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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1888)
? I TABERNACLE SERVICES. REV. T. DE WITT TALMAQE'S DIS COURSE LAST SUNDAY MORNING. Tho Throo (Irt'iiti'Kt Tiling to Ilo Altuoat Utrrry Jinn mill Woninn I Soma lima Near Dciuotttlon OpiMiriunlllr for I'. jiloll. Bkooki.yn, Oct. 7. Although no building has Ix-cn largo enough to hold tho audiences attracted by tlio ltov. T. Do Witt Tahnnge, D. I)., In nny part of this country or (bent Britain for tlio Inst twenty yearn, tlio throngs in niul nrounil tlio linin?uso nudionco room of Brooklyn Tnbcrnncln win to lx increas ing ns tlio yenrs go by. Tlio opening hymn tills morning wero heartily Bung by tlio con gregation. Dr. Talnmgo clioso for Ills suli ject "Tlio Tlirco Greatest Tilings to Do." His text wai Daniel xl, !U, "'lho peoplo that do know their Uod shall bo strong, ntut ilo ox doits." Following is tlio sermon t Antlochus E-ii'iltaura enmo down tlirco times with hlsnrmyto desolnto tlio Jowu, advancing 0110 tlnio w itli ft hundred mid two trained elephants swinging their trunks this way and tlmt, nnd t.lxty two thouand In fontry nnd six thousand cavalry troops, nnd they wero driven btick. Then tlio secouil timo ho ndvnnced with seventy thousand nrmed men nnd hod been ngnlu defeated. But tho third tlnio ho laid successful slcgo until tho navy of Komocamo In with the Jlash of their long IwnUs of oars nnd do inandcdthat thoslego bo lifted. And Antl ochus Eplphancs said ho wonted tlnio to con sult with his friends nbout it, nnd Popllius, ono of tho lloinou embassador, took ft stnIT nnd inado n clrclo on tho ground nrouml Antlochus Kplphnncs nnd coni'velled him to decldo before ho anno out of tlmt clrclo; whereupon lio lifted thoslego. Sonioof tho Jowa had submitted to tho invader, but, sonio of them resisted vigorously, ns did Klcazer when ho had swluo'fl ttcsh forced into Ills mouth, suit it out. although ho know ho must tlio for it, nnd did dio for it, mid others, ns my text says, wero enabled to do exploits. An exploit I would deflno to bo n hcrolo net, u brnvo feat, n great achievement. "Well," you say, "I uduilro such things, but thcro is no cbnuco fur 1110; uthioisn fort of n humdrum life. If I had an Antlochus Eplphaucs to light I also could do exploits." You lira fight so far r.s great wars tiro con eemed. Tliero will probably bo no oppor tunity to distinguish yourself In tattle Tho most of tho brigadier generals of this coun try would novcr havo been of had it not been for tho war. (Jen. Uraut would havo remained in tho useful work of tanning hides nt Galena, nnd Stonewall Jackson would havo continued tho quiet collego pro fessor In Virginia. And whatever military talents you linvo will probably lio dormant forover. Neither will you become. 11 great inventor. Nineteen hundred nnd ulun-niiio cut of every two thousand inventions found In tho patent ofllco at Washington never yielded their authors enough money to pay for tho excuses of securing tho patent. Bo you will probably never Iks n Morso or an Edison or n Humphrey Davy or nn Ell Whitney. Thcro is not much probability that you wl.l bo tho ono out of 11 hundred that achieves extraor dinary success in commercial or legal or medical or literary spheres. What thou Can you havo 110 opportunity to do exploits I nni going to show you today that there are thrco opportunities open that nro grand, thrilling, far reaching, ctupendous nnd over whelming. Thoy nro lieforo you now. In one, if not nil threo of them, you may do exploits. Tho thrco greatest things 0:1 earth to do are to savo n man, or savo n woman, or savo 11 child. During tho courso of his Hfo almost every man gets Into nu exigency, is caught lie In cen two (Ires, is ground betwo;n two mill stones, sits on tho edge of borao precipice, or in somo other way comes near demolition. It may bo 11 financial orn moral or a domes rlc or n social or it political exigency. You lomcthuos seo it in court rooms. A young man lias got into bad company nnd ho has offended tho law, and ho U arraigned. All blushing and confused ho is in tho prerenal of Judgo nnd jury and lawyers. Ilo can bo scut right on in tho wrong direction. Hois feeling disgraced, and ho is almost ilcsncrate. Let tho dUlrict attorney overhaul hlui ns though ho wero an old offender, let tlio ablest nttornoys nt tho bar refuse to bay a word for him becauso ho cannot nlford n considerable fee, let tho Judgo glvo no opportunity for pre senting tho mltlgntlu:; circumstances, hurry up tho caso nnd hustlo him up to Auburn or Sing Slug. If ho livo seventy years, for sev enty years ho will bo ft criminal, and each dec-ulo of his lifo will bo blacker than its predecessor. In tho interregnums of prison lifo lio can get no work, and