Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 08, 1888, Image 7

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    - nvf t-" h)ii'h,i Krri u w'w ' iw it" " " qmyW' W ' iintmni"" mwniyjnwi iiifnipwiwii'wii'iiufiiiiniiUpjijHUpyf n.imm mmjwpyn" '. miiijiiitj rtrr
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Why Did (I (m1 Let Sin Cumo Into tho
Woild? No Ono Can Toll Until Mo Gels
on tlio Other fildo of ttin Hirer of Dentil.
Imparling Com foil lo tlio Troubled.
Habt Hampton', N. Y., Sert. S. Tlio Hcv.
T. I)j WlUTiilimiBO, I). I)., who fiends n
Rooil part ot lib Milliliter rxst here, took for
tlio subject of vnciitlon sermon of till?
date, "Wasters Tint Will Not Stick." Illitext
wns, "Mikciiiblo comforters nro yo nil."
Job xvl, 2. Following Is tlio teriiioiit
Tlio man of Vi liml n great ninny trials
tho lovi of Ills family, tlio loss of his jirori'
crty, tho loss of liU health; but tlio most ex.
npcrntliiK tiling tlint nuno upon li t tit uos
tlio tantalizing talk of them who ought to
liavo 8Viiiatliiz(Hl with him. IjooUIng
nrouiiil tioti them, nuil ireJciilng uimt tbey
hail wild, bo litters tlio VvonU of my text.
Why ilhl Ool let Mm como Into tho worlilf
It Is a question I often benr 1Immi;mm1, lint
nover Fiitlifactorily iinsweml, Owl uuulii
tho wot lit fair nml lieiiiilltul nt tlio start. If
our imivnU liiul not Mnnii! In Helen,
tbey might Imvo gono out of that gunteu
nml found fifty nil ni'ouml thu
earth Kurojio, Asia, Afrlen, North nml
Boutb Anierlen ko many flower giirilcns, or
orclinrds of fruit, redolent mid luscious 1
Mipposo Hint when Clod ixmred out tlio (lllion
nud tho Hiddekel ho jwured out nt tlio wimo
tlmo tho Hudson nml tho Biisrinelmnimj tlio
wholo earth as very fair ami beautiful to
lookiioii. Why did it not stay iof God
had tho iiower to keep back sin and woo.
Why did bo not keep them back? Why not
overy cloud roseate, nml every step n Joy,
and every sound music, mid nil tlio ages u
long jiiblleo of tluless men and sinless wo
menf God can iimkou rosons easily ns ho can
mako a thorn. Why, then, tho prcdominauco
of tbornsl Ho can innko good, fair, riito
fruit ns well as gunrled and sour fruit. Why
so much, then, that is gnarled nud hour! Ho
can mako men robust in hcnltli. Why, then,
nro there bo tunny Invalids! Why not bavo
for our wbolo raeo perpottml leisutv, initend
ot this tug and toll and tusslo for u livelihoixll
1 w ill tell you why God let sin como Into tho
world when 1 get on tho other sldo of tho
Iliver of Death. That is tho pluco w hero Mich
questions will bo answered and such myster
ies bolvcd. Ho who this sldo that river at
tempts to answer tho question only illtisdrato.i
bis own Iguornnco niul incompetency. All I
know Is ono great fact, nnd that is, that a
herd of wooshavo como In uk)ii us, train
pllng down everything fairnud lieaiitiful. A
sword nt tho gato of Kdcu, and n
sword nt every gnto. Jloro eoplo un
der tho ground than on it. Tho grnvo
yards in vnst majority. Tho sl:c thousand
winters bavo inado moro scars than tho six
thoisaud summers can cover up. Trouble
lias taken tbo tender heart of this world in
Its two rough bunds, and pinched It until tho
nations wall with tho agony. If all tho
mounds of graveynrds that bavo lieen lifted
were put sldo by side, you might step on
them nnd on nothing elbe, going nil around
tho world, nud around ngiilu, nud around
ngnlu. Theso nro tho facts, And now I Imvo
to say that, in a world liko this, tho grandest
occupation I? that of giving condolence.
This holy sclenco of imparting comfort to
tho troubled wo ought n'l of us to study.
