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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1888)
. .wreHM- t 7ir- "- CAPITAL CITY COURIER -v. "t-wr - " K'i I i. im Vol. 8. No. -4A AGItKATTHOKOUGHFAUE. LINCOLN'S DIG BUSINESS STREET The llntpriirlsltiR Men Who do lluslncsit In Till Coiiiincreliil Mnrt. O Htrift, tho lcmlliiR mxl ""'it prominent trrtof I.hieohi.reprcsentsinorocnpllnlthnn nil other streets combined In tlio city, nntl its business men nro wideawake nml fully up to tho timed. It Is tho Intention of tho CoimiKit to itrt'noiit to Its renders n complete review of the limine Interests of tho street, showln'g whit hns lieen ilono of late, who nro in busi ness on tho street, nnd wlmt thoy nro doing. On tills street nro tho largest bunking Inter ests, In fact, tho entire- banking of this city, among them being: Tho State National Imnk, with n capital of irK,tX)0 paid In nntl n surplus of J2(1,(XK). Tho olllcers nro well known Lincoln men, nml de serve soelul mention for their Improvement of sidewalks In Trout of tho building. Tho First Nntloiml Imnk, with n Piid In capital of fc'JOO.OOO. Its ollleers nro: John Fitrgernlil, rres.; v. u. Miur, vii l w , nml John U. Chirk, Cashier. Their surplus nnd profits wero r9,WKUB nt their lost stnto incut, with iIl'kmIu nmouutliiir to tl.tHW,-: .117 tso. ' The Nehrnskn Savings Imnk, corner Thlr teenth nnd O streets, rlimiRiil from I In former locution Febiunry let, nnd since lt removal hns Increased largely In business. Tho Lin coln public schools Inivts oilopted this brink ns n saving Institution for school children, by which nny nmount from ten cents upwards may o de-ioslted. Mr. L. C. Humphrey Is cnihlur. OIlOCr.ltlKR AM) I'llOVISlO.NS. 8. P. Stevens & Co., 1207 O, lmndlo nil kinds of lino tens, coffees, spices nnd fancy groceries; telephone ll2. Ilupert & Cummlngs, 1120 O, n general 1'no of smplo ami fancy fcrocerh. O. W. Closson, 1107 O, wholesale millTclnll roeorlcs, fruits nml vegetables. Cook & Johnson, Hill O, stnplo nnd fancy groceries. Tho Capital (Sty grocery lmndlo n general lino of stnplo nnd fancy groceries, nnd is one of tho lni'gest grocery stores in theelty. Thoy nlso linvo a Btoro nt Twenty-seventh and Vino. Mr. "William Hauling, l.UW O.mnkes no specialty except cml, honest weight nnd measures nnd fair Healings. Hls'trndo Is sec ond to none in tho city. Ho runs two deliv ery wagons. C. M. Sells handles stnplo nnd fancy gro ceries nt 13150. Telephone 020. 1. Andrewi, IMVO, runs n general store, groceries, provisions nnd liy goods dry goods which liois celling out nt cost. Mr. Andrewm is giving' a clmucu for n lino organ with every $5.00 worth of groceries Iwuglts of him. Coyle & Smith, 11318 O. lmndlo fresh nnd Kilt meats. They nro rilwnys abreast of tho times and lm.o nil thollehcnclesof tho season. Clr!pmuu& Sheen Iravo n neat butcher shop with n general lino of fresh wilt meats. K. S. Sayro has lately located on tho corner of Sixtentli nnd O.wlth n general lino of groceries, fine f rutls nnd vegetables. Ho hns a very neat store. FISK J)ICV (IOODS AND MII.I.l.NKIlV. Ashby ei MilNpnugh, tho most extensive dry goods dealers in the city, nro located in tho opera house b'ocl:. They make n sjteclal. ty of fine dress goods and clonk". Jilt-H. W. K. (tnsKr, 1110 O, has n general llnoof millinery nnd fancy goods, ladles nnd rhlldrenV clonks of every description. Mrs. (oser is u llrUcIass trimmer, nnd guarantees nil work. M. Ackernmn, corner Twelfth and O, gim era! millinery nnd fancy goods stcie. Berlin ix-phyi nml materinls for fancy work n spe cialty. Tho Famous is solo agent for tho P D. corsets. JUNE CUITHINO. T. Ewing.& Co., llXCI O, rrprofent tho clothing trade of tho street. They handle all lilnds of clothing nnd furnishing goods. The company is composed of T. Kwlug, M. W. Trnvls, awl E. V. I4wlng. HUUflH. (3. B. Climmn, denier In stationery ,books, gold teiis iuiiorted nnd domehtio cigars, mixed paints and druggists' sundri-'s. JJ. U. Kostka, 12ao O, druggist ami npothii onry, hs a full lino of toilet urtlcles, perfum ery, fancy goods, etc. CAUUIAOIIS, JIUIiniEH, KTC. Tho tlrgant imw building of Itomnn fie Dniln.nt l'-7niulrJU South Fifteentli street, justoirofO, is (bo aiioiit comiileto carriage nnd repair esmbliihnH)nt west of tho Missis sippi. Tho qulldiug throughout Is well equip Kit with everything ueecbwiry for workmen, nnd is n pleasant place