Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 22, 1888, Image 5

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Novel Designs In rrenrli Lingerie, Which
Is Much Worn liy Atiirrtrnti Women.
Now Hljlrn In Nightgowns anil Otlipr
Dnluty Clnrint'tit.
Llngcrlo nowndays seomi to hnvo almost
reached jwrfcctlon, nnd represents i no small
ltom In tliocost Of a trouisoau.
Ono of tho mot charming points about nil
tlio underwear is tho exquisite workmanship
coupled with simplicity of design. Bomo of
Hio nightgowns nro inmlo bnck niul front
with u yoko of flno Swiss embroidery, frill
of Vnlonclcnne-i lnco full down tho front,
niul edgo deep cull of tho embroidery;
othcri havo n full vest of exceedingly liar-
row embroidery niul lino Torchon Insertion
sown together; cream ribbons draw tho frill
ing together, which has tho great ndvnntngo
of pulling out qulto flatly when washed; tho
collar has fnlryllko tucks, niul U edged with
laco. Ono nightgown with n pointed vest of
insertion alternating with a tuck of tho samo
width, fastens on ono sldo with milieu of
Valenciennes, tho snmolaco being exquisitely
arranged nt tho wrist, mid tied with different
colored ribbons, which nro run through tho
laco. A yoko mado of small box pleated
tucks flowing out fully below tho edgo,
brought In ngnln with lino gatherings at tho
wnlst, nnd finished off by Iwws of ribbon,
had n very good effect.
Tho night gown illustrated In tho cut may
bo mado of lawn, cambric or French percnlo.
It is trimmed In front with n graceful jabot
of laco nnd tho plastron is framed with In
Chemises nro mado for tho most part
simply gathered round tho shoulders, with
lino torchon or Valenciennes laco frilU, nnd
in nil instances narrow pink, bluo or cream
ribbons nro run in and tied low In front.
Somo nro mado in an exceedingly good de
sign for tho ovonlntr bodico so much in
fashion now; n buttonhole Is worked in front
n Httlo way fiom tho top, which Is tied down
to it by a bow of ribbon, thus forming ox
nctly tho rcqulrod shno. Others nro mado
for ball gowns qulto straight round, with no
sleovo or shoulder strap.
Tho low ucckod corset cover, or petticoat
bodico as tho French women term It, hero
illustrated, will bo found especially becoming
to slender figures. It is mado of cambrlo
nnd trimmed with vnlonclcmics laco and in
sertion. Tho fullness Is gathored in nt tho
wnlst nnd tho laco is drawn in with ribbons.
Mlnlnturo Cisrs and I.ocliot.s.
Solid silver framps for cnblnot photographs
liavo not yet ceased to charm by their nov
elty, nnd now como sterling silver mlnlnturo
cases nnd loekots In unlquo designs. Tho
mlnlnturo cases havo open fncos nnd aro for
tho most part oval in form, though thoro nro
somo squaro ones that simulate regular pict
ure frames. Thoso cases nro qulto hrgo In
size, although designed to ba worn on a
chatolaino, whero nro collected verltablo
curiosities nowadays. Tho backs of tho cases
nro, ns n rule, slightly rounding nnd elabor
ately wrought in ropousso work. Somo of
theso copy tho designs on old tlmo affairs
while others nro modern In pattern. Ono
a?ei was in arabosquo pattern in varl-colored
Ijockots, which havo for a long tlmo beon
struggling to gain publlu recognition onco
moro, nro now to tho front nnd nro worn by
both sexes, ladles finding n placo for them
sometimes ns a charm on tho queen chain,
nnd sDinotlmos o:i tho chatelaine.
Thero is an luflntto vnrioty of pattorni
shown In lockets. Thero nro all gold ones,
all silver onoi, enameled ones nnd gom set
onesu No special form Is recognized ns tho
only truo ono for tho lockot, though oblong
nnd round shapos provnll. Thero nro qulto
protty Httlo nlTalrs bhapsd Hl;o n sholl, an
almond nnd a book.
A Pretty Fashion for Weddings.
