35 '! WiJlNWipipwfffgpiWpil wop 'mmmfmW'mfsmEmmMm .,.,. ,-,--.- , --rTTarBi-Tfir Mrri n mi III I 1 I If ThT PBBr f AAJfc.l...i-ytiTr...f.iMTi.iMWiiwwM''ii,p'tr?M iipiPPllMppimppnpii Jl' T. Dyspepsia Makes tlio liven of many pcoplo miserable, nnd often leads to self-destruction. Distress utter catlap, sour stomach, rick hoad.iche. heart burn, loss of appetite, n faint, "nil roiio " feeling, bail tasle, coated tongue, and Irrcuu larlty of tlio bowels, nro DlStroSS gomo of tlio moro common Aftor sjinptoins. Dyspepsia docs - ., not get well of Itself. It billing leqtilros careful, persistent attention, nnt1 n remedy like Hood' H.trsa- parlll.t, wliMi nets Rcntly, yet anrcly nml cftlclcntly. It tones tlio stomach nml other organs, regulates tho digestion, create a good ni'iicllto, nml liy thin Sck ourcomlng tho local aynij- Unf,,nLA tonu removes tho pynip.t-nouuuunu thctlo effects of tho (Unease, banishes tho headache, nml refreshen tho tired mind. "I liavo been troubled with dyspepsia. I bad but llttlo nmiclltc, nml what I did cat Unn . distressed me, or did mo no an ,ttl0 B0,Hti ln nu jmr )Urn nttcr callus I would expe rience a falntness, or tired, nllgono feeling, ns though I had not eaten nnythlng. My trou ble I think, wan aggravated by my business, which In that of n painter, nml from being moro or less shut up In n Sour room with fresh paint. Last ..:" u spring I took Hood's 8nrsa- otomacn rllb-took thrco bottlon. It did mo nn Immtnso nmount of Rood. It gavo mo an appcttto, and my food relished nml satisfied tho craving I bad provlously experienced." Uuonnr. A. lon, Watcrtown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparllla BoMtiyalldniBBtiH. pttslsforfJ. rrepnrcrtonlr by C. I. HOOD CO,, AiHrtliccarlM, Lowoil, Miut. 100 Dooos Ono Dollar HAGENOW & ASGHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Ofl'ico.Rooms 139 nod i.olliur Illock. Telephone 133. Leaders in Photography. Riley's flEU pi5 5tudio$. We inaVe n pcclalti of Hie celebrated BROMIDE Life sized pictures nnd fumUli the flncit work nt lowest prices. Boat Cablnota $3.00 Clegant line of Picture Frames In stock and made to order. Call and sec u. H. W. KELIEY & CO. ioj6 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. New Jewelry Store, L. BARll, joio O Street. Established tSj-i. Pslrosloenlltho nttentton of ttio pitblle to ttln now nud ulcuaiit stook of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewalry. Silverware, i Itnvliurinoronxinitonecoinmodnto ttio trado And show u lnrer lino llinil over llcforo pur- cltaslnir. Rive us u call and wo will show you tho llncst lino at lowest possible prices. Watch Repalrln and Engraving: Neatly done and nil work warranted. LINCOLN OFFICE -OF- MAY MEYER & BRO. 133 Booth Twelfth Street. M. HANDS, Managor. o. Dealers In h'.ch crrniln IMftlintt! The standard Steluv & rWs, Chlrkcrlnfc nml hnniw & 01. UwelriW" llohr mrt. A Co. nnd Vpso & Son.tlw ilursbl.1 James M. Htarr A Co., tho cetobntnl btory & Clark organs. IManoa sold on Install ments or for cash. Old Instruments taken ln ex etionKO. An Invitation extended to nil to exam ine these Instruments nnd get prices that you can not got elsewhere. Ladies1 & Gents' FINE SHOES At- greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISCOE, 1043 O Street. M FINE ART : STUDIO 1314 O street xamlne samples of our ork before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced from $4 o '$3 pcrdoscn f K&waua THE COURIER A ;i))ii(ir liicr tif Mmfrrn JVmrs. I-'UMMSUICD SATUUI3AV HrnoenijtioNi Onu Vwr tiy Mull or Carrier $.',( Bis months, $t,00, Tluvo mimtluftOlVnts, On month ) Cents Intnrahly In Advance. VnvniTiiir.MK.vrn! Hale furiiMicd on npplliitliit nttliuollleo. Hpeclnl rates on Than Com rn ts. Co.NTiunimoxs! Rhorl spicy sketches, ioeinsinnd stories solicited, lVmoiml nml