Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 06, 1888, Image 5

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y si
flnrniontj That Ac Quito r.iinllli, Yon
Know Soul Slilm Tl'nt All tlio Pair
One Lovi tUiuhrrnr f the Season.
Other Matters. ConvponiliTco.l
Ki:w Vohk, Oct. !. Economy Is tlio
source of wealth, wo nil know, "nnd thnt
U tho renson thnt so many women tnl;o I
pieces of tholr liiisbnud's old trousers nnd I
bow tlium nil over with Kohl braid nnd nil
colors of wills, and then pay n shoemaker
$5 to put boIcs nud licols on tlictn, so tlmt
"dear liubby can liavo a vnlunblo but eco
nomical pair of slippers for bis dainty
llttlo footsy tootsies wbeu bo cornea
homo," nnd thereby tho pood nnd econom
ical llttlo wlfoy Bnvcs enough inonoy to
buy her n winter bonnet, nnd besides
earns n reciprocal presout on Christmas,
usually n sealskin cloak. lacing n woman
myself, 1 can't tpilto explain how It Is
that It makes n sulTlclcnt Having on tho
prlco of n pair of slippers thnt could bo
bought ready inndo for 1.00, to buy n
$8."3 bonnot nnd pny $5 to tho Hhocmnkor
besides, but It must bo so, or custom
would not lmvo proved It infalllblo.
'Women nro not expected to rensou nnd
prnctlco economy both. Ono Is qulto
enough, particularly when such nbstruso
problems ns how to mnUo $33.50 out of
tho sent of n pair of old pants nt onco,
with n clear tltlo to n ncalskln or dia
mond ring In tho futuro nro Involved.
Women may not bo nblo to arguo, to set
Tip their promises nnd draw their deduc
tions, nnd convlnco their hearers by their
logic, but what with their economy nud
their tears thoy "get thero Just tho
Yesterday I sat In a window on a
much frequented thoroughfare, which is
thronged with ladles every afternoon,
nud suddenly tho Idea struck mo to count
tho bonnets nud lints, nnd only tlioso
vhlch had no counterparts, during ono
hour. I did so and counted -1 12 women
nud girls, ench and ovcry ono of whom
had on n head covering entirely different
from her sisters. Thero woro somo others
which, llko tho Irishman's pig, ran around
ao that I could not keep account.
Just think of thatl Four hundred and
twelvo different stylos of hat3 and bon
nets I Everybody can bo In fashion In
that manner, or rather each woman can
bo a law to herself, and It tnkes n smarter
woman than I am to pick out tho very most
ultra fashionable of them all. Hat, in
tho largest nud principal
establishments, thero Is a
llttlo, very llttlo, family
likeness between somo of
them. I notlco that tho
hats affected by young
lndtos nearly all liavo
innntl for dolmans, wraps nnd other cut.
door wear, nnd this season tho furrlersi
liavo surpassed Ihoumolvw lu tho perfec
tion nnd grncoof tholr sealskin wraps.
A pretty round shoulder capo Is called
tho Princess Mathlldo, though why
they uamo It after her Is hard to
understand, for sho Is almost us big
as tho fat woman, nnd rould uovor
wenr ono. 'tlio wraps, wnon trimmcu
Drltctnnimi'M of Iluulnn Ton.
Tho culslno In tho hotel nnd good ro
tUurantn In very lino, and comfortably
pood In tho cheaper houses wo liavo tried.
