Mftftl fatotiTrrniffi nfinijbiiiiiiTrr'nrfffflr K HtWrit:9y ..Esswisy wlirtMwMt'aytfff'lwlli wiivj'V " tm "1 wf- .44 u V l ' " "'""ft L y.ilflWlHfilMiai V fi t ,f H B ? THE COURIER. X IVjiutor ltptr of Modern JVrn. Saturday Evening, Oct. 6, '88 tfO Corner I Oth and P Streets. leadingDryGoodsHouso TAKE NOTICE! Tho Cowmen will not Ito responsible for nny lebt "nil y ny 0,1 m "" ,mini wn 1cm n written order necouinnles tlio snino, properly nlguoJ. U Wkshki,, Jr., Frop'r. Great Underwear Sale I Herpolsheiiner & Co., Tim Courier Cun tio rnniiil At Windsor Hotel News HIiiuiI, Jnpltid Hotel News Htnnd, (Moll's Blnlwi Hull Now Htnnd. Clnsnii .t Fletcher's, 1110 O Htreot. A. T. Loiidiig A Co'., INfl O Htreot. Tlio Ootlinm Nowsfltnnd, Ill Houtli lllli Ht. Keith Bros., lit Ninth llth Hlicet. 1M. Yoiinir, KWOOMreot. Knton AHntllh, latOii. J. Htrliibcrg, O st. npp. iwstofnec. Drown Cafe, near Windsor hotel. FALL STYLES DUN LAP HATS AND Men's Furnishing Goods. W. R. DENNIS, 1137O. I.oral nnit remount. Qo to Cuslinmn tomorrow, Tnko Turkish nt 1010 O street. Lincoln lco coinmny, puro Ire. Tho bast Teas. B. V. Btovons & Co. Whltolirwut Con! and Llmo Company. Hallet, dlfttnoiul', nod wntcliw, 11!1 N llth. Biiwyer & Mwltcr, florlstn, Mnronlo Temple. Mineral wntor used for Intltlng, 101(1 O st, Trlckoy &Co.,whole.nloond retail Jowelors. U llnrr, Jowcler. cstahllsho-l 187-1, lOlflOBt. Canon City Coal at tho Whltcbrcait Coal and Llmo Co. Try Homo of tho lino fresh fish served over' day nt CntneronV. Canon City Coal ngnln nt tlio AVhltcbrenst aland Llmo Co. Last Bumlny concert nt Cuvhmnn tomor row. Go out at 3 p.m. Mrs. W. K. Ito won ami ilnughter left Wed 1 psday for Iudtaiinpolk Roast menU, and vegetable of all kinds at Cnmeron'd Lunch House. A drop In both prk-os and stock of drj' goods at II. It, Nlssley & Co. Visit tho neat lco cream nml oyster parlon Wlilumn Uros, 1310 O street. Ieo crenm, oysters mid flno confectionery nt Wldmnn ItixM, 1210 O street. Improved shower for Turkish Imths at 1010 O street, basement Union block. Only place In Lincoln that uses mineral water in baths U at 1010 O street, Beforo insuring look up tho Mutunl Life Insurance Company of Now York. By all odds tlio fliuut lino of pocket cutlery in tho city at Zohrung & Honklo's, Buy Yarns of Ashby & Mlllspaugh during their closing salo and snvo money. A big laud excursion will lenvo Lincoln next Thnrsday night for Tcrklns county. Rlluy Underwear of Ashby & Millsiaugli during their clotlng salo mid savo money. An immenso assortment of undorwear at tho lowest prieoa at Horpolshcimer & Co.'s. For infonnntlon concerning and rntwito western poluU apply at 115 B. Tenth street. Doctor B. P. Bnlloy, olllco and residenco or. of Thirteenth and O streets. Tel. 017. Tlio display of rich dress materials nt Ashby & Mlllspaugh's is almost bewildering. Unydcn is now making cabinet photographs for t'1.00 a doren. Thoymo tho finest in tho city. Tho publio schools opened Monday mom lug, with nn enrollment much larger thnn for merly, Cloaks for Lidlcs and Children lit almost ondlesi variety at correct prlcoi. Ashby fc MilUpnugh. Tako tho Elklnrn-C. & N. W. route vcstlbulo sleeper to Chicago niul tho enst. Always on tlmo. But fitting ktdgl-ve4 In nil of tho newest shapes mid colon Just received nt IIerol hlii'lmer & Co.'s. Tho Mutunl LIfo Insttraneo Ca of New York. W. B. linstings, District Mnunger, room 63, Burr blecX Herpolsheiiner & Co. now display tholr beautiful lino of Indlos', misses' and children's cloaks on tho first iloor. Do you sulTer from ncrofula, salt rheum, or other humors? Tako Hood't Snrsuparllla, tho great blood purlflcr. One hundred doses onb dollar. Hound trip tickets to Dakota Hot Bprlngs, JM.S5; Douglas, Wyo., 28.!50; Rapid City, 927.15; Long l'ino, 8tib0. via Klkhorn line. Ofllco 115 south Tctith Btrtet. Beautify your lawns by using the celebrated Pennsylvania lawn mower, mado In two sizes to cut cither long or short grass. Largo line, ikhrung & Ilor.kles solo ngenU, 12170 street. Chapped lunula may bo cured In 0110 night by using Chamher'aln'a Eye and Skin Oint ment as directed with each box. It also curon tetter, salt rheum and clironlu soro eye?. For salo by W, J. Turner. the courier's new quarters. Ilttvo you oWrved tho elegant now ipnr teroof tlio Coi'ltlKU, on Twelfth street, In tho linn' block. Tlio ontlru I'sttiblhliuicnt hns been removed to Iho two largo room, No, lajnnd I'.M Twelfth direct not Hi, which Imvo Ui'ii nttriictlvi'ly lltteil tip mill f 111 nlslnil to neeoiutiiodnto our rnplilly lnorniliig patron tigr. Tlio LVii'itiKii now has tin ilunst print lug liaiisoniul now spniier olllco l.i tlio ntnto, nml U prepnied to fully nccouitiiodnto It lib ornl patronage, nml iscelnlly tlio Indies who call t3 lenvo their favor. Tlio Ww ncl Printing Coinpiiny, with In creased fnellllls, Ih prepmed to Ret out nny elasiof wink lu Art l'i luting with Dentin nml dlspnteh, Its stock of slatlo-icry IneluileH everything In tlio line of fnney designs In Cards, Wedding Iiivllntloni, Hull Program, tie., to which will Iki nil led nt oneo tho now nml Intest designs. Tlio Cou111r.11 will ho Improved In IU ninny (li'lMirtiiieiitM, mid ho nioro thnn over tlio ho clcty ntiil lioino circle Kiwr of tho city, Tho ladle nm esieclnlly requested to send In nny nnnounecintintMof social nmttorR, cither liy jHwtd until, teleilioie, or iiersniml cnll nt tho CouiUKit olllco. Our reception room 1ms lieon csteclilly fitted up for tho Indies, who nro always) weleomo. Wo tlcslro to mid largely toour subscription llitii, ns tlio season tqiens, mid earnestly tit qurwt our fi lends to send In their nulscrli tlons nt oneo nud help imuit tho Until, Tho CouiUKit linn over)' renron toliothntik fill to IU tlimwinilH of pitroim for pnnt fnvom mid with IU umuy liiiproveuiuntN 1ioihh to merit n lm'Kcly-lncrenniM pntrounRo. J. R. llrlnkler U n Chicago. lluckwhentciikes will soon bo stylMi nnd popular. The letter carriers will soon glvo their mi mini bill. Mrs. J. R. Clark nud Mn. I. M. Raymond nro 111 Chicago. Mrs, I. Hiilin has gone to Ht. l'mil on n vltlt of a few weeks. Tho Ilrlcklnyvra of tho city will soon glvo n ball ut templo hull. Tho finest lino of Dress Trimmings rim Imi found nt Ashby & Mlllsuiugh'M. Buy Linens of Ashbj& Mlllxpnugh dtiiing thelr'cloiliigsnlo nnij (uivo inoney. Honest gooils, squnro il.'nllng nud courteom attention nt tho Chicago BI100 IIouw. Tho JkwWi toclety of tho B'NnllJrlth will Iki institutiil In tills city on Buiulny, tho 21st Inst, Htelnwny l'lnnoi nt Mux Meyer & Bro'.s 12JBouth Twelfth Blurt, C. M. Hnuds, Mnu nger. Mrs. Jiulgo HoJges of Mnreugo, Iown,hns been making friends In tho city n pleasant visit. Mrs. N. C. 11 rook nud daughter Imvo ro turned from n trip to Now York and eastern states. Our young lognl friend, Mr. K. P. Holinw, departed Monday on 11 short business trip