'n H. W. BROWN, Dealer In Drugs and Medicines PATNTS.OILS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 127 S. eleventh st. psTARUSHtia?: THE IstShom m&mrTH9fyt POITlAHDgEGgNji Tbo VTrst Shoro Is tbn only Illustrated macv r.lno published on tho I'aciao coast, and aside from Its excellent literary featured, Its object li to convoy Information, by both pen and jncll, of tbo crest resource of tbla region, and the proerCM of their development. 8icc!al Illustrated article appear In each Issue i also, several paces of notes of tho pre press being mado In every Mctlnn. Ore-con, Walilnrton. Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah, California, llrltlsh Columbia, and tho Pacific Northwest In General, aro belnc Illustrated. Ttia subscription prlco Is only 2TjO. It Is not only tho cheapest Illustrated magazine In the United States, but contains articles and en cravings of great Interest to every resident of this region, which can not bo found In my other publication. Subscribers for 18fW reecho a largo nipple ment every month. Tho first ono Is n beauti ful oleograph of tho " Kntrnnco to tho Colum bia Itlicr." printed In r.lno colors, and each of tho others icprcscnts somo feature of our subllmo scenery. Tha supplements aro alone worth more than tbo prlco of the magazine. Try It for lft. and after reading, send It to. your friends elsewhere. You will find It both entertaining and lostructhe. L. SAMUEL, rnbllsher, 171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregea. Monarch of the Dailies! -tub- Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the city for 20 cents a week, every day in the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, 1 02 7 P street. TAKE THE lissouri Pacific Railway The Shortest, Quickest and Best Route to Mchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Biltimore, Naw York ani Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAINS. t3T For further Information, Folder, ctc.,ea ( .ililrrbs II. (1. 1IANNA. City Ticket Asuut, Cor. Omul 12th st. ) HAMCOCK, Depot Ticket Agent. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. KCONOHIY IS WHAIril. All tho l'ATTKHNS vim .wleh to uo during tho year, for nothing, (a saving of from JJ.00 to 8 l.uOj, by Hubscrlulug for THE CAPITOL CITY CODRIER AH 3 Demoresrt's it.j mtuw TVlagaine With Twslvo Orders for Cut Paper Patterns or your own selection and of any else. BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, ton $3.25 (THREE TWENTY-FIVE). D EMOREST'S THE BBS, a Of nil tlio JMnrxnxliicH. l Vontaimnq Qtowes, Vor.ti, and otiikii I.itkiury ATTIIACTIOMti, UIHIIIN1NO AUTISTIC, bCIKN TIFIO, AMI IlOUSKIWM) MATTEIIS. IlluMtralvit with Original tilerl JSntirav 4iU, 1'holourtivurea, (HI l'letiirrt emil fine Woodcut t, tnuklni U the Mattel Maya lo of America. Bash Manahio contains n cnujioii onlcr entitling ho holder to th) (election of nny pattern llliistruted ti tho fashion lciar(mcnt In lliat number, and In liy of tin ttucs mamifactnrril, waking patterns tirlnx tho Tear of tho valuntf nicrthrco dollars, DKUOItreSTH MONTHLY Is Juttl entitled tho t7orld'a Model Mairaslno. Tho Urgent In Form, tho fjUKeft in Circulation, ami Iho best TWO Dollar Family Mngaxlna limed. l&SH will bo tho Twenty, fourth year nf Iik pulillcntlou, ami It stands at tbo hold of Family I'vrlodlcals, It contains 73 pages. Iinro quarto, 8Vxll; Inches, elegantly nr.jited and fully Illustrated. Published by W, Jeunlufs Uomorcst, Now York And by Special Agreement Cob- blned with tho Capitol Cily Courier at $3,25 Per Tear. raara.n FOR CHOLERIC PEOPLK. A CHAPTER ON THE ADVANTAGES OF SERENITY. Vucnntrolleil I'm. Ion Oppotrd In l",on gnvlty nf l.lfo llwullhof Mlml iiikI Hotly Uii-llcpotHleiit ruuls for tho Mot Ittnoilcil lit t'umler Ou.. ItcRarUliiR tlio mnttcr merely from the hyglento standpoint, effort can In) capntulnl for thoobtnlnnientof for moru vnltinliloKM spHSlona than a mint ntul even tcinernmciit. Such a temperament docs not null to ux tremw; It Is not swept by whirlwinds of feeling! under almost ntiy clrruinstttticrs