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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1888)
h ' t 1J1 THE COURIER, A iAymlur liptr of Moiltrn Tlmt. SaturdayEvcning, Sept, 22, '88 Corner I Oth and P Streets. LeadingDry&oodsHouso TO SUBSCRIBERS. Couiuku readers going nwny for tho sum mer enn have tlio paicr tent to their new nil dress, without extra charge, by notifying tho OfllciN Great Underwear Sale ! Herpolsheimer & Co, The Courier (.'mi tin round At Windsor Hotel Now Hlnml, Jnpltnl lintel Now Hlnml, Oilcll'ii Dlnlnit Hull New Hlnml. Clniou A Fletcher', 11IW O Htreet. A. T. I.einln A Co'., 11M O Htreet. Tlio Gotham NuwaBtunil. US South lltliHt. Keith llroi., 111 Notth 1 It It Htreet. Kd. Ytuini, IWOO Htreet. retell AHmltli, lfllOst. J. Stephen, O M. opp. pontofflce. Ilruwa'H Cnfe, iienr Windsor hotel. FALL STYLES DUN LAP HATS AND Men's FurnishingGoods. W. R. DENNIS, 1137O. TAKE NOTICEI The Couniicn will not lw responsible for nny debt liintlo by nny otio In It imiue, utt less ft written orvler nccouiaulcs tho same, properly Btguod. Ij. Wkhsui,, Jr., Frop'r. I.ncul nn rcmomil. Go to Cuslmian tomorrow. Take Turkish nt 1010 0 stiver, Lincoln Ico company, pure lie. Tho best Ten. B. 1". Sloven & Co. Whltobrcnst Coal nml Llmo Company. Hallot, diamonds nnd watches, 113 N 11th. Bntvycr & Moshcr, florist, Mojoula Tomplo. Mineral water used for Imthlng, 101(1 0 nt, Trickoy &Ca, wholesale nml retnll Jotveler. U Barr, Jeweler, wtnbllnhol 1671, lOiUOst, Don Cnmcrnn. 1020 O street, for lunches Mr. J. M. Morris loft Wcdnoadny for Dai la, Tex. Canon City Conl at tho Whltebreast Coal anil Llmo Co. Try soino of tho tlno fresh fish served every day nt Cameron's. Cloaks, cloak of overy description nt Her poUhtflmer & Co,'. Canon City Coal again nt tho WhltebreAst nl and Lime Co. Inst Bunday concert nt Cuvhman tomor row. Oooutntar. m. Mr. W. K. Bower and daughter left Wod nesdny for IndlanaKll. . Roast meat, nml vegetables of nil kind nt Cameron' Lunch House. A drop In both prices and stock of dry goods nt II. R, Nlssley & Co. Visit the neat loo cream and oyster parlors Wldman Dros, 1310 O Htreet, Ico cream, oyster nml flno confectionery nt Wldman Dros, 1210 O street. Improved shower for Turkish baths nt 1010 O street, basement Union Mock. Only place in Lincoln that uses mineral water In baths is nt 1010 O street. Before insuring look up tho Mutual Life Insurance Company of Now York. Ily nil odds tho line of vocket cutlery in tho city nt Zolirung K llcnklo'. A big land excursion will leave Lincoln next Thursday night for Perkins county. An imiueuw assortment of underwear nt tho lowest prices at Herpolsheimer & Co.'. For Information concerning nml rate to western points apply nt 115 8. Tenth street. Doctor n. F. Bailey, ofllco and resldenco or. 01 Tmrteeniu ami u streets, lei. oiy. Tho display of rich dress materials nt Ashby & Millnusb.'d is almost bewildering. Haydcn is now making cabinet pbotogrnplis for f'1.00 n doxen. They uro the finest In tho city. Tho publio schools opened Monday morn ing, with on enrollment much larger than for merly. Take tho Elklwm-C. & N. W. routo vcstibulo sleeper to Chicago and tho east. Always on time. Best fitting kid gloves In all of tho nowest shapes am color Jmt received nt Herpol ijivlmw&Co.". ' The Mutual Llo Insurance Co, of New York. W. B. Hastings, District Manager, room 63, Burr bltcfc. Herpolsheimer & Co. now display their beautiful line of ladles', mhaes' nni) children's clonks on tho first floor. Round trip ticket to Dakota Hot Bpuugs, .34.!; Douglas, Wyo., $28.30; Rapid City, 27.15; Long Tlno, $12.60. via Klkhorn lino. Ofllco 115 south Tenth street. Beautify your lawns by using tho celobratcd Pennsylvania lawn mower, inado in two sizes to cut either long or snort grass. iargo line, Zohrung & Her.kles solo agent, 1217 O street. Plush for drcwe Is to bo much used this season. Ashby & MlUspaugh Jshow n most complet-t lino of shades from 75 cents a yard up to ts.oo. Ashby & MllUiwugh show tho most ox qullto designs In Ureas trimmings ever brought to this market, H. R. Nteley fc Co. will open their raw tore with a targe and complete stock. &5fy CLOSING OF THE SEASON. I.nut Humbly Concert nt Oitttiuitn Park, Tho flnnln Hunilny concert of tho oaoii nt t'lishinnn paik tnkc place tomorrow. All prepnrntlon for nit cnjnynblo day In tho shady nook of Cushman haro lieen arranged nml muslu by tho military band will ho a prominent fcaturo of tho day, There I no iietter ilncc to pas the afternoon tomorrow thnii nt Cushninn, so Join tho crowd, lont thodjMrt pioinptnt two o'clock, nml buy your tlckot. Only 85 cent for tho round trip. Mr. O. C. Burr I1 In Chicago on n limitless trip. Mr. Hwneer nml daughter left Wednesday for Washington. Mr. Junto M. Cntnp nml wlfo left Tuesday for tako Barton, Minn. Heo lIer)ohheliner & Co.' oxtenslvo lino of new dress good nml stock. Dr. A. U Hhndor left yestonlny for Chicago nml tho eatt on n limine. tt I p. Ml Annie I., Putnam, of llnttoii, I visit ing the family of Mr. C. I). Allen. Major Tilekey left Wednesday on a vlnli to hi gold initio nt Idaho KprlngM. Mr. W. H. UtilTinnii left Tliurwlny morning on n short bttslne' trip to Beatrice. Dnvii Mercer, will out whom no conten tion li complete, cntno down Thumdny. Mr. J. I). Hurdnud wlfo retumwl Satur day from 11 veiy plensntit visit In tho east. Mr. K. K, Munger left Tuenday for Chicago, whei'e ho will enter HukIi nuillcal college, Mr. John I. Underwood nml daughter n turned thl week from n sumtner' stay In tho east. HeriKililieliuor f: Co. oponn benutlftil IS Inch Ileuiiuttn nt 77c, really woith fl n yard. Mr. I' K On'gghnH rettirneil to tho city after n NUtumcr' stay in Colorado mid Utah. Mr. John (lining iIojmii toil WtNlnesdny for lloiton. He will Ihi nbsent nbont tliruo weeks. Judge Parker rcturneil Monday from n visit to Columbus, Ohio, nml hi old homo in Indiana. Mr. II. J. AVhltmoro returned Saturday from a ten day' lilp to Dayton nnd Coluui bus, Ohio. Mrs. J. D. Parish nnd daughter returned Monday from n very plviiMint visit with friends In Illinois. Mnnnger Syfonl of tho Paclllo Mutual ofllco is at htsilesk again nf ternn enjoyable mouth's vncntlon in Illinois. Mr. D. II. Wheeler, Jr., nnd wife, of Omaha, eaiuo down Thursday and sjH'iit the day with Mrs. Mnrshall. Mrs. J. II. McClay nml daughter left Mon day on n vllt to Fnrmmgton, 111. They tt III lie nbseutnlioutn month. Mr. Grant Wntklns, of Nlisloy & Co.. who has lieou visiting In Colorado for nbont n mouth, hno returnid to work. Mr. A. Hurlbutnml son Guy havo re turueil from n two mouths' stay In tho east, principally nt Haratogn Springs, Major A. G. Hasting returned Sunday from Klown, Kansas, where lie had been called by ttio death of hi brother. Mm. 12. K. Kdwnrdsof Los AngclcH, Cnl., who ha been tho guest tlili sumuier of Mrs. D. Bauin, left Tliurwlny for hor homo, Judge Stewart has driven a rushing buxl liens in tho marriago license lino thN week. This piomlses to bo n very cold winter. Mr. O. G. Wnlto was called to Syracuse, N. Y., Sunday, by n telegram announcing tho death of her father, Mr, S. K Sawyer. Tho remaining wn!!s of tho McConneli building on O street havo been torn down nnd a liaiulsomo btiucturo will soon ndorii that site. Mr. nnd Mr. E. Djollttlo nnd dnuiihter. Miss Edith, returned homo Tuesday morning after a pleasant two mouths' stay In tlio cast. Misses Maud Burr, Fritzn Bninard, Fny Mnrshnll, Nelllo Bnum nml Mny Montrose depaited for their school In Jacksonville, III., Monday. Mr. J. R. Carter, w Ith Zohrung & Dunn for tlio iist two years, left Thursday for Philadelphia, where ho will enter tho phar maceutical college Tho funeral of Will W. Wheeler, who died last Friday of typhoid fever, occurred Sun day, and was largely attended by ninny friends nml relations. Mrs. John P. Dorr left this week for Bos ton to spend tho wiut r in tho study of music. Mrs. Dorr is one ofour leading vo&tllsts, nnd Lincoln jiesplo can illy