In which to labor. Mr. Drain, tho nmimger, Is n vury pleasant gen tleman, nn 1 will surely prove n valuable man to tho company, I). W. Camp & Son, Iflrtl O, handle n line lino of carriages, phnctons, road vngons, do- livery wagons, etc. uepa(riti in. all brunch itt promptly nttended to. HAHinVAUK. Ildlrd llros,, ia-li O, ninlio ft pecl(Uty of bulldors' hanlwnre. Theyhavon very largo store mid nro doing n thriving Imtlueks. Zehrung, Uuriis & Henkle, 1217nnl 1219 O, nro ouo of tho largest firms on tho tret. Tlmy nro ngeuts for Ilnrnes' scroll saws, nml imvo n large stock of builders' hardware, line cutlery and tinware. IIAllNEhH AM) HADPl.KllV. Hurpliiiui llros., successors to Ousllii fo Hnrpham, exclusive wholesale saddlery Imiil v mv. The celebrated combination lloscttu Is having an extensive tale. Voodwoitli fc McFnll, innuufacturers of harness, 1225 O, make n specially of light harness. Thoy have eighteen genuine buffalo robes for sale. JKvi:i.iiv. Terry & Harris, 1211 O, manufacturing jewolers nnd engravers. Mr. Terry was with tho Wiiltliuin mid Klgln watch companies for fifteen years. rilUITH AND CONFKCTIONBHY. V. A. Chovront & Co,, successom to Win, lUslsnu, lmndlo n largo linn of dim confection iiiics, foreign and domestic fruits, cigars, to baccos. Tills is tho most extensive fruit store in tho city. i.unu:ii AND COAU C. N. DIetz, I'ornerSixteoiithnndO streets, Jina Jumper and building material of every iltwlptlon. Mr. II. C. Tarker is manager. Tho Tomcroy comp.iuy, with Mr. J. H, Ieinlst ns iimuager, doe probably the largest business of nny coal firm In tho city. They lmndlo Itleli Hill, Lexington, Clierokw, McAlester, Tiislmont nnd untliniclte. Tho Missouri Valley Fuel iimiiniiy, ofllco in the Imsemcnt of tho Itiolinnls bhs-k, don wholesale and retail business. A. MeDjugal is manager. The National Lumlier company nro whole atid retail dealers In lumber. J. H. Harvoy, secrotary; A. 8. lladger, treasurer; II. H. Uonlou, inniinger. MVKIlY ANDHAI.K HTAlll.Ka W, Don Fowler, southwest comer of Four teenth nnd O, livery, salo nnd boarding sta bles, carries on n very extensive business. W. J. Tmtt, 1024 O, general few I, Isianllng nml livery stable. Mr. t'rntt turns out some of tho IlnM rigs In Lincoln, and can nlwnys bo found prompt nnd reliable. KTKAM 1IKAT1NU. F. iV, Ivorsmeyerct Co., IJWS (), contract ors for ntcnm heating, plumbing and gas fit ting. Tliry haw u nice lino of gas fixtures nt eastern prices. riANOS AMI OnOANH. F. W, Hohinnu, 14 10 C, was established In ISO!. Ho enrrics n largo lino of first class pianos nnd organs. Sheet music, music books mid linulc boxes. JIOOTH AN1IWIIOKS. The Kconomy Shoe store is ouo of tho most extensive houses on tho street, Mr. H. H. Sinlthei's is manager. Jvlngtcnr, 1010 O; his fall stock of Ikwm mid shoes is Just In. Not merely extravagant shoes, but shoes for people of good practical sense; substantial, proper tltthig sliocs, mid better than nll,tho prices nro I ight, No trou ble to convince you. DKVT1STHV. Dr. W. V. Y. Tnllngof HIM O, represeuU the dentistry of tho street. Ho Is one of tho iMost-Miicivssful dentists In tho city. wki.i. wonKrt. Joseph Hums, water supply nnd contractor, 12-1(1 O. Telephone 517. 1IKAT, F.HTATK AM) IXHCIWSCK. Ilruce& Strnwbrldge, general real estate, loan mid Insurance hrokors, are ottering ex tra Inducements to purchasers of lots in Lin coln Heights. Material for building will bo furnished to parties buying lots mid building thereon ami time given on first payment. Call mid seo them, 1100 O. WINCH, UgUOUS, F.TC. Tho Merchant's Exchange, Fred Tlnglootr. propiielor. Mr. Tinglehoir has quite nro mantle history. Tho scenes of his early child hood wero in Dorliutiiul Colli nnd l)uheldorf. Mr. Tinglehoir serves a very lino merchants' dinner, nnd his liouso is tho embodiment ol neatness. Tho Exchange, in rear of Burr block, Mr. John Kaden, proprietor, is one of tho neatest resorts In Lincoln. All delicacies of the sea boil nlwnys on hand. Col. J. Thlllips, the old soldier, corner of Thirteenth nnd O, liamllor choice liquors and cigars nnd has ono of tho finest ami best npixiliiteil snloous hi the city. His rooms nro nil cariHjted ami arranged In tho best stylo. Lindsay's EiiroHiin restaurant, L. L. Lind soy, proprietor. Fine wines, llipicrs, etc., oystem nnd gniiio in season. This is one of tho quietest resorts in tho city. Clias. Meyers, nt WM O, conducts