Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 29, 1888, Image 1

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    npiljirT"""""1" "" f"TMT7i
-- "Vjwjlf5vri- ' ,
rrr t-wt- "fHf yfr-y?''
Vol. 3. No. -V2
A I'rnsprrtii nnd Itevlew nf Amusement
nt tlio Kunkc.
At Funke's drew nil lmmcno crowd Inst
night. Thin In "Tim Woi Id's" sixth season on
tlio road, nuil It Is a popular ns over, draw
ing largo houses wherever produced. Tlio
piny, ns nil who htivo wen
IKiiiiU n grent ileal for Its success on Its scenic
losslbilltIes, tlio grent rnft seeno Ik-iiir ono 01
tho most wonderful ntul intrlento piece of
stage mechanism. M. J. Llttlo npiK-nrs In
in tlio lending role, ami hi work Mumps him
nsn limit thorough nnd painstaking nctor.
Ho is surrounded by u rikxI eonqiniry, who
glvo lilin mi excellent RiipHirt, and tlio piny
is wot thy of tho Inrgo jmtronogo It receives.
Geo. 11. Adams, tho
populnr comedian, for
merly n clown with Ilnr
mitii mid Forepnugh, nl
mi the pniitomliilst with
tho dmu& Forepnugh
rniitomlino Tionpo, Ih
connected with C. It.
Unrdlucr tho present sea
son, in ii curious comedy
conglomeration, entitled
"He, .She, lllm mid Her."
It is iinuouiiced as n
Flunking pniitomlme,
which menus in stngo
veriinculnr, n w ild com
edy with pniitoinlmo
tileks nnd tinusfornin
Ulnns. Instead of u clown
dress, with lnrgo ivil
HoU on an nlnbastlc face, wo hnvo Mr. Adams
in tlio first act of hU now play, as .a "gawky
farmer lnd," who know 8 Just enough to bo
stupidly funny; smart enough to throw n
Komorsiult over a picket fenco to ovnda n
Mow; bright enough to Jump onnrunnwny
horso because ha Is in a hurry; sly enough to
capture tho prettiest gill in all tho throng;
lively enough to Jump tho ropo on all fours,
nnd clover enough to mnko over) body his
friend. In tho second net ho has charge of
tho charge con
sists in charging all ho can get and nunoyhig
nil the guests, giving tho patrons everything
they don't want, going up nnd down and
through tho diimb-wnlters, Blnglng, dancing
and in iking things lively In general. In the
last act, ho Is tho gnllnnt to tho "lively hdr
ex." tho obstuclo to tho handsome villain tho
ono thing needful for the el'mnx, nnd crnzy
enough to set n real ghost Into fits. In all
theso episodes of "ono boy's life," Mr. Adams
is assisted by tho clover singing soubre tte,
MlssTonm Hanloii, w l.o
is fully able to sustain
hershnroof their well
earned title of "tlio live
ly pnlr." Her ghot
story is mid to out
ghost tho ghost. Chas.
H. Claik, tho well
known character come
dian, is nlso a member
of tho company Ho is"
it gentleman, well and
favorably know u to
theatre-goers in tho
principal cities. Bam
Uornnrd and Sophie
Thome aro two names
which aio well-known
and add much strength
to tho organization. In addition, tho maim
ger claims to hao a company of thlrty-flvo
people, each ono of whom is a vocalist and
dancer of repute. Willi their special scenery
nnd costumes, their stngo novelties, the popu
lniltv of tho stur and company, thoymay
well expect to hnvo crowdtd houses during
their stay. Tills great piny will lw seen nt
Funko's on Moudny nud Tuesday oveningB.
Keats now on sale.
1'ielty Mattlo Vlckeis ("Jncqulno") is com
ing. Her now plny"Cheiub" Is by 12. A.
Locke, tho nuthor of secrnlwell known
plays. Tho scene is in the mountains of Venn
sylvania, nnd "Cheinb" Is of coin so, tho
I croluo of that Immediate nolghboihood.
Miss Vlckeis is niKipular fnvorltoovor whiro
nnd her new play will add to her opulurity.
Slio Is a boubretto, a good charuter actor,
sings well nud dances iidmiiably, Bho has
put her spochltles Into her now play nud tho
-sssllllW r ,aslillllHsW. v
his father's restaurant, and
'TSftyL vy
str -sw - -". ik ji
company this senron Is stronger than oer.
Mr. II. W. ltlch ni "Ornndy Orlir, nn Old
Trump," docs n clover piece of acting. Mr.
