixiv
lures. Oeorgo must Ihi out of tho country or
wo would hnvo heard from him before thl.
Tun production of n draiiiatlzntloii of Ame
llo Hives "The Quick or tho Dead," In New
York laht wetk was u dUmnl fbilure, nnd tho
hlstrlonio genius even of Estello Clayton
could not prevent its falling Hat. Wi wm
glad to bear of It; such n vile umss of nou
seiiMi deserves ft speedy death.
Oon poetic friend of tho Journal had better
keep linn grip 011 hi laurel as a 1 hymestcr.
From the seething and writhing noticeable
in tho Call lately, It I probable that Fair
brother wlllsboitly ovolvo from bis labyrln
thlan brain ono of hi Justly celebrated bit of
fancy woven Into veno. In tho lnnguago of
our friend Hushuell, it will bo n winner.
iTi said that if 0110 speak into n phono
graph nnd afterwards hoaro bU wonU ourel
forth t'niin that iimtrutuoiit that he w ill not
recogulio tlio tone. Thero I nothing very
btrangrt In thnt. Many men go to their couch
es wltli a uiollow, scHluctlvo voice that wooes
the gentle goddess Immediately, nud wnko up
w Ith ono so rasplsh that tho nelghliors nil use
ittosharien their wits on. Ho I indeed a
wise mail who knows hi own voice twenty
four hour nfter using it
It I very dlfllcult lor 11 young man of un
biased mind to decide w ith w hich ini ty ho
will train. Aeconllngto tho ivnuul lean or
gan tho demojiiitlo party I endeavoring to
disrupt and bankrupt tho nation, wldlo tho
democratic partisan papers assert that tho re-
publican jmrty Is n venal and corrupt orgun.
iatlou with tho object in view of making tho
American cither an aristocrat or a pauper.
Knelt side lie to sustain its po-ltion, and tho
young man who has nor inherited tho paivii'
tal prejudice as to party I In a perplexing
row of stumps.
Anotiik Lincoln gentleman bis. found out
that it Is dangerous to contradict Hon. Pat
rick l'gau. In 11 recent letter Mr. I'.ui men
tioned soveral historical facta 1 elatlvo to com
mercial relation between Ireland nnd Kng-
land, which Prof. Caldwell of tho stato uni
versity, through tho columns of tho Call, fcftw
lit to contradict. Bovcrulopen letters hnve
passed between tho two, and Mr. Kgan hns
clearly proven the fultity of his adversary's
position. Mr. Kgan i ono of our n ctt highly
cultured citizen, and cnu lloor nn opjiouont
with tho utmobt easo In either n sclentille,
bUtoricul or olltIeal discussion.
IN a recent Iss-uo of tho Omaha world np
iworsftvery jieculiar story entitled "Tho
Christian Minister; a Btory of tho Social
Kvll," with tho siguaturo of that most versa
tile writer, Mr. Fred Nye. In it U pictured
n Christian minister who endeavor to lend n
fallen nniunii from the hilfpiltoti path ho I
tn-adliiK, tnko her froiu her ovll associations
mill ti ie to llnd her n home nmonir the Chris
I Inn Hoilo of hi couxreKntloii, It I tho wny
of the world to shun theso women n though
they worn leper, nnd so fated the outciiat of
thlaatory, who, with n full realization of the
depth of her depravity, seek n suicide'
Ki-nvo. It I n strong story, nnd need no
scientific nppllanco to discern n inoft (minted
Hkvkiiai. proiiiineiit Onmhn nierchnnta nre
endeavoring to Inaugurato tho cosh systoro In
thntrlty, mid mo think It n very kkx1 plnti to
ndopt by Lincoln business men o fnr 11 lime
tlcnble. Wo have rejHMitodly urged iik)ii
inerch.iiita mid consumers tho benellt ouch
would dcilve If tho cash sjstein wm jmlveis
nlly mtaptcd. Tho limn who mnko It n proc
tlce to have hi pui-chose charged make tho
cost of In good from 10 to Si or cent, dear
er than they would lie Mere ho to join with
hi fellow nnd my cash. It would pay tho
consumer luniiotlier way. lie would learn
the real purchasing vnluo of n dollnr, mid
would not be ho npt to buy good ho doc not
need, simply liccniin bo will only hnvo to net
tle It ut Mime indvllnlto tluio in the future.
