Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, October 06, 1888, Image 1

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Vol,. O. No. A.O
OoroniCK O, 1W6W
Fkicis Iivic CiSN'Pa
' 1
The lltirlliitgou IM-pot lo ImTiiriint Into
Olllccs-AII the Itimils Will Unit!)
to llullit nOrnnil Structure.
Hy n llttlo oxtrn fuvor shown tho CouitiKil
over Itn daily coiitcmporniips by n prominent
lnllroudolHeml, wo nro prepared to glvo our
readers nnd tlio public n lilt of very Interest
ing news this morning that will cortnmly Ixi
welcomed liy nil. In coiiveisntlon with tlio
contlomnti referred to. n Cot'itiKit scrlbo wns
given to tiiiilcrhtniid tlmt, "nil on tlio quiet,"
preparations were going " Iwtiveen tlio vnr
lous roads centering In Lincoln for n hand
Hotno nnd costly union depot, nnd Hint It
would lo Imllt ROOD.
"You see," mid tlio railroad mrtti. "our
road ns well ns nil oilier lines Into tills city
lmvo not suuielont room in their dextH to nc
commodate tho business thoy nro now doing,
nnd it Is either n enso of remodeling or re
building their present dejiot, or seeking other
quartern, nnd us the pro rata exponsos on n
union depot would bo less than w lint It now
i'(wm to nnernto eneh lino petmrntely, tho
seheni Is looked uon by nil interested ns
very good."
In reply to tho reporter's question whether
nil rteKtM lmil to lmvo morn room, nnd what
would Ixi.'omo of tho huiidsomo Uurllngton
depot, tho railway nmgimto wild:
"There Isn't n deiwt In tho city Hint enn
work to nny ndvnntugo under tho present
circumstances. Tnko for Instnnro tho det
corner 8 nnd Huveiith streets; tho Elkhorn
nml Missouri I'ncitlo Loth uso it nnd both nre
bndlycrowdcd forrooni.thc former nlsoliohig
conqieHed to use the hitter's ticket window.
Tho IT. 1. depot is consldernbly out of tho
woy, mid besides, bIiico it was put up tho
company's business has Inci eased bo ns to
mnke present quai tent inadequate for thu
demnnd for room. As for Iho Uurllngton de
jKit that has lieen too siunll forlo, those ninny
dnys. Tho bnggago room Is ulwnys crowded,
nnd the waiting rooms lmvo lieeomo entuely
too sinnll to necommodnto tho company's
largo business "
"To what use will tho present depots bo
nntl" was our next iiuery."
"Tho Ilurllngtou ollloors on the second nnd
third floors nil need more mom, nud tho en
tiro building will bo turned Into otllces, nud
tho other depots will bo iiied ns freight,
Tho location has already liaan secured, nnd
the now deot will bo built ns soon ns thu
rnrious details can lie nrrnuged, near tho
.present slto of tho Missouri l'uciflu station, or
tolccntolt more definitely, bctwi-cu that
polntnnd tho lliiillngton. As to tho building
itself, tlio plans, etc., nothing can et bo Mild
but It is glory enough for ono day to know
that a union depot will bo built, nnd that it
will Ih) a structure, imposing nml hnndsomo
enough to grnco nny motroiwlltnn center.
Omaha has been nunouuclng periodically for
tho Inst ten years that their now union depot
would bo built ntonco, "but tho depot tlmt
they looked for novor enmo." Maybe, Oma
ha would not feel n llttlo sore if Lincoln's new
union depot would bo n reality beforo their
long-talked of nnd long promised structure.
Hueh, however, seems to bo tho fact nnd tlio congratulate! tho elttzous of Lin
coln on the oxcellent prospect.
The Work nl mi Artist.
Thnso w ho pass by llerpolsheimer's store
on O street cannot help but stop nnd ndinlro
n beautiful oil painting, "Tho Homing Storm."
which hns lieen donntisl by Miss Lillian 0.
Potvln, to lw milled off ut tin Catholio fair,
which Is to Is) held this mouth. Tlio painting
is valued nt 8100. nud from nu artistic stand
point merits tho ninny expressions highly
complimentary to tho donor. Tho picture is
rich in tono nnd coloring, tlw technique, pcr
fect, tho expression true to life. Miss Potvin
evidently pos.sess.-s tho truo conception, una
tiling tho reproduction on cnuvns of tho beau
tiful in nature nud life.
Siiiib mid I'liiuii llccltnl.
A fair sized nudlonco llsteno 1 to Mrs. Fun
ny Kellogg-Ilach&rt last evening nt Masonic
Temple, inn select song nnd plnno roc' til.