It BoctircM content. Few things can present n mora InsurtnoiinUhlo Imrrlcr, not only to mental UN, hut oven to physical ailments and Infirmities, or yield a better eroundod hopo of longevity. Hlr Isano Now ton, for liutnnro, led the placid and uneventful If tollsomu existence of a Undent nnd brnln worker. Tho serenity of Ids dnys wetns only to havo been disturbed by tho controcniy with Mb nltz regarding tho Invention or the lluxlonnl methods, and tho quarrel with Flnumttx.il, tho nstrononior royal How great his wpuv nlmlty was In other words, how thoroughly reason was tho controlling elomont In tils composition, to tho subjection of tho ns slons apK!nrs In tho well known story with regard to his dog Diamond. And what vtns tho rvsnltf Ills health was vigorous and ro malned unlnialred to within n fow irs of his dentil. Ho lost but ono tooth In all hit Ufa Ho novcr wore glnsscs. Ho nover grim bald, and bo llvodtotho Him old ago of 6.1 years, John Milton, again, lived In troubled times, In which ho bora bis full part.' He was given, too. to polomlcnl writing, which Is apt to exclto warm feeling. Yet In lit personal habits ho was nustcro and gmvo, holding himself sternly aloof from tlio prof ligato rabblo around him, and Inflexibly steadfast amidst domestic Infelicity, obloquy and misfortune. Ho could scarcely bo called a hot bloodod man, and, after a llfo whoso solo physical nllllctlon was tho loss of hit eyesight, ho died at tho ago of C1. OTIIEU NOTAUIJC INRTANCKH. Contrast with hlsthobrlcfcaiwrofaiiothcr famous English poet, l)rd Hyron. Tom as ho was by ovory (wirton, nnd tho victim of that most wearing emotion, chronic hate, a spirit that furnished tlio urcun In quick suc cession for tho most Intense and cxtromo re vulsions of feeling allowed lu possessor nn earthly existence of but thlrty-slx short years. Our own cnlni Emerson, than whom, probably, no man that over lived was less tho prey of gusts of feeling, reached tho ago of 70. Edgar I'oo, who was n sort of emo tional shuttlecock, was miscrablo nil his llfo, and died at -JO. EOmund Kean, not only in his professional capacity, was nn actor and an actor Is frequently obliged to feign tho most vehement passions, which is commonly supposed to bo tho next worst thing to actually feeling them but In his private llfo was n man of most erratic nnd llery temper ament. Koan himself was a stago for tho drama of tho passions, nnd tho consequence was ho was frequently ill, and survived but a fow years beyond 40. Passion has been not Inaptly defined as any emotion of tho soul which affects tho body and Is affected by it. Such Is the sympathy existing between tho mind nnd tbo liody, tho moral feelings excrciso a (totcnt influence ou tho physical organs, whllo tho latter In turn affect tho former. Tho effect of mental emotions is manifested in tho vital functions, and certain states of these functions servo In a Uko manner to awaken the different pas- cions. Tho passions founded on pleasure teem to act ns a universal stimulant to all vital action. Circulation Is quickened, tho blood distends tho vessels of Its system, tho face urighUns, tbo skin assumes a ruddy tint, the muscles grow stronger and Invito activity Tho whole body Is rcaiifmatcd--ln short, ovcry function responds to tho vitalis ing Influence of tho happy moral condition. As Holler says. "Love, hopo and Joy promote perspiration, quicken tho pulse, promote cir culation, Incrcaso tho appetito and facilitate tho euro of diseases." Whllo Joy and kindred emotions thus contribute to hoalth by Induc ing a mora actlvo performance of nil the vital functions, as with all other stimulants, tho pleasurublo feelings becomo painful If tho bounds of moderation aro oxcoedod. Ou tho nervous system tho effect of the painful emotions Is manifested by depression, derangotnont and, possibly, destruction of tho vital energies. Tbo same agencies Influ ence tho various secretions by increasing, diminishing or vitiating them. When tbo mind is severely and unpleasantly agitated, dryness of tho