A pretty fashion ha3 lately found its way
into bridal ontortalumcnts, nnd that is tho
sprinkling of brJdo and bridegroom with
roso petals instead of rico, which Is not ft
pleasant process for thoso so honored, or n
safe ono somotimes, whero horses nro con
cerned. Tho petals may bo of nil colors
Hut whlto for proferonoo and thoy nro gath
ered Into little baskets or whlto satin bags,
distributed nt tho last momont. Tho fashion
of tracing designs on dinner tabled, iu and
out of dishes, flower receptacles, etc., with
flower petals is also carried to a most arttstlo
holght nt present. Tho petals should corro
spond with tho flowers in these rocoptacles.
Field popples and green barloy Is ono of tho
fashionable floral combinations of tho day.
Fcathory shrub splnoa is beautiful whon put
into tall glasso lightly, but in tolerably big
sprays, with tho addition of tholarglo purplo
clematis. Tea roses and clematis aro also
put togother on dinner tables.
Returns for 18S3 show that British 11 vo
(took has decreased 4.8 per cent, compared to
1687 and Tjaourodwlth 1880,
wm ffi ill
Ysun,'i W
Urisht, Tiutrful ruruUtilnzs nnd Curtr.lns
fur n Hpnro ltixmi.
A very effect tvo pillow ensa can lw mado
with strips of lino linen Joined with em
broidery Insertion nn inch to nn Inch nnd a
linlf wide, tho hrondth of Uio linen strip) to
vary according to tnsto. This can bo
trimmed cither with a frill of llnoi or lace.
Tho pillow Itself should lo curered with
plain coloral sateen, to show through tho
Insertion. A spnro bod Is UMtMly stripped
when not in use, tho sheets being nlrcd nnd
put onns tho lod Is required, tho blankets
neatly folded and laid on tho mattress, but a
colored chintz counterpane, with a frill of Its
own or coarse Torchon laco trimming, has a
very good elToct and makes u room look
l'orhnlf window curtains (hero la nothing
more attractive thnu a soft inusllnwlth a
frill of tho Mime passed on tho rod, inndo
rather full nnd nllouod to hang straight
down, pushing them back or drawing them
togothcr, ns desired.
Two pretty wnys of arranging short mus
lin curtains nro ns follows; Dlvlilo tho nuts
lilt (plain or llgurcd) Into threo pieces, nnd
edge tho center one with n small frill down
each side, tho others with n frill only on tho
Inside, Hem them at tho top, and patu tho
brat or ribbon band through thorn; tio tho
center pieces together In tho middle with
ribbon and bow; loop bnck tho sides nlso with
ribbons mid bows. The liottom of the bllndfl
may bo either left looso (hemmed and frilled)
or passed through another brass or ribbon
band; or, hem tho muslin at tho top and
frill It each sldo ; run the rod or bnnd through
tho hem. Then gather tho bottom Into a
band of tho muslin nbout ono Inch deep and
six long, and fasten (fan shape) with tiny
tacks or drawing plus on to tho center of tho
window framo.
llctnovltig Stnlns of Various Kinds.
Tp removo fresh fruit stains from tnbto
linen, cover quickly with powdored starch,
or pour boiling wnter from tho ten kettle
upon them.
Finely sifted wood ashes will removo mod
iclno stains from stiver spoons. Egg stains
on silver can bo taken on" with line salt and
damp cloth.
On fabrics that will not bo Injured by It
soft soap will tako out paint stains much
better than benzine, chloroform nnd similar
A weak solution of oxnllo ncld will removo
bad mildow stnlus nnd iron rust from whlto
goods; ordinarily, mtldow will como out if
wot with sour milk nnd laid In tho sun. Uso
oxnllo ncld with care, as It is poisonous. Di
luted hartshorn takes mildow from woolen
Grass stains nro obstinate, but soft soap
nnd baking soda will generally ovcrcomo
them. Wet tho statu, rub it freely with tho
soap nnd soda and let lie a short tlmo before
Wheel grenso on wash dresses can bo re
moved with soft soap nnd water. If tho spot
is protty old, wot it first with kcroseno olL
A lump of nlum nddod to tho vinegar in
which pickles nro scalded rondors them crisp
nnd tender, nnd if covered with cnbbago or
grnpo leaves, a fresh, green color will bo im
parted. I'icklos will keep best by being bot
tled, sealod whllo hot, nnd bet In a cool place,
lilts of horseradish und a few cloves, with n
handful of sugar to each gallon of vinegar,
assist in preserving Its strength. Ginger is
a wholesomo splco for pickles; cloves nro tho
strongest, then nllsplco, cinnamon and maco.