Tho lady wns assisted by Miss May Potviu of
Lincoln. Mrs. Fanny Kcllogg-llachert en
joys tho reputation of being nn eminent sing
er nnd is well known throughout tlio country,
having formerly lieen withTlieoloioThoniBS,
Hrigncli nml .ethers of note. Sho hns nn un
mually sweet voice, pure In tono, under per
fect control, and was nt her best Inst evening
in tlio rendition of tlio soven numbers of tho
piogrnm, lieing nbly assisted by Miss Potvin,
whoso renditions on tho piano were jierfect
nn 1 highly plensing. It is to lie regretted
that our citizens do not mom fully uppreclato
nnd Mippoit onteitnlniiientH of this class.
Thow who missed last evening's song nnd pl
nno recltnl w 111 regret it, ns tho eiitertnlniuent
was of tho highest order nud worthy tho full
est encouragement.
Lincoln C. 1.. S. C.
Tho Lincoln Chautauqua Clrclo for tho
season of 18SS II held tho llrst nioetlng of tho
season last evening In tho basement pat lors
of tho First Congregational church. A Inn. c
clasi was present, nud many who nro not
Ciiautauquuiis listened to tho following in
teresting uuil instructive program:
ciiautauhua rtiir.Avns a hook in rorn
Mus'.o Miss Jennie .Marino
lly tlio I'icsUlelit Mrs, II. P. Smith
1,'lmiilcr I.
Muslo - -Inspiration
.... Mrs. M. 1. Welch
Chapter II.
.... Mrs. P. K. Hew ell
- Miss L din P. Watson
Chapter III.
. Mrs.T. P. Cnlieit
Chapter IV.
K. B, Italston
Mothers who have small childien subject to
colds or croup shnuld now procure n bottlo of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It enn nlwi.ys
bo ilex'iided upon, Is pleasant nnd safe. For
sale by W. J. Turner.
Inspection .Solicited,
The Chicago Shoo House has opened with a
complete stack of now nud stylish footwear
at niodernto prices. 120 South Twelfth street,
near ten cent stoic.
Tho Chicago Hoot mid Shoo Storo. Entire
now stock, latc.4 stylos nt reasoua bio prices.
No. l'JOHoutli Twelfth btrcet, near tho ten
cent store.
A I'olpniiirl or Notes Alioul Ihe Hport nud
Pur it A limit Wheelmen.
Only flvo out of a club of twenty-live lin I
tho nervo to try llentria).
Adams hns not been on ills unchliio since
(ho run to Ashland. What Is tho matter with
you, II. A. I
How many will go to Woodhiwn nnd back
Sunday. All desu lug to go, meet nt CoUllIKIl
It would Iki well for tho-o going to Wood
hiwn to curry llsh lines in their pockets to
pi ovlile ugninst nccldeuts.
Tim Union Paclllc rnllroid does not charge
nnylhlng for carrying bicycles. It would Ih
well for the II. & M. to do likewise.
Hliort runs nro the order of the day hereaf
ter, except to tho "scorchers." Any member
do-lriiu to test their staying powers can try
somo touring with them.
Tho round trip to VVoodlnwn Is n distance
of twelve miles. Everyone turn out mid go,
ns tho road is In good condition nud theic mo
no hills that calino' be ridden,
Ileforo tho club wnsorgiinl.ed Mr. Ilighter,
our cuptaln, was nnxiuu for u few long runs,
but after wheeling to Ashland hu hns Iks-ii us
close ns u clam and fulled to npiienr on the
lleatrleo liip. What is tho matter I Got
A letter received by tho writer from Perry
Undoli-t states that tiio Lincoln Wheel club
will 1h royullv entertained nt Uiimhu hhonld
thu ineinbeis decide to go nt nny time. Wo
can nssure Perry that tlio'Oinal'ii Wheel club
will equally in ns welcome In Lincoln.
If the i uns nre too long for n ninjority of
tho iiiemliers, let them snj so, mid they will
ho shot tcucd What wo want Is n good rep
resentation oiro.teh club excursion. If nny
suggestions nro desired to Ihj mado inform
tlio seerotnr, nud ho will bring tho matter
before tho club.
Myron Wheeler Iiornco L Case, Jim Pol
lock, Frank Van Horn nnd Arthur Young,
rnu to lleutrlco lust Hutiduy. Tho thno wns
about six hours, and considering the extreme
hilly road tho time Is very fust. The bojs
had to wulk most of thomliilatiiru mountains
nnd rccmicratcd after renchlng tlielrdestiua-
! tiuil.
Oeopf;o Win an Old Rcsldrnt.