Nowhoro Is living dear. Ten, most deli
rious, with nlco bread, nnd enough for
two, cost eighty kopecks, nnd utrluk gelt
to tho wnlter of say ten In nil nltout
forty cent ii. Chocolate, two tumblers
full, nnd bread or enko for two, snmo
160. tho capo nlwut 50
to 00, according to
slzo. Tho plush coats
and Nowmnrkcts ro
nomblo sealskins so
closoly that It Is almost
impost) I uio
to tell them
npnrt with
out touch
lug them,
nnd they do
not cost
noarly so
m u o h . 1 u
fact n long
mUlii lined nud
of tho finest
qunllty, only
costs ft Ii o u :
C0, and I
liavo soon
many others
mtt lQM
with sablo or plucked beaver, cost about prlco. A good dinner of soup, two kinds
A t 11 t . i Al I . k ...! .... .l.l.lnn atli It a nillnli.l . il till
meat nnd vegetables, with u rompoto and
glass of l)cor, cohIs In tho best places, for
two, nbout 1.10 of our money. Tho
samo nt a ivMoctablo place, but not so
well prepared, yet good enough, nbout
thlrly-llve cents per person of our money.
1 mako It n rule to try all kinds of placen
where food Is clean nnd respectable. Una
slan tea Is very lino. It Is served thus:
A teapot largo enough to hold ono largo
cupful, and half full of leaves, Is placed
beforo two persons, with another largo
pot of bollltur water. Wo half Ull our
cups from tho teapot nud 1111 up with hot
water, nnd, if desired, with cream or
with milk, nt tho same tlmo filling tho
teapot with hot water. In tills wny wo
can have us much as wo cau possibly do
slro. I notice Russians drinking and refilling
until tho decoction coming from tho pot
Is barely colored. Wo, however, rellll
only onco, getting thus two largo cups of
delicious tea. Tlio third cup Is strong
! enough for tablo two. Tor each portion
iwojvo tumps t)i sugar nro i ununited nun
bread enough for n fair breakfast. I no
tlco Uu&slans putting sugar lu their
mouths and sucldng tlio tea through It or
eating It after swallowing somo tea. This,
however, when tea Is taken simply as n
boverago and with n slice of lemon. Ono
disgusting habit Is common hero In tho
better class of restaurants. A glass of
Miter Is served nfter tho meal, with a
Ingcr bowl. Tho mouth Is washed and
Uio water poured out of It Into tho linger
bowl. 1 hnvo herotoforo seen this dono
at mnny tables d'hote on the continent,
but hero so far It seenm universal. Thero
Is nothing In this really filthy, but It Is
Btiggostlvo of Hastiness. I liavo seen It
among traveled swells lu America. It Is
a habit I hopo will uottako deep root oven
lu our swelldom. To wash the mouth be
fore smoking U n luxury. Hut thero nro
Bomo things which nro better dono behind
a screen than in full view. -Curler II.
Harrison lu Chicago Mali.
strings of ribbon hang
ing down to tho wulst
and aro garnished with
ovory imaglnablo stylo
or reamers nnu uirus, iionnkts.
such ns never yet
hatched or How. Wrd of Paradlso tails
aro in special demand, nnd when theso uro
unobtainable too out Btiunguais inn
Is confiscated, and Is about as protty.
Thero aro feather bonnots made of
feathers glued to a foundation, nnd
volvet, felt and woolen goods mado to
match "costumes, and thero aro flower
bonnets for afternoon teas and evening
wear, and thero aro somo very dainty and
protty bonnets mado of ribbon only. This
ribbon Is all In ono pleco and Is quilled,
rallied, woven in nnd out, and manipu
lated lu somo occult way, but which Is
really charming nnd chlo when dono. I
might hnvo yards on yards of ribbon,
but with a hundred years' of work I
ould not pinch and pucker it up bo that
It would look llko ono of theso simplo but
stylish ribbon bonnots, and as a natural
consequence, it Is tlio only bonnot that
my fancy will accept as my "now bon
net," and for that fairy doftness of tho
milliner's fingers I shall have to pay at
tho rato of 00 an hour for her labor, for
It don't take over ten minutes to mako
Why It Is that a "young man's fnncy
lightly turns to thoughts of love," while
a woman's soul's dovotlon bows beforo a
sealskin, aro tilings that no fellow can
find out, but thero Is nothing, not oven
tho lovo for a real caslimero shawl over
which tho scent of tho goat and tho filthy
hut whero a greasy Moliamotnn mado it
hangs forover, nnd which, by tho way, Is
regarded by tho owners as tho odors of
Araby tlio blest, and as such cherished
and sulffcd at with admiring noses, that
can equal tho undying affection for a real
akin B.icquo. Its rich color nnd vclvoty
Boftncss, nud Its particular becomlngness
to all women alike, mako It tho most do
Blrablo material over known for winter
wear. It Is a3 becoming and Kultablo for
tho girl of fifteen as tho whlto haired
Ksausu, you know.
woman of eighty, and slim women look
plumper anil fat ones look moro Blonder,
end over all tho cc&lskiu throws it halo
uul witchery.