giaro her for oven to short 11 thuo, John Parless, who has been running n con fectionery and fruit store on O street between Tweltth nnd Thirteenth street, sk'p ped out Saturday night, leaving his creditors In 11 bad hole. For n wedding given at tho homo of Mr. Will Palmer on U street, Thursday evening, tho Capital confectionery of Wldmnn Brai., 1210 O fctreetfunilshed delicious Icecream, fruit ami camlicH. Miss Mny Potviu will visit Omaha every Saturday hereafter to glvo music lessons to her largo class In that city. This Is another evidence of how Lincoln talent Is appreciated In tho metropolis. Tiik CouniKK acknowledge tho receipt from Geo. H.Butler, secretary, of ncoinpll nientnry ticket of admission to tho fourth nn nual fair of tho Nemaha Counly Agricultural nnd Driving Park association, which will bo held nt Auburn from October 2d to Oth. Senntor Thos. Ketinn, of West Virginia, iMiidtho Couiuku hi semi-annual visit this week, and a wo'tven short of help assisted in getting out this Issue. Mr. Kcunit devote tho summer tu touring n n tyjiographlcal ar tist, attending to his senatorial duties in tho winter, ' Tho new pol ico patrol wagon has been do lug good service this week. It takes but com paratively llttlo tlmo for tho rig to go from Frank Uraliam's stainex, its place or keeping, to any tt hero In tlio central Krtlon of tho city. Verily, by degrees Llncom U becoming n nietrlpolltaii center. Mr, II. T, Dobbins, who for nearly two years past, has occupied tho position of edi tor of tho Couiuku, with this Issue savers his connection with tho pncr. Ho is a yet uu docided as to what ho will do In tho future, but will probably soon mmimo tho editorial harness. For tho present ho remains In the city. Tho Elk lodgo received this week threo very handsome pairs of elks' horns from Messrs. Hamilton & Craudall, in Colorado, through Messrs. E. II. Slosson and 8. J. Alexander As soon as mounted they will bo placed in position on tho walls of tho chib rooms, where they will form a prominent feature of tho decorations. A colored Individual created somo little ex citement tho other nfionioon by plunging head first through tho plate glass window of Mrs, Gosper's store room. Ho had been washing tho window from a step-ladder, which slipped, wfth tho above result. Tho negro was tho worst scared man In Lancaster county for the space of an hour. NEW BATH ROOM8. An lllfBiinl Hitiiltitrliim, Nnwly HnlUtrit Willi the I.itti'st AiiUincv, It hn of ton boon 11 matter of regret ntno.ig tho ladles or Lincoln that of late there ha been no plneu lit the city where n lady could procure n bath of nny kind whatever, with the proHr amount of piivney. There nro four or II vo bath room In tho city, but thewi havo lieon inonooU-nl by tho men to tho almiwt titter exclusion of inembor of tho falitr sex. This Is not 11 It should bo, and wo 11111 glad to nolo that 0110 gentleman ha had the builucs foresight to havo endeav ored to overcome ,thl obstacle, by lilting up n unit nnd cosy retreat. Wo refer to Dr. Richards, who ha Just completed tho furnishing nml rellttlug of nil elegant suite of room on tho second floor of tho Wclntcr block, No. SW South Eleventh street. They nro without doubt tho llnest bath room in the city, n n Cnuuticurciortcr ttas enabled to Judge for himself by n enrcful examination of them Wednesday morning, nml tlm result u hi observations mo here with given to the reader of tho Count Kit. Tho roomi are situated nt the end of tho hallway loading from tho stairway into tho second story, nnd nro threo In imrnU'r, tho larger one being the bath room proper. Hero nro alt tho appliances for delightful, In vigorating nnd henlth'glting Lnthsof every kind. The Iwller used for heating tho water I en lioMil in a unl'pto contrivance of sheoVliou and wood, and lias 11 capacity of KM) gallons. An elect rlo battery, one of tlio very llnest made, ha been purchacd for especial use In idvlng ekt'tiie bath. Dr. Richard has seen nil onoof tho