"I wns sitting In tho Philadelphia depot
waiting for the train that brought mo here,1'
said a T'hilailelplilaii to n party of Now York
friends tho other day, "when n particularly
old nnd decrepit negro came nnd sat down by
my sido. When ho lyd gathered in sulll
cent breath to Insure his nullity to answer, 1
asked him what his unmo was.
" 'Oeorgo Washington, sah.'ho replied
" 'Ucorge U'nshlngtonr I said, In n playful
tvoy, 'tho uamo Bounds strangely familiar. 1
iKlicvo 1 havo heard It liefore,'
" '1 skcs yo' has, hosi,' said tho old man,
proudly, '1 has been 'round theso parts ei
good many ycahs, I has." Now York Sun.
Miss Clara Yes, I enjoyed tho opera lart
evening very much, Ethel, nnd afterwards,
thoEuppcrat Delmomco's. Mr. Fcutherly is
a delightful escort.
Miss Ethel (a bosom friend) Do you know,
Clara, I think you would mako n very skill
ful violin player.
Miss Clara Why!
Miss Ethel You havo such n natural apti
tude for working a beau. Scrlbncr's Muga
zino. it Wm null.
Ho got off nt tho D. nud M. depot tho other
day, looked nround witli somo anxiety, and
then asked tho iiollccmani
"Anybody going to bo hung In towu
today P
"Nobody, sir."
"Any big Arcs raging?"
"Auy riots aroundf" ,
"Haven't heard of any."
"Auy prize flglita or horso raccsT
"No runaways, boiler oxploslous of falling
from fourth story windows I"
"There's nono oil tlio programme,"
"Might bo somo stabbing uffruys or tnloon
"Yes, but I don't think ro."
"Humph! Detroit must b a nlco place to
livo In! If tint's nil It amounts to I'll sit
dow n hero nnd go back by tho next train."
And, as tho policeman solemnly nfllrms, ho
sat down in tho waiting room for four straight
hours mid look a train homo without having
left tho building. Detroit Free Press.
A I'reniaturo Adjournment.
It was on nu outward bound ocean vessel
A goodly number of ministers of tho Gospel
wcro on board, and it wns decided to hold an
oxpcrlcnco mcetl.ig in tho saloon.
An elderly minUrvr presided, and ho called
upon a young preachsr, who had been ono of
tho promoters of tho n.eeting, for UU experi
ence. Tho latter liognn;
"Brethren, as I was lying In my berth last
night, thinking of the great o"cnuon whoso
bowm onro Halting, n beautiful thought
camo to mu"
Then ho stapled, nis faco begnn
sumo u imllor often noticed on shipboard,
nnd, placing his baud on his watch pocket,
ho loft in great haste to communo with the
bounding deep.
"My friends," reinnikcd tho presiding mlu
later, "I think wo had better let our beauti
ful thoughts digest."
Then tho meeting adjourned. Pittsburg
Cloaks, cloaks of every
poH'.ieimcr & Co.'s.
description at Her-
In Uer.
A rrospei'tiis ami Itetlew nf Ainiiseiiieiits
ut llm I'mike.
Mo-id iV nndM'uesday moiililgs this grent
iantomlino nnd fuiro comisly held theboanls :
nt tho Miiike, each eenmg grecusi nv n
lurgo nudleiici". (letugo II. Adams, well
t:iiowu ns nu acrobat nud comedian, nud the
wlnsonio Miss Tonia lliudoit succeislisl In
pleasing ever body and cnusinl round i of np-
plnuso. The support wns inir, nun uiKeu nu
In nil, "Ho, Hhe, lllin nnd Her" has ninny
pleasing features.
A largoniul uppn-clatlvoaudleneo nt the
Finiko ThuiKdny night listened to tho mirth
provoking comedy; "Nuturnl (Ins.'' Kvery
Issly lauglnsl, esMclnlly when llnrrle Don
nelly nnd lldio (llrurd caused explosions in
wit mid song, after their own Inimitable
style, siipMiited by n stiong csinpuny. "Nut
urnl tins" Is u goisl thing, osiecinlly when
sivu ns presont'sl TlmriMl,ty night.
Mattlo Vleker's comp my was greeted with
a fair sized aildleiico nt tho I'liuko hist even
ing, "Jacipilno" being tho bill. Tlio play Is
ono which shows iiui-li theatrical life, scenes
lohlnd tho curtain, nud tho petty Jealousies
that exists between people In the profession.
Tho company tlmtsupiorts Miss Ickors this
senson is n good one, nnd the fnvorlta little
net l ess Is ably assisted in thu leading male
role by Mr. Harry llich, n thorough llulshed
conusllaii. AsusuilMisH Vleker's ilanelng
nnd singing was received with gjnerom np
plause, and tho uiulionco manifested its up
prociitloa of t'.iacoaipmy's ucrltorlous per
foi m nice in m my ways.