ho is glad to break n window glass, or blow up a safe, or play tho highwayman, so ns to get tack again within tho walls where ho can get something to cat and hldo hiiusclf from tho crupl gazo of tho world. Why don't his father como and holp him? His father is dead. Why don't his mother como and help himf Sho is dead. Where nro all tho n meli orating and military influenced of society! They do not touch him. Why did not somo ono long ago in tho caso understand that tliero was mi opportunity for tho exploit which would bo famous in heaven n quadrillion of years after tho earth has become, scattered ashes in tho last whirlwind Why Old not tho dis trict nttoruey tako that j oung man iuto his p-ivnto ofllco and say: "ily bon, I teo that you ore tho victim of circumstances. This is your ilrst crime. You aro sorry. I will bring tho person you wronged into your pres ence, and you will apologise and nioko all tho reparation you can, and I will give you another chanco." Or that youhg man is pre sented In tho couit room and lio has no friends prescut, mid tho judgo says: "Who is your counsel P And ho answers: "I havo nouo." And tho judgo says: "Who will toko this young man's easel" And there is a dead halt and no ono offers, and after n wlillo tho judgo turns to somo attorney who nover had ft good caso iu all his Hfo and nover will, and whoso advocacy will bo enough to secui'o tuo condemnation of iuuo ccuco Itself. And tho professional iucompo tent crawls up tasido tho prisoner, helpless ness to rescue despair, when tliero ought to bo 11 strugglo ntnoug all tho best men of tho profession ns ito who should havo tho honor of trying torhelp that unfortunate. How much would such nn attorney havo received us his feo for such mi advocacy ? Nothing in dollars, but much every way In n happy con fciousiicsi that wou d mnko his own Hfo brighter nnd his own dying pillow tweeter and his own ln-avon happier tho conscious ness that ho had saved a maul Bo thcro nro commercial exigencies. A very lato spring obliterates tho demand for t pring overcoats nnd spring huts nnd spring apparel of all sorts. Hundreds of thousands of pcoplo say: "It seems no aro going to havo no sprlirg, mid wo shall go btrnlght out of winter into warm weather, and wo can get along without tho usual spring attire," Or thcro is no nutumn weather, tho be'ife plunging Into tho cold, nnd tho usual cloth ing, which Is n compronilso between summer awl winter, is not required. It makes n dif ference iu thn sale of millions mid millions of dollars of poods, nnd bomo ovcrcauguluo young merchant J caiigut yrjtu a vmf amount of dnuhblo goods that never will bo t-alablo ngnlu except nt prices ruinously loduood. Tltnt young mer chant with n Romowhnt limited capital li In a predicament. What shall tho old merchants do n. thev eo that young man In this awful crisis! Hub their hands nnd laugh nnd sai "Good for him. Ho might havo kuon 11 licttcr. When ho has been iu business ns long us wo have, ho will not load his nhelvcn In that way. Hnl I In Ho will burst up lieforo long. Ho had no business to open his Btoro so near to ours anyhow." Sheriffs snlol lied Hag in tho window: "How much lii bid for theso out of tho fashion spring overcoat nnd spring hats or fall clothing out of date! Whnt do I hear in tho way of n bldf "Kottr dollars." "Absurd, I cannot take that bid of four dollars apiece. Why, theso coats when Ilrst put tiHn tho market wero offered ftt fifteen dollarj each, nnd now 1 mil offered only four dollars, is tlmttdlf Klvo dollars do I hear? Uolngnt I hat I (I0110 nt flvo dollars," mid ho takes tho whole-lot. Tho young merchant goes homo tlmt night and says to hU wife: "Well, AJnry, wo will havo to movo out of this houso nnd sell our pinna That old merchant tlmt has had nu ovlloyoou mo cversluco I started has bought out nil that clothing, nnd ho will havo it rejuvenated, nnd next year put it on tho market ns now, whllo mo will do well if wo keep out of tho loorhoino." Tho young man, broken J spirited, goes to hard drinking. Tho young wife, with her taby, goes to her father's houso, niul not only Is ills storo wicd out, but his home, his morals nnd his prospects for two worliN, thU and tho next. And dovlU mako u banquet of fire nnd (1 1 their ciqM of gall mid drink deep to tho health of tho old morchaut who swallowed up tho young merchant who got stuck on spring goods and Vicut down. That Is ouo way, and r.omo of you havo tried it. Hut thcro Is another way. That young mcrchnut who found that ho had miscal culated In laying in too tunny goods of ouo kind nnd been flung of tho unusual season, is ttnndlng Ichlud tho counter feeling very bluo and biting his finger will., or looking over his account books, which rend darker and worso every timo ho looks nt