Chas. Hogers Is n great comedlnn, nml his
funny sayings, actions nud Imitations nro
now and good. Miss Dclllo Thornton, Mr. 7,
T. Carroll, Miss Kuitmi 1ivle, Mr K. A.
IMirlpj, nnd, In fnct, tho entire support Is ex
"Cherub" will Ihi tho bill for tho ilrstnlght's
perforniiinee, which will lie next Filday. fol
lowed Saturday evening by Miss VleWers'
impulnr presentation of ".Tncipilno" In "Paste
Diamonds," which closes tho two nights en
gagement. "Jacipilno" was presented here
by Miss Vlckors on her hist visit and was con
sidered ono of tho hast attractions of tho sea
Is tho work of 11, (1 rattan Donnelly. Tho
story Is slmplo butdocldcdly effective. Chris
tophcr llluir, a dealer In Natural (las stock In
tho gas licit, has In his employ nn Interesting
and loquacious janltrtss, Kitty Malone, nnd n
piquant and wither jn-rt nsslstnnt, ,lliuisy, as
slsted by three beautiful t))) w litem ill Flos
sie, TIIIlo an 1 (lalatea. Kilty Malonoisthn
tlaiiceoof Whll lem O'llnui I.e. u progress o
and ambitious ollceinun, whllo Jlmpy Is In
fatuated with tho dMIngiioaimof Mr. Nols
12. Howell, an nctor, Mr. Jobson Doddle, a
sharp lawyer, who Is sK'culatlng In Natural
(las stock", nud (linger Whlpsnw, a llvo dar
key; Miss Daisy Doddlo ant Jeaunelte, a
Kiench innld. comnleto tho characters.
Tho llrst act Is devoted to tho iecullnr woi k
Ings of niulT's Natui nl (las stock olllco and the
methods which in o Illustrated in sundry wit)
by Mr. Illutr, Mr. Howell, and tho ubiquitous
policeman, O'Hourke, nnd the fact that Kitty
Mnlone's father owns tho piocrty on which
tho grent natural gas discovery Is mnde, ere
ntes tlio sensation that concludes the llrst act
and starts tho fun fast nnd fin Ions. Tlio fnct
that Miss Slnlono tries to outdo society in so
ciety stjlo, furnishes a tin me on which there
Is unlimited fun in tho next acts. A "i'ivc
musicdlr and n lawn tennis party nffonl per
fect opjKirtuiillicH for pleturesquu dressing
nml superb ensembles. To describe tho plot
would Imj supei iliious. It Is fun llrst, fun sec
ond, fun nil tho time, nml tho comedians, (111
Ihm t, Donnelly nnd Uliaid,uro seen to tho
Tho company Is composed of tho follow lug
well known artists: Henry V. Donnelly,
Kddlo Glrard, lien Collins, Maik Siilllvnn, H.
W. Keene, Joseph Jnckson, Miss Jennlo Hat
tei lee, Jcnnlo Ycamnns, Ethel Corlcttc, Joslo
Kadler, Eannlo Johnston, Mario Hornby, Lea
lUiymond, and Gus Tects, musical director.
This gnat bill will bo piesetitcd at Kunko's,
on Thursday evening next, nnd tho I cserved
sent phit will bo open next Wednesday morn
llrnwn-Ilurllitit Wedding.
A quiet welding, wltnessetl byonlynfow
Immediate friends and relatives, took plaeo nt
tho ixsldcnco of Mr. J. Chapman, 1344 G
street, Wednesday, tho most interested jiar
ties in tho afTiilr Mug Mr. George K. Urown
and Miss Octtrt M. Hurlbut, Itev. J. T. Mine
hart, of Grace M. E. church, officiating, who
delivered a beautiful and Impressive ceremo
ny. After tho wedding, which took placo at
0 o'clock A. M., tho happy couplo left for Den
ver and tho west on tho early train, for a
three weeks' lour, after which they will re
turn to Lincoln unit Iki nt homo ta -friends
after 0 toiler Wi.
Mr. Urown Is ono of Lincoln's enterprising
and most prosperous young bii'lness men,
U'liig nssoclatod with his brother, C.T., Inthu
Arm of Brown 11 others, who conduct ono of
the largest grain businesses in tho state, w liilo
his nmlablo brido has lieeu known to l.tucoin
society as ono of its fairest leader, n lady of
rare icilnement nnd all traits of womanly ac
The Couiiikh extends congratulations nnu
liest wishes for a pleasant and prosperous
uturennd hopes their weddod life may real
zo all tho happiness they have uuticlpntod.