Mustard seed is considered by tunny cooks an
IlaUoiI Pent-.
Ilnrd or inferior pears can often bo mado
very acceptablo by baking thorn. Wash tho
pears, removing tho blosssom; till a shallow
earthen pudding dish, pouring over them n
Httlo cold water half a toacupfulof water
to a quart dish. Put In n moderate oven, and
when thoy havo baked about halt an hour
sprlnklo a Httlo sugar over tho top. An hour
is generally long enough to cook them. Thoso
nro improved by having sweet croam pourod
over them when servedl They may bo oaten
warm or cold.
Clnrct Cup.
Cathcrino Owen's reclpo for 'clarot cup is
as follows: Claret cup with soda water is ex
cellent mudo from California wino. Pour a
bottlo of claret Into a pitcher, add a sliced
orango, leaving out the first nnd last slice,
nnd a strip of cucumber jiecl as long as your
finger; sweeten with syrup; add, if liked, a
wino glass of Santa Cruz rum; set this In
crushed lee, nnd Just boforo drinking strain
nnd add tho contents of a siphon of soda
water, stir and servo at onco.
Hllvcr unit Gold Cal;es.
For sliver cako uso one-halt cup of butter,
ono cup of sugar, twocujxs of flour, or-3-n.ilf
cup cf mill: nnd tho whites of threo eggs;
flavor with ulmoud. Ilopcat this for gold
cake, using tho yelks of tho eggs and flavor
with vanilla.
Siovablo Clutlr Cushions.
On very many styles of furniture, c3po
dally reed, rattan nnd polished wood, inov
nblo cushions nro used, und theso nro nlso In
favor for nn easy chair of nlmost any kind.
An nttractivo form of movable cushion is tho
ono represented lit tho cut.
Tho band iu tho center is terra cotta satin,
embroidered with olivo, term cotta nnd
bronzo colored split filoselle, and joined to tho
two capi of term cotta plush, tho tenuis bo
int: covered with rep ribbon of thosnmo
color. A similar ribbon is used for tho
haudlo nnd tho bows. This cushion is simple
nnd easily mado, but handsome
Useful SuBgeitlons.
Skim milk used in placo of wnter to clean
oilcloth gives it brightness und luster.
Cherry wood cnu bodywl to lmltato old
mahogany by dipping it in n coloring fluid
mado by soaking logwood chips iu vinegar
for twenty-four hours or longer.
It is said that a small bag of sulphur kept
in n drawer or closet that is infested with
rd ants will quickly dlsporso them. This is
cosily tested.
A email, soft brush should bo used for
cleaning celery aud potatoes. It U no troublt
to keep ono especially for this purpose, and
it will savo hands and time.
Do not placo raw meat dlroctly on Ice, for
tho Juices are apt to bo withdrawn; nor
should it lo left In tho wrapping paper, but
put on on uncovered earthen dish or platter,
and then set ou tax
A letter Nrnntnr nnrt TUcclvrd from
Ills OmiiitdiiiiKhti'r.
Chauncey Depow sayst "Kvarts onco sent
n donkey up to his Windsor farm In Ver
mont. A week at lerwanls ho received tho
following letter from his Httlo grandchild!
"'Dkau OnANDi'A Tho Httlo donkey is
very gentle, but ho mnkes n big nolo nights.
Ha Is very lonesome. I gueis lie misses you.
I hopoyou will come tip soon; then how out
bona lonesome. MinnIK."' I'll Perkins Let
ter. An ArcammoilntliiK Clurst.
Their Httlo minds (the children', homo
from vacation) nro full with tho story of
their summer pastime, and they nro eager to
rcelto their experiences, sometimes with n
Httlo too much nttentlon to detail. This
latter iolnt was Illustrated tho other day by
ono loquacious llttb fellow, In conversation
with nnolher nbout his own nge, who had
evidently been n fellow passenger on tho
train to Boston.
"Funny folks Is lan'lords," said tho too
communicative child; "tho ono wo boarded
wif borrowed jiu's gold watch w'en wo was
goln' tinny, nn'ho won't get It fcr n week."
Hostou HiiilgeU
Tolit of a Young 1-onlrlnn.
