Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 22, 1888, Image 3

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TIio Strnnso NVntllns Wlilrli King Alfred
round WIipii Out Itti.itlnx Ono Vay
! vrllli UN Ilm-MM nmt IluutidA A Story
of Yo Atiolont Time.
Tho rtory hero related M ono familiar to
niiRllsU boys nml glrli, Imt It limy lo now to
our young folk. It runs ni follows! King
Alfred went out to ono tiny with hU
homes nml houmK An ho mul his hutitsincii
wcro riding through n wood thoy hcnnl n
cry thnt seemed to como from n trco that
grow over n rock near fit liuiul.
;1& &V-. .. .,(
So tho king sent ono f his men to tho trco
to e?o what made tho cry. Tho limn went to
tho trco nml climbing up in it found ti great
cnglo' nest of stick lu tho fork of tho
branches nml, much to hli astonishment, ho
saw a llttlo child lying nt tho bottom of tho
nest. It wns wnrmly wrairped inn purple
cloth, nml had gold bracelets on Its little
nrins. IIo took tho child up gently and car
ried It carefully to tho king, who was as
much tut tho man had been, but bo
ftit it homo to his pain co with orders that it
should lo well taken caro of. As tho Child
liad been found in u nest, it was called Nest
ling, and was known by thnt nnino after It
bad grown tip to bo a ttrong mid distin
guished man. No ono over found out what
was his ivnl name, or who put hi in in tho
eaglo's ucst w hen ho w as n Imby.
A llrlrf Ulogrnpliy or .Iorp1i Addison.
Mnydny, 1073, saw tho birth of Joseph
Addison, whow) memorial nriy be seen now
at 'Westminster Abbey, in tho Poct'ti Corner,
where Is kept nl.vo tho memory of other
great names of Kiigllsh lltcrntuiv. Ilisfnthcr
was a clergyman, nud tho son had tho advan
tngo which n good education gives. IIo
worked wvll nt his books, nml nt 15 was
alJo to enter nt Queen's college, Oxford. IIo
nf tcrwards becauio n Demy, nml subsequently
a fellow of .Magdalen. Thcro his jiortrnlt
Btlll hangs in tho hall, nml Addison's Wnllf.
preserves tho memory of his favorito resort
liy tho bhndy banks of tho Clierwcll.
As n young man, his Iitlu nml nnglish
poonis attracted fcomo notice, and n pension
from tho government of i."13J n year enabled
Iiim to travel on tho continent. Upon his
return to England ho found himself In pov
erty. Hut n change soon camo. Ills garret
up threo pairs of Hairs In tho Haymarkot
wni ono day visited by tho chancellor of tho
exchequer. Would Sir. Addison wrlto n
poem lu honor of tho Duko of Marlborough's
victory at IJIenhclml Mr. Addison under
took tho taris, nnJ bis poem was a success.
Howards now flowed in, nml, encouraged by
buccess, Addison produced other works.
In 170S ho w?s elected momber of jiarlla
tnent for Malmesbury. IIo roso from ofllco
to olllcc, nud was In 1717 niado principal sec
retary of ttatc. Hut ho wns clearly out of
placo in parliament. IIo roso onco to speak,
but could not overcomo his bash fulness, and
over after sat silent. Nor was ho nblo to
carry on tho public busiucs3 with greater
skill. It Is to Addison's connection with Tho
Tntlcr, Spectator and Guardian, that wo look
for convincing proofs of his genius. And
thoy nro found In plenty. When English
literature was almost unknown on tho con
tinent, Addison's writing brought him famo
there. Threo years bsforo his death ho mar
ried tho dowager Countess of Warwick; but
tho union is said to Havo been nn unhappy
ono. llo suffered much from nsthma, nud
died nt Kensington in his -IStli year, on Juno
17, 1710. Ills manners wcro retiring, but
when among a group of friends his conver
sational powers v.-v of Oio highest.
)upniico I'uzslc.
Tho Ingenious puzzlo given below camo
from Japan, nml
nppemed recently
in Golden Days.
Tnko n pleco of
paper threo inches
squaro nml divide
it into iiluo squaro
inches with pencil
or pen, llko Fig. 1.
From Klg. 1 cut
out ono squaro
Inch from tho up
per right hand
corner, ns In Fig.
1 ixciEXioca
2. Then cut this figure Into threo plecos, and
put them together bons to form a square.
Tho dotted lines on Fig. " will show whero
tho cut3 nro to bo made, nml In Fig. 3 It is
shown how tho new squaro Is formed.
r.tmvix.isflTM9& -ss itirmii. w-rse
With tho diagrams tho solution Is easy,
but without them you w 111 find, If you try It
on your friends, that It Is a very difficult
How 'Wasps Ventilate Tliolr Nest;.
