Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 06, 1888, Image 3

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Iir. TaliiiHRo f.aj Tlml Mini Win Simla to
Look l'iunril inl I). Mil Not llellttlo
IlluiM'ir Wlii'ti llo TuUi-H it Clinrtut u n
Comrjnm-i-Tim Munn Clnuil.
IlnooRLT.N, Sopt, ..-Tlio hymn Mitignt
tho opening of tho service In tlio Uroouljn
Tubcrnnclo till morning wist
Welcome, Kwcl ilny of rest,
That niw tlio Ivunl arlao.
After cxpoiitiiling njiproprlnto pnsiugesof
Scripture, tho Rev. T. Do Witt Tiilmnge, I).
1)., took tho text, IVnlm civ, !h "Whomnl.eth
tlio cIoiiiIh his clmrlot," Dr. Tnlumgo snlilt
Unites nro constructed bo m to look down,
Thoso earthly creatures Hint Imvo wing
uhen tliey rlso from tlio earth still look
down, nml tho englo fcarches for mlco lit tho
Krnss nml tho raven for ciu-ntHM In tho field.
Jinn nlono Is tuailo to look up. To liuluco
lilm to look up (lod timkes tho sky n plcturo
Knllcry, it Dusscldorf, n Lovre, n I.u.iem
Iwurg, a Vntlenu thnt eclipses nil tlmtOer
innii or French or Itnlltiu nrt over nccoiu
pllslieil. Hut God has f.tlled so far to nttrnet
tlio attention of most of us ly tho scenery of
tho sky. Wo go Into raptures over (loners
in tho soil, but Imvo little or no appreciation
of tho "morning glories'' that bloom on tho
wall of tho sky nt sun rlso or tho dahlias In
tho clouds nt sunset. Wo nro In eotncles
over ii gobelin tapestry or a bridal veil of
rnro fabric, or n snowbank of excpilnlto
curve, but sco not nt all, or seo Itliout emo
tion, tho bridal veils of mist that cover tho
facoof thoQitskllls, or tho swaying uphol
stery around tho couch of tho dying day, or
tlio fuom banks of vnjor piled up in tho
My text bids us lift our chin thrcoor four
inches nml open tho two telescopes which
under tho forehead nro put on swlel easily
turned upwnrd, mid seo that tho clouds nro not
merely uninteresting signs of wet or dry
weather, but that they nro embroidered cano
pies of shade, that tliey nro tho conservatories
of tho sky, that they nro thrones of pomp,
that they nro crystalline- bars, thnt they nro
paintings in water color, tliat tliey nro tho
nngels of tho mist, that they nro great cathe
drnlsof light with broad tilsles lor angelic
feet to walk through nml liownt nltaraof
umber nml alabaster, that they nro tlio moth
ers of the dew, thnt they tiro lutldei for us
fcndlng mill descending Glories, Cotopnxls of
Mcliing flame, Niagnras of color, that they
nro tho masterpiece of tho IjotA Owl Al
mighty. Tho clouds nro a favorite Hlblo
simile mid tho sacred writers liavo
inndo iniieli uso of them. After tho
ilelugo God hung on a cloud in conccutrii?
bands tho colors of tlio spectrum, saying: "I
do set my bow in tho clouds." As a moun
tain is sometimes entirely bidden by tho
vnpors, so, saysGtxl, "1 havo blotted out n3
a thick olouil thy transgressions." David
measures tho dlvino goodness mid found it so
high ho njiostropulzcd: "Thy faithfulness
renclicth unto tho clouds." As sometimes
theronro thousands of fleeces of vniors scur
ry lug across tho heavens, no, sa. s Isaiah, HI
l tho converts in tho millennium "ns clouds
and us doves." As In tho v.ct season no
sooner does tho sky clear than there comes
another odscunitlon, so, says Solomon, one
ncho or ailment of old folks lias no more
that gono than another jaiii comes "ns
clouds return in tlio rain." A column of
illumined rfoml led tho Israelites across the
wilderness. In tho liook of Job Kllhu,
watching tho clouds, could not understand
why they did not fall or why they
did jiotall roll together, tho laws of evapora
tion and condensation then not being under
stood, nnd ho cries out: "Dost thou know
tlio balancing of tho cloudsP When I read
my text it suggests to mo that tho clouds nro
tho Creator's inulpnge, nnd their whirling
masses am tho v. Inels, nnd tho tongue of tho
louditho ioIucf tlio celestial velilclo and
tho wiudsurotho hnrnc&ctl steeds, and Gotl
is tlio royal o-.'cuiwnt nud driver "who
makcth tho clouds his chariot."