Thero nro ninny of you who could look
around upon some of your very leit friends
who wish you well und nro very intelligent,
nnd yet bo oblo truthfully to say to them lit
your days of trouble, "Mlncrnblo comforters
nro yo nil."
I temnrk, In tho first place, that very volii
blo ts'oplo nro lucoui'ietent for tho work of
giving comfort. Ilildnd nud Klipliaz bad tho
gift of langttago.nud with their words almost
bothered Job's lifo out. AIiu far theso volu
bio people that go umong tbo house of tho
ullllcted nud talk, nud tall;, nud talk, ami
talk! They rehcarso their own sorrowii, and
then they tell tho ioor sufTerers thnt they
feel lwdly now, but thoy will feel worto after
n while. Bllencol Do you expect with a
thin court plaster of words to heal n wound
deepns tho soull Btcp very gently nrouiu'.
about n broken heart. Talk very softly
atviiud thoso whom (Sod hits liereft. Then
go your way. Deep sympathy has not much
to tny. A Arm grasp of tho band, n compas
sionate look, just ono word that menus as
much as n wholo dictionary, and you linvo
given, pcrhap?, nil tho comfort that a soul
needs. A man has n terriblo wound in bis
arm. Tho surgeon comes nud binds it up.
"Now," ho says,"carry that nrui in n sling nnd
bo very careful of it. Let no ono touch It."
Hut tho neighbors bavo heard of tho accident,
nnd thoy como in, nnd thoy say, "Ict us seo
it." And tbo bandage Is pulled olf, nnd this
ono nud that ono must feel it, nml fcco how
much it Is swollen; und thero is Irritation,
nml iull.immntion, nud cxuseratlon, whero
there ought to bo healing nud cooling. Tho
turgcou comes in, nnd says: "What does nil
this menu! You Imvo no business to touch
thoso bandages. That wound will nover heal
unless you let It nlono." So thero nro souls
broken down In sorrow. What thoy most want
Is rest, or very careful and gentle treutment;
but tho neighbors have heard of the bereave
ment or of tho loss, nud they como In to
sympathize, nnd they say: "Show lo now tho
wound. What wcro his last words) Ho
henrso now tho wholo scena How did you
feel w hen you found you wcro an orphnul"
Tearing olf tho blindages here, nnd pulling
thorn oir thero, leaving u ghastly wound thnt
tho balm of God's grace bad iihendy lieguu to
heal. Oh, let no loquacious people, w ith over
rattling tongues, go into the homes of the
distressed I
Again 1 remark, that nil thoso person aro
incompetent toglvonuy kind of comfort who
net merely ns worldly philosophers, They
come in nnd say: "Why, this Is what you
ought to have expected. Tho laws of unturo
must bavo their way ;" nnd then thoy get elo
quent over something they bavo seen in post
mortem examinations. Now, nwny with all
liuinnn plilloiopliy nt such u tlmo! What dif
ference does it make to that father nnd
mother what disease their son died of I Ho Is
dead, nnd It makes no dttrcrcuco wholherthe
trouble wns In tho cplgastrlo or bypognstrle
region. If the phllcsopher bo of the btotcnl
school ho will como nnd ray "You ought to
control your feelings. You must not cry so.
You must cultivate n cooler temperament.
You must bavo self reliance, telf govern
ment, self control;" an Iceberg reproving u
hyacinth for having a drop ot dow hi ita eyo.
A violinist has his instrument, nud bo
sweeps his lingers ncross tho strings, now
evoking strains of joy, nud now strains
ot sadness. Ho cannot piny nil tho tunes on
ono btriug. Tho human soul is an inurnment
of n thousand strings, nnd nil sorts of emo
tions wcro made to play on It. Now un
anthem, now n dirge. It is no evidence of
weak nets when ono is ovcrcomo of sorrow.
Edmund JJurko wns found In tho pasture
field with his (inns nroutul n horse's neck,
caressing him nud somo ono said: "Why, tho
great man has lost him mind!" No, that
horso belonged to his 6on who had rcceutly
died, and bis groat heart broke over tho
grief. It Is no sign ot weakness that men aro
overcome of their sorrows. .Thank God for
tho relief ot toars. Have you uovcr been in
trouble whon you could not weep, nud you
would have given anything for n good cry 1
D.ivld did well when ha mourned for Ab
salom, Abraham did well when ho bemoaned
Uarnh, Christ did well when bo wept for
I,nr.nru, nnd the hut man I want toscocouto
nny whero near mo 'Alton 1 Imvo any kind of
trouble Is n worldly idillosopber.