Observations mado of wasp nests nnd tho
workers therein havo led to tho conclusion
tlint theso Insects glvo splendid attention to
ventilation. In hot weather from four to
blx wasps wcro continually stationed nt tho
holo of egress, and, while leaving space for
entrance or Qxlt, created a steady current of
fresh air by tho exceedingly rapid motion or
their wings. After a long courso of this
vigorous exercise, tho ventilator i wore re
lieved by other wasps. During cool weather
only two wasps at a tlmo were usually thus
' Somo of the best writers uso both "lo-mo!
row is' and "to-morrow will lie," but tho
latter Is preferred. Slmkospoako uses the
word to-morrow l!10 tlme, nnd In nearly
every Instnnco ns a noun lu tho future tensa
In "Antony and Cleopatra," Iv, 3, he say
"to-morrow Is tho day," oml again in "Uomeo
rml Julltt," iv, 1, ho uite3, "Wednesday is
tilts f lVrsoiml (Inmtp Concerning Me
of Nonspiiper Notoriety.
Tho Duko of Oporto has boon taking lessor.!
In photography.
Iloktisnl, n Jnpaneso nutbor, hns publtobed
n now novel In ninety volumes, llo Is evi
dently writing for ostrrlty.
Dr. Alctrger, who treats tho monarch of
Europo with mnsage, was llrst n butcher,
then n teacher of athletic.
A portnilt ha boon ialnted of Iho baby
king of Spain 111011111x11 ux)ii n rocking horse.
It shows lilm to Ik) n handsome, manly look
lug litllo fellow
I)r T Maccnll, of Morccamlio, England,
has patented n hydrophobia virus destroyer
Tho Instrument l in tho form of n pencil,
and can lw attached to a key ring.
IVrlin with a view to save his voice, Mr.
Gladstone has quito recently acquired a Imbtt
of shaking rapidly very dllTerent from tho
inonsu.-cd tones lu which ho used tonddrrsn
nn nmlicnec.
11. II. Stoddard, tho iniet, ha a lock of
hair believed to havo been cut from tho head
of Milton. It Is n light brown or golden and
has been successively owned by Dr. John
son, Ix'igh Hunt, Georgo II. I'.oker, nml
Tho mournful Information conies from
Peris that M. do llrn.-.i thinks that Mr.
Btanley is wanting in prudcuco In his ex
tilnrrtloii, and thnt ho will not succeed in
lui present enterprise, llo condescends to
i-ny, however, that his opinion of Mr. Stan
ley Is a very high one.
Prince Ilismnrck's favorlto apartments In
htaeonntry pat.ioa nt Fiiedrlchsruhouro very
simply furnished. In his bedroom tho furni
ture Is of pine, with no trnco of covering or
other ornamentation, and Is not noticeably
different from that found In any poor peas
nut's hue In tho uuighliorhood.
Lord lionrdule, who
Is Ruaewliero ! ; I
rerland to tho Arctla j
Canada, on Ins way ove
tea. Is keeping n diary for publication. IIo
tends It homo in sections to certain friends,
who nro Instructed to keep it for Ills future
uso. Ho thus saves himself tho writing of n
lot of merely crsounl letters, and gets tho
manuscript of Ills liook up at ono and tho
snmo time.
Wong Choc, u San Fraud ten Chinaman,
purchased n drawing room ticket to Chicago
n week ago. Ho is the lint one of his na
tionality who over committed such an ex
travagance, Tho privilege of riding in a
drawing room car from Kan Francisco to
Chicago cost him S.VJ extra. His country
men in California consider him daft.
Montgomery Sears, who is nuiong tho four
wealthiest men of Hoston, was tho sou of n
grocer who lived on half a dollur nday nud
slept In Ills store. IIo acquired somo real es
tate, and w hen ho tiled left his modcrnto fort
uuo to his 6oa under tho caro of trustee.
Youtig Seal's chafed at this, nud finally suc
ceeded lu breaking hU father's will. Ho has
gono on ncqulrfng property tint I his wealth
is estimated at many millions.
M. Arthur Meyer, editor of Lo Oaulols,
Paris, is said to havo declared in his youth:
"I shall bo n gentleman of society. I slriil
forco my way into tho most carefully guarded
drawing rooms. I shall bo tho equal of
princes. I shall kiss tho hands of duchesses.
I shall bo on lutimnto terms with tho greatest
houses of tho Faubourg St. Germain. Inn
word, I shall bo tho Ilenu Urummol of the
Jour." IIo has realized his ambition.
Somo ono took ndvantngo of tho eccentric
acoustics of tho statuary hall In tho national
Capitol to play a cruel Joko tho other day on
John J. Joyce, tho poet, who claims to have
written ono of Mrs. Wilcox's poems. .Mr
Joyeo was standing uncovered In tho middle
of tho hall when suddenly n volco from over
tho marblo clock, another from tho arched
roof overhead, and yet another directly un
dcr his feet repeated in measured tones the
first lino of tho disputed poem: "Laugh, nud
tho world laughs with you." A look of great
distress camo over tho poet's faeo and ho
trembled violently. Ho stood spellbound
until tho voices had repeated tho poem
throughout. Then tho man who was playing
tho trick camo from Ills place of conceal
ment nud explained that tho echo cllln had
part In tho trick.