new Turkish cabinet for uo In giving the popu lar Turkish bath. The patient sent himself In tho cabinet, which I heated by ga for tho present, nml after tho prox'i- temperature Is seemed, ho Is removed ton nimble slab, and tho usual rubbing nml kuenillng process gone through. By tho side of thl Is tho electric; cabinet, similar in conMructcon, ami for tho purpose It iiamo Indicates. There nro also several other Imth tubs for shower, spray nnd plain bath. Everything is new, neat nnd in viting In nppenraucc. Lending out of the bath room Is n hand somely furnished room lilted with cot for re clining after bnthlug, nml nlso a numlier of sinnll dressing rooms. Tho other room Is iihsI by tho doctor aiiii olllconud reception room. Taken lis n tt hole they are the cosiest bathing parlors In tho city, nml will receive tho patronage they deserve. Tho room nro for tho Indies oioclaly, but for the present, hours will lie given for moil nlso. Dr. Richards U n practitioner In high standing, nml In tho especial branch of dec-tro-tlieiiipeutlcs is at the head of his profes sion in tho city. Ladle and gentlemen of weak and enervated constitution Hud tho electric nnd Turkish bath of vast benellt in rcnowlng energies, wiillo for rheumatism nnd kindred diseases thoy nro unexcelled. Dr. Richards gives special attention to these case, and tatients w ill And relief nml cure by 11 course nt the sanitarium. A 8weiitiie. Lincoln is always to tho front. Ncnrly overy llrst prize of conswpioneo at tho state fair was corra'ed by n Lincoln ninn. V. H. Berger, tho broom manufacturer, however, went still better, nnd now proudly show llrst premium 011 liest dozen broom, llrst prem ium on best dozen whip, first premium on best dltplny ami llrst premium on best assort ment n regular sweepstake, In fact. Ber ger manufacture tho famous Fraicr broomt and Is building up nn Immense trado on these household necessities. Nloiix City Corn I'lilure. Tho corn palnee this year as prepared by tho enterprising citizens of that rustling sub urb of Lincoln, Sioux City, Is referred t J by them In their pride ns tho eighth tt finder of tho world. An Immense bull ling covering n quarter of n block, has been erected as tho tulacc. It is as beautiful ns architects could m ike it. Its oxterlor nnd Interior Is covered with corn of nil color crown In all liu-igiunblc nrtistic designs. Tlio stalk, silk nml tussle, nro used in tho decoration ns well n tho whole ear nml tho grain, nil combining to mnke n sight worth traveling ncross this continent to see. Tho Klkhorn lino 1ms 11 all a rnto of ono faro for tho round trip to ml wishing to at tend this great corn ptlnce, and provide two trains dally from Lincoln for their accommo dation, commencing M0111I ly, Sept. 21th, tho aliening day, nnd till Oct. llth, tho closing day. In going take tho Klkhorn short lino. Leap Your Party, Tlio ladies employed ns triiumors in the es tablishment of Mrs. J. H. Blulr entertained their gentlemen friends Sunday in n very Vlensant manner. Shortly before noon tlio big carryall of Bohnnaii Bros, gathered tlio invited guests and conveyed them to Wood lawn where n very pleasant plcnlo was held. Those present where: Misses Gaylo Melouo. May Meloue, Eiuuin Randall, Julia Rlnnlon, Suslo Murphy, Bessie Stair, Ida Yocum, Ollvo Bailey, Jennie Unrretli, Fumila Goodwin, Mrs. L. Stair. Messrs' Knowlton, French, Foxttorthy, Murphy, Bates, Wright, Berry, Stair nnd George. IlUpluy of lloinn l'rotlucts. Messrs. Hupert & dimming, tho llvo O street morchanU, havo placed In their east show window n jortloii of tlio state fair ex hibit mado by Messr. Jones, Douglas & Co., tho Lincoln manufacturers of cakes, crack ers, etc. Tho show reflect not only credit on tho manufacturer,!, for tho goods are of tt fluo order artistically made up, but nlso 011 Messr. Hupert fc dimming, who make itn rule in their business to buy nothing for their trade that can bo purchased from Lincoln manufacturer. Tho Couiiieu thinks tho