Cash by nil iiienii.
TllK city paers have boon devoting somo
space lntly to lielaltoilng tho Wwtern Union
telegraph ollleo In thl city for general nils
iiinnagemeut and disregard to tho Interest of
it patron. Kverything that ha been wild
Isdoubtlen tine, nud wo bellovo the half ha
not yet Usui told. For jenm tho Western
Union oceupld a -Jail ollleo in the city, nnd
when It moved to larger (pinrters our twoplo
nntleipntisl n chnugo for the liottor In Us ser
vice, but it lias hteadlly grown worse until It
1 n thing not to lie borne longer In silence.
We do not know where tho blame lies, wheth
er It I Incompetency on the jwut of tho innte
oger or lnuillclency of force to do tho work",
but It ln thing Hint call for Immediate ree
tlllcntlon. Lincoln wnnt something inoio
than a country telegrnpli service, nud If tho
Western Union ha any regniil for Its inter
est hero it will do something to remedy the
ubiiM!. If tho company would employ ono cr
t m (Htllto mcsHongur It might also lie classed
is mi Improvement,
"Wo nro willing to benr personal testimony
to tho ellleaey and value of IIood'n Sarsapn
rllla, which wo have Ik'cii advertising some
year In our paor, lmvlng useil it for blood
Impuiltles with gi eat Micce, It Is n prepa
ration of standard merit, made of iwrleetly
pure Ingredients, nnd thoroughly ollVotlvo in
cleansing nnd purifying tho system. For
o uptlons, bolls, etc., it can Iw rolled upon
every time. Our o u exiorleuco with It lm
biou most gratifying, mid wo nro glad to give
It thl endoi-sement. Alliol (.Uoss.) 2Vin
acrtpl. IllN'fittoii Solicited,
Tho Chicago Rhoo Houso has ojiened with n
complete stock of now nnil stylish rootwenr
nt modorato price. li'O South Twelfth stn-et.
nenr ten cent store.
l'lrst Harvest Incursion
Via Missouri l'aclll" mllwny to point in
Texas and Arkansas, August'JIst, 1SS3; others
to follow Hcptembor 11th and Wth and Octo
ber Oth nud 'M nt ono fnro for tho round
trip. Ticket nro llrst class, limited to thirty
dny a, and stop over for tho inspection of
lindnllowed within tho limit. Choice laud
nt from td.ffil to f 1 per new. Further Infor
mation, map, descriptive land matter, et?.,
may bo bad by calling on or wi itlng
II. O. 1I.VN.VA, U. P. It. MIU.K1I,
City Ticket Agent, Oen. Agc.l.
Cor. O mid I'Jth streets, Lineolu, Neb.
or Intviest to All.
Tho Union Paclllo Hallway. "Tho Over
land Route," Hnvo Just Issued very conipleto
and comprehensive pamphlets on Loloimio,
Utah, Idaho, Oregon, nnd Washington Terri
tory, descriptive of tho agricultural, stock
raising and mineral resources, tho cllmnto
nndhenlthrMortsof tbesostatosnnd territories
complied fJom tho latest rejwrtsof 1S87. Send
to J. S. Tebbett O. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
for one.
Tor Ititnt,
Film suites of rooms in tho Webster block,
furnished nnd unmrnished. Knqulro nt
room 1.
Lincoln Hack unit IlaggaRO Line.
Telephono N". -til. meat market, 037 O
street, or No. GOt livery barn. Order slates
nt kaino places and U. P. ticket olllce, comer
Eleventh nnd O stivctR. Hnck staml, Cnpi
tal hoi el nud moat market.
Rohanon Hnos.
Miss Anna W. Hawkins, w hoso success as
teacher of dancing wn plainly seen In her
elegant "German nnd Reception" o! Jun0
Inst, w ill ojH'n her fchool for children on Sat
urday, September the ftM, in Musonlo Tom
pie. Miss Hawkln vould bo p!easel to re
ceive minus1 of those wl o wUli to tnko, nt nny
time. Addrcw room ftl, Richards block,
Lincoln. Neb.
Pilvnte leswn for adult will also bo given
to thoMi w bo 0 to tnk' iJO-td
Culling Cards.