It is not enough to hnvo short sacqucs,
but tho demand was Impiwatlvo for Now
markets 'which reach to within a few
Inches of tho bottom of tho dress, and of
course It was fillod. A Newmarket costs
about pUOO for a good quality. Then there
nro wuklnr jackots, dressy and stylish,
for about 0100, but tlioso can-only bo worn
by deader peoplo. Thou thero woo a do-
mum uisaiit'h ukhihil
at prices ns low ns 15 thnt wcro still
very elegant nud durable Hut this was
usually at tho end of tho soason, when
merchants preferred to soil cheaply than
to atoro tho wraps, with tho risk of a
change In fashion. Hut tlioso who buy
such a garment can safely count upon tho
fashion lasting for three winters, with,
possibly, somo slight modlllcatlou, bo that
It lu good economy to buy them.
I wish women could Bottlo down Into
stylos as solid ns Bcnlsklu In tho matter
of other nrtlclos of attire, though to bo
sure tho fashion wrltors would suffer lu
consequence, for I loso my patience when
I bco our young American women try so
hard to forgot tholr own national Individ
uality nud put on tho stlffest, most un
gainly nnd luigrncoful garments, lu which
thoy are obliged to bruco up mid hold
their heads high and shoulders out and
their anus stiff as potters just becausa It
Is English, you know, nnd their dress
maker pretends to liavo been tailor to tho
queen. You know that since her melan
choly widowhood tho queen has no uso
for tailors, but in tier husband s life tlmo
it was moro than hinted that sho woro tho
bifurcated garments supposed to belong
exclusively to tho bettor box. When you
bco theso tailor mado girls you think of
I tho drill of tho nwkwartl squad at tho
barracks at Shooburyness In England, and
as thoy stop out your mind ro verts to tho
sergeant's, " 'A-n-ti foot, straw foot; 'n-a a
! foot, straw -foot." Tnoy absolutely can-
. not walk othorwlso In such rigs. Oh,
dear mo! I blush for tho weakness of
Mark tho dlffcrcnco In tho easy graco of
tho French woman, who has her proto-
po in all sensible American women.
cr gown Is mado or lines and curves,
and thero is a studied ncgligcnco about it
that Is very pleasing and infinitely hotter
adapted to tho outlluo of ft woman's figure
than tlioso stiff, backboarded English
dresses, that aro mado so tight that you
cannot sneczo in ono to savo your llfo
without blowing tho top of your head off.
In this French imported costume tho
peculiar arrangement of tho long India
scarf is noticeable It goes around tho
shoulder, crosses in front, and Is brought
around tho waist to tho left side, whero
It Is simply knotted. This Is a protty and
dressy accessory to a tollot, and can bo
mado of China or Itulhin crcpo and bead
ed, or embroidered and fringed. Such
Bcarfs aro about four yards long and half
n yard wldo. Tho model Is of brick color,
with black dots nnd stripes, nud tho dress
I Is of black nrmuro silk.
'ilia intelligent reader will notlco a pe
culiarity In tho maunor of orranglng tho
hair, which Is qulto protty and now. Tho
front Is combed up over n cushion, and
tlio sides only aro curled, leaving n well
defined point In tho center.