Tho eiigngeinont. clcsos this evonlng, on
which occasion .Miss Viekeis will present for
tho llrst time in Lincoln her now play enti
tled "Cherub, or the Pearl of Kerpeut Moun
tain." Tho pioco Is in threo nts, un I Intro
iluce. many Hue features,nmi)iig them i mim
lierof clever sKi-laltie,s by thu star Harry
Hlcli, the comedian, will lie seen In the 1 n g i
able part of ".Septimus vwisinngton mil, n
lightning rod ugeiit, nud the other mmibers
of the company uru nil cast ftr diameters
ihey can well tender, and in nil n very line
presentation of "Cherub" ma Ik) looked for.
The distinguished Ameiicnii tingislhine,
Mai In PrcM-ott, nnd H. 1). McL-sjii, tin p'io
nomenally tulenteil legltlmata star, will up
jienr nt the Fimt'u next Friday nnd Saturday
ovenin.:s nud Saturday inatlneoin tluilr un lepeitolroofleglllmnto plays Tho
reund of erforinances will embrace "Virgin
ins Friday evening, "Komconiid Juliet" Sat
uidny matinee, nud "Ingomar," Saturday
night, in which tho two distinguished ttirs
will lo soon In their most cllecti vu roles, w 1th
a capable and nrtlstlo reinforcement from a
strong tiipixu ting company. I'riday night's
performance will present Sir, McLean in his
great creation of tho "Roman father," con
cerning which the Louisville (ICy.) t'oinwirr-
rial of Sept. 7th says:
In this i;icnl cole Mr. sicu-nn linns op or
tllllltles fur I he display of that toweling mnii-
Ikk1 with wall h natiiro lias so i Iciny endow-
' isl him nud (1 Is Virglnliis' i-nsslvo mold with
nil the tabled grandeur of mi Ancient lloni
nn. He lmil not been seen in Louisville for
i.i... i I.I
. !cr..,r" ! : , "
mi nun KIUPr "' "n"Jv- "- j. .--.-
liol'rescott wnsnn ideul Virginia, but then
nothing less was expected from tho greatest
actress America has produced.
ricurcs Won't Lie.
Gentleman What will you whitewash my
barn for, Undo Ilastusl
Undo Itastus (figuring) Lcmmeo sco, two
an' three nro six nud fo' nud fo' aro sebbou.
Dat Job, Mlstali Smlf , will cost yo' fo'ty dol
Gentleman Thut'd too much.
Undo Itastus Dat's ivut It ilggcrs, sah;
yo' i:an't go Lack on llggcrs.
i lost money
on cr Job wuiico kaso
cos'. Now York Sun.
I didn't Oggcr ou do
All Thai Interfered.
Agent Now, sir, I would llko to call yoar
attention to tho best foiiutaiu ;cn ever made.
No man who does a great deal of writing' can
afford to bo without n fountain cn. I
wouldn't bo without ono for a hundred dol
lars. "Well, writo your numo nud lot's ceo how
it works."
"I can't write, sir. Try it yourself." Liu
coin JournuL
Tlio Autumnal Square Up.
raterfiimlllns Will you lw In tho neigh
borhood of tho gnsoillco this morning)
Son Yes, sir.
'Then I need not go around there. Just
drop in, tell them we liai e returned from the
country, would llko to lmvo tho gas turned
on, and get n bill of tho amount consumed
wbllo it was turned off." I'hiludulpuU Rec
ord. A Matter of Itegrct.
"Georgo," sho softly murmured throoulghts
beforo tho wedding, "this paperboys t.attho
Now York aqueduct is tho longest tunnel in
tho world, nui if a railroad train g
through it, I think wo bud better go by that
routo when wo start on our wedding trip."
Georgo deeply regretted that it was not thut
Liud of a tuund. Noirlstowu Herald.
Cost of Keeping u Horse.
Now Yorker I eupixxw n horso can bo kept
very cheaply in Texas! Texan That nil do
jieuds on clrcunistauees, stranger. A uuigh
Iwr of mlno had to pay pretty high for
koopln' n boss. "How sol" "It coat him his life,
and ho didn't keep tho boss long cither. It
wns my boss ho was try In' to keep." Tcxus
Mnrlt of Honor.
Street Gamin Please, mum, won't ycr buy
this purpof me, only fifty c-ntsl
Lady Horrors! Such a stump of u tail!
I can't bear n dog with his tail cut off.
"Oh, that's all right, mum, It wasn't cut
off, it wus bit off." Philadelphia Uocord.
Anxious to Hell More.
Old Lady Ito grocer boy) Senco I bought
thnt lly paper of you, young man, tho llles iu
Iho houso nro thicker nor over.