Tho CotTiUEii ho just received n largo In
voice of calling cards in tho latest shactt mid
skes. Our lady friend es'ieciully aro invit
ed to call and examine. Wo furnish them
either printed or engraved in any stylo of tho
Train No. I, the Puclllo Kxpress, leave
Council Rhiffa 7;8." p. m., daily, arriving
Denver lo.-ond day tl;13 p, m.,Ogden thlnl
dav 5:45 1. m.. and Sail Francisco fourth day
nt 10:4S a. in. Train No, SMI, leaving KmibO
City the saino inoruliis, nt or ulwut 10 n. in.,
arrives nt Denver nt 7:10 n. in., nnd connect
with trniu No. 1 nt Cheyenne.
Train No. , "The Overland Flyer," leaves
Council Rluir Sunday 7:'J0 0. in., daily, ar
riving Denver second dny 0:!I0 n. in., Ogden
second day 0 p. in., San Francisco third day
10: 15 11. in., and Portland foutih day ut 8 a.
m. Train No. '.HW, leaving Kmisks City tho
previous evening, nt or about 0;40 p. in., nr
rives nt Denver ut 8 p. in. nnd connect with
train No. 3 nt Choycnne.
Train No. ii, tho Atlnntto F.xprcs, tho op
posite of Tialu No. 1, arrives C0U119H Rluir
ntSiJSn. m. Connection 1 made nt Chey
enne for Ivnnsns City, arriving Kansas City
(.train No. iiOi) nt or nbotit 0 p. m., of tho
samo day that train No. 'J arrive Council
llluff. Train No. 1, "Tho Overland Flyer,"
tho opiKwIto of train No. 0, arrive Council
RIulT ut 5:10 p.m. Connection I mndo at
Clieyeiino for Kansas City, nrrlvlng Kansas
City (train No. 201) nt or about 11:20 11. 111. of
tho day follow lug tho urrival of No. -I at
Council RIulT. ,
Exception Thero Is no connection with
train from California ami NiTada, east bound,
on train No. -I.
All ? tfnf.tal.
Mra. Godolphln Now. what would bo yonr
term, Mr. Jone, for Rtvlnff 1110 n course of
any n dozen lesson In lntlngl
Jones Well, frankly, Mr Oodolphln, Fin
afraid It' too late In llfo for you to begin to
Rtnrt n career of nrt that I, If you with tn
tnko It up seriously.
Mrs. (J. (Hi, but I don't I I only wnut to
learn enough to bo nb'o to tench. Loudon
A Prlvnto ttebeiinint.
Tnko tho dog lietwvvii your teeth, Nelly,
nnd climb up! Life,
A Hog Atmosphere
Terry Ivoonnii wa one of tho old engineer?
of tho Alton. Ho was n gcnlnl Irishman nud
n good engineer, nud rendered admirable
scrvlco to tho road during tho tlmoof Asa
Moore. At ono time, w bllo miming through
Virden, tho train, which did not stop nt that
point regularly, met a drovo of hog which
wero lielng driven across tho track to tho
stock ten. Having no orders from tho train
dispatcher to meet n drovo of hog at Vlr
don, ho put on nil tho steam thnt ho could
nnd dashed through tho middle of them nt
tho ratoof about forty mile nn hour. When
ho got back to illoomlngtou, Huicrlntcmlcut
Mooro sent for him to como to h'.s ollleo.
When bo entered Mr. Mooro' ollleo ho did so
in n very meek nnd repentant manner, ex
IK'ctlng to lo discharged. Superintendent
Mooro looked nt J1I111 curiously for n mo
ment or .two nnd then Impilred: "Terry, how
many hog do you think you killed nt Virden
Inst night!" Terry, In hi Irish brogue, sold:
"Mlshtor Moore, I don't know; tho nlrwaa
full of hog for llfteen minute." Terry was
not discharged. Olobo-Uemocrat.
A Soroimdo In .11 rial.
My Madeline' my Madeline!
Mark my melodious midnight moans;
Much may my melting muMo mean,
My modulated monotone.