them, and thinks how his young wlfo will havo to bo put In n plainer houso than she ever ex pected to llvo In, or go to n third rnto board ing houso whero thoy havo tough liver nnd sour bread llvo mornings out of tho soven. An old merchant comes in nnd says, "Well, Joo, this has been n hard season for youug merchants, and this prolonged cool weather has put many Iu tho doldrums, and 1 havo been thinking of you a good deal of late, for just after I started In business I onco got into tho samo ncrapc. Now if thcro isnnything I can do to help you out I will gladly do it. Better just put thoo good:) out of sight for tho present, and next season wo will plan romcthiug about them. I will belli you to como goods that you can sell for moon commission, and I will go down to ono of tho wholcsalo housc3 and tell them that I know you ami will tack you up, nnd if you want a fow dollars to brldgo over tho present I can let you havo them, ilo us economical oh you can, keep a stiff uj) per lip nnd remember that you havo two friends, God nnd myself. Good morningl" Tho old merchant goes away and tho young twin goes behind his desk and tho tears roll down his checks. It iJ tho ilrst timo bo has cried. Disaster inado him mad nt everything, nnd mad at man nnd mad nt God. But this kindness melts him and tho tears seem to rcliovo his brain, and his spirits riso from ten below zero to eighty in tho shade, anil ho comes out of tho crisis. And about thrco years tiftcr this younu merchant goes iuto thooldmcr chaiit'ar.toronndsayc "Well, my old friend, I was this morning thinking over what you did for mo thrco years ngo. You helped mo out of nn awful crisis In my commercial his tory. I learned wisdom nnd prosperity has come, and tho jiallor has gono out of my wifo'a cheeks, nnd tho roses that wero thcro when I courted herin her father's houso havo bloomed again, and my business is splen did, nnd I thought I ought to let you know that you saved n luanP Iu-a short itli.10 after, tho old mer chant, who had been a good whllo shaky in his limbs and had poor sjiclls, is called to leavo tho world, and ono morning after ho had read tho twenty-third Psalm, nbout "Tho Lord is my Shepherd," ho closes his eyes 0:1 this world, nnd an nngcl who had been for many years appointed to watch tho old man's dwelling cries upward tho news that tho pa triarch spirit is c bout ascending. And tho twelve angels who keep tho twelvo gates of heaven unito In crying down to this ni proachlng spirit of tho old man: "Como in nt any of tho twelve gates you choosol Como in nnd welcome, for it has been told all over theso celeitial neighborhoods that you saved a man." Thcro romctlnics como exigencies in tho Hfo of a woman. Ono morning nbout two yeareago 1 saw in tlio newspaper that thcro was a youug woman in Now York whoso pockeU.ool:, containing $37.&J, had been stolen and sho had been left without a farthing at tho beginning cf winter iu n strango city, and no work. And although sho was a btrauger, I did not allow tho I) o'clock mall to leave tho lamppost on our corner without carrying tho $37.!1; and tho caso was proved geuulne. Now I havo road all Shakespeare's tragedies and ull Victor Hugo'u tragedies nnd all Alexander Smith's tragedies, but I nover road a tragedy mora thrilling than that case, and similar cases by tho hundreds and thousands iu nil our largo cities; young women without money und without homo and without work in theso great maelstroms of metropolitan life. When such a caso comes under your observatlou, how do you treat itl "Get out of my way; wo havo no room in our establishment for any moro hands. I don't beliovo iu women anyway; they aro a lazy, idle, worthless set. John, plcaso bhow this icrton out of tho door." Or do you com pliment her pcrnnual apnoarauco, and say things to her which If any mnu said to your slstcr or daughter you would kill him ou tho spot J That is ono way, nnd it is tried ovcry day iu theso largo cities, and many of those who advertiso for female hands iu factories havo proved themselves unilt to bo lu any placo outsldo of hell. Ilut thcro is another way, nnd I saw it tho other day iu tho Methodist liook Concern iu Now York, w hero a youug woman applied for wrk nnd tho gentleman iu tono and manner said iu substance: "ily daughter, wo employ women here, but I do not know of nny vacant placo iu our department Yoa had better inquire ut such and such u place, and 1 hope yo;i v ill bo successful in getting something to do." The embarrassed ttud hu miliated woman Gsemcd to givo way to Christian confidence. Sho starud out with n hopeful I00U that I think inuit havo wen for her a placo iu which to cam her bread. 