Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 13, 1888, Image 2

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.ti.,i.) )nWinr mypy4w'wi'4"iip"fFi'"ll""J1
;' wrr'ymr'l''xVw: '. i.-vy i, p.y .rijvy ., v. i
nvjmwirt,mp jn,0l)i0,timfah&0tpf&wp$mhmiirftfW
iWJMIitwWMff')WBllMlii Mi !'! I HI oH'Afwwi:
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jM.S,-L .--saJ
JlMfiSP" A
in unequalled roii
Ei$!?t lare pa5
Aro mini nvrry week Willi rnrvfullr collected
inns, nirrprt market reports nml iiiIm-fIIhiiimiim
ntrmllnii roAiiliitf. "Ihn llliMtrittnl ;lVjnl "TJJ
rim hum attracted universal irole. T IK libit
ii ... ... upv i I'nii a Km::
HAMI'I.K ixil'v lfpfuro lulixcrililnu (or any other
uowspaper. AllDitKSH
Chicago. III.
Ch.'Muo' Host Morning Nawioaper 1
Hold by newsmen ovorywlirro or wilt by mall for
00 Cents per Month. AIIDIIKHH
13) A l'J'J l'lftli-nv., CUIUAUO.
JAMK3 W, QCOTT, Publlalior.
Tho 1)U YHH' GUIDE la
Issitod lYlnroh and Jiopt.,
toaoh your. It In nn oncy.
jolopodla of unolul Infor.
'mixtion for nil who pur.
ohnno tho luxuries cr the
nocosslttoa of llfo. Wu olotho you and furnish you with
nil tho noojn.mry and unnocoMary
appllaneos to rido.walk, dnnco, nlcep,
oat, Huh. hunt, work, ;o to church,
or ntuy t homo, and In vnrioua altos,
ntylos nnd quantities. Just flguro out
wlmt li roquirod to do nil thoso thlng-i
COMFORTABLY, nml you enn mnko a fair
(lallmnto or tho voluo of tho BUYUm!'
OUIDn, whloh will bo wont upon
roaolpt of 10 conU to pity postage
111.114 1.tlohlnan Avouuo, Chicago, 111.
'the I est Illustrated humorous new spa
tier. 'I he effect of the tltu&trntlons in
heightened by the use of four color. Also
iiriutcJ on coated paper.
Time is Staunchly Republican
U vigorously advocates the maintain
aucc ot n protective tariff; nnd It speaks In
no uncertain voice forRepubllcan princi
pled, nml for doctrine of the party as set
forth In the Republican platform of iSSS.
Such a paper, speaking directly to tho
eye ol the voter directly tnrougii uh mui
plqnnd powriful caitoons, ns well n to
the mind through Its editorials will lie of
positive value to you during the present
Till being n campaign of education, In
which It Is necessary to tench the voter the
plain fact of tlte situation by every means
within reach,a paper such as TIM ft slioutil
bo found woekly In the reading room of
every Republican club in the country.
Single caplcs, ten cents each; subscrip
tion, 3 mos., $1.35; (I mos., $3.50; one year
$5.00; sample copy by request. Ask your
newsdealer for TIM if.
14 & 16 Vcsey street, Ntw York.
Undertakers andEmbalmers.
212 North nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephones, Oftkc 15. Residence 156.
Open Day and Night,
Reopened 1033 O Street
ita.Hllus tho
fact that I'lio
toaraphs hnvo
l)oo n mined
to about half
the former
prlco wo luivo
eKaRcd tho
Rvrvlccsof ono
of tho bent flu-
libera In New
York to take
clmrRoof tbnl
dcpnrtiueut of
tlioKluillo. Our
eirortd Hball bo
unttrl 11 c to
ylvo oneh cus
tomer entire
nml to jiroduco
mipcrlor work
louny wulmvo
donu Lcfuro.
Wlirrolu I Ht't I'orlb thn liilprrntliin Ad.
riiturrn id n Compiiny nf t'lujrr folk
In n Town mid tlio IntrrmtlliK
Hrqui'l to Dm Hiiiiip.
Special Cot repondoneo.
