Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 29, 1888, Image 2

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    VTt"! l V-Tj -j; -
"me, amafrinqriTa
mw'J '-smiOMrerwww
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!5UwJPKagc;r6aAjtfc!i. :s',a)tsaiMagi::s3a '.hhmli uj.L.nm.i.
nrTTrr y .- - - -yrf- rrr r- - , - ,.1-7 - - --. -----
IS UNF.QUAU.Kl) roll
$ Y
Eit lare pa5
Ar nilM every
week xllh
rnrefullr rulleetnl
news, mrreet innrVel report
tntemtliiir rvvAfllni. Tint 111 ll
ntul lillrelllieini
internstlnir nvuilni,,
ItiiMrnted tieelitl nrtl
rle livn ntlrnrlnl nnlverl lirnlw,
il irniM, tiik iiiiik
i'lrliirm excelling thimmf nnjf nlhrrnetta.
Now feature nre Ix-lnic mlilri from time In
r feature nre Itt-lnic NliliM from time In
eontlmiully lucre ' tlm Interest In tin;
lis lie rum In nK.S'h Knit A r'HT.K
u'OPV liefnre sutmcrihlnir for any oilier
linm, Ann
hnmn eleel
nawarstper. A1IIIIIK.S8
Chicago, 111.
Chicago's Host Morning Newspaper U
Hold by n wimen everywhere or sent by mall (or
CoOenlsper month. AUDIIKMS
120 A 123 Plflh-ar., CUIUAUO.
JAMK8 W, OCOTT.Publlolior.
lisuod March and Mopt.,
oftoh yonr. It in nn onoy.
Olopodla or usoful Itifor.
mntlon lor nil who pur.
ohnao tho luxurloa or llm
iioootnUlon or lllo, Wo
oau olotho you and furnish you with
all tho noo3Bnry nnd Mnnocescnry
nppllnnoos to rldo, wall:, dnnco, nloop,
oat, Huh, hunt, work, i;o to church,
or titay at homo, and In various filito.'i,
stylos and quantities, Just flguro out
what la roqulrod to do nil thrnio thing
COMFORTABLY, nnd you can mnko a fair
ostlmatoof tho valuo of tho llUYUHb'
GUIDE, whloh will bo nont upon
rocelpt of 10 oont to pay pontngo,
111-114 Michigan Avonuu, Ohlcneo.IU.
'TIM B !"
The lct llliiktrntcd luimoroiis ncwupn
ncr. The effect of the tlliHtrntlonn lit
IicIkIiIcivciI by the use of four colors. A No
,irlnted on contetl paper.
Time is Staunchly Republican
It vigorously ndvocntc the innlutaln
nncc o( n protective tariff; nnd It kpcukx In
no uncertain voice forUcpubllcnu princi
ple, nnd for doctrines of the party nn net
forth In the Uepuhllcnn platform of iKSS.
Such n paper, pcnkln 'directly to the
e cot the voter directly through H hn
pic and posurful cnrloonn, nn well n to
the mind through Its editorial, wilt beof
positive value tr you tluriiij,' the present
ThU being n campaign of education, In
which It U necessary to tench the voter the
plain facts of the Mutation by everv means
within reach, n paper such nsTIMfc should
be found weekly in the rending room of
every Republican club hi the country.
Single copies, ten cents each; subset lp
tlon, 3 mo., $1.25; 6 mo., $3.50; one ,car
$5.00; sample ccinv bv request. Ask oitr
newsdealer for TlMh.
14 & 16 Vcscy street, New York,
Undertakers andEmbalmers.
212 North nth Street,
WlmlMir Hotel Annex,
Telephones, Olllcc 145. Kcsldencc 15ft,
Open Day nnd Night.
Reopened 1033 O Street.
stniulliiK the
fact that I'ho
tnxraphs hnvo
been ledu oil
to about half
thu former
price w o have
engaged tho
services of ouo
ofthohest tin
Ishers In New-
York to tnlto
clmruoof that
department of
tho studio. Our
ctTortHHlinll ho
u 11 1 1 r I it (i to
Blvo cacti ens-
tomor cntlru
Hatlsfnut to n
nud to produce
Kiiieilor work
ilouo beforo.
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen.'