Lafcadlo Ilenni, who has-dono somo of the
most brilliant writing that has appeared In
tho American magazines for years, Is one of
tho most extraordinary characters that
American literature has over produced. A
correspondent says: l remember him well
from my last visit to Now Orleans, with hli
extraordinary llttlo figure, his Hon Ilutlei
oyo and his eccentric manner of dividing hli
tlmo up In tho crcolo quarter of tho city. If
thcro Isnnythlng under tho sun that Lafcadlo
Ilcarn has n contempt for it is what wo know
as stylo lu tho social tenfo. In tho literary
scuso his stylo i3 perfect, IIo lives at tho back
of a shop, In tho crcolo quarter of Now Or
leans, nud ho has n collection of boo!s which
would mako tho mouth of any truo literal)
man water. IIo works when ho is In the
mood only; but whatever work ho does must
bo douo completely to his own satisfaction
before ho gives It to tho public."
Speaking of tho lato Charles Crocker,
Tho San Francisco Call rolates that on one
occasion thcro was n disastrous wreck out
souiowhcro on tho road In which a fireman
mot his death. When tho representatives ol
tho operating department camo to report the
matter to Mr. Crocker, ho was much dis
turbed, and questioned very closely to find
out how tho accident had happened. It wiu
explained that everything possible had been
done, and tnut full particulars would bo ob
tained during tho day. This appeased him
roraowhat, and, in explanation of his nnxl
cty, ho said: "Hut I was thinking of this all
last night and could not sleep." Ono of the
officials told him that it was no uso worrying
over such things, which wcro hnppcniug
with moro or less frequency all tho time.
Mr. Crocker looked up and replied vehe
mently, "But, my God, man, ono of our boyi
was killed, and I could not get that out of
my head."
A Illlmt I'rofemior' Ilcljunatc.
Oil Wcshlugtou street tho other day I saw
Trofessor Crowell, of Amherst college, mak
ing his way rapidly along through a crowd,
guided by tho faithful hand of hU wife. It
was n pitiful sight when ono remember how
bright lib eyes used to be, ami how they
would (.parklo w lth fun. It is rsld by ono
who Is familiar with his family llfo In Am
hei'bt that ho has liy memory all of tho
classics which ho teaches. Ills wife rcad.1
over tho lesson to him lieforo ho goes to tho
clnts room, nud so perfectly does ho retain
what was lu his mind jeurs ago that ho will
remind her that nt such a placo ho mado such
and such comment in n note upon n particu
lar word in tho text. Ho Is cry popular
with tho students. Doston Letter.
Tliu lnii;ura of Glait Ulowlti";.
Tho recent death of a New York green
glass blower illustrates tho duugci-s of that
imhoalthful but rcnmiicnitlvo vocation. A
i;ood green gloss bloiver can easily command
f.Jj n week, but for all that very fow stick to
Hie trade long when thoy can jioisibly find
other work. It Is said thnt no ono follou-u
tho puivjlt for over ten years without scrU
ously, If not fatally, injuring hU health.
Chicago Nows.
TIio "SIiislo HoP," n Charming I.lttln Me
xico MiimmI Upon a Well Known Srlrn
tlllo I'lhirlplo Very t'liinlllur to llltln
nml I'lntnl Miirloinrn.
Many of our renders know tho experiment,
which Is fnnilllnr to rllle nud pistol marks
men, lu which an eggshell I mndeto remain
In equilibrium nt thu top of a Jotofwnter.
very light ball of cork, or even a ellct
undo of bread erumlH, Is capable of vesting
In equilibrium In n current of nlr.
a maoio nosr,,,
La ITntnro calls attention to ihomnglc rcw,
a charming llttlo do Ico based upon the same
principle. TIio nrtlllelnl roso, which Is of
piper, ltrncrsod by n metallic tubo Hint
formi its stnlk. This tube, on tho one hand,
extends slightly beyond tho jtotnU of the nti.1 .,, t1,n fft,nt la llfn1llr-o1 111 fitlnll
n way that It can lio held, in tho mouth, tho
ovvpr M Rt a tjutr.llc00r n(wut t0 indies
from (liof)os.
