Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 15, 1888, Image 1

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    JW l l " l
Vol.. 3. No. 40
Lincoln, Nisuwasica, Saturday, Sic4ticmiudu 1G, 188W
-- PTflT- "
Tlio lriitt Htiiln 1'iilr ill IHHH-I'lno I'.x
hlblts Minor Nnlri,
Tim great Nebraska exposition I over. It
ImR lieen u busy wed: for overyliody, lint
evoryliody Is happy. While tlio exhibits vveie
not so ninny thin venr ns Inst, there mih more
of each nml their diameter was inoru varied
As usual Art hill wns the center of nttrne
tlon, nml at nil hotim of tlio day Its aisles
wero crowded liy eager sightseers, mid many
wero tlio admiring comments evoked. Umlor
Its roof wero gathered tlio host samples of
Nebraska iixjplaV hail llwork In nriny varied
forms, foreign nud domestic dry goods, pure
toned pianos fraui tlio lies factories of tlio
enst, besides hi tides too numerous to men
tion. Lincoln business men weio represented
In largo nnmlioni, wlillo from all over tlio
state camo merchants and m iinifacttirerH
with neat mid tasty displays.
Horticultural hall was filled with tlio choic
est products of tho tlorist nud gardener, nml
u visit to the fair wns not complete without
a half-hour's or mi hour's stay in this bower
of How em mid gmden pioduds. Jinny hull
vldtinl exhibits ueio shown, Lincoln florists
taking tlio lend.
Tho county displays wero much larger nod
more numerous thnu those of lnt year. Iiu
cnslcr county, of course, wns in tlio load, but
tho illsplnyH from Perkins, Pox llutto, Keith,
l'lntto, Thayur nud other counties nro deserv
ing of butter mention th'in wo can give In
our limited space.
Tho Stnto Fish commission wns on hand
with Its hnndsomo collection of scclmehs of
tho lluny trllM, and tho building, leserved
for Its exhibit, liko nil tho others, was filled
with peoplo nt nil hours. Ilesldcs tho socl
inens of Nebraska-bred fish, thoro was n well
preserved mermaid captured somo mouths
ngo lu tho Kouth Kea Islnnds by n member of
tho United y totes Fish commission.
Tlio ixiultry exhibit wns nlso n very lino
ono, tho majority of tho fowls coming from
liluo Spring mid Wyinore, nl thong Lincoln,
Wnlioo nml othtr points wero represonto 1 by
handsome-feathered sjiecimens.
Tho umchiuery exhibit was, ns usual, tho
largost of nny, mid vlod with tho lunch rooms
nud dining halls in point of numbers. Tlio
omnipresent agent, with seductive volco mid
gaudily-painted machine, beguiled the lurk
ing dollar from tho recesses of tho granger's
po:kct, nml nil drove n good business,
Tho races, however, wero tho chief object
of interest to tho multitude, nud hours boforo
tho time announced for tho start tho ninphl
tlieatro mass of struggling eoplo, tho
fences mid sheds in tlio vicinity wero dotted
with human beings, while tho qunrter-streteh
received n vnst overflow. The s-ono wns ro
Ioatcl overy day, nud nt least 15,000 jwoplo
saw tho dally trials of snood.
; K,r .Tftko It all-in-nil, It was ono of. tho greatest
wccks in nebraakn's history; tho displays
from the various counties, ns compared with
thoso of last year, marking plainly tho great
strides ouwnrd that tho stnto tins taken inn
short twelvemonths. Wo do not lielluvo that
tho ntteudaiico was ns largo In tho aggregate
this yearns last, but this wns owing to sev
eral causes, principally tho nninrtl encamp,
mentof tlio O. A. H. of tho United States
A conservative estimate, however, places tho
nggregnte iittendnnco nt 100,0,)!), which is
probably about correct.
Follow lug nro n fow of tho exhibits shown:
Ono of tho most pleasing objects of Inter
est among tho many to bo wen In tho Ait
hall Is that of Perkins llros., tho leading boot
nud bhoo men of tho city. It occupies n prom
inent position In tlio center of tho hall, nud
has been the focus for thousands of ndmiiing
eyes during tho fair. On a tastefully drniied
pyramid, enclosed In a handsome framewnrk,
nro shoes nud slippers of tho very finest grade
of nil tho different sliMxs and colors. Per
kins llros. havo so long been tho leaders lu
fnshtoutihlo footwent, Hint thoso who mono
puiltited with the house mid tho goods they
Imndlo know what their exhibit consists of.
Hero we find tho dainty ball slipper, in nil
conceivable designs mid shnpos. elegant gait
ers nud footw ear of nil kinds for gentlemen,
nud novelties of overy description. Pel kins
Pros, make n specialty of perfect-fitting
goods, and every article Isguaianteed toglvo
satisfaction. All their goods nro mndu csjiec
ially for their trade, mid boar tlio firm tindo
mark. The Ntimplcs displayed nro from tlio
lest nud most stylish makers, nml leprosent
every stylo mid make of fashionable shoes.