)V . X JL."Z-itev
Ij'nt of Dlrrrrciiro Ttiat Mark tho Wild
lUliMt fnitn tlm Tiinio llnlitilt nnd lllo
Common Hired, from tho I'linry Btrnln.
nullillnis Rnhlilt Colr.
lVrlmpi of nil ot iinlinitlii-nlnnyR oxcoiit
Itijt tliodoij, tilm l tho faithful companion
nml friend of both mciiiitul Imyn thuro nro
nono tlint mil Kit'.ttcr fuvorltc.n than rnbblU
HiilililH mo kiicIi pretty crontiircM, with their
loiiRcnrinnd illvcivlflrtl rolora. Then they
find their tnaHtvrn nml inMivmr plenty of
(HX'Uvitlon wlioii tlioy lnl.o tholr wnlkn, fur
theso icliinro excci'illiigly fond of thoilnif
ilellon nml oilier ulld plitnU IIiiIIiIIiik n
rnbblt coin, too, In pli-nwnt cniployinciit.
lliiyliu: tho ten client for thu lintili mid innl;
Ini; It lliuli n lioy MM.U'tliliig tt do, cH,clnlly
If Iki Iki clover, for it inpilre Kiinouklll to
null liitli-i U'foro thu dint, malm n door with
lenther hliiuei, nml then n tiwigh out of
which thu rnbhit limy o.iu
Homo iKvys nnd girls nro content u It It keep
ing common mhblts, uhllo others, mora
eliary lit their tntto nud etioleu, sttKl; their
lit t lo rnbhltries with tho more cxieuslvn
fnney luwds, hleh lu point of lienutyof
color tiro unquestionably moro worthy of nt
tentlo'.i. l'tneyrubblts niv n littlu moro
delleuto nud ivqtllru llicreforu moro enru lu
tholr lunungemont tlinn dot lie. common one.
Tho wild rnbblt lu gencrnl npieiiraueo
grently resembles tho hnre, jet tbo two
species nover intermix. Tho Innio rnbblt wns
orlglunlly tho wild rabbit, which wo hnvo
domesticnteil nnd mado larger by liberal
ftHtlhi3 nnd enro. Common rnbhlts vnry
greatly with ivgnrd to color, somu being
black, others white, ethers uiousu color,
others fawn, tonio brown nml somo grny
with tnwny feet
A fancy rnbblt, I u addition ton tierfcct
shape, mutt have what Is termed u good
carriage. Tho correct nrrnngement of colors
ii n very luiimrtnut jiolnt, though tho enrx
ore tho inoststrlklng jieculinrlty of tlio fancy
bnwK A rnbblt Is termed "hum lopixxl"
when Its raw tltfseem) obliquely forward
from tho ldo of tho head nud project out far
ticyond tho no Another stylo of carrying
thu enru is that of iqirondlng them out hori
zontally on each hIiIo; thu iinluial Ks$essliig
tueh com U termed nn "oarlop." Then
thero Is tho "hat" or "jwrfect top," ouo of
tho moit vnluablo of nil tho fnney Mralns;
this enrringoot tho enru is exactly tho iw
verso of tho natural position, mid rabbits
potnesfciug it, if perfect In other ivspecU, nro
highly prized.
Hoys Who Huccrcd.
It often happens Hint two boys with tho
snmo ndvnutngo nud equally pood tmiulng
maku entlady dllTcront kind of men. Tho
0110 will succeed In life, while tho other,
without being li.ul, uuvor aimnmU to tiny-
thing. Uohlou n.iya thinks tlint pcrhnp this
uuceiloto w III explain something of tho dis
parity lu results:
A nurseryman left homo for n few days.
It wus rainy weather, nud not n Benson for
sales, but n custoiifi' did nrrlvo from n dis
tance, tied jp his horse, nud went Into thu
kitchen, whero two boyn wero crncklngnuts.
"la Mr, Ikirues nt hoiuul'' hu nsked.
"No," said Jou, tho oldest, hammering nt u
"When will ho bobnekt"
"Dunno. Mcho not for n week."
Tho youngest boy, Jim, promptly Jnmpcd
up mid followed the irritated strnnger out of
doors. "Tlio moil tiro not here," ho said, lu a
bright nn.l courteoui manner, "but I can
show you tho dock." Tho Htrangcr wns
conciliated, nud followed Jim through tho
nursery, cxnuilnliig tho trees, nud left lib
oixier. "You hnvo sold tho Inrgest bill of tho
tenson, Jim," tnid his father, greatly pleased,
on his return.