mouth testifies to tbo suppres sion of tho sail vury secretion. This Is proved "by tho well known Uist, often resorted to in India for tho discovery of a thief among tho servant of a family, that of compelling all tho parties to hold a certain quantity of rice hi tho mouth during a few minutes, tho of fonder being generally distinguished by tba corapaiutlvo dryness of his mouthful." rnvsiotxxiicAL kvitkcts. Undoi the influence of disturbing passions certain secretions becomo corrupted and von acquire poisonous properties. It Is a known fnct that the blto of an animal coaded to desperation heals low rapidly, and U at tended with greater Inflammation than ouo administered when tho systoni Is uninfluenced by tho excited passion. Urrnt mental dis turbance In tho mother diminished or vitiates tbo secretion of her milk, and It become hurtful to tho nursing child. Tho contrast between tho physiological effect of tho pleosurablo and alnful emotions, and tholr tnfluenco upon health, are obvious to nil. In tho faces of the happy and confident Is seen tho bright glow of natural vigor, whllo the drawn, careworn and pallid features of the sad and despondent testify to inward suffer ing. In habitual Irritability or fretfulnew of temper, hatred, revongo, envy and Jealously, and, In fact, in all dispositions of tho mind characterized by bitter feelings toward others, a measure of anger is almost necessa rily blended The effect upon tho bodily health of tho mind harassed by passions of this naturo Is to propagnto derangements nnd Infirmities. Tho npetito le&seus, digestion Is Impalreu, nnd then follow other functional disorders. Tho nervous system suffers from continued metal Irritability, and hysteria, beadAcho, and other painful affections often owo their origin to this prejudicial influence, Physicians well know that w ben tho system (s laboring under dlseaso n temper amiable nud tranquil under tbo llttlo Ills and crosses of llfo encourages recovery, whllo ono easily Inflamed by tho baso passions obstruct It. Whllo the malevolent foclings with which mnrrmr f IttpMilAil nrn tliA nramntlnranf An III. conditioned mind or uncontrolled temper .u.iaiI ! H.tara.l I m1 ii.nfu. .In,, kn n I... excited by unhealthy states of tho organs, and thus originate within the body. In cer tain functional disturbances and diseased conditions, tho mind sometimes becomo dis turbed, mid the disposition poevlsh and Irrit able, rcrsons naturally amiable and patient under outward annoyance will often become suntout) a,nd fretful when attacked with bodily luflrmltiea. Disturbances of tb stomach, liver or other Important organ or thus active In perverting reason, and In ren dering tb disposition suspicious, peevish and moreen. Boston UenUd. j . TWEET, GWEET. Wo rambled throuriti thomcarioira crcen, Uko children nt their pby, lie told mo of tliu nomlura seen In distant lands away: I prized Iho mom n loncer grow Tho stories ho would tell 1 found him good. I prmed him truo How could I loro too well f "Tweet, HmH't," from tho apple tree, A li 1 1 1 bird thing to him and mo. We gathered flower In tho lane, Tor "twin iho month of May, And ono jvar lienco ho'd come nsatn Tttould bo our wedding day, Oh I swiftly did tho hours lly And happy wa my heart, Ho told mo "nfter this good by Wo uoor tnoro shall art." "Tnect, Bweet," from shrub nnd treo, Tho llttlo birds sang for him nud me. Tha cat wind rose, tho salts wcro rproad, Ills ship incned out tORMt My sailor boy climbed iho mast head An I throw n Lisa to mo. TIs twenty J ears ngo tlnco then, Andoncongahi 'lU May; Tho sun Rlilnex bright, Iho flowers bloom My trvHken all aro grn& "Tweet, Bweet," sing Iho tilnli In gieo, Hut uoiur uiy loio ennio back to mo. Dentil from I-nd Poisoning, III tlio Hit of deaths from polsoiiinrr In Orcnt llrltnltt Till In a slnglo year nltioty-flvo.ar ovcrnuo-nlxtli, woro caused by lead. Tho pcojilo of nil civilized coun tries nro In need nf npcclnl caution con corning tlio uso of lend. lond pipes, lend faucots, lend Bolder, nud In many other forma, lend