A Wort by Aiiiinliitiuvut,
Llslo Hopkins, formerly with Hargreaves
Hros. of this city, and more recently general
lKX)kkeeer for tho Hamilton Distillery Co.
of Hamilton, Ohio, nud nt present pilvuto
secreUiry nnd chief clerk to the generul ngent
of Wells, Fargo & Co's Express, New York,
wns on Friday last nt a meeting of tho board
of directors nt tho Grand Pacific hotel, Chi
cago, unanimously elected secretary nnd
tieasiircr of tho People's Cnblo Railroad com
pany of Knnsns City, Mo.
This bit of news, which wns received last
week just nfttr tho Couiiieii hnd gone to
press, will bo gladly welcomed nnd leceUed
with pleasure by tho numerous friends of tho
young innn In this city, i.uie is tunning won
dcrful progress in tho commercial world, and
for a young man only twenty years old, cer
tainly shows marked ability and a rare com
leU;uoy that few nttnln nt so young nn age.
Tho position having been tendered by tele
graph and not in nny way lollcited makes tho
honor confeied more than Is customnry with
such appointments awl certnluly Is npprecin
ted by the foitunnto young man.
Tho Couiiikh, has watched his progress
from time to lime, ami Joins Lislo's numeious
Lincoln f i lends In congratulations nml well
wishes for his future succiss.
Hloux City Corn 1'aluee.
Tho corn pala-.-o this yoar as prepared by
tho enterprising citizens of that rustling sub
urb of Lincoln, Hloux City, Is referred t i by
them In their pride ns tho eighth wonder of
tho world.
An iiniuonso building covering n quarter of
a block, has been erected us tho p.ilueo. It Is
us beautiful as nrchltecU could miko it. Its
exterior and interior is covurel with coin of
nil colors urown in nil Imaginable uitlstle
designs. The stalk, silk and tussle mo Used in
the decoration as we I us the who e car and
tho grain, ull combining to make a sig it
worth traveling acrois this continent to
Tho Elkhorn line has tiiudon into of one
fare for Hit) lound trip to ull wishing to at
tend this grent com piluco, and provides to
tialus dally from Lincoln for their uccoiniuo
datiou, coumieuciug Monday, Mept. tilth, tho
opening diy, nud till Oa, ttth, the closing
ingoing take the Elkhorn shot t Hue.
Makes th lives of many jteoido mlsorable,
nud often lends to self destruction. We know
of no remedy for d)scpsin more successful
than Hood's Hurs.ipuillu. It acts gout l, yet
surely nud elllclcntly, tones tho htoiiuuli and
other organs, removes tho taint fueling,
creates a good upctltc, cities headache, mid
refroihes the buidciird inhid. IIIno Hood's
h'umpailllii a fair tiial. It will do you good.
Lincoln, Nbhraska, Satuwdas
Tim Latest In Current Literature Anuiiitf
(lie Alaguilue.
The IIaiirhdahiikii for KptenilKr; by Jos.
W. Gibson. 7ft7 llronilway, New York.
This Usiio shows several novelties In dress
wear, prominent among tho new stylo collars
lielug a novelty to bo known as tho "Tup
Hoyal," Introduced by Corlls lhos. & Co. of
Tioy Annbly wiltten nitlcle "Alsmt Col
lars" lnter.sH)rso I with hunu.rous cuts show
fngvailous styles from the llrst npKiranco
of collars to tho present day Is very Interest
hi'. Tho 'iress work nud tyiMi.rraphy Is es-
(Hwlolly commendablr. nnd tho pajK-r deserves
tho sueeosi with wlilcli It is mooting.
Srrilmrr' .Uiim'iii for October Is notable
for tho vnried Interest of Its contents nud the
euilueuco of Its contributors In their seclal
Holds of woik, ninoiig them being U'sU-r Will
lack, tho Hon. Hugh McCulloc'i, HohcitliuulH
Stoveiison, Professor AilhurT. Hadley, and
II. II. llojeseii. Tho lllustintlonspiesoutltll
equal vailetj of subjects ami treatment.
Tho Htiptouiber .1ii((tfne of A terlean
History Is lilted with substantia! pqu'i-s,
evincing nsl research, and eocring a wide
range of topics. Gov. St Clnlr's Kiitmlt up-K-ars
as Its frontispiece, incident to tho ro
nimitlo account of tho foundation of civil
government beyond tho Ohio liver, entlthd,
"Marietta. Ohio, 17SS-IKHS," written by the J
islltor whoso uotalilo ileseripilons am at
waM delightful leading. Mis. Limb lullii
duces us to many of those IimioIc peoplo who
llgurcd in tho wllderncfs, and tiaccs tho
origin nnd early caieer of "tho old college
town" In a style as picturesque and Insclnn
ting as iiuy story of tho Imagination. Tho
second nitlcle is nn infuimiug ami scholarly
treatise on tlio "Indian Tills In I'rchlstoili)
Times," by Cyi us Thouns, Ph. 1). Tlio third
desciitK's "The Declaration of ItidfiHMldaltco
111 Georgia," u welcome, contribution from tho
cuiiifiit Georgia hlstoi Ian, Col. Chns. C.