A fow yenrs nf tcr wnrtl, t heso two boys wcro
left by their father'n , death with but WOD
nplecs. Joj lxniglit nn ticru or two iioar
home, nnd, although ho worked hard, hois
Etlll n poor, dlieontentil man. Jim bought
nu emigrant's ticket to Colorado, hired out
nincattlu driver for n couploof jears, nnd
with his tyage bought hud at 81.S3 mi aero,
built hhaself a house, and inmrkxl. Todny
his heiiH nro numbered by tho tliouwiul, his
land hns lwea cut up lu town lots, nnd hols
0110 of thu wealthy mou of tho Centennial
"I might hnvo done llko Jim," snld Jm,
resentfully, "if I'd only thought lu time.
Tliuro'u us gdl stulf In mo nu him."
Joo was right. Ho hid tho samo stuff in
him, but it was not develops 1. Tin quick,
wido nwnko energy which causes a lioy to
net promptlynnil boldly iana emorgency is
jurtly natural, but It can bo inculcated by
liarcuts, nnd it is worth i.toro tiiau any gift
of nature.
My name U only roily, Uttlo Polly t
But sometimes, ns a Joke, you know,
They call mo Just Sweet l
1'or u Bora Tluont.
Forsoro thi-ont, a pleosnnt lemetly is the
rrhlta of an egg beaten stiff with nil tho
lugar it will bold aud th'J clear juico of n
II,' ""-"" lr-
A Mttlo hweet I'cn,
retrolnum In Afffcllons of the Otict A
tfmv I'onn of MtuMojp
An n result of Invcstlgntlons Into the util
ity of petroleum in dlsensoof tho chest, Dr.
Dach) stnto, In Ilttlletln du Thcroputirpio,
Hint In vhroulo bronchitis, with nbuml
antoxpcctnrntion, it rnpldly diminishes tho
amount of tho secretion nnd tho paroxysms
of coughing, nnd in slmplo bronchitis rapid
nmollorntluu has been obtained. Its employ
nient In phtlilsU linn been continued for tun
hliort n time, nsyet, tonllowof nn opinion xy
lug delivered ns to Its efllcnuy Iwjoinl tho fnct
thntlt illuilnlaliei cxpcctorntlou, which nlso
lone its puruluiit character. TI10 (wtrolcum
in populnrly tnken In i1o-cji of n tcnpoouful
beforo each meal, and nfter thu first day tiny
nnusen which it may cxeltu In somo (icrsons
dlsnpiicnrs. 1 hu untlvu wtrolciitn from Pcim
sy.vnnla nud Vlrglnin wns tlint flrat czicri
montcd nlth.
f!niio ilulrt..
Tho Jnlco of pressed fruit with what In
wlno countries Is known ns tiio "must" from
grnpos it tidvlsod by Mcdlcnl Clnsslci n3 11
UKMt lxi'cllelnl ilrinU. It ruvlvea tho nerves
and stimulates thu brain, whllu tin puru
blood innklng mibstmieca In iUpnrtlclus to
now thu wnsto I tissues of thu body.
I'nouiiintla AliiMnsro.
A cm lout application of tho nlr pump,
dovlstd by Dr. Ilrculllnrd of Frnnco, which
Is Inteiidctl n:i a Mibtltuto for ordinary inns
tagoltt prtxluclug u regular and eonllnuoiii
traction of tho skin nud subjacent tissues, is
tlcscrlbed by Uclotico Nows.
Tho Instruments consist of nn elliptical
plecu of soft rttblier, C, with a cavity hoi
lowed out on tho under side. This cavity
iiastwo small ojienliigs, Amid II, tho latter
being prolonged Into a tubo which connects
with a llexlhlo rubber pipe, T. This Is nt
tuched to nn nlr pump, V, which tuny hoof
any desired patt rn, nlthotigli tho water
pumps which can bo nttnehed to nny water
faucet, and Is continuous nud nutomntlo in
ojicrntlon, Is to bo preferred, from its con
venience nnd chenpness.