If tho tiiln bo blown Info reguhi ly, nnd n
Kinall older pith Iwtll, to which two nrtlllelnl
butterflies nro affixed by slender wire, bo
placed over tho How or, tho ball, when well
centered lu tho curret.t of air, will remain
suspended therein nt an Inch or so from the
flower. As tho current of air Is Invisible, tho
cirect produced Is very surprising, and tho
buttorllles. Incessantly In motion, nponr to
l)o engaged la rilling tbo flower of sweets,
offer tho manner of living ones. It somo
tlmes happens that tho ball rovolves In tho
current and carries nloug tho butterflies,
which thus describo n circumference around
an axis. It Is unnecessary to say that tlw
blowing must bo douo with great regularity.
A Ciirlnti KxprrltiK'iit.
Tho curious cxcrimcut hero illustrated
wai doxrlbed ns follows in n recent number
of Popular Sclenco Nows:
Tnko a water llask or n wfdo mouthed do
canter or bottle, hold It lu n horizontal posi
tion ami placo a small cork lu the neck. It
w 111 then seem nn cosy matter to blow tho
cork into tho bottle, but upon trial It will bo
found almost Impossible to do so, as tho
harder ono blown tho more forcibly It Is
ejocto-1 out of tho bottlo nud Into the faco of
tho experimenter.
TitK uorrLU ahd Tiin com;.
Tho explanation of this peculiar behavior
of tho cork Is very fclmple. Tho bottlo Is
already full of nlr. so that no more can lxt
blown into it, nnd tho only effect produced
by blowing Is to compress tho air already In
side. When tho pressure is removed tho nir,
being clastic, expands again qcickly, and, In
doing so, forces tho cork out of the neck, ap
parently lu a revcrso direction to tho current
from tho lungs of tho experimenter. Tho
neck of tho bottlo must bo erfeetly dry, or
tho cork will ndhcro to It and Interfere with
tho success of the experiment.
Amoclatlon for Advancement nf ficlenre.
l'rofessor l'utnam, tbo permanent secre
tary of tho American Association for tho Ad
vancement of Science, reported at Its annual
meeting at Cleveland, O., an excellent finan
cial status. Tho permanent endowment fund
exceeds $15,0X10, und tho liabilities aro nomi
nal. In tho chemical section Professors May
bery's and Dow'u paper on tho "Salt Hrlucs
In Northern Ohio" was of special interest.
They found bromiuo nud lithium in tho
brines from natural gas wells in quantities
sufficient to imlicato n commercial valuo for
this product. In tho biological section Dr.
E. Lewis Sturtevant read n paper on "A
Phaso of Evolution." It was a study of tho
dandelion and of its apparent modifications
under cultivation. Ho ndvauccd tho vlow
that cultivation does not cnuso now varia
tions, ?mt only takes ndvuutngo of thoso al
ready existing.
Professor Atwater gavo ono of his striking
monographs on tho subject of plant food,
stating that It might yet bo practicable to
raise crops In wntcr, the food elements beiiif'
supplied thereto by tho cultivator. IIo clteu
a buckwheat plant thus raised, producing
about 800 perfect and 900 imperfect seeds.
Professor Mendeuhall was elected president
of tho association.
A Now I-nw In tho lljilrnullr of Illvern.
Maj. Towcll's letter to tho Now Orleans
chamber of commerce, on tho relief of tho
alluvial lands of tho lower Mississippi from
destructive Hoods, according to Science, con
tains tho first formal announcement of a now
law in tho hydraulics of rivers. It is set
forth in theso words: "Tho cutting power of
a stream Increases rapidly with the increase
of sedimentary load." Th s prlnclplo was
briolly btated by Maj. l'owell lu a short oral
address beforo tho American Association for
tho Advancement of Bclenco, ulxmt ten years
ago, oml ho has Indirectly referred to It two
or threo times since, In a word or two, in his
writings; but this In tho llrst speclflo state
mont of It that ha has mado, and this he
considers ns barely moro than Indicating tho
lino of discussion which ho has Ibng Intended
to pursue lu a volume that ho prox)ses to
write uion tho subject. Hut the principle Is
stated in this pucr with sulllclent detail and
lllustrutlou to arrest tho RtUutlou of physic
Uu and engineers and to glvo rlso to an in
teresting discussion.
Two Ways of Figuring.
"Ad valorem" Is Latin and menus "accord
ing to tho valuo." Ad valorem duties aro
duties placed at ft percentage according to
tho valuo'of tho goods. 8peciflo'duty me.inn
just what it Kays, n spccillo tax on ccrtit'i.
A gnu stove has leon Invento l to rival tho
bortkento foUlIusc IhiI. It is concealed In a
linmlsomo colonial dock ctino,
H.icramenlo City lint xo'.ed lo send lo 1'lor
1 l.i for f,l OU wild orange tree and plant
them lu tho streot for shade trees.
Tho receipts of iho twenty-six Pnrl'ilho
litres lnsl jenr were obout (;i,f0,),000, which
wns n decrease of KDQ,1'00 from the previous
Minneapolis ho decided to bull.l nn art
school. Whe-i completed It w 111 bo the finest
building devoted entirely to nr. erected west
of Chicago.