San FitAKClMCO, Oct, . In tho spring of
18.11 1 got lOKiillii'i' n small tliearlenl trotipo
In Hnerauu'iiU), nml with n tno liorno wagon
for n convoyaiieii started up to "ilo" tho
milling camps in tlio luoiiiitalus of l'lncer
county, In tliow early days no nilvatieo
nijont wni needed and no prlntlnir over
lecornted tlio wnlNi tlio slinplo nmiouuec
iiieut, "Hliow to-nlRlit," painted on n pleeoof
iiiuvas nml hung up at tlio hall, being suf
flelent to notify every ono In tlio camp of tlio
coming nlllletlou.
My company coiulsted of olx H'uile, thrvo
inalo nnd two female perforiuuti nnd n ono
eyed llddler, tlio latter iietlng as cook nml
teamster, for wo carried iv iupply of "grub"
for use when wo could 1:0c strlto n camp at
meal tlmo.
Our roerlolni consisted of n linlfdoren
"roaring farces," moiihi of thorn venerablo
cliestuutM which liul long ilueu fallen from
tlio dramatio tnv, and olliom fun provoking
inoiistrmltles thrown together by myself
with llemlUh ivcklessuciH, my solo aim being
loader to tho somow hat unvarnished Insten
of tho rough mliiero, whono jellow dust 1
coveted with true maungerinl oageruest,
AVo played lo good huslnoo at several
eainp-4, mid ono forenoon rolled into n soltlo
Meiit which Ikicu tho euphonious name ''Red
Uog,"and which wo had been told was ono
of tlio liveliest on nips In tho "dlgglu's.1' Our
uuo eyed engineer halted us in front of tlio
only hotel In tho p'neo, nnd wo were noon
discussing tho merits of n genuine mountain
meal bacon, corn bread, tnolnnei and cotTeo.
After battling manfully with tho crude re
past, nnd succeeding after a hard struggle in
downing It, tho male members of tho troupe
started out to Ibid n place hi which to glvo
tho entertainment. There was not u hall in
tho camp, and as tho hotel dining room was
used during tlio night for gambling pur
poses, our every uirort to secure It proved
In tho upper end of tho ono long street of
tho town wo discovered a log building which
hnd ouco been um.iI as n general store, but
which was then vacant, in tlio rear of which,
raised about four feet higher than tho main
store room, wns u smaller room which had
evidently been built for n sleeping room for
tho proprietor of tlio store. Wo saw at
glance that If tlio log partition wns cut out
tho smaller room would servo excellently for
a stage, and by closo llguring wo concluded
that MX) pvrtioiiii could bo crowded Into tho
auditorium. Hunting up the owner of tho
building 1 explained tho matter to him, and
asked him what ho w ould charge for bin grand
opera houso for ono evening, giving us tho
privilege of cutting away tho partition. He
was a big, rough fellow, clad Inn bluo woolen
shirt and corduroy breeches, tho hitter
tucked in a pair of rawludo boottf, while
iirouud hU Palstalllau waist was n bolt in
which an ugly looking six shooter iiuletly re
posed. Kyelng tho obstructing partition u
moment ho said:
"As fur a charges is concarued, you hain't
got no dust in yor ilnulc as 1 hanker alter, an1
us funis tho wall is concarued, ef it's liiyer
way yank it down, hang it, yank It down.
Anything to 'commodate. Just lopo ahead,
gents, an' tix tilings m you waut 'em, nu'
you won't hoar no roar from mo."
Procuring n saw, wo noon cut out a stage
opening, and framed In tho rudo proscenium
with calico of the brighest iiiiarehlstlo hue
procurable. Then, with logti and borrowed
planks, tho houso was seated, our banner
"Show Hero To-night" Hung to tho breeze,
nnd nil was toady.
When darkness set In twenty tallow
caudles cast light and melted greao over the
hall, and I stood nt tho door awaiting the
ruslu Half-past 8 came, nnd not a soul
had put in mi apiwiranco. Tho people wore
dressed and weru grouped on tho stago dis
cussing tho situation in language bristling
with adjectives which Webster had over,
looked in tho null and confusion which at
tended the throw lug together ot his diction
ary, while I peered out Into tho darkuo-u and
lltoned for coming footstciw and wished all
sorts or ill luck on tlio uunpprcclathu people.