to Deliver. Mr. C. M Rlgg, malinger of tho Beatrice opera lioiwo, wan n Lincoln visitor on Mon day last. Bishop nud Mrs. Nowmnti nro guests this week nt tho elegant homo of Mr. and Mrs. J, J, Imhoir. Tho Capital C. L. B. C, hns lieon organized and will hold regular meetings nt tho Y. M, O. A rooms. A democratic, rally wits held In tho city on Tuesday evening. Morton nnd McShnno were tho speaker. Dr. Victor Is enjoying a visit this week from Ms fnthcr-iu-law, Colonel John II. (Jumt of Olney, III. Hon. V. J. Council, tho republican cnndl dntii for congress from this district, wns In tho city Monday. Mr. J. II, McMurtry has gono to Colorndo Springs, where his wife and daughter nro to 8eud tho winter, MIn Lillian ;Potv!u left "Wednesday for Omalm for n several days' visit with friends, returning Thurhdny. Mr. vnd Mrs. Ben It. Ceggswell of Beatrice were in tho city Thursday to attend tho Ben-nett-Kccfer wedding. Tho fluost work in tho city at Ilayden's photographic studio. 12U O street. Boo our lino samples of ait work. Mr. S. B. Chase, wife and daughter left on Tuesday last for Piisadcun, California, where they will spend tho summer. Mr. Finch, Lincoln cliculntor of tho Omnha Bee, hns gono to Blielbyvillo, Indiana, nud will soon return doubled up. Governor Thayer, who hns been In Boston for a week or more, nt tho sick Ited of Mrs. Thayer, returned to Lincoln Tuesday, Mr. ami Mrs, J. Baughman of East Lin coln Imvo loft tho city for a trip to Denver, Colorado Springs, Manltou and Idaho Springs. Mrs. J, E. Kinney has returned from n visit to friends nt Madison, Wis., her sister, Miss Mnggio Castlo returning with her to sjvcml tho w inter. Chns. P. Benjamin Is in tho city in tho in terests of tho Salt Liko City Town Lot com pany. Ho will meet nny who nro interested at tho Capital hotel this evening. Mr. John L. Aron, for several months tho cfllciont treasurer of Funko's ojiera houso.hns reslguod, nml will lx) succeeded by Mr. Ern est Ftinko, sou of thoowuor of tho lion so. Fred Mtckelwult, our champion fat man, started Monday on a flttoou days' fart. Ho claims to Imvo lost twelve iounds .ilrendy, and that naught but hot lemonndo passes his lliw. Mr. D Voorhees of Keokuk Is In tho city visiting Mr. and Mr. V, It. Dennis. Mr. V. Is n cousin of Mr. I)., nni not having met for a number of yean tlio is certainly very plen&ant. Tho trustees of tho Hubrow congregation nro making fomo improvementson tliociiiircli property nt Twelfth nr.d D htrects. Tho con gregation Ih rapidly increasing in numbers, mid expect to erect a linuilsoina synagogue next i cnr. Mcsan. II. A. Nelson nnd A. Barnes left Thurwlay for tho wilds of Butler county on a chicken hunt. Tho iluto or their return Is doubtful, ns they have sworn to bring hack at least one chicken each. It Is rumored that n baseball gamo wns played Thursday between representatives of tho Journal ami n nine from tho 0 veiling now spa per staffs, hut careful Inquiry nt tho latter otllccs falls to substantiate It. Mr. Reddish, lato with tho Nons Co., nud Mr. Dlusmore, Into with Nlssley & Co., lmo purclmsed tho K. C. chop liottsct102S P sttcot, nnd will hereafter run tamo in first class style. Wo wish th?m tho success they de serve. Our young friends, M. I. Aitkin nud Frank Mauritius have formed n pnrtuonhlp In tho real estate, loan nnd Insurance business, with olllco in Richards block. Both nro hustlers from tho word "go" nud will make an