Uoy P'rajis you didu't buy enough of it,
ma'am. Tho Epocli.
Tim Latest In Current l.lleiiiluie Antnnir
4 Ihe .ItnuiKllii'S.
Ai.hkn'h MANtmi.ii (!vi'i.oi'Kiil v; Volutin)
J. NewYiiik: John II. Aldcn.
Tho N-coiiil vnlumn of this work, now on
oui'tnble. even U'tter than the llrst, fullllls
tho proinisesof tho publlslier's prospectus. It
Is a ivnlly Imi'dsomo voliimo or oui pages.tiair
Moiih'Cii binding, largo tVie, pnifiisidy lllus
trnted, nud yet sold for the price of IV1 cents;
cloth binding only fill cents postage 1 1 cents
nxtui, Tirgo discounts nllowisl, oven from
thrso in Iits, to early subci Ibers. It Is to lie
Issiiol hi about thlity volume..
Tho Mnnlfold CycloHslin Is, In niany wnys,
iinllko nny other t'yclosslia. It undertakes
to prciciin survey of tho entire clrclo of
knowledge, whether of words or of things,
thus combining tho eharacterlsllcsof n Oyclo
IHslla mid a Dictionary, Including In Its vo
cabulary every word which has nuv claim to
n plnco In tho Fngllsh language. Its form of
publication Is ns unique ns Its plan tho
"Ideal Fdlllou" its publisher calls It, mid the
IMipulnr verdict seems to sustain his claim. It
certainly Is delightfully convenient It will
not bo strange If this proves to Ihi the grent
Hipilllll CJCIOn'lllll. II l-l-l'llliuj in i.wiiiij .
oflexnnilnntlou by nil senrchersifter knowl-
popular cyclotcdla. It certainly Is woithy
edge. Tho publisher sends stccimcii imges
frentoaiiynpnllcunt. John II. Alddi, Pull
Usher, JUKI Pearl stiwt, New York, or Lake
sido Htilldlng, Chicago.
Tim UncsjiocteJ.
Wlmt Lino Ifo Wus In.
What nppenred to lo n particularly ro
freshing drummer inttlcd nwny to a neigh
bor In a Sixth nvciiuo clovntcd car, yester
day, nil nliout his bnslnets ruccesi. Then ho
was curious to learn komothlug about bis
uelchbor'n ofTairs. Tliey wcro very dlscour-
Ilia expenses wcro (15 n day, and ho
' Jn't nmdo n sale In four weeks, nnd didn't
expect to mako ono in another mouth.
"My, my, don't they kleki" nskod tho effer
vescent ono. referring to bis neighbor's em
ployers. "Oh, no," replied tho $15 man. That to
nonplused tho other that ho nsked:
"Whnt business aro you in, my friend 1"
"I sell suspension bridges," was tho calm
rejoinder. Now York Sun.
This Is tho ago of brovlty in business trans
actions. Placards, humorous and semi-scrl-ous.
distributed in tnerenntilo houses, snv so.
Tho very latest Indication of rush nnd n con
vcnlcut means to savo tlmo aro tho signs in
tho stations along tho New Haven road
tacked up over somo of tho clocks. Thoy
say: "This is n clock. It is going. It is tho
correct tlmo. Now shut up." Tho placards
savo the station men n heap of tlmo. Now
York Sun.
Criminally Caret?.
Miss Maudo (meeting her cousin, young
Mr. Sissy) Why, you nro not looking well,
Mr. Sissy (feebly) No, Maudo. I'm suf
fawing from shock. Iwaswuu down lahst
week by n cawwidgo In Central jwrk.
Miss Maudo (Indignantly) 1 think it is u
lierfect outrage, Charley. Theso nurses seem
to think thoy own tho entire walk! Now
York Sun.
Tho Only Woy to Oct It.
Tho head waiter nt n certain summer hotel
wes named Topp, mid tho guests noticed
that If they wished to havo n t.p top dinner
they had to tip Topp. Now York Tribuuc.
Things IxjoUIii ISrlgbter.
Merchant Well, my dear, I mado nu as
signment this forenoon.
Wife That's good, mid now Clara can go
to a boarding ichool, c.i'i't shot Judge.
Jab Hunt Itaoult.
"Never uso n crowbar to get n railroad
cinder out of your eye." A bad (icucil shar
ened to n lino jioiut will wcrk itout if jou
jab hard c:.ough. Detroit Five Press.
Ituproilu,'; Slowly.
Jeweler Is your watch nil right now, Mr.
Mr. Smith Well, no, not yet; but It seems
to bo gaining ovcry ilny. Now York Sun.
Nor tho Accordion i:itlu-r.