My mandolin's mild minstrelsy, t
My mental miislo magazine,,
My mouth, my inlud, my memory, . -,
Mut uilnglo murmur "Madelluet"
Match making ma may inachlalte, ,
Manoeuvring ml.wei mo mUircon,
Mere money may ninUo many mate;
My maglo motto's "Jlndellnol"
Melt most melllluous melody,
Midst Musela'o mUty mount marine,
Meet mo mid mild moonlight marry me,
Madonna ma my Madeline)!
Philadelphia M11slj.1l Journal.
Kaslly round.
Citizen TluitV a lino horso you've got tliere,
Deacon Yes, ho I n good one, but it takes
n strong man to baudlo him.
"My wlfohns boon nskiugmo to buy n horso
for her own use. Where do you s'poso I can
find n safe, trusty anlmalf
"I'll sell you mlno, Jone, for $!.,00.', Texas
A Sodden Cliangc.
A policeman wus standing on tho Btcps of
tbo First National bank when n match boy
humbly approached and asked:
'Tleaso, sir, may I go inside your bankl"
"My K-nikP
"Yes, sir."
"I don't own this bank."
"You don'tf"
"Of courso not,"
"Nor any other bank I '
"Then you go to Halifax, nnd If you lay n
baud on 1110 my father At ill havo you
bounced!" exclaimed tho boy nsho braced up
nnd walked in. Detroit Free Press.
Ho Muttered.
Though it was his mlsfortuno nnd not bis
fault thnt bo stuttered, It was amusing to
hoar him in n lovopassago.
"Do you really caro so very much for me,
darling!" bIio softly queriod.
"DiuUlud-docs n dud-dud-duclc cue-cuc-caro
for water, sut-sus-awcotl Indeed, I dud-dud-do,
dud-lud-darllngl Von aro tho ono
pup-pup-pricelcss pui-pup-pearl among pup
pujviiearli, pui-pui-Polly You nro quo-quo-queen
of my heart, dud-dud-dnrllngl
Tho pup-pup-powcr that bub-bub-bends mo
like n reeil at thy fuf-fuf-foct,"
And sho apiwrciitly believed lilin. Ranncr
of Light.
Thought VIo and Otbonnsts
It 13 pleasing to reflect that thero U 0110
place whero all jeoplo aro equally beautiful,
and that, ot courso, is in tbo dark.
When you consider how much every baby
exercises its vocal organ it I n perfect mar
vel that any person should over grow up
with weak lungs.
In tho cnttlo kingdom tho malo calf Is gen
erally tbo hnudomcr; but when it come to
tho human kingdom tho femalo calve aro
much tbt but hoavons, whltbcr are wo
An Otisorvlug Child.
A stranger calling at tho houso of an edi
tor living in Yonkem nsked tbo young hope
ful of tbo family whether his father wrota
over any other iinmo than bis own.
"I think so," said tho little one; "I think ho
I 'Wo,' of Tho Daily Journal." Hurpcr's
Just tho Other Way.
Miss Travis Don't tbeso lovely nutumn
days make you long, Mr. Dotimith
Do Hniltli Io, tuoy inako mo short. Tucro
hasn't been anything but excursion and
tally-ho ride for two week, Burlington
Freo Press. .
Ttiry Got There Just tbo Hume.
Woman (who has kindly given tramp it
bed, to sleep on over night) Did yo sleep
pretty well las' night, ray poor man?
Yrntnp Yo'es, pretty woll, but I was both
ered kouio, Tho 12pocu.
j. f
At a country exhibition a small houso mada
entirely of boxcaof honoy baa tho npproprl
nto inscription ot "Home, sweet homo."
. V
How It Happened nud All About It.
It wn Tuesday, Beptemlwr II, 188M, nlway
Tuesday, tho L"J0th grand monthly drawing of
tho Imlslnnn Htato Lottery "occurred under
tho solo management, a usiinl, of (lenoml
0, T, Heniiregiinl of Louisiana and Jubnl A.
Karly of Virginia. Tho ranged from
1'X) to flKW.UOJ, ami wero distributed every
where. Do you want to know to whom nnd
wherel No. 07, ISO drow tho llrst capital
prim of (.'100,000. It wa sold In fraction;
one-fourth a old to Jacob Hhliey New York
city, tho rest going to Costa Rica, 0. A. Tho
reeond capital prim cf $100,000 wont to No.