Tho "HoinoComfoit"is nil odd shaped but
seemingly comfnrtnblo bhoo, suggestive of a
warm Iheplnco and ncoy nmi rhnlr. Pat
ent leather vamps mid tips In nil makes nro
shown mid form n very uttructlvo pnrt of
tho exhibit. Kach shoo nud slipper Is stuffed
with cotton to show Its perfect shnp, mid tho
exhibit, as u wholo Is worthy of n much larger
city. A bluu tag on tho goods show that they
have Ikhmi awarded first premium over all
c)iiiK!tltors, mid tho decision Is n most just
ono. Tho summer and fall styles of "Oxford"'
mid "Koulhei u" ties mo very fine, mid me
inadoupiii Fieuch kid, Jkaugnroo mid other
novelty leather. The display of goods car
ried In slok nt their O street storo shows
that they nro progressive business men, up
with tho times, mid strive to please. Any one
lu n-ed of flno articles of footwear is always
Hue of being suited lu style and price.
For u number of years past Jlr. F. W.
Ilohmauu, Llucolu'tt pioneer music denier bus
had mi exhibition of his lino at the fair, hut
tho display this season surpasses nil previous
efforts. Tho largo mid tastefully m ranged
pavilion erected In tho south wing of Art
hall was tilled with organs mid pianos of va
ilous innUcM mid many kinds, the principal
ones being the Whedock, llelmilugnud Km-
inch Si Until, nil New oik pianos nml the
iHUcrcut styles, viz: (liaiid, sipiaro nud up
light. Organs such as the well known Mason
& Ilmiiliu, Whitney and ltiiyinoud, l H.
organ mid tho Karhulf makes were shown to
hmidieds of callers. Mr Hnhmauii tliiough
neaily twenty years of sipiaie-deallng busi
ness lu Lincoln has built up mi extensive
Undo, not only in this city but throughout
Nebraska ami tho west, mall outers fiom a
distance beluga big part of his trade, mid It
has bieii through lionet pi luclples mid never
iiilsiejuesenting mi uitielo that holms tho
honor of commanding such u twittering busi
ness. Ho is u thoiough musician nud dis
tinctly unilei stands every detail of nil tl.o
goods hu handles; thus lu representing mi
nt tieto does so with full knowledge nud Under
standing thtil ho is right in his claims.
Mr. Hohmami Is nlso a conioser of music
nud hns during tho past fow years given to
tho public among other pieces for tho piano
"Sty Cjiieou Polkn" nud tho "Frnues Cleve
land nrnnd Jlnreh," mid other Instrumental
mid vocal conqiosltlnii. At his store, which
wns established LSti',1, will Iki found n complete
line of musical Instruments embracing nl
most overy article known to tho music trnde,
from n jcwslinrp to the finest piano, and it
will my you to see him lioforo ordering mi
Instiument, for lu experience we learn much
nud such ccitnlnly hns been tho cine with this
I old reliable house.
In ono of tho biiiiII display houses near
where tlio heavy unchlnery was shown was
tho exhibit of Mows, (InHirlo it Co. who
showed u lino of buggies nud carriages, fully
tho eqiril, If no, siiierior to cotnjiotltors, mid
comprised of phaetons, surreys, carriage,),
so vend styles of buggies, etc. This linn al
though wholesalers liavo their retail
trudo well cared for by Messrs. J. Cndman Si
Boil, "'!'! North Tenth street, wheto u flno lino
of tho company's carriage may always bo
(luthrlo Si Co. nro experienced dealer lu
their lino nml after hovcii yenrs of careful
stu ly of tho wauls of Nebrnsknus, come
pretty uo.irly knowing what the trade wants,
nnd their goods are all luailu with mi oyo to
durability, finish mid superior workmanship,
ml ipted to our dim ito nml thoiirghfnres. A
Hjie.'lalty in tho wnyof miniature vehicles,
his been nii.lo by them of late and in fact
they nro tho only ones that liaudlo nil sorts of
buggies, carts and carriages suitiblo for
young folks nud thou who have Shetland
mid other small jwnlos. Hovcral of those, rigs
wero shown hitched to ponies on the ground
nml wero tho means of showing visitors how
durable, stylidi mid flno these small vehicles
could bo undo. Thuy am undo hi nil styles
Tho Hlco coil spring biiirgy, ndesenedly
popular rig and ono that is coming more Into
use every diy In Lincoln, is handled exclu
sively by this firm mid mi lusicctinii of Its
merits will convince purchasers ns to Its sii
jwrlorority over all other buggies. Tho coll
springs havo received tho universal verdict f
those who have uod thoin, of making tho
most durable, easiest-riding nml best bllgcy
(luthrlo & Co. nro miuufacturer's agents,
mid through their retail house as above stated
thoy will ltd pleased to ipioto figures on any
and nil kinds of rigs, on which a thorough
guarantee, mid tho best of terms will lu given.
Jlr. 8. P. Hohinau, agent for this very
K)iulnr instrument, had on exhibition the
finest piano in Ait hall, which was the center
of admiration of all who lovo music and nil
uiiro tho work of urt in household furnish
ings. It was nil upright, tundo of Kngllsh onk,
highly fluishod and artistically carved, con
taining all tho Litest and best patents, and
when Jlrv IIohmnnl who was ensonally pres
ent, played selections on tho instrument, it
held tho musical cars of tho vnst throng in
the closest attention, "Oh, what a delight
ful tone," ono lady was heard to leniaik;
while unother would siy, "soclear and sweet,
I never hemil anything to eipinl It," nud
then nil hands would usk for u curd mid ex
press their appreciation of the merits of tho
There seems somutlilng wonderful how this
piano has attained its imputation lu a coiu
purativcly shoit tlnto, but not so when one
stops to consider how much butter It is than
its numerous livnls.