Tho Austrnllnn aro going to start n nows.
pncr lu I,ntidon for thcimclvca It Is to b
called Cable Nows, nnd to print ehlelly tele
graphic dispatches from theioutheru belli
(sphere A lot of hitherto unpublished wrmonsby
Luther havo lieen discovered by Dr. Tnf ha
l.crt, of Koulgsberg, lu tho public library of
that city.
Tho phonograph fnrtory I now running
and turning out 100 machine a day. Two
thousand orders camo lu two mouths after
tho back chat Instrument was announced,
Of tho 70,000,000 feet of lumber Included In
tho Connecticut River LumU'r company's
last drive of h;, which have ro -cully
passed over llellows fal's, 7,000,000 fctt
slopHxl at HellottN falls to becouin vip.'r.
Annlllgatorattho I'lilladelphl-i "Zon'Min
achlovcd notoriety by his fent of climbing a
fence live feet high. He wou d have mado a
night of It If ho had not betrayed his pres
ence by rustling in the grass.
Tho Into Mr. Crowley, thoceluhrntcd chim
panzee, had only ono healthy lung, IiIm heart
wns diseased, his liver nml l.iitnejn MilTeml
from fatty I'egeneratlo-i and his bruin was
weak. He died from too much monkeying
with a hostile climate.
A sign of tho end of tho London season Is
tho uppoarnneo of tho l-ivemler girls on the
Mrects. Thoy nro found upon nearly every
btreot corner with basketn full of tho dainty
silver leaved plants in blossom.
A novelty In New York market Is n ample
of this year's crop of raisins iced veil thorn
from tho Argentina Republic. This yenr'n
crop lu that republic Is ".'i.OOO boxes. These
r.ilnlps earlier than the Spanish crop, ami
could bo laid doivn In Now York, with direct
steamship connections, lu June of each year.
Ono of tho mo3t striking costumes worn at
tho Goodwood races was that of u young wo
man who, perhaps, wished to personate tVo
nut brown maid. Her hat was trimmed
with nuts nnd grapes and uutcolorod illusion
fastened wi:h amethyst buttons, ami she wore
heliotrope ribbons on her nut colored laco
Tho bmkemen on an eastern road nro con
gratulating themselves on the liitioduction
of a now device for strengthening couplings.
Two chains aro uso.l lu connection with tho
regular coupling pin, to that in caso of tho
pin's breaking the car.) do not ln-como de
tached, nml tho accidents which result from
tho breaking nstmdcr of a long train of cars
nro thus avuldo 1.
At the camp mooting in Douglai, Mn..,
tho other day a tmiu nroso ami said that ho
waa a recently escaped convict from tho
Rhode Island stnte prho.i, that ho had deter
mined to lead n lictter life, nnd that n n bo
glunlng ho should go back to tho pri'ou nnd
servo tho remainder of his term. Tho prison
chaplain was present and heard him, and
knowing something of human nature, hclpo,'
tho convict In his goo 1 resolution by tele
phoning for oll'ecrs nml capturing hlr.i be
foro ho weakened.
Tho Inyo, (Cal.) Independent has this Item:
"Every Sunday quite a number of Indian
families como to town. They have tholrown
tennis nud wagons, nnd in each wagon will
bo found tho women nml children that can
bo carried. Tho women nro dressed In clean
calico gowns nml tho men nud children ate
also decently clothed. Many Indians farm
land on shares nnd nro quite successful; thoy
live moro comfortably nnd are of more uso to
the country than many whites who wander
liko Arabs, without n home or nn honest
According to reports lu tho Philadelphli
pajicrj the Adams Espies company iunlwul
to iutroduco a novel scheme Into Its business
i: tho various cities in the country. All tho
horse belonging to tho company nro to bo
clslflcd according to color, something thnt
may bo done icry readily lecausoof the great
number of l.orscs owned by tho company.
All tho whlta and gray horses aro to be kept
in Philadelphia, the roan horses aro to bo
kept In Now York, and animals of olhe;
colors will be sent to various citicj.
A Novelty In Atlvcr'.Mn;.
A firm of Kuglls'.i bootmakers h ivc hit on
iv novelty in tho advertising lino which mu'.t
possess irresistible attraction for o cry getri
3uo snob. They nuuouuco "best lioots and
i hoes nt icady money prices made on wlccted
lusts of tho following gentlemen, perfect feet
only having been chosen for tho stock
models." Then follows a list of tho owners of
theso perfect feet In assorted size, including
such a distinguished collection of eminence
as tho Duko of lloxburgho, tho Mnnpiis of
Hamilton, Karl Cudogau, Princo Dolgourkl,
nnd many othcra. This arrangement has tho
double advautago that any ono going to this
establishment has a chauco of being chosen
us a stock model and finding his 11.11110 en
shrined 0:1 tho roll of famo as owner of a icr
feet pair of feet, Chicago Herald.