At last I heard voice away down tho
street, nccoiiiKiti!cil by heavy footstep, mid
toon in the darkness saw u crowd of men
headed straight for tho houso,
"They are coming, boys, get off tho stage,"
I cried, for wo did not Indulge in tho luxury
of a drop curtain with our great caravan ag
gregation. Tlio tiddler seized his tlmo beaten
instrument and began on tho popular tun;,
"Tho Days of Forty-nine," and n moment
later llfteen men marched up, each paid l:h
dollar and pnssed iusldo. Ten minutes later
nnd no ono elso came. Going back to tho
htugo I explained tho situation to tho com
pauy. Oar auditors wore rough, burly, de
termined looklug men, with scowling face
faced that scorned to oppress mo with a
strange uneasiness as tho fellows sat there
silent and glum waiting for the show to
"fllvotheni tho best you'vo got, boys," I
bald, "for it's ii tough crowd, that won't,
ttand any foolishness. And, you know, wo
may want to stop hero on our way back, ani
u good show now may help us then."
Two farces were played, n.ul I uover caw
better playing in a 'Frisco theatre, but tkn
audience sat unmoved. Not a smile, not rt
"hand," not tho shuMoof a foot, OurelTorta
seemed to have totally failed to catch them.
When tho last farce wad concluded thoy sal.
there, still motionless, ovlnciuguo disposition
ts leave tho house, Tho ladies of tho com
l.ny becamo greatly frlgutoucd.nndtuumcn
telt anything but comfortable. Thinking tho
ftudleuco might not know thai wo had reached
tho cud of our programme I cteppji on tho
That U all, gsnuanua. xua suow la
horse feed. Wo will pull out fcr Yankee
Jim's parly In tlio morning."
"How nr')ou goliiT'lio nskcil with n e
cullar grin.
"In our wagon."
"Wagons won't run 'Ithont wheels, nn'
some o' tho boys tuk your'u homo by order o'
tlio committee, Yer golu' tor stay yar, an'
yer golu' ter glvo a show at tlio usual hour
to-inorrcr night. Jest hum that over a few
times so') ou won't forglt It, It's very In.
wrtaut that you should keep It In mind,
l'ut out yer lights now, an' come along
wllli us."
Wo were mystified. What did It nil menu I
The ladles were trembling with fear, their
blanched faces betokening the terror which
llllcd their Mills.
Without another word wo started down
tho long street, n portion of tho rough crowd
walking In front of us, the others IhiIiIuiI.
Tho truth Mashed upuu us that we were
prisoners, being led to what fatal
When tho ho'.cl was reached wo entered,
nnd tho spkenman of the party said In a .
commanding tono of voice to tho landlord!
"11111, oeu up that side room nnd bring hi
plenty o' tlio best you'vo got in tho house, I
Fetch clgnrx, too, nn' plenty of 'em. Did
you understand mo w'en I said the best tlio '
very liestr'
"All right, enp'n," the landlord replied,
nml in ten minutes wo wero nil seated arouiid i
a table which fairly groaned beneath IU load
of exhilarating moisture. Our captors re-1
iiialued witli us but a few minutes, ouly long
enough to take a drink, and w hen they rose
to depart tlio lender said:
"It's ngln the rules an' regulations o' tills
camp to return full bottles to the bar. Tako
yer time an' Ihilsh up this J yful dolugonforo '
you leave, nn' then you kin hunt yer shake- j
downs an' go ter sleep. We'll bid you good
night, ladles mi' gents. We'll eo you to-
morrer night,"
"llcforo you go, my friend," I said, "tell
us what nil this moans. Wo do not under
stand your notions."
"It only means that you'll given show to
morrer night. 0wm up nt tho usual hour.
You'll (hid yer wagon w heel back in their
places arter the show not afore."
They strode out, mid nftcr w o had obeyed
tho rules of the camp and emptied the botttct
of really excellent wine, wo retired for tlm
Tho next morning wo strolled up to the
hall, and u largo piece Of canvas nailed
against the building caught our eyes. On it,
in lough letters, apparently made with u
chaired stick, was tills llainlng iiuiiounoo
meut: : silo To-xrrn. ' '
i It's a ton t linen n Inner, anil no :
: K er) buddy cum, high and lorltch :
: nil )ore without Ado. !
; Hy order of the comltty. :
A IoihIoii Corrpspondpitt Wrllps of tlio
Truiispiisplnii llullwity and Oilier Tiling.
