Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 08, 1888, Image 5

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Timely Siiffgollonii Alxnit Collecting tita
Weeds t'lnln Direction In Itegnnl to
tho Preparation nml Mounting of Clinlco
Ad many of tho renders of this column w 111
tpend it jwrt of tlio summer nt tlio sen short,
tho fascinating occupation of collecting tea
weed Is suggested, nluii with notno timely
directions nbout tho same, given i-econtly in
Golden Days. ,
Tho nniateur collector's outfit Is n very
tlmplo one. A tin prill containing n number
of wldo mouthed bottles, n dip net of cheeso
cloth with n long linudlo nml n kuifo for
scraping tho rocks, shells or tho sides of
breakwntcrs niul w harvus. When tho tldo Is
out llttlo pools w ill bo found In hollows left
by sonio largo stone, which nro vcrltablo
nquarin, filial often with slender filamentous
specimens which cling to tho lingers and ap
pear to bo only slime, liko tho green scum
which grows on stagnant water. Drop bits
of theso carefully Into your wldo mouthed
bottles, with a llttlo salt water to keep them
fresh until you nro ready to mount your
specimens. Bcrnpo bits of drift wood. You
may find mro specimens brought from dis
tant waters on tho keel or ruTlder of sonio old
ludlaman. Tako a boat and row out under
thu old wharves; you will llnd an abundant
growth fringing tho piers and pile.
Tho sooner tho specimens nro prepared
after they nro obtained tho better, though
dried seaweed, which has been sent unpre
pared n great dlstanco and has lain for a con
siderable tlmo, can often Ikj lloatcd out. Pop
floating out tho specimens an ordinary wasii
bow 1 will answer, nnd, for small specimens,
an ordinary soup plate is all that Is neces
sary. To cleanse tlio s)cclmcns thoroughly
from sand, and to soften It if dry, will bo
tho first requisite. Salt wnter Is best if attainable.
moTrmt rVp
I, .1, (!uitititK rrmilmii llpliy il
Pickle to tin Hi'cn ill thu Slum I'nlr.
Word was received In this city yesterday
that tho dliplay of Hclmeo's pickles inailo nt
the Onmliii fair by Mr. "Jot" rushing, a
former Mifolmtc, has Iwcu nwnrded llrst
premlimioverallcoiniH'litors, n fait which hi
many friend, both socially and in i miuercliil
circles, will Iki glad to Tlio Heinle
plekles and other bottled good nro so well
and favorably known Hint It Is nut surpris
ing tn hear of tho additional laurels being
added to their fain?, and It will bo of par
ticular InteioU to tlta dealer of this city to
know that Mr. CiiihliigV dliplay (an entire
facsimile of the undo nt Omaha) will bo
seen at tho stato fair all of next week.
Wo aw told Hi it II. wn ono of tlio finest
mid mint nrllitlcally nrrnnged displays on
the ground, and that It nttiwUM tho at
tention and admiration of overyono. It was In
hImki of a pyramid, a bottlo soma twelvo
feet in height standing In tho center, and as
each versou pnsvd Mr. Cudiiug pro'ntcd
them with u sample of tho good on cxhibl
fiho MUicri Ilrr Chance.
"Dcarl dcarl" ho said as Ira laid down Ids
paper and looked around tho car, "but
a hundred million dollars Is too much for
any ono man to have."
"Who's got IsP asked tho man on his
"Jay Gould."
Then, for n moment everybody was silent.
An old woman with a bundle on tho opposite,
seat began to movo nlwut uneasily, some
thing Uko a blush camo to her cheeks, and
iho finally leaned forward and hoarsely whis
"And ho Isn't a widower, Is hoi"
Everybody laughed, and alio got huffy and
left tho carat tho next crossing. I.uck al
ways runs against somo people. Detroit
Free Press.
Nut So I'ltvorablo.
Deacon Williams llrudder Jouos, how did
your son come, outen do trial!
Urothcr Jones Do Jedgo dono glvo 'lm two
munfs in du jayul.
Deacon Williams Pears ter mo liko ni If
you oughtor bo pow'ful thankful. Ho got
olf mighty light, ho did.
Brother Jones 'Twnrn't s' light 's you seem
ter thlnlf. Dey's n-gwintor hang Mm when
do two munfs Is up. Harper's Magazine
A Jupanetn Tea flown Whlcli I l'lc
tnrmqiln III liflYrts ami Unllko Any
Other lliuiMi Untie Unit Havo ns Yet
Horn Introduced.
