-. ft wTr.yxm'to t , t H. W. BROWN, Dealer In Drags and Medicines PATJCTS.OILS, GLASS. Rooks, Stationery, etc. 127 S. Klcvcnlli ikkSq tfAMKHEiaMK THE R VestShore MMUMMUtU (PORTt.AND'OHEGgNj)i The Vct Blioro la the only lllnrtrmtrtl nuien r lno imbllalial on tbo 1'ficMc cosit, and iwlila from lu cxcollcnt literary featured, IU object li to convey Information, by both pen and pencil, of tlio RTcat resources of this region, aud tha progress of their development. Hjcclftl Illustrated articles appear In each Issuo ; also, several page of notes of the pro cress being mado In ocry section. Orr-con, waalilnttton, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah, California, llrltlah Columbia, and tho Pacific Northwest In general, are Wine Illustrated. Tho snbacrlptlon prlco Is only 2J0. It Is not only tho cheapest Illustrated magazine In the united States, but contains articles and en irravlngs of great Interest to every reident of this rcj-lon, which can cot bo i 'cud In any other publication. Subscribers for 183? rccclvo a largo supple ment ovcry month. Tho first ono Is a beauti ful oleograph of tho "Knlranco tothoColuia. Vila ltlver." printed In clno colors, and each of tho others represents somo feat uro of our subllmo scenery. Tho supplements arc alone worth more than tho price of the magazine. Try It for 188, and offer reading, send It to your friends elsewhere. Yoa will find It kotfc lotcrtalnlog and Instructive. L. BAMUKL, rublliher, 171-173 Second St., l'ortland, Uregem. Monarch of the Dailies! -TH33- Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the city for 20 cents a week, every da' ih the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, I027 P street. TAKE THE lissouri Pacific Eailway The Shortest, Quickest and Dest Route to Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Si. Louis, Cincinnati, Washington, Baltimore, Hew York and Boston. RECLINING CHAIRS FREE ON ALL TRAIN'S. tJTTor further Information rolders, etc. , en, oi iddribx II. (1. IIANN'A. City Ticket Apt'lit, Cor. 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DKSlOUKST'rt MONTIH.Y In Juctly entitled tho l7orU'a Model Magazine. Tho Urgent In Form, tho Urgent In Clrculuilnii, and tho best TWO Dollar Family Magnzlno liueil. iRSHwIll bo tho Twenty, fourth year f It4 publication, and It stands at tho hold of Family IVrlodlcnl. It contains 73 pages. I'vritu nuiirtn. HVxMM Indict, ileguiitly prli.tud and fully llliiHtrntud. I'ublWhvd by w, Jcnnlugn Dtiuiorcut, New York And by Special Agreement Com. blnod with the Capitol City Courier at $3.25 Per Year. EBSg M DR. TALMAGK'S SERMON. SKCRAMENTAL DAY AT THE BROOK LYN TABERNACLE. Ttio I-cnmul unit I'.loqiicnt Dlvtno I)l course on tho I'hlloMipliy of tlm CIiiiIii. II Kattlo llonrtl mill Its Cull Seen from (Iriimla to Herein! Inn. DnooKLY.v, Sept. 10. Totl.y wa wcra incnlal day nt tho Tr.bcrnncle, nml tho moro tlinn four thouxnml communicant lnoinbonj cixi Jolmtl ly tlioutnmls fro.n nllpnttiof thlt country nml frcin other Inmls In tho acrcil cotnmomorntloit. Tlio llov. T. Do Witt Tnlmngc, I). 1)., prcncliod from HzoUlel vll, Sit "Mnko nclmlul" Ho nlili At school nml in college, In announcing tliomcclmnlcnl powers, no glorified tlio lover, tlio pulley, tho Inclined plnuo, tho tcroiv, tlio nxlonnd tho wheel, hut my tact calls tw to study tho philosophy cf tho clinlu. The.o llnkicf inetnl, ono wl'h nnother, nttrncled tho old Illhlo nuthorn, n nd ro henrthochnlu rnttloiuiil Reolts coll nil tho way through from UcnesH to Hovelatlon, Ilanhlng n nil adornment, or restraining ns In captivity, or holding In conjunction, ns In c.iso of ma chinery. To do lilm honor, I'harnoh hung n chain of cold nhout tho neck of Joseph, nnd IleUhnzznr ono about tho neck of Daniel. Tho high priest had on his breastplate two chains of gold. On tho cnmelV necks, ns tho Ishmnolltcs drove up to Gideon, jingled chains of gold. Tlio Iliblu refers to tho church m having such glittering adornments, saying: "Thy neck Is comoly with chains of gold." On tho other hand, n chain mains captivity. David, tho psalmist, exults that power had liecii given over his enemies, "to bind their kings with chains." Tho old missionary npostlo cries out, "For tho hopo of Israel, I nm bound with this chain." In tho prison whero Peter is Incarcerated, you hear ono day n great crash nt tho falling off of his chains. 