'JI.IC), sold In fractional parts nt $ leach scut
to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans; ont-twrnll-eth
went to llnnk of Mnysvllle,Moyvllle,Ky. ;
0110 to J. O. Romnti, tit. James Palish, 1m ;
no to Ohio Valley National bank of Cincin
nati, Ohio; ono ton depositor through Htato
Natlotinl bank of New Oi lemis; ono to II, L.
Ib-niiett, rare Ho. Hank of Ooorglo, Havnti
noli, On. J ono to n deKltor through Well,
Fargo & Co., Han Francisco, Cab; one to An
glo Californlnn bank, Han Francisco, Cnl. ;
two to John 11. Ronald, Columbus, Ohio
thiough Commercial Natlounl bank of Co
lumbus. Tho Third Cnpital prlra wa drawn
by No. Il,rl5, also sold In fractional part of
twentieths nt $1 each, sent to M.A. Dauphin,
Now Oi leans: one went to Clin. T. Bilk,
Uatesvllle, '!., through Rank of Gnlcsvillo;
0110 to First Nntlomit bank of Sulphur Hp'gs,
Texas; ono ton dejiosltor through Loullnnn
National bank, Now Orleans; ono to Israel
Bellgnmii, Now York: ono to First Natlounl
bank of Temple, Texas; tho other jxirt else
w here. Tho Fourth Capital pi izo of f i",(KK)
went to No. I.W7, also sold in fractional twen
tieths; one to John Wcinnlg, Jr., 60 Dcrlilg
noy street, Now Orleans; ono to It. C. Porter,
Central Miwle Hall, Chlc.igo, III.; 0110 to
Martin Welch, through Atlanta hunk of At
lanta, Tex; one to James Robnnls, Htllsdal",
Mich., through First Htato Rank of Hillsdale;
one to D. Uelger, Ho. Chicago. III.
Any Information dciiid can bo had 011 an I
application to M. A. D.uiphln, Now O leans, I
I j, 1 he whole nmilr will go over oil Tucs
day, Nov. tilth, 1WH. Take note of the date,
Chambei loin's Colic, Cholera and DinrriKra
Remedy Is tho most poifect preixirntlnu in
use for iHiwyl complaint. It act ipilck, can
nlwny bo depended Ukjii nud I pleasant to
take. Hold by W. J. Turner.
No one enn nlToitl to neglect u cold ; cntai rh,
chronic bronchlti nnd consumption nro caus
ed by neglecting common colds. Tako Cham
Iwrlaln's Cough Remedy and euro It while you
can. Hold by W.J. Tinner.
Prof. F. M. Olbcnult has removed his must
cnl studio from tbo Ledwith block to tho Lin
dell hotel. Pupils Intending to tnko lessons
in music, hnrmouy or coiniHwitlon will please
& Mother's, Musonlo Temple, lelephono 101.
DIsKOlllllOII Of 1111 tlK'l Hllll.
Notice I hereby given thnt tho partnership
licrctoforo cxjsitfng between L. Weiftcl, Jr.,
nud II. T. Dobbins, under tho linn name of
WckscI K Dobbins, In the printing, publish
ing nnd stationery business. Is thl day dis
solved by mutual comcut, II. T. Dobbin re
tiring. All accounts duo tho firm will lio col
leclisl anil nil bill against tho firm will bo
paid by L. Wwsel, Jr.
L. AVekhkl, Jit.
II. T. Doiiiii.nh.
September 13, HS8.
liny Hosiery of Ashby & MIIIpaugh dur
ing tholr closing sale ami save money.
Turkith Cabinet, electric mid plain bath
for ladles at '2'M South Rloventli Btieet, every
foi enoon nnd Wednesday and Friday evening.
For gentleman, everv afternoon, and Tuts
day ami Saturday evenings.
To Our I.awjcr I'rlends.
During tho past ek The Couuieii ofllco
has turned out soma elegant secjinciis in law
brief, 0110 numbering neatly u hundred
page. Wo would like our friend of tho
legal fraternity to remember that in thi clam
of woik wo excell all others and that our
prices aro a low a t ho lowest. Calls by tele
phone, No. t!5!l, promptly answered and nil
wot k left nt our ollleo In Run block done
neat, quick mid cheap.
A Good Modioino Which ovory Family
Should ba Provided With.