Hnclnl notoi nro especially desirable. I'aivrixnt Wo mako n specialty of Tine Printing In nil Its brnncliex. Hocli-ty work n lftlty Address nil communication direct to tlio nnleo. L,. W1SSS13L, JU-, KiitTnn xhu rnornnrroii. Now Ilurr llloclt, Cor. Will nml 0 Hirer '.J. TKi.r.rno.NniVt. It Is said thnt AloxnmlioDuitins Is tho rich oil writer hi tho world. Itltuifoto ntsuino that ho novel' madj It front tho products of bis pott. It should bo regarded ns n inibllo blosdnjr thnt tho tnx on foreign cerenls Is to lw In cinin'(l, Homo of tho roecntly-prluted Kioiicli Hcrlnls nro In horribly bad Unto. At lint tho Omilm World has oiided Its ila bnto on tho political questions of tho i!ny,uud has eoino out wpinroly for L'lovohuid nml til legetl reform. Tho step litis not ocensioued inueli mirprlse, ns It was not unoxticctcd. Tiir. Oiimlin World is InlllctliiK upon lis renders it iiuiiiIht of doggerel i h) men on tho liiestlmsblu vnluu of World wnnt nds. Tho Niier lirus offered ft prlw for tho licst 'K)oii." on this subject, but It In hardly fair treat ment to vxoct Its renders to digest thev) ex ocrnblo rhyiuun. Tiik eorlofs sliiRnor, John L. Bulllvnii, is rapidly Improving in henlth, nnd tho rush ludivldimln who liavo, dining liln lllnom, mid while ho wnnsuppouxt to 1J onlil.s denthbiHl, boon enlliiiK thoinselvun champioiH and ilnnc lug ujion Ills pugllUtlu ginvo will do well to crawl Iwick in their holes. Di.aini;, ho of Maine, bin stni tod out on a siwcch-makltig tour, and nt Now York tho othur (by over 103,OJJ poopto turnol out to heariiliu. Thero must bo something in tho "i'ltignetlsm" of tho l'luuied Kulght to draw a crowd thnt hits never boon ixputlled in tlio nnnnts of celebrntwl campaigns. Tiik Veiled Pivphots p trndo and ball was tho chief object of interest to Ht. Iniisatis this week. Thero is great rivalry between Knutas City and St. Intis ns regards their l'riesta of 1'alhH and Veiled rrophots socle ties, but tiuptvjudlcod opinion iilllrms that tho younger metropolis Is lapldly gaining tho ascendancy . CitiOMio'H uncaught murderer, Tanott, Is said to bo In hiding in thnt city, and Inspec tor Doiilleld is powerless to discover Ins whoreabouU. In so urgent it case ns this wo think -it extremely probable that Lincoln might bo inductxl to lend her mxi less detco tlve, Colonel Chaiilo Croivf tlio projer pres sure was brought to bear. Tiik French hive discovered it method of making smokeless powder, tho detonations of w hlch nro scarcely audible, so that tho tiring will not reveal tho whereabouts of nu army. This invention nnd tho superiority of tho IO bol titles have nttractd great attention In military circles in Euroiio, mid uro likely to effect tt revolution In warfare. An Omaha society bello was placed In a very embarasslng osltIoii tho other evening. As she was stepping from a carriage on her return from tlm theatre, her escort, nit al most utter stranger to hor, was arrstcd on the charge of forgery. Thus is another les son added to the many warning young ladles to beware of the smooth stranger. Somk comment has been called forth by an article which recently appeared in n leading magazine, on tho subject, "Is Man lago it Falluroi" Tho testimony of Mr. Drown, tho Individual who now languishes In the Michi gan poulteutiary for iossesslng thirty-two mora helpmeets than our beneficent bws per mit, would bo of Incalculable valuo in decid ing so momentous a question. The Western Association of Imiso ball clubs bos gone where tho woodbi no is supposed to twluo. Davenport, Bioux City end Chicago are ninong tho has beens, leaving DesMolues with tho pennant In her grasp, Llnuolu will likely bo enrolled In tho Western association noxt year, that U, if uny of her enterprising business men hnvo it tidy llttlo sum laid asido to blow In on this inoit