8t. John saw nn nngcl como down front heaven to mannclo tho powers of darkness, nnd having "a great chain In his hand," nnd tho fallen nugcls nro reprevmted ns "reserved in everlasting chains," whilo In my text for tho arrest nnd limitation of tho iniquity of his time, EzokUl thunders out: "Jlnkon chain I" What I wish to impress upon myself nnd upon you Is tho strength In right and wrong directions, of consccutivo forces, tho superior power of n chain of lufluouces nbovo ono In fluenco, tho great ndvnutago of n congeries of 17nks nbovo ono link, aud in all family government nnd in nil cITort to roscuo others nnd In nil nttempt to stop Iniquity, tako tho suggestion of my text nnd ninko n chain) That which contains tho greatest import ance, that which encloses tho most tremend ous opportunities, that which of earthly things is most watched by other worlds, that which has beating against its two sides all tho eternities, is tho cradle. Tho gmvo is nothing in Importance compared with it, for that is only n gully thnt wo step across in n second, but tho crudlo hns within It a now eternity, Just born anil novcr to coaso. When threo or four years ago tho Ohio river over flowed its batiks nnd tho wild freshets swept down with them hnrvosU and cities, ono day was found floating on tho bosom of tho waters n cradlo with n, child in it nil unhurt, wrapped up snug nnd worm, and Its bluooyes looking into tho lihio of tlio opou heavens. It was mentioned as something extraordinary. Dut ovcry cradlo Is, with Its young passenger, floating on tho swift current of tho centuries, deep calling to deep, Ohlos nnd St. Lawrences and Mlssissipplsof influence, bearing it on ward. Now what shall bo douo with this now lifo recently launched! Teach him an evening prayer) That is important, but not enough. Hear him as soon ns ho can rccito Bomo gospel hymn or catechism) That is Im portant, but not enough. Every Habbatk nftcruoon rend hlmn IJIblo story) That Is important, but not enough. Onco in n whilo a lesson, onco In a whilo n prayer, onco lu n whilo n restraining influence) All thesonro important, but not enough. Each ono of these, lufluouces is only n link, nnd it will not hold him in tho tremendous emergencies of lifo. Let it lo constant instruction, constant prayer, constant application of good Influ ences, a long lino of consccutivo impressions, reaching from his first year to his fifth, nud from lib fifth year to his tenth, and from his tenth year to his twentieth. "JIako n chalnl" Spasmodic education, paroxysmal disci pline, occasional fidelity, amount to nothing. You can ns oasily hold nn anchor by ono link as hold n child to tho right by Isolated nud in termittent faithfulness. Tho oxninplo mui connect with tho instruction. Tho conver sation must combino with tho net Ions. Tho week ilny conslbtency must conjoin with tho Sunday worship. Hnvu family prayers by all moans; but bo petulant nud Inconsistent nnd unrensonnblo In your household, nud your family praycra will Ikj n blasphemous farce. So great in our times nro tho temp tations of young men to dissipation nud yojug womou to social follies, that it is most important that tho first clghtoeu years of their lifo bo charged with n religious power thnt will hold them when they get out of tho harbor of homo Into tho ctormy ocean of nctlvo lifo. Thoro li tueh n thing ns Impressing children bo powerfully with good, that sixty years will havo no moro power tocITaco It than sixty minutes. AV hat n rough timo that young man has in doing wrong, carefully nurtured as ho was! His father nnd mother havo been dead for years, or over in Scotland or England or Ireland; but they havo stood In tho doorway of every dram shop that ho entered, aud under tho chande lier of ovcry houso of dissipation, saying: "My son, thU is no placo for you. Havo you forgotten tho old folks) Don't you rccogntzo theso wrinkles nnd this stoop in tho shoulder and this tremulous hand) Go homo, my boy, go hotnol Ily tho God to whom wo consecrated you, by tho cradlo in which w o rocked you, by tho gross grown graves in tho old country churchyard, by tho heaven Mt-cvo v.o hojio yet to moct you, go homo! Go homo, my boy, go homo I" And eomo Sunday you will bo