la n Btibtlo nnd torrlblo dan per. Tliousnmls.sulTor from lead poison, lug who do not dlo thoroby. It should uovor lo usod, when by corrosion It can becomo an clement in food or drtnlt. Tho symptoms aro so ens lly laid to other causes that It can do norfoun mischief bo foro ita presenco Is suspected, Its uso In rod prcclpltnto na n Bolder on pipes Is specially dangerous. Next to lend, tlio cases of poison moot numerous woro from opium, then from cnrbollo acid, lie lift donna nud alcohol, nconlto, clilorodyno nnd hydrochloric ncld follow In tho list with nearly equal pneo. Tor Btilcldul pur poso carbolic ncld was used In forty-two cases, tnorpliluo, opium ntul laudanum In forty-ono. Tho fashion In Htilcldo Is very vnrlublo. Globo-Democrat. A IVrullur I.nvo Cluirin. In tho flouth of 1'ianco thoy mnlto a very peculiar lovo clutrtu lu a very pectt liar way. Under cortnln ceremonies which I do not understand very well thojoung woman catches nud lioxcs up n frog In n box with n lot nf llttlo holes bored In tho wood. Tho casltot Is then burled In nn nut hill nnd loft thcro for two weeks Tho nnts of cottrso nttnek tho prisoner and cat up nil his llcsh, and all that Is left. Is tho creature's bonus. Among theso Is a shield shaped bono about ns largo as ono'B thumb unll, upon ouo end of which Is n llttlo hook. Tho girl takes this bono nnd has It blessed surreptitiously by tho prlost without Ids knowledge that Is, sho exposes it during tho benediction at tho muss nnd then who hooks it on tho clothing of hor Bweethoart that Is to bo. I was gravely assured Hint tho charm, when properly prepared with nil duo coro mony ntul enro. hud nover boon known to fall. Chicago Naws. Copy for tbo ICdltur. Most editors dlsllko pencil copy. It Is hard to read nud bothers desk editor and compositors nllko. Nows paper paper Uko that on which nowspnpers aro printed should iiovor bo used for anything but nowspnpor copy. If It Is used, tho Blicots Hhould nover bo larger than commercial uoto slzo. Editors may not complain of pencil copy, but thoy profcr pen and Ink copy every tlmo. Of course If u writer has a regular nnd assured position, ho may con sult only his own convcnlonco and disre gard tho wishes of thoso who handlo his copy: but If ho Is sending his matter to au uncertain market thoucater and hand somer ho makes it, tho mora likoly it Is to sell. "W. II. II." In Tho Writer. Manufacture of Clitncso Cash. A largo number nro engaged In molding, costing nnd finishing tho "cash" used as coin all over China Mexican dollars nnd Sycco silver being used In largo trnus actions. Tho cash aro mado from au alloy of copper and zinc, nearly tho samo as tho well known Muntz metal; and It takes about 1,000 of them to answer as chango for n dollar, so mluuto and low do prices run In this country, of which I will only glvo ono Instance Tho faro for crossing tho ferry ou tho I'elho was only two cash, or ouo-fifth of a cent. Sclontlflo American. ATlint Aro Woods Tor "Tho hardest question I over had to an swer," said a gcntlomnu who hnd just como down from tho Thousand Islands, "was put by my llttlo boy whllo tho train was passing through a small strip of woods. 'Papa,' ho shouted, tho roaring of tho train making It dlUlcult to hear, uro tucro any lions an tigers an bears iu thoso woods? 'No.' I said. 'Well, if thcro ain't no lions an' tigers nn' beam In woods,' ho shrloked nbovo tho din, 'what do thoy havo woods fort' " Utica Ob Bcrver. Tlio Mouso nnd tho Sage. Onco upon a tlmo a Mouso wont to a Sago and said: "Tell mo, O, Wlso Man. a Romcdy for my Trouble I am bo small that pcoplo look upon mo with contempt." "Do content, p, Mouse," was tlio reply of tho Sago, after Reflection. "If your slzo was increased ten fold men would simply Bhottt "Rat si" ut you. Moral. Thcro nro worso Corns than thoso which como to us. Detroit l'rco Press. Russia's Cotton Imports. Rusla Imports annually 800,000,000 pounds of cotton, chloily from America nnd Ugvpt, but it Is bclloved that recent acquisitions of tho czar lu central Asia nro excellently