bcductlvo method of getting rid of surplus cash. To tho city council, greeting: Tlio people of this city have clamored mid called for puro water for over n year, and you hnvo not yet given it to them. You hnvo proven your selves Incompetent to deal with thin matter iu tlio prompt nud accurate manlier neces sary lit cases of this character. It is very dif ficult to tell how much inonoy has been use lessly hquandered in endeavoring to get pmo water, but tlio majority of tlio taxpayers are tired of luyiug out good hard cash for that pui'iKwo, Tho best way out of tho difficulty Is to let the company that U ready to do so tako hold ot tho woiks,and glvo us good, pure water. Milan society is scandalised over tho exhi bition of a picturo recently painted by tho artist Ucaiizoni. it was announced to lu a portrait of Mile Frizzl, premiere daiiHouso of the Scalo. Clad in tho scantiest of sklrts,the dancer stands in tho center, and floating Iu clouds about her aro a dozen male admirers, apparently fascinated by twclvodlstiuct rays from her eyes. Tlio beads aro all easily rec ognizable portraits of well known leaders of Milan society, ninong them two noblemen ot high position, married, and with families. Each of tho twelvo bos brought suit for libel aguhikt the artist, and tho dancer nlso claims heavy damages, ami profusac to bo greatly outraged. Tick 1i st tiling of tlio th'iilrirnl year thus i fnr Is likely to Im f.i.md In tin pro Inetlon by IMello Clayton of n version of "Tho Quick or ,i it .in mi,.mi....,. .................. tlm IUiiI." iMUttliyton, nn netrosiof gen- lyton, nu netresinr gen tie nml plo,mln poitoiiiillty, lias of recent Ni'iinoni ilnvIitMit a fomlues for doing soino utrniiRO thlngn In thodrniiii. From tho b.iro footed lieiolnu of Oiildn'it "Ti Icotrln" or "Kn vclte," ai thu foitllghts knutv It, 'she now turiin with s online uij to tlio "Hntlium"' of Ainello lllvoi' wolrd iiiirratlvo. Tlio rmiKols In iiioimI ih;imuiii)1 Mo: tho m tlntle differ euro will lu i'llikly dheeriie.!. Tll'j stngo widow Im i uovor beforo thin beou u piitlcu lurly Intel esting or toumiitio poi-MOiinge; nml It will bo Intel ckUhk to sen how iieuily hho can (111 tho popular Idea of that rem ilk iblo young worn in. It In Imrdly iiLvessary to mid that tho wholo thing l iiotdworviogof sue (eon, Itlnn n iiimtln.r, iiit'iosllhy mm of woriUnml sjiitoioi, in.'o'.ioront mil uuan IiiUhh. No sooner ban tho t moor thnt (Jluvelnnd In u ImHoball crunk from nwny back gained Unit belief mining inters of tho natlomil name, than along eouon tho story that Harrison Is so enamored of tho postimo that ho positively grows rod-hcatlcd when tho hoiiio'teniu IsilO' fentinl mid In ono of tho most pronounced "miters" Keen in tho Iiidlnmipolln grand stand. Dy tho way.couldu't thin pre.liltntlul business Imj settled without worry mid trouble and iXieusu by allowing Cleveland to pick eight democratic stato governois and Han I son ait equal miuiberof lepublicauoxecutlvcs and lot tho two tennis piny n sorlon of nlno games In nluo different cities, and tho winner of tho hoi Ion to tako tho presidency, A nice sum of money could nlno bo s.-ciiied.ns overy body would turn out, nud tho loser could bo comforted by taking tho net results thereof. Tho srhomo In a good one, nud should bo brought to tho attention of tho cnmpnigu manager. An Uxcttlng Time. A straw colored bull pup, an organ grinder with n uionkoy, an Irish woman with a basket of bananas, a colored man with it buckot of Hmoon bin head, nn Inebriate il sailor, n whlto girl with a now pair of shots under her arm, nud a countryman In a cheap bluo suit, with a sachol seemingly qulro heavy, wcro all walking down Main strait yesterday toward tho Catlmriuo ferry. Tho bull pup was alicad of tho procession. Ills tall stuck out straight, his