n very quiet and orderly house. His goods nro the choicest Dentil orC'iipliitn ViuiIVlt. The sad news of the death of Captain C. 13. Van Teit announced Monday was a big sur prise to both friends nnd tho public. Tho CnpUiln was n robust, lienlthylooking man but contrary to nil upearances,he was troub led with mi illncs which wns contracted dur ing nrmy service, nnd of into wat at times found soimm lint delirious. He liml lieen iNs ing from his homo, 1 123 T street, since Friday und up to the tune ho wns found on Monday morning nothing could 1mj heard or seen of lilui. Tho body was brought to town in tho nft4'rnoou and n coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental drowning whilesullerlug from temporary mental derangement. The funeral of t lie deceased took place from tho li residence Wednesday morning. A short sermon was delivered by Ilov. Charles Newman nt the house, nnd tho remains taken to Sown ril on tho early train, accompanied by Mrs Van Tell mid u number of relatives nml friends. Tho affair! I a sad ono and cer tainly n hard blow to tha family, to whom the Cot'liiKH extends heartfelt sympathy. Captain Van Telt was until his dcith ussoci nted In business with Mr. Gould, under firm iinme of VnnPelt & Gould, luiuufncturcrs of Itailroad ltemedy nml other patent modlciucs. Iiiiilnrs of lliu lJnmrlty A very pleasant iarty wns given Tuesday evening nt the Hotel Ideal by n mimlior of the juniors of the state university. Dancing wus the predominating feituroof the evening mid at the closu of this portion of tho exer cises nil repihed to Browns CaM where an elegant luncheon was served, Music for tho occasion wns furnished by Miss Willoughhy. Thoo prevent wero Misses Hathaway, Luu, llalleutlue, Tear), Depue, Olllo Lnttn, Anna Funke, Loomis, Ti ott und Schwab. Mcwr. Olllesple.Storrs. Wheeler, Cope, Iiugwortliy, Hull, i'liinpclly, (iiuliani, IiMnstiu, Mnllnlleu nnd otliers. They Went on a .Strike Yesterday, Wo hear fo much about tho great strlko nowadays that littlo else than such news nt 'tracts tho attention of the average uawspat,cr ruuler. Tho railroad stiike, tlio car drivers' strike nnd nil tho other strikes have been the cubjeet of much comment, und now comes aMrikoright hero nt homo, nnd It make.) u louJisr noise than all other strikes. Tliy went out ymteiilny promptly nt noon, when ovcry eloek in Hallelt'a jewelry store struck beciuimthey wero not permitted to strike ihlitii. Ami us for striking Jeweler Hallett lios determiutsl to strike hard, nnd will commence nt onco to give such llgures on jewelry.wntch cs, diamonds, clocks, etc., ns wilt bring the trade lu a multitude all to his store on Elev enth street, three doors north of O. Hallett can ulways givo you lietter prices on diam onds and watches than nil competitors, nml if you will allow him ho can prove thU to you. State Secrotary Nasii of tlio Y. M. C. A. who was In tho city Wednesday Informed n Coi'iukk rejwter that after January ilrst ho would liecomo a Llncolnlto, u change from Omaha that the state association deems pru dent to make. This will virtually make Lin coln tho statu headquarters for Y. M. U. A. work, nml of courso wo Join in welcoming iho rJmnBo Lincoln, Nicduaska, Saturday, JJi'.'iT , - ' V MUSIC AND T1IK DRAMA. MINSTREL, DMAMA AND THE OPERA. A rrnspretti and Itevlnw of Amusements nt III" I'linke. I'llOP (IKNTIIY'N UANINK HII0W nt Funko's Thursday nft-'inoou mid evening wns attended by large nudloncei, nmoiig them being n llUral sprinkling of tho younger gen eration. Tho iloz nre as lino u lot of lxjrfor- iners ns l.nve ever be-ui shown lu this city mid their tricks as well ns their general or forumuees wero, innuy of them, "not only cleverly done but wonderful. Tho professor, has certainly n prlzsdo lu tho cniiluo that turns four consecutive buck souiers'ihits. Tho various acts weio upplnudcd und tlio show gave general satisfaction, VimilNIUH I.AHT NHIIIT A suiK-rb prcseututlou of the pathetic story of the Houimi father who preferred his daughter's death by his own baud to her ills, honor, was given lait night by Mr. 11. 