citizens should show them a preference over houses who prefer buying abroad. Dr. Ilolyoko wont to Chicago tin tlio U. P. and Rock Island route, Tuesday. Chas. Duiurow and his tailors, six in nil, left Tuesday via Ed. Slowon's Union Paclllo route. Tho street sweeper will legin It work noxt week. Then Lincoln street will present a inotroimlltan appearance. Distress after eating, heartburn, lck head ache nnd Indigestion nro cured by Hood's Snrsnparllla. It also creates a goort appetite. You can't afford to miss tho closing Bun duy concert at Cushinan tomorrow, Round trip, including military bund, conceit, etc., only 25 cents. Train leaves Burlington depot at 2 l'.'u. Tho usual dullness following of ter tho rush of tho state fair week lins not yet been ex perienced nt Halletl's. In fact this leading Joweler is always offering such big Induce ments to purchasers and Intending purchasers In tho way of diamonds, precious stones of nil kinds, Jewelry, watches, clocks, cto., that n dull week Is something very rare In that gentleman's emporium of novelties. Hallott's stock U now, neat and nobby, to uso n tlmo worn phrase a fact which our jicoplo cau substantiate by paying him a Tislt, STORIE8 ABOUT MEN. f!oT7 A. Ilmusnn Alcott drew rat on Ontmrat. Mr. Kennedy's recent Concord anecdotes havo brought to Tho Listener' hopper tho following story about A. I Iron son Alcott: Mr. Alcott was known to bo utterly opposed to tho eating of meat n strict vegetarian. Nothing would nroti'O hi Indignation quicker than to bring forwnrd tho idea that it wo tho design of Providence for inn n to subsist 0:1 nnluinl food, Iloovcn icfused to tnstoof nn egg. Somo ttt clvo or fifteen j enr ngo ho wantvelcomo visitor In many of tho titles of tho west, HI'l coming wo hilled with do light. Dinner were given, and club ex tended their Invitations. Ho was ready to talk, mid others were glad to listen. During ono of these visit ho was unusually pnlo and weary. HI hostess rallied him ujioii hi favorlto theory of vegetable diet, "Mr. Alcott, if jou would only llro ns wo do you ttoull soon bo strong ami robust," lie raid. And tho old gentleman, with a placid smile, mado his usual reply, "And lx In danger of becoming n brutol" Ho tvn n connoisseur In tho cooking of oat meal, of which ho always partook In tho morning. At thl tlmo tho lady, feeling suro that his health was seriously Impaired, re solved to tako cltargo herself of his breakfast. Sho sent for n iouml of beef, had it slightly cooked, tho Juice extracted and well stirred Into n dish of oatmeal. Mr. Alcott ate with unusual relish nnd discoursed eloquently iqion tho virtuoot grain that waved in tho sun nnd nlr. Tho next morning tho snmo dish was related, nnd throughout his stay ho partook of tho pudding nnd beef Juice. It was noticeable that ho gained rapidly In health and flesh, nnd became thoroughly sat isfied with tho western climate. Beforo ho left ho remarked: "Your oatmeal ha been very strengthen ing. You must tell mo Just how It Is made, nnd I must tako away a packagoof tho meal." "Mr. Alcott," was tho reply, "thcro Is gcnlu.1 in good cooking, and It is hard to im part It. Only como ngnin and you shall find tho dish equally palatable." Somo day nfter ho had returned home, rested nml refreshed, Mm. H. related tho story In great glee to her own club. Boston Transcript. llow Sir. I'vnrt Kxlinusteit a Hulijcct. It is tho fashion nowadays to Joko about Senator Evarts' Involved sentences nnd aim less generalities, but I had tho honor of being cross-questioned by him once, andean testify that ho Is nblo to mako his jtolut with start ling brevity. I was calling on hlni tt hllo ho was secretary of stato, nnd to help my causo I mentioned that when visiting Shanghai n short tlmo previously Iliad "tried to !lnd"n mutual friend. Possibly I hadn't tried very bard. Secretary Ersrts looked dreamily out of tho window nnd inquired, "How long tvero you nt Shanghai,'1 I replied, "About n fort night." Tho secretary