eyes gleamed mid ho walked as though full of business. Sud denly tho Irish woman slipped on a ploco of applo peel. Ilor fcot flow out nud sho dropped tho basket violoutly on tho monkoy. Tho monkey shrlokcd; tho bull pup oroso rt short distaiicolnthoalr, through astonish mont and excitement, and thou swept llko n flash be tween tho organ grindor's legs. Tho Italian let go tho organ, tho crank of which bo bad been turning as bo walked, mid tho ancient I to man melody, "Dluo Violets," was crushed to earth again. In trying to escape tho dog tho colored man dropped bis buckot of lime, tho contents of which wcro tplattcrcd over tho sailor, who sworo and Hung up his arms, ono of them striking tho whlto girl ncross tho noso. Sho naturally ejaculated. Tho couu trytnnn, llkowlso alarmed by tho dog and tho commotion ahead, dropped his Rachel on tho nnlnial nnd began to run. Tho bull pup bowled nnd tho countryman fell over bis sachol sprawling, nud for tho space of throo minutes Main street was as animated as circus. Brooklyn Eaglo. A TlutlncM Scheme. "Why do you ask for ten contsF' demanded a citizen of r. tramp in City Hall park. "Most of you follows only ask for n penny." "Yes, sir," politely responded tho tramp, "and if they nro repulsed their caso is hope less. With me, I can offer bargains slaugh ter prices. In this caso I nm willing to ntako a dead reduction of flvo cents, thus enabling ycu, my dear sir, to como to tho asslstauco of a deserving but despairing fellow being, with tho pleasant feeling that you are not only doing good, but doing it at fifty cents on thi dollar," Now York Sun. Colored Folks' Htato l'alr. Tho colored people of Maryland nro to hold n stato fair nt Daltimoro tho first seven days of October, nnd more than 600 applications for spaed have ulready been upplied for. Tho American says the oxhtbition will bo n sur prise to the public Tho colored people of Maryland hnvo advanced mora substantially than their contemporaries of any othor stato. In Ualtlmoro niono they ity taxes on be tween 13,000,000 and 3,000,000 worth of proterty. Chicago Herald. A Thrifty German Community. Kllngenberg -on-Main, famous for its red wine, enjoys, financially, a thriftlucss which fow other Ocrrnau communities, or foreign ones for that matter, can boost of. It boa no taxpayers within Its walls. Tho yield of Its clay pits not only defrays the wholo of tho communal budgot, including school money, but secures besides to every head of a family plenty of firewood and 1 10 marks bard cash per annum. Happy Klingcubcrg. American Itoglster. A Perpendicular Candlestick. A new patent candlestick keeps thocondla perpendicular, no matter how tho stick may bo held. Tho inalii priuclplo of tho invention Is a ball joint of tho simplest kind nt tho bottom of tho socket, tho latter being fixed to an arm from tbo sluo of tho base anil ex tending to tbo center. The comfort and safety of tho coutrivaiioa b appareut Do Jrolt Free Press. Signing ot tUv Declaration. In spnaklug of John Hancock, Applcton'fl "Cyclopaxlla of AmcricatrCiogmphy" saysi "Tho Declaration of Indepcadenca as llrst published bore only his namo as president." Tho snino work says of Josiah llartlctt: "Ho was tho first to glvo bis voto for tho Declara tion of ludepoudcuco and tho second to sign It." . It Won't IIakk Hiikaij. In other words Hood's Sannparlll.t will uotdo imitotsihllidis Its proprietors tell plainly what it lias done, submit proofs front souives of unquestioned reliability, and nsu you frankly If you are suirering from nny disease or affection enur ed or promoted by Impute blood or low stato of tho nystein, to try Hood's Karsaparllln. Tho flxtioiicuce of others is a uillcient nssurnnco that you wilt not ba disappointed lu tho 1 o suit. iluy Hosiery of Ashby & Millspaiigh dur ing thuir