surprised to find thnt young man suddculy asking for tho prayers of tho church. Somo Sunday you will boo him at tho sacrament nnd jwrhnps drinking from tho samo kind of chalico that tho old folks drank out of years ago when they commemorated tho sufferings of tho Lord. Yes, my lad, you do not havo such fun In slu ns you seem to havo. I know what spoils your fun. You cannot shako oil tho Influences of thoso prayers long ago of fered, or of thoso kind admonitions. You cannot mako them go away, nnd you feel llko saying: "Father, what nro you doing hero) Mother, nhy do you bother mo with sug gestions of thoso olden times) Hut thoy will not go away. They will push you back from your evil paths, though they havo to como down from their I shining homes iu hoaven nud stand in tho very gates of hell, nnd their backs scorciica oi ttio iicry umsc, nnu witu tucir hand on your shoulder, and their breath on your brow, nnd their eyes looking straight Into your, thoy will say; "'o liavo como to take you home, oh, son of many anxieties!" At last thnt young ma- turns through tho consccutivo influence ol a pious piiroutagc, who out of prayers and fidelities Innumer able, mado a clalu. That is tho chain that pulls mightily thi morning on WW of you. You may lw too proud to shed u tear, and you niny, to convince tthent of jour Imper turbability, smllo to your friend liosldo you, but there Is not so much Kiwcr in nn Alpluo nvalnncho nfter it hns llptl forn thousand feet nud having struck a lower cllll Is taking Its second IkiiiiiiI for l,fKX) feet moro of plunge, ns thoro is oucrlu tho chain that pulls you this moment townrd (lml nml Christ nnd heaven. Oh I tho almighty pull of tho long chain of early gracious Inlluoucvcl Hut nil peoplo between ISO nud IU years of ngo, yes, betwveu 13 nnd fiO nyc, In'tweon 60 nnd 00 jours, nud nil soptungenniinus ns well, need n surrounding conjunction of good Influences. In Slug Slug Auburn, Mtiyn monslng and nil tho other great prisons, nro men nnd womon who went wrong lu mUMlfo nnd old ngo. Wo need nrouud tis n cordon of good Influences. Wo forget to npply tho well known rnli) thnt n chain is no ntrongcr than Its weakest link. If tlio chain bo mado up of n thousand links nnd iiluo hundred nud iilnety-uluo nro strong, but ono Is weak, tho chain will bo lu danger of breaking nt thnt ono weak link. Wo may ItiBtrong Inn thousand excellences nnd yet havo otin weak lies.! which endangers us. Thnt Is the mmou that wo sometime:) my men distinguished for n wholo round of virtue collnp-n nnd go down. Tho woal; link iu tho otherwise stout chain gave wny under thu pressure. Tho first chain bridge wns built in Scot land. Walter Scott tolls how tho French Imitated It iu n brldgo ucross tho river Seine. Duttherowns ono went; point lu that chain bridge. Thcro wns it mlddlo bolt that wits of poor materlnl, but they did not know how much depended on that mlddlo lwlt of tho chain bridge. On tho opening day u proces sion started, led on by tlio builder of tho bridge, nud when tho mighty weight of tho procession was fairly on It tho brldgo broko nnd precipitated tho multitudes. Tho brldgo was nil right except In that mlddlo bolt. So tho brldgo of character maybe mndoupof mighty links strong enough to hold u mount ain; but If thcro lo one weak spot, that ono point unlookcd after may lw tho destruction of a very thing. And what multitudes liavo gono down for nil time nnd nil eternity be cause In tho chain brldgo of their character thoro wns lncklnir n Htiiini- imIiIiIIm linlt Hit j had but ono fault nnd that was avarice; lienco, forgory. Ho had but ouo fault and that was n burning thirst for Intoxicants; j hence, his fatal debauch. She hnd but ono I fault nud that nu Inordinate fondness for j dress, nnd houco her own ir.nl her hiislund'o I bankruptcy. Sho hail but ouo fault and tlult a quick temper; lienco the disgraceful out burst. What wo all want Is to havo put nrouud us n strong chain of good Influences. Christian ussociatlon Is a link. Good lltcra turo Is n link. Church membership Is a link. Habit of prayer Is n link. Scripture research Is a link. Faith lu Gal -is n link. 1'ut to gether all thoso influences. Mnko n chalnl Most excellent Is it for ui to get into com pany better than ourselves, If wo nro given to telling vllo