To understand tho palmist's meaning In tho
text you must know thai tho chariot of oUl
was sometimes n sculptured brilliancy mndo
out of Ivory, soinetlmcD of solid silver, and
rollcn on tno wheels which were fastened to
tho nxlo by stout pins, nnd tho awful defeat
ofOcnomnus by I'elops was caused by tho
fact that n traitorous clutrlotecr had Inserted
a lliich phi of wn:: Instead of a Illicit pin of
iron. All of tho six hundred chariots of
l'liuraoh lost their lincli pins in tho Red sea,
for tlio Whlo fays: "Tlio Lord took off their
wheels." Ixol: nt tho long flash of Solomon's
fourteen hundred chariots, nml tho thirty
thousand chariots of tho 1'lillistincs. If you
havo ever visited tho buildings whero n king
or queen keeps tho coaches of state, as I have,
you know thnt kings nud queens havo great
varieties of turnout. Tho keeper tells you:
"This is tho stuto carriage and used only on
great occasions." "This Is tho coronation
onrringo nud in it tlio king rode on tho
day bo tool; tho throno." "In this tho
queen went to open parliament.11 "This
is tho coaeh In which tho czar nnd
tlio sultan rodo on tlio occasion
of their visit." All costly nnd tesselatcd
nnd em Ichcd nud emblazoned nro thoy, nnd
when tho driver takes tho reins of tho ten
whlto horses In his hnudi, nnd nmld mounted
troops and bands in full foreo sounding tho
national nir, tho splendor starts and rolls on
under arches entwined with banners, nud
nmld tho huzza of hundreds of thousands of
rpcotator3 tho teeno is memorable. But my
text puts nil such occasions into iuslgnlfl
ennee, ns it represents tho King of tlio Uni
verse coming to tho door of his pnlaeouud
tho gilded vapors of tho heavens rolling up
to his feet, nud he, stepping in nnd taking tho
rclus of tho galloping winds in his hand,
starts in triumphal rldo under tho arches of
sapphire nnd over tho ntmospherio highways
01 opai ami enrysomo, mo clouds tits clinrlot, I
Jly henrcm, do not think tkut (Jod belittles
himself when ho takes 6uch conveyance. Do
you know that tho clouds nro among tho
most wondrous nud mn Jest lo things in tho
wholo univcrsuf Do you know that they are
Hying lakes nud rivers nud oceans God
Waved his hand over them nud said, "Como
up higher!" nml thoy obeyed tho mmidato.
That cloud, instead of being, ns it seems, a
imnll gathering of vutwrfi n fow yards wluo
nml high, Is really seven or eight miles
across, and Is n mountain, from its
base to its top 15,000 feet, 18,000
feet, 20,000 feet, and cut through with
ravines 5,(100 feet deep. No, David did
not make a fragile or unworthy representa
tion of God In tlio text when ho spoko of tho
clouiU us hU clmrlot. Hut ns I suggested in
tho caio of nu earthly Mug, bo has his morn
ing cloud chariot nud his evening cloud
thariot tho cloud chariot in which ho ixdo
down to Biiiui to open tho law, and the cloud
chalrot In which ho rodo down to Tabor to
honor the Gospel, nnd tho cloud chariot in
which ho will como to Judgment.
AVIicii ho rides out in his morning chariot
nt this seuson, nbout C o'clock, ho puts golden
coronets on tlio dome, of cities, and ill vera
tho rivci-s, unil out of tho dew makes a dia
mond ring fur tho linger of overy grass
blade, nud bids good cheer to invalids w ho in
tlio night raldi "Would Coil It wero morn
ing." I'roin this momlug cloud chariot ho
4l.l,.l,Ml llullt Unlit f. .. I),,, iOlll. ullll
light for tho heavens, light for tho laud
and light for tho ten, great Kirs ol It,
great wreathea of it, it world full of
it. Hail hint In worship no ivcry morning
ho drives uut In his chariot of mull
lug cloud, nud cry with D.wldt
"My vtiex)li.ilt thmi hear In tho morning',
In tho morning will I direct my prater unto
theo nml look up," I tvjoleo in theso KVlv
turo ejaculations) "Joy comcth In tho imrn
lug," ".My soul wnltetli for theo more than
they that wnteli for tho mornliijf," "If 1 utko
tho wing of tho morning,""! ho eyelids of
tho morning," "The morning comelli," "Who
Is she that lookcth forth ns tho uiprulugl"
"Ills going forth la pivpired ns tho morn
ing," "An tho morning spread on the moun
tain!'," "T'jnt thou shoul.lst visit him overy
morning." What n mighty thing tho King
throusfrom his chariot wticn ho throws us
the tuoriiitigl
Yea; bo has bis evening cloud chariot. It
Is made out of tho snlTron nnd tho gold and
tho purple nnd tho ornngo nml tho vermilion
and upshot llamo of tho sunset. That Is tho
place w here tho splendors that hnvo marched
throiigl tho day, having ended tho proces
sion, throw down their torches mid set tho
heavens on tire. That Is tlio only hour of tho
ilny when tho iittnosphcro Is elenr enough to
let us seo tho wall of tho heavenly city with
its twelvo manner of precious itones, from
foundation of Jasjier to middle strata of
sardlu nnd on up to tho coping of ninethyst.
At that hour, without any of Klislut's super
natural vision, uo seo horses ot llro nnd
chariots of llro nnd banners of llro nnd ships
of flro and cities of lire, ocas of lire, nnd it
seems ns if tho last conllngratlon had begun
nnd there Is n world on fire. When God
makes cloud.) his chariot let us nil
kneel. Another day past, what havo o
done with It) Another day iteiid, mid this is
its gorgeous catafalque. Now is thotlmo for
what Dnt id called tho "evening sacrifice," or
Daulel called tho "evening oblation." Ohl
oh I what it chariot made out of evening
cloudl Ilnvoyou hmig over tlio Inffrail on
tho ocean nnd seen this cloudy vehicle roll
ovcrllio pavements of a calm summer sea,
tho wheels dripping with tho magnificence!
Ilnvoyou front the top of Hen Imiouil or
the Cordilleras or tho Berkshire hills seen tho
day pillowed for tho night, nnd yet had no
aspiration of praise nnd homage! Oh, what
a rich Owl wo havo thut ho can put
ou one evening sky pictures that excel
Michael Angclo's "Latt Judgment" nud
Ghlrlnniljo's "Adoration of tho Mngi"r.'itl
wholo galleries of muilounus, nud for only nu
hour, nnd then throw them nwny, nnd tho
next evening put on tho samo sky something
that excels all that tho Raphaels nud tho
Titlans and tlr.i Uembrandls and the Cor
regglos and tho Leonardo da Vlncis ever exc
cutid, nud then draw a curtain of mist over
them never again to Ixjexhlbitcill How rich
Uod must bo to hnvo a new chariot of cloud i
every evening!