Jones, Jr. One of tho most valuable fea
tures of tho number, however, Is Dr. J. Har
ris Tatton's "Reconstruction," an nblo nn ex
haustive study of a subject hitherto greatly
misunderstood by tho majoiity of Intelligent
Americans. Dr. l'atton show spioclsely what
policy was adopted in bringing back Into the
nation the southern states, In a clear, concise,
and thorough luanuer, ami teachers of A mori
on history In our colleges nud schools will
find his nitlcle tho licst text-book ox tnut on
that much vexed question. Then conies nil
excellent paper on "Canada's Financial and
DuslncKS Condition," by Dr. Piosiier Homier,
who Is familiar with every phase of Canadian
life; and the "Relation of tho Constitution
ami tho Ordinance of 1787 to Education" Is
discussed niostelfcctlvcly by Lieutenant-Governor
Robertson, of Indiana. One of tho
curiosities of the number Is nil English view
of "Tco River Ohio," written In 1757, which
will Iki lend with great Interest. Among tho
shorter nrtlcles is a graphlo account of an
"EscnK3 from a Hunting l'iulrle;"a history
of "The Invention of tho Ruling Machine,"
and "George Wellington as a Dnncor." It
Is a woudorfully rich and Instructive number.
This iotular magazine leads in every Impor
tant branch of history. Price, $5,00 per
yenr. New York City: 74.'l Hroadway,
Miss Waldo (firmly nnd with a heroVs look
1b her eyes) I shall mnrry Clarence, papa,
cotno what may. My wifely Inlliionco, I mu
sure, will lead hlm to reform.
Father 1 didn't know that ho wns dissi
pated, Pcnclopo.
Miss Waldo Ho Isn't, papa, but his gram
mar is something atrocious. Tho Epoch,
Economy Is Wealth.
Mistress Did you buy a stamp and mall
tho letter, Bridget)
Bridget 01 did, mutu, an' hero's tho
Mistress How much did you pay for tho
Bridget Won clnt, mum. Tho Iwy Bald
lib had 'cm all tho way from wan clnt up, nn'
it's not tho likes ot Bridget O'Toollhun wot
goes about wnstlu' money. K'J .-
Not Ills fault.
A Boston gentleman w ho makes a favored
canlno tho companion of his walks, w.ti tak
ing a droll tho other day upon tho common,
and as they camo to tho margin ot tho frog
pond tho dog solzcd tho opportunity to enjoy
a bath. Whllo tho creature was disport lug
himself swimming about, n policeman ap
proached' and directed attention to n sign
which boro n legend to tho effect that dogs
were not crmlttcu to batho lu tho pond.
lmmedlalcly Ul0 gentleman whistled to Ills
u 0?i mi(1 ,hcl, tunilng to tho policeman, by
of cs.)lanatlon n,ul nl)0i0Ky said: "You
will havo to forgivo him, Mr. Ofllcer, this
time; bo's n very illltcrnto littlo cuss, nud
I can't read." Boston Budget.
Too Heavy.
"This won't go for two cents," r.ild n
postal cletk lu n country ofllce, leturnlng to
nn old negro u letter which ho had pas-scd
through the delivery window,
"What's do matter wld ltr
"Too heavy."
"Je' 'bout llko I 'bpectcd. Dat letter wits
writ by my son, nu' I tolohlm ho wur. cr
wrlttin' toohenby y lian'; but hokcp' oner
bearlu' down o: his jien. I'lltako it back,
sah, an' git hlm to writoltwid tr tcncU."
Texas Hiftingn.
roiCamctoi. lOJiiO stio.'.fo' hiinh.'i
in f. ii i 1 1 ih"(" "" '",,,
m. t
Special TrAlu U I lie r.lkliorn-Tlin At
tractions, llm Display, and 'the
' City In (lenrrill.
tlCdltorlal CorresK)iidmco.
Tho spocjiil train Tuonliy via tlio Klklioru
forHloux City wns coiiqiosed of slxeoiches
nml a bngwfgo car, nil comfortably lllhsl w Itli
gallant Knights, their friends and a llbeial
spt Inkling of the Lincoln public, lnt on a two
days' outing at Hloux City, to feast their eyes
niton tho wonders of the great corn palace, the
numerous t:trncllnus attending the Mine, etc.