excel, lent team. HYMENEAL. (.'lipid 'Join III" Itiiuils mid Ilinrt4 of Two l.tuiKilii Yoiiiik I'ltiipln, HKMNKTT-KKKKKII, Wednesday evening ut 8 o'clock, nt tho First It trtlHt church, Mr. lMunnlK. Heimctl nnd Miss Mnrtia L. ICeefer were uultiil In marriage, Rev. 0. A. Williams ollhiatlng. Tlio ecl oniony wns uniiHunlly beatiliful nud tmpiesHlvo, nud wns wituesMil by a host of Invited fi lends nnd relatives ot tho contract ing pm ties. Mr. E1 Keefer nnd Ml draco Weir attended nn best mini nud brldesmnld. Tho bride wns nttlred In whlto civpo, bendeil ornaments, natural llowen, tho bridesmaid being slmllmly nttlreil. Tho gi 00111 mid belt man wero dressed In tho conveutlnl black. After tho ceremony 11 iceeptlpn wns given nt tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Keefer, 'M O stieet, wlmro thocongruliilntloin nud well wishes t f Invited fi lends weio freely gheti, Mr, nud Mrs. Bennett 1110 prominent and well known In the rity, nud tho CouniKii wNhes them every blesxlng lit tluir man led life. They will boat homo to fi lends after October 20th, at their new residence, Mill South Kiev eutii strcrt. ItANDH I.ATIIHOI1. Mr, O. M. Hnudi, tho mnunger of Mnx Meer & Bio.'h Lincoln department, was mar ried Inst week ut Plnttsuiouth to Miss May Ijfithrop, nt tho tesldenco of her parent. Rov. II, B. BurgosHolUiiatod, performing the beniitiful marrliigo service of tho Episcopal church, Tho Initio Is n lady esteemed by all who know her, having been n resldei.tof I'lattsmiHith for several years, nud 11 teacher In tho public schools for two years. Mr, Hnuds has been with Mux Meyer & Bro. of Omalm for sovcial jenrs, nnd Is n gentleman of reputation nnd high standing In his business. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hands will make Lincoln their homo In the future. t'UKtor's Kcct'ptltiu, A very pleasant event was tho reception tendered "Wednesday evening to Dr, Mai Ino by tho ladles and gentlemen of Bt. Fiitd'H congregation, Tho recent conference reas signed tho reverend gentleman to this church nnd tho gathering was mi evldouco of tho es teem In which his peoplo hold him. Tho ob ject, however, was two-fold. Sliicotho church was lint opened seats In St. Pauls Imvo been free, tint nt n recent meeting It wns decided to give tho plan of touting a trial, nnd Wed nesday ovenlug wns tho date set. Mr. J. L. Doty ollhiatcd ns nuctlonor, nn 1 ho disposed of tho seats nt gmxl prices. Tlio church wns very prettily decorated with curtains, flowers nud pictures, tho ladles also serving 11 light lunch. J, 'A. Briscoo is no longer 111 tho inerchnu tlio Held having sold his interest in tho shoo store to his wrtncr, Will Webster. Ho will devoto his tlmo hereafter to his landed inter esU nud his ofllco hi tho Christian university. Mr. II. W. Hohhnrd of tho Journal was culled to Btiward Tuesday by n telegram an nouncing n severe accident occuning to his brother, K. II, Tho young man had his foot caught lu n threshing machine, necessitating amputation. Comu nroiind to tho now Couiheu ofllco nnd see tho finest printing nnd nowspajier olllco In tho stnto. Wo nro now located on tho Twelfth streot sldo of tlio now Burr block nnd occupy two full storerooms, connected ny arcueii oicmugs. Lincoln secured another now manufactory this week, tho Flato Hay Press Manufactur ing company. Tho now coiorntlon claim to lie able to mnnufncttiro nud hell presses for nbotitlialf what thoy hnvo