But tho Ulblo tells us that our King also
La3 a black chariot. "Clouds and darkness,"
wo an told, "nro round nbout him." That
chariot is cloven out of night, and that night
Is trouble. Who;) ho rides fort'a in that black
chariot, jicstilouco and earthquake, nnd fam
ine, nml hurricane, nnd woo attend him.
Then let tho earth treniblo. Then let na
tions pray. Again and again ho has ridden
forth in that chariot of black cloud, across
Lngluml mid Franco and Italy and Russia
and America, and over all nations. That
which men took for thotoundof cannonading
nt Kebastopol, nt Kcdnn, at Gettysburg, u
Tel-cl-Keblr, at Bunker Hill, were ouly tho
rumblings of tho black chariot cl
tlio Almighty. Aye, it Is tho chariot of
storm cloud nrmed with thunderbolts, nml
neither man, nor angel, nor devil, nor earth,
nor hell, nor heaven can resist him. On
those boulevards of bluo this chariot never
turns out for anything. Aye, no ono elso
drives there. Under ono wheel of that char
lot Babylon wns crushed and Baalbecl: fell
dead nud tho Uonnii cmplro was prostrated,
and Atlantis a wholo continent that ouco
connected Euroio with America, sank clear
out of bight, so that tho longest nnchor of
ocean steamer cannot touch tho tops of its
highest mountains, Tho throno of tho
Caaars wns less than a pebble uuder tho right
wheel of this clwrlot, and tlio Austrian des
potism less than a Ltiowilako under tho left
wheel And over destroyed tt orld3 ou w urlds
that chariot bus rolled without a Jar or jolt.
This black chariot of war cloud rolled up
to tho northwest of Kuropo ia IU1-', and four
hundred thousand men marched to take Mos
cow, but that chariot of clouds rolled back,
nud only twenty-flvo thousand out of tho four
hundred thousand troops lived to return. No
great enow storm Hko that had everlieforo
or has over eluco visited Russia. Aye, tho
chariot of tho Lord is irresistible. Thero is
only ono thing that cau halt or turn any of
his chariots, and that is prayer. Again and
again it has stopped it, wheeled It around,
and tho chariot of black clouds under that
sanctified human breath has blossomed Into
such brightness unil color that men nud
angelj hnd to veil their fnecs from Its bright
ness. Mark jou, tho ancient chariot which
David uses as a symbol in my text had
only two wheels, and that was that they
might turn quickly, two wheels taking lesa
than half tho time to turn that four wheels
would havo taken. Ami our Lord's chariot
has ouly two wheels, and that means instaut
reversal, nud iustaut help, and instant de
Hvcraneo. While tho combined forces of
thounlvcrso in battlo nrray could not stop
his black chariot it second or divergo it an
inch, tho driver of that chiriot says, "Call
upon mo in tho day of troublo and I will de
liver thee," "While theyuro jot spouklng I
will hear." Two wheeled chariot, ono wheel
justice and tho other wheel mercy. Aye,
thoy nro bwlft wheels. A cloud, whether it
belongs to tho clrrbus, tho clouds that float
tho highest j or belongs to tho stratus, tho cen
tral ranges; or to tho cumulus, tho lowest
ranges, seems to move blowly nlong tho sky,
If it moves ut all. But many of tho clouds
go at a sliced that would teem lcthnrglo a
vestlbulo limited lightning express train, bo
swift is tho chariot of our God yen, bwifter
than tho storm, swifter than tho light. Yet
a child ten years old has been known to reach
up, nud with tho hand of prayer tako tho
courser of that chariot by tho bit mid slow it
up, or stop it, or turn it nslde, or turn it
back. Tho boy Bamucl stopped it. L'lljah
stopped it. Hczeklah ttopied it. Daniel
stopped It. Joshua stoppeuVlt. Ilsthcr i
ktopiied it. ltutb. stopped It. Hannah
btopiil It. ilury ttopped it. My father
stopped It. My mother stopjcd it. My
sister btopped it. Wo have In our Sabbath
schools chlldrc.i who again nnd again ami
again havo btopcd it
Notice that there old time chariots, which
my text uses for rymbol, had w hat wo w ould
call a high dashboard nt tho front, but were
open behind. And tho king would ttand nt
tho dnshlionrd nud drivo with his own hands.
Audlnm glad that he, whoso chariot tho
clouds are, drives himself. Ho does not lot
natural law drive, for nntural law I deaf.