As usual, the V , 11 & M. ". lino plaisl nt
tlio dUKisi(or tho pirty their liest conches,
strongest 'motive p)er mil tho llunst
set of trainmen that ever run over rails,
under charge jf that over genial nud neenm
'modntlng conductor, T A Hearts, and It Is to
this gent cinau's credit Hint tho ti Ip wns undo
so very pUvmu'ly nud w itliout mishap or tie-
cident. Tl.u truln loft promptly on tlmo nml
nrrlxol in IJIoux City n little hit1, which wa
oco isloned nt Fremont, In taking supper ami
waiting fur n trnlti coming from the east.
At Hloux City tho Mipulaco was still nllvo
nud tho strcits jirosiiiilol agays'eno on tho
arrival of tl.o patty, whhh wns neatly Vi
o'clock'. All th? principal thoroughfares nro
illuminated nt night by means of gas plK-s
erected on cither sido shaped Into circles,
squares nnd various other designs. At tho In
tersections of streets nro to bo eju lingo pyra
mids of gaf Juts, and a glimpss down Fourth
street after H o'clock rovo lis a most dazzlug
nrrnynf thouuiuds of lights in almost oory
coucelvablo form. It must lw seen tobonp
preclateil. All spires aro ornamented; tin
shop Avlndows hnvo been decorntisl apprnpi i
ntcly for tho occaslo.1, and corn reigns tho su
premo feature and center of tho day's admira
tion. The store fronts nro covered wlttt nrt fill
handiwork In com an I tho dudgni are n I nu
merous nud novel as they are pretty and at
tractive. All sorts of Hud their pic
tu'ret m'vlu 6f corn, trnduumrks of corpora
tlons and daklgui showing emblems, etc., nro
nlso prottlr wrought out of corn, either In
seed, on th) oar, or tho cob cut Into small
I ptoses. HithTls and parades nreon tilt nt any
and all times, day or niguc, ami overyimiig is
in a state of enthusiasm nnd excitement. Tlio
hotels nro crowded, landlords nud i-iwtaurau
tcrs hslng pirtlcjlarly tlu nniMiitoresU) I
In tho vast msombly. Train Ionh eoutlnuo to
nrrivo nud niurlii tli3Hiu Is from far and
' iivnr to kim tint pl(.ith wouddl of till! HOI Id.
The corn palace, of which tlu cut herewith
is a true picture, is of course tho center of at
traction and is well attended, day nud night.
'1 l.e Inti i ler is tastefully in i nuged w lib husks
straw nud com, tho display Iwiug simply to
show how many things can bo made of corn
nud to how many uses It can Iki put In tin
piudiictlouof the necessities '.;-. 1 !xiiriesof
life. Eteclilc lights ihrour'iiout thestiuctuio
Illuminate it both inriilo nud out, tho palace ,
Mug oiKjn day nnd night, llm architecture
! Is of a vciy uttrnctlvo onler, the covering of
tho wnlls being of yellow com, with tiim
mlngs of tho colons! com, wrought out hi
shuHH of stars, crowns, crescents, crosses,
' squnrcf , nnd form hundreds of other novel
ligiires. Concerts niu given at intervals by u
' very lino baud, nud taken us a whole tl e
Inffalr Is a brilliant success. Having
I said so much for tho trip, thu palace ami tho
city ornamentations, let us say nwordie
I gurdlug the homo of the ptlaco, ltsH?ople, c.
I Sioux City, for n town of but ;i"i,(Ksl, Is cer-
' liilnlir n l'ol.' nllli.rtirtullli mill lirflt.lH.lvi,
......v .. --rf ...."..,. n , n
tenter, and too much credit cannot bo given
Its citizens for tho work they have dono, not
only in the corn palace nutter, but In tho
city's general proqs.rlty, most of which has
Ihwii Inthu last few H'ars. As n jiork juiek-
Ing center, Hloux City now
stands third or
font th lu tho United Htatcs. HerstreeUnre
neai ly nil inved with cislar bliK'ks, her hotels
al o much better than those of most cities of
biloiilo its size, and their resorts for amuse,
inent equal to any city In tho entire west.
'Iho neA'ojwni house, known as tho Heavy
Grand, is certnluly n magnificent temple nud
comuires favorably with any house In Chi
cago, not excluding nny one. It is built of
tho most modern iirchltcouro and it is n mat
ter of grent surprise to every one who isits It
that such nn elegant theater oxlts in the
west. It has Just been opened, tho llrst iter,
formnnco being "(!j pvy II iron," gh en Mon
day evening by tlu Conreid 0ern compiny.