1). Meleiin nnd Miss Marie Troscott. The ability ef the lending p'oplc Is of the highest order. Miss I'rescott's Virginia Is and Meal production mid there nro many who will not yield to McCullough's stqiciloilty over Me Ican ns Vlrglnlus. Ho his adopted nn en tirely different, quiet nml hi modern belief, mnro effective form of expresslnu than that of McCollongh, which thrilled by Its colossal Rtrengtli, but did not so greatly movo by wlmt It left uiwild. Mcleau has a wonderful facial expression, nn admirable control of his eyes, und ho pusesxos, moreover, tho rnro K)werof changing color under excitement. Mario Trcscotl is u beautiful woman in every particular. Her voice has exceptional until ml Hwcctiiesj which wins its wny irresistibly witli tho audience. CLOIK OF Till". ENOAOUMKNT At n nmtliifo to bo given tills nftcriioou "Homennml Juliet" will be presented nnd tonight's lilll of "Ingomni"' will close tho en giireineiil. Tho San Antonio Erprrn of Feb. Mb says: "Mr. McLean's Iiigomnr Is n masterly piece of work. He shows tho con siimnte skill nml brilliant talents of the actor who is destined nt no distant day to 1111 tho vacancy on tho Ameilcnu stage iiiadu by tho dentil of jwor John AtcCullougli." And com menting on tho put of Tartheiiln tho (lalves ton Tribunr of Feb, .'Id says; "As Tartheuta Miss Trescott was simply above and beyond criticism. Beautiful nnd gifted, with n voice full of melody, n graceful carriage mid n faultless form, sho Is nil that the exacting role of Tartheuin demands. TIIK TWO DMI CUOMEH. Our mnusemeut lovers will remember tho performance given last Kcisoii by tho Willis, Hcuslmw & Teubio.'k company nnd their great.'UiWlliB "Two Old Cronies." Every body that saw the piece said It was tho best show they Imd ever seen, mil that thoy bad never laughed so much before in their lives as thoy did that night. Tho Cot'liiKH is pleased to minouuaiico that the company, fully ns good, if not better, will ap;-nrat Funko's on Tuesday evening nest. The Na-livillolmei7-can of u recent date contained tho following: " 'Two Old Cronies' wns given nt tho Masonic Inst night to mi uudleiico that completely llllctl every nook mid corner of the theatre. Theio was more fun compressed Into the two hours nnd three-quni ters that the performance ran than has been seen or heard in any per formance ever given here. Tho matinee to day mid tonight's performance nro the last ones of this company nml those who miss see ing It will Imvo cause for gieat regret," mis. I.AKOTUY. Tlio noted actress, Mm. nugtry, will np IH-nr nt Fanke's Wednesday evening next, in u drmnntlzation of Phillip's celebrated novel, "As In a Looking Olass." Tlio heroine, Lena Desuard, is it blase wouuii of tho world, mid in the hands of mi nrtist liko Mr.-. IiHiigtry it receives n strong yet delicate delineation. She Is supported by a most excellent company, nml her nppearanca will draw mi Immense audience. IIII.AIIITY COMIKll. On Saturday evening of next week, Loud er Hilarity Company will bo seen nt the Funke. Much has been said of tho comedy ability of this sterling combination, but until tho piece Is seen at our hoinethenter we can not npprcclato Its mcil's The company Is conqiosed of fome of t ho best comedians ami specialty people on tlio road nnd certainly If tlio amusement hirers of Lincoln npmociatoa good conqwiiy they will turn out to seo this attraction. riciiMintly Sili'l'lecl. S.itiirdiy evening, tho ho'iis of Mtsj E 11th Icightoii on east O street wns tho n?wo of n very pleasant surprise party, inaugurated by a bcit of the young lady's, friends, who (lied Into tho parlors nbout eight o'clock. The evening was ieiil In a most enjoyable man uur, und tho party was n complete success. Following were present: Misses Helen Aughoy, Magglo Donnelly, Mary Tower, May Manchester, Frauds Hieo, May Pershing, Grace Perihtng, MJuuleGooil man, nml Missrs. W. 11. Ilerdman, F. A. lleiduinn, II. T. Folsom, M. Folsom, 13. Fill mer, T. S. Clinpmtiu, A. Tower, W. S. Scott, C. A. DuiiiMii, W. Jliiu-hiMer, A. Plwy, E. A. Wngiior, 13. Goodman of Freuiont and J. J, Pet siting, OoroniSK 18, 1888 ANOTHER NEW ENTERPRISE. The Hurt Hardware Company Opens In Lincoln. Thn lm)rtnuco of Lincoln m n distributing Hilnt has lerciidy Ikvii the mentis of the Mint ing of mi enterprise lu the city which Is des tined to lie thn largest Jobbing houso of its kind west of Chicago mid one of the greatest acquisitions to Lincoln's Jobbing Interests of tho senson. The Halt llnnlwaio company,!!!! enterprise recently startist, Is now omii mid iTndy for business, with henilquaiters In the II. T. Chrko building on Eighth street. Tlio compiny oreupy four lloors of this building, which, with tho linsenient,nro heavily