closing salo and snvo money, Turklth Cabinet, electrla nud plain bath for ladies ut 1KW South Eleventh street, every forenoon nnd Wednesday and Friday evening. For gentlcmnn, every afternoon, and Tues d y and Saturday evenings. H. H. NUsloy & Co. will open their now store with a largo and completo stock. Ladles wishing tho best fitting kid glovo In tho market will And a complete lino at Ashby I & Mlllspauglt'f , Tim sunburnt Ctrl on iiroadwny. . There Is nlwnys some cpMcmlo raging In "l"" Now 'l' , ' oJy ' n smallpox of Italian Imtnlgrnnts, to-morrow .. .,.,, , n.ui.i. ?...!.. t ..... f tv scarlet fcterof Jttbiau iwui i owj turn iiiak day n mcasloi of visitors from tho ritrnl dis tricts. Just now tho sunburnt girl Is con taglousoii Ilroadwny Kvcry second woman you meet hni a complexion darker than her yellow leather shoes, nnd sho walks with it lawn tenuis stride What Is more, tho mil liners nud mniitua mnkers seem to hnvo con. iplrcd to neccntunto her ruddy rawness of color by nttiiing her In ucgntivo tinted owus nnd lints thnt set her tnti off to tho most vivid degree. It Is simply wonderful how sorno of tho girls hnvo contrived to get themselves so thoroughly baked. No profes sional hrlckmakcroUT inndo a moro com ploto Job of It, A year ngo n term cotta complexion was fashionable nt this season. Now it Is n combination of burnt sletinn mid burnt umber. Next unr, to continue In tho scnlo of nnccut, It will hnvo to bo lampblack, unless whlto faces como In In tho meantime. I hnvo an Idea, however, that nil tho girls ono meets who wear their hair short nud hnvo skins llko Digger Indians, hnvo not ac quired their color nnturally. A good many do not accompany these vlsiblo manifesta tions of n summer out of doors with tlio frco gnlt nml muscular development that grow out of wielding tho tennis bat, tho AIeustock and tho oar. Moreover, 1 notice In n certain win dow, in Fourteenth street, n strikingly em blazoned placard announcing tho nvnilablllty and extolling tho merits of n certain "tnn wash," which Is warranted to disfigure tho fairest fnco most nrtlstlcally nnd fashionably atononppllcntlon. What with shearing Miss MoFllmsoy's locks nnd discoloring her couu tcnanco, tho proprietress must hnvo her bauds full. Almost any ono can mako bay v hl!o tho sun shines, but it requires n de cidedly suierior talent to bottlo old Sol nnd sell him nt n profit. Alfred Trumblo in Pittsburg Uuilctln. Killing n Woodchuctc. Ono old woodchuck, I remember, con structed bis burrow nltuost In tho center of n twenty ncro clover lot, nnd overy attempt to capturo him in any kind of a trap utterly failed. It was tho rarest thing in tho world to oven catch him standing up nt tho en trance of his burrow during tho day, but frequently we would boo him just head nnd shoulders out of It, It seems to mo 1 must hnvo tired thirty or forty times at it undor such circumstances from the outer sldo of tho stono wall which surrouudrd tho Hold, and thnt, too, with a heavy old fashioned inuzzlo loading Kentucky rifle, which at sovcnty-llvo to ono hundred yards was good ucarly overy tlmo for all small game. Dut hero overy shot failed ; n cloud of dust would puff up at tho very entrance of tho burrow nnd each tlma I would confidently walk over to pick htm out, but no, next day at noon ho was thero ngnln, looking out ns smiling ns over. I Ho was finally captured by my cruelly tylus a Colt's revolver to n stout stick driven down within it few fcot of tho burrow nud training tho aim down tho cntrnnco nud then tying n long string to tho trigger. I waited bohiud tho wall till ho again showed himself, wuon tho success ot tho device scaled his doom. Forait and Stream. Polaco Cars for Hens. Ono of tho latest improvements lit tho transportation of poultry is a patent palaco car on tho Lackawanna