Mr. W. I. Buchanan, until recently manager
of tho Acndeniy of Music of tho same city,
now directs this magiilllcent new house, ami
being couqieU'iit, bncked with ample ability,
will manage the Ponvy Ilia id successfully,
nud cannot full to mnko thu house Mipular,
lioth at homo nud with tho piofession, ami his
Uioliliig shows tho finest attractions on tho
load for tho present season. TlIK Cot'ItlKIl
wishes lilin ami tho new hoii'-o success
Hlinir City, hi till u-speet nnd In tho way
of hotel accommodations, Is far ahead of Liu
coin, its nlso in tho wny of piUng In tie
line of lolibliiL' she is nlso well advanced nnd
Icoutioli much of ikii thurii itml eastern Ne
braska tiado that Lincoln has an envious oyo
1 upon and should have,
I Ed Kler is n gallant ildtr, but his
horo lu Wednesday paindo wns u little lis)
I fin icy
Threa old II igs were shown In Tuftsin) 'h
' pirado that aie claliued to l tho. oldest lelics
I of tho war. und they looked it
' The inn) or picsentcd John II. Wilglit with
1 a key to tho city, and ho made good uvi of
it, taking the Ui)s out and bhow ing them a
thing or two.
Messis. Carson it Kiilckeilkieker enter
mined nil wsttors nt tlu Ir cigar store with
choicest Iki vei ages, which tho boys nil cer
tnluly iippiiclutcd.
tiyy SUptic
Heiliuit Gardner wnnbt to trado his pen
knife for one that has nil good bhdos, Ilo
says th one ho has Is not stioug enough
nud tho blades break too easy.
About twenty Llurnhilsts left Tliurdny
nfteruisiu ami the excursion left at ten
e'etock the s.uiu evening, Ml living homo
almost In time to soj I'i Id ly's sun i Iso,
The thiiHi Lincoln If. P. illvlslonn inndonn
elegant Hhowlng In tho parido and were tho
cause of imicli woi thy cnmuii'iit. Lincoln is
always well represented at all lmMiilaut
gatheilngs and never Tails to do heisolf
prou 1.
Tho Lincoln press was repMscutcd by Al
Kiili-brother, of tho Call, Aiehlo Meigs, of
iiiiii'iiiif of CoMiiwrcr and lou Wesse), of
CoUUtKH. Tlmv were well taken enroofnud
ciitci tallied by tho nowsiaHr boys and
othem of Hloux City,
I'olpiiuirl t,r Notes AImiiiI Hie Npoit and
reisouats About Wheelmen,
Plums are lnd to eat when on a long mu
Ask M. V, V. II.
If th-iolsadog In Lincoln that can beat
our Mascot's record "I rot hlm out."
Twenty llvo cents lino for win npiwammii
at a chili rim will Irivu llm elfj-'t of In Inglii;
some of thn stay-at-hoiui's out,
"Hoys, I'm phyod out, let's Ilo down nud
take n imp, "-Cnpt. Rlghter. Tluiei I'.MK) I'.
M Hcenes Pralilo between (IreonwoiKl mid
Myron Wheeler nud Aillitir Young des.'rve
sp.ielal inantlou for tiding biek Into Lhii'olu
again, m iking tha run, soni3 IK ty -eight miles,
in less than nine homv.
A shepherd dog followed tho boys Into Ash
laud and imido thu trip 1 1 lest than six hours.
At dinner tlinu his dogshlp was feasbsl and
brought back to Lincoln on tho evening train.
Thanks to tho proprietor of tho Hotel Ho
Jena, tho boys onjoyo I an dinner
mid stipiior. Wh mover tho boys go to Ash
land this houw will lu certain to mwivo their
Thn editor of thn Ci etc (Uohr can have nn
other rldo on tho tnndeni should ho roino to
Lincoln soon again. Very much obllgwl to
you Llslo, but don't do It again. Tlio inach
Inu does not like such notoriety.
Tho isiys thought tlioy hod a good Jokoou
thn tandem last Htinday. Their Idea was
that the trlku would stop at Wuverly, but
when they saw tho machine climbing Into
Ashland they changed their tuno.
Wheeler. Younir. Adams, Van Horn, Rlgh-
Ufi; Dlnsiuore, llhvh, Pollock, Holfert, tho
dog, and tho writer, started for Ashland Hun
thy morning nt 7 o'clock. Ti their credit bj
It Bald thnt every o m ren;hod his i!o (filiation
III good shaiie,
Mnda tho Most of It.