stories let us put ourselves among thoso who will not abide such utter ance. If wo nro stingy let us put ourselvoi among tho charitable. If wo nro moroso let us put ourselves among tho good natural. If wo aro given to tlttlo-tnttlo lot us put our selves among thoso who speak no ill of their neighbors. If wo nro desjiondeut lot us put ourselves among thoso who mnko tho best of things. If ovil is contagious, I am glad to Bay that good Is also catching. Peoplo go up into tho hill country fur physical health; so if you would bo strong in your boul get your self up off tho lowlands into tlio altitudes of high moral association. For many of tho circumstances of our lifo wo aro not responsible. For our parcntago wo nro uot re sponsible. For tho place of our nativity, not responsible; for our features, our stature, our color, not responsible; for tho family ro tation lu which wo wcro born, for our nnt ural tastes, for our mental character, not responsible Dut wo nro responsible for tho associates thnt wo cliooso nnd tho moral in fluences under which wo put ourselves. Character seeks nn equilibrium. A. U. In good man. Y. 55. Is n bad mnn. Lot them now voluntarily choose each other's society. A. B. will loso a part of his goodness, and Y. 55. n jMirt of his badness, and thoy will grad ually approach each other in chnrncter, nnd will filially stand on tho same lovel. Ono of tho old painters refused to look nt poor pict ures because, ho Raid, It damaged hlstyIo. A musician cannot afford to dwell among discords, nor can n writer afford to peruso lxxks of Inferior style-, nor nn architect walk out among dlspropor tioned structures. And no man or woman was over so good as to bo ablo to nlford to cliooso ovil associations. Therefore I said, havo it n rulo of your lifo to go among thoso better than yourselves. Cannot find them) Then what n pink of icrfectlon you must liel When was your character coniplotcd) Wbnt n inlsfortuuo for tho saintly and angelic of heaven that thoy aro not enjoying tho Im proving Influence of your society I Ah, if you cannot find thoso liottcr than yourself, it is becauso you aro ignorant of yourself. Woo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypo crites I Hut, na I remarked in tho opening, In sacred and lu all etylcs of literature n chnln menus not only adornment nud royalty of naturo but sometimes captivity. And I suppose thero aro thoso lu that senso deliberately aud icr tlstently making n chain. Now hero Jj n young man of good physical health, good 'manners and good education. How shall ha put together enough links to mnkon chnln for tho down hill road) I will givo him somo directions. First lot him smoho. If ho cannot stand clgniv, let him try cigarette I think cigarettes v, ill help him on this rend n little moro rapidly Iwcauso tho doctors say thcro is moro poison iu them, nud so ho will bo hclicl nlong faster, nnd I havo tho moro confidence; In proposing this becauso about fifty of the first youug men of Brooklyn dur ing tho last year wero, according to tho doctors' reports, killed by cigarettes. Let him drink light wluos first, or nlo or lager, and gradually ho will bo ablo to tako something stronger, nud ns nil styles of strong drlug nro more nnd moro adulterated, his progress will bo facilitated. With the old time drinks n man seldom got delirium tremens before JW or -10 years of ugo; now he can get tho madness by tho timo ho h 13. Lot htm play cards, enough money put up always to add interest to tho game. If the father and mother will piny with him, that wllllhelp by wuy of countenancing tho habit. Aud it will bo such n pleasant thing to think over lu tho day of judgment, when tho parents give account for tho clovntcd man ner in which thoy havo reared their chil dren. Eery pleasant Sunday afternoon tako n enrriugo rido and stop at tho hotels on either sido tho road for Sabbath refresh ments. Do not let tho old fogy pre judices against Sabbath breaking domi nate you. Havo a membership in some club w hero libertines go nnd tell about their victorious sins, and laugh ns loud us any of thorn iu derision of thoio who belong to the came sex as your sister nud mother. Pitch your Ulbla overboard ns old fashioned and fit only for women nnd children. Head all tho magnzlno articles that put Christianity