To ocrnto tho nppanitns tho hnllow picco
of rubber tlio veutotise, as Dr. Divulllard
calls It Is pressed firmly ngnlnst tho body of
tho patient mid tho nlr pump started. When
tho opening (A) is closed by tho finger the
Ari'AiiATva ron rxcuMATio marsaok.
skin Is Immediately drawn up by tho nt
luosphcrlo pressure, liy removing tho linger
from A tho pressure Is rel loved nnd tho skin
resumes its natural condition. Tho vontouso
is to bo moved over tho body as tho ojierntor
desires, nnd by replacing or removing tlio
finger over tho opening (A) tho Hash and skin
may bo manipulated to any extent, nud in n
much moro regular and I borough inmmcr
than can bo dono by tho hand. Tlio
proper amount of prcssuro to bo applied
varies lu different eases, but tho av
crago vacuum should bo ' equal to
that of a column of mercury about eighteen
inches high, or two-thirds of a jicrfect
vacuum. A pressuro gaugo is unnecessary,
ns ono soon lenrui by slmplo observation the
proper nmount of pressuro to npply. Tlio
invention U certainly Ingenious one, nnd
may prove to bo of jreat usefulness in cases
whoron vigorous riaiilmilatlou of thunklu is
A ConcUo nnd lTefitl Statement of
lonulilu Weddlni: Ciittonn.
Tlio senson of weddings Iwing ngnltt near
nt hand, tho follow lug eonclso Matement of
wetldlng etiquette, by ono of Now York's
leading social authorities, will bo found
Tlio brltVegroom nt n morning wedding,!,
c, nny tiinolxforo o'elask, tlioald wear a
black frock coat, which Is still retained (al
though thero is a stro.ig movement iu favor
of tho cutaway), light troiuers, patent leather
shoes, wluto gros grain lour-in-hand rcarf,
jiearlor lavender gloves, with broad blaek
fttltchiug on thu back, and silk hat.
The uMicrsnud best man should hosing
larly attired. Tho bride, briilesmnids nul
mnld of honor should 1x3 iu full dres-s. At
tho evening wedding tho groom and ushers
should wenr full evening draw, viz.: dress
coat nnd, trousero, iwtent leather
shoes, plain wlilto shirt witli three small goid
or Imitation linen studs wt mado wlilto
lawn tlo nnd wlilto gloves with black stitch
ing on back. Tho bride's parents pay for
and send out tho Invitations, supply tho car
riages and rIvo tho wedding breakfast or
reception. Tho groom iays tlio clergyman
his feo nud generally gives somotrlllo in tho
way of scarf pins or sleovo buttons to his
uthurs. Ho nlso gives tho brlilo her bouquet.
Tho brido may fuinUh her bridesmaids
with a full costumo if she, desires to Tlio
best man remains with tho groom In tho
vestry iuitll tho bridal profession cntern nnd
meets tho brido In tho chancel. Tho best man
holds tho groom's hat during tho ceremony
nud hands him tho ring nt tl.o proper mo
ment. His other duties nro to tauo general
churgo of tho arrangement, hand tho clergy
man his fee, inako himself ngrcoablo to tlm
head bridesmaid or mnld of honor nnd f iiv
poit ttio gvoom In every wny, csieclnlly If ho
show signs of Iwcking out. Tho order cf tho
bridal procession Is ushers, brido on tho nm
other fnther or of whoever U to give her
away, mnld of honor, bridesmaids, brido'
mother with groom' father, groom's mother
with brido's undo or other neat relatlvo 'cud
two of tho uslien. At a house wedding there
is no formal provertlon. Tlio brido comes in
on tlio groom's arm mid advances tow hero
tho clergymau Is through a l.tno formed by
tiio ushei-s mid bridesmaid, At tho reception
thocuests mo taken up by tho ushers. The
uewlv married pair remain nbout nu
nud then leavo ns quietly as iosslble.
How to Kut u Soft tJollcd Exg.
According to Tablo Tidk, tlio very nlewt
wny of eating n wft boiled egg Is from tlw
llio'll, nnd It should bo dono thus;
riaeo tho small cud of tho egg lu nu egg
cup, or you may stand it In usmill napkin
ring. Tho Jargor or butt oil of tin egg
should hnvo tho shell removed from It; then
if you taku away n small pleco of tho wlilto
you hnonmplu room for Mlt, pepicr nnd a
bmall piece of butter, whlph may bo mixed
with tho egg without dilllculty. Ixmg
handled pornlniii teusiMons nro tlu. nicest nnd
only pwiier things to wrvo with liolled eggs.