A corroiipoudent nsksi "Would you or nny
of your many readers inform a constant
reader how to learn to piny the llutef"' Nu
if wo know ourselves. Hew York Now
Cur Llttlo I.lvcu.
Compared v.lth eternity our career extends
over u tiuu easily cxpivsscd by tlio word
"scat! ' uttered lu un ordinary tono of voice
Inside nud OuUlile.
A talt codllh breakfast nnd n rubber tver
coat Will keep a man dry through a long
starui. UWiicortvr Advertiser.
'7'jKvx!iii p"
Tin. Must Coiiipli'ln nml Niiliataullal Ntiiic
turn In the West,
Tho Ilurr building wns commenced In 1KH)
by tho Mcsih, llurr, and Is not id complete,
ns n great many Improvements are being nilil
isl daily. It contains ono hundred nut fifty
ollleo rooms, nearly nil of which nro occuple I
by some of Lincoln's best biislm ss mei'.
Among the iinU'i'prlses represented In (ho
building may bo inentlotusl
Thoderiniiu Nntloiml Hank, Hcimaiill.
Hehabeig, president; ('. 0. Miiusou, vice pies
Ident; Joseph lloeliuier, cnshler, nud (), J.
Wilcox, assistant cashier. Tlio Is u well
known one, mid does u prospci oils business,, I.HTATi: AMI INHUItANCK,
Mai shall it Hlephensoii occupy looms ill
nnd !I'J nud do a general I cal estate nud Insur
ance busldiHs, They represent four llro In
siirnueo coiutuinles with nu uggrngnto capital
or t'JO,(KXI,(HI0.
i The Union Central Life Insurance company
ofCluclmmll occupy loom tJ. Mr. J. M
". m...... .,..., .j ,,ni, M. ..... ... ....
ICdiulslon, statu ngi-nt of tho company, has
been hero live years, nud built up the best
iigeuey In tho west. Tho Union Central is
the only Iticorporntisl company In Ohio.
I'llVHIt'l.lNM ANII lllMUIi:0NH.
Dr. II. J. Wimiett, In rooms nl nud M, nt -tended
St. Ixilsni d Jefferson school Pitts
burg, mid Loiil 1-liiuil hospital, Now York,
Dr. Allen K. Huff, rtsiiu i!il, former phjsl
clan at the Homo for the Pi (endless, Is u icry
pleas nit lady, mid h.isn very lueiulho prac
tice. F. II. Itlghter, hnmcopnthtsl, rooms -111 nud
f0, will go to nny pail of tlio state, on con
sultation. IIKNTIKTIIV.
W. J. P. Lnwtou, rooms -I',', i:i and II, Is
thin (Highly skilled In Ills profession, nnd do
lug u largo business. Tho doctor Is a young
man, nnd his efforts iiii'tippi eclated by thu
publlL, nud met It putioiiagc.
Miss S. It. Iisce, olllcu loom KM, comes to
Lincoln highly lecommeiided, sho being u
niecoof Governor Oglesby of Illinois. Sho
was until leceutly olllelal reporter In Judgu
Anthony's couit, Cliiengo,
Tito Knlcipilse Hath nud Shaving Parlors,
lmvo leceutly icinovcd from their old locu
tion to the corner basement, whom Mr. Wes-
! terlleld will have one of tho neatest shaving
iimliiis In the west.
N. It. Hook, M. I)., rooms l!i.', li'lnud 121,
treats diseases of woman, icctnl mid miliary
illxiiiicrs Ho treats icctnl tumbles by tho
llrliikeihoir system.
Weston. Fox & Mitchell, sign and houso
(minting, occupy room I, in the basement of
this block. They do nil kinds of sign mid
house painting, making u siH-clulty of fresco
ing mid decorating. Tncy lmvo lieen engag
ed upon souio of tho most important Jobs In
tho city, where tasto nnd skill wern-necssisary
nud shown ns tho result of their efforts. Theso
dcsliliw woik In their lino will llnd them
thoroughly competent mid ri liable.
l:ik .Notes.
No. 80 sent $110 to the yellow fever suffer
ers last week.
No. 80 Is to give Omaha lodge No. .')!) a so
cial sess.oii kioii.
Steuiii heat nud other Improvements nro
lieing inndo at thu club looms.
llro. J. W. Ilaislmof No II, Clrcloville,
Ohio, u piomineiit attorney, is in Lincoln on
SiK'cialcomiiiiinlcntiou every Monday even
ing ut hslgu iihhiis, cornet of Eleventh nud 1'
streets, opM)site Capital hotel. Session ojiens
nt H o'clock.
Thoolllor of tlio CoiMUKH requests nil
brothels No, HI to send in auy Items of Inter
crest to the order, ns hereafter u column w 111
Ihj sH.clnlly devoted to the Elks.