Front tho mouth of our young hopeful of
flvo summers, who was with tri In Kan Fran
cisco a short time since, nnd was out in Mnr
kct street when tho governor's funeral was
passing! Ho wns very much nfTcctcd by tho
sad music, nnd looking around to me, ho
said: "Mother, there nro two things that will
mnko anybody cry." "Whnt nro thoyf" I
sild. "Oh, onions nnd solemn tunes," ho
wild. Boston Globe.
Deserved It.
"My dear boy," said a mother to her son, ns
ho handed round his pinto for moro tur
koy, "this Is tho fourth tlmo you havo lieott
"I know, mother," replied tho Iwy, "but
that tur koy pecked mo once, nnd 1 want to
get squnro with him."
Ho gothls turkey. Snn Francisco Wasp.
Little Molly's Hitrcnsm.
Deah Fatjieii Wo nronll well and happy.
Tho baby has grown over so much, and has a
front deal moro sense than ho used to havo.
loping tho Mimo of you, I remain your
daughter, Molly. From tho German.
Tnugltt liy ICxierlriieo.
Minister You say n great mnny
things, Hobby, don't you f
Hobby Not as many ns I used to.
Minister Why not?
Hobby Slippers. Now York Sun.
A Iloston Child.
Our Httlo boy, 0 years old, wns sent to
school last week for tho first time, nnd on his
return homo nsked his papa:
"Who taught tho first man his letters?"
Boston Globe.
An Imposition.
Dobby (at tho circus, nuxlous to seo tho
clnnt, but sees a dwnrf Instead) Why, pa,
that's tho smallest giant I over heard of I
Texas Sittings.
A Contly Kxperlmont.
A man living inthoBhadoof tho Catsklll
mountains heard that well water could bo
purified by Hmo, nnd hn emptied n bushel
and n half into his well. On nccount of tho
dryness of tho season thero proved to bo only
threo feet of water fit tho well, and over
slnco tho experiment ho has been selling a
good nrtlcloof whitewash to his neighbors at
t! cents a bucket nud wnlked a mllo nnd n
half to a creek for drinking wnter for his
family. Hotel Mail.
Ho AVus AUsguldcd ICnough to Try.
"You must think wo nro very lucredulous
peoplo here," anidayoung lady to Gus do
Jay at n Httlo sociable gathering.
"Not nt nil, weally. What mado you
think so P
"Oh, merely tho fact that you spent ns
many as flvo minutes nt tho piano repeating
'I cannot sing tho old songs.' "Merchant
Ills Object.
"Aro you goh'B to Europoou business, Mr.
"Not exactly, sir."
"On pleasure then, of coursoP
"Hardly that, cither."
"For what purpose then, may I riskP
"Why, to get n reception on my return, of
course." Yonkers Oazctte.
A Serious Drawback.
Now Yorker (who has obtained n placo for
his Loy In Philadelphia) Well, Mr. Johnny
maker, how nro "n pleased with tho boy so
Mr. .Tohtmymnkcr Ho scorns a very likely
lad; tho only fault I havo to And with him is
ho i3 nlwnys iu bucIi n hurry. Tho Cjioch.
Tlio Ilcgtilnr Course.
Visitor with manuscript (engagingly) I
havo brought a few verses, sir, for your in
spection. If you will kindly
Literary ICdltcr (taking manuscript me
chanically und laying It on n pile of other
poems) All right. You can call and get it
to-morrow. Chicago Tribuuo.
A Huro Cure.
Citizen What nro you doing with that
Pollcoman I'vo just nrrestod him.
Citizen Hut ho'a ns deaf ns n post.
Policeman Ho'll get his' hearing before
tho mnglstrntc. llarx)r's Uazar.
Shabby Treatment.
Railroad Omdal I am exceedingly sorry,
but I cannot renew your pass.
Citizen (Indignantly) Wh-utl And I'vo
had n pass on your road for fifteen years! Is
that tho way you treat old customers Har
per's Hnznr.
Tcrrlblo Result of Hnseball.
Wife John, 1 dou't keo why tho authorities
permitpeoplu to play that horrid game, base-
'Why Hecattso it causes so much violence
and death. In this nowspnper account of n
slnglo gnuio 1 1 e that ono man was knocked
out of tho box and threo other unfortunate
fellows died at first Use, It' really shock
ing." Lincoln Journal.
Lyji lair j
New Time Tables In KITeet He't. Unit.