Agnlnl return k (lint thoso persdisnrotn
competent for thowoiltof coniforS bearing
who linvo nothing but cant lo offer. Therd
nro thoso who have tho idea thnt you mutt
groan over tlio illstres&nl nnd nlHIetcd.
Thero nro times In grlof when ono cheerful
fnco dawning upon u man's soul h worth n
thousand dollars to him. Do not w hlno over
tlio ullllcted. Take tho promises of the (los
iel, nud utter them In n manly tone. Do not
Iwnfrald toMiillolf oil feci liko it. Do not
drive nny moro hearses through thntiioor
soul, Do not tell him tho trouble was fore
ordained; itw 111 not lie nny comfort to know
it w us n million years coming. If you want
to llud splints for u broken bono, do not take
cast Iron. Do not tell thorn It Is God's Jus
tice that weighs out gilef. They want now
to bear of GikI'm tender ninroy. In other
words, do not gho them nqiu. foil Is when
they neod valerian.
Again 1 lonmrl; thntthoso persons nro oor
comforters who have never had any trouble
themselves. A larkspur cannot leeturo on
tho nature of n snowlliiko It nover sawn
suowllil.o, nud thoso jHwpIo who have al
ways lived in tho summer of proserlty can
not talk to thoso who nro frozen in disaster.
God keeps aged people In the world, I think,
for this very work of sympathy. They bavo
been thioiigh nil these trials. They know all
that which Irritates nud nil that which
soothes. If there nro men nnd women here
who bavo old people in the house, or near nt
linud so that they cnu easily reach them, 1
congratulate them. Homo of us have bad
trials in life, nud, although wo have bad
many friends mound nbout us, wo linvo
wished that fat her and mother were still nllvo
that wo might go and tell them. 1'crhnps
they could not say much, but it would linvo
been such n comfort to have them around.
These uged ones w ho bavo lieen nil through
the trials of life know bow to give condo
lence. Cherish them; let them lennou your
unit these nged n-ople. If, w hen you speak
to them, thoy cannot bear Just what you wiy
the first time, nud you bavo tosay It n second
tlmo, when you say It tho second tlmo do not
say it Bharply. If you do you will lx sorry
for it on the day when you tnko tho last look
nud brush Imck tho silvery locks from tho
wrinkled brow Just heforo they screw tho
lid on. Illcssed bo God for the old jieoplel
Tbey may not have so much strength to go
around, lint they are Gods appointed minis
ters of comfort to a broken he-nt.
l'eoplo who have not hod trials theinselvci
cannot give comfoit to otlicru. They may
talk very Iwntitlfiilly, nnd they may glvoyou
n great deal ot poclio sentiment; lint while
poetry is jicrfuuie that smells Hweet, it makes
n very poor mI vc If joii lmo iigruvo In
your pathway, nud somelioily conies nud
covers it nil over with flow ess, it isn grnvo
yet. Those who bavo not had grief them
selves know not tho mjstery ot u broken
heart; They know not tho meaning of child
lessness, nnd the having no ono to put to bed
nt night, or the standing in n room whero
every book nud picture nud door is full of
memories tho door mat where sho hat, the
cup out of which sho drank tho pln'.'o
whero sho b'.ood at tho door und
chipped her bauds ;tho odd figures
that sho scribbled tho blocks sho built Into
n house. Ah, no; you must have trouble
yourself before you cun comfoit trouble In
others. Hut come all yo who bavo liceu lie
reft nnd jo who linvo been comforted Ia
your borrows, nnd stand around thcsonllllctod
souls, nud say to them: "I bad that very
sorrow myself. God comforted mo, und he
will comfort yw;" nnd thnt will go right to
tkosot. In other words, to comfort others
wo must linvo faith In God, practical experi
ence und good, sound common sontc.