been selling for, nnd will thus prove a taiccesi from the first start. Tho now grand hta'rwny on tho Twelfth street sldo of tho Fuiiko oparn houso Is rap idly luvirhigcomplotlon. With tho new ktono sldownlk laid on Twelfth and O t trooU, tho Funko block will bo improved in npjiearanco nnd tho njiem houso provided with 11 pro,! slou of ox It in case of lire. It Is rather dlfllcult theso days to got out to tho Wesloynn Uulverelty, but the street emu will likely bo running liy next week. At the unlvcralty things rtto booming. Now houio3 are springing up on every hnud,now students nro entering ililly.and tho prospects of n suc cessful year aro very bright. Mr. II. L. Horno nnd wlfo nro expected next week to pay n visit to their friends, Mr. nud Mrs. B. II. Biirnhnm. Mr. Horno Is n prominent capitalist of Norway, Mo., being extensively engaged in tho tinning Industry, vml it is to be liopeil tho gentleman will think well enough ot Lincoln to Interest himself here. Dr. Jordan, president of tho Occidental Packing company of West Lincoln, diet! nt his homo In Chicago last Friday. Ho had boon ailing for some mouths nud his death was not uuoxpocted. It Is not yet known what changes tho death of Dr. Jordan w ill cause, us no action has yet been taken by tho board of directors. Nearly ono hundred Masons and a largo number of friends nnd relatives left Lincoln on a speclnl train Monday for Plittsmouth to attend tho funeral of Dr. II. II. Livingston, ono of Nebraska's oldest and most prominent citizens. Grand Army men, Knights of Py thias and Masons from all over the state were present, nnd assisted in tho last Nid rites to their deceased comrade nnd brother. Tho train returned in tho evening. Bllss, tho popular Omaha milliner, hail his first fall opening on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Bliss has tho reputation of having ev erything in the lluo of flno millinery that tho market affords. Mrs, Bliss has Just returned from tho mnrkets of Europe, and tho latest Parisian novelties nro shown, affording op portunities for wloctlons ot fall millinery not to hi found clsowhcre, Tho Indies of Lincoln will find everything as represented nt Bliss' nud would do well to vail upon him when In Omaha. Tno opening of tho now store of tho Chica go Shoo company, at 120 South Twelfth Is an Important a I ilitlou to Lincoln business inter ests. Tho store U In charge of Mr. M, Guil der, who for a long tlmo wns tho kuccchssuI manager of tho Chicago Bargain Shoo Co.'s store at 1U18 Douglas street, Omnha. Mr. Kundet' Is a gentleman of standing in busi ness circles, and knows how to please tho trndo by honest dealing nud values lu his bus iness. Thoso who do business with tlio Chi cago Shoo company will ho satlslled in overy particular. Ono of Lincoln's prominent publisher is soon to tnko mitt himself n wife, nud the happy person is none other than (ha Coimir.n'Hitopulnrfilend, Jno. Garver of tho Lincoln Newspaper Union, This nn notincement w 111 probably bo n surpriso not only to tho gentleman' many f 1 lends through out tho stnto but more so to hluuolf, for tho littlo societ has been kojit very quiet, mid had tlio intelligence not boon furnished tho writer by nn old nnd Intimate trloiiu or 0110 or tho linppy couple, this Item would not hnvo lioen ushered into tlio world until perhaps a mouth Inter, nud so it is for this reason that ft lend Garver litis paid so many vislU to Omalm. Tho