1 rather think that considerate aud Christian gentleman laved a wojuu. Now Yctk and Brooklyu ground up last year about thirty thousand j oung women and wouUliko to griud up fcboul cj mauy this year. Ont of ull thf.t I0112 procession of women who march cuttiu ao hopo for this worm or tho next, battel ed und bruise J and scoffed at aud flung eg tuo puclpiec, not ono but might havo been e.ived for houia and God aud heaven. Hiu good men and good women aro tot iu I Hid pi busiuc.-j. Al.13 for that poor Ihlttgl nothing but tho thread of that sowing gill's ncedlo held her, and tho thread broke I luo heard men tell in public dlscourso whnt n man If, but what li a worn tut Until somo ono Minll glvo a tatter definition 1 will tell you whnt n woman I1. Direct from God, nsnered nnd dclicnto gift with nffectlous so great that no measuring lino short of that of tho Infinite God can toll their bound. Fitshloucd to rcflno nnd scotho nnd Hit nnd irrndlnto homo and society nnd tho world. Of suchvnluo Hint 110 ouo can nppreclnto It, unlis his mother lived long enough to let him understand It, or who iu somo groat crisis of lifo when nil clso failed him, had n wlfo to re-enforco him with n faith in God Hint nothing could disturb. Hoak out, yo cradles, nnd tcjt of tho feet that rocked you nnd tho anxious facet that hovered over you I Hpcukout, yo nurseries of nil Christendom, nnd yo home, whether desohitoov still in full bloom with tho faces of wlfo, mother nnd daughter, niul help mo to deflno whnt woninn In. If 11 man during nil his Hfo accomplish nothing clso uxcept to win tho lovo nnd confldeilco and help nnd companionship of n good woninn, ho Is tho gnrlaudod victor nnd ought to havo tho hands of ull icoplo between hero nnd tho gr.ivo stretched out to hint lit congratulation. Ilut us geographers tell us Hint tlio depths of tho sea corresK)nd w tth tho heights of tho mountain!!, 1 havo to toll you Hint good womanhood Is not higher up that bad woman hood Is deep down. Tho grander tlio wiliico, tho moro nwful tho conflagration that de stroys It, Tho grander tho steamer Oregon, tho moro terrlblo her going dow 11 just off tho coast. Now 1 should not wonder If you trembled 11 llttlo with ft icuso of responsibil ity when 1 say that thoro is hardly n person In this hoiiHo but may havo an opportunity to savo a woman. It tuny in jour caso bo tlono by good advice, or by financial help, or by trying to bring to bear somo ouo of 11 thousand Christian influences. You would not have far to go. If, for instance, you know among your ncqimlutuuccs n young woninn who Is npt to nppear 011 tho strcetH about tlio hour when gentlemen re turn front business, nnd you find hcrroKpoud ing to tho miiIIo of ent'ro strangers, hogs that lift their hats, go to her mid plainly tell her tlmt nearly nil tho destroyed womanhood of tho world licgnu tlio downward jmth witlt tbnt very kind of behavior. Or if, for Instance, you dud n woninn iu financial distress nnd breaking down In health nnd spirits trying to i.upport her chil dren, now that her husband is dead or r.n in valid, doing that very iiii'jortuntnnd liouora bio work, but which is llttlo appreciated, keep ing n boarding hous?, whero nil tho guests, according r.s lltoy pay small board, or pro pose, without paying any board nt nil, to do camp, nro critical of ovcrythlng nnd hard to please, busy yourselves in trying to get her moro patrons and tell her of divhio sympa thy. Yci, tf you r-eo a wo 1 ait favored of fortuno niul with nil kindly lurround iugs (hiding iu tho hollow lluttctics of tho world her chief regalement, living for herself and for timo na If tliero wero no eter nity, strivo to bring her Into tho kingdom of God, as did tho other day n Sabbath ichool teacher who was tho means of tho conversion tho daughter of a man of immcuso wealth, and tho daughter resolved to join tbochurcb, und sho went homo and bald: "Father, I nm going to join tho church nnd I wnut you to come." "Oh, no," ho said, "I never go to church." "Well," said tho daughter, "if I wero going to bo married would yon not go to seo mo innrricUf ' And ho said: "Oh, yes." "Well," cald she, "this is of moro Importnnco than that." So ho went, and has gono over since, nnd loves to go. I do not know but that faithful Sabbath school teacher not only saved a woman but raved a man. Thero may bo lit this nudlcnco gathered from nil parts of tho world, tho most cosmopolitan assembly iu all tho earth, tliero may bo a man whoso behavior toward womanhood lias been pcrlldlous. Ilcient! Stand up, thou masterpleco of sin nnd death, thatlmnycharsoyoitl As fur ns possible, mako reparation. Do not boast that you hnvo her In your jwwer nnd that sho cannot help herself. When that lino collar nnd cravat nnd that elegant suit of clothes comes on' nnd your uncovered soul stands iu judg ment and boforo God, you will lw bettor oir if you savo