n t F.T Itf S8 w m m m MlhHWMMINMWIHMMIIIMiM COMPOUND EXTRACTyl dRSy A Cfcttij"j'i"i"iM,"Mi'-M"',1 Tho Importance of purifying tho blood can not lo overestimated, (or without pure blood you cannot enjoy pood health. At this noaion neatly every ono needs a good mcitlclno to purity, vltallto, nnd enrich tlio Mood, mitt wo nsk you to try Hood's nllii Barsapnrllla. It strengthens rtJuUllcU nn,i tiulUU up tho tyatcm, creates an appetite, and tonos tho digestion, whllo It eradicates dlscaso. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegotMilo remedies tided glvo to Hood's Banaparllln pccul- --. 4eof lar euratlro powen. No v I ISO 1 1 other medicine has such n record of wonderful cure. If you havo mado up your mind to buy Hood's Banaparllla do not bo Induced to tako any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Harsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by 0. 1. Hood ft Co., Lowell, Mass. I0O Dosoa Ono Dollar H&GBNOW & ASCHMAMN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Olllcc,Uooms 139 and i.o Ilurr Illock. Telephone 13?. leaders in Photography. Riley's ffEU 0F5 5tiidio5. Wo make n specialty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life kited pictures nml furnish the duett work at lowest prices, Boat Cablnota $3.00 Elegant lino of Picture Frames In stock and made to order. Call ami sec lis. H. W, KELLEY&CO. toifi O Street, LINCOLN, NED. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, 1019 O Street. Established 187.4. Desires lo call tho attention of tho puhllo to lib now nml elegant stoolc of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Having mora room tnnccommndnto tho trmlu hiuI show n Inrsvr lino than ovor Heforo pur chasing, give iih 11 will and wo will show you tho finest lino at lowest imishIIiIo prices. Watch Repairing: and Engraving Neatly done and nil work warranted. Columbia. Uh-jclcH undTrlcyclus. $80 O at, 11. D. ADD18. AQT. KW O St, Ladies1 & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISCOE, 1043 O Street. tm j FINE : ART : STUDIO 1314 O street. Examine sample of our ork before ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced from $4 to $3 per doien (Gatm THE COURIER A lMita? Itir of Modern Time. PuuLiattiCD Saturday Knwcaiwiosi Ono Year by Mall op Carrier $1,00 Bis month, $1,00, Three months RO Cents, On month 8) Cents Invarahty In Adanco. &t!YiiiTiRKMKTi Hn'e furnished on appl ilUn st tlinonice. HncIaI ralos on Tlmo Contra ts, CoNTRItiimoNs: Hhort spicy skelches, hh'ii an I stories solicited, I'ersoiud nnd Koclal notes urn pitflnlly desirable. I'nixTixnt Wo mako a specialty of Kino I'rlntlnn hnllltiliri'u'm. HjJldiy work a sp jtlalty Addrcts nil eiiminunlcstlous direct to tlio office, WXCSMI5L A UOUHINt), RDITORS ANI1 I'anrMKTOIIS. Now Ilurr llloek, Cor. I'illi mid O Hlrrr'.s. TKM'.ntOJOiiWl. A CHANGE OF rinM. With this Jmuo of tho CouiUKit tho under signed stoM down and out, liming sold his Interest to Mr, I.. Wessel, Jr., senior monitor of tho llrni, Hluco my connoctlou with tho CouiitKit I have formed many wnrm friend ships, both business ntul iwrsnnal, nnd I am deeply grateful for tho many favors ami tho liberal witronago extended tho CouiitKti. In withdrawing I would present to tho favor of tho public nml tho patrons of tho Couiukh especially, my associate, Mr. Wessol, who will In tho future hnvo tho entire mnuago inentof lioth uipnraml job room, nnd I lu spenk for hint tho snmo llbornl pntronago ns bestowed on tlio llnnot Weasel fc Dobbins. With those few words. I make my adicux. Yours, II, T. DonniNM. THE NEW MANAGEMENT. With this Issue, as nbovu noted, tho Count KU passes Into tho hands of Its original owimr, who started tho jwper In 188.1. At that tiiuo It was but n small six-column, four imgo Mper, but mot with such n warm reception from tho start that heforo it was 11 year old it was enlarged to Its present slzo. With tho beginning of its second year tho llrm of Wea sel & Dobbins was formed, and n Job plant added. Hluco that tlmo n now dress has been procured nnd n coiii)leto now job printing of fice added to tho plant until its prereut pro portlouo woro reached. In onco moro amimlng full control and ownership of tho Cou111r.11 I do not feel ns though it