object of his lovo wns there prominent, but, alas, now tho central figure or attraction in his llfo resides nt Springfield, Ohio, having moved there with relatives recently, nnd wo nm told that before many moons lllunilnu tho world, Mr. nnd Mrs. John Gnwor will bo numbered among tho residents of Lincoln. AN EPIC IN FIVE FIT8. ritACK. Tho editor In genial mood, sat In his ofllco chair; he run his jeweled lingers thriMgh Ids ninssof tnwuy halri he took his golden pen nr.d wroto some graud nud flcrv screeds, of wars abroad, of politics, nud of his country's needs, ho nUo wroto a touching poem about n lover bold, who went ncross tho raging sen to search for gleam In;; gold; nnd how n maiden waited long down 1111 the ocean shore, to wel come him when ho roturnod who would re turn 110 more, CLOUWJ. Tho ofllco hireling enmo to hlnii nn ugly youth was ho, with freckles scattered on Ida fnea most wonderful to ceo, ho Jerked tho pioM, this hireling did, ho swept tho dirty lloors, liostulfed tho coal Into tho stovo nnd did tho other chores, lint now his freckled cheeks were blanched, his voice was hoarso with fenn hosnldi "Old Smith, who weighs nton, Is wultlng for )oti hero; his fnco Is stem, ills lips nrocct, I fear ho' como for goro Oh, master, nlinll I ht him pass inslda your sanctum doorT' coctuas. ThciiEpnko tho alitor with pride, to that louo youth (.pal;o hoi "Oh, Absalom, tho coward's fear n stranger Is to moj why should I trcmblo, though ho conies to wallow in my gorol I'll tnko him by his swuullko neck nud with him sweep tho floor; ns Macbeth said, what man may da c, that also will I dare, Diulihould old Smith hut mako n crack, I'll smash him with n chair; go, then, to where ho panting waits, and show him lu to me, ami though ho's mice or doubly armed, no terror w 111 ho bee." IIAKOEn. Thou trembling went tho freckled youth, as ho'd Instructed been; ho led tho Bad Mail to tho door, and, quaking, showed hi in lu; tho door was closed behind him then, nud Absalom stood near, that nil tho sounds of raging war tocurely ho might hear; there was 11 silence, long, profound, nnd then ills master' voico, rang out in loud, defiant tones that mado his hcrrt rejoice; it sounded through thooakou door and echoed down tho hall; it ceased, tlio sileucocamo again, and then n heavy fall. UlSABTER. With wlugod feet young Absalom flow to bis muster' sldo; nil still nud palo that mas ter lay, us though ho Just had died: hut soon bo opened wide his eyes that fell tho boy upon; they swept tho room to sec Old Smith, but Bmlth, tho wretch, wiib gone, "What did ho dor' cried Absalom, "that you liavo ew ooued nwny ? You show no marks to show that you hnvo had a bloody fray; oh, master, did ho draw his gun, your form w Ith lead to flllf' "No, no, my boy, ho drew no gun; far worso ha drew n bllll" Nebraska State Journal. Know Hint liy 8l;tiU "I'm from Tucson," said tho stranger, ns bo sauntered up to n dreamy, long haired nicn nt tho cud of tho bar, "and I've boon looking nt tho sights." "I've been in Tucson myself," replied tho dreamy man ns Ussy clinked glasses. "Glad to sco 11 man from there." "Thntsof Know Mausfloldl" "No." "Iviiow Zabrouskir "No." "Don'tf Know Lcm Hopklnsf "Can't say I do. 1 wasn't there n great, wiiile," nnu tlio dreamy tunsi pensively drained his gloss: "but do you know Hector fc'ervldacl" "No." "Know Mart Chuzzlowltr "N-uo." "Don't! Know old Don Qulsoto? "No; 'less