A decided novelty Is Illustrated In tho
annexed cut. It has been introduced Into tho
world of fnslilon by tlio namo "Japanoso tea
gown," for reasons that aro obvious.
Why Blio Roiimliinl nt Home.
wfiP V i
no. a tiik imvixo nooir.
Photograph cirds aro best for mounting
mall specimens. Placo tho spray of nlgaj
in tho water and slip your card under it In an
incllnoJ position, as shown in Fig. 1. A slip
of glass under tho card, or bit of tin perfor
ated to let tho water drain through, will lx".
convenient as a support if tho mounting paper
is thin. Hold tho stem of tho specimen
firmly against tho card, and with u camel's
bair pencil "paint" tho tllaments under water
in tho direction you wish them to He. Lift
tho card quickly and placo it on n pieco of
blotting iaicr, cover tho specimen with n
squaro of linen nud then with another of
blotting paper (seo I'jg, !i). and it is ready for
tho press. Most algm ndhcro to tho paper
naturally; thoso which do not should bo
lightly touched with mucilago.
Two Hat boards form a very good press.
They can bo strapped tightly together with n
6hawl strap if yo nro traveling, or can bo
weighted with stoneii, a heavy ilat iron, or
books. Small specimens will dry in ono day,
and will not requirochango of dryers; others
will need to havo tho blotting removed sev
eral times nml dry layers substituted, tho
specimens remaining in press several days.
Writo on tho card tho namo of tho specimen
(when known), the locality whero found, and
tho dato wlion gathered.
H! t.
Mrs. Rlehcsso Aro you going to Europe
this summer, Mrs. Bullion!
Mrs. Bullion No, indeed; I can't afford
it. Besides, my cook is going. Time.
This gown Is, in point of fact, a Ioomo
princess rolw In llowctvd brocade, enriched
with gold embroidery and facings of cither
silk or China crnpoln tho lighter shado of tho
brocade This corresponds with tho fringed
scarf in twill silk and tho kilted underskirt.
Largo gold pin in tho hair. Tho sleeves aro
Very wldo nt tho cull's, anil Aro caught
together in tho center; thev nro lined with
plain silk.
New Btrtrs In Hair Droislug.
Tho newest stylo Is to draw all tho hair up
to tho ton of tho head, secure it thcro, dlvldo
it into strands, nud nrraugo it all up tho
back, in tho flguro of eight, commencing low
down and working upwards. It Is somewhat
dlfllcult to nrningo it forono's self, nud tho ad
dition of n llttlo lialr that docs not grow on
tlio bead Is sometimes necessary. A fashion
has crept In, but It Is not ono to Ikj encour
aged, nml has not found many followers, of
cropping tho hnlr abovo tho poll fortbreo
inches or so, frizzing or curling It, and turn
ing nil tho rest up to tho top of tho head. A
great many girls aro turning their fringes
backwards, sometimes over n cushion, nml
arranging tho colls of hair so as to keep tho
frlngo back (In addition to its being secured
by lino plus). This fashion of turning tho
hair back and crimping it is gaining ground,
and suits most young fnces. Bangs aro sol
dom seen now below tints.
Tho feathery aigrettes in whito or color,
with pasto or real diamond drops shivering
from wires, aro almost tho only ornaments
seen in tho full dressed heads. Loops of tho
airiest, fairlcst tullo aro mounted on pins,
nud put in at ono sido high up, among tho
coils and curls. Heal fruit and flowers aro
lightly pinned in, and clusters of red cur
rants bavo niinearcd lately, with pretty
effect. A trail of blackberries on fair hair
would not look amiss, or n cluster of llttlo
orauges, out of a conservatory, among dark
Niw Tlmo Talilim In i:ni Nupl. 'Jnil.
Train No. 1, tho I'aelllo Express, leaves
Council llluirn itllT p. in., dally, nnlvlng
Denver Mvoud day 0;I5 p ui.,0)tdeii llilnl
day fl:i: p, m , and Han l'rauelsi'o fouith day
al 10:1.1 a. in. Train No. !U)I, leaving Kansas
City tho same morning, nt or aliout II) a. in.,
anlvesat Deiivernt 7:111 n. in, anil connects
with train No. I nt Cheyenne.