This reminds mo of n story which Gen.
Grecly, chief of tho signal nervlec, somo-
tlnica tells nt his own cxiicuso. Ho is an en-
tliuslnstia and very skillful whist player; but
llko many, other whist players, lie occasion-.
ally yields to tho tcmptntio:i, after tlio gumo
is over, of "revlonlng" it, ami telling his
imrtner what might liavft lieon, had such nml
such card been plajed, this or that stilt
led, hpron trick taken nnd thero a dlscnrd
mnde, and so on. Well, ono oveiilug, play
ing n gaino at n friend's house, ho found all
his skill unavailing. Tlio cards weio against
hlm. Ho could mnko no headway, Tho con
cluding point of the lubber was finally
reuclaiL Tho cards were dealt ami his part
ner led. Tho trick went to tho fourth man.
Tho second shared n similar late. Ho did tho
third nml fourth. In fut-titprousln "white
wash." All tho thirteen tricks were taken
by tho other side. Gen. Grecly adjusted lib
glasses ns ho throw down tho cards still re
maining In his hand, nnd nf tcr n minute's
silence remarked with n tone of great satis
faction: "Well, partner, wo got out of that hotter
than I thought wo would."'
Now York Trib-
Tho Dubn und tlio Madman.
A madman once got access to his (the Duko
of Wellington',.) library, and sigttllled his in
tontlon of l.llllnj lilin, in obedience to u ill
vino command. Tho dulo Just looked up
from his desk, "Aro you in a hmryl for I
have mnny letters to w rlto. Could j ou como
again in au hourf Tlio mnuiuc, taken aback
at tho duko's coolness, retired, to 1m taken up.
A Mutter for AitouUhment.
Ilornco Greeley told this story of himself:
Boon after ho went to learn tho printing bus-
' 'nek3 ',0 1TC"t to BCon preacher's daughter,
Tho next tlmo ho attended mcetlug ho was
considerably astonished at hearing tho min
ister ennounco as his text: "My daughter Is
being grievously tormented with a tlovll.''
Chicago Herald.
ficlr Congratulatory.
Maniun Why, I think hoV ery pretty I
Clifford Hu's pretty enough; but Just
think how unpleasant it must bo to hnvo such
n long neck that when you twnllow your din
ner you get hungry lieforo it cctsdouii.
Vlieoiulo Blaettor.
Vt'lirru tho Throne Outlier.
Whoa r.n olllco goes out to reek a man, ii
has to pick its way through xowds. Tho
glad I'm uot that
What ii Lincoln Lnly Nitys of thn Pros
perls, ICIr.
In lepty to thoCotiniKH'M requmt, a laily
lutcrest'sl In tho fair simiiIs tho following
for publication!
Tim foi tlpomlug binr an I r sir gotten uji
by tlio luillni of Ht, Teres t's cii.igregatlon ii
asyoti siy, I'icisubjivt of geuurnl illsuusslou
and oiur uutlclpitloii anion tho Lhioolu
Mtiilo, an I Justly so, for from thn gi oat
olforls put forth, und exUinslvn pre niMtlom
m lie, It promlsiM tu lu mu ot tlu largest nud
m nt noteworthy n (fairs of its kind, aver held
In our iMiltal city, For sjveu j ears put, no
Inziarh'is beuu ntteiptol by us, we hnvo
bojn quietly wntrhlng tlio vat loin fairs hold
by dllferent societies In Lincoln, aiiilofoouno
in th i niiM'iwhlln, gitlulug how Ileal from
others' experience, Thesj Irivo beou treas
ured up, ntul tho remit will h))ii bdHuuuby
As you know, this year Is tho ndvtint of a
now era for tin catholics of this city. Tho
coming of our Rt. Rev. bishop has Inspire I
us all with new zjuI nud energies wliloli may
seonito h t vobonn latent or culuily sleeping,
Irivo now shonn forth with surprising vlgjr,
nml the rlfvct will be a btlllaut suueow of
which wo all may feel Justly pi nil, After
much deliberation on thosubjoct wj engaged
thu old Hkatlng Rink (it present tho republl
cm henihiiiiitnrs) for ouu wojk, bitgltinliig
Oelober bllh. That will bo the "scene of our
Yes, 'tis tin J Hint tho Masonli) tomptu Is
frequently mod, ntul greitly favored by tho
Lincoln poplo for nlrilrs of this kind, b'lt
before dividing wo sought for slroumlcnu-
enlunro, two very nwiws iry requlsltos. Wo
found them In tho place wo have clinum, ami
wo extend a most cordial Invitation to nil our
fi lends tocomu tons thero. Wo shall hnvo
suitable decorations of coiirs, giving to the
lutei lor a beautiful and Inviting appearance.