Ho does not lot f uto drive, for fato Is merci
less. But our rather King drives himself,
and ho puts his loving hand ou tho icius of
tho flying coursers, nml he has a loving car
ow to tho cry of all who want to catch hU
attention. Oh, I am so glad that my Tuthcr
driven, nnd never drives too fast,
and never drives too slow, and never
drives oir tho precipice, nud that bo
controls by a bit f hat uover breaks, the wild
est and most raging circumstance I berd
( viiin ioL-iiu who uut out with hhi veuol
villi a larpo number of pisccngetn front
lluifulo, on Lako Krle, very early In tho ecu
tvo:t mul while thero wns much lee. When
they wero well out tho captain mw to his
horror thnt the Ice wnn closing in on film
from nil sldw, nnd ho caw no way out from
destruction nud death. Iln called Into the
cabin the pitwongen nud nil tho crow that
could bo spuvd from their posts, nud told
then that the ship must ho lost uiilest Uod
Interposed, nu I although ho wiiBnota Chris
tian man, ho raid, "I,t us piny," nud they
all knelt asking God to como for their de
liverance. Tliey went luck to the deck nud
, tho man nt tlio wheel shoutedi "All
; right, cap'n, It'ii blowing nor' by uoi'west
, now." While tho prajerwns going on lit
the cabin the wind changed mid blow the lee
1 out of tho way. Tho mate nskedi ".Shall 1
I I-uton mare Kill, cnp'ni" "Nol" responded
tho captain. "Don't touch her. Homo one
elso Is managing this ship," Oh, men nud
1 women, shut In ou nil sides by ley troubles
and misfortune, In earnest prajcr put ull
yourollnlrs in tho hands of God. You will
come out nil right. Homo one elso Is mining
lug the ship! It did not merely happen so
that when Ieden wns besieged, nud tho
Dukoof Alva felt suroof his triumph, sud
denly the wind turned, nud tho swollen
waters couiellcd hllll to stop the siege,
and the city wns saved. God that night
drove along the const of tho Netherlands
in a black chariot of storm cloud. It
did not merely happen so that Luther
rose from tho jilneo whero ho was sitting Just
in time to keep from being crushed by nstDiiu
that tho instant after fell on tho very sjiot.
Had ho not I'Mapcd, where would have been
tho Reformat Ion I It did not merely hapjieu
so that Columbus was saved from drowning
by mi oar that was floating on the waters.
Otherwise, who would hit vo unveiled Amer
ica? It did not merely linpcu so thnt whon
Oeorgo Wnshiugtoii was in Brooklyn a great
fog settled down overall the place wheretlils
church stanilH, nml over nil this end of Long
Island, mid that under that fog he nud lit
nrmy cscnieil from tho clutches of Gens.
IIouo and Clinton. In a chariot of inbt nud
cloud the God of American iinleieuileuuo
rodo nlong here. On thnt pillow of consola
tion I put down my hend to sleep, ut night,
Ou that solid foundation I build when 1 seo
thl3 nation In political paroxysm every four
i cure, not because they care two cents about
whether it is high turlir or low tariff cr no
tarirr nt all, but only whether tho Dem
ocrats or Republicans shall have the salaried
olllecrs. Yea, when Kiiropean nations nro
holding their breath, woudeilng whether
Russia or Germany will launch it war that
will luearnadluo a continent, I full back
en tho faith that my Father drives. Yea,
I cast this ns uu nnchor, nnd plant
this as a column of strength, nud lift this
as a telescoiK', and build this us
a forties.!, nnd propo.- without nny
j iierturbatlon to launch ntoit uu unknown
future triumphant in the fact that my
I'ntler drives. Yes, he drives very near. 1
know that many or the clouds that joiieco
1 in summer nro fur ofT, the bases of some of
them five miles above the cattb. High on
tho highest eaks of the Audi's travelers Imvo
been clouds far higher than where they wero
standing. Gny Lusmic, ufter ho hud risen In
a balloon twenty-three feet, still
saw clouds above him.
But I hero are clouds that touch tho earth
nnd discharge their ruin, nnd, though tho
clouds out of which God's chariot is undo
may sometimes bo far nwny, often they nro
clow by, and they touch our shoulders and
they touch our homes nnd they touch us all
over. I havo read of t w o rides t ha t tho I3id
look in two different chariots of clouds, and
of another that ho will tnkc. One day, in a
chariot of clouds that wero a mingling of
fog ami btuoke and lire, God drove down to
tho top of u terrible crag flftcen hundred
feet high, low called Jebel-Muso, then called
Mount Uiaai, and liobtcpcdoutof his char
iotcmougtho split shelvings of rock. Tho
mountain shook as with uu ngue, nud
thero wero ten volleyuof thunder, cuch of the
ten emphasizing a tremendous "Thou shall"
or "Thou slmlt not." Then tho Lord ro.
miuieil his chariot of cloud .mil drove up tho
lull) of heaven. Thoy wero dark and por
tuutous clouds that made that chariot ut tho
giving of the law. But ono day ho took
auother ride, ami this tluio down to Momi!
Tubor, tho clouds nut ot" which his chariot
wns made bright clouda, clouds, illu
mined clouds, and muslo rained from all of
them, and tho muslo wa i n mingling of carol
and chant and triumphal march: "Thla I
my beloved son, in whom I urn well pleased."
Transfiguration chariot I
"Oh," say hundreds of you, "I w ish I could
havo seen thoso chariots tho black ony that
brought tho Lord to Jebel-Musa nt the giving
of tho law, and tho whlto ono thnt brought
him down to Tabor." Novcr mind, you will
blh) boniethliig grander than that, and it will
bon mightier mingling or the bomber und
the rndiunt, nnd tho pomp or it will bomieh'
that tho chariots in which TriiJan mid
Diocletian, nnd iSeiiobla, nnd Casar, nnd
Alexander, und nil tho conquerors of all
the ages rodo will bo unworthy of mention;
mid what stire mo the most Is tliat ho comes In that chariot of cloud
and goes back, lie will ask you und mo to
lido with him both w.-ns. How do I know
that the judgment chariot will bo made out
of clouds Ruvelation I, 7: "Behold ho
cometh with clouds." Oh, ho will not then
rldo through the heavens ulono as ho doea
now. He isgolugto bring along with him
an escort of ten lull regiments. Inspiration
nays: "Behold tho Loid cometh with ten
thousand or his saiuts." Bui theso figure)
blmply mean that thero will lw a great
throng. And r.s wo shall probubly through
tho atoneuieiit of Christ bo in beaten
beforo that, 1 hopo thut wo can como
down hi that ccort of chariot. Christ In tho
center chariot, but chariots before him to
clear tho way, nud chariots behind htm nu I
chailots on either bide of hiiu. l'erhupa tho I
prophets nnd patriarchs ot tho old di.ijiensa- '
tlou may tidu ahead, ono charioted I
Abraham nud Moses nud Kzeklel nud David
und Joshua, who foretold his llrst coming.