Sof t lioileil eggs may alio bo entcu from u
heated egg glas; tq cbk being oicned care
fully and turaod into thu glass, bait, black
pepper nud butter nra tho proper fceasotritig.
IzMRkJ i)
A riennlilR t)rntpi for a U'lndllilll nud
Wtrr TunU That t'onns n Very Orna
mental nnd fttrlhlmr Addition to tlio
Tlio accompanying design for a windmill
tower, recently descrllied In Hclcntlflo Amer
ican, Is worthy of attention for tho novelty
nnd lioldness of Its conception. It is a strik
ing departure from tho ordinary plan of
such structures, which nro, as a rulo, dovold
of tosto or elegance.
This windmill was erected at Nnrrngnnsott
Tier, It. 1., to supply wnter for ten cottages,
nud, iu Its position nmoug tho summer cot
tages thero, forms a very ornamental addi
tion to tho landscape. The water is supplied
by driven wells, mid is pumped up by the
wind (lower into tho reservoir nt tho top of
tho tower, whe.ico it is distributed by gravity
pressure throughout tho ten cottages erected
adjacent to It, It has proved adequato for
all demands mado upon It, mid not only
furnishes nu abundant supply of water for
domestic purposes, but provides ample means
of flro protection.
Tho Dtttanco to tho Moon.
Topular Bclcnco Kows gives tho directions
hero presented for ascertaining tho distauco
to tho inooq:
First wo requlro to measure tho nnglo tnndo
by a straight lino from tho point of observa
tion to tho moon, nnd another straight lino
from tho earth's contcr passing through tho
point of observation to tho zenith. Tho vis
ual ray from tho observer to tho moon will
bo tho 11 ret lino OM in thu flguro bolow. Any
perpendicular, as a plummet lino, at O, tho
point of observation, will exactly colncldo
with tho straight lino from tho contcr of tho
earth to tho zenith, tho ixlnt iu tho heavens
immediately overhead.
AScnnTAiNixa tub distance to the moon.
Tho number of degrees lu tho nnglo M055
imn5 thcrcforo lw accurately taken. When
that Is tlone, wo nlso know tho valuo of tho
nnglo MOU; for tlint must bo tho dllTcrenco
between llO'A and two right angles. If wo
then lay down tho lines ZU mid MO at
tho ascertained angles, it is evident that
tho lino OM must pass through that
jwint iu tho heavens which is occupied by
thu moon. Now lot another observer at A in
tho samo manner ascertain tho nnjles MASS
nnd MAC. Ho will then bo ablu to lny down
two straight lines ZC and MA. If tlieso nro
drawn nt their proper utigles, tho lino AM
must also pasj through tho point in
tho heavens occupied by tho moon.
Now, If tlieso two observers como together
thoy will Ik) ablo to ' construct a four sided
flguro MOCA. Tho two linos 00 nud AC
will represent two radii of tho earth. Tho
two lines OM nud AM will roprcseut tho dls
tanco from each observer to tha moon. If
this flguro Is constructed accurately, it will
bo found that MO or MA is sixty times
longer than 00 or AC. That is, tliodUtuuco
to tho moon ta sixty times greater than tho
radius of tho eartlu Tho Inter being known
to bo 4,003 iniliH, wo hnvo to multiply by
sixty, which gives us 210,000 miles ns tho
distauco to tho moon.
Protection from Lightning-.
Mr. Oliver Lodge, in his recent lecture. on
protection against lightning, mado among
other btntemouts tho follow ing:
A wire netting nil over tho house, a good
earth connection to it nt soveral Klnts, nnd
a plentiful supply of that barbed wlro which
servos io abominably w oil for fences, stuck
all over tho roor, nnd you hnvo mi admlrnblu
system of defense. Now let us seo how fnr
inostpeoplo ngreo, nnd w hero thoy begin to
branch out mid (Hirer. Tho old nud amusing
political controversy betweou knobs nnd
jwlnts lias disappeared. Points to tho sky
aro recognised aa correct; only I wish to
advocato moro of them, nny number
of them, rows of them, llko barbed
wire not necessarily nt nil prominent
along ridges nnd caved. For a ioItit
has not n very great discharging capacity.
It takes hovcral poiutii to dlsuhnrgo i cattily
all thu electricity bet lu motion by n moder
ately sized Voss or Wltnthiirst uinehino;
hence, if you want to ucutrallzo n thunder
cloud, three ioluts nro not so elfectivo as
!l,003. No need, however, for great spikes
nnd ugly trlduiits, so painful to tho architect.