was n new undertaking, for past experleuco has taught much that will provo nu impoitnut factor, both to the paper, its renders and mjtclf. A miiiiber of new nnd rrouilucut features, nlieady uiuKr wny, will bo introduced In a short time, including a beautiful new bend, especially designed and engraved fcr tlio Couiukh, additional edito rial force, new tyis", sjH'elal New Yoik and Washington roriesx:udeneo of Interest to tho social fraternity and tho better element of society in general. Fm tberthau this nothing will 1h) promised, but it shall lie my specinl nini to conduct tho paper and tho Job olllcj in a manlier that will receive tho approval of pations. For tho past generoux uitrouago I am duly grutotul, and iu tho now order of business I trust nil former ties of inercautllu friend ship w ill bo continued. Very Truly, L. Wehmkl, Jn. It was n great fair. Ask Secretary Furnas if it wasn't. Only :158 mora days mull tho nuxt Nebras ka state fair oens. Omaha has nt last given ovor nil prctcu slona to winning first placo in tho Westetn Association. Tho bright and bustling llttlo city of Des Moines will float tho pennant for a year to romo. (lovKUNOit 1'fiiNAH hns so often proven himself to bo tho light man iu tho right place that I presumo It sounds rather chettnutty to sny it, but Mr. FurnoVs excellent manage ment this year was tho prime factor of its succc&j. The Slego of Kebastopol was tho great at traction nt tlio Omnlin fulr,nud Is undoubted ly something which everyone Miould visit. Were It not for that, however, it is mid, the Omaha exposition would hnvo beco a vast and dismal failure. Mil. M. O. I'kiikikh, tho gentlemanly man ager of tho American I'ivm Association nt Omaha, Is receiving tho congratulations of his friends over tho arrival nt his homo of n hnndsomo young Iwby boy. Nothing nppcni to lx too good for Mr. Perkins, Jr. N. H. A note lecoived from Mr. Perkins last evening states that It N n girl. Lincoln did herself exceedingly proud Thursduy o.cnlug iu tho monster porado and procession. Tha business men ot this city do not do things by halved and tho thousands of visitors who wntchod tho jwigejint havo gf ,c away with tho ilrm Itellef thnt in tlio matter of enterprise mid ability Lincoln is away ahead of nuy of her western rivals. TUB initial number of tlio Lincoln Journal of Commerce mado its npiiearauce this week. It is a handsoinly printed twenty-four pago paper iu mogaxlno form, with n neut cover, and is published by tho Lincoln Publishing Co., Mr. A, L. Meigs, manager. Uosidcs a great deal ot matter Interesting to tho public generally, It contains n complete prlco cur rent, corrected to date, invaluable to mer chants and shippers. Tlio Cocmeit welcomes tho Journal ot Commerce to tho Held of Jour iiallsin in Lincoln, Gm. MoArthur. a tenu-ornrv resident of Omaha, visited in Lincoln Wednesday and Thursday. ON LIFE'S THRESHOLD. Touch fttt-uk Was to Illm n I'nmlllnr Thing. A child may often bo expected to put his or Iter heedless llttlo foot In It, ns tlio phi ao goes. Tor liutnnco, n youngster ono day begged an Invitation to dinner at thohouso of n llttlo friend with whom ho bnd been playing. At tho tablo his hostess anxiously Inquired! 'Chnrley, can you cut your own mentr "Humph I" said tho youngster, who was saw ing nwnyj "can't II I've cut upqultons tough neat ns thlsnt homo." Homo Journal. Vi'an TukliiK No dinners. A bovy of vory small boys, wcro "playing ntch" up on Mather street 3 estcrday. In an vll moment 11 llttlo lad on tho curlistone, mho wns watching tho ort, picked up tho Anil as Itrollrd toward him nnd throw it back to tho uenrest player. Ho missed It and it lauded on his uoso. Wotd' yo tluk't Jimmy,'' ho yelled nt ono of tho other players. "Dls kid lilt mo on do lioso wld do bnllp "Wy ilon't y' 'smnsli'Mmr1 was Jimmy's unkind suggestion. "Has ho got a big brothcrl" "Nawl" "Den I will;" nnd tho youngster fell upon tho disinterested outsider and smoto him hlu and thigh. Chicago Herald. Iln Couldn't Do It. Young Tommy la n very talkative boy. Tho other day his undo promised him ten cent if ho would go 1111 hour without (.peak ing a wonl. Tommy wnntcd tho dlmo very badly and set out bravely to.koep (erfcctly still from 5 o'clock until 