Trali No. 11, "The Uvmlaud l'lyer," leaves
Council Bluffs Sunday 7:!l(i a. m., daily, ar
riving Denver second day IbiXla. m., Ogdeu
Hecond day It p. in., Han I'iiiucIkco third day
I0:l."iii. m., and I'mtlauil foutih day at Ha.
in. Train No. 'JiKl, leaving lunwN City tho
prolous evening, nt or iiImiiiI llj Id p. in., nr
i Ives at DeaveratHp. in. anil iiimiocts with
train No. !l nt ( heyenim.
TinluNo. L, the Atlantlo Kxpres, Iho op
posite of Train No. l,niiivvN Council ltluffs
ntHilftn, m. Connection Is luado at Chey
enno for Kimsas City, niil lug lCanwis City
(train No. Wi) at or about ft p. in., of tho
samo day that train No. 'J arrives Council
Muffs, Train No. I, "The Overland l'lyer,"
lliovpNMllo of train No. II, airlu's Council
Bluffs at ft:10 p.m. Connection is made al
Clicynuun for ICiiiihiim City, arriving lCanmis
City (train No. i'OI) ntur about (li'Jtlu. in. of
tho day following the ariival of No. -I at
Council Bluffs
Exception There is no connection with
train f i om California and Nevada, cant bound,
on train No. I.
Nli'Uit of Hi'liiialiipul.
Tho Union 1'nclllc, "Tho Overland Itouto"
will moII excunilon tickets at I educed rates, to
Hnmus desirous of ntteuding the HikiIk or
Hkiiahtoiim,, to be produced In Omaha,
Augit !llh. Sept. 1st, llrd, Ith, ftth.llth 7th,
8th, lOIli, Hill, I'.'th, i:ith, llth, 1Mb, lKlh,
'JUth, W.I, tfith, and imii. Tickets will bo
giMNl, going dato or sale and ivtlll'lillig tho
following day. This will Iki one of the great
est attractions over offered tn tho public and
should bo taken advantage of by all, For
rates etc., call on your nearest ticket agent,
T. L. ICimiiai.i,, J. H.,
Ac t'g (len'l Man. (1. P. & 'V. Ag't.
E. L. Lomax, A. 0. P. ei T. A.
Globe One-Price Clothing House.
Is now showing an clcgnnt line of
New Spring Styles
Mens, Youths, Boys and Children's Fine Suits.
All the Lntcst Novelties and Nobby Designs are included
in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early inspection.
One-Price Clothing House.
E. M. EISFELD 8c CO., Proprs.
AVIirn tho Illrds AVako Up.
An cnthusiastlo ornithologist has amused
himself by investigating tho miestion nt
what hour in summer tho commonest small
birds wnko up and sing. Ho says: "Tho
greenfinch Is tho earliest riser, o.s it pljiea as
early as 1 :!i0 in tho morning. At about S:U0
tho blackcap begins, and tho quail appar
. cutly wakes up half an hour later. It is
nearly 4 o'clock, and tho sun is well abovo
tho horizon, beforo tho real songster appears
in tho person of tho blackbird. Ho is heard
half an hour beforo tho thrush, and tho chirp
of tho robin begins about tho same length of
tlmo beforo that of tho wren. Finally tho
liouso sparrow and tho tomtit occupy tho lust
plnco on the list."
This investigation has altogether ruined
tho lark's reputation for early rising. That
much celebrated bird is quite n sluggard, as
it docs not riso till long after challlnches,
linnets and a numberof hedgerow birds bavo
been up and about for some tlmo.
Two I.lltl'J Hoses.
Ono merry Bunimer day
Two roses were at play;
All r.t onco they took a notion
TUey would Uko to run away!
Queer little rose:,
Funny llttlo roses,
To want to run away I
They stblo along my fence;
They clauilwreil up my wall;
They climbed Into niy window
To make a morning call I;
Kunuy llttlo rosos,
To make a uiorulng call I
Always Knout fur Ono More.
In ancient Mexico
Thcro dn elt, sonio tlmo ago,
A person uhoni 1 know,
Called hi this way:
"Senor Don Uodrlgo
Joso del Arniljo
llermauos Tologo,"
Likewise "el Key."
When wo got through with It,'
, If fools or Uo of wit.