stocked wltlin largo nml complete lino of shelf nnd heavy hnrdwaic, wooden ware, tinware, home furnishing goods, nnd In fact everything hi the line of large or small hardware. Tho company starts out with unusually bright pros)c:ts for doing business. Lincoln has long been iccngnUcd ns xsscshig advan tages as n wholesale olnt which mo rapidly Uln;j tnkon Into favorable consideration by largo wholesale enterprises. The Hint Hard ware company Is mi organization ulthnii nuthoririsl capital stock of 200,000. Tim jsr soniicl of the company is miiile up of gentle men of mean , experience nlut cutei prise lu tho business, who have Marled the new enter prise with every Intention of building up a large trade by square dealing nnd cmryfiig only llrst class goods. The trade of Lincoln nnd tho surrounding country cannot fall tonppreclato tho umiMinl opportunities now offered by tho opening of tlds company In thn city, nml will find It of advantage to buy of them. Lincoln Is on nil equal footing with larger cities hi shipping facilities nml shipping rates. Tlio Hart llaidwme company In their new location nre happily situated with extensive trackage facilities nnd n Steele of wholesale hnnlwmo second to none hi tho state. The credit of bringing this new enterprise to Lin coln Is duo to the business malinger, Mr, Wll llnm Tnttcrsou, who for years has had this city In view as Hie ( Jut. f r establishing u company which should supply Iho Inidwnro ti'iuioof tltii section. .Mr. Tiittcrsnu has had nil experience of fourteen years in tlio linnl-1 waro business, Is thoroughly well known to tho retail ti ado of tho country nml der.erves crcat credit for establishing tlio enteipi Ise of vtdiich ho Is mnuncer. Citizens of Lincoln, to fully npprcclato the Importance nnd extent of this new enterprise, should call tit their place of business mid seo what tho Hart Hardware company amounts to. In the basement of the building has Im-cii placed the stock of heavy hardware, such ns nails, buibcd wire, sheet iron, bar iron, ami stccl.nml metals of all kinds. The first floor I the display mid samplo room, stockist with cutlery, silver-plated goods, firearms, tools nnd fine goods for thu trade. Tlio second llcorls used for shelf hnrd ware, nnd for packing mil uupavkihg goods, P-lUug orders, etc. - - . Tho third floor Is filled with ovorythlng In the line of tinware, Japanned w.ire, coal boils nnd everything in tho Hue of housofurninliluz goods. Tlio fourth floor is slocked w itli w ood euwiire, garden nml farm tools, buggy nml wagon material, plough beams ami bundles, ami ii variety of material used by the trade. The building is supplio.l by nil hydraulic elevator, facilitating the handling of goods. In fact, from inspection, it will 1st readily acknowledged that tho Hint Hardware coin piny has tlio best arranged house for hand ling their lino of goo Is, west of Chicago, nnd that I he enterprise is ono ut iiiHguitiide. and J tho Coi'UlKU l)esM'akH for it every succosi. Oitleers lllrrleil. Thoso.-lety of tlio Ilomu for the Friendless completed their w oil: Thursday and elected the following nlllccrs: President, .Mm. It. C. Mnnly; recording secretary, .Mi's, L.J Cooper of Crete; cones Minding secretary, Miss P. L. Elliott; ilium clul secretary, Mrs. J. D. Parish; (ivasuicr, Mm. Iiulo Helmer. Board of directors, McKdamcs DavIs,Hardy, Baldwin, Miiusou, Uinemul McCiivry, The N'llnry of tlio matrn:i was increased to $.'15 or month; that of tlio superintendent to j5 und physician to $50. Mrs. Slaughter was retained nsstipcrlutcud eut; Dr. Huff ns physician, und Mis. Win,; us matron. Cruelly (n Patlier. Ono of JomV pecullurltlc.i is never to nil mlt that ho is feeling well. No matter wlmt fKcies of suffering you nro undergoing, tlio lorm ins sympaitiy invariably Is this: "Pvof ltJUktSO." Tho other day ho aimo homo sick too sic!: to go iiown to his supjier. So it wns sent up to his 1-oont by Mm. Jones, who Imd prepared it herself. Among oilier delicacies wero six now laid eggs, lulled to suit him. Ouo of tho children stayed with him. and watched Iho egg eating with liitereit. Aa Jones tool: up tho sixth nml last egg, tho littlo fellow reached out his hand. "I.ct mo Imvo it, papa." Jones glurod nt tho child, thou ho tsald huskily: "Tako it, eat It, unnatural child, nml let your ioor slcl: father starvol'' Tommy nto tho egg. Detroit l-'reo Tres. An Unklnil Cut. Ho looked