0 o'clock. Ho watched tho clock vory uneasily and eagerly, howovor. Ily and by tho hands pointed to half past fi. Tommy looked up ntul exclaimed at tho top of his voice 1 "Well, half tho tlmo' gono, any way." Philadel phia Times. Complete Reformation. Bbocked Mother Oh, you bad boy I Pvo just heard you woro fighting today with thnt boy next door. Don't you over quarrel with hi 111 ngnln. Small Son-I nln't likely to. Ho kin lick inc. Philadelphia Record. A lllsli Ofllcliil. "Llttlo lwy," said an old lady, "why are you not playing ball with tho other little boyar' " 'Cos Iso do manager of do club," was tho haughty explanation. Now York Sun. An ICffertlvo 1'cnco Tor Children. A llttlo High street girl, whoso father's orchard was recently devastated by thiovish tmall boys, Indignantly declared tho next morning! "I guess wo'll hnvo to get a rhubarb fence "St. AHmiiis Messenger. An Unrciuonnble Child. "Ohl aunty," cried llttlo Amy in tlio nur lory yesterday, "mako Freddy bclmvo him lf ; ovory tlmo I happen to lilt him on the hood with tho mallet ho bursts out crying." Now York World. A Truth Teller. Mother (writing) Dobby, how many Umea did I tell you to stop that no I bo I Bobby (reflectively) Sovcn. Time, Ills First Trli- Prlvnto Secretary (to railroad official) An oVl gentlemen is outside, sir, who says that he has seen a railroad today for tho first tlmo in bis life. Railroad Official-Show him in. (To old gentleman) Sit down, sir. I am told you never saw a railroad before. What dot you think or itl Old Uontlemnn It's tkodumdest sight I over two. Pvo hecrd of 'em often, of course, but I uovcr seen ono before, nn', as I'm going down to Bhncknack to visit my darter, I thought I'd ask yo to gimme a pass. Now York Sun. ATlicro tho Trouble Lies. Mr. Wiggins (rending) At tho recent na tional congress in India nil tho speeches and proceedings wcro in Kugllsh. Thcro wero gathered at Madras 703 delegates from nil parts ot India, Afghanistan, Ncpaul and Scindo, They spoko niiio different languages, nnd tho English was tho only medium through which tho proceedings could 1k sat isfactorily conducted. Isn't that remark ablol Mrs. Wiggins Why, no. It's easy enough to talk English. It's tho other language thnt bother a body. Philadelphia Record. Not Fatten Inc. Mr. A. After Drowning, which English octs do you most admire) Miss R. (of Doston, thoughtfully) Tho Lako school nnd Scott; but for enduring mental food, which gently nourishes, but does not excite, 1 prefer Crnbbo's Tales. Mr. P. (from Chicago, who has heard tho last dozen words) Goshl whut n diet! No wonder she's thin. Life, I'lro YVrsus Letters. Postman (at tho frontdoor) Madam, tboro is "crtalnly n flro in your cellar. Smoko is j-oarmg through tho grating. TJadam (frightened) Oh, dear. Firol Flrol Ob, what shall I do) Havo you any letters for met Texas Sittings. lie Caucht on. Mr. Winks Mny I havo tho honor of your company to tho Wnguer concert J Miss do Dluo Certainly. I doto ouVog ner. When is itl Mr. Winks VoMday. Philadelphia. Rec ord. An Kxusperated 1'atleiit. Doctor (to patient) Havo you any objeo tlon to my calling In n consulting physician! Patient Call in as many accomplices oi you need to comploto tho aswissluatlon.-! Toxas Sittings. Dernier Itessort. Politlral Editor I seo our opponent hai advunccd an iinanswcrablo argument in bit last article. What shall I do about Itl Expeilenced Editor Call It sopbUtry. Chicago Tvibuo. j . .. of the ALL AROUND THE HOUSE. A Niiinher of 1'rottjr Idem In Iireoratlra niuttera Tested lleclpes. A rustlo llower rcccptaelo for tho center of the tablo Is very clToctlvo when coycred with gold twperor silver foil (tho former put on with gum or glue) puckered on nod veiled with maiden hair or creepers, with flowers nbovo. Cretonno tablo covers aro opular, edged with n frill of tho nmtorlal. Sovcral iu n room may Isjqulto different, and largo at terns, such ns crlmiou, pink nnd tea roses together, big, deep red xpplea, cto., nro used. In n iKxlroom the llttlo tablo covers aro ustinlly of tho snmo material as tho bed and toilet ilrnjiery. Ono of tho now est of pin cushions is mado In tho form of a long bolster to bo hung against tho wall with rlblious. A bottlo shafted cushion