Jlr. Henry ICrooger, tin senior member of
this manufacturing llrin w as for twenty-tin ce
years foi email of the well known Kteiuway
piano factory, nud It was through this gen
tleman's many devices, ingenuity mid
thorough knowledge of tho bii.slue.iy, that tho
Hteinwny made such n success. However,
since retiring from their employ, Mr Kroe
gor hns made a uiimhcrof Improvements over
the piano of several years ago, and of such
sterling vnliio tint many hno tiled to Imi
tate, but none hao succeeded, for everything
ndded has been duly protected by patents,
nud me found in iioiio but instruments of
tills make. One of tho patents is tho obtuse
miirulur melal frame, which Is not only
claimed by tho manufacturers, but by all
eminent imiMclitns who have tried It, to be
suierlor to oil other piano frames, thus afford
ing a richer tone, etc. All uptight pianos
nro thrce-stiinged mid routulu now Cnpo
d'Astro bar, which is n recent patent, dated
October 111, 1SSH.
Thero Is much to say in favor of tlio piano
nud to speak of nil Its merits would consume
too much timo mid space, which during this
particular lively fair week is both scnirennd
vnluable However, suillce It to say that the
ICioeger piano iniulo for itself a big hit nud
nil ikm-sous desiring to lenrn more of It may
receive full iufoinmtiou by calling on Jlr. K.
Ilohman, 1 i:ti O street.
III n h.iiidsomu pagoda shaicd building,
midway between Agilcultural hill mid tho
Art hall, tho Whitebreast Coal nml Llmo
company, u long-established Lincoln business
house, litis a tastefully arranged display of
the pioducls of their mines. In tho center of
this structure is a handsomely-built pjramld
of coal. Tho base is formed by n miiiiW of
queerly-shupcd compartments filled with coals
of the ailous biL's, from tho cheap steam
coal tluough thodill'cr-jiit grades of bitumin
ous to nut, egg, mid the various siei of uu
thincite. Itislug from this nro squuio lumps
of the bind: pi oduct tneiing in si, the w hole
surmounted by mi oxipiisite blue-tinted vnse.
Around tint sldorf of the building nro upmio
coiiiNirtincuts Illicit with tho better grades of
coal, ns well ns samples of coke.
'1 ho principal object of Intel est to visitors,
however, mid ono that attracted thousands of
isftors was mi Immense block of Canon City
coal weighing two ami a ipiaitor tons, just as
It was milled from the eaith. IVonin uom
greatly surprlst that sucha blis'lt ns this
could bo taken in one pleeo from tho mines,
nun many were mo ipicsiious snowonxi um)u
thu gentlemen lu dun Kens to tho manner In
which such n feat could bo accomplished,
Tho ailous Fmnples of hard and sott coals
wore sent dliwtly fioui tho mines for tho es
lieclal imiposo of exhlhillug them at Ne
braska's gi eat fair, and tho nilvertlslug io-
I eel vol makes tho olllelals feel that their
dfoi ts havo been well repaid.
'I'llll lltlf lll'mlkf .HIIItllfllltMllilL'ni, Ltbutlxltt,
..w . , .1... ... .", i-imiij.iii.j iiiiinxurjK'VMIII
of the Canon City c ml a high grade of bitu
minous coal, from their mines nt Cnnuii City,
Col. The Wliltehi east Coal and Lime com
Imiiiv is u h ng-istablfslusl business house, nud
hns branches for wholesale nud letall busl
ness at various (mints east nud west of this
city. Their products nro of such Misrior ex
rellenca that tho Whl'ebreast U tho most
(Kipiilar coal lu tho west Jlr. J T. Htuhbs Is
sales agent nt Lincoln for this company nud
hns charge of tho wliolealo nud retail busi
ness nt this isilnt, Jlr. Htohbs has Ikhmi with
tho Vhltebrcnst coinpiny for a nunilr of
years nml Is thoroughly couversiut with
every detail of tho business, and Is a sopulnr
mid elllclent representative. The city ollleo
IsntNo. I III south Kloveutli street, where Mr,
Htohbs will greet nil cullers mid explain tho
superioi vlrtm-s of tlio Whltehreast prislucts.
One of tho haiiiho'iiest displays hi Ait hall
nud one that probably attracted as much at
tention ns'uiiy, and paitlcularly from those
who adiiilro art lu photography, was that of
tho Haydeii studios which covered n largo
poitlouof tho cast wall lu the north end of
tho hall. The arrangements of humliisls of
Hue photos showing the faces of pioiullielit
city nml stnto iieopln was uu lulen't
lug feutuio and showisl tlio work to Do that
of mi nrtlsl of much ability. The llnlsli and
retouching wns Krfccllo'i mid the expression
given to nil of tlio negatives show that gletit
euro Is taken togio the best satisfaction at
tainable for the subject.
The crayon woik in life slzo Boiik volumes
for the work .Mr. Hayduu is turning out ns
do also tho specimens shown of the excellent
pustel K)i traits.
Jlr, llnydeii is coinjiarntlvely a now comer
in Lincoln, but his pictures sK'uk forthem
sdves, nml in the short period that ho has
been established hero he hns lieon favored
with the custom of tho best midmost icllmsl
class of our pcofile an.l in saying this it means
much, for never has there been ocneda
studio in tho Cnpltal Cisj' that has loceivisl
the ciicouragcmeiit or patronage ataluio't
tho stmt that has b'eu accorded Mr llayilen,
ii fact of which hu hns ciiui-e to fcel-piouil.