Ixt the lightning como to you, do not go to
meet It. l'rotect ull your ridges nnd pinna
cles, not only tho highest, nud you will lw
fnr safer than if you built yourself a factory
chimney to stuqiort your conductor upon.
At present tho immediate, neighborhood of a
factory chimney or steenlo is iiot a safeguard,
but u sou re j of mild danger.
Thoso Cits C.iMTiis ut rhiillny, Ohio.
Tho statements mado by an nlleged Ger
man scientist that tho "gas caverns" nnd
"ocoaus of boiling rock," situated beneath
tho town of Fiudlay, 0,, havo been tele
graphed ull over tho country mid caused
much nuxiety on tho part of credulous per
sons. "Wo can uMuio our reader," bays
Popular Science News, "that theso statements
havo 110 basjs whatever lu fact, nnd that it is
absolutely laiposslblu for nuy poTson to tlo
termlno what tho condition of alTalrs Is so
far lieiotr tho mrfneoof tUo earth. Wo do
not b-llovo that tho 'professor' even inado
tho statements credited to him; lsit,.If ho
did, ho lslniply a scieutiti.13 luurhtig, with a
inuuh larger reservoir cf 'natural gas' under
no.itli his hat than any that exist below tho
town cf rindtoy,"
Uaefn) Directions About Ilodyetng Leothe
Uphol.tery und Impairing riirxdtiirr.
Upholstery leather coverings anl hang
ings that havo faded, or tho hue of which it
is desired to change, may bo dyed or stained
by nny of tho strong, liquid color dyes gently
bcntoiL Bo says Decorator nnd Furnisher,
which gives tho following directions:
Tho leather must bo previously tightly
stretched. Tho surfneo is finished off by lay
ing on n coat of whito of egg, and going over
tho samo when dry with a iwllshed pleco of
wood shaped llko a pajwr cutter. Copperas
will give n black color; a solution of indigo,
blue. If tho leather is to bo varnished, it
should l3 gently heated.
To restore tho color to rusty black leather
chairs or Dofas tho authority mentioned ad
vises to tako tho yolks of two eggs nnd tho
whito of ono, beat well, thou shako la a bot
tlo until llko oil, then In a small tablespoon
fill of gcuovn dlssolvu nu culinary tea lump
of loaf Btignr, nnko this thick witli Ivory
black well worked In, mix with tho egg nud
npply to tho leather with n brush; nftcra
fow minutes polish with a clean dry brush
till bright mid shilling, then tot awuy a fow
days to lianlen.
To mnku furulturo pasto to cement cr fill
in blemishes In furniture, csjieclally ma
hogany, tho following directions nro given:
Moisten four ounces of scraped beeswax thor
oughly In turpentine, then to n quarter of mi
ounce of owdcrcd rosin add enough Indian
red to bring it to n deep mahogany color.
Stir till thoroughly together.
Mcmlln;: und Cleaning Kid Oloves.
Mend a tear ill tho lenther by working iu
button holo stitch nroimd thu edge, mid then
draw them neatly together, ndvlses Good
Housekeeping. Tho evidences of tho repair
will hardly lw noticed. When gloves need
cleaning It is better to Bond them to soino
reputable shop where such work Is done. Hut
if you must do it yourself, for black gloves
put a fow tlrops of tho best black ink iu a
teaspoonful of olo oil, npply with a feather
nnd dry lu tho sun. Donzlnowill clean whito
gloves, but ft will hardly do for other colors.
Corn meal, dry, will tlo for light gloves that
nro not much i.oiled. When nt tlio theatre,
do noi let your light gloves como iu contact
with tho Ink on tlio programme.
To keep thu surface of your kid gloves
looking well, when you tnko them off smooth
them out leugthwiso until they hnvo nbout
tho Rimo outliuo that they havo on your
hand, nud put thorn iu a dry place. If tho
gloves nro rolled together Into a wnd tho sur
fneo will soon present an unplcasing appear
ance, Irozcn Confer.