Tho Mara.uU of Mores Azaln.
Tho marquis of Moros, who sank n fortuno
In tho attempt to bring beef from western
ranches and sell it direct to consumers in tho
cast, will reach Now York In a fow days.
Tbo aristocratic Von Hoffmans, Into whoso
family tho marquis married, uovcr could
look with complacency on his former busi
ness, but this tlmo ho comes on a financial
mlbslon of a gigantic character. His scheme
now is to get enough capital to build a rail
way from Thlliet to Shanghai through tho
Touqulu country which Franco recently ac
quired. Tho Journey liotwcen tho two places
now requires nearly threo mouths, nml M. do
Mores claims that w hen his road Is completed
tho trip can bo performed lu four days
Philadelphia Times.
I-omlon'. Uiiilcrcroiiiul Itullrond.
South Ixmdon is to havo a now under
ground railroad. It is being built sixty fctt
underground. Passengers are to reach it by
hydrau'lcolovators to carry Ilfty persons nt
once. The tunnel is being driven liy tho uso
of a steel shield slightly larger than tho iron
rings of which the tunnel Is to be con
structed. Tho steel shield has a knife edge,
and Is driven forward nt tho rate of fifteen
feet a day by hyd ran llo rams worked by
hand. llostou Traussrlpt.
l'rinalo Dnijslit lu Ilunduni.
Honduras has not much of a reputation for
enterprise, but It inanacH to keep abreast of
tho timet) in tome n&pccU. Women lu that
country havo just beon granted tho right to
compound poreerlpt Ions und practice pliar
mney in general with tho one condition that
they pawtl.o examination required of male
drug;1 it. Clileago News.
And now ready for inspection nt
John 'Morrisons,
All the Finest Qtinlities unci Lntosl Patterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and u.irantee satisfaction. Call
and see my goods
nnd work.
North Eleventh street.
Th tnllimlnir IhhiIi. r riitlllif"t In nnst
Mt,.r. unit inniiy nt lltmii liniiilinnif Iv tllu.lriilpi
lili..l In in, l.n.l nr ktiil fnriiltli In llirt
ilUiktuio or Hi (IrV At llix limit lililliiit miiii
tlinoi His I'lica which intj neia niieipu r.nciiunaiacuiiii'iriu in ikhii
IVamlrr. of 111" Wnrl.l. Ntl. mi Oflix IVn
Illnf i1if,l.loli. .nil lllu.trnllni.ft if III. liin.l wnnUtlnl
wntfc.rit h.lut. titlit( ftr liil.t.llnff .ti.l liiattitrllt.
1 IhnHrn. A 4r.rtl linn llh. in.lir vtnlvl.l
fill .III l.llllllll llllltftt lUUItl .1 III. Iioll.llt 1.1 lilt lMll,ltl.
lnlil. lllllllt.lloM
"A I'lrit.iirn I'.rrllmt." mul Oilier Ntrlrhr.. tlr
"Jn.nil IIIM'I Wltr ' A fi'llwllotl il Itt.ll.lllilii MliU"
ll.lrlir lijr Hi. tiin.l liiitniiiiitit wrlli i.l It., il.r
'llm iint Kr.lhli l'ii.rt., 1 1 ll in. Ai'imn mtllmr
( " Hi. lime i.iciiiiiviiI A tnoM IlllrutuUlly rminr k
In. vrry w. .iu.1 lit MVIIe. Ilr.lnil '
I'hrl.lttiH. hlnrlr., tr lunrx rnnltln. .
Mimii.r il Hi. tiin.i.imiiiiiiiff rin imtm. t.nt..tii Mtiiitu
ty llitHrv.l.t r.i litilit l.rnltll Irl.
Iliiiniil llm I tiiiliiir I, n iii p. A I k iiltliiiln.i'lilum,
iniilt. tn I Inr li . Hill iillitt linni.
I'lll.lltnr III rllnllmt. Itltil IMttliill..tiiimntiiil,ilt.tit.
tin. ii It'.llitlti , Hi lnlln .1111.. Itltl,ltl .til htntl iwfiil.r
'I'lmxiir.litllilo Ml-ll l-r Miiilttll'l liur. IViillliii.r
Ir. lit .til II.iri..i l.niitiittiir A lutf If. lit, It phi Hi.
llm. nf Krtiihini In II.. f rtttnl.
Iiiiiilllitr Oiinliilliiii.. (ViiUlnlnilli.ntliln.nltiillinr
IiIiii tii.iiv In ..i li. int nil r mil In it.illiif .it I .oiittrt
SI m. A r.iiitii ntk nf rmnr.