Tills will bo further enhanced by thn brilli
ancy nf the clccti io lights, ami by perfecting
all arrangements now begun, wo oxjioct to ,
hnvo not only a handsome, hut mi exceedingly
varied display.
Wo have, Imleol, received tho greatest as
sistance from both friends and strangers
alike strangers, Inasmuch ns they have no
iicqunlutniico with the catholics nml posses
with them no common Interests, but who
hnvo In icullty shown themselves friends by
their unrivalled generosity. Tho kindness of
our merchants and other prominent business
men cannot lie over estlm itisl. Wo called
iiK)ii tliuin nud they rcsK uleil nobly witu
characteilstlu gotsl will nud kind feelings.
I bollevo tliere to Iwscaicolv a Urns In this
city which In soma wny or other will not Imj
represented in our fair nud all this in ono
of the dullest svasons that mil' fulr city has
ever oxpcilciicod. Truly they deserve our
sincere gratitude ami llko assistance. Only
today I received Iho deed of n .VK) lot lu
lleltuoiit addition and from whom do you
think? Our noble townsman, Judgo Welister,
lius in this manner., j-iiponded to our coll up-
on hlm, Tho lot is one of tho most valuable
lu tho addition, from thn fact thnt it is
Isunoiimled by Is'iititlful cottages nud will
Ik) the center of nnoiher of Lincoln's suburbs.
, I havu had tickets at fifty cents oni-h issued
ion thu lot nud I Iiohi thereby to i (uilUo tlio
full value of Mr. Welmter's generous gift,
Thu deisl has Iss'ii mado out to mo, ami 1
now hold it until thn fortunate winner comes
to claim his ow ll Resides tho usual onler of
alfalrs curried out nt huuinrs, wu hnvo added
Uiour piograma list of novel attractions,
but these lam not at 111 s'lly to disclose to
tho public nt prcMii.t. Certainly I will avail
myself of tho kind offer of tho columns of
your imiH-r, und will strlvo next week to
pietuiit to tlio publh all tlio names of all
those citizen who have so kindly aided us,
aho tl.olr cen'rlbiillous, I would have
iloua to lieforo this, for tlio loison that
n,n,,y .v,'t rei'""" 'ro,n whom I have not
coiiecun, u so, every iiioii.uni.oi my mini nus
Ihs'ii so I uslly eiiFaod tint I wou'd not havo
I ivn aid i to d Justice to tho subject. How
ovi r, in a few days I shall lw only too do
llitodiittluopiNirlin 'v toglvooxrsIoii
to our feelings of gratitude.
It Would Indeed.
Old Mrs. Bentley I sco tho nowsparer says
that in n fight with n burglar old Mr. Stock
ing barely escaped with his life
Old Mr. Bentley It would hnvo been
funny if lio'd escaped without IiIj Ufa
Judge. At tho Dinner Tabic.
First Htronger Excitso mo, sir, tat you
seem to bo very fond of com. That is your
eighteenth ear.
Second Stronger (calmly) Pin a chirop
list. Detroit Freo Press.
Ntturat Itriult.
First Basobnll Player Did you go to Short
stop's wedding today I Second Baseball
Pkiycr Of courso I did. First Player How
did it como olfi Second Player Declared a
tic, Onco a Week.
I'nwrr or Habit.
A horso up in Michigan has changed hands
so often that every tlmo a stranger comes
around ho oieus his mouth to havo his teeth
examined, so that his ago may bo arrived at.
Tho Horseman.
A Grcut Truth.
Featherbrain Well, that Just knock mo
Oldtough It couldn't luno struck you
hnrd enough to do mi) thing else. Hotel
Two l'-trcn-.
A Harlem man, Mumm by name, ha3
christcucil Ids twins Miumo nud Maximilian.
As an cxnmplMit uiinimum and mnvimum
this cannot bo beaten. Boston Post.
Tho Ccituln liii.l.
When a man nnd woman discuss thosuU
Joct of matrimony, ono seldom gets tho better
ot tho other. It usually result in a tie,
Youkcrs Statesman,
Chniigo Ills Uppers.
Wlwt'd ) ou do if )on tumbled into n for
tuuo of $1,000,000 to-morrowf Youugstown
Telegrnni. Get n. now pair of shoo. Oil
City Blizzard.
Net u nil Itrsiilt.
A yacht contnlning n pnity of lawycra was
recently eiqislml union,; a scIhxj! of sharks.
Totnl deaths, four la-)ci'u, wcn shark