Imteiprlsii Wins,
The energy nnd entei prlso of Lincoln linns
In direct coiiiHtltlou with many largo llrms
In Chicago nnd other largo cltlec.havo galnid
for our home llrms many largo and Inqiort
nut conti nets in state nnd public nffa rs,
which In tho past have Imsmi let to foielgu
business houses. Of tho many contracts let
dm mg tho past year for public nffalrs, every
one has been taken by Lincoln llrms. Thu
steam heating and plumbing firm of F. A,
Korsmnyer & Co., who had in their lino of
business, lmvo Just completed u Job of' placing
In tho heating in thu new court houso of Rent
comity, Colorado, nt West Ijis Animus. In
view of tho sharp couijietltlou from llrms in
Denver, Chicago nud Milwaukee, Lincoln can
lie pi ouil cf the enterprise nud merit of
Messrs. ICnrsinoyir & Co., whoso work nc
cepted, lellects great credit t.) tho llrui. This
linn Is nt present, eugagisl iimii woi K nt tlio
Capitol building, ..'lining llros.' new block,
the Elliott school. Hemv Shnlierg's block,
Mrs. CJulck's block, nud Mr. llnwlej's nsl
deuce at Cherry Hill, all contracts for steam
heating, and impo tuut ones.
A IVast
sen leers ut the
For bargain
tiiieugu Shoo
Auction ! A ml Ion I
Don't miss tho auction sale of Salt Iil.e
City town lots at thu Capital hotel commenc
ing tonight nnd continuing every evening lor
tcndnjs. Tho piojK'ily is llrst class, and
the lots will bo sold ut prices that will stir
piiscjou. nckWtlng Temptation.
.... j
lUudsoo's I.undbdy (who i u t u llrst class
provider) Isn't Itn littlj unusual to wear
baseball mask at table)
Illudsoo-I thou lit I'd better, Xirs. Pilkins.
I was afraid I'd forget inyielf and oat jour
tilth nlcco somo day. Time.
; vJi VI '
Z7MftiuhXr-ZTCn rMfimi
Nyo llrrently Umplriwl Onino list
Htlll Mve.
A short tlmo ngo I was called tqion by
rommltteo of phyilcmns and surgeons of
Mlnnenxtls, led by Dr. Hunter of thnt city,
with n request that I would uinplro n gnmo
of base ball to bo played on tho ensuing day
between tho Allopaths nnd IIomiDopaths ot
Minneapolis for tho championship of thu
northwest, tho proceeds to go to tho llonnuo
pnthlo huapltal.
I told Dr. Hunter that ntinllwlso provl
donco had not seen (It to endow mo with n
grent deal of baseball wisdom, but that I
was passionately fond of tho game, rocognls
lug, as 1 did, that it denoted a woiidorful do
greoof progress nnd u gradual loading up
from beau bag and two-old-cnt townrds tho
earnestness, tho throb nud thrill nud such
things in thnt of tho trim nthlota.
Dr. Hunter vald I had tho right Idea of tho
gnmo, ho thought, nud ho would get Mr.
Coiikllu, of tho Grand Opera houso, to do
tho active (xirt of tho umpiring, leaving mo
mostly to sit under tho shiulo of n largo sun
umbrella, outsldo tho oiblt of hot bulls nnd
engaged In thought Ho said that n groat
many (icoplo had noticed In mo tho faculty
of being uhlo to nsHiuuo n Ihlnkful nlr whiio
really engaged In something else. Ho said
people llko 1 that in anybody, nnd especially
in an utiplru.
At'JiIlO tho rival clubs nnived In separata
nmbuluuccj mid chuso up for "ins." Tho Al
lopaths got the bat,
Each club had n separate pall out of which
they drunk when In need of anything in thnt
Una Tlio Hoimrinpnths took theirs nt a
third dilution every twenty minutes out of n
"graduate," nud tho Allopaths drank out of
n largo tin dlpior until rolluvcd.
1 presume tho different players would not
cm o to havo mu uso their names hero and to
I will substitute fictitious names.
Tho Allopaths wuro u uniform consisting of
different kinds of clothes, but very becoming
Indeed. A fuw bnsoball uniforms scattered
through tho two clubs gavo llfo nud pi
quancy to thu gauio nud mado It morn illfll
cult fur tho uinplro to tell which sido wns in.
Dr. Gray wore drab small clothes, n light
high lint with wido, black band and lung,
nshes of roses mohair duster, hold lu by
means of a string.
Dr. Wltidymclcr woro n bluo flannol sail
or's suit, with inllnmcd rovers of samo.