adapted for cotton raising Somo has already been grown at Khlva nud Dokhant, and an extensive system of Irrigation Is being created to develop other land for this crop. Now York Sun. On Independence Day. A corresjiondoiit writes mo regrettlug that I was not iu San IVaucisco on Independence day. I am sorry to havo disappointed him, but I always go out of town as far ns pos sible, on that audible anniversary. Tho day Is known to mo as tho Glorious Uo Forth. Ban Francisco Examiner. A T-argo Minority. Visitor (to wife of rccont candidate) Al though your husband was dofeated, Mrs Ilcndrlcks, I supposo hi minority was a largo one) lira. Hendricks Oh, my, yes; I heard John say that it wa nearly unanimous. Now York Sun. CHINESE LAUNDIIYMEN. WONG CHIN FOO TCL.L3 OF THE DUSINES9 IN NEW YORK. Hie Almond I'rril .Journalist Hhnws Haw Ills Couiilrjinen Aro (lot Up riimnohilly. Tlio M j stories or tlio "Wlirj" u- Byndl. cnto Tlio tauiiilrymcit's mw. Tlio question 1ms froquontly beennskod by Americans, "Ito theso Chlnnmen wash clothes In China? How Is It Hint nearly all who como hero outer tho laundry liusl nosst Do thoy lovo lit" No, they do not lovoltnny moio than any other kind of labor. Thby did not oven know what tho "Mollrnn nmn's" shirt looked Uko, much less how to drens ono, boforo they enmo to Ainorlca. Laundry work lu Chlnii Is Invariably dono by women, nud when a man steps Into n woman's occupation ho loses his social standing. They bocomo liumdrymon hero nltnpfy boeauso thero Is no other occupation by which thoy enn innko mbiuiy ns Bttroly nnd quickly Tho projttdlco ngnlnst tho mco hns much to do with It. They nro lino cooks, noat nnd faithful norvnnts, find nbovo nil, vory skillful moehnnlcs nt nny trndo thoy lmvo n mind to try. In tho western Btnloi, whoro tholr vultio Is bettor understood, thoy aro usod In as many different positions as any other foreigners, nud tho laundry business In occupied only by thoso who fall to find sthor employment. NO OTIIf.lt At.TUItNATIVn. Rut hero In Now York as yot thoro Is to other nltornntlvo. Many nn nblo minded iiinn us woll ns nklllful mcchnnto who enmo to Amorlciv to bottor his condl iVn inny bo found wielding tho polishing Iroui In n Now York Chlneso laundry. It tU;cs from novcnty-flvo dollars to two heV-J(l dollars to start ono of theso Chlneso wash housus, nnd tho way moot os theso Inttudrlos aro started would glvo v'nlunblo tips ovon to nn Amorlcnn Wall street deacon. Tho main cixpondlturo lu iv Chlncu) laundry Is u stovo nnd n trough for wnshlng, nnd partitions for dry room uud Bleeping apartment, nud n sign. As li rulo It requires $100 to opon a laundry In Nuw York. Rut this nmotiut z a fortuuo to n nowly arrived Chltm s.ti, nud unless ho Blurts Immediately Into tho laundry business, ho would bo como n burden to roiuo of his friends. Tho Chlneso immigrant, ttnllko his Euro- fican compatriots, novor comes horo unless 10 Is Bnfuly surrounded by friends or relatives upon his arrival. Theso Imme diately lultlnto him Into tho mysteries of tho laundry business. Iu somo friendly laundry tho nowcomcr Is placed under n bIx months' apprenticeship, beginning nt tho wash tub, until ho rcnehos tlio Ironing table, and lastly tho polishing hoard. Thoso apprentices begin with $!) per week and board, nnd a gradual addition of $1 pr week after tho first mouths, until thoy nro nblo to tako charge of a laundry thorn solves. Then If ho has monoy ho litres n plnco and hangs out his sign. If not, ho goes to ono or two friends, nud they will call a "whoy" or syudlcnto for his bcuoflt In tha following maimer. MYBTKIIlia OK TUB "WIIKT." Supposo I lmvo nn cstnbllshod laundry, and want to borrow $'400 at a certain per centum premium, but I cannot find nny ono Chlnumnu who Is nblo to loan mo tho amount. I put up a notlco In Mott street that upon such and such a day I wish to mako a "whoy" of twenty jnen, who all aro supposed to bo situated llko myself, each wanting to borrow $200. Whon wo twenty borrowors all como to gothor wo each put down $10. Thou each ono