On either sldo of tho central chariot opos
lies nnd martyrs who in tho same or nj
proxinmto centuries Buffered for him-1'nul,
Ktephen nnd Ignatius and I'olycarp and Jus
tin Martyr nnd multitudes who went up
in chariot of flro now coming In chariot
of cloud, while in tho rear or tho central
chariot shall bo tho multitudes of later das
nud of our own time who havu tried to bcrvu
tho Lord, ourselves, 1 hope, nmong them.
"Behold tho Lord cometh with ten thousaud
of his taint.1' Yes; although all unworthy
ot biieh companionship, wo want to como
with liimou that day to seo the hut of this
old world which was onco our residence.
Coining throu-h the ikiw, myriads of
churiots rolllnr; on nnd rolling down. By
that time bow changed this world will Lo.
Its deserts ull Ibwcr, Its rocks ull mossed
und lleheiied, its povrhouses ull jwlnees, its
sorrows ull Joys, its slits all virtues,
and in tho biiiuo pasture Held lion and calf,
nnd on tlw samo perch huw k and dove. Now
the churiots of cloud strike tho earth, Ulliiig
ull tho vnlloya nud covering all the mountain
side, und halting in ull the cemeteriei und
gruvoyards and over the waters deep w here
tho dead sleep in coral sarcophigus. A loud
blast of tho resurrection trumpet Is given,
nud thobodienof tho dead rise nnd join tho
spirits from which they havo loug been sepa
rated. Then Christ, our King, rUlug in tho
'cilcr chariot, of cloud, ivlth his bcarivd
'hands wnfe t ho Mjrml, nnd tlio clmrlot n wherl
und come Into line for glorious nsoent, Drlvo
mil Drlvo itpl Chariots of cloud nhend of
the King. chnrlotsi.T cloud mi either sldo of
tho ICltig, rlmrints of clouds following tho
King. Upward and npnt slany hosts and
through ImtiKMikitlcH nnd across Inllnltudos.
higher, higher, higher, unto the gates, thi
shining gates. ,ft up your heads, jn ever
lasting gates, fur him who nmketli tho clouds
hlschnrlot, and who. through eonilosi'eiidlng
mul uplifting grace, luvltus us to mount nud
rldo with him.
A mountain In Colorado has been named
Mount Bheruhiii.
Thero Is u minor that King Bolomou's
mines havo been found In the I'oniUiUt
Ono watermelon doctored with half nn
JUlicoof strychnine killed '.',000 rabbits on n
much nt Truu'r, Cal.
Thoimwestoildily In brooches Isn kitten
(f dead libel; euumel touched with white
spots mid having cjos cf rose diamonds.
A Hnn Francisco couple who desired to
get married chartered a tug mid had tho
crremouy iK'rformisI while the bunt was In
tho open sen,
At it Now Yoi k festivity, n brilliant spec
tacle wns a hunting quadrille dnticcd by it
dozen men in nil hunting coats, with it dozen
ladles each weal ing red sanlies.
A Connect lent couple couldn't ngreo ou a
physician to attend ono of their children,
nud it iqunbblu which follow nl now has Its
outcome In n suit for dlvoro Instituted by
the wife.
KnglUh phjslclnmi condemn clgnrctto
smoking Urauso It produces throat diseases.
L'ven tho best clgniettes nro dangerous.
They cuuse mure consumption of nicotine
than either tho elgnr or the pipe.
A corrcKpoiuUnilof The Liverpool Mercury
says that hu heard some cornet phijin;; from
a phonograph which hud been repeated iniiio
than it thousand times, and ull the notes wero
iy clear mid distinct as ever.
A mnii who has been In tho habit of lying
nwaku nights has discovered a remedy for
sleeplessness, Ho throws nsido tho p'llbw
nud adopts tho practice of sleeping with tho
head and body neuily on tho tamo level.
Only men, among tho iiulmuN, seem to re
qtiirou pillow.
Tho cranberry pickers niu out In full forco
down on (he Capo bogs p sparing to gather
lit tho hurt est. A great many lainlllcti nro
enabled to lay by from (-100 to t'.tK) overy
reason us tho reward of their Industry In the
cranberry lleliN, which keeps the winter (Ires
going nud drives want from tlio door.
Connoisseurs in tho nrt of slow torture say
thero Is nothing like tho nocturnal tlc-tau to
rtir tho blond nud madden tho brain. Tlio
lle-tao Is n bullet ou it string, by moans of
which, nud i. llli tho help of Batnii, smull
boys mytstorio.isiy rap a melancholy mono
tone ou tho window pauo und bnuUh sleep
from tlioliiiuatoof the haunted chamber as
effect unlly as if hu were ou the ruck.
A remarkable double beadol child wns re
cently born tja Fie.ieh family named Reoul
bault, In Manchester, Me. The heads nro
both perfect, mid nro Joined to tho inxly by
two short, well shujied necks. It uses IU
mouths nud ejes apparently nt will In eating,
crying, winking, mul even sleeping. This
parents were much shocked nt tho appear
nncoof their baby, mid went at onco to Mon
treal to avoid tho not leu of their neighbor.