twirled n pencil abstractedly nml continued, as If simply out of a dcslro to iucrenso tho geographical kuowlodgo his ofllco required: "Is Shanghai n largo city I" Innocently I raid, "No, sir;" nml then it occurred to mo that that subject was exhnusted. Mr. Evarts seemed to think so, too, nml turned to other matters. Onco n Week. Exclinngliif; Compliments. A pleasant exchange of professional cour tesy took plnco tho other day nt Long Branch, between two distinguished nowspaper pro prietor of tho Quaker City, Mr. Frank Mc Laughlin, of Tho Times, and Mr. O. W. Chllds, of Tho Ledger. Mr. Childs happen ing to meet Ills confrcro sitting 0:1 tho piazza of n hotel, nursing his gouty foot in n chair, clasped him cordially by tho hand and said: Why, you nro looking better tlian wiicn 1 saw- you lost; may bo you will llvo nnlong ns I do. But, old fellow, when you do dio, you shall havo n splendid obituary In Tho Ledger. It Is nil prepared now." Tho Times proprie tor, nfter effusively expressing his npprccln Hon of his friend's forethought nud kindness, proudly Informed Mr. Chllds that his obitu ary wna not only prepared In Tho Times ofllce, but was actually in typo. Onco n Week. A ProfUUsu UnucrtaUlng. Gentleman Uncle Rastus, what will it cost mo to get my liaru whitewashed! Undo Rastus Two dollahs an' a ha'f a day, sab. Gentleman I menn what will you do tho Job fori Unclo Rastus Well, I Jess tell how it nm, Mistah Smlf. Yo' see, when yo' hasflggercd out do cos' ob do whitewash an' do lulls, nn1 do tvah an' tab on da brushes, sab, yo'U fin da' is 110 money In it by do Job. Tho Epoch. ' A Careful Mother. Bad Llttlo Boy (to good llttlo boy)-IIoy, Johnny, does ycr tvau ter tako a hund In do ball game! Good Llttlo Boy No, I thank you; ray mamma doesn't allow mo to play with bad boys. Bad Llttlo Boy What's do matter does ycr ma t'ink you'll mako do bad boys wussf Llfo. A Frank Criticism. "What do you thluk of my poem In Tho Gazette, Wllklns!" "It was a rcmarkablo pleco of woik. Ono thing about it I thought was particularly wonderful." "What tt a that I" "That Tho Gazetto over published it." Harper's Bazar. Tlio Ijitct St)le. Tan, brown ami brotuo shades aro said to bo very popular In dress nnd millinery. For schoolboys' trousers rat-tan will soon bo in vogue. Yonkers Statesman. Ill rather Was Fate. "Young innii," suld tho solemn faced Gen tlemen to tho urchin who wn3 pulling with all lits might nt n cigar, "let mo warn you In tlmo that that Is a frightful vloo you aro cul tivnting." "I ain't scared of it." "But nro you not afraid of bringing your poor father's gray hair in sorrow to tho gravtl'1 "No, I ain't." "Why uotl" "Becnuso papa's bald headed." Merchant Traveler. raijfgOTw IT'S THE THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER., This is the only mower made that will cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction Call and see it, ZEHRUNG, BURNS & HENKLE. Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. fJEFFLEY S) A J m'l ' FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK $ MADRAS $ CHENILLE CURTAINS - With Snsli Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of nil kinds in both American nnd Foreign Textures. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Prices Rock Bottom. - A. 1VI. Dai vis & Sor. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE Not cut from the Filthy Salt Cicek but from the Clear nnd Pure. Waters o --OAK CREEK- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. For MM ! v &nS 0. K.-f V? ," isf" roi 40& W l Mustang , &Lv 'ICAN,:li - nBT'.N"' - VAX 'yM' AZvJ Sv. rak.''4BV j?j ,'. WMm &? BEST MADE. South Linr-OOLnsr, zlst:e:b, ror beam 1 "S!. & V, VM C' Liniment a INJ1, - NTIsrtcatlitoPii.r. s lN yQ&tj?' w ? ,& . c,r. y vjsr Ty- .0 iuiat.4fy.4C .jttWifain 1 iJnm-MpA. T U. JpiUii'i!lu(,iVJi.-l' 4tiiiiiil3tiiljaiiiiAi.t;,- 'i.JuA..ii.3iikiiJaft.i K&....u'.Uijjtt4i - .4V jm 1. ..j -, jtfn . ""It'owwMattiMiBaLuuii. r-. , .Mil. mimmmBesMlsmtmtmMMmimm