that woman. Thcro is another exploit that you can do, nud Hint is to savo n child. A child does not seem to amount to intuit. It is nearly 11 year old taforo it can walk nt nil. For tho first year nud n half it 011 tot speak a word. For tho first ten years it would starvo if it had to cam its own food. For tho Ilrst fif teen yenrs its oiilnlous on nny subject nro absolutely valueless. And then tliero nro to mauy of them. My I what lots of children! And somo pcoplo havo contempt for children. They ura good for nothing but to wear out tho carpets nnd break things mid kep younwnko nights crying. Well, your esti mate, of n child is qulto diuerciit from that mother's estimate who lost her child this summer. They took It to tho salt nir of tho seashore nnd to tho tonic nir of tho moun tains, but 110 help came, aud tho brief para graph of Its Hfo is ended. Suppose that lifo could ta restored by purchase, how much would that bereaved mother give I Sho would tako all tho jowcli from her fingers nud neck nud. bureau and put them down. Aud if told tltnt that was not enough, sho would tako her houso and mako over tlio deed for it, nud if that wero not enough sho would call iu nil her Investments and put down all her mortgages and bonds; and if told that wero not ouough sho would say: "I havo tuado over all my projterty, and If I can havo that child back I will now pledgo that I will toil with my own hands nud carry with my own shoulders iu any kind of hard work, nnd llvo iu a cellar and dlo iu a garret. Only glvo mo back that lost ' darling." I am jjlad that thero aro thoso who know something of tho vnluo of a child. Its possibilities aro tremendous. What will thoso hands yet do? Whero will thoso feet yet wulkf Toward what destiny will that novcr dying soul bo tako itself i Shall thoso lips ta tho throno of blasphemy or benediction? Come.fall yo sur veyors of tho earth, and bring link end chain and measure if you can its possiblo posses sions. Come, ull y 0 astronomers of tho earth, with your telescopos and tell us if you can sec tho rango of its eternal flight. Come, ell yo chronologlsts, nud calculate tho ilecedc on decades, tho centuries on centuries, tho cycles on cycles, the eter nities ou eternities of its lifottmo. Ob, to savo a chllJl Am I not right in putting that among tho gveat exploits? Yea, it beats tho other two, for if you savo the child you savo tho man or you savo tho wontau. C:t tho drat tweuty years of that boy or girl all right nud I guess you havo got manhpod or womanhood all right, and their outlro earthly and eternal career all right. But what aro you going to do with thoso children who aro worso off than if their father or tuotlfer had died thn day they wero born? Thero nro tens of taoutauds cf uch. Their parentago was egaiust theni. Their uamo is ttgnluse them. Tho structure of ihcir Lkulls cgalmt them. Theu- 'cervw and muscle coatauiluatcd by tho inebriety cr uiisoluteuess of their paronU, they aro prac tically at vhelr birth laid outou u plank in tho middle of thn Atlantic ocean lu an cqui tioctlul galo and told to mako for shot;. Vho Ctitgreetlug they get from tho world ioto 00 culled a brat or a rtgamulUn or a wharf rnt. What to do with then Jjtlto q' often nskod. Tlrre 1 1 r.nitlier q't r." t '.1 q ns pertinent. nnl Ihatls, t.imtnivt'i.i ; . -to do with us? Thev will, lo-.i or i!cu 1 yoarn front now, lavo n unity toj r. tho samo nuuilier of well bun o'-.lldivu, r id they - 111 linud this land over to nnrmiiv nnd political damnation just ni rutvri wo neg lect them. 8iipiwo wo each ono of r.t raw .1 tay or savo ft girl. You 0:111 do It, Will you I I will. Tnko n enko of p rfiumil soap nud a flno toothed oomli nnd n New Testament nnd II llttlo candy nnd put) or nud n pleco of cal.o nud fnlth lu God nud common sense, nnd begin this afternoon. Ilut how shall wo get ready for ont or nil of theso thrco exploits? slinll mako a dead failure If In our own strength wo try to savo n man or woman or child. Mutiny text suggests where wo nro to get equipment, "Tho 1 eoplo that do know their God shall 'w strong, nud do exploits." Wo must know him through .lesus Christ In our nun solvit tionitud thou wo slmll havo his help In tho snlvntlon of others. Aud whllo yxitt nro sav ing strangers you mny save sonioof your ow 11 kin. You think jour brothers and sisters nud children nud grandchildren nil safe, but they nro not dead, nnd no ouo Is stfo (III Ifo li dead. On tho English const tliero wns it wild storm und n wreck In the oiling, and the cry was, "Mini tho lifeboat P Hut Ilnrrj', tho tiiual lender of tho sailors' crew, wns not to ta found, mid thoy wont without him nud brought buck 11 i tho shlpw recked coplo except one. Ily this timo I lurry, tho leader of tho crew, npeaivd nud snldi "Why