Tho child is likely to live.
A unique congress of women will lw that
held next j car in Bans to celebrato tho cci
tennry of tho great revolution. For thrto
weeks tho congress will bo a national ouo,
after which, for eight days, women from nil
parts of tho world will bo Invited to tako
pait. Itlsstr.Udthat'J),00J women will Lo
invited for tho meeting on July SJi Wom
an's part in tho revolution wns so prominent
that it swim fitting that It should Ik) remem
Lered. According to careful calculations made by
a British clergyman of note nnd Just pub
lished I'rotestants havo Increased during tho
last hundred jcaw from iir.OOO.OOO to lUI,
000,000, or nearly fourfold. Roman Catho
lics during t bo ksmo period havo Increased
from U),000,o:0 to ltt),000,OOD, or twofold.
Tho Greek church during tlio century has In
created from 40,Co0,0 0 to K1,000,000, also
German steamers nro crowding out British
shipping ntNugasakl, Japan. German coast
wlso shipping is advancing by leapt nud
bouilds. In ISM) LM0 British ships or UOflO
tons entered Nngnsnkl, ugaimt 'J I German
vessels of 13,182 tons; during 18S7 thero wero
207 British vessels or 201,700 tons, nnd 217
German of IDJ.iNl tons, Tho German steam
ciii nro smnller than tho British, but they do
more business, us they tiro bitter adapted to
tno traue.
Ccriuans'ii tlatloo-i War Ships.
Tho maueuvera of tho German nrmy corps
which have taken place In various parts uf
tho cmplro uuder t ho personal surveillaticoof
William II have caused less uttentlon then
tho experiments nt Hpandau with tho now
balloon war shliw tit tint (l.-i-mmi i ,,, 'I'..
nil reports they proved a complete success.
Theso bulloous are ublo to carry a consid
erable quantity of explosives mid may bo
tas'ly transported on two oiia horso carts.
Tho uiventlon of a German ordnauco ollleer
Ieriults tho generation of the gas nt tho place
ot ascension. At theso cxierimciiLi n now
explosive wns Its destructive jiowcrs
nro said to bo wonderful nud far superior to
luelcnlte, with which tho French havo tui
plled their forte, naval and field nitillery.
Recent L'TneriniiMitsiniiliint. I.viM nml l,,i-iu.
mouth, Knglaud, clearly pro-, c thut chemical
compounds havo suicrseded gunpowder as a
profiling forco for projectiles und fl'Img for
shells aul cylindrical cored shot. Philadel
phia Time.
Tho Cost of Creiuutlou.
Cremation Is not nlwnyj cheap In Europe,
as nn extraordinary occurreneo rek.tcdbyu
Now York Times corresiwndent illustrates.
It seems thnt the propascd rcfo.-m of tho
French burial laws not yet h.ting taken
effect, crcmatl'Jii is still Illegal in Franco, eo
Frenchmen havo to go ti Italy for tho pur
pose, A I'arUlanwborcccntlydiedwusbytbo
provisions or his will taken to Milan for cre
mation. Tho Italian cuitoius authorities le
vied $70 import duty ou tho body when it en
tered tho country, and charged the caino
amount export duty on tho nshoj when taken
back Into Franco. Being challenged a3 to
the legality of this double performance, thoy
sagaciously replied that nil laws mo thu
same to a dead man. Frank Lo!io'.
A Novel Clinrlot lUen.
A novel nud very pretty soetaelo was in
troduced ut a Brooklyn swimming school ex
hibition. It was called tho chariot race.
Tw'o little papier macho ehnriots were con
structed und In each one was a -i-j ear-old
child. Harnessed to tho chariots were two
little boys, who swam over tho couro draw
ing their lair freight after them. Tho hid
w ore nbout 0 years old, yet thoy mndo very
good time, und tho w Inner wa i presented w ith
a Uno Ashing jole. The children In tho
chariot enjoyed I no race quite us much as thu
boyA-Chiccgo Hercld.
And now ready for inspection nt
John Morrison's
All llic Finest Qualities and Lalost Patterns in stock. I linvc
the finest cutter in the city and gu.iranteo satisfaction. Cal
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
in iniioninff iinnaa sin runiiniM in nont form, prlnlp.l from eiwl rrmUMn trr nn nni
I: T. """"-"' '' !","" """"ihjijii"wi'i in
minium. 1
... ..... ....,........, ....,..,
IrimiiJT Mi'iuiM .
tlnm Hit pilot l ntilrli llifjr sr data Mlcinl llitli
m miner in inn l utl.l, n.Tuan, on llfntu, IVn
Ulna ilt(-iliuii an1 llliitltnlliiiit or Ilia nin.1 Mnltiltiliil
nikiMiial,aii.i,linu V.fjr an.l lii.llnrtlia,
tt'vnilrranr llm Han. A d..rilllon i,f Ilia luaiiy wiilfl.r
hi all I Uaiilllul llilmi luunl al Ilia tolluiil ul Ilia, Willi
pfiifiua lllii.ltallalia.
"A I'lrnaiirn l'.irrllnn,n nml NLrlrlira. tlr
Wo.iiii jinaa'a Win." A fulirrtinn i.i tlr.i. iii.i, U,
lktlrli.1 l.y Ida tun.l niUr tiiiMiultuta illrr nl ll,a ilur
'I hi, Aunt Ki'tlnli I'nitrra, ly Cl .a Aiiufar., aiillmr
ar"1lia Ittiia IKieiini.nU ' A tmi.1 il.ikiiloutlt luiiiir Uli
-ln..t, wr fi'MlIn Wl.limr i.loll.'i
t hrlainiHa Sliirlra, l,r Cmaiia luraaaa, Cnnlalm a
nnml-vr nl Ilia ln.rlitliiln ClnhlMaa ilnllra avar Wlllltn
ky tliaarralvat wtll.r, ar llrt r tliixta lar,milrla
IIiiiiikI llm I'.trnlntf I. nmp, A lli nlilitil.i.i.lclana,
iiiil.aan can,, a, r llallllla I, lla al l.i.lna
1'itpnliir lliM-llnllima nml IHnlnaiira, Imniiirniia.ilfama.