ut disadvantage, nnd go to hear nil tho lec tures that malign Christ, who, thoy say, In stead of being tho Mighty Ouo ho pretended to bo, wns an impostor and tho Implauter of a great delusion. Go, nt first out of curios ity, to see nil tho houses of dissipation and then go becauso you have felt tho throll of their fascination. Getting ixlong uplondldly now I Lot mo soo wlmt further can I lur.gcst In that direction, lleconin mom delimit of all decency, moro loud inouthcd In j ournlheUni, moro thoroughly ntrohollml, mid instead of tho suinll stakes that will do well riiough for games of ehniieo 111 n Indies' parlor, put up something worthy, put up moro, put tip nil you have. WeltdunM Vuihnvoiuic'cef-dptl, Yon lutvo mndoiiolmln-tho tobacco hnlill ono link, tho rum hnbit one link, tho Impure club another link, Inlldellty another link, Hnbbntli desecration nnothrr link, unelcmi ness another link, nnd altogether they mnko n chnln. And so them Is nehnliioii your hand nnd n chain on jour foot nnd n chnln on your tonguo mid u chnln on your ojo nud n chain nu jour brain nud it chain on your property nml nehnliiou your soul. Homo dny j on w nko up nnd you fciyi "I nm tlrodof this, and I nut going to get loose from this shncklo." You pound nwny with tho hninnior of good revolution but cniiuot break tho thrttll. Your friends Join you in n conspiracy of help but fall exhausted In the U'Mvnlllng nttempt. Now you begin, nnd with tho wiithl.-g of n U'iocooii, to try to hrvnk nwny, nnd tho muscles nm distended, nud the great Imul of persplrallon dot jour forehead, nud tlm cue Maud out from tho socket, nnd with nil thoeotiivntrntod ener gies of IkhIj", mind and soul you nttempt to get loono but hno only inndo thu chain sink deeper. All tho devils thnt ineiiuip in tlio wino flank nnd tho rum Juj and thu decanter for each ono hns n devil of lb own como out nnd sit nrouud jou nud flint ier. Iu somo midnight jou spring from your couch nud cryi "1 am fust. O God, letmoloosol Ojo iiowers of dnikncs, lot inoloao Father nnd mother nnd brothers nnd sisters, help mo to got loose I" And you turn your prayer to blasphemy, and thou your blasphemy Into prnyer, nnd to nil tho tlln nnd uproar them Is plaj-ed an accompa niment, uot nu ncconipaiilmont by key nnd cdul, but tlio uccnmpnuhnoiit Is rattle, and tho rnttlo Is thnt of n chain. For live yenrx, for ton years, for twenty years, you Imvo l)oon making u chain. Hut hero I Inko n step higher, nnd toll j-ou thcro Is n jxiwer that enn break any chnln, chain of IkxIv, chain of mind, chain of soul. Tho fetters thnt tho hnminor of tho Gospel havo broken oh", If piled together, would mnko ft mointniii. Tlio captives whom Christ hns set free, if stood side by sldo, would mnko nn army. Quicker than n ship chandler's fiimncu ever molted it cable, quicker thnn it key over unlocked n handcitir, quicker than tho bayonets of revolution pried upon tho Ilnstlle, j-oti may bo Migrated nml inndo ft free son or u free dnughtor of God. You lutvo only to cliooso Iwtweon serf dom and cmnuclMitinn, bctwcou it chain nud it coronet, lietweon Satan nnd God. Mnko up your mind nud mnko It up quick. When the king of Sparta had crossed tho Hollospont ami was nbout to march through Thrnco, ho sent word to tho jieoplo lu tho differ ent regions asking thorn whether ho should innrch through their countries as it friend or nn enemy. "Ily all means ns it friend," answered most of tho regions, but tho king of Maccdon replied: "I will tako timo to coiislder it," "Tlion," mid tho king of Sparta, "let him consider it, but meantime, wo march wo innrch." So Christ, our King, gives us ourcholco between his friendship nud his frown, and many of u havo long been considering what wo hnd better do; but menntlmo ho marches on, nnd our opportunities nro marching bj And wo shall bo tho loving subject of his reign, or tho victims of our own obduracy. So, I urgo you to prccIpIUincj', rather than slow deliberation, nnd I will wrlto all over your soul tho words pf Christ I saw inscrllicd on tho monument of Princess Elizabeth in tho Isloof Wight, tho words to whlsh her Indox finger pointed in tho opou Dlblo w hen sho was found dead iu her bed after n Ufetlmo of troublo: "Como unto mo, all j-o who aro weary and heavy laden, nnd I ill givo jou