sadly at tho pie on tho Iioaiillii housa tnblo mid kviiksI to le much iiirectcd. Tlio landlady nt llrst thought ho wns mad and was prepared for some remonstrance. But ho said nothing, only looked sad, "What Is tho matter, Mr. Joucsr1 "Madam, this touches mo." "What l" "ililspio. It looks so l:o ono of thn pies my mother nmdo for mo thirty years ngo." "Well, Mr. Joins, I'm sure I npprechito tl tho compliment." "Yes, nmdiiui, I believe this is one of tho pios my mother made thirtv rears mro ." Sho raised his rent tlio next mouth. San Frmiclftco Chronicle. Kiiles for l'uiieluiilloii. Ill n Boston newspaper oillco not Tong ngo tho chief proof reader bad U-en greatly an noyed by mi extraordinary usjof comma that cropped out In occasional "takes'1 on hl3 proofs, ami finding that they occurred regu larly under n certain "slug" ho went to "slug llftoenV framo to expostulate with him. Ho found that tho man wnsn new "sub," who said ho camo lately from Novn Scotia, mid. had learned his trade in a llrst class oillco In Halifax. "For pity sake," exclaimed the proo freader, "what sort of u system of punc tuation do they employ In Halifaxf" "Tlio rtilo lu our cilice," repllwl tlio compositor, with a patronizing ulr, "was to put about tluvo coiunian to a lino." ANOnSKIIVKIISTIIOUdllTS. COMMENTS AND OPINIONS IN TYPE. W hut lie S(, llrnir, Ihlnlia unit lui By tho Chicago eniif of a iwent date, I notice that u new' society game has Jiiit lieiii Introduced In that city. It Is called "pallor tenuis." It is played with it net In tho shape of a sort of a minnow suiitt, whlcli Is hung lie twee 1 1 two chairs In theivnterof theiisiin; the regular tenuis huts, nnd twenty four light ruhlier halls of vmious colors. The game Is t) laud ns lumiy of these hutted bulb lu tho net ns possible. Thu halls are so light that no danger to In Ic-u-brac in their use, I3aeh col or counts so many tallies, ami the gnine goes to tho person or persons making the gimtisl iiiiniU'f of tallies in a given number of In nlngs. This game l salit to Imi farsuHilor to the regular lawn tennis, lu It is ployed in n parlor ami the player Is theirfoie iiuahlu to smoke cigarettes or wear a "blazer." The spoit bids fair to lo very xpulur. V Mr.'1 encp Barrett has willten nn elo ipient trlliuto to tho late Wlllliuu Wmreii. For several yems lu his younger (Im)sMi'. Barrett wnnu nicmherof the Boston .Museum ciMiipmiy. lie shnrisl tho dressing room of William Warren mid lived In the same house. Warren's inllueiico was of great benefit to him. Mr. Ilmrelt wtltes us follows: "In this ago of leveling, win li nil ranks uiooveileiiNsl In a day by presumption nml audacity, when speculation stands ns u timpter to mislead tho joung nrtoi from tliose slow, toilsome steps w licit) exKM lence Is gained to make peifect, It Is well to pattvi n inumeut to contemplatn the loss of mi m list wlm had by successive steps, umildtsl by iullui'iice tuivo genius und Indomlultahle Industry, ibeii,grade by grade, to the summit of a great calling, Ittlod u pco plo witli tho consciousness of his value, round ed out his urt life with nil thosj scholarly ac quirements whlcli broaden mid ihvpeii the study of chamfer, mid fiilllllul tho social law J' -' "" "ltN tlio rcMNctt of his fel lows to the closu of u long career. V From a leading tiadoHiier I oxlrnettlio following bit of wUlom: "No parent who has u sincere icgard for tho welfare of his sou will permit him fo shut out ns nu amateur printer. Amateurs don't ever amount to nny thing, hut owing to tht)ioculliir character of the printing IhuIiicm not one hoy In u linn dnsl who begins ns mi amateur ever liecoines n Hist clnss workman. On lint light print ing seems so easy that most every Imy Imag ines huemi mnLtcr thaw holo art hi a few months. After he begins mid gets along to where ho can deliver woik that Is a trifle more readable than "copy" nnd is not nil off set, his nppctlto Is whetted by tho money ho hns received therefor from good-natured- or clmritnbly-dlsposcd fVlends, nml ho Imagine tlmt nil he netds In order to nmko n largo foi tuuu very qulikly Is u moio ex tensive nml complete outllt. Ho Iho kind parent puts his hand into his pocket or Ids uttmu upon u note, nml young A nici leu hns lilr hemt's desire. Whatthinf Failure lu uhiicst every case; mid uoton'.y fmliiio but very often n life practically thrown away; for the boy wlm has not been taught mid who has