did you leavo tlmt mm?" Thonnswer wns: "lloeould not help hluiietf at nil, nud wo could not get hlui Into the boat." "Matt tho lifeboat r'slumtoil Harry, "and wo will go for that one." "No," said his aged mother standing by, "you must not go. 1 1. st your father lu a storm like this, nud your brother V 111 went on six years ago nud I havo not heard word from Will hIiico ho left, and I don't know where ho Is, nud I don't know whnt linn ImpiieiK'd to him, (toot- Will, and I cannot let jon also go, for I nut old and deiieudeiit oil jou." His reply was; "Mother, I must go nud savo that 0110 mini, nud If I mil lost God will tako euro of jou iu your old dnjo." Tho lifeboat put out, and rflcr nn nwful struggle with tlio sen they picked tho poor fellow out of tho tigging just in time to savo his life, and started for thobhotv. And us they emtio within sinking distance, Harry, Just lieforo lio fainted from over exertion, cried out: "Wo saved htm, nnd tell mother it was brother Will." Oh, jes, my friends, let us start out to Favo onio ono for tlnio nnd for eternity somo mnn, somo woman, somo child. And who knows but it may, directly or imllrectry, bo tho sal vation of ono of our own kindred, nnd that will ta nn exploit w ortlry of celebration w hen tho world Itself U shlpw rooked nnd tho suit lias gono out liko a spark from a smitten nu vil and ull tho stars nro dead I NOTES AND PARAGRAPHS. Cincinnati has a women's press club, tt women'ii paper and n women's btilTrago club. Tho earliest form of mauiuinllan teeth, thoso of tho trlcouodeuts, nro derived from simple conical reptilian teeth. Malls now leavo Imdoit dally direct for Constantinople b tho new international rail way route front 1'nrls to that city. Tho collego hat, or mortar board, N be coming fashionable for street wear by Lon don women. Iouther talts of great slzo nud L'osrRonesn, with steel buckles, nro also show ing up. A school of 10,000 porpohes wrs recently seen In tho ocean near Suit Dlogo, Cnl. In tho more enterprising oast they would havo been mado to do duty its n sen serpent. "Tho immovablo boy" is tho latest dovico Iq attract notlco to a shop, lio stands out sldo tho door without moving it muscle, winking or smiling. Ho It 1.0 uotlceablo by his inipnssiveness that ouo naturally insjiecU ovcrythlng that ho wears. Kansas City is steadily losing her claim to second placo ns a pork packing center. As compared with last season, that city so fur this e.11-bhow a n falling oir in Its packing of SlO.tWO. Omaha, on tho contrary, rind unlly pushing her wuy to ths fore. Tho railway department Iu Hivitzcrlaiid has issued nn oilier compelling nil engines traveling more tliuit fortj-fivo kilometer p-;r hour to uson speed indicator, which must mark correctly tho indications of speed. A good market isojicu tu whoever ran furnish tlio best art leio. Tho London railways lnvo Just discovery', a trick which their patrons havo practiced for a long time. A man would buy a num ber of third class tickets nnd ouo second clasi ticket. Tho latter ho would show to tho iuspector on tho train, nud ouo of tho former ho would glvo up ut tho exit. Tho coutliest houso iu Washington Is tho Wordeu mmulon, tho millionaire owner of which has mndo n largo fortuno In Washing ton rail estate. It is of whlto stone, mid looks liko a Venetian palace, with a hand some tower nnd a spacious court yard. It is finely furnished, nud tho wall:; are hung with benutlful pictures. Philadelphia is said to ta moro over crowded with lawj'ers than any other city in tho country. This state of affairs resulted iu the judges, a fow weeks ago, raising tho courso of study for students from two to thrco yenrs. It ic thought that this will ralso tho standard of oxcolleuco and diminish tho auiitml crop of attorneys. Americans on tho Pacific slojio will havo n regular Uadcii linden. This now gambling resort will ta just across tho Mexican border line, on tliooecuit. Tho Mexican govcrnmeut has granted a tract of land for tho purpose, und overythlng will ta elegantly fitted up in tho highest stylo of art, nud games of chuueo of ovcry kind will bo conducted. In tho Phlllpplno vilhigo of Antlquo tho only Wlilto men were a priest und a tjpuuUb planter. Ono day tho native iulmbltauts de cided to kill tho priest and attacked his houso. Tho planter took n rlllo and fifty cartridges nnd went to tho priest's defense. Ho used up all his cartridges nud inado every ono kill a man. Then tho natives, terror stricken nt tho slaughter, fled, leaviug their fifty dead on tho grouml Tho ntarrlago laws of Pennsylvania, net of Juno iSJ, 1885, permit parties to a proposed marrlngo to upjwar before tho probato court, receive n license, after Bubmlttiug,to a pro scrlbsd examination, and then to sign and havo recorded