Ilaati.lnalliall. Hi, lii.lln( all Ilia 11, .1, l. an.l Hi,.nUr
TlifiMrlr.inmlK tlfn nt Mmlrril'l Intra, IVnlaliia -.r
lialu an. I llia.4l.i.anr lamina at II ntaila A mat liana, limn Ilia
lima nf franklin in Iha rr,aanl.
Pnnilllnr Oiinlnllnna. IVnlalnlni ll.anililn anl anllmr.
llilanf manr flnaara lniu.nlPr mat Iniaaillnf an.l A wmk nl r.f.uiira.
l,oir l,ir In .Nrar l'nrl,. A aatlaa af altl I an hlrlnrai
aUln tl.a.l.ik al la nf ll'a In ll.a (laal rllr IllmlrmHJ
I liti llniiil Iii Wrnllli. Ni.l an a.,aillaln clirnlar
Snl a lliiirniKlilf f.iarllra Kmk. nlnlli. rnl a way lif
Ifh all mar mala numaa aa.llr, ra Mir an I liin,.llt
Onn llumlrril I'npnlnr hoim., ariillm.nlal, nail alia
i riimir, Minn llii( I....-I ,,i ,a an.l nil
r ftnrl'a IIHr. A Snt.l llrllia liar An I'l till.
A llarlf rr.l l.llr. A N....I llr Uaama aan.
An Old Mnn'a Nncrllliw a Saitl, Iir Mia. Aaa PI
Rp.". . njr nr of Hut lifiT l.miVatijr
IT. , . V . V'T"'I'',r,l,',,, a rnmi inn aniirn iiai iiiiiiiMikaiiiir ? a rnia linn ninuo iiai ininnii in nuarua
It icli.t ilMik.furKI ,lo. ThlalaiiiavriiAlaatliriraliiiiilKHikaarnriiirarfil IMliiilfall totnkn ailranlavanf It,
ri.ftirriin,,i,..rji,H.i ,...,a,...i a .. . a,.. . . . ., . . ., . , ,,- ..... ,it. at....
.--.-. ...... ..,, ,..,.,,,, ,. y ,rjr,ru, in.i,nn ainiupn inarn inrirnciiniiaiti n miliar A a in iiur rniininii.r,
ii" ,ntaJjl'm"pW I'Ml'llalinl In Nnw V.rlr. Ilkanlan In llm IVinni-rrlal Airrnrlaa. All onlara Dllail bi
.m . auuiaaaaiiiaiiria; J ,31, J.UA'l l.
nion - Pacific - Railway
The Overland Route,
Shortest and Safest
liTr " llr I -.aAaai aHv A-laaHHLlJ I I I
Hh EjVIi hD yt
Tube tliei.terlmiil flyer nml nnvo'oneiliiy to nil I'nclllc const iiolittir.
l.iiuiiliiK.iilii Union Di'iHitN mill roiiui'ctliix trllli the fitnt llmlicil trnliiK of nil lliw'Hfiir n
poliilMi'iiKl.iiorlliiiiiilMiiilli. ThroiiKh ll.liiln on i..,.rn ilny c ." .". Ilnii .". cl.ectio
llnoilKll In ilea hu lirii;liiiillnliitHiHt III the mili'l HlnKp mill CiTllml . "
Sleeper accoiiiiniMalloiiK rcacncil in ilirouli Pullman Pahicc cnr from the MU u
liter lo the Pacific const.
Acting (liniinl Mnnnt;ir,
I wAWciTOWNi!Kt?iI V.i5rf"".iiar' It"")"" MWMIhfo
- ' - aai !! hm imaa mjH
Ito oontrftl position ami clojiponnoottoii with EuBtorn linos at Ohlcatro
anil oontlnuovH linos fit turcalnul p AM3, Wont, Northwost and South,
wost, niako it tlio truo mld.lliik In thut trnnBcontlnontttl chain 6r otoel which
unites tlio Atletntlo unit Pacific. Ita, xniiin linos nnd branches
oftfiro Jollot, Ottawa. LaSallo, Poorlit, Qonosoo, Molino and Rock IshVnd, hi
Illinola : Dnvonnort, MuscnUno, Vnaltlnton, Fulrflold, Ottumwa, OskalooBa!