Is now, Hmall baskets nro stuffed and lilted up for cushions. For tho bedroom tho favorlto stylo Is n squnro and low cushion, covered with fine embroidery nml edged with n fulling of silk, with laco over it. In tho decoration of wnlls very striking effects nro obtained with llncnuta. It Is not generally known thnt n moderate degree ot boat renders this mntcriul pllablo and easy to work. After beating it by n stovo tho do Blgns may bo readily cut out with n nkulfo and used for relief decoration. Charming effects nro obtained by cutting out sprays of flowers, vines, arabesques, geometrical nt terns or whatever pleases most, and arrang ing them to suit the fancy on tho wall or surfaco to Ikj ornnmontcd. To n plastered wall thoy aro attached with uuito. On wood small tacks may bo usod. These lincrustA designs come in various pretty colors, nnd, it' liked, they can bo painted over in any ot tho inetallio colors gold, bronze, silver, copper, otc. To Keep Milk and Cream 8wL According to nu English roclpo when it is difficult In hot weather to keep milk from souring and spoiling tho cream, it may bo preserved perfoctly sweet by scalding tho now milk very gently, without boiling. Cream already skimmed mny bo kept twenty four bourn if scnlilcd without sugar, nnd, by adding to it as much powdered lump sugar as will mako it pretty sweet, will bo good for two days if kept in n cool placo. Syrup of' cream may bo preservod ns nbovo in tho pro portion ot ono nnd a quarter Kuuds of sugar to a pint of porfectly fresh cream; keep it In a cool place for two or three hours, then put It into ono ouneo or two ounce bottles, and cork it close. It will keep good for several weeks, nnd will bo found vory useful in traveling,-etc. l'cuch Cobbler. Tako ono quart of flour, four tablespoon fuls of lard or butter, 0110 half tcaspoourul ot salt, mix with sweet milk or water, ns for biscuit; roll thin and lino n pudding dish. Mix threo tablespoon fuls ot flour with two of sugar and spriifklo ovor tho crust; then put in Inycrs threo pints ot (icnches, sliced thin, and now nnd then n slleo of crust, Spriuklo over thorn ono coffeo cup of sugar nnd wet tho edges with n llttlo flour nnd wntcr mixed. Put on nn upper crust, press tho edges to gether and mnko two small openings in tho top. Dako halt an hour iu a quick oven and servo with cream. A Ileiiutlfnl Work Ilaskct. Though nu nrticlo of household neccaiity, a work basket need not bear tho stamp of util ity nlone. Work (baskots nro gotten up so handsomoly and in such n variety of attrac tive styles that many ot them aro quito as decorative as tlioy nro useful. To this class belongs tho pretty standing bnskct ispre scntod in tho cut. a u'omc I1ASKKT. Tho framework is of bamboo, nnd tho gathered bag is of satin ot cither light or dark shade. Laco edges both top and bottom of tho bag, ns well ns tho lower portion ot tho frame, Tlio bows aro of satin ribbon, and a largo spray of artificial flowers at ono corner furnishes further decoration. Tho wholo mukos a very light, dainty nud convenient nffalr. A profuse trimming ot plcot ribbons on rush, bamboo or wicker ts u feature of mnny baskets. I'uttlnc l'p 1'ears, Vie. In putting up pears, quinces, citrous, cher ries, etc., many housekeepers prefer lo boll them until tender, ns thoy will bnrden if put directly into n very rich syrup. When ten der tho fruit should bo carefully transferred to n platter, and tho wnlor or syrup it was boiled in used, with thu remainder of tho sugar and enough moro wnter to maintain tho proper proportion, to mako tho richor syrup. When tho syrup is quito clear tho fruit can bo added ami boiled slowly 11 short er or longer time, according to tho variety. A Good AVuy to Cnolc Onions. Lovers of onions will find that by boiling them iu two waters nnd draining them much of tho objectionable odor will bo removed; add a llttlo milk to tho second water. Thou nut them in a stowpau and simmer for a few minutes in a snuco mado us follows: Put but ter tlio slzo of an egg into n smiccpan, and when it bubbles stir in n scant half tcacupful of flour and stir well till cooked; add two tcacupfuls of thin cream, some salt end pep per, nud stir over tho flro till smooth. One Thing nml