rest." Isthcroftdriinkardhcro! Youmnj', by tho Saviour's grace, havo that flro of thirst ut terly extinguished. Is there n dofrnudcr hero) You may bo mado a mint. Is thcro ft llbcrtlno hero) You may bo mndo as pure as tho light. When a minister In an outdoor meeting in Scotland wns eulogizing gooduess, thoro wcro hanging around tho edge of tho audlcnco somo of tho most depraved men aud women, nnd tho mlnistor said nothing nbout mercy for prodigals. And a depraved woman cried out: "Your ropo is not long enough for tho llko of iu." Blessed bo God, our Gospel can fathom tho deepest depths nud reach to furthest wanderings, and hero is n rojxi that is long enough to rcscuo tho worst: "Whoso ever will." lint why tako cxtromo cases, when wo nil havo loon or nro now tho captives of slu and death) And wo may through tho great Emancipator drop our shackles nnd tako u thruuo. You havo looked at jour hand nnd arm only as being useful now, nnd a curious picco of niiatonij1, but there Is something nbout your hand nnd nrni thnt make mo think thoy nro nn undoveloiicd wlmr. And if j-ou would know what possibilities nro suggested by that, nsk tho cnglo that hns looked closo Into tho cj-o of tho noonday sun; or nsk tho nlabatroai thnt has struck its claw Into tho black locks of tho tempest; or ask tho condor that this morning Is descending to tho highest iioak of Chimbornzo. Your right hand nud urm and your left liund and arm, two undeveloped wings, better get rcsdy for tho empyrean. Ulse, my soul, and stretch thy wlnjr, Thy IxHtcr ortlou trace. Thcro hnvo been chains famous In tho world's history, such us tho chnln which fas tened tho prisoner cf Chlllon to tlio pillar, into tho stnplo of w hlch I have thrust my hand, on tho isolated rock of the I.ako of Oenovn; such ns tho chain which tho Russian cxllo clanks o:i his way to tho mines of Si beria; such ns tho chain which Zunobln, tlio captivo queen, wore when brought Into tho presence of Aurcllau. Aye, thero have been races in chains, and nations lu chains, and thcro hns boon it world lu chains; but, thank God, tho last ono of them shall bo broken, and under tlio liberating power of tho omnipotent Gospel tho shackles bhall fall from tho last neck and the last arm and tho last foot. Hut theso shattered fet ters shall all bo gathered up again from tho dungeons nnd tho work houses aud tho mines nud tho rivers nud tho fields, nnd thoy shall again bo welded nud again strung link to link, and polished nnd transformed until this world which has wandered olT nud been n re creant world nnd n lost world, shall by that chain bo lifted nud hung to tho throuo of God, no longer tho iroa chain of oppres sion, but the golden chain of redeeming love. Them let this old ransomed world bwing for ever! Holl on, yo years; roll on, jo daj-s; roll o.i, yo hours, nnd hasten tho glorious consummation! Tho &mllowa of Nlueum. Tho Niagara, river Is a favorite liaunt for tho swallows. Airy cool evening thousands of theso tireless birds may bo seen hovering near the surfneo iu pursuit of their minute Insect prej-. Thoy nro mostly of thowhlto bellied species. During tho day they jicrch on tho telegraph wires by flio roadside, and their loud twittering may bo heard u long distance. Thoro is no more valuable bird than thoswallow, and sundry alleged sports men who flro into flocks of them solely for tho sake of "practice" should bo puuUUod. Uullalo News. LEAP YEAR BALL - PROGRAMS, AND INVITATIONS With Illumination designs appropriate for tho occasion, Printed in finest style of the art at COURIER : OFFICE. ALSO LEAP YEAR RECEPTION CARDS, Wessel & Dobbirjs, New -Burr Block, Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, 13ox Station ery, Fine Printing of all K:nds. Give Us ei Trietl Order. The Season for Driving Has opened and wc have just received a line line of Turf Goods and a great variety of lHOTQsSS'5SlV-?Vit3:i US3SSJSS?VVV-lll -AT Grey Horse Harness Emporium, 1020 O Street. Garfield On Seventeenth street Railway, lots GARFIELD PARK. Now on sale. Inquire Cor. 12lh and O Sis. Whips, Saddles, FANCY DUSTERS LAP ROBES -AND Ladies : Fine : Saddles TIIK Addition car line of Lincoln Street front'ng on at Room 34 Richards Block. M 1 .JJAI,MUto.i MiiitiiitfcBaiMfBJ'M'JJ'rr rfMMMtartMM mmim0mmmm wi4iiklkmimmlm)im iiliwi ' irti