railroad, designed for tho couvoyauco of llvo fowl. Tho car Is two feet higher than tho ordluary freight enr, contains 110 compartments, each ono four feet square, in a scries of eight decks, with an aisle runiug through it crosswiso and another ono lengthwise. Tho capa city of tho car Is front 3,500 to 4,000 fowls, according to tho season of tho year. Dy a s) stem of drop decks tho fowls aro loaded and unloaded at tho bottom ot tho car, tho sides of which aro of strong wiro netting, lit which aro tho doors to tho several compartments. On tho top of tho car iu tho center is a water tank largo cuough to sup ply n full load on n Journey of 2,000 miles. Each compartment is supplied on thrco sides with abundant food mid water, by a system cf troughs nnd hoso that Is easily worked on tho inside, io matter how great n speed tho train may bo going at. Tho food is carried in a box or tank beneath tho car. Hallway Kows. Tour Typo Colont of Ilatr. Thero aro four typo colors of hair wbito, blonde, black nnd brown and each ot theso has been subdivided into sixteen different bbades. Tho commonest types aro black and brown, and theso uro cheap. Golden brown Is much In favor, as Is puro black, or what Is called bluo black. Next to puro whlto hair tho demand is for hair of tho color of virgin gold. There nro many In aids madoot hair colored to meet tho demand with certain preparations, but they prove unsatisfactory. Many foolish women liavo Bought to cbango tho color of their own tresses, but thoy liavo uniformly repented tbo attempt. A lino suit of hair of tho purest blondo typo will sell for from 1,000 francs to 2,600 francs. It la said that the Empress Eugcnio paid 1,000 f rancsun ounce for n bralJ of golden hair that exactly matched her own. Etnilo Nouvcau in Phila delphia Times. Tor tbo Training of Sextons. Wo liavo schools for tho training of minis ters, for tho training of organists, for tho tralulng of Sunday school teachers; why not schools for tho training ot eoxtonsl Tho school for sextons will teach tho art of bell ringing; it will liavo it special courso for those who need to ring chimes; it will teach methods of church ventilation; it will show how to mako a furuaco flro which shall warm tho church without burning up tho building or tho congregation; it will show how to pro vent creaky boots; it will establish a sign langungo for communication between sexton and preacher duriug public servico In short, It will tench tho principles and tho methods which p;rtaln to overy branch of tho duties of tho modcra sacristun. Boston Christian Register. Very Noticeable at Saratoga. Two now things nro very noticeablo nt Saratoga tills autumu, Tho first is that tho ladles liavo discarded gloves. They do not wear them whllo walking, driviug, dancing, or apparently at any tlmo whatever. Tho wjcond is tho nbsenco of wluo in tho dining rooms of tho big hotels. When BOO persons uro nt tho tables It often happens that not a bottlo ot wluo is iu sight. Tho pop of a ehampagno cork Is rarely heard, nnd only now nnd then does ono soo claret 011 tho ta bles. On ouo day, when thero was not a bottlo in sight, tho diners nt tho table In cluded twcnty-ono men who nro roputcdly many millionaires. Chicago Herald. A Novel Lottery Bcliome. A novel lottery scheme has been proposed lu Russia. Tho chief conditions nro these: A young woman of excellent moral character and uoblo birth is tho chief prlio; her imuio is to remain a cecrct until after tbo drawiug; tho'.otal receipts from tho salo of tickets, amounting to 0,000 rublcj, aro to form her marriago jiortlon; tlio holder of tho lucky ticket is to marry tbo young woman and thus recclvo tho dowry; but If sho won't marry him sho must pay 2,600 rubles. New York Sim.. Strong Mnrltlmn Inwors. Orcat Ilrltnlu still has tho