papers which constitute a marriage contract as fully and irrevocably cs if a tnaglstrato or minister had solemnized tho union, Tho first reported marriage under this Isw took placo n fow days sinco at Wllkcsbarro. Odd Tuncics lu Frames. Odd styles in picture frames nro mado for tho western taste. A panel of Laudsecr's dogs framed in oak for tho hall has a w hip trailing its lar.gtk acres tho top of tho wood, and a stiver cholu and padlock fasteucJ from corner to earner below, Cwoman's "Laugh t;r" shc.vs a jjlrl with her head on a piUow. A3 framed nud exhibited a recent copy con-its out tho idea by cuau-.elius tho wood, rlckius it out iu silver aud gold, and maklus it oppr.vor.tly a eoutinunthu of tho damtol'a l.-.cj cusuleu.-Cuicngo Herald. NEW SPRING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. - And now ready for inspection nt John Morrison's All the Finest Qualities and Patterns in stock. I have the finest cutler in the city and guarantee sntisfnction. Call and see my goods and work. 121 North Eleventh street. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tht fntlnvlng JmIi t uMUIil In iimI rftmi.lilet fntm, ptliilr,! frum eooil rttilitMn trr n rood nUl I llliratii rir, sml many of tlmm luiuilniiiirlr iifiriinwmiMi P. allll IIIMlllll III till. Illiratiiro nf Hi iU st llm nintt trilUiiit riin tlmaa Hi ftlco at xfilcli thfjr mo lietd ulloirJ ilncti W nttilrr nt tlin M orl.l, Nticmt, nn tlrnaa, (' Ulhf il.ipilimi an-! IMiiiliMiiiiif of Ilia mini wnhiUtliit wnikittl nalitr an.t cf Man Wry Inl-t.tllnf ah.t liuHHrfl.a Wmulrranr tlmht'it. A ilMftllitittif Ilia iitMiir wun.l.r ful.ii I K.iillliil ininii limn I at Ilia IhiiIoiii i.tliatKn,lili Miua llliulialtpna, "A I'lriiaiirn i: arrl lint, tin it Oilier Nkrlrltra. Fir "Jn.uH An 1 a Wira." A fi.lli-rllcii il IriMl.ill.l, 'mini lltlrli.a tjF Ilia lnn.1 fppnlnr Ininiiilniia witlfr t.ltlia ilty Tim 11nt Kratnft t'iitrra, l.y I'l a, Ai'iitaM anltior af ' Ilia l!tc ll.irlilil.hl. . iiia.I H.llrliliHillr Iminy Uh.Ii -.InaftryH. ninallit t vi,luw linleli ' I ttrMmna Mttrlra, l.y Citiana lnrara Conlalaa a nnmUr.r ilia in.trliittiiilnc I'liif-lniNt ilnrlia att, tttlllm lir lliastratttt tllr Hl.oa.rr ll.til t ailintialfl.itiil,ta lliitniil Ilut lrit1naT I,hmi. A l.wik nlaloil.a.t.lclarta. pnitlraatt I ran,.., Inr li lull nil. al l.i.lti- ltiltulitr Itrt'lliltlnita 11111I III iiIhii lira, linmnrntif, tlrama. tlaatililh.lti in. In Una alltl.aUlr.l, lM all I M.,.aUr. Thri irniuilii Mm nr .Wiiilrru'l lima, ivniaini ir If all, an.l,.l.ii.flf.r f.mnua trll l.ia.U Aniallcaiia, fr.,til IS llmanf Kranhllil I i Ilia .rtffnl. l-'lltitlUiir Olluliitlttlia. CiililaliilnrlliantUtnanl anOiar nlio( inanir ln u.a lif.iii.nllj mat lit laa Una an I tuiitana. tlnn. A valiulild ttnlh nf ttfrivitra l.oir LITii In Ntitr i nrl.. A ltll.ri.iiira lin,i lliailalk allatif ll'a In IU trr.t rllr Hnlliall,! 'I lilt Itiinil lit Wrilttll. Nut an laarllalnaj Hiiii1ar, Sal a lliitriiuilily walk, mliillni mil a ay by 'lftl all May nmha Itimtf i aatlly, ra I. Ily an I Imtif.IlT Ono lliitnlrrit I'npittiir Hotina, t.nllm.nlal t all tlla W 1 fnfnlr. liirln tln( mn.l nt Ilia tavntil.a nw an I nl.l ailr Nttrl'a llrlr, A Nnval IU Mia III, Aimia l-'l yau A llnrtrrt'il I.ITr. 1 Unttl Ily lliaiio lliai au An lllil Jlun'a Wncrlncr. A No,. I. iy ilia. A I. Srirniaj OiWri will aan.l nrl'rfiflli(iRlitnn liaanhra lir iit pniit tml I limn rffflptrif only l!(Ynlai rnyfm fur StlViitaiaiiyftrmlv Srflur ! 'Mila lh riillrn lialltiiluailiairar Irt Irnlaiilm rnllin lot Imiiiul liiliuarja llltrlolli lnik.(,iral . I . Tlilal.lliouri.alolliir.alii In liimk a rvrri'llfrril l. mi. I fall lot iln a. I t. tliiiflliiiiuiiiriiiifrniormnrirvrwiinilril, l'itaknatmi tnkrn fur frnclinnai.fn ilnllar Aatiimir ri-llalillltr, tafrr tit nny iit?waiaiiar iiilililir.l In Nrw VfiiW IHnnia In tint I'nininatrlal Aiirnrlra Ail (irilnaflllail li rnuialL AJJun alllaltrraj 1. l. I.Ul"ru..l,ntiltalicr,.Nu Oil aturruy Nlrucl.Keiv Yarta. Union - - The Overland Route. Shortest nnd Quickest Colorado, Utah, California, Montana, I '' ' I JSKlKtfrTl nl mkA if litko thciivcrlitud llyeriind save oiiodny to nil 1'aclMc coast points. ltutinlnn Inlo ITiilun DopolH niul i'iuiuelliir with tho fust limited trnliM of nil Hue for nil points ciist, mirlli niul south. 'IlirmiKh lleliels mi ii,iilirii ilny enuelien. Ilni-ciiyi) cIiioki il tliniiiulilodiKtliintliiii fioni nil pcltitH t-itot In the I'liltiil Hlnlic mill ('iiiuulii. SlccKr nccoiniiK'tl.'ttloiiH reserved In tlnoiij'li l'tilliiiaii I'nlnco cars front the Mlsiouri rlcr lo the I'nclPic coast. E. THOS. 1.. KIMISALU ActhiK (U'licrnl Mniinj'i'r. UNACQUAINTED WITH TUB OEOOnAPIIV Or THE GOUNTItY, WILL OBTAIN JtlUOir VALUABLE INFORMATION THOM A STUDY OV THI3 MAP Or THE aa-nraffcaaaawar 'iiaaiai. wn aaat-intr.TairaiaTnrranr1--1.