Dr. Peudergnst won) a low neck nud short
slcovo knit lingerie, with checkered panta
loons nud u wnil of till o ut tho throat. Ho
woro n tarpaulin hat nnd no ornaments.
Dr. Illeeker woro n jmlr of nil wool trou
sers, with wedge of shrimp pink satin sot in
tho back between his suspender buttons;
white, oion back shirt, Dili stripo suspenders
nud Alplno lint.
Dr. Early woron stroot costutno, with fire
man's hat and varioloid necktie.
Dr. Pangliorn woro n Priuco Albert coat,
knickerbockers nnd foro and nf t steamer hat
of small bluo and white plaid, with squirrel
skin car tabs tied roguishly over tho top. Ho
woro no ornaments ut tho beginning of tho
gamo, but at tho third inning appeared in a
stellated, comminuted contusion Just cast ot
tho parotid gland.
Dr. Pcmbcrthy worn n tenuis suit with silk
hat and crocheted slIpiKrs. Ho mado n very
duo iippoaranco ou tho beautiful green ball
ground, but generally ioiislied lioforo he
reached second. In batting Dr. Pcmbcrthy
almost nlwuys stnick at tho ball nftcr tho
catcher had It In his pocket, nud ho always
errod In diagnosing tho general direction of
tho ball, nnd his treatment of it was vision
ury and theoretical lu tho extreme. I had to
reprimand him three tlmo for these things
Tho gnmo was called nt 3 o'clock', nud with
two largo shingles to keep tally on, 1 told tho
boys to sail lu.
Dr. Mills, of tho Allopaths, went first to
bat Ho was dressed simply in u suit of bluo
llanncl, with richly leaded moccasins and
high crowned stiff black shiny straw hat. Ho
spat ou both hands, then caught up a quart
of sand, which ho applied to tho handlo of tho
bat, breathed lu nil tbo nlr between himself
and tho center fielder, asked for nu abdom
inal ball, and Got so near what ho requested
that it was somo tlmo beforo I could signal
Mr. Ccnklin to go on with tlio gamo. IIo
was given his baso ou balls, I bcllovo, nud
mado a homo run iu tho ambulance When
ho got lu ho tallied and took n bismuth kw
dcr that w ould havo settled tbo stomach of a
wholo livery stable
Dr. Dixon then camo to tho bat. IIo was
dressed in a morning costumo of brown chov
lot with maroon fnlllo fraucaUa slcovo llnlngi
which had crocked his Unci: in places, bt,t
did not hurt tho general effect. Ho woro no
ornaments aside from a society emblem ot
solid gold attached to his watch chain which
weighed two or three pounds. Ho nskod for
n clavlclo ball, which ho missed by n right
sniait, Tho pitcher prescribed another cap
sulo for him, which ho struck at Just u few
moments beforo it got to him, and with such
forcons to whirl him around on tho homo
plato with great vlolcnco. Assoonas ho had
recovered from his giddiness nnd vertigo
-died time again, and this tlmo ho swatted
tho lull so tint it was u glonoai chattel
for tho center Holder to get under it, ns it
was n long tuno in tho nlr mid camo down as
straight nu n shot, but tho rvutcr fielder was
Just lilting n new topicr to hu stethoscope,
which ho had lost out ou his way to tho
grounds, and so muffed it, rs wo would say.
Tho general error mado by physiclauj iu
playing this gamo I llnd, iu both schools,
is not so much a lack of proper
l.nowiedgo of Its histology, physiol
ogy, inleroscjphy, chemistry, pjthol
ogy, physiological tuodicine, pharmacy or
thcrajK-'Utles, for nil schools teem to treat a
hot ball in about tho iamo manner, favoring
in inoit cases n conservative courbo until tho
tcmjieratniv of tho ball is leduced, but tho
common error scorns to bo tho same ns that
made l.i tho Gartleld case, viz., nn incorrect
diuguoois as to thu courso mid 1 jc.itiou of tho
Ki'aont this tlmo will not penult tmex-ti-udixl
description of tlio gnnn ns played,
l t n hasty ivcapltulatlou shows thut tho
i 'i it h nro inoro in fuvor of outward uppll
1 . !, and that they nro further ndvauccd,
i crhatm, in tlio various methods of probing
t r t o ball, w htlo tho Ilomccoiuths aro less
I '' to overplay thenijelvea Bill Nyo In
Nov York World'
A Ciiliii'iileut Place.
The Peerless laundry hiis ok tie I n down
town ollleo nt W. H. Ds mils' hat and furnish
ing goods store, 11117 O stiver, under theopefu
house. Packages of laundry work will bo ro
relvolnml delivered there. Terms strictly
cash, nnd wiik strictly llrst class
rfthtfofi -.- -t