Tho haudsomo wool and silk plaids that
nro scon now for tho now costumes liavo
tho plaids on tho
bias wherever It
Is possible. Tho
skirts aro usually
kilted with a row
of plain, largo
buttons on two or
throo kilts ns a
panel effect, and
tho upper drapery
may bo plaid or
It takes almost
a yard nud n half
moro material to
mako a dress up
nil on tho bins
than straight, as
I found to my sor
row, nud couldn't
match tho goods,
bo tlioso who wish
to mako tholr gar
ments In that wuy
should tako warn
ing and buy tho
extra amount.
Plaids will bo particularly popular for or
dinary wear, or bitch as will require hard
wearing qualities. Tho favorlto colors
for plaids will bo green and gold, and red
and bluo, and brown and red. Green In
shades is very soft nnd pleasing, as Is also
green plaldcu with wormwood brown.
Tho abort mantles and wraps for early
fall aro of every Imaglnablo color and
stvlo. Bomo of them being a slmplo capo,
with military crDircctolro collar. Others,
ami by far tho most part, will liavo tlio
tabs extending down to tho bottom of
tho dress skill. Somo aro of lino wool
goods handsomely trimmed with gimp or
beaded work, und othorsof velvet lavishly
garnished with lino beads und pas&cmen
tcrlo. They aro Been lu ovory color used this
boason, but unless one's means nro ample
black velvet Is tho best investment, ns
audi a wrap can bo worn with any dress.
Mack or colored velvet, rich and haud
somo enough for a wrap, can bo bought
for 2 n yard, nud two yards Is plenty for
a haudsomo nnd ample wrap. Allow a
dollar und ft half moro for shot surah for
lining and four nud a half dollars for
beaded U limning, ami llfteen cents tor a
pattern, and a lady by a day's work can
liavo a most elegant garment thut would
cost her from twonty-llvo to forty dollars
ready mado, in tho best stores lu tho to
giuuliig of tho season.
Olive IIaiipciu
Art of Window Drrmlnc.
Tho shop windows liavo put on their
last porsuaslvo touches as tho season
wanes. Tho mllllnoru' windows look llko
aviaries In which bonnets nnd hats are
perched llko birds of gay plumage Hut
nothing Is dono to attract tho femlnluo
oyo moro skillfully thnn thnt which nllurcs
tho men. Tho nrtlstlo possibilities of
neckties nro shown In mnny ways. Ono
enterprising dealor has hung his cntlro
window lu deep Indigo neckties splotched
with spots and waving lines, 'lho Illu
sion Is of a very dectiBca aspect and very
taking. On another street red nnd bluo
shirts nro mado effect ivo by displaying
them in Hues so that tho bars of color
shall tell for all thoy uro worth.
Tho art of window dressing wo liavo
learned from tho French. Two things
aro necessary, n sense of color In masses
nnd by contrast nud an appreciation of
tho valtto of forms repeated. Theso
Americans aro getting, and It marks
progress on tho way to becoming an artis
tic people. A glovo shop and n place for
women's gear Is n caso lit point. Tho
window is laid in black. On small raised
stands aro long black silk stockings
folded with hanging cuds, and on each of
theso nro perched long, yellow kid gloves
knotted exactly lu tho Bamo wny. Abovo
these, which suggest, by tho way, pro
Haphacllto (lowers lu n foreground, nro
black knitted bIUc vests, hanging llko
banners botween tho long yellow gioves,
which liavo tho effect of streamers. In
the contor of nil Is another vest, crossed
by a magnificent pair of yellow embroid
ered gaiters. Tlio window, with its re
iterated yellow and black, might servo
for an Austrian rally. Now York Press.
1Vhnt TJiry Don't LIUo.
Our compact and Interesting lottcr from
tho Nlantlc summer school for teachers
had in it n wholo sermon In that ono quo
tation from a teacher that "thero w'a'nt
but ono way of lamln' young ones any
thing and that was to glvo 'em what they
didn't llko." What a picture it offers of
tho way Bomo people regard children, and
tho sort of peoplo who sometimes sccuro
positions as teachers! That tho bcntl-
nlcnt as expressed brlstlcn with errors of
grammar does not, unfortunately, prove
that n teacher did not utter It verbatim.