-" li llanniaaaia-aaaa aaafMaari """ttiimi imrr-i nnimMif rntiiw r rrtnug-' -rTiTTtiTTm.miaMi CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Ya Itu control poaitlon and clo3- oonnocuon with Eastorn linos nt O'llcairo and COIltlnllO.fl llnoa nt t Jl-Jt m.1 nlnt-i. Wnnt Jslnrllt mnat. ntirl f3n,iaf.. west, mnko it tho truo nilcMlnU in that tranHcoiitlnontnl clialn 6t stool which unltou tlio Atlantic and Pacific. Ito main linos and brauclioa include Chi- t;in;u, uujiul, vibbivwu. iiunoia: uavonnori;, . WootLlbortv. lovnl villo, Audubon, Unrlan, Tronton. It.lw.,, UIHJUU, UIIUUIl. WllllU UllU VI UUUU Ul Catnoru'i. St. Josoph and Kanoao City, tn Ml ilflon, in KiwHas; Mlnnoapolla and Bt a ul, and Atohlflon town and Sioux Kails In Dakota, nnd It a BO Otloro ll OIIOIQliJ OP ItOUTEa J"ilni9v PlS.I'JS inoUlntf nil tranBfor3 Jn Urirn (lcpots. Fast Trutns oftlno SAyBtSftteFgr.010? PWINO OARS, innnilllciint PULLMAN PAT AOR RLEEPINO OAUS, and (botwoon Chljnijo, St. Josoph. Atclil. n and lCumma City) rotfiil KEoLlNINQ CUA1U CATlG, uoata VRVni tc tiolclora of tlirou Jlrst-cloaa tlclcoto. B THE CMIGAGO, KANSAS & BRASKA R'Y (CREAT HOCK ISLACIR RO:'Tl? Extonclo W38t and soitliwcit lYom Kansrj -lty and St. Joseph to Fair. .ll?lN!?l0I I?0rko.41TlPl:.1', n :taTto,. niaehinscn, Wichita, CaldwoU, and all polnta In So-itnor.i N . -. Interior I mcaa and boyond. Entlni pncoonjror oQulpmont .f th colebratod Pitllninn nic.nufl-.oture Solidly bal Instod track of lioavy otucl rail. Iron and atono biidsroa. All saftty nnnllancoe &Tcr ,70U-bu,lt t,totlone- &l0W. cc THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Its tho favorlto botwoon Cliioocro, Hock Inland, Atchison. Kansas Cltv nnd Mlanoupolhi ottilfi, l-.ud T'lu t j iriat ronto to all ITortharh Bmor Rca'ort Ito Watortpwn Branch v;av. j' tho ruost prodUQtlvo lando of f'uo eroiS "whoatfind duiry bolf ot laorthorn Iowa, South voatcrn MlnnosoUt ml East- Tho Short Lliio via Sonocu. nnd Kankukoo otfora ouporlor luollitlou to travel botwoon Cinctnnutl, Indianapolis. Lafayotto. and Coumil i Dlfi ", m o"Jrh, AtchlBon, Lcavon vorth. Kuntuw City, Minnoapolls, and St. Paul. ' ' i'.?rl0krJt' Mnpi ot1ttl0r,J'.oJ'.py osirod information apply to any Cou. PonTlckotOllluo in tho United Htutun rp (-nmifti. ni,i.,iiir.iau ' -"- - E. ST. JOHN, uenornl t'lMOAtlo, Thy ra without mi-iiii tin rlicnpnt linnka r rul- Ill..t ilf till. A.. u.,li ... -.. II.V... In tint nlhr Mrlra tli meal nulla woulJ col nunr ono i coni'lto III H.tlf wv . 1 r. i Tlin fnrr. Illiil llulilra. A Knt'l. Ily M T. Cllnaa, 'I lioOlil Onhftt i tital. A Nat.l My Stl vtalia Ctiaa, Jr. 'I hn I'mrl nrilii Ofiitit, A Noval, Ily CMa AimuaTa. Iliilloir A alt Hull, A Natal, ij lliaaiaar 'Uuvaa. IllullrllJ I'lllTit llntiar. A Not. I. Py KtTA t. Tlaara, I'nilrp lltat l.llnra, A, Ily II. a auilmr af"far Tlinrna ' 'I litt lllnmnttil llrnratcl. A Kottl, ftr Ilia, lliaat, Itluilmle.t 'I tin I.hw yrr'aNrfrrf, A Nattt. Syllt.a! K. Saisaaa. 'I hit HrHituti I'tiatitir tin Jckyll aata.l Jlr, llyda. A Nn,. I i. it V Mataaana A W'lcU.I lllrl. A S"al tt II. at Tafll. lilt. I.titly uliturlU'a lltniitnnila. A Saul, lit " Taa Dnrnraa ' llrlurrn Tmii Slna. A Kottl, Ily Ilia aaltiar al "lra Tlmilif ' Hniltal.. 'I lit Mutt nf llrtirfa. A Knttl. Tyll 1ntiaaea. Ilnrla'a rnrliitir, A ttl Ily I'lna.aiH IVaanaa, A f.uitr .Mnrrlnap, A Nnttt. Ily III. a mninra, Una. 'I'ltu llullly llltrr. A N....I li, Wii aim'ui Maa, 'J'ltn I'til-iiii nf Aaiia, A ftnttl II v I'l naaam lliaarar, Miiiil llrmiin. A Nnaal. Ily lia llaaaf Wuoii. ritfattiu Hut I'lllrr. A Suv.l. Ily Ilia. Aiaiaatiaa. A liny nrlilil'a llnualilar. A Nat. I. Ily Ilia, Aaaiaj fnwtaiia illN.fraltil I nlf lnit Inl.c. A Nottl. Iha anil or of " Iteta llinnia M llltttlriliit l.mirn.liT'.. fiililn. A Ha., I. Ily Mia, It. V. Vlotua. liiiltaliil linn iipo llnlni,'a Oolli. A Kot.l. 11 Hia, ilaaa A. Ilaaiana flMiirafaf, 'Mitt Woi i llulrr. A Kat.l. ) Dr. J II llaaiaaoa, lUHitrmr 'llm (iillrnrniii Culilri. A Kotrl, iy II. T. Cituoa. Pacific Route to all points in Idaho, Oregon, Washing 'n Territory. . SLOSSON, City Ticket Agent. 1011 O Sticel, Lincoln, Nebraska. H. I.. I.O.MAX, .1. H. TKHIIKTB, Ash. (Jen. I', and T Afit., OiiirIiii. (Jen. 1'hsh and Tkt Aj;t ijuoutiu, -.-uoria, uohoboo, aiouno ana uooic iBiancl. m MU'-oiuino. viJJiiiijKton, l-'airiioiu, Ottnmwa, Osknloosa. 'itv. Dot, Molnca. Intllniioln. W nlnr,mt Atlnntir. irnnxi ri .l..t -.. '. ...t r......!! iii. ..... i-l . . 5V .. r. Mtosouti ; Loavonworth many othor prosperous to wna am! oltlos to und f.-jm lio iVrlfln riori At "fVAVi ? VSSl in m.miouota : wator- .......,. ....v.. wow E. A. HOLBROOK. Oon'l Ilckot &Paj'r AgimV Utt. ittiu. in iciwil? itu nttn. ' A 4l si w-j7Bfipft''fR' aaa5T n W"'-V-,TVtr.