largost tmvy, though sho Is closely pushed by Franco mid Itnly, Sho ban ono vessel carrying two 110 ton gnus, which hnvo n jicuctratltig power of thirty-six Inches of Iron; four vessels with Mxtccn OS-ton guns, nun with four BO-tou tjtinn, llvo with sixteen 4:J-tou guns, nud num. 1 oun other vessels. Sho hns cloven seagoing rcsseln carrying from twenty to thirty inches of minor. Franco is her most formidable an tagonist, with nluo seagoing vessels with armor from twenty to thirty Indies thick, and six with armor from eight to Blxtcon Inches thick. Sho has on six vessels foui toon 73-ton guns that can onotrato twcnty-sevoii Inches of iron, on ono vessel two .VJ-ton guns that enn pierce tweuty-llvo Inches of jron, nml on six vessels nineteen 48 ton guns that can plereo twenty Inchon of Iron. Itnly Is n closo third. She lias llvo seagoing vessels carrying twenty IO.M011 guns thnt can plereo thirty-two Inches of armor nud two with eight 101-ton guns that can pierce twenty eight Inches of armor. Suvcu of her vessels cairy nrmor fiom twenty to thirty Inches thick. So, though (J rent Ilritnlu has tlm strongest navy niono, sho has it bad show against Fiance mid Italy combined. Th United States doubtless has thosmallest navy of any nation of any size. Even when our "now navy" is finished It will not compare In tonnage, in armor, in ccd or In gum with the navies of tho great Europeat powers. I Presidential Candidates. , Tho following Is n completo list of the presidential candidates of tho two great parties: 1789. .Georgo Washington.. . .Ko opposition 17W. (leoriu Washlugton... No opposition 1700. .John Adams Thomas JelTersoD IROO, .Thomas JelTersou John Adams 1801.. Thomas Jefferson C. C. l'lnckney 1B03. James Jladlnon U. C. l'lnckney 1812., James Madison Do Witt Clinton 1810 .James Mouroo ltufus King 1BS0,, James Monroo No opposition 1821.. John Q. adams Andrew Jackson 182) .Anilrow Jackwin John Q.Adams lS.T3..Auilror Jackson Henry Clay 18JG..Martln Van Huron ... William It. Harrison 18(0. William II. Harrison.. Martin Van Huron 1811. Jamo.sK. I'olk Henry Clay IBI8..Zacliary Taylor. lxmlsCas l2.. Franklin l'ierco WlnflcldBcott 18M. .James Uuclianan John C Fremont 18G0. Abraham Lincoln H. A. Douglas 186!.. Abraham Lincoln (1. II McClellan 18GH..U. 8. Untnt Horatio Bcymoul 1873. U. H. (Irnnt Horace Orccloy 1870. .It. I). Hayes H.J.Tildeu t8H0 .James A. Uarncld W. 8. Hancock 1881.. Orovcr Cleveland James O. Utalaa 188a. ,Groer Cleveland llenj. II. Harrison Tho yuarnntlno Act. Tho Qunrantino act approved by tho presi dent provides for tho immcdlato establish ment of eight now Federal quarantino sta tions nt tho following points: Ono at the mouth of Dolawaro bay; ono noar Cape Charles, nt tho cntrnnco of Cbcsapcako bay; ono on tho Georgia coast; ono at or near Koy West; ouo in San Diego harbor; ono In San Francisco harbor, and ono nt or near l'ort Townsend, at tho entranco of I'ugot Sound. Tho nggreguto sum appropriated for tho es tablishment and malntcnanco during tho present fiscal year In 511,500. l'ort crlioitso Steak. The steak called portorhouso was evidently tho steak sold In tbo public houses whero por ter was sold. Porter Is n dark colored malt liquor, first made for and drank by jxirtcrs. It is heavier than alo, nnd has tonic proper ties which alo iins not. Probably, then, tho largo steak, which is to tho ordinary steak as porter is to ale, was sold in porter houses, and so coined its name, Pctltlo I'rinclpll. Thophrnso "begging tho question," is a logical fallacy, the llrst explanation of which Is credited to Aristotle, who gives flvo ways ot begging tho question. Tlio earliest Eng lish work in which tho expression is men tioned is ouo published in 15S4, entitled "The Arto of Logicko Plalullo set Forth lu our Eug- Welt Tulten Cnro of. Tho trim nppcoranco of tho averngo moun tain is undoubtedly duo to tho fact that tho average mountain has a valloy to look at tr It, Exchange, 12EEAS0NS WHY Bt. Patrick's Pills Are the Pes I. Bcoauso thoy nro inntlo according to tho best formula that hits over boon dovisud. 