Hut the ossenco of tho wholo thing Is In
that notion of "giving 'em what thoy
don't llko" ns n means or education. It la
tho philosophy of llfo for somo peoplo.
Thoy go nbout, ns a moral and religious
duty, taking tho happiness out of other
pcoplo's lives for their good, choosing tho
disagreeable whero cholco outers, and
turning to tho loft lu a crowd bocauso
tho others turn to tho right. "Thoy glvo
'cm what thoy don't llko," and know It's
tho rlg'.t thing because tlioso who get it
"don't llko It." It Is n pitiful way of
looking et things, and it doesn't bolong
In tho Nluotccnth century, but it is still
to bo found and when found it cannot bo
curod. Hartford Courant.
Now Tlino 'luliti'H lit I'.nVct Ni'l'l. 'Juil.
Tmln No. I, the I'mcHIc KxprciM, leaves
Council llliiirn 7i!L1 p. in., dally, niilvlng
Denver uvond tiny tl;lft p tn.,Oj;di'ii thlhl
day ftil.1 p. in,, nud Hnu KinueK-o fourth day
nt 10:11 n. in. Tin In No. !l()l, lenvlnu Kniwaft
City the Mime inoi-uliiR, at or nlxiul III n. in,,
arrive nt Denver nt Till) n. in., nnd connect
with tuilii No. 1 nt Cheyenne.
Trait No VriiuOicrlniid Flyer," loaves
Council lllutr Kiindny 7;M(I a, ni.,i!mly, i'
livlng Denver mwiuI day IliiUln. in., Ogdeti
MH'ottd day 11 p. in , Han Ki-nuclwo third tiny
10: -I.') n. in., nnd I'oitlntid foiitth day at H a.
m, Train No. iiiKI, leaving lanw City tlio
prtflotw evening, nt or about 0i 10 p. in., ar
rives nt Denver at ft p. in. and connects with
train No. !l nt Clieyt line.
Train No. 'J, tlio Atlantic Hxprc, tho op
Mlte of Train No, I, tin Ives Council Willi"-.
ntHilfm. in, Connection I tiiailo nt Cliey
enno for ICnina City, arriving Knnwtn City
(train No. J.W) at or nbout ft p. in., of tlio
Mine tiny thnt train No. 'J arrive Council
HIuITh. Tuilii No. V'TIm Ovet land Flyer,"
the tipiKvdto of train No. il, at rives Council
llliiirn tit f: Ul p.m. Connection I tnndn nt
Cheyenne for IvaiiHn City, arriving ICiiiihiih
City (train No. L'OI) at or about (;','() n. in, of
the day following the arrival of No. -I nt
Council lllnir
Exception There I no connection with
train from California and Nevada, east hound,
on train No. -I.
8li'K nf Helmut iipol,
Tho Union Pacific, "The Overland Itouto"
will Ml excursion ticket nt reduced rale, to
MrpUK dcMmti of attending the HlKilK ov
HlCliASTOrot., to bo produced lit Oiualia,
August lUHli, Kept. 1st, .'lid, Ith, nth, lllh, 7th,
8th, loth, nth, I'.'tii, l.'ith, nth, inth, imii,
'JOtli, !d, !th, mid UTtli. Tickets will be
good, going date of ralo nnd returning the
rollow lug day. Till w III bo one of the great
cut attract over offered to the public nud
should Im) taken nilvaiitago of by nil. For
rntoM etc., call on your nearest ticket agent.
T. Ii. KiMiiAl.t., J. H. Ticiuikth,
Acfg (len'l Man. (J. P. & T. Ag't.