Traill No. 1, tho Pnelllo Kxprew, leaves
Council Muffs 7s!tt p. in,, dully, nrrlvlng
Denver Mvoud day (l;15 p, ni.,t)gdeu third
tiny n:l5 p. in., nnd Han Francisco rourth tiny
nt 10:15 n. in. Tin In No, 1101, leaving ICiuihjis
City the wiino nminlmc, nt or nbout 10 n. nt,,
nrrlvosntllenvernt'ilOn. in., nnd connect
with train No. I nt t'hevenne.
Trnl I No. SI, " The Ovcrlnttd Flyi'r," leaves
Council Muff Sunday :!!() it. in., dully, ar
riving Denver second day Ih.'iO n. in., Ogden
second tiny t) p, in , Han Francisco third day
10:1ft n. in., mid Poi timid foulih ditynt. 8n.
in. Train No. "0:1, leaving Khiissh City tho
piti"lous evening, nt or about II; 10 p, m., ar
rive nt Denver nt H p, in, mid connect wlih
train No. Slnt Clicyiiine.
Train No. i, the Atlantic ltxpivs, the op
posite of Train No. l,nirlves Council Hhiir
nt Hilft n, til, Connection Is iiiade nt Chey
enne for Kitiisas City, niih lug ICitnsns City
drain No. UTti) nt or about Ti p. in., of the
same day tltitt train No. 'J nrrlves Council
llluirH. Train No. , "The Oveilnnd Flyer,"
tho opposite of train No. SI, nrrlves Council
HIuirHntoilO pui. Connection Is ninihi fit
Cheyenne for Kiuisn City, aiiivlng Kiiiisiim
City lltiiln No. !0) at or about il;2in. in. or
the dny following the itrrlvitt of No. I at
Council Mull's
Kxcvptton Tliere Is no connection with
train from Cnllfornln nud Nevndn, east bouuil,
on train No. I,
Sli'Kn iif Selnisloiol,
The Union Pnelllc, "The Overland llouto"
w 111 sell excursion tickets nt reduced nttcx. to
ien.ons desirous of ntteudlng the Hikiikok
Hkiiahtoi-ol, to Imi products! lit Omitlin,
August SlOth, Sept. 1st, Mill, Itli, Mh, Dth, 7th,
8th, 10th, 11th, mil, Hlth, llth, 15th, 18th,
SOth, '-1, iMIi, nud VTtli. Tlckebi will be
good, going ilate of sale nud returning the
following tiny. This will lo one of the grent
est attractions ever ottered to tlin pulillo and
should lie taken ndvnntngo of by nil. For
rnto etc., call on your nearest ticket agent.
T. L. KiMiui.i., J. H. Tkiiiikth,
Atfg (len'l Mini. 0. 1'. & T. Ag't.
K. L. Imiax, A. (1. P. i(z T. A.
first Harvest Kxeiirsloii
Via Missouri Pncllln railway to )K)liitn In
Texnsnud Arkniisns, AugiiNtLMst, 18SS; others
to follow Septemlier llth and 'J.Mli nud Octo
ber Uth nud I!: H nt one faro for the round
trip. Tickets me first class, limited to thlity
days, nnd stop ovum for tho Insptrtlon of
hud allowed within tho limit. Choice lands
nt from tl.'Si to f."i per acre. Further lufor
inatloi., maps, deHerlptlvu land matter, etv.,
may lm had by calling on or writing
II. O. IlASNA, 11. P. It. MlLLKIt,
City Ticket Agent, Gen. Agent.
Cor. () nud I'.'tli streets, Lincoln, Neb.
or Imrresl to All.
Tho Union Pnelllo ttnllwny. "The Over
laud llouto" Have just issued very complete
nnd comprehensive pniiqihleU on Colorado,
Utah, Idaho, Oiegon, nud Washington Terri
tory, descriptive of the agricultural, stock
raising niul mineral resources, tho cllmiito
nud health rcoi tsof thcMiHtntesnud territories
complleil fjom the latest reports of 1887. Send
to J. H. Tebbetts (1. P. & T. A., Oinahit, Neb.
for one.
I 'or Kent.
Flno suites of rooms In the AVebster block,
furnished und uuiurnlshed. Knqulro nt
room 1.
Lincoln Hark mid IIiikriiko I.lne.