Frozen coffco is made, according (o a con-
fectioner'fl i-ccljie, ns follows: Tuko two
quarts of fresh filtered or spring water, if
obtainable, bring it to tho boll, then add
half a pound of tho liest Old Government
Java coffee, roasted and ground; btlr well to
gether, cover aud set nsldo on tho range to
Infuse. Stir occasionally for tho first ten
minutes, then lot it stand iu a warm plaeo
till well BcttlctL Now strain tho coffee clear
through a lino muslin cloth and mid water to
maku two quarts; dksolvo ono pound of pul
verized sugar In it nnd set nsido to cool; then
pour it into tho freezer, ndd tho whites of
two eggs nnd f reezo tho mlxturn to a coftlsh
texture. This fvnppo is generally served in
high glasses. Tho fourth part of a vanilla
beau is also sometimes infused in tho coffee
whin making it nuJ tends to heighten tho
aroma of tho coffee. Some persons ulsondd
half a pint of rich cream toit licforo freezing.
Tlio Caro of Tiles.
If tiles nro in good condition lo start with,
it is tho easiest thing possible to keep them
bo. Wnsh them with tepid wnter mid toap
aud n flannel. Nover use n scrubbing brush,
as it scorns to loosen them in their tclting.
When washed, wiiw them dry with a soft
cloth nnu then rub them well nil our with
nn old silk handkerchief in butter
milk, or a very littlo Unseed oil, itohshing
them ns you go. This process Is only re
quired nbout oncon week, unless there Is a
great ileal of dirty traffic, An old chamois
leather is excellent to iMjlish them with.
Delicious Plain Gingerbread.
Mix together half cup molasses, half tea
spoonful soda, half cup sugar, hnlf teaspoon
ful salt, ono tablcspoouful ginger, ono tablo
spoonful butter, molted, ono cup sour mil'i,
two nnd a quarter cujh flour with half toa
spoonful soda mixed with It. Bako twentj
to thirty minutes.
An Attrnctlvo 'Wall Ornament.
An odd nnd
protty ornament
for parlor or draw
ing room is found
in tho graceful ar
rangement of a
tambourine, ns
shown in tho cut.
The clroulnr
parchment mny bu
tleeorated with a
painted l.tudscnpo
or Wattenu sceno.
Quito a popular
and amusing de
sign is a cat's hend
1 in In ted to look us
it it had Just been
thrust through tho
parchment, which
shows torn edges
n round tho cat's
neck. Tho rim is
gnyly trim mod
with rlbboii3 nnd
multi-color loops
mid ends of corded
till:, intermingled
with gilt nnd fcllvcr
cord. Tho tamhou-
lino Is intended to uoosi taudou-
Iw hung on tho ltlNC
wall or to a scresn,
and tho effect 13 as uuiquo as it is tastefid.
An old, discolored tambourine will answer as
well nsa new one.
Kos cities In l'lno Tablo 'Ware.
A now crumb scoop has nu ivory linndlu
with nn engraved silver blade.
lliscult luxes, with or without silver tops,
nro popular iu Ktigllsh wares.
Agate nnd ouyz figure iu pitchers that aro
set iu n framowork of dull silver.
Filigree enameled silver is mado Into trnya
nnd tcto-n teto sets for tea nnd cohov
A novelty for tho tablo is nu escallopcd
butter shell of silver with n glass lining.
Cut gloss ealad bowls, with silver mounts,
divldo favor with porcelain ones similarly
An cntirejy now pattern in silver biscuit
boxes Is thu double opening box with pierced
Thero is a fancy for tea trays of tilrcr tlint
seem to be covered with a napkin having a
colored border, dono in enamels.
A double berry dish of cut glass, dlvldoii
In tho center by u silver handle mid sitting
iu n frame of silver wire, it a seasonable at
traction. Dull fluisliod silver Is plaited llko wicker
basket work for cake baskets ott tho bottom
of which npprars to bo spread a suo Ay imp
kla like dar.uak.
Desires to Inform tha public tint Ids c-ptlp
meat for nnvln; llouuholil (33.1i,I'i.inos
Safes, M trchandUc, llj.ivy Michlnery.
etc., N the b:st In the city. Special men
and wagons arj kest for tlu removal o
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which are ol ways handled by compctant
and experienced help, nnd the latest nppll
inces used for handling Safes nnd other
icavy good. Call, address or telephone
Telephone in 917 O st.
Fremont Elkiiorn & Mo, Valley
jt.5I,05u ID
Trains leavo 10:15a, m. ami I'-MO
This KLKiion Vam.f.v Line.
To froo homes hi Northwestern Nebraska an
-'oiitliwentcrn Dakota.