E. U I.OMAX, A. (. P. : T. A.
Tlrst Harvest Kxrurslou
Via MIrhoiu-1 l'nclll'i railway to point lu
TcxfiHiuul ArlcaiiKn, AugutUlst, lK88;ntliein
to follow Heptemlier 1 1 tit nnd ii'itli nnd Oeto
tier 0th and '.':M at one faro for the round
trip. Ticket nro flrt elns, limited to thirty
day, und stop over for the Inspection of
bind allow ed within tlio limit. Choice land
tit from fl.ttt to $A ier nero. Further Infer
niatloi., map, descriptive laud matter, el.,
may 1st had bv calling on or writing
H. (J. llANNA, It. P. It. MlM.Kll,
City Ticket Agent, (Jen. Agent.
Cor. O and I'-'tli Btrcets, Lincoln, Neb.
or to All.
Tho ITiiton Pacific Hallway. "Tlio Over
land Itouto" Have Just issued very complete
nud coiupreheiulvo pamphlets on Colonulo,
Utah, Idaho, Oregon, nud Washington Terri
tory, descriptive of tlio agricultural, stock
raising nnd mluvral resources, tlio climate
and licnlth resortHof tliCMjstntcsnnd territories
compiled f.iom tlio latest reporUof 1887. Bend
to J." 8. TebbettH (1. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb.
for one.
Mr. IMiss will be at tin; Capital Hotel in a lew days with
an elegant line of Imported Bonnets, Hats and Toques. La
dies wanting the LATEST PARISIAN STYLES at low
prices please wait. Due notice will he given.
WvffvKm.L ftKTtV
New Garland,
Tor Itmit,
Finn suite of rooms In thu Wclntor block,
furnished anil tin.urnished. Knqulro at
room 1.
Lincoln llnck mill Hiikchro Line.
Telephone N . 201. meat market, 0:17 O
street, or No. J101 livery Ixtrn. Order slates
at Mimu place and U. P. ticket olllee, comer
Kloventh nnd O streets. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel and meat market.
Student ArriiiiniinilutloiiR,
All tlioso who can furnish board and lodg
lug or employment for tho student of tho
university will please address full paiticular
to tho steward, ltoom number 1, main build
ing. :w-Jt
Miss Anna W. Hawkins, whoso success oh
teaeher of dancing was plainly seen in her
elegant "German and lleceptlon" of June
last, will open her school for children on Hat
urday, Heptetnbor tlio 22d, lu Masonic Tem
pie. Mis Hawkins would bo pleased to re
eelvo names of those who wish to take, at nuy
time. Addri is room IU, lllehnrds block,
Lincoln, Nub.
Prlvuto lessons forndulls will nlso lx given
to tlioso who deslto to tak IW-td
To Call and Examine the Large and Elegant Stock of IM
Just Received by Ihe
American Tailors,
i .j 1 1 Farnam St., Paxton Hotel Bldg.
They are Leaders. STYLE, FIT AND FINISH surpassed
by none. Do not fail to give them a trial,
$25,000 WORTH
Carriage cloaks aro of ractlnsso in leaf
patterns and Persian colors, aro coat
shaped and deflno tho figures loosely, liavo
pointed hanglncr alcoves of plush or
volvet, and collar and sleeves covered
with tho richest galloon. -
t;o of IUhcrrul WliUlcy.
According to Tlio Lancet, lu certain dis
tricts in tho north nf Ireland ether is
largely used ns nn Intoxicant. A special
kind of ether Is jireparcd for drinking
purposes, nud Its success in supplanting
whisky appears to bo owing to Its cheap
ness, for a pcrbon can obtain for n penny
sulllcleut of tho potent Until to iutoxlcato J
him. It may bo hero mentioned that tho
so called clilorlo ether, which, under Its
nower name of spirits of chloroform, Is
prescribed to give r. pleasant flavor to
nauseous draughts, has often been used
aa n stimulant by inebriates who have had
access to It. It is not ether, hut consists
of n Eolutlon of chloroform diluted In
nineteen porta of rectified spirit. With
regard to ether cold for drinking pur
poses, It h asserted thut tho exclso
authorities hr.vo beta r.pplled to, but thoy
havo no power to control Its cale.
Chambjfj' Jcurnd.
IZcttio.l of Appr.iUlii" Manuscript.