preiniiturely been allowed to 1st his own umster,gets incnp uhle of learning ordolugiiny thing thoroughly. You might Just as well cxxTt nu old dog lo learn new tricks ns mi amateur pi Inter to learn to ben flrstclai workman. Tlio moral of this Is, that If u Isiy desires to become u pi inter, ids parents should put him in n printing oillco mid Imvo him taught the business ivgulurlt. Theio Is quite as much need for him to study tho in t of pi lutllig ns there is for u enmiidato for Iho bar to study the principles of law. Furthermore, nmutenr printers nro an unmitigated nuisance, us u genera! thing, for they nro not content to print for their own cdlllcutlnn, but Insist on lorciiig their meretricniis priNliictlous ujioii consumers who would prefer, If left to them selves, to pay u fair price for decent work, Illicit I'roin Iho Cunt. Mr. II. It. Nlsidey of tlio enteipiislng llrm of H. It. Nlssley Sc Co., returned Thursduy from New York, where lie has leen tho jwist three weeks searching tlio motroiiolltmi mar kets for novelties mid staples In tho dry goods Miic. 1 he result of his trip limy now ho seen by nil who call at the Kinsley stores on P strict, where already loads of tho now goods nave in lived ami nro iuiwokii for inspection A p.niH'r devotisl to tlio luU'ivst8 of tho Catholic fair, called The Comet, will he issued every ilay next weelf. Father St. liwrenco is islitor nnd originator of tlio enterprise, which promises to aid materially in the suc cess of tho fair. The Y. M. C. A. Initial monthly reception nt tho association rooms Wednesday evening wns a pleasant success. A large uumlcr were present und nn evening's entertainment afforded by nn excellent program cau-ed everyone to enjoy the occasion. At a meeting of tho Lincoln illoeeso of tho Catholic church Thursday morning neni ly tldrty-llvo priests weie present from all parts of the state, and U was decided to build the bishop's homo in Lincoln, nml arrangements for constructing tho snmo will soon lie com plctisl. The retail glocers of the city met Wislnes- day evening and agreed to close their res)ee- II vo places oi business nt eight o clock owry evening, except Saturday. An effort was uho made to secure all names to nu agree ment, under foi felt of (M tlmt everything w ill be cash after January next, whh'li w ill lie taken up again nt the next meeting. Past Grand Chancellor Richard O'Neill and wife returned Tnursdny from Fremont. An nctof tho lCnights of Pythias grand lodge which was duly appreciated by Mr. O'Neill wnsn rcrdution passed by that liody appro priating fifty dollars with which a jewel will be purchased mid formally presented to hliu as soon as mnnufiictured. ft being made nml designed especially for tho letliing chancellor of Nehrnskn. It Is a matter of general fiuKirtaueo to our many readers to know tlmt Meyer & Co., the Tenth street niercliniullsti-ii, nro now owning and displaying their fall line of fashionable fabrics and In tlio stock many aitistle and sujhm'Ii styles of dress goods may lie noticed, Unlit s nlwnys receive courteoiu and politu attention nt Meyer' awl they never full to please nil w ho call. If you have never visited this store you should do so thu next time you need nny thing lu their line. PWICIt FlVIC OlCNTS BILL NYE AND MRS. LANQTRY. A Few Itriiinilts About Ills lllnnnr with thn .lersejr I.lly. It was my blessed privilege, last summer nt Long Brunch, In company with several other txsiplo prominent In art mid literature, to lunch with Mrs. Ltngtry, mid nt lolsum to converse wlih her In low, passloimlo ncivnbi nbout her future nml hor past. I Imd not In tended to make tho delightful chat public nt llrst, for neither of us cam to l brought prominently before tho public, shrinking n wo do from publicity of nil kinds mid only raring to do right whiin keeping lu the back ground ns much as ikmrIKo, But tho general Interest felt lii Mrs. 1iugtry lends me to burst through these restraints, Mrs. I.nngtry, on tho day I iotik of, woro u new dress of lavender berngo trimmed with n different color around tho bottom, Sho woro u sort of n brown straw turban, mid hor hair was dono up In n hnrd knot nt the back of hor head. Her hntr Is a deep brown In color and quite nice to look ut. Sho has a calm, honest eye, nnd behaved like n iorfect lady nil thn lime. 1 sat on her right nt table, also on tlio rdgo of her dress by mistake. When wo rose from tho