Another. ' A lemon cut In half and rubbed over tho kitchen tablo will rcmovo tho greaso. (Jso only tho best cider vinegar in making pickles, rind heat them iu a porcolain kcttlo. Frozen lomonado: To ono quart of rich lemonade odd tho whites of six eggs beaten still; mix well nud freeze. When cleaning gilt frames tho gilt will comctltncs coma off with fly specks, Tho spots should bo touched with n llttlo gold paint applied with n soft camel's hairbrush. A handy furnlturo polish, highly pralsod by a housekeeper, is n tulxturo ot ollvo oil ouo part nnd vinegar two parts. Apply it to tho furniture with ft canton flannel cloth. Rub dry with another cloth ot tho tamo ma terial. Scientific authority claims that It is a mls tako to clean brass with ncld, as It soon be comes dull lifter such treatment Sweet oil and putty powder, followed by soap and water, is recommended as ouo of tho best mediums for brightening brass or copper. THE YOUNQ PEOPLE. .1 Tonns I'lilloiopher Tnckles an Vsn Problem. Matter Bobby's papa Is tho happy owner of a hatching machine. Tlio other day, as the former was watching n chick energetically breaking its way through Its shell, ho Inquired: "I seo how ho gets out, but however did he go to work to get inp' Judge. Misfortune Itatber Than I'nulU All Indignant parent, in rebuking a re fractory son, exclaimed! "Remember who you nro talking to, slrl I'm your father!" To which tho youth rejoltiod: "Oh, como now, I hoiK) you ain't going to blamo mo for that," Troy Times. The Correct Thlnjr. Jtothor Tommy, nln't you ashamed of yourself to strlko your llttlo slsterf You ought to know better. Tommy Yes, ma, I do; but wo'ro playing school, ami I'm tho teacher. It's all right Lowell Cltlzon. Reaffirmed. A ixxlagoguo threatened to punish n pupil who had called him a fool behind his back. "Don'tl don'tr'sAld tho boy; "I won't do It again, sir, novcrl I uovor will say what i think again iu my llfel" Mllwnukoe Sen tinel. A Illrthdny Present. A boy was teasing his llttlo brother about tho shapo of his neso, when tho llttlo fellow quietly remarked! "I can't help it; I didn't buy it myself It was n birthday presont" Now York Evoning World, Hard on the Young Man. The younger socloty clemont of Philadel phia are laughing heartily over an adventuro that befell ono of thoir number some tlmo since. Itappcars that during a local boat race this young gcntloman took occasion to express in no measured terms his disapproval ot tho decision of tho referee, who ruled out tho boat that our hero was Interested in on ac count of nn alleged "foul" A fow nights afterward this doughty champion, in telling of tho nffalr whllo sitting around ono of the tables of n proininont cafo, expressed his In tention of interviewing-tho offending reforeo on tho morrow, for tho purposo, as ho stated In clasilo langungo, of "doing him up." Judge of his astonishment when on awaken ing noxt morning (with, it is trne, a rnthor misty recollection ot tho last night's conversation), ho was handed n lot tor from tho gentleman against whom ho had cherished these bos tilo intentions. Tho lettor stated that tho writer had learned of his expressions and in sisted upon nn immediate apology or tatis factlon, w hero nnd whon ho pleased. Hero was a dilemma truly, and, sad to state, our young friend did not feel equal to tho en counter. Tho paternal advice was sought and tho young Are eater, nldod by his father, a prominent lawyer, concluded that, as dis cretion was tho hotter part of valor, it would bo best to proparo an huxnblo letter of apol ogy, "which was sent by tho ofllco boy, with tho favor of an Immediato reply. It soon came. Tho other party know nothing what ever of tho affair, and it slowly dawned upon them that tho challengo wns got up by somo outside wag for tho puqwso of obtaining a llttlo harmless amusement The explana tions all round are said to havo been very funuv. Philadelphia Times. Pattl's CaitU for Hule. Mrao. Pattl's castlo at Craig-y-Nos, Walea, Is advertised for sale. The reason given by tho diva for this course U tho fact that sho is being robbed by her neighbors. They over whelm her with appeals for alms, and whllo sho is searching in her purso for tho where withal to satisfy theso demands