'J'licro is no nii'illcino so often needed
in ovory household nn n jooil reliable
liniment such as C'lminberliiln's l'uin
lliiliii, Hnrilly n wcok i:isoh hut some
monihur of tho family litis need of it
for homo ailment. A toothucho or
lioniluuhu may bo cured by it. A touch
of rhmimutlsiii or noiirulin quieted.
Tho Hovcro pain of 11 burn or hcnld
promptly ruliovod, nnd thu aoro lioalcil
in much loss timo tlian when medicine
Sin to bo unt for. A sprnin ni:iy bo
promptly treated beforo iutlaiiiiiintiou
mUs in, which insures n euro in nbout
onn third of tfio timo othorwiM) rn
quired, Cuts nnd bruises hhould re
0"io iiiiiiifdinto tioatnient beforo thu
parts becoino awollun, which can only
ho douo wlum thu Pain 11 1I111 is kupt on
linnil. A boro throat may bo cured bo
foro it hecoinc.i fcorious. A trouble.
homo corn limv bo roinovoil by nppiy
in"; It twice, u day for a week or two.
UuiiiMiyiuiil Kliunliilnr hWolliiiKs may
bo hiirprcsMjil beforo mnttor lms boiui
to form in tlioui. Roils urn o.tcn the
result of an injury and may ho prevent -oil
by tlincly tioatmunl. A liuno back
may bo cured nnil fcovcml days of Vnlu
nblo limn tuivod. A pain in tliohiilo or
clioit roliovL'd without lmyinK 11 doctor
hill. When ho mueli pain nnd auflitrinu
may bo saved by thu trivial outlay of
fifty cents, it is certainly hiirprMii; that
any family would do without such n
totiioily. Tlio fact is, fow of tlioso who
Iiunc used ('liniiiborlaiir.s Pal 11 Halm nro
willing to bo without it.
A Kansas City tr.iri'llnx innu sns
Cliiiiiiborlaln's Pain Halm enables htm
to fiirn I ,-00 por mir It cured him
of ni'iii'iiljiin Willi wliicti hv. liud br.on an
almost ojiistant sulluiur.
A. II. Ivlliott of South Gmlnr, Kansas,
miys. "My father wlio lives nimr 1110
was thrown from a biijruv, and nearly
killed, Chamberlain's rain Halm Min'il
his llfo."
Mr. Wm. Wrstlako, a prominent
farmer and stook-rnlsor near Avoca,
Nob., was so badly injured by boinu;
thrown from a sulky, that bo could not
raiso ills hand to ltls lii'iul. by tisinir
Cliniuborlain'fil'aln Halm, ho ontiroly
rceovurcd tho tiso of his arm In two
weeks timo, wliiih enabled him to e
hlblt hisstml of liot'si) at tliu fair ami
tboy took tho llrst prumhiiu.
L. O. Hiirllneham of Now Boston,
111., sprained his back so bndly Hint lm
could not cut ofl" n stick of wood,
Chamberlain's Pain Halm cured him in
ono day.
St. ratriek's Pills tlio nyslom,
ptirifv tlio blood nnil rcKiilato tho liver
and bowel, Tlioy linvu uo equal, try
them, L'5 couts per box.
eolb dy W J. Turner
Crystal Steam Laundry,
Office, BorrDlk, Lanndry, 21st and 0.
Finest Work in the City.
All work called for nnd delivered, and
satisfaction guaranteed. Leave orders at
olllcc or by telephone 478.
It has No Equal.
Finest ami Rest Mnc.c.
Ladle nrc invited to call nnd sec these
6innincr commodities and also inspect our
magnificent stock of Crockery, Lamps nnd
Art Glassware,
and see our stock. Prices low
ecrytbing the very latest.
S. C. Elliott
In tbo city all como from tho
Graham Brick Stables
1W7 P stroet, wlisro nil kinds of
Buggies, Carriages v Saddle Horses,
Cnu bo Imdnt any time, day
or nlglil on short notice.
I tho next tlilmr to n Savings Hank. Tho only
dlUVrcncn Is wo clvo volt
Real Leather Shoes
Instead of Paper Soled Hboes, for tho same
or less dollar Hint thoothcrseliarge Tor shod
dies. Wo sell them on their mi'rlt. The
cheapest ami best tihieo In Amerlen for Real
Leather Shoes for the same amount of money
llemomber the place, 'M'J O street.