I.itnr I.IIVt In .ptr Vtiik. A ltlltlilrliitii
li.ittlnt III. it. ik .11. of H'ulii llm t'l.l lr llmlr.ltil
'I tin Kuml In Wtiillli. Ni.1 n ilttilitint tiinil.r
tut n tti'iniiilhlr .,ll'0,l vnili. inlnllnir "il tt.y t7
. Mrtt .11 m.v tu... tniiii.T ..Hit, i lilly .n I linnttllt
llttft lliitiilrt'il l'iiiiilnr hniitf, triilintttiUi i. little
k.1 rotnli.. Iiifln tine iiiii.I nl Hi. lTi.illtt, ti tw n I t.l.l
hlr Null'. Ilrtr. AN". .I II. Hit II.I Ail.l. fltucmi
A llitrtrrril I .I It. A N.L.I. lly tlamii Htm ln
All Olil Slan'a H.crlllrr. A hum. Hr !' Ann R
PW will PPn.1.nriiiri.fll,nnlinTn.wiVlirinilpml'l'l iiron refUMnf otiljt tVMViiKl n Itn iir
lnliiiir'pnlpt.orftMiilftllifnlitiilitlliiNik)lor1rtlnllliitiiliiHllHliiM,riirHil,ll. TliimlliniiiPlpilliAri:iiliiliil..Kiki,priiirptnl ll.tiiiitfiiiHotiiloii ,li '"j
lUfttftlmiiM.iruriirPiliirinniipipplm.lpil, l'nlnn itniiiin tnWpti f i.r frneilonpnif n i1llr Alimir ili niir.
.... ...... . . ...lnji.i ... . .v.i. .......... ....i.M ..,.n....ll Lain .i All firilpr.fllpu lit
l.irt ... ur ii.Tt.iin.rr iiiiimiiiip'I in p.-t ini. ii..n ... nn. ........... .-. . ' . , z. v..k
ruiuill. littcri, I', M.I.Ul'XO.N.riilillilicr.Ao !iaiiiriiiHlri,Nef
nion - Pacific - Railway
The Overland Route,
Shortest and Safest Route to nil points in
it ??n!.nim
fir ( IJtiMsti&rin
Take tho oierhimlllycr nml hiii e one ilnylo nil rncllle coast poliilf.
IltinnliiK Into Union DepntH ami ro'ineullim Willi the fust limited t nil dk of all lliufiir a
polulHi'iiKi, iiurlli nnd puiulli. Tliroiiiih IIcIu'In on inoilirii day ronelie. Iliiuuniioelii'cko
IIimhiuIi IdiUi-IIiiiiIIiim from nil pnliitMi-iiNt In Hid Untied MnttH nnil Ciiiliiiln.
.Sleeper accouiiiicJ.UliuiH rccrvcd In tliroiif,'h l'lillmaii l'nlncc cart fium the MI "
rhcr to the Pacific coant.
E. . SLOSSON, Ajrent.
Acting Oui.M'iil Mmriner.
yjo fJiTT. lil -J1 '"fTltlllM W Wtil II W I Ml 3B3nT'VVoSftMaKaKiaBMBSMBHftHoVMn
-rdio. J1UI!::3&4 V& I
Ub central position and clou connection with Ei.titom UntiftrttCh'.cnpo
nnd contlnuova llnoa nt tormlnul polnta, Woot, Northwost. and Oomli
woet, mnko It tho truo mld-llnU In Unit trnnBcontlnontal chain of steel which
unltoa tho Atlantic and Pacliic. Itu main linos and branchau Include Cld
cuffo, Jollot, Ottawa. LnSallo, Poorla, OonoBco, Mollno nnd Hock Inland, In
jinnoin: unvonpor., n.uyccuno, wuiuiinuioii, rmrncui, uiiuniva, ubkuioohii,
Vo8tLlborty, Iowii City, Uou Moln' a, Indlanolu, Wh.teniot, Atlantic. Kuo:c-
vino, Aliiiuuoii, unnnn, uuwino i. anu i;eunen jiiint, in iuwu,
Tronton. Cnmorci, Bt. Jouoph and Kaneno City, In MUhoui. . Loni
and Atchison, tn Knutmn, Mmnoanollo and St t -ill, in h.onoaoti. :
iuv11 unu niJUA. luiiu in uu&uiivi iiim mtiiy .jti'jk pi uuiiuiuiio hj who ihiu uitiuoi
It ulBOOlloru u OHOlCi: OF ItOUTEB to r.nd f.- m tho Pacific Count nncl intci--modlato
placos. mfi:ln,7 all transforB in Url.i 1. jiote. .net Trains or flno
BLEEPING CAItS, 'ind (botwoon Clilacro, 6t. Joorph. Atcl-li n and Kansnn
Cltyi roBtfnl UEcLlNIUG CHAIR CARS, eoawi I'llKU tc nolclci-a or throUKli.
llrst-cluau tlckotH.