His work, however, hns ahvaysj Us'ii of tho
very lx'st nud n particular aim to please hav
ing liecn his clfoit, hissiiccers Is evidently
The Judges In makliig their nwtird very
Justly gave to Air. Huyileu llrst premium on
his handsome collection of plioU)gnipln nml
Hist premium on crayon nud paslol pictures.
It Is certainly pleasant t the nverago Lin
cohuto to note tlio numerous first premiums
that luivo Ixsjn awarded Lincoln exhibitors
mid If there was one on tho grounds that
rightly deserved such honors it wns tho
handsome show Hindu by Jlessm. Hawyer &
Mosherof tlio Lltrolu Floral Cousorvutory
lu Hortlcultuio hall. The exhibit was a large
ono nml comKsul principally of cutllnwcrs
nud florul designs, Jlr. mid Mis. Jlosher be
ing present lu jietson to rceolio their frlcmls
mid tho public. ACoumicii reKiiter was
shown tho flint priio wiunerH, tlio principal
one of tho finest piece of such work In the hall
being n profusely but artistically arranged
ma'.teso cross. It was n beauty nml I red ved
no end of admiration. It wns flvo feel high,
with crossed swords and n crown nml with n
small cross lu tho center uttacliod to same on
the front, On tlio base was a heart, cross
nnd anchor, lepicscnllng faith hope nud
charity; tho maltesa cross Itself being inndo
of carnations, tlio Jlnsoulu Insignia being In
terwoven with Immortelles. The first pi cmlum
lor finest floral wrenth wns captmisl nlso
nll'l to cup tho climax swisipstakes were nlso
and most deserve'ily aivaiiled this display
which contained sixteen sptvinl designs, be
sides numerous nuallerones.
Tnere wero four styles of beautiful baskets,
the Old Oaken llucket lu tho Well, Ontes
Ajar, ii globe, n five point star, scroll, pillow
witli tlio word "Unify'' interwoven in light
blue, cross mid star beneath an arch mid
several others,
Thero wero seven displays from Omaha
mid fully n doeu more from other jiolnts,
nml tho fact that Messrs. Kawyer fc Jlosher
received sweepstakis mid prizes on almost
everything else not only sH'iiIh volumes for
tho opular Lincoln conservatory of botany,
but is crislltable nud siM-uks well for the Can-
itnl City, for lu awnnliiig such piemiums to
Lincoln ImlustrlcH it stamps this city ns Iwlng
Nebraska hcailiiiarteis for flowers mid llnrnl
works, mid the CoiniKit tnkes tlilsopiMirtu
nlty to congratulate tho forttmato plio win
tiers. Keryb(sly was thoroughly pleawil
wish tho display mid nil seemed to consider
that tho awards wero deservedly inndo.
Near tho western entrance to Art hall, to
the i Ight ns one enters, is ono of thu pret
tiest nud neatest displays In thu building,
that of tho Nebraska Mantel nud Cabinet
Works, n Lincoln institution, nnd one that is
rapidly taking front rank In its serlnl Hue
of w oik, Tho spaco reserved wns nently set
olf by mllstie displays of the paper-hanger's
skill, tho Moor is covered with a handsome
Urussds iiirpet, mid a general nir of homo
liko comfort iervniles the exhibit.
Tlieio methrisj exquisitely moldeil sjmk'1
mens of pmlni mantel m.d fhephiccs, ono of
which beni-s the bine tag, denoting itx having
received I he highest pi cmlum. Kach mantel
includes a hnmlsoine French plate leveled
minor, which sets oir these ornamental ar
ticles of model ii lioiiH'keeplng. Hamplesaro
shown of highly polished brass, coper, tin
nml nickle grates or nil sha's mid sizes to lit
the varl-sliaiHsl fiieplaces. Kevcml hnmlsoine
Ores ts nro also show n, tlieso being finished in
either lion, binss, copjier or nlekle. The
grates and IliesetRiiie finished in either mod
ern oruutio stjlc, uml mu ery pleasing to
tho eye. Tiling of nil shapes, colors mid fin
ishes are nlso show i., nud their utility in prop
erly sett flit; oil" pretty fireplace excellently
display oil.
What is u matter of jiilde to Lincoln lsit
ors to the display nud u sin pi I so to x-oplo of
tho state who ni-o unaw nro ns to 'ho into at
which Lincoln is gi owing is that these goods
are nil manufactured nt homo by Lincoln
workmen nml sold by Lincoln merchants. It
ss hut n little over n year tdnco tho comiuny
stnrted in business In this city, un I in that
shoittime they hnvo built up a very large
trade, by manufacturing nothing hut the
best goods nml using none but the best nin
teilnls, usishhnwii in the handsome samples
displayed nt tho fair ground The salesi-oop-s
of the company are nt Niw. '. mid ill Noi th
Twelfth street, In tho Appleget block, whcie
nil sizes, grades nud pi Ices of the combinatloii
innntel nnd llreplnin mo shown. Visitors to
tho city as well ns icslilents of Lincoln should
cull mid examine their flue stock of gissls.