tho appli cants pocket her choicest bits of bric-n-brao or books. Tho park about tho castlo is over run witli poachors, nnd oven tho crops about tho placo uro being cut and cart led off ut ulght Frank Leslies'. King Ja-Ja of Opobo, tho dopascd West African sovereign whom England exiled to the West Indies, is being feted at St Vincent A Good lilodicino Whiob every Family Should bo Provided With. Tlioro is no iiicillcliio so often needed in every Itousohold ns n pjooil reliable liniment hitch us Chamberlain's 1'iiin Halm. Ilnrdly n wook passes but gomo member of thu family liu.s need of it for botno iiilnieut. A toothache or liendaoho mny ho cured by it. A touch of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted. Tlio severe piiln of 11 burn or senld promptly lolioved, and the sore honied in iinieli lesstimo tliun when medicine lias to lie sent for. A sprain mny bo promptly treated boforu inllsuiiiiiution sets in, which insures 11 cute in about ono third of the tlmo otherwise re quired, ('tils and bruises should re cMvu immediate ttcntmeiit before thu parts become twollen, wlileh van only lie done when the I'uiii ll:ilin is kept on litind. A soro throat limy bo cured he foro it becomes hor.ous. A trouble Komo corn innv ho removed by apply ing it twleo a day lor a weeic or two. Qulnsey and cluiidtilnr swellings may ho hiirpi'essed buforo mutter has bojrtin to form in them, lloils am o.ten the result of an injury and may he prevent ed by timely treatment. A lame bnel; may lie cured nml several days of valu able time saved. A pain in tho side or chest rolieved without paying a doctor bill. When so much pain ami siill'iulng may bo saved by the trivial outlay of Idly cents, it is certainly surprising that any f.mul.v would do without such a ret.iei'y. Tho fact is, few of those who have used Chamberlain's l'aln Halm aro wllllnj; tu be without it. A Kansas City traveling man says Chamberlain's l'aln Balm enables him to earn SI.'-OO per year It cured him of neuralgia with whitii lu had been an almost e.Jiistatit sutleior. A. H. Elliott of South Gednr, Kansas, Hays: "My father who lives noiir 1110 was thrown from a buirjry, and nearly killed, Chamberlain's l'aln Halm saved his life." Mr. Win. Wrstlako, n prominent fanner nml stock-raiser noiir Avoea, N'eb., was so hndly injured by beinK thrown from a sulky, that he could not raise his hand to his itead, by lisins Chamlrrlain's l'aln lliilm, tin entirely recovered tlio use of his nrni in two weeks time, which enabled him to ox biblt ills stud of hordes at tlio fair and they took tlio llrst premium. L. (). Htirlingliani of New llostnn, 111., sprained his hack so badly that ho could not cut oil' n stick of wood, Chamberlain's Pain Halm cured him in ono day. m mi S;. Patrick's Pills cleanse thu system, purify tlm blood ami regulate the liver nnd bowels. Thoy havo no equal, try them, S3 cents pur box, Sold by W. J. Turner .LADIES Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. CHILDREN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. -AT- Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE EITTIffG- HOUSE 1 1 29 O Street. DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. Tclephone'628 Artificial Teeth inserted without plates. NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for pnlulPsH extraction. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA e REFRIGERATORS. Finest and llcst Mace. Ladles nre invited to call and sec these summer commodities and also inspect our magnificent stock of Crockcrv, Lamps and Art Glassware Cat and see our stock. Prices low and everything the very latest. S. C. Elliott. FINEST LIVERY RIGS In tho city nil eome from tho G-raham Brick Stables, I(W7 V streot, wh.ro all kinds of v .'addle Horses Can bo had at any lime, day or uiKht on short notice. HORSES BOARDED KING STEEAR, SHOE STORE, Is tho next thing to n SavlUK" Hank. Tho only dIU'ereneo Is wo ulvo vou Real Leather Shoes Instead of Paper Holed Shoes, for tho same or loss dollars that theothorHchnrKo for shod dies. Wo soil them on their merits. Tho cheapest .and best placo In America for Heal .outlier Hhoes fertile same amount of money Houiember tho placo, 1010 O street. KING STEEAR. vtoUtfaj " i. vAafeiA'