This Ltory h told of n certain llo3ton
publisher, and It in reproduced c showing
a unlquo way of r.ppralslug literary work:
A gentleman who docs much with his pen
lu tho vay of a iv.ther lurid kind of story
writing had frequently disposed of nianu
script to tho puultsher In (nieatlon. Ono
day ho entered tho olilco of tho latter with
r. story to cell, und handed him tho parcel
of manuscript. "Well, how much for
thlE?" was esked tho author, whllo tho
questioner hept poising tho manuscript
on lils open palm. "Fifty dollaru," was
tho reply. "Fifty dollars? ' repeated tho
publisher, tho rising Inflect Ion in his volco
denoting surprise; "why, It's not nearly
so heavy en tho ono I gavo you forty for
not lorr c-'as'Uoaton Duiigot
To Our I.uwjer 1'rliiiiil,
During tlio past weckl'llK CouitiKU olllee
has turned out soma elegant seeiineii in law
brief, ono muulierhig nearly n hundred
pace. We would like our friend of the
legal fraternity toreiuciulH-r that in this class
of woik wo oxcoll all others and that our
price aro as low as tlio lowest. Calls by tele
phone, Nn. 2.VI, promptly answered and nil
work left nt our olllee in Ilnrr block done
neat, quick nnd cheap.
Culllni; Curtis.
The Counii'.H has just received a largo In
voice of calling cards In the latest sha)' and
size. Our lady friends cHjiucliilly nro Invit
ed to call and examine. Wo fuinMi them
either pi luted or engraved in nuy stylo of tho
Chntnberlnln'H Colic, Cholera and I)(nrrlina
Ilcniedy Is the most tierfect preiMirntion In
uso for Imwel complniut. It acts quick, can
always lie depended upon nnd is pleasant to
take. Sold by W. J. Turner.
No ono can nlTord to neglect a cold ; catarrh,
chionle bronchitis and consumption nro caus
ed by negloctlng common cold. Take Cham
berlain' Cough ltciucdy nud cure It whllo you
can. Kold by W. J. Turner.
Prof. 1 M. Oibenult has removed Ills musi
cal studio from the Led with block to the
dell hotel, Pupil Intending to take lessons
in music, harmony or conqiositiou will please
& Moshcr's, Masonic Temple. Vlephono 101.
iHhHiiititlnii or rmtiirrxlilp.
Notice is hcieby kIvcii that the pnitncrship
heretofore exlsltlng betnwell I.. iVessel, Jr ,
and II. T. Dobbin, under tho linn name of
Wchm'1 iM Dobbin, in the piiutinir, publish
ing and stationery builiu-n. Is this day di
solvtsl by mutual consent, II. T. Dobbins re.
tiring. All ueeouutK duo tho linn will I hi eol
ltvtisl nud nil lilll ii;iilut tho linn will Iks
paid by L. Wessel, Jr.
I. Wkkski., J It.
II. T. DoiuiiNs.
Si'ptemU'r 13, 1USS.
Iniro Kiralfy's production of tho famous
ltnvel pantoinlno, "Mnzulm, tho Night Owl,"
began It season Inst Kulurdiiy night at
MoVick r' theatre lu Chlcngx, where tho
piece was given with all thu original nud
elaborate scenery, magical trick and trim for
mations and grnnd imllet. Two hundred co-
pie me employed In the representation, and
n number of new nnd btrikiug features liavo
bcenaddei! to tho porformance.
To be sold in next two months at
A Complete Line of Folding Beds
now in Stock.
Domestics, Flannels, Underwear,
Linens, Corsets, Yarns, Etc.,
Ashby & Millspaugh.
Double Store under Opera House.
In the City nil come from the
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Where all kinds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can be had at any time, Day or Nljjht, on short notice.
Horses Boarded and well taken care of at Reasonable Rates.
Call and see us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 147.
'nrfm rtfi "t'lLiM!! Amkiitf-i
tl-M. J&J.l.
Jv.4. 1 .AilhjlHjiwiLM.AL ,1.