No homo is complete without one of there ex
ipilsito flieihices, ns they are indicative of
good taste on tho part of tho owner, mid give I
a homdlko feeling Io the looms which can
only bo nppieclntisl or understood by one who
hns soon this lxautlfiil display,
In tho south end of the south wing of tho
Art hull was the exhibit of (1. Jt. Panics, the
only agency in Lincoln tint iwrloi a linn of
nates !u stook, nnd flt utlracbsl the attention
of tlio iiitiHlltiil'i ns they pisvvl by, lusldm
lielng n pirtlculiirly luteixsthn ftvitiire to
iiien'li nits, b inkers nml ethrrs who hive val
iiibles Hint iioud Mafo protectluii from theft
nml lire.
Tim llii'M of sifoi rpriMiitsl conuirNol
various make, tho piiuclpil ones, h wever,
being tho Mmlor, II ihniatui & Co's. mid the
Alpine, Isith of whleli luir tlio reputation of
lielng iiinnug tho Ih-sI In tho country, mid
whll'i tho fonuer Is considered siipeiior to nil
others for bulks, stores nil largo pi ices of
btislnoss, I lw latter Is tho ucjeptol fiuoilto
forsnnll oIlL'es, residoii 'tis, etc , both being
warranted llivi proof; the hitter li.-lng imido
to sell from 91 upwards. Tuo Alpine lu tlio
household Isn'recoptnclo wliem Jnwels Jnwel
ry, money nmjpnpjrs in ty In depodtod mil
safely care.l or nud has in overy instance,
been thu camo of invlng Its entire contents
from fin. Many of our lad v readers have
piodomJotvoJs, ulii lines, jjwulry nml other
vahlibles thoy woulil not lu willing to pait
with at nny prhu nud to thovi wo would sug
gest tho" o.ill'ou Mr II u net lu thu Hlieldoti
block, cornoriN mid Kluvonth to InsiiiH-t his
linn of sifo.1 mid H'O liow ery cheap they
can Iw bought, T'"' M'wlor II iliiuitiu shown
nt tho fair tills week have nil tlio latest pat
ents and in o hi ovory wny the bet nri Io.
UmlouhtcJIy Dm finest ami most attractive
display hi tho way of fabrics wns miiln by
Messrs, Horpolshclmcr & Co., In the we
ring of Ait, tall, Tho booth piepi'isl for the
show was ntt VlovuUsl phiifj.'iu with canopy
top, oriinmniteil v.ilb lionvy fringes, etc.
TIiokIiIos wero of heavy hioa curtains ami the
baRo lUbsl lip with mi uttrautlvo design of
doth. Tliorhlhlllou In Itself wns of flue
diossgooJvni'idoiip hito forms which Irul
overy npiHUirnnco of U'liigilreiiies coniploU'ly
iniulo, sonrflstlcnlly wore thoy nrrnngo I. One
dress psttetn was of n superior quality of
Myrah blolc silk with heavy Jetted trim
inliigs; mioinr a very nobby ten gown mndo
of jK-n greocaslimuru and a front of schrlmp
(link figure China silk. Others of white
llatmels, nnl various textures wero shown to
good udvaii'agu nml proved tho most nttrne
tlvo drawing enrd for tho fnlr sex.
Clonks, nowiuarketi, eto., for ladles child
icn nml misses wero exhlblUst mid shown!
that this firm certainly "an led u very flue
line of garments for feuuilo atllre. Hcnrfs
nml lambrequins wero lists' us iks-orutious
near tho top, ami a case filled w Ith kid gloves,
very flno fans, hosiery, etc., wns seen lu the
Thodlsplny wns n completed) success nml
wns tho myitis of onco more llliistlng tlio fact
Hint hero In Lincoln nml nt Hciiois)Minrr's
tho fnlr sex rnn find ns equally ns nice u lino
of dry goods nml ludlcs furnishings goods' ns
may bo scon in nny largo city,
pt 4 . .. - .
Ono of tho most novel displays in Alt hall
was Hint of the Nebraska Curet Mills which
is located comer of Seventh and O street.
They run n now patent whereby old carots
Hint worn out may ni used in in-iiiy liand
somunml duinblo tugs; nml old, win n oul
cnrietsof sny twenty yards making up nigs
to the extent of nlsiut twelve to sixteen yards
In any width fioui one foot to thiroynids.
This displn) showed numeioiis kinds of
rugs nnd carpets, and iccogullng tlio meiit
of the work the Judges aw nrdeil them llrst
prizes on each of the following articles, live
priz-s in nil, viz: Moorish rug, rag cnifM't
nml their general display of nigs.
If you hnvo any old inriets that are all
worn out nnd of nppnrantly no enilhly ire,
hnvo this company call nt jour house for it.
They will take up tho cars.'t, clean It, make
it over into now mid beautiful carfsjts or rugs,
nil for sixty cenls Mir yunl.
They took nuineroiisoulers from homo peo
ple nud those nbroad on the ground nil week,
nud nhendy their custom lu Lincoln embraces
the finest homes of tho city,
As Is usual with tlio firm of Kuli, Nathan
Si Fischer, Chicago, leading wholesale cloth
ing house, they had on exhibition nt Capital
hotel parlors this week u full lino of their
goods, which will Ikj termed the lient nml
finest line of clothing shown this year during
Hie fnlr.
There weio numerous other houses wdl
Their efficient nud rouiteoussaloMiinn, Jlr.
James Pershing (foimerlyu Liucoluite, but
now a Chicago resident I was in dun go of
the display, and ho certieuly had his hands
full showing tho stock to his uumeious trade
who cougi eguted there dm lug the week.