tnblo she rose before I did, for Iliad lost my place on thn menu, gently drifting lack to Ihisoui of lamb with mint doings onto ft, u dish of which I am very fond nnd one which wo rarely get nt homo. I was eating some moiii of this when the rest Imd reached the doxology, nnd I did not notion that Mrs. K'tiigtry was trying to rise. But she kept her temper like n erfecl lady, walling cheer fully until I had llmihcd my uionl mid put a few rnlilus hi my pocket to oat on my way homo. Then she Iwggcd my pardon, mid would I please tako my chair off hor dress. Why of courso I would. For, as a matter of fact, it wns my fault. I was dressed plainly in a quiet yollow nml black blazer, with n Il.iuiiel shirt of soma in flamed tint, caught together nt the throat witli n largo knot of blue kII:ii dot silk. I woro no suscmlcrs, but held my knicker bockers in place by moans of n linen nnd whitosllkstomneherorcluch, which aUrac'tnl much attention from one nml nil. That is ono thing I like nbout ma lean dress gay and frlvohuiH, or 1 can Ikj grnvo und taciturn w (th those who prefer IL Bill Nyo lu Now York World. Tlio Hon nml tho Janitor. Stranger (to shabby Aro you tho janitor or tills building! "No, sir; that well dressed gentleman with tho plug hat Is tho janitor." "Who nro youP "1 nni tlio proprietor here." Nebraska Stnto Journal. Our Union Depot. Tho nrtlcle on the Union ih'isit in our last Issue wns the enmo of much comment on tho street Saturday mid numerous cullers nt this oillco lmvesko.l for further imrtlcumni mid Will) WHS OJI'lllUhnrltV. Wnlncm). Ilinllll.. I liiiKisslblo nt this wi Itlug for us lo divulgo the milium uiugrillicill-lll Will) HO Kllllliy llllOI'm- cd tlio Count Kit for It would not 1)3 advisable under present clrciiuMtiiuecs, nnd having asked Ids consent to publish his cognomen In tills connection. Im emphatically denied us that pleasure, nnd said, "Just wait u little while until I Imvo more details and Mirlk'ii lars lo give you, then you can give the entire news to your readers." Appreciating tho fnvor shown the Couiiiku wo will conform to tho gentlemitrs uImIun and withhold further remarks. Howover.our readers may reel assured that every word said In our nrtlclo Inst Hiturday wassolid truth, mid If anyone doubts tho voracity of tlio same, wo can furnish u who will accept a bet of most nny nmount that tho do-mi will 1h commenced within nino month. Tin, rriifensliMial C'liupnriiiiu. Tlio pastsuiiiiuer saw the professional chap erone nu accomplished facL Sho for it wns nlwnys a woman -discharged hor pleasant duties at tho seiside, in tho mountains nnd fu hi tlio country. ItcM)rt has It that sho regu laily advertised her business mid was formal ly engaged for the duties sho faithfully dis charged, but If npearaiicQ nre to bo trusted, the chapjiono was simply n gentlosK)kon, mild nmiincrod, nor too obsorvnut relative of papa's or mama's, who took clmrce of a co terie Of JOllllg folks Oil VlirlOIIS Illpnunr.. , cursio'is. Thi hired i-liaiurone mm n irii.,,... to Damn Gruudv'sonlnloii'.. nml nu i... .. indiions services wero generously paid for, it is premised that by next summer there will ' iiiiiiiennis iqipiinuious ror tlio pItion. Knto CutherwotKl lu October Table Talk. Tin, liny. Ion Art Club. Another very interesting meeting of tho Havdoii Art club was held nt thn IIiiK,.ru,. chapel Tuesday evening, und considering tho threatening weather the attend.inco wiw very gotsl. The report furnished liv SIIsj, rwn. corres)oiidlug secretary, showed gratifying Mo"-ssuiiiiuuBiiggivsuoiisoiierel win prove wuimiie! iii uiu iiuurc won: oi tno club. A very enjoyable evening wns spent, music being furnished by Mis Cochrane mid Prof. Mouzcmlorf Tlio skc'.ch of Bllocy by Mrs. Snwyjr was a prominent feature of tho uvening, nnd none the less so was the jmjior of Mr. II. K. Iiwls entltietl, "Ktchors ami F.tohlng," botli of which will recolvo further attention hereaf tcr. It bus lieen decldetl by tho club to wcuru for n month's exhibition iho celebrated iwlntlng, "Tlio Wise and Foolish Virgins," which will lie open for insioetlon during November in tho U. 8. court room lu tho 'kstollleo build ing. Thoexpenso necessary to secure tills attraction will lie considerable, but theCoun IKH has enough conlldcuce In Lincoln's urt circles to think tli it no Iom will lo Incurred on the enterprise. .--juuijjj jy i 1 r iiitfigjiHMliiir ti TatyHntirwwTii