(UHeliil eorroHnili'iieo
IxiKDON, Hept. aC Tlio llusslnim are push,
lug forward their Transcnsplnu railway
witli rcmarknhlu unrrgy and success, and
have already given Urn timeler easy newss
to a dozen places celebrated in tlio history of
tlio nuclent world. Already the detached
and Isolated colonies of Aryans, left In tho
westward nnd southwnrd progress of that
race, nro connected by mil with their west
cm kinsmen nnd soon the tourist can ride
in comfortable cars to tlio very valleys nnd
plains occupied at llrst by the Aryans tlio
original white men, tlio ancestors of nearly
all tlio progressive races of uiauklnd.
mis nuNTcn and tub wofrf-
A Hunter who wns returning from an ex
pedition, nnd who hnd llred away nil his Pul
lets, met a Wolf In the path nnd Cried outt
"Alit but Whoever bad such III Luck! If
I only had n 1-or.d In my Oun 1 could kill
you I"
"As to thnt," replied tho Wolf, as ho gently
Scratched his left Har, "If 1 hadn't known
your dun to bo unloaded you would not have
caught sight of mo,"
MotiAL No man nt nn Auction loses any
thing by not having his wallet along.
thi: vox, tuk iiaiib and tub bkiipe;t.
Ouco uK)ti a time a Fox, a Haro and a Ser
pent met by Chance beside tho 11 rook, and
after tho usual predictions of a Hard Winter
and another raise on tho l'rlce of Coal, tho
Fox observed i
"1 havo Just boon asked to tako tho Nom
ination for Governor."
"And I," said the Hare, "Just overheard
myself called tho Handsomest of my S(o
clcs." "I don't seo how this Neighborhood can got
nloug without me," said tho Serpent in n
lofty tone. "It is my Wisdom that Keeps
us nil In Harmony."
A week inter all wero Dead, and a Dear
Bunding nbout tho spot where they had mot,
"I'oor, Vain Crlttersl I can't find any ono
who oven Romcuibors their Names!"
tioiiAU It'ri Wonderful (In our minds)
whnt a void somo of us nro going to Lcaro
Ilehlud. Detroit Freo Press.
Diayage and loving
Desires to Inform the public that his ciulp
ment for moving Household'lattos
Safes, Mnrchnndlsc, Heavy Machinery,
etc., Is the hest In the city. Special men
and wngons arc kest for the removal o
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which arc always handled by enmpctant
and experienced belli, and the latest appli
ances used for handling Safes and other
heavy goods. Call, address or telephone
Telephone mi 917 O st.
OaWnets, $3 per Dozen. Uu.
"I reckon wo know that," eanio In gruff
tones from ono cf tho party.
"Very well," I continued, "you can go
"1 reckon wo kin bo an' I reckon wo kin
stay. It's our opinion tliat wo kin do Jest ni
wo d ii please. When you git yer chow tu
go oil wo want ter io you soo you c:i far
tic-.u-lar busiuoss."
At Uieso word they nrosoaud marched In
a body up outo tho btago. Wo wero uow
thoroughly nlanr.od. What did their Strang
actions incaul
"Who's bosa o' this cotisaniF' asked 0110,
ovldonlly tho leader.
"I nm tho roatiiiKcr," 1 replied.
"W'nt you golu' ter do noxt to-inorrer, 1
"Wo aro colnc on to Yaukeo Jim's" (a
mining camp a thort distance nway).
"Wal.yo ain't goln' to no Yaukeo Jlm'al
Yo nln't goln' uowuar1 1 Yer n-goln' ter stay
right yar mi' yar goln' to glvo a-show to
morrer night." w
"But, my dear sir," I replied, "wo caunot
do it. Wo cannot afford to play to such
ns this. It wou't pay grub and
Well, wo opened, nnd tho hull wns packed,
standing room being nt u proinlum. The
windows on tlio sides of tho building wero
forcibly torn out nnd tho upertures packed
w 1th rough, bronzed, eager faces. As l stood
lit tho door chuckling over this stroke of for
tune tlio leader of our captors of the previous
night came up and said:
" ' Yar's $'.', pard, thnt I collected at tho
winders. You can't tend door nn' winders
too. If any more crowds up I'll collect from
Our performance was cheered to tho echo.
A moro enthusiastic audience I never saw.
Hound after rouud of shook the
building, and every feature wns encored
again and again.
When tho show was over tho leader of the
commltteo came to me and said:
"I'ard, we've concluded to hold onto them
wheels another night. Thar' will bo a show
yar to-morrow night at tho usual hour."