Not nuo In tea could lilt
What it all meant.
Not ono In tweoty could
1'ronouaco It as ho slipuld.
If one had tlmo, he would
Think It misspend
Bo when wo xioko this man,
This titled Mexican,
V nil niinuuMl thin nlnn.
ThluUng it meet: , . ,
Dropped oery el and del, -Ti..l
Joso and Don as well, X V-
All names w o couldn't spell, '
Just called him "I'elo."
no, with I1I3 wealth of namo,
, Took this ono, Just tho name,
And thus his card became
After that dato:
"Senor Dob ltodrlgo
Joso del Arniljo
Hcnnnnos Tobago
El Hey y lVto."
W. C. Edgar iu Harper's Mafazlne,
A It
Nothing tn I'car.
Sho (in great agitation) Oh, Ooorgo, I
hear papa at tho front gato, nud ho is very
apt to bo impulslvo when ho comes home
Ho (reassuringly) Calm your fears, dear.
I'm in tho coal business, you know, nnd ho
lms owod tho firm mouoy for coal for over
nino months. New York Sun.
Tho 1'atnl Stuno.
Tho facts in rolatlon to tho tono called the
4,LIa Fall," or Fatal Btono, nro briclly us fol
lows: On this stono It appears that tho kings
of Minister wero crowned. It was originally
deposited In tho cathedral of Casliel, their
inetroiiolis. Iu tho year lUt!) Fergus, n
nrlncoof tho roval lino, having obtained tho
JscottUli throne, procured this stono for his I hv dashes nro precipitated that would other-
coronation nt Dunstaftnage, whero it con- wjso nover occur, j$0 it bcoms that our ordl
tlnucd until tho tlmo of Kenneth 11, who ro , Uary lightning roils nro a source, of danger
No ChuncA for Charity.
Mendicant l'Joaso, sir, glvo mo enough
money to get a meal)
Citizen I can't do It, my poor friend.
Meals iu this city cost 3.1 cents, nud I have
nothing less than CO cents iu my pocket. Aw
fully sorry for you. liurllngtoii Freo Press.
l'lotectlmi from Llgli'nlng.
Tlio Loudon Society of Arts has thoroughly
discussed tho subject of protection from
lightning. Tho most thorough investigation
is summed up by Professor Lodge, in tho
statement that for isolated chimneys and
steeples, as well as powder magazines, thcro
H no better protection than a number of
lengths of telegraph wires. A number of
thin wires Is better by far than a slnglo thick
ono; nud their cniaclty is increased by con
necting up metallic masses such as lead roofs;
"but do not connect with balconies nud other
accessible places." As to a roof, he would
run a liarUsl wire all around tho caves and but ho would run no rods up abovo
tho lilghobt points of buildings, because, thero-
xnoved it to Scouo: nud iu l!iiu it was ro-
.moved by Edward I from Bcono to London,
whero It was dopositod iu Vrcitmlnstor ab
bey. Tho l4t or tlio Gladiators.
Tho last cladlatorial contest under t!i
Xomon empire took placo at tin triumph ol
Honorlus, -101 A. D.,on which occasion Tale
innclius, nn eastern Greek, rushing forward
and attempting to separate two contestants,
was stoned to death by tlio fury of tho as
sembled spectators. Thus iu tho blood ol
Talcmachus, tho martyr, tho inhuman com
bats of ancient times wero washed away forever.
rather than of protection. (Hobo-Democrat.
Ancient Itulii In Now Mexico.
Tho remains of another extcuslvo ancient
city havo been discovered in Now Moxico. It
is about n milo north of Han Mateo. Tlio ac
tion of tho wlndshado covered tbo larger pop-
tlon of tho ruins with sand and other dctritui,
' nnd converted tho wholo Into an extensive
mound, nnd It was only a severe rainstorm
and cloudburst eweeping away ono angle of
this mound nnd disclosing soma heavy stono
walls that mndo tho discovery possible. Hu
man skeletous bavo been exhumed, and
what appears to bavo been u citadel. Chi
cuuo Herald.
rirailnc l'nnrlrs for Infants.