Hut there nro three or four considerations
that I will bring this morning to thoso who
are sorrowful nnd distressed, nud that wo
can ulwnys brlnjj to them, knowing thnt
thoy will effect u euro. And tho first con
sideration is, thnt God sends our troubles iu
love. I often hear people In their troubles
say, "Why, I wonder what God has against
mo!" Thoy seem to think God has somo
grudge against, them becnuso trouble nud
minfortuno have como. Oh no. Do you not
remember that passagoof Bcrlpturo, "Whom
tho Lord loveth bo chastenethr A child
comes in with n very bad splinter iu Its
baud, nud you try to extract it. It Is n very
painful operation. Tho child draws back
from you, but you iHirsUt. You nro going
to tnko thnt splinter our, so you tnko tho
child with n gentle but .'Inn grasp; for al
though thero may bo iinlu Iu It, tho splinter
must como out. Audit Is lovo that dictates
it and makes you persist. My friends, I
really think thnt nearly nil our sorrows Iu
this world nro only the bund of our Father
extracting somo thorn, if nil these sor
rows were sent by enemies I would
suy, nrm yourselves ugnlust thorn; nud, ns in
tho tropical climes, w ben n tiger comes down
from tho mountains nnd carries oil n child
from the village, tho neighbors baud together
nud go into the forest nud hunt tho monster,
so I would have you, if I thought theso mis
fortunes were sent by nn enemy, go out and
bnttlo against thorn, llut no; thoy come
f.-oin n Father so kind, so loving, bo gentle,
that the prophet, speaking of his tenderness
ami mercy, tho idea of n father, nnd
says, "As ono whom his mother comforteth,
so will I comfort you."
Again I remark, thero Is comfort in tho
thought that God, by all this process, is going
to mako you ussful. Do you know that those
who accomplish the most for God nnd heaven
linvo nil Ik-'cu under tho harrow I Kliow mo n
man that has douo anything for Christ in
this day, iu n publio or private place, w ho bus
bad no trouble und whoso path bus been
smooth. Ah, no.
1 onto went through nunx factory, mull
saw them take the bars of Iron nud thrust
them into the terriblo furnaces. Then
beoweuted workmen with Ion;; tongs stirred
tho bluze. Then they brought uitn bar of Iron
and put it into n crushing machine, nud then
they put it between jaws that bit it iu twain.
Then they put it on mi anvil, ami thero were
great hammers swung by machinery each
ono a half ton In weight thnt went thumpl
thump! thump! If thnt iron could bavo
ipokcn, It would bavo said, "Why all this
bcntlngt Why must 1 be pounded any more
than nny other irouf' Tho workmen would
linvo Euid, "Wo want to mako axes out of
you, keen, sharp axes nxes with which to
how down the forest, nud build the ship, nud
erect bouses, nnd carry on a thousand enter
prises of civilization. Tlint's tho reason wo
pound you." Now, God puts n soul Into tho
lurimco of trial, r.ud then it is brought out
nud run through tho crushing machine, nud
then It comes down on the anvil, und tqion It
blow nfter blow, blow nftcr blow, nnd tho
soul cries out, "O Lord, w lint does nil this
meant'' God says, "I want to make some
thing very useful out of you. Y'ou shall bo
something to how w 1th nud something to build
with. It U n practical process through
which I mil puttiug you." Yes, my Chris
tian friends, wo want more tools In tho
church of God. Not moro wedges to split
with; wo have enough of thoso. Not moro
bores with which to drill; wo linvo too many
bores. What wo really want is keen, sharp,
well tempered uxes, and if there bo any other
way of making them thau Iu tho hot fu Uiuce,
nnd on Urn hard anvil, nnd under tho heavy
hammer, I do not know what It Is. llctuom
bor that If God brings nny kind of chusliso-
ment upon you, It is only to nmko you uso
fill. Do not sit down discouraged nnd say
. "I bavo no moro ronton for living, I wish
J I wero dead," Oh, thero nover wpi m much
(ieusonfor your living ns now! Hy this or
deal you linvo Wen oonucrnted it priest of
I tho Most High God, Go out und do your
wholo work for tho Muster.