"You can keep us hero a year to such busi
ness us this," I joyfully exclaimed as he
btrodo away.
Well, wo played thero for six nights to big
business, and left amid many urgent requests
to come back at an early date. Our fame
had preceded us to Yankee Jim's, and a
week of immense business tu that camp was
tho result,
Six years later I was standing on a San
Francisco Btreet talking to n professional
friend w lieu be hailed an acipialiitanco am',
said to mo:
"I want to introduce you to low Rattler,
who Is making a big bit hero in nigger busi
ness." After tlio usual exchaugo of greetings
Rattler asked:
"Didn't you have u show company up at
Red Dog in 'MP
"Yes. Wero you theror
"In all prokabllity I was. I was ono of
tho committee."
"Ono of the gang that captured us I Rattler,
for tho love of heaven explain that business
to mo. I've worried my brain over It for six
Ho smiled in n peculiar way and said:
"Old man, you had tho closest call of your
life that llrst night of tho show. I'll tell you
tho w holo business. Wo had been beat thrco
times by suldo shows. After tho tccoud
swlndlo wo formed u committee of fifteen, nnd
took a solemn oath to exterminate every
snldo show that camo nloug. Tho noxt called
Itself a circus, an' when it begun tlio rotten-
est performance you over saw, wo turned
looso on them, cut tho cuuvns into ribbons
mid burned it and ran tho mob out of
town on foot. Then we held a meet
ing nnd resolved to hang every mother's
non of tho next out lit thnt struck tlio
camp. You como next, nnd wo counted llvo
men in your party and prepared llvo ropes.
Wo wouldn't havo banned tho women. Well,
you noticed you had Just fifteen tu your houso
that night. That was tho committee, and wo
had our ropes with us. Wo let you begin,
mid dnru my eyes if you didn't start out
splendid. Tho jicrforuiance got bolter nud
liettcr till I'll bo blowetl clear ucrc&s tho bay
if you didn't glvo tho best show over seen In
tho digging. Thnt saved your necks, for
though wo might not have hanged you, you
would havo had a hard time. Wo held a
consultation on tho seats ami It was unani
mously resolved that you would ttay another
night nnd let tho iwplo teo you, nnd wo took
you to the hotel nud tiled to do tho square
thins by you. If your show hail lwen rotten,
old man, wod 'a hung over 0:10 of you a
sure as there's n Ood In hiaven. Come iu
Lore and tako something witli me."
S. R. Mouqan.
-. .
.- w
Of all tho great cities which ouco dotted
tho fertile nectioi:j of Turklstan, but a few
Krtious remain ; Uio gt eat Tin tar empire has
fallen to pieces, nud lepmato sections are
ruled over by their rcsjiecttvo klinns. Among
these the khan of Merv Is now mi ally, 11 sort
of honorary subject of tho Russians. Tlio
cngrnving represents this l.hau and his
mother In front of their humble summer
residence. Onco this city ot Merv wnsono of
the four imperial cities of tho lVrslan sul
tan", and wn n place of power under tho
SelJuk dynasty. Nearly n hundred years
ngu It was sacked by the Uzbecks, n Tartar
rhco who destroyed the remains of the old
omplip, and has steadily declined till its pop
nation Is but little over :,000.
Turklstati Is uow only n genoral namo for
tho vast tract of highland, mountain and
valley, -stretching enstunrd tictwecu tho
Russian dominions and Persia and India to
the south, and containing 10,000, (XX) eople.
Tho Russians havo already annexed the west
ern part, ami will doubtlca annex and civil
ize much of tho rest. ThiTr railroad Is nn
enterprise much llko the construction of the
Union l'ncille ncross western America, nnd '
runs through regions very much like Utah,
Wyoming nud Novndn, but tlio summers nro
much wanner and tho winters colder iu the
valley. There is said to be vast wealth of
gold and coal Iu the mountains, nnd if tho
Russians succeed In their enterprises, Merv
will ouco more become u place of great lin
porta nee. Tho khuii Is not a despot, though
his 1 ion or Is paternal, as the iiomadie habits
of the ieoplo rcqulro u large degree of per
sonal liberty. The Russians insiuo- tolera
tion to all forms of religion, ami Mohamme
dan, Uoodhlst and Shaman worship iu pence
under their rulo; yet thoy aro organizing the
jieoplo iu Kuropenn forms as fast as possible,
and the kliau, whose picture I send with
this, holds a Russian army commission.