ho was tho Mexican that kept tho saloon." "Nawi tbnf. won't him. You don't socm very well acquainted. Did you kuow Dauto, Bill Nyo or Dan Dcrondal" "N-uo, I il-don't think so." "Look n bore, young feller, you don't seem to know nny prominent citizens. I don't ho llo vo you're from Tucson. I'll glvo you ono more show. I never saw n man from Tucson that didn't kuow 0110 man, an' If you dou't kuow him tako keer, my friend, tako kcer. Do you know Clivo Nowcomel" 'Y-ycs," stammered tho stranger from Tucson, ns Ito slid towards tho door; "that Is, I know hltu by sight," nnd ho lied through tho door. Ban Francisco Examiner. Mrlctlv on Kuslnewi. Citizen (poking Ids head out of a back win dow) Sco here, Undo Ilastus, what aro you doing around my houccop nt thU hour of tho night f Undo Rastus (promptly) I was gwino to ost yo', Mistah Bmlf, cf yo' don' wan' tcr git dat hencoop whitewashed. It needs it bad, 'deed it da Scribncr' Mngazino. An Ingenious Dcuf Man. A BomcrvUlo man who is nfllictcd with deafness in 0110 car found hlsafllictlon a posl tlvo udvantago during n recent visit to Now York. Having a room in it hotel on Broad way ho could not sleep becauso of tho noise ut night. Ono night it occurred to him to llo with tho deaf car up. Tho morning after ho was lato to breakfast. Somorvlllo Journal Unvlous. "Mn," said Bobby, "Is pa dangerously sick!' "No, Bobby, only n littlo sick, that's nil." "Well, Willlo Wnlllcs was braggln' 'round Bchool today that his pa was ilangcrousiy del:. "Don't you think, ma, that my pa will Cot dsuscrously sick, tool-' Tho Epoch. A Cnroteiw Grocer. Grocer Well, sonuy, what can I do for you I Bonny Mo mudder scat mo back wld tho butter nud wluo. Bho sctl slio ordered now butter nn' old wine, an' sho thinks you'vo got tho wintages mixed up. Now York Bun. An Apology Necessary. Gentleman (at nt ovcnlnx cntcrtainraont) Pardon me, sir, but am 1 not addressing tho Duko of Wynn Wylyys? Gentleman addressed (drnwin himself up with hauteur) Eir, lam thu head waiter, Ilurper's Bazar. Atmout Alwu; Bo. "Any ono fatally Injured by n mad bores seldom recovers," remark a French pajier. It' most nlwuys to, to?, with thocoso of a man who has been drowned. Detroit Freo Prcm IT'S THE N?,w.SKSy5J5S-pSBy THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar nnteed to give satisfaction Call and sec it. ZEHRUNG, BURNS & HENKLE. Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. flEFFLEY & SONS P " FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK if MADRAS $ CHENILLE CURTAINS With Snsli Curtains to match. The Xobhlcst Line of Curtains of all kinds in both American nnd Foreign Textures. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Pi Ices Rock Bottom. A. "IVE. Dsivis & Sor). LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE Not cut fiom the Filthy Salt Creek --OAK CREEK- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable pi ices. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELLS DINING HALL, MONTGOMERY BLOCK, 1119, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street. Meals 25 cts. $4-50 per week For HAN ! V ft c3 4 X -! w J A-S w JtW .a? A Mustang Liniment a , Kl NS. MfcXICAKMnSTANallNIMENTUdoatlitoriLia. y Si fi k L. .sW. ifayjlnj ZW 9MR . BEST MADE. 134 South 12th St., LI1TCOL1T, ILSrSIB, but from the Clear nnd PuroM'nteiJ. of For BEAST ! 4 & P f? j ti kfl v'..i ' I " t3 M ri ": TiJ ,:.&fl - -.i ': 1T ,. 1 f-y V, v "M B o o n