Extoiulu wooi nnd UiiulhweM from Konsr 'lty pjhI t Joseph ,M Pair,
bury, Nol.on, Uoitor. Topple., H .Inc'."', i-' unliuKji, Wlchltu CrtUiwell,
und nil points In routh". .1 Nv br. .l-r. hit . K r I" .nsas m.d bi-yrnd. Entire
fnudoiiffcr equipment i.i th culobrnted Pullmnii mrm.: itum Solidly bal
untod trnck of hoavy o-" I Iron n".A atom ti K-kc All t.ufuty upnltoncca
ana modoni lrapixjvein't its CommodlouB, ell-Uv.llt t-titions. Colcrlty, cer
tainty, comtortnnd lusur- aaaurod
Intlio fnvorlto hot woe n CM !, RocU IjIuucI, Atchison. Kunona City, ami
Mlnnoapoheand Oi Pmil 'j"noi.nn imu' 'ti uil Ncrtho. n Prtnmir K-oorta.
lte Wutortown bmneli i'i -.jj u-i moi.t nrntlr.-i.vo 1 ;nUa ol' tbc Rrcac
"whontrnd dairy holt ol Ncrthoiti Iowa, aouuivootom Mlnnouotn, unci iinbfc
Contral Dnlcotu.
Tho Short Line vhv 8 imcii mvl Lnhnlcooollorc ouporlor faclllt'ou to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Ii.dli.ntipo.t8, Lnfiiyuto, cnel Counc'nJhithi. St. Josorh,
AtohlBon, Lcuvon .irtli, Kunano City, MlnnoanoUa, unci St Paul
Por Tlokota, Mupii. Koblera, or nny doulrooV Inforniiitlon, up.jly to uny Cou
pon Ticket Olll jo In tho United. Btutou or Cnniulu, oruddrita
General Mia.Kor. rilKAOO, 1 1. v.. Oea'l Ticket & Pas j'r Agent.
ramnriipi iitrin, iiiuini mini pnmi irnii.uiii lira en f""-
Thfr nro nltliuut ire.lun Hi diinKl IhkiK cm tub
tiro Ml fnnl
lii snr "Uifr .iu llir.o uicat iuiln MOulil ceil lunnf
n hi uia ri ib nil iiMiriunur hi Afrmn ii.i u.n
'I litt 1'nrrtljliil llnlilffc A Xnt.l Tl.VI T Cilnc
'I In. ill. I lluwni) Intl. A Kottl IIiIIih"iiOoiii,;i,
I hr. I'tMtl li tttt. A Sntll. lltt'iMi Al.dll.
Iliillnir Hull. A Notil. 11 UiutHf rLei..r.
I IIITit II p. A Notil. P ftt W rirnrp
I'nilrr llm l.llnr.. A N.ttl H Un msr f "Ibt.
'n'o'lllnittniiAtllriifctct. A Nmtl. Tf Mn. Il.r
WiMin llutr.nlr
llit.l.Hwjrr'.'.pprrl. I Kl '; M f n.iii..
'I liiritnui i H.Kitr lift Jlll unit lip. Iljilo. A
nttl. lit 11 T htk.ttnN
A IVIrU.HIIfl, ANnttl IiiIIipiCpcii lilt
t inly li.innrlli. Iil.imoiiilt. A Kt.l. Iif "T.ft
llttnirn Twii Nlnii A Xotil. lit h inllitr .1 "Haft
llintllt" llwilfrtllil 4 ..
I hr Mint nf llriirK A Vnttl Hill I hum,'. I'nrlinir. A Vnt.l lll' Wl(
A l.tttr .Wiirrlimr. ANnttl im IHm i men INi.
'I hit lluillr llli r. ANnttl Hr Wit an I'm i l.i
Tim I'.il.mi iir... ANot.l iKiimi IIiiit.
Mnnt llmtiip. A lunttl lit ltt llni..
I'tit-utiiit I hn I'llli-r. .A Kutti li Hit. AimiiiM..
A iOnrt. rliilil'i Itiiuttktcr. A Nottl. Hln A.n
rtittAllli. In.lislllrf,
liilp IhiI liil.r. A Xfttil. f Un nllnr t "P"' H.i.lml..
I.NHPinlcr'ft fublii. A Komi, lljr lln II -ti.
flHilritlt.1 . .... ..
Ilnnnrn Itlnflni.1. Onlli. A Km. I, 11 Mn. llm
A IIPHItnn tllHltrnft.
Tin. Waiimii IImIpp. A Kotl njr lip. J II.Moh.iop.
'iVi'oV'ullf.ipitli. Coltln. A Kl I'F ' T- 'aii".
1011 O Ktuet, I.lmolii, Nebraska,
n. I.. I.OMAX, J. H TP.HnUTS.
Ass. lien. Push, and Ticket Agt. Gen. Pasx nnd Ticket Afct.
1 ip1 I tt