Advantages of 11 Hired (llrl.
I notice that ono of our American girls
who married a nobleman has gone back to
her old calling ns n hired girl. Sho was a
citizen of New Jersey, nnd married Hddle,
tho royal pinchbeck from nero:s tho doopbluo
sea. Ho sal J ho would Isistow upon her all
his titles, crests and patrimonial acrai If sho
would lovo him nud bo his'u. She stated
that sho would. Then they went to llvo with
her father for 11 spell, Eddie eating tho crenm
olT the morning's milk of thrco cows, spread
over Ids vesper dcwiwriieM. Now Cddlo's bro
ther comes from aero'ii tho sea nnd says that
he Is not noble, but boils sugar at home. Ho
takes 1'ddio by tho nose nud tells mo lady
thnt she had Itctter hustlo for hcrsolf. So
sho has resumed the crumb brush nud
two nights out each week. What an Ameri
can girl wants to bo ndiichessor lady of high
degree for, when she cm Ik) an American
hired girl, with ten times as much power, is
more than 1 can make out Aside from being
n sleeping car conductor, with a haughty
mien and nothing to do, I would rather beau
American girl, with good wages, no board to
pay nnd my now worn high, than to lo most
anything I know of, A good American ser
vant generally drosses about us well or better
' than her mistress, has moro to cay about most
everything, even ns to whether company may
or may not bo invited to tho house, has no
bills to pay for anything but clothes, and
actually lives a fur moro Independent llfo
than lots of sad eyed women who aro trying
to hold a very ticklish position in what we
call society. Hill Nyo in New York World.
Fremont Elklion & Mo, Valley
Trains leavo 10:15 n. in. ami 12: 10 p.m
Tau Ki.Knoim Vjku.rr Ijsi.
To freo homes In Northwestern Nrbnwkn nn
Southwestern Dakota.
To tho Illaelf 1I1IU nnd' the Hot Bprlnirs.
To Central Wyoming coal' and on field's an
cattle ranges.
To Chicago nml'tho East.
To St. Paul, tfio North and Northwest.
For further Information Inquire of
(1HO. N. FOllKHMAN; Agent.
15 RouthlOth street, Uncoil
W. F. FlTCII, J. It. Ill'CIUNAM,
(leneral M'ger. (len'l Pass. Ag't
Missouri' VallHvIbwai
C. W Moshor, Vr.Miit, W'.J' Walsh. V- Pre
It. U. OutcAlt, Cashier.
Mon07 loaned on long or short time at lowe
ites. Office in ltlchnriV Wock, room S.
Tahe elevator on Eleventh street cnlrtaosv
N. R. IIGOK, M. D.,
disi:ahi:.s of womkn.
Jrlnary anilRectai Diseases a Specially..
Treats rectal diseases by IlltlNKKRHOFF
PAINI.KSS 8Y8TKM. ORIce, rooms lii, I'.Mnnd.
121 lltx-r Illoek. Twelfth and O sjreels.- Offlm
telephone MS. Residence ld'Jy Q street. 'Phono, &U
Oillco hours, 9 to P.' a.m. S to S ami i lo fi p m
Sundays, 10 to 11 11. m
The nature of tho high plains traversed by
the road inuy bo conjectured from the view
hero presented of tho "water train." Borne
of tho tanks nro llko those of an American
oil train nnd not very uiillko thoso employed
for a tlmo on tlio "Great American desert;"
others nro tot upright 011 slioi t platform ears.
These aro necessary to supply tho depots on
the desert, aa tho distance between streams Is
greater than lu any xrt!ou of tho west ex
cept lit eastern Novnda. The engineers
directing this groat work; nro French nnd
Russian, nnd their achievements- fairly rival
thoso cu tho l'aciiio railway a.
A checkered career Is. thnt. ot Abdurrah
man ICahn, tho ameer of AglianUtau. whow
death was falsely reported recently. Ho J
the lineal representative of Dost Mohonuncd,
tho founder of tho llarukza dynasty, who Is
tho eldest sou ot Afzul ICliaiu who- was. hi bU
turn the eldest sou of tho Dost, and he is thus
nephew to tho late Ameer-Sheru All.
Abdurrahman is supposed to have been
born nbout 1&J0. At this tlmo Afghanistan
was ruled by threo-
CTj? "lV.