Ml. Pershing shows mi exquisitely line line
of nobby suits mid oveicoatsfor fall nnd
winter wear, the patterns, cut ami finish, nil
neliig in Hie height of modern fashion, the
tiimmlngs, linings, etc., showing tlio particu
lar taste that is usually displayed by the
film's ai lists in each garment
Overcoats for tlio coming whiter will bo of
vnrlcd styles, nml the iisin.l Chinchilla mid
other heavy fnlulcs being ns opiilar us ever.
'-.Jim," as ho Is familiarly known to the
bovsnmltho trade, Is n poplllnr mid deserv
edly successful (liiimmer. His work here
during tho week shows that his suits have
Ihs'ii larger thnn at last jem's fair, and that
alone says much for the trade ho commands.
'Hie CouttlKIt congratulates him on his suc
csh nnd hopes his good hick, us always ex
H'i'ieuccd on each tilp to Lincoln, will con
tinue and glow better.
As usual H. W Kelloy it Co. icceived their
shaie of honors at the Nebraska state fair,
coming out on top nud captuiing Hist prlu
on plain photographt.
The display which wns on the west wn.l of
the ninth wing near the entrance, was coin-'
prised of large frames, one containing inlscel-'
lanooiis photos, nml the others specimens of
their Justly iNipulai- llromldo. The latter
have bi'euu sss'hlty of the firm and have bo
mine generally popular thioiighoiit the city
and state. They are eifect likenesses, undo
up in any sl.o nud their cost is little com
pared witli the crnvons mid other stjh of
large pictures. .
Kelly iV Co. have long since established '
their woik of urt In photographing, nml now i
their iMitioungo not onlv extends over Liu- !
coin nud Nebraska, but to the adjoining
Mates and territories ns was visible nt their
studio tills week, Foimer Lliicoluitcs nml I
nriny who hud heard of I heir woik nml vveie I
on a visit to Lincoln took advantage of the I
opiMi tuiilt y to have Kelly e itch their shid.nv .
Tnls snaks well for the firm nml nt the same
time shows Hint mi nppiivlittlvo publlo will
recognliM true merits.
Tlio Hkeleton Dude attraete I largo crowds.
The baby show was u big attraction Thurs
day afternoon,
Tho commit tee nil tlionwnrd of wines Irul
n most elivlahlo Job.
Jones, Doiiglni fc Co. look llrst premium on
liU-miti, cakes niulcraekerH.
The Indl in bind presentivl u good nppenr
anee, bul thoy could not play for n cent.
Hiivvyerit Jlosher's llural dUplny was tho
tuoit ntlraetlvooin In II utleulturu hull.
Tho fakirs were everywhere, mid we don't
believe them was a dean faro lu the gang.
Joi Pirns' waterworks vvni a go I sea I to
the thirsty. Thero Is apparently no bottom
to the wells,
Jinny newspapers had tenlsnu Ihn grounds,
nnd the snbtcrlptlo'i list of eich wns greitly
Ilirgroivci Pro, hid tin unit unlqiii) ills
filaylnAil hall nnd very di-Mer.cdly took
llrst premium,
Tho dust wasa sourii) of much discomfort
to visitors, mid undoubtedly ilntraeUsI from
the iittenditiUM.
Tn j ii, in rack nud tho various other gin'i
ling d'Vluoi wow oxclud'd this yeir, nud u
good tiling It wns,
Oiirihii wns not so well represented lu ills
plays ns hist year, but the fair was a complete
success nevei theless.
A. Jl. l).ivl& Hou's largo nml elegnutglnss
cuso nttracttsl the etioiitinu of u.' "'' ear-
Hecretury F.iru u should d vls) soiiu other
iiiothod or distributing the press badges. Tho
aim oof tint privilege Is sully In need of cor
rection. The customary excellent display of tho
Lincoln H.iddlery company wns conspicuous
for its absence. Their neat building wns wi
ll idy empty.
Tho country lad nml lassie who wandered
through the grounds nud buildings with
cIiiskmI bauds wero not us numerous ns lu
ormsr years.
llnrgreaves Pros.' church (built of canned
goods) lu Ait hnll attracted much attention.
It wns tho work of Jlr. Ojo. P.Midcr, city
Thursday wns Lincoln day, mid the attend
ance ran nwny up tn -10,00(1, Jinny biislnesi
houses dosed for tlio afternoon, and a gen
eral holiday l esulltsl,
J, P, 1'Vnwley tho Union Pacific missionary
was on tho ground all week distributing
tracts descriptive of tho Overland route's
mills in the Noithwest.
"Comparisons urn olioui," oqiudnlly so
when thy Lincoln fair is compared with the
Omaha fair, for hi reality the Intter had no
fnlr aslilo fiiun a little horse racing.
J. F. ltjt., tho mautol man, has nvnry
(Ino exhibit of iinutels, tiling, eto. Mr.Ilutz
Is u leader lu hli lino mil his display was the
center of much ntiraetlon nml evoked a great
deal of favorable commont.
A colons! individual, who posl nn n tar
get with his hcud through a hole in a canvass
drew many dimes from sp-ctato.-s' H)ckets.
Uggs nml baso bills wero the mlssllel uwl,
nud It wns solihui ho wns struck.
Tlio mutter nf trmisportatloti still worries
tho in iimgoment. Tlu llipld Transit should
Imvolieen better prapira I for business thin
it w.ts Thrao or more lines of street rail wny
would havo pild Hu c nt this ye ir.
Iist year's attractive display made by
Iluilge Si Jlorrls was mlsiod by tho many.