secretly writes upon a slip of papor tho amount of interest ho is willing to glvo to got tho $200. Theso slips aro cnroiuiiy Bcnicu nna ttirown into a uowi. At a given tlmo thoy nro opened, and to tho highest bidder goes tho $200, less tho Interest, which Is Invariably deducted Immediately from tho principal. FrcQuoiitly as high as SI Is offorod for tho uso of $10 for a bipglo month. In such casos each of tho nineteen other bor rowers gives to tho lucky ono only $0 nplcco for tho $10 nplcco which thoy mako hlm nay uoxt month. Then tho next hlghest bidder gots tho $200, less tho Interest ho offered, and bo ou, until tho cntlro twenty, nt twenty different times, havo obtained tho uso of this $200; but tho ono that comes tho last, having offered tho lenst Interest of them all, reaps tho harvest of tho "whoy." ThlC method Is adopted by most Chlneso laun drymen In Now York and othor larga cities to open now laundries. It partakcu of tho gaming flavor which Is captivating to ovcry truo Celestial. No Chinaman can transfer his placo of buslnoss Into tho hands of nnothcr with out ut least thirty (lavs' notlco In "Clilun town," on Mott Btrcol, nnd tho buyer Is not required to pay him moro than half of tho purchnso monoy until tho legal thirty days aro past. This Is tho laun drymen's law, mado four years ago In this city, to provent a lauudryman from absconding from his creditors. Upon tho completion of tho thirty days creditors and debtors must meet at tho transferred laundry, and whon all of tho old debts aro liquidated a clear title of tho laundry Is given to tho now owner.- Wong Chin I'oo lu Tho Cosmopolitan. Tlio Hotel Iteglstor Must Go. Tlio register at Bomo of tho fashlouablo hotels will soon bo among tho unused If not among tho forgotten things. Thero Is a movement ou foot to abolish It en tirely, and sooner or later, Uko n good many othor things, It will havo to go. Pcoplo aro busier now than they used to bo, or elso thoy aro lazier. Forniorly hotel guests registered their names and tho Slacos from which thoy camo with a good oal of accuracy nud attention. Now most of tho public men and generally all lady travelers dccllno to allow their nnmott to nppear on tho book at all. Thoy Bimply glvo their names and places of residence to tho clerk, who notes tho samo and sticks tho llttlo card containing tho in formation In tho oillco rack. Tho real object of tho register was tonccommodato tho outsider any way, nnd oven lu this respect has fullon Into disuse. Tho strangor comes In looking for a friend and consults tho book, and nluo times out of ton If ho docs not find tho uamo on tho register ho turns nud asks tho clerk If tho person ho becks is stopping lu tho house. This Is a fast ago, and tho regis ter seems to bo lu tho way now ou tho hotel desk. Now York Graphic. Atlvtco from Professional. Speaking in a genoral manner of stago art, ho Bald: "Ovorcomo your nervousness as soon as you can, nud get full and casv control of your movemeuts. Abovo all things, don t loso control of your volco; spcalc clearly but not unnaturally loud, and throw your phrases and sentences as you would a rack of cards, cleanly and dollbenitcly. Nover turn your back to tho audlcnco, and don't bo afraid to lot them bco your face." Now York World lutcrvlow. LEAP BALL - PROGRAMS, AND INVITATIONS .. With Illumination designs npproprintu for the occasion, Printed in finest style of the art at COURIER : OFFICE. ALSO LEAP YEAR RECEPTION CARDS, Wessel & Dobbins, s!H J?Wuters, New rBurr Block, Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station ery, Fine Printing of all K:nds. Give Us ei Trietl Order. The Season for Driving Has opened and we have just received a line line of Turf Goods and a great variety of AT Grey Horse Harness Emporium, 1020 O Street. GarfielclAclclition O i Seventeenth street car line of Lincoln Street Railway, lots front' ng on GARFIELD PARK. Now on sale. Inquire at Room 34 Richards Block. YEAR V Cor. .1211-, and O Sts Whips, Saddles, FANCY DUSTERS LAP ROBES AND Ladies . Fine : Saddles THI5- V