Now Itcrlpo fur ConLlns Toiuatovi.
A good and unusual wuy to cook tomatoes
U tho following: Feel and slieo eight tonia
toe. Put tliciu iu n coarso cloth and presi
inossof tho julco Into a bowl. Savothujulco.
Chop tho tomutocn and mix lu twotablo
jpooafuls of iiicltod butter. Stir up well, put
Into a buttered mold, lit on tho top, set in h
pot ot bolllug wat.r and heap at a fast boll
tor 0110 hour. When done turn out 0:1 a flat
dish and pour over It tho following sauco:
Heat tho tomato Julco, stir In a tablespoon
ful of butter rolled In Hour, season with pep
per, sugar r.:id bait and boll 0110 minute,
Tho whlto of cm egg, with a littlo water nnd
sugar, Is good ter chlldron with Jan Irritablo
brothers,, tho ablest
of whom was Dost
Mo ha mined. Iu
1K58. England de
clared war against
Afghanistan, nt
tempting to sot up
for a ruler Shu Jab,
whu they pro
tested to 1 cgard ns
the rightful heir to
the throne. Lint
their project failed.
Dost Mohammed
died in 1S(W, and
his rou, Shcm All,
succeeded hi 111.
Afzul Khan, tho father of Abdurrahman.
was at that tlmo governor of Ualkh, or I
Afghau-Turklstaa. Abdurrahman was ro
lated to tho ameer of Ilokara by marriage,
Afzul lChau and his son, Abdurrahman, in
augurated n conspiracy ngnlnst Bhero All.
This caused tho outbreak of civil war In Af
ghanistan iu ISO I, lu which Abdurrahman
played a leading jwrt against Shero AIL In
1SIH, 180(1 nnd 1S07 ho won several battles,
and tho groat victories ot Khelat-i-Olillzal
and Shaikhabnd wero mainly duo to his
leadership. Ho was mado governor of llalkh,
nndmado himself popular by marrying tho
daughter of tho chief of lladaklhaui.
Iu 1811' J his cousin, Ynknub Khan, eon of
Shcro All, defeated him and drove him from
tho country, Ultimately reaching Russian
territory, ho was (icrmitlcd to i-cslilo at
Samareaud. Ho was also allowed a ponsiou
of t,000 roubles a year.
In 1070 ho mado his way to the Cabul fron
tier. Then followed the Afghan war, In
which tho RtigJlsh took no prominent a part,
and which resulUd in placing Abdurrahman
on tho tuWio, IIeniiv Alton.
Tlio 1'oml rareut.
"What shall I do with my boyr querlol a
fond parent of a eorrespondencof Tlio Now
York lCveniug Sun recently. "Hols 1(1 years
ot ago and too old to spank, and yet for puro
unadulterated cussedness 1 have yet to
meet his equal. Ho will smoke. Ho will
indulge in bad language. Ho won't attend
school. I nut at my wit's outl,"
"Has bo on allow aiicel" inquired tlio re
porter. "Yei. Flvo dollars n sri"ck," replied tho
almost tearful mother.
'Then lino him. Fino him when he
smokes, it you don't wish him to smoke. Do
duct a dollar from his stiixnul w hen he looks
iiK)ii tho flowing bowk Dock him when ho
uses language, and every tlmo ho pi ay 3
luokeyor refuses to study, chip a dollar or
two if hi salary.' That will brlug him to
About throe weeks after he had given this
ndvleo tho reporter again, rolled at the homo
of tlio fond patent.
"How does the fluo system work on
George 1" ko-nsked.
"Oh, only tolerably welL Poor loy! The
llrst week I lined hint the full amount and ho
didn't havo a cent left. The second week hU
lines amounted t $7, nnd as tho )oor fellow
couldn't possibly puy It on hi. J5 allowance,
why I well, I increased his allowance to
$10, and now he's as. bod as ever. I think ho
An Idyl r tbv llob Tult.
He was dressed iu n new cult, of faultless
lit, and he was the only man In tho lob tall
car. Tlds gave him an excellent opportunity
to show off a fine diamond ring ho w ore. At
last ho cavo up his seat to a lady and then
posed for a further benellt on tho outsldo
But fate, lu tho shape of n w oinan, pursued
him. Tho woman to whom ho had surren
dered his good seat reached the end ot her
route. Singling him out with her index lin
ger, bho culled sternly:
"C-o-n-duetor, stop tho car." Detroit Freo
A Matter of lluslucss.