It occupied n prominunt plneo lu Art hall and
would hive Iimii thure uga'a this year had
not the state Is) inl I toon too iudejieuduut with
tlio space.
Omaha thought wo could not gut along
without her, but those on tlio grounds Thurs
day wero thoroughly convinced Hint without
Omaha n fair or anything else may Iki a suc
cess. Tho old s ij big "Oiinliu Is not tho state
of Nebinskn" Is ngiiln verilhsl.
In the wny of crayons or other work of
that nature, tlio two plctuios, ono of Jibs
Florence Prow n and tho other of the lately
deceased child of Jlr. Hajden, wero the finest
specimens or the m t in tho hnll mid reflected
much credit on the artiste, .Mrs. Paul Holm
The Ntenlii Motor.
Considerable Intel est his hecti manifested
by prlnelpil properly owners along the line
of tho Unpid Transit rallmiy legiirdlug Hie
kick of a lew who vvmit tho motor discontin
ued. West Lincoln deHmls almost altogether on
the motor lino for its travel to the city and
during the week Jlnyor Austin of that thriv
ing suburb has chcubiteil a petition and the
signers thcicoii were such persons us C. C.
Purr, J. C JlcPrido mid other heavy owners
of lealty along the track who ask the council
not to prohibit tlio coutlnu-iiice of the motor
service, nnd tlio Coi'llllCH hopes It will bo
iiUnoiiitliiii or I'm i ii,-i iii.
Notice Is hereby given that the liaitnei-shlp
heretofoie exbltfhg U'tnteii L U'esstd, Jl.,
mid II. T. Dobbins, ipider the firm name of
IVcssel ,t Dobbins, lu Hit piiiiting, liubllsh
fliguiid stationery biiilncsi. is Hits iliydls
solvisl by mutual coiiis'iit, II. T. Dobbins le
tlriug. AM accounts due the firm will Is) col
liHtisl mid nil bills again, t tho III m will Ih
paid by L. WesM'l, Jr.
L WthSKL, Jit.
II. T. Duiiiu.vs
September 111, UsS.
During the wst vvtvk thousands of (nsiplo I
have visit. (1 (ho city, seen the stilt fair, titado '
the lomiils of the public buildings ami looked
nt the beiiutiiul illoplnvs in filestore minis of !
our mcichauls. Among the nuiulHr Hallett's i
was the piimlpil jxilnt of attraction, mid ho
did n lushing husiucvt in the jiwelry nnd
pnvious stone line. Jlr. Hnllctl has taken
the lend as a denier In diamonds, nud has the i
largest and best stock hi tho city. Diopln
and u them. I
Will Neilt, one of Lincoln's fonuer ies-'
dents but now of Atchison, Kns , accompanied ;
by Aulrnw Wclirouiiecker of tho same plaeo
vveie visltoisnt the fnlr this wivk. They nl- I
lived Tuevlny mid left jesterday for Omaha
wheienftei u dnj's slsht-seeing they will le
turii home. !
A icxvition wns given tills week to Pubbi
ltoseuau ut Pohiiuuon's hull. Neaily tlu en
tire Jovvbh element of thocltv weiv pivsent,
nnd the evening was a very pleasant one.
The Itabbi preaches today nt tho Herman M, i
12. chinch, Fifteenth mil M streets, for tho
Jewish Kcfuiiucd congregation. I
I.lneiiln lines Herself I'riiuil In n Minuter
Pageant nml Trades DUpl.iy,
Thero were few pople In tho city r'rld ly
nftermsiii Hint hail any Idea tint tho hiisinss
mini of Lincoln would turnout so nuinoroiisli'
nstluiy did th it evening. Itwu a m-iasUir,
u glint, a p i rail i th it unrn Hi in did the p .i
plo of Lincoln proud Tim Idtvi wis not
evolved until ah ut u vvoi'k pivvloin, and Hint
Ihn iiierclmnls, em.iloyeji, craftsman and the
pub'.lo generally would t iko to the ncIhiiiiu
with such un mindly win not to ha H'.ippovd,
They did so, and thu lesull wai tho Unci!, In
dustrial nud torchlight pirado over held lu
stale of Nubrask i, No uly uvory prominent
buslmiis bom.', every craft nud trado w.ii
represented In Hi'tpr wjsslo'i.a nl th j friendly
rivalry as to milqiiu and brilliant Holts
brought out iiiiny i Iglnril diviigu I.
Thu butchers, gro-wry dorks, mliiuors,
firemen, uiisous, bileklnyers, printers, lueiii
liei-Hor ulvlc societies, polltlnit dubs, travnl
lug men mid iirmy other Oi'ganl.itloiis, with
leu li.inds, inirchnd on foot with tordiiH,
wlillo lu every division IiimIiiivh Iidusus were
lepresoiileil by hrllllnntly llghtod Hints
The Ciiduiicu would Ilka toglvodntailil
inenlloii of each display ; but it can't. In fact
It did iiitsjonli the displays, mil don't bo
llovo nny ono nln did. Tho stiroU were not
big enough to liol.l It, It ovorll.nve.l, it
doiihleil, It coiintHrinirched, and vet It could
mil find loim for Itself lu tho pivod distiiet.
Tho city wns brilliantly lighted, businets
hoiivs, oiwra hous.vs. hotels mi I uvervbodv
joining to nniko Itono grand suueoss. Among
tho displays tho Coi'llIKU was on hind with
a wagon showing tho worklngsof a nowspapjr
ollb-e, a man setting typj in one end, ntiolluir
pi lining insigers rrom a suiill prim an I it
terlug them hroulcast.