Studs in sets of three, nud fastened to
gether by n light gold chain never entirely
out of fashion nro, says Klsio Ilco Iu Tho
Jewelers' Circular, being employed ngnln for
fastening infants1 dress waists; later on theso
samo buttons nro used for small boys' blouso
waists. Many of these studs nro plain gold
ones, others nro chased, whilo others still aro
set with small turquoises or tiny icnrls. All
sorts of pleasing fancies nro expressed iu tho
safety pins provided for fastening down tho
baby's bib. Those pins, as n rule, run iu
sizo about liko the old curt pill ; sonio aro
plain bars of gold, many aro enameled, while
not a few aro set with small turquoises. Uold
nnd amber bends nro nlso being worn to sonio
extent by babies.
Numbered with nrtlcles suitnblo as gifts at
christening parties aro puff boxes of ropousso
silver, porringer sets of sliver or gold, the
namo cup and tho sets of flat waro iu silver,
including knife, fork, spoon and napkin
ring. Then thcro aro rattles of ivory
with silver bells, and all silver rattles with
Ivory rings.
A Toilette
Tho very pleasing tollotto illustratod in tho
cut hero given is of French origin, nnd is
known as tho pari:
toilette. It Is espe
cially designed for
young ladies nud is
essentially n sum
mer costume
Tho model from
which tho plcturo
was mado is iu
Qobclin blue, nun's
vol ling, finished
with coat facings
nud waist bands iu
brown velvet. Tho
sash is of shot
lougco silk. Tho
cronm colored
etamluo front is
honeycombed at
tho neck. Tho hat
U an open straw
trimmed with laco
with a drooping tub i-auk toilette.
laco frilling. Other gnrnituro consists of a
tuft of daisies end au aigrette bow with laco
pleating and ribbon placed iu front of the
lints Worn by Children.
Cinnamon colored flno straw hats nro. fash
ionable for both children and adults, trim
med with whito ribbon. Tho largo ilap brim
tueil Leghorn bats are also well worn, trim
med with whito ribbon nud n long ostrich
plume, or with white llsso nud green leaves.
Hvcn tho Zulu hat is much n la mode that
bat whose checkered career has been without
parallel ever tluco it arrived from China nud
Japan in thousands of trading ships and
worn by persons of the poorett class, then
sprang into fashion for golden wear,
Iwuudcd Into notoriety iu the shape of work
receptacles, pin cushions, and other fancy
bazaar novelties; and, Dually, attained tho
height of its ndvaucemeut by adorning tlio
bead of beauty at tho most aristocratic race
courso iu tho world.
For children's country and seosldo wear
theso Zulu hats aro wonderfully popular, nnd
many are trimmed with two ribbons, such as
red nud navy blue, palo bluo aud brown, etc.
Tho brim at tho back Is turned up with a
nt rap of each colored ribbon.
Atli'liliiili, Odd IVIImvH.
Take thu liurllngtoii Itotitn to the meeting
of the (Iriind Lodge at Los Aligcli, Keptcm
Iter 17th.
'Ibis Is the fatuous "Hcenli Houte," ami Is
the ninxl popular line to the l'acillo coast, cs
IMH'ially during the summer iiiomIIim. Denver,
Colorado Springs, Maultou, Hoynl (lorge,
Marshall I'axs, lllack Cauii'i of thu Ounnlsnu,
nud Salt IjiUo City inn nil on this route I
Hale for round trip only ?(0. Choice of i
1-niltiHi rplt i.ii (-ntllt,tliir 'Plrbnlil fin unlii All.
gust llllli to September llth Inclusive. Limit
for leturii sixty dnj-M. Full particulars may
be obtained at City Olllcc, comer 0 and Kith
streets or at dejHit A. V. .ik.mkii,
City Pass, and Tkt Agt,
(Iriind I.iiIk, I. . . 1'.
The t'nloii Pacific, the Overland Itouto.wlll
pell tickets to Los AngeleHiitjiM) for the round
trip. Limit for return, sixty days, with Mop
over privileges iu either direction within tlio
limits. Choice of routes going and leturii
tug. TicketHou wile until Sept. llth, inclu
sive. Full paitlculars nml dcscilptivu painpli
lets of wctitein u-Mirts mny be obtained nt
101 10 street.