Telephone N". 201. meat market. IK57 O
street, or No. S501 llverv barn. Order slates
nt same places and U. I, ticket olllco, corner
Eleventh nud O strocbt. Hack stands, Capi
tal iioici nun meat marKct.
St mlt-itt AcroiiiiiiiMlutlniiM,
All Uiono who cnu furnish hoard and lodg
lug or employment for tho students of thu
university will plcn&o nddrrwi full particulars
tu thu steward. Hoom number 1, main build
lug. :m-h
Miss Anna W. Hawkins, whoso success ns
teacher of dancing wns plainly seen In her
elegant "Oernian nnd Reception" of Juno
last, will ojien her school for children on Bat
urdny, September tho M, In Masonlu Tern
pie. Mls.1 llnwkins would lie pleased to re
celve names of those who wish to take, at tiny
time. AddresK room ill, ltlchnriU block,
Lincoln, Neb.
Private lessons forndults will n!o lie given
to thoso Mho desire to tak' :if) td
To Our l.HMjrr I'rlrnil",
During tho pnst uvekTiiK Couiiikii olllco
bus turnttl out mnni elegant s)K'clmciis In law
liricfs, one immberiiig tieurly n IiiiikIiinI
pages. A'e would like our frleniN of the
legal fraternity toreinenilier that IiithUclast
of woik wo excell all othcmnnil that our
prices nro iih low ns t ho low est. Calls by tele
phone, No. 'Stt, promptly nnsucrcd nud nil
work Iff t nt our olllco iu Uurr block done
unit, ipilek nud cheap.
ClilllllL' CllllU.
Tho (loimiKll ban ju-t received it largo In
voice of calling cards In the latest shax's and
sli. Our lady friends csjieclally nro Invit
ed to call nnd examine. Wo f mulsh them
either pi or engraved iu tiny stylo of the
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholorn and Dlarrho'n
Remedy Is tho most ieifect ptcparntlon in
use for bowel complaint. 11 nets ipilek, can
ninny be depended tion nud is pleasant to
take. Sold by W. J. Turner.
No one enn ulford to neglect n cold ; cntarrh,
chronic bronchitis und consumption are caus
ed by neglecting common colds. Tuko Cham
berlain's Cough Reined v and cure it while you
cun. Bold by W.J. Tinner.
Prof. V. M. Uibcniilt has removed his musi
cal studio from tho Ledwith block to the Lin
dell hotel. Pupils intending to take lemons
in music, hnrmony or composition will please
& Mosher's, Musonlo Temple. Tclephotio 101.
Illmiolutloii Of rirtin'lltl.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the tmrtneriihlp
i heretofore cxIMtfug lietwinm I.. Wessel, Jr.,
nnd II. T. Dobbins, under thollrni name of
Wessel Hi Dobbins, Iu tho printing, publish
ing and stationery business, is this day tils
solved by mutual consent, II. T. Dobbins re
i tlrltu' All accounts duo thu linn will Ikj col-
lecttNl and nil bills ngulnst the firm will lo
imlil by . Wwse), Jr.
1 U Wkwski., Jn.
II. T. DOllllt.NH.
Beptembcr 13, 1HS8.
Intro KIralfy's production of tho famous
Havel pnntomlno, "Mimilni, tho Night Owl,"
Itegttti IU season last Baittrday night at
McVIck r's theatre iu Chlenge, whero tho
pleco was given with all thu original and
elalwrato scenery, magical tricks und trnufor-
ntntioiu nnd grand ballet. Two liuiitirvtl Ieo
plo nro employed In tho representation, and
a numlier of now and striking features havo
been added to tho performance,
Globe One-Price
Is now showing
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and
All the Latest Novelties
in our ompieie Assortment,
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs.
To be sold in next two months at
Hardy & Pitchers
A Complete Line of Folding Beds
now in
lew Ml Stock Complete.
Ashby & Millspaugh.
Double Store under Opera House.
Where all kinds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can bo had nt any time, Day or Night, on short notice.
Horses Boarded and well taken care of at Reasonable Rates.
Call and see us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 147.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
1119, 1 121 and
Meals 2s. cts.
Clothing House.
an clognnt line of
Children's Fine Suits.
and Nobby Designs are included
to which we invite an early
In the City all come from the
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
1123 N Street.
$..50 per week.
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