To tho Illnek Kills and thu Hot Hprlngs.
To Central Wyoming coal nml nn flrliU an
cattle ranges.
To Chicago nud tho East,
To .St. 1'au', tho North nnd Northwest.
For further Information Inquire of
tS South 10th street, - - Lincoln
W. V. KlTCIt, J. V.. IIuciianam,
Ueiieral M'gcr. deni Pass. An't
Missouri Valley, Ioa.
....... . . riTAt Stock JWO.POO.
a W Mosher, Proldwit. V. .1 Walsti, V- Pre
It. 0. OutcAlt, Cashier.
ItoruY loaned on long or short time at loweel
ites. Ofllce In Itlcbnrds" Block, room "3.
Ta!-.n elevator on Eleventh street entntac.
N. R. HOOK, M. D.,
Jrinary and Rectai Diseases a Specialty.
Trcnts reetnl illsensos by nillNKKKIf OFF
JA1NI.KSS 8YHTKM. Onice, rooms 1", Inland
21 llurr llloclc. Twelfth nml O sireets. Ofrlce
elephone M.S. Itcaltlenee 10J3Q street. 'Phone, Mi
intco hours, 0 to 12 a.m. ii to & nnd 12 to 8 p m
'Uiidajs, 10 to It a. m
Homteopattiist Physician,
Telephone No 6S5.
161 South nth Street, Lincoi.m Neu
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street.
(till in tho front nnd absolutely leading all
4iiiietitors. Thoroughly cquipcd for tin
nest work, giving to ench customer nu un
lualHled guarautco for nil work done. All of
ur woikdnno with neatness nnd dispatch.
We solicit onlers for subui ban villages mid
elchUiilug tuwns, t my Ing tlic expies 011 ml
Jiteisouu wny.
l. col:i
and or rtsMAsnur,
Shorthand ami Typewriting. IJent and UrRMt eolleRO
In tho wet. StiKlnit. prepand fix- lnitlniT8 In from
3 to V months. Imllv.dunl Inatructlon. Ku.lnnuex.
perletieed fncutty. Feml for college Journals and
rpoclraenr or to
MLUUIUDUK 110O3E. I.'neoln, Neb.
Old den,l tiw.tV. -mil. In
l tha nninfitffMrn nr 1.ln.ul
lliolfniit Win) ran fHullnw
It, gushing out or Kill teeth
' at every inctl mil bo
henllhv9 Tlip.n liwil. ..
dead, ulcerated, uiih'nltliy
ircinently cati-e a fituliol
faco. hhnultl certal. ho
extracted nml repUml lth
rood, arllllclil teeth thu
ncverncho. Can buottmit
el HtlUout pulu. No hum
The above cut shows tho teeth of a man 43
rars of ape, from Dr. Hell In 1831. Wo meet
with this affection In the teeth lu various forms
nd degrees. The cuds of tho erowns teem
rei-j soft, having a low drjereoof vitality and
wear down showing a dark jcllowlMi rupped
inoMn the center. Mauy are so f oollVh as to
"k ',hat molar teeth aro of Uttlo account,
.mi ret them co bv default; after which all
thu force of tlio musilcs aro extended to the
front teeth, wcarlnii them iIomu rapidly.
Tlio best, and or)r remedy. Is to cover and
buildup the cuds with Fold nnd phttlmttn,
hlch wears llko tcel ami raves them tnnnT
rears. We tnske n spenlslty of lino gold work
on building them up, contour tllllugs, etc
s 2
a. n
Cuts A a'ld 11 are from John Tomes, of Enc
liml. A Twolneltora with notches In tho ends.
11 shows tliopcgthaptd teelh wlthytllowlsh
pits In thu ends.
For such teeth wo havo two remedies: First
To (111 llm pits In tho ends with gold. Sec
ondExtract them and rt-placo iiem with
artificial teeth, Hut thu bones absorb away
rapidly to that they will need reeettln. fre.
We nuke tho finest artificial teeth lu the
We use Jtutles' and Whlta'a patent teeth,
with long, heavy pint, mounted on stroaJ
elastic plates. Thoie who patronlzu iu will
not bo troubled with broken teeth and cracked
plates, canker sore mouths, etc.
To loose tho front teeth, Is to loose half
the nover of speech, tod more than half Ue
1S03 o BTlfcKT'
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