Squillsby, who works (u n photographic
studio, jKippcd tho question successfully tho
other night, after which ho remarked:
"And now 1 supposo you will nllow 1110 to
tako n kiss"
"Why of course," sho replied, "It would
bo in jicrfcct good taste now."
"Very well," said Squillsby, "tuni your
head a littlo more to tho right, ilx your eyes
on that picture knob so that's It smilo
Just a littlo w Ink ns of ton as you please
i there now the operation commences."
Knrimrllold Union.
HonuBopatliist Physician,
Telephone No. 6S5.
161 South nth Street, Lincoi.m Neb
Steam Laundry
1117 V Street.
Still In the front nnd nbsolutcly lending nil
uiH'tltors. Thoroughly equipped for tin
inest work, giving to each customer 1111 un
qualified guurnnteo for all work done. All of
nur work done with neatness and dispatch.
We solicit orders for suburban villages and
I'flghhoring towns, paying the express on nil
wdew one wuy. Respectfully,
Miortlianrt anil Typewriting, nest ami largest olleRO
111 Uh. wrat. JStml-'titii prepared fur Ituxlmvs In fronii
3 to w moil lis. InillvMuM Instruction. Ktnlnwlux
lierlrnecil faculty, t-'enil fur eolleu journal) and
tpiclnions of prnmaimlilp to
ULHUI11UOK & nOOSH. Lincoln, Neb.
Old dead teeth -ontaln
, tho quintessence 01 WikmI
iKjirnni who ran SW.11101V
' it, cuslilne out of old Icolli
nl every moil nnj bo
healthy? Tliwo teeth aro
dead, ulcerated, iiuli'altliy
tropically cauo a fucUoil
fco. Should certalr. Iw
extracted anil rcplaecd nltli
pood, artltlcUl tooth Hint
never ache. Can bo o tract
Mi without palu. No humbug.
A Mother's Memory.
Pmil 5SST1
T iflff
fill .A vfRp
A guib wonl li
Bccteh IVovcrb.
as so3u mild aaan III
Hopeful Youth Yes, madam, 1 havo called
lo ask tho hand ot your daughter.
Madam Tho tlmo has como. In tho year
1SS5, Juno 20, at half pastfi o'clock in tho
afternoon, 1 stopped car No, 333 r.t Eloventli
und Chestnut, nud not a man there offered
me a sent, llodu from Chestnut to Sprlug
Garden street banging by a strap.
"Yes, and you sat tho whold distance,
within four feet of mo. Uol" Philadelphia
1 ' j i '
The above cut shows the teeth ol nra&atft
fears of ogo, trout Dr. Hell In 1831. Wo meet
with this affection tu tho teeth In arlous forma
and decrees. The ends ot tho crowns seem,
revj soft, having a low decree ot vltalUy and
wear down tlioivlcg a dark ycllowlih tupped
loot In tho center. Many are so foollah as to
t'"i 'hat molir teetli ara of littlo account.
...i nt them iro by default; after which all
the force ot the muscles aro extcxlod to tUt
trout tulh, wrarlug them down rapidly.
Tho best, and orly remedy, Is a cover and
buildup the ends with gold and platinum,
which wears like steel and saves them man?
Tents. We make a specialty of II mi gold work
on bunding mem up, coutour mungs, eic.
A. B
A!r"if LP1fcfc
, rw,'
Cuts A and U aro from John Tomes, of Enp
A Tno Incliors with uotchrsln Uio ends.
II shows thupegthaped teelh wltuytllowlfch
pits lu tho ends
For sueti teeth we haro two remedies: First
To llll ilia pits In the ends with gold. Sec
ondExtract them and replace them with
srtlllclal teeth, Hut tho bones absorb away
rapidly to that they will need resetting fro
fluently. We nialco tho finest artiadal teeth In the
We use Justlcs' and Whlto'i patent teeth,
with louir, heavy plus, mounted on stroug
elastic plates. Thoso who patronlzn us will
not be troubled with broken teeth ud cracked
plates, canacr tore mouths, etc.
To loose tho front teeth, Is to looso half
theporeror fpeecb, and more thau half Ue
1C08 O Stiiekt-
- -la
' fi
1 '' w
'Az&Z2 a KOvT.:
Ad H'-iu -. '"-j .