I'lmt HuivcHt i:i'iirlin
Via Missouri l'nelll" railway tn imiIiiIh In
Texas and Arkansas, August'-Mid, 1 888 jolliers
to follow Septemlier llth and UTilli and Octo
ber t'th nud !f)d at one faro for the round
trip. Tickets aro llrst class, limited to thirty
days, and stop overs for the inspection of
land nllowcd within tho limit. Choice lauds
at fi om 8l."r to $.1 tier acre. Fin tlier Infor
mation, maps, descriptive land matter, it.,
may be bad bv calling on or writing
H. (1. IlANKA, 11. P. II. MlU.Kll,
City Ticket Agent, (leu. Agent.
Cor. O nud llith streets, Lincoln, Neb,
$25,000 WORTH
(If Innuml lu All.
Tho Union Pnciilo Hallway. "The Over
laud Itouto" Havo Jut IksuciI very complete
and comprehensive pamphlets on Colorado,
Utah, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Terri
tory, descriptive of thu agricultural, stock
mixing and mineral resources, the climate
nnd health i csortsof thesestatcsaud territories
compiled fjom the latest rcortsof I8H7. Send
to J. S. Tebbetts O. P. tc T. A., Omaha, Neb.
for one.
To be sold in next two months at
Hardy &Pitchers
A Complete Line of Folding Beds
now in Stock.
am m&:
s V Wll. 7li III!
A Omul Appi'lltii
Is essential togoisl health; but at this season
it is often lost, owing to tlio poverty or impu
rity of tlio blood, derangement of tlio digestive
organs and the weakening eirect of tho chang
ing season. Hood's Sarsaarilla is u wonder
ful mediciuu for creating au appetite, toning
tho digestion nud giving strength to the whole
system. Now is the time to take it. He sure
to get Hood's Sarsapnriila.
I'or Kent,
Furnished room for rent, ixio block from
University, Reasonable ratci. Call at 027
North Hlovonth street.
l'nr lti'iil,
Fine suites of rooms iu the Wubter block,
furnishiHl nud uiuurnlshed. JCmpihu nt
room 1.
Lincoln Hack and IIiikkuki) I.luo.
Telephono N . 'Jill, meat market, tW 0
street, or No. iSOl livery Imru. Onler slates
al samo places nud U. P. ticket olllco, corner
Kloventli and O stnids. Hack stands, Capi
tal hotel aud meat market.
IIoiia.nom Duos.
St mien t AcriiiiiiniiilatliiiiM,
All those who can furnish board nud lodg
lug or employment for tho student of the
university will please addrrxs full paitii-ulars
to the steward. Hooni number 1, main build
ing. : It
Nome Clienp I'luperty,
A flno residence lot on Twcnty-ilrst street
near N for sale at a reawmablo price. Also
one lu .Mechanics addition, llydo mi k nml
Klmwood.Wlll sell cliii'ip if sold Immediately
Call on or address L. Wessel, Jr , care this
MIsi Anna V, Hawkini, wlmw mimih i
Iraclier of dancing was plainly seen iu her
elegant "Oermnn nnd Heceptlou" of Juiip.
last, will 0cii her school for i-liildivu on Sat
unlay, SeptemW tho !M, in Masonic Tom
pie. MKs Hawkins would lie pleased to re
ceive names of those w ho w Ish to take, at any
time. Address room III, Itlclmrds bliK'k,
Lincoln, Nob,
Private lessons for adults w 111 also Ikj given
to those w ho desire to tnk' Bd-td
To Our Liiwjrr I'rli-iuln,
During tho ast wvek Tiik Couhikk olllco
has tiiriuil out soun elegant spi.'iuieiis iu law
briefs, one uuinlierlug nwirly a hundrtsl
pagts. We would like our friends of the
legal fraternity torenumilier that in this class
of work wo excell nil others nnd that our
prices nro as low as I ho lowest. Calls by tele
phone, No. liVl, promptly answered and ull
work left nt our olllco In Hurr block done
neat, quick and cheap.
lew Tall Stock Complete,
Ashby & Millspaugh.
Double Store under Opera House.
In the City all conic from the
Graham Brick Stables
1027 Q STREET,
Wheic all kinds of
Buggies, Carriages or Saddle Horses,
Can be bad at any time, Day or Night, on short notice.
Horses Hoarded and well taken care of at Reasonable Rates.
Call and sec us, 1027 Q street, or give all orders by
Telephone 1.17.
Most Popular Resort in the City.
Meals 25 cts.
1 119, 1 121 and 1 1 23 N Street.
..$o per week.
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