3. llccnuso thoy nrn mndo from tho best ntul purest lnntorhtls, carefully prepared nml miur coated. 8. llocnuHQ thoy nro tlio moat search ing nnd most reliable cathartic in uso. 4. llucauso thoy correct bilious dis orders, nnd prevent nil dlbcascs nrising from tlioin. 0. liccnuso thoy always produce plonsant cnthnrtio ofl'cct. 0. llccnuso thoy euro jaundlco, regit Into thu liver, nnd aid iu removing all morbid ninttur from tho system. 7. llccnuso thoy uro certain in tlioir notion and can always bo doponded upon, 8. HocaitBo thoy euro constipation, nnd prevent all disorders produced by it. 0. llccnuso thoy tone up tho stomnch and aid in thu digestion nnd assimila tion of tlio food. 10, llccnuso thoy do not produce piles, II. Ilocnuso thoy do not nnusoato tlio stomach, nor grino tlio bowels, nor produce painful disclinrgcs. 12. llecniisu thoy cleunso tho ontiro system, 1 urify tho blood and reguluto tho liver and bowels. St. Patrick's Pills nro sold bv drticr- gists and medicine doalors at 25 centi per bo, or llvo boxes for ono dollar. 1)0 not lot thorn porsundo you to tako any othor kind, until you hnvo otico tried St. Patrick's after thnt you will uuvcrbo satislied witli any othor. Soro Throat can bo cured in ono dy by using t'linmbetiain's Pain Halm. Ehcumatism. Many cases of chronic rheumatism that lind resisted nil other treatment, liavo been cured by Cham berlain's Pain Halm. Cuts, Wounds and Bruises, nro honied ln onohnU loss tlmo and without leav ing a scare when Cliamborlain's Pain Hal m is promptly nppliod. Burns and Scalds. Tho pnin is al most instantly relieved and tho parts quickly healed by Chamberlain's Pain H aim. Neuralgia can bo cured by using Chamberlain's Pnin Halm. Sprains can bo cured within ouo third tlio usual tlmo by applying Cliambor lain's Pain Hnlm boforo tho parts be come swollen or intlamod, which can always bo dono if you have tho remedy at hand. 60 cent and dollar bottles. Bolb dy W J. Turner LADIES Fine Shoes AND' SUPPERS. MEN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. CI-IILDIs.EN'vS Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS -AT- Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE EITTING- HOUSE 1 129 O Street. DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. Teiephone.628 Artificial Tcctli inserted without plates. NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for painless extraction. Got Your Laundry Work -DONKAT- The Excelsior Steam Laundry, SC7 H. Uth st., roar entrance. Tel. 801. All orders promptly called fnr and delivered. Wo priuo ourauiu's 011 promptness ami suiier lority of work. liANSOM I1H08., Proprietors. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS. Finest and Dcst Mace. Ladles arc invited to call nnd sec these summer commodities and also inspect our magnificent stock of Crockery, Lamps and Art G-lasswaie Cal and sec our stock. Prices low and everything the very latest. S. C. Elliott. FINEST LIYERY RIGS In tho city all como from tho Graham Brick Stables. IM7 1 street, wharo all kinds of Buggies. Carriages d Saddle Horses Oau ho had at any time, day ur mum 011 Niiort notiou. HORSES BOARDED KING STEEAR, SHOE STORE, Is tho next thin? to a Having Hank. Tho only dlllorouco Is wo ulvo vnu Real Leather Shoes lustfsd of I'aprr Holed fihocs. for tho sitm or loss dollars 1 lint thoothorsclmrKo for sliod. dies. Wo sell thorn on their merits. Tho licancit nnd best nluco In Ainorlcn for Ileal .outlier bhoos for tho nmo amount ofmonoy Ileiuember tho place, I01W O stroot. "'u,,u' KING STEEAR. i Yi '