Miss Fiiuuie Hunt luts liium .ni,rii,ii
her couslm, tlio MIsmcs Hunt of Cliicliiu.tti
this ws3k.
Jim. (Ii'o. F. Hniiim. who lim luuiii vUiii,,,.
ill the dtv. returnisl In Imi-liiiiim ! r.,!,,..,
bus, O., Jlondny.
Jlrs. J. I). JInoro nml son left Monday lor
Fulihnult, Jlhiu,, where' the young mm is
clitoris! at school.
Jlr. H. II. Ilrlerlv. frirninrlf nf t lii,,l,, !,,,(
' " , W--J " H.VW,, (Fill.
now comitv ntiiniiiiv of p.wi'ti.M i.m.imi., .,.-
' if --- - ' Vtt I...J, ,,,.1
among the visitors to tho fnlr this week
.nrs. i. wisj leives Woliiwhiy forn vhlt
to her homo In Clileniro .Mr. V7Ui ivlll I. a.
low lu about two.wwtks mid nfteru sliortslop
hi Chicago Jlr. mid .Mm. Wlso will visit Cin
cinnati, Wiishlngto i mil other uistorncithfi
Messrs. I). D. Jlulr mil F. L. Hlioldon u id
their families, woo li-iv.i Imuui ,,iiLui,,,. h...
sights mil sjjnui of Uiropj, arno.l lioiii
Thurs lay. Tlioy reft irt n very jilo ivint vny -
" "Ul v.iyj, n mini eiijoyiiuio sight wclug
our on tho continent, nud return hofnu much
unproviHl lu health from their trip,
Jlr. I). F, Easterdny, who organized tho
choir of HlO Jewish Ileforinil clnii-.,i 1m I,. I.
congratiilatisl on the efficiency which (w
uit-iiiin-m, imuei- ms, hive at-
tallltsl. Ml. Fllill-ilnv la llini-nimlilu .., ......
wilt with overy detail of dulr loadershipniid
us uu iiisirucKir in mini." u is low equals.
now It Ilap-wnfd.
Never lied no Idml ov uso
1'erUiut Dan;
Always mlhtT Pkcil o big,
Thick sit man.
IIo wuz on llio plnillln Imlkl
Hort-uh rpare;
II iil (o look rifflit shoip to know
I .iii vrtuthtrl
Tea red Ilk-? h wutut my hocU
i'iKht u duy;l
Coulihi't toll him off In no
Klmltih way.
TlioiiRht I treated him right mean,
I declnr'
Thet I couldn't snores but whut
Dju wax ttiar.
Lltlld i-nuil hrnilcil sklto,
'Thuiit tnurh wit,
'Copt hu beat thu bugk, tho vrsty
lb-could sit
Out tin- Icl.iucoof my U'aux;
l'tem Klare;
They out nut at 0; at 10
Dan vviu tlmr.
diet I told him plain au' flat, ef ho
Win tlio unly innn on ycarth,
Him nn' me
Wouldn't suit; I 'lowiil my vrords
JIado him stara
Ccmo next night, like other nights,
Pan n ui tlmr.
Cuiyus like, I married him
Thltiff wuz ifono 'fore I Lnovved itIisf
I mil at.
How It come, iny ii-dgtiient nla't
Very d'n. ;
Itcclcn 't uiiist hev U'cn lecu
Pan unzlkarl Timo.
Ho Unit Ills Dimlit-).
Four young men, cvi Icntly from tho coun
ti y, stopped titonoof the inimiiicnt hotel in
Ho city the other day. They wcii) wdl
diCJisl, nnd uppenrtsl Io Is) ngreeably fin
pri sm-1 with i.i) that they saw. They arrived
iu the luor nig nml did notdcslron room.
Altout : o'clock ono of thoin stepeil upVo
tho cashier, holding n iS bill in hi hand.
"Iwnnt toKiymy bill," ho said, with n
smile, "Wo had four breakfasts and dinners
mid ono extra dinner."
"What iiamor' Inquired HiocaHilcr
"Horace Stribhng," was tlio ivply.
"Ten dollars nnd u quarter, sir," m!i1 tho
Tho i oung nun looked srnml, then Incrcl
uloiis, but, find iig l e cashier in earnest, he
heaved a tighuml lixw forth nuothurW bill
nml a silver quarter, Lid thnu on tho glass
pinto Ircforn him ami r.uKisI iiuay.
In a littlo wh..c l.c returned. Howcniod
to Is) in doubt nlo;f fi..uethlng, nml tho
enshier cxpectejl a kick nbout tho bill,
"Excuse me," ho said meekly, "but I had a
littlo dog with mo today. Ho wasn't regis
tered, but Is thero any chargo for IUmP
Chlcngo Herald.
A Little Music.
Young Jlr. Sissy (who prides himself on
his :nuslc)-So you would liko to hear mo
lng before I c,o, would you, Bobby J
Hobby Ipolltel) Vos, sir, If y.u would
Ih so kind.
Young Mr. 6lssy Aro you particular
nbout vvhnt I shigf
Hobby Yes, tir; I would liko to soiim
of vv hat sister Clara culls your alleged sing
ing. Tho Hfiooh.
v ,
;-)'-' ffgw im BBJtTtlS'VlllMTMlrIi