Again, thero It comfort In tho thought that
all our troubles nro n rovelnllou. linvo you
over thought of It In thnt connection! Tho
ntnn who linn never lieon through chastise
ment Is Ignorant nbout n thousand tilings hi
his soul ho ought to know. For Instance,
hero Is n man who prides himself on his
cheerfulness ot character. Ho has no vi
lleins) with nuylssly who Is depressed iu
tplrlt. Oh, His easy for him to 1st cheer
ful, with his lino bun so, his lilted wnrdroltc,
nud well strung Instruments of music, nml
tiqiestiied junior, nud plenty of money In the
bank walling for some x'iinatient Invest
ment, It Is easy tor him to Isj cheerful, llut
suppose his fortune goes to pieces, nud his
house goes down under tho sheriff's hammer,
nud the banks will not linvo anything to do
with Ids pnier. Hiikmo thoso jicoplo who
wero onco elegantly entertained at his table
get so short nlghted that they cannot
it cog n lo him UK)ti the street. How
then I Is It so cnRy to Ih checrfull
Itlsensy to lo cheerful In tho home, nfter
tho day's work Is done, nnd tho gas Is turned
on, nnd tbo house Is full of romping little
ones. HiitsupiKiHotho plain) Is shut because
the lingers that played on It will no moro
touch tho keys, and tho childish voice that
asked so many questions will ink no moro,
Then is It so easy! When n man wnkes up
nud lluds that his resources aro all gono, he
begins to ltdiel, nnd he wiyst "God Is hnrd;
God is outrageous. He had no ImslnoM to
do this me." My friends, thoso of us who
have been through trouble know what n sin
fill nud rcliel lions heart wo have, and how
much God has to put up with, nnd how much
wo need wmlou. It Is only In the light of n
llamlng fiirnnco that we cnu learn our own
weakness nud our own lack of moral re
source. Ihero Is n! to n great deal of comfort in tbo
fact that there will Ism family reconstruction
Innlietter place. From Hcotlund, or Kng
land, or Ireland, n child emigrates to this
country. It It very hard pari lug, but bo
comes, lifter m. hllo writing homo ns to what
' u good land it U Another brother comes, n
sister comes, mid another, nud nfter n while
'the mother comes, nud nfter n while tho
! father conies, nud now they nro all hero, nnd
they have u tltnoof great congratulation nud
; n very pleat.iut reunion. Well, I is Just so
jwitli our families; they nro emigrating to a
I better laud. Now one goes out, Oh, how
hard it Is to uiitwith him! Another goon.
, Oh, how liniil it Is to part with herl And
another, nud another, and wo ourselves will
after (i w hllo go over, nud then wo will be
together. Oh, what u reunion! Do you be
Hove thnt? "Yes," you suy. You do notl
You do not bellovo It ns you bellovo other
things. It you did, nud with the same
emphnsls, why, It would take iiliie-tcnths
of your trouble off your henrt, Tho fact
Is, heaven lo many of us is n great fog. It Is
nwny off somewhere, filled with nn uncertain
nnd ludellulto population. That is the kind
ot heaven that many of tit dream nbout; but
It Is tho moit tremendous fact In nil tho
universe this henvou of tho OMpol. Our
departed friends are not illicit, Tho resi
dence iu which you live is not so rail ns tho
rosldcnco iu which they stay. Yon aro nllont,
you who do not know In the morning what
will lmpR'ii before night. Thoy nro housed nnd
ieafo forever. Do not, therefore, pity your
dvpnrtcd friends who Imvo died in Christ.
Tlipydonotiioedntiyofyourplty. You might
ns well send n letter ot condolence to Queen
Vlctorln on bor obscurity, or to tlio Hoths
childs on their overly, ns to pity thoso who
linvo woii tho palm. Do not my of those
who nro depnrted, "l'oor childl" "l'oor
iriitiiorr -roor inotnerr incy nro
not iwor. You nro ioor you whoso
homes Imvo been shattered not they. You
I do not dwell much with your families Iu this
world. All day long you aro off to business.
Will It not bo pleasant when you can bo to
gether nil tho wiillo? If jou have hail four
children mid ono is gono, and anybody asks
how many children ou have, do not lie so
iulldel ns to say three. Sny four ono iu
heaven. Do not think that tbo grave is un
I friendly. You gV into your loom nml dress
for somo grand entertainment, nud you como
forth beautifully appareled; nud the grnvo
Is only tho plnco where wo go to dress for
tho glorious resurrection, nud wo will como
out radiant, radiant, mortality having bo
i como Immortality. Oh, how much condol
' enco thero is iu this thought I 1 expect to
I sis) my kindred Iu heaven; I cxcct to seo
them ns certainly ns I exect to go homo to
day. Ay, I shall moro certainly see them.