West Liberty, Iowa City Dob Molnt s, Indlanola, WHstorsot, Atlantic ICnoxi
yllle, Audubon, Uarlrtn. (iuthrin Ccntro and Council Eltitlu, hi Iowa; Gallatin
Tron-pn, Camon i, St JcBoph and ICuneus City, in Missouri: LoavSiwortii
tind AtoliHon, In Kihibiw, Minneapolis and St. -ul, in K.nnosotn: Wntor
tpwn and Sioux Ftdla in Dakotn, and many othorprosporouo towns and oltlos
It also otloru a OHOIPI3 OP ROUTC3 to and T-om tho f-acltlo Count Tand intor
nSvolP'oiiWi m,al:lns: lUl tra,,Bf0 i Union depots. Fast Trains of tlno
SA!.4;Ri0rUFr?l3 0l0"ant DINING CARS, maenlUcont PULLMAN PA LACK
HLEEPIMO CARS, and (botwuon Chlcairo, St.JoHoph, Atchlt n and Konaah
flo8lcwtur:MINO CIIAm Ang' Bettt" lj tc holdorof t&h
i?,nM8iloliiiini!BO-,i.hw0.8t ?m. Kansra, City and St. Joseph to Fair.
mUKnNSl?inVt n,?ro,?:.Top0fe "ortntrtoii, Uutcnluocn, Wichita, CaldwSu,
and all points In Southorn N.t)r.'al:n, Interior I'nuas und boyond, EnUri
rch?in&Si?Sy,p,nont 5'f o colobx-ntort Pullman inr.nufccturo: Solidly bolt
lautod track pr lioavy stool mil. Iron and Btono brhtros. All Bufbty annllancoV
Is tho fuvorlto botwoon Chlcarjo, Rod: Island. Atchison Kurmnn atv .inn
Minnoapollu and St Paul Tlio tourist to all Northorh BummSr : RoBortfi
Its Watartotyn Dranoh mtvorsos tho most productive lomlo of !t!io Hrroat
Coirtarol,Bokoto:y Nortl,orn lowft- Soutffwoatorn MlnnowitB iuu SSst?
Tho Short Line via Seneca unil Knnkakoo offoro ouporlor fttcllltlos to truvol
bouvoon Cincinnati, ItKllannpolln. Utfityotto, and Councl Dlulli. St. Josoph,
Aty.A8.rfl,Ioftvo,J ortl'ftvottaClty,Mlnnoupolls,undSt.Pnu ' ' '
nnFr?.?JS?J?f!i.5SV.hS'y ppy y oou
, ... w...ww ....... u,u.Uuun..uovi uuuuutt, uruuuruus
ucaernl BUnn;er.
ro niiiiniK imi-pitiiin Urn iiMni liimka erfr rub
Iii ntir iitlirr tlr llirta uieit violin ouM co.t
una la cuiiipliMo In Hit If
..I.MI.M .,.. I.. ,,.., -
'llm Pnrnlllnl llulilra. A Knt.l. tly W T r.maa.
'I linlllil Ontan I, A, HyKfl a anna Onaa, Jr,
'I lin I'rairl nrilinOtrHn. A Huial, llr Cl aaa Avauaf a.
Ilnll.iir Aali Hull, A Natai. llf tlaaataar'Uuliar,
i llirn llnnaa. A Hnial, rif Ptt W, riaara,
I'mlrr lliti l.llnaa. A Haul, tlr Ilia aalkar al " IXia
ll.mna "
'llm lllnmnml llrnrrlil. A Naral, lif tlra, llaaar
Wnnll tllHilflfl
'I In. l.nia irr'aNraral. A K..l. Prtl'.aM K.haanaa.
'I lm nitniiiri- t'liatinr llr. JrUjll nml )lr. Iljda. k
Nnt.l llr II T. ,atftanff
A Wlikr.l lllrl. A H.n.l. Vt lltar Catii. Hit.
i.imr tnlviurllin IMmnnmla.
Ilnrnaaa "
A Sa..l. U "Til
llllnrrn Tan Klna. I X.til. tlr Ilia author al Daft
lliMfnr ' lw.riara,f
'I lici Mnn a.r llrurla, A Nnral Jt II I. rai,
Hurla'a I'nrllinr, A nr.l ll rioaaata Wianaa,
A l.uir Mnrrlniir, A, llr lllaa tlmnca, Una.
'I lin llnllljr llltrr. A nil, II Wll alallul l li.
'I'lic I'lilami nf Aana. A Mural llr ri naani a tUaarar.
Mnnl llrnnajr. A Niitit. llr Hia. llaaar Wiinn.
rnrahitf llm I'rllrra. A ural. llr tlra. Al annua.
A I'lnjrnililii'a Hiiuilitar. A Maul, II; tin, Aaaia
Kiiwaana Itlfltntfil
I'nlr lint I'ular. A, a, ilia aullor at "lra
llmina" IllmlraliJ.
I.nnrn.lir'a Cnliln. A i tlra. II. V. Yiirraa.
tA- I'aaiana lllitntltl,
llurrlirn lllndnn'a Oulli. A Marit, Pf Hra, Uiar
'I I, n IV .....Mil IImIv.
A Katil. Pr llr. J.ll.noaiaioa,
J ho I iillrurnlM I nliln.
A Ko.rl. P; II, T, CtMrai,
mitpnl pal.t urnii rvrnlplnf onljr l'4Vn(a nnln for
7,1 nalli anlho llai liuiinil III huardt
Tlinj to nllliiiiit Mi-riitlnn lli rtiMm nn,kt erf r rub
I'natairnatainpa Ukrii fiirfrncllnimif Mlnllar Al toinirrallalillltr.
iirrnriaa. All nrurra nnau or
rruy hlrrct, Naw Yark.
, A'UllllahCr, Ao, fill AIII
Route to all points in
Washing 'n
13. SLOSSON. Aronf.
101 1 O Htrcet, Lincoln, Nehrnnkn,
. ,. I'," ''OMAX J. H. TKIHIKTM.
Ami. IJi-ii. l'nsii. mitl Tii-htt Ant. Oeii. Push nml Ticket Afc't
Oeu'l Ticket ft Fau'r Agent.
ma. J&-,-i,j.::iiLiiiL,i.ii..i:ju.i..:iik .. .,. i). -.. .. .' frT '1tiAtiiiikfiiirfir kiftfc.'jfciBjiiJ