Over a Million Distributed,
I EK. B m
Louisiana State Lottery Comp'y.
Ineorporaled hytho IeBlslaturo In 1WW for
IMucailonal amU'harltuhle purposes, and Its
frauehlHO imuhia part ut tbo lnesent stato
eoiiHtltiiiluu In 1871) by an overwhelming pop
ular vote.
Its Grand Extraordinary Drawing take
place Scml-Aiinually (June nnd Decem
ber), nnd its Grand Single Number Draw
lugs take place on each of the other ten
months of the year, and are nil drawn In
public, at the Acadcmy of Music, New
urienns, L.n.
"Wo do hereby ccrllrv that wn MincrvUn
tho arrnniiemcnlM for nil tho Monthly and
r-emt-Aunual Drawings of The l.oiilxlium
Htato littery Company, nud In person man-
oro iinu control too untwine inemscivcH,
and thai tho miuio nro conducled Willi lion
ety, fnlrncHH, nnd In uood faith toward all
parties, ami wo authorize tha Company to uho
thlKecrtlflrate, wit lirae-Hlmlllesir our signa
tures attaeheil, In It advertisements."
We, tho underslKiied Hanks and Hankers
will oy all irle drawn In thu UiulHlaua
Htato lAitterles, which may ho presented at
It. M. WAbMSf.l'.Y. Prcs't LoulKnua Nat ll'lc
PIKHHR I.ANAUX, I'res.Mato National ll'k
A. IIA1.DWIN, Pre. New Orlean Natl Hank
CAHUKOIIN, Pre. I'uhm Nutloual Hank
la tho Academy of Moilc, Nov Orlcani,
Tnetday, November J, 1HUU,
Capital Prize, $300,000.
100,000 Ticket nt Twenty Dollar each.
Halves, 10j (iuurler, fS; Tenths fJj Twenti
eth f I.
SI I,UIi:oFfTH0,)lH t.'VW.(X)
1 1 iui.i:ui',tiiu,iMii lou.ww
ll'HIKOK nu,(moi UMimi
I I'ltl.KOF t'.,0001 lSi,tll)
arilt.KSOF 10.iXHIaro im.000
Bl'HI.KSdK 5,000 aro i'.'
STtPUI.KSOK 1,1100 urn X,M)
lioi'itt.nsOK tmnro rm,iioo
'JXIPlll.KHOF .'lOOaro (W.mul
awPUI.KHOF IMOnro 100,000
Ai'i'iioxuiATioN ritizns.
lOOPilesoff'iOOaro msm
loo do. :iijooro :ai,coo
100 do. 'JfOnro 'MMA
ftOii do. KM nro IKi.noo
tn'J do. lUJuio k
3,1.11 Prizes, aiunuiitlimtf tl,03l,U
ttf KorClub Itute or any other desired
luiiiruiatlou. wrllo IcKlhly to tbo umlerHlKiied,
elcarly slatimr your residence, with Htate,
County, Htreeland Nuiuher. More rapid re
turn mall delivery will bottssuiedhy jouroa
eloslni; an Kuvelopo bearliiK jour lull ml
lire. Hum! POSTAL NOTI'.S, Impress Money Or
ilers, or Now York lxehaiiKo In ordinary let
ter. Keml eurnmey by llsprt's (at our ox-
I'umm'I nuiirosscii 3i. a, UAuriiijs,
New Urleaus,,!!,
WushliiBtou, I). O,
Address Registered Letters to
Now Orleans, I.a.
RFMFMRFR That tho iireseneo
rLClVlCiVJ OCR oroeneralslleaur
eKiirdaud Kurly, who aro In chnrKO of tbo
drawlui;s,lMUUUarniitcoor nhsolutu falrues
nud luleurlty, that tho chances am nil eiiunl,
and that no ono can possibly divine what
nuinher will draw a prl.e.
ItKMr.MllI'.H also that tho payment of tho
Prizes Is Kuarauteed ly 1'nur National Hank
of New Orleans, nud tho ticket nro slimed by
tbo ProHldeut ofau IiiMltlitlnu, whose, char
tered rlKhls are recounted In tho hlchest
court; therefore, boworoof any tmltatloiiHor
H.M-'a-jJfeUji i.)H