I Eight or ten will come up from tho graveyard
, back of Bomcrvillo; nnd ono will como up
from tho mountains back of Amoy, China;
nnd another will como up from the sea oil
CajKi Hattcras; nnd thirty will como up from
Greenwood; nud 1 shall know them better
than I over know them here. And your
friends they may bo across tho sen, but the
trumpet that bounds hero will round thero.
I You will como up on Just the snmo day,
Bonio morning you havo overslept yourself,
and you ojion your eyes nud see thnt tho sun
Is high in tho heavens nud you say, "I havo
overslept nud I must bo up nud off." Bo you
will ocn your eyes on tho niornlng of tho rrs
iirrcctlou iu tho full blaze, of God's light, nud
you will snv, "I must bo up nnd nwny." Oh
yes, you will come up nnd thero will bo a ro- !
union, n reconst ruction of your family. I i
llko what Hulburtoii, 1 think it wns good
old Mr. Halbiirtou said iu his last moments,
, "I thank God thnt I ever lived, und that I
linvo a futher in heaven, and n mother ci
heaven, nud brothers in heaven, nud sisters
I iu heaven, nnd 1 am now going up to seo
I them."
1 rcmnrk onco moro: our troubles In this
world nro preparative lor glory What n
transition it wns for l'nul from tho slipjiery
deck of n foundering ship to the calm pi'es
enco of Jesus What u transition it wns for
Latimer from tho stake to n throne!
I What n transition Is wns for Hobert Hnll
I from Insanity to glory I Whatii trunutlon
I it wns for Richard llaxter from tho dropsy
to tho "saint's everlasting restl'' And what
n transition it will bo for you from n world
of sorrow ton world of Joy I John Holland,
when bo wns dying, said; "Whnt means this
brightness fu the room! Havo you lighted
tho candlesT' "No," thoy replied, "wo have
not lighted nny candles." Then said he,
"Wcleonio heaven I" tho light n'ready beam
ing iqioii bis pillow. O yo who nro porso,
cuted iu this world! your enemies will cot
off tho track nfter n while, nud nil
will spent; well of you among tho thrones.
I lot o w ho nro sick now. no mcdicmo to take
there. One breath of tlio eternal lulls will
thrill ion with Immortal vigor. And yo
w ho aro lonesonio now, there w ill lie u thou
sand spirits lo welcome you Into their emu
pantoiikhip. O ye bereft soulsl thero w IU be
no grave diggers sjindo that will cleave t-he
bide of that hill, ami thero will bo no dirge
wnillug from that temple. The river of God,
deep ns tho Joy of heaven, will roll on be
tween banks odorous with Lulm, nnd over
depths bright with Jewels, nud underlies
rokcato w Ith gladness, argosies of light going
down the stream to the ktroke of glittering
oar nud tho song of nngelsl Not ono sigh lu
tho wind; not ouo Uur mingling with the
Thero shall I batho my weary so-il
I In scosot heavenly rest,
Aud uot a ware of Ironhlo roll
Across toy (waceful breast.
With Illumination designs appropriate for the occasion,
Printed in llncst style of the art at
Wessel & Dobbirjs,
New BurrUlook, Cor. l2Ll.)anclO Sis.
Wedding Invitations, Engraved Calling Cards, Box Station
er)', Fine Printing of all Iv:nds.
Give Us ei Trial Order.
The Season
Has opened and we have just
Goods and a
W&iz&M?- WllMsfflmill
Grey Horse Harness Emporium,
1020 O Street.
I .jv Mustang Liniment y I
V&k ZOiJ0u' ttylULi "J inoisw una oil jKMjkjudwS iZLMXr r&W
I Cv wit I
O Seventeenth street ear line of Lincoln Street
Railway, lots fronting on
Now on sale.
for Driving
received a line line of Turf
great variety of
Ladies : Fine : Saddles
at Room 3.J Richards Block.
r "' 'hM "' MjrtM.'Marfuaatii wmtUVrtHumito&iHitmH
' 'mmik imii ii,j,l, 11 ' Ji 'JlJU!LALJ(!L,lil'!W!a