fl i' 11 ( Ulinni i ' 1 ' ' " ' '"A mw4 XS7 A V JhrHllllllMll'i7MIM'i Tlio Importnnco of purifying tho Mood can not bo oTcrcstlmalcd, (or without uio blood you cannot enjoy good health. At ttila season neatly every ono needs n Rood medlclno to putlfy, tltallie, nnd enrich tho hlood, ntid wo nsk you to try Hood's DamiIIov Barsaparllla. It strengthens rcCUIIcM nmi builds up tlio system, creates nn nppctltc, mid tones tho digestion, wlillo It eradicates dlsonso. Tlio peculiar combination, proportion, nnd preparation of tho vcgctablo remedies used glvo to Hood's Barsaparllla pocid- rr. I4-Cplf Jar ctiratlro powers. No l V liooil othcrmedlclnolinssuchnrccordol wonderful cures. It you havo inado up your mind to buy Hood's Baraaparllta do tint bo Induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar ' Medicine, nnd Is worthy your confidence. nood's Barsaparllla Is sold by nil drugRlsts. rrcparcd by 0. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Dosoa Ono Dollar HAGENOW&ASOHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Ollke,Roouts 139 nml 1.10 lHnr Illock. Telephone 13,1. Leaders in Photography. Riley's f(EU ff$ 5tudio5. We make n pcclnlty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life sized pictures nml furnish the flnc.t work nt lowest prices. Boat Cablnots $3.00 Klcgant lino of Picture Frames lu stock nnd made to order. Cnll nnd sec tit. H. W. KELIEY&CO. irnG O Street, LINCOLN, N1JI1. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, 1019 O Street. Established 1874. Desires lo call tho attention of tho public to lit now nnd elegant slock of DIAMONDS, Watclics, ClocXs, Jewelry, Silverware, Having more nxnii to neeniiimodntn the trndo nnd show n turner lino thnu ever lleforo pur Chasing. rIvo iih u enlt nnd wo wilt show you tlio fluent lino nt lowest possible- prices. Watch Repairing and Engraving: Neatly done nnd nil work warranted. Coliiiulilu llloyclug umlTrloyvlto. RW O BU It. D. ADDIS. AGT. 829 O St. Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISCOE, 1043 O Street. em FINE ART : STUDIO, 1314 O street examine samples of our crk before ordering elsewhere, Cabinet. Photographs reduced to $3 per dozen from $4 "Ptma THE COURIER A limhv ltprr nf Matfrm Tinf, l',UllL.l3tUCD SATUWDA.Y Frnnciuniox: On Year by Malt or Carrier ftfiO Hit months, $1,00, Three months 80 Cent, Ono month ) Cents Invnrnbly In Advance. ttiVKiiTiitr.MMTs: Ilntes furnUhed on application nt tho olllco. Hocl:il ratm on Tlnm ContrAuU. CoxTiunuTloNd! Hhort spicy skelche, xenu, nnd slot to solicited. Personal nnd Hoclal notes nro tMH'li1ly desirable. t'nlirmnt Wo nml n specialty of Klnn Piloting In nil III limi'm. HiaUty w n'x a s.mlitty Address nil continuiilentlotis direct to tho odlee. vvismicl a 0013I.UNB, r.niToin and rnornirrons. Now llurr Modi, Cor. Will nnd O Hirer'.. TKI.KI'IIOMKiM. TiiKtluiln who spends tho grontor jiortlon of his time In "deeping hns ninny soft snupi TilKinueh talked nbout Freddie Uohhnrdt Is suffering from nil nlToctlon of tlio brnln. Too much Lilly l Hiipponcd to Ik tho cause. IIavinii i1IhkwwI of Chinese emigration' congress should turn lUt nttentlon to Hint other great curse, pauper cmlgrntl.n. In fact It woul I ho n very goo.l thing to stop luil gratlon altogether, TmkcooI nlr of tho llocklcs Is Inducing ninny people to think nbout roturiilnt; totlu-lr city homes. This hns lieon tho let season yet for tho inountnlii hotel-kecer, nnd thoy predict n still greater rush next year. Wk slnecroly linH tho nowsmpcrn will let up 011 discussing the question of whether freo trndo or protection Is tho best thing for No brnslm. Tho statu lunutiu asylum has nbout as ninny patients now ns It cares to hniidlo. Tiik CoimiKU neglected to noto tbo fnct Inst week Unit tho Hloux Ulty Huiidny Hun celebrated its llrst ninilvornnry recently. Mr. Jny Is n Rood, stroiiR writer, fearless ns to consequences when ho knows himself to Ikj right, nnd Is rIvIiir tho jnoplo of Hloux City n most excellent fmnlly newspaper. Hucccss to tho Hun. Tlio paper sport n now head. Tub fast llfo of tho American busincis limn hnsottu Ix-oii commented upon, nnd Its ill- KiiHtrous olTeetii ni-o well shown in tho entos of ninny Wall street ninn In tho Instfaw months, prominent nnioiiR them IicIiir Itolwrt (turret t tho inllllonnjio rnllronil piexldent. Hut ns in other ilcimrtiueiilH of llfo, no ono will heed, these oiuliious wnrnliiRS, nud pnresls will yearly claim its hundreds of victims. Oar lott was 11 nmii with plenty of money nnd could huvo tnkeu llfomosti'fi.sy.but hoiimtch od hlinuolf 11 aii Inst the "Nii)xUoiis of II imneo'' with whom Wnll street iiliouuds, nnd Is now ending his ilnys In a mn.lhouHe. Tuts government teems to bo developing n great deal of bnckbono in its dealings with other nations. Tho Chinese nro tho latest victims nud n bill to exclude their (migration absolutely hits irnxscd both houses. Of all the foa'lgners who Hood this country, tho China ninn is tho loaxt doitrnble, nud tho law is n wlwono. There nro toJay but few natural ImhI Chiunuieu in the United Htutes, their principal niiu being to gather together n fuw hundred dollars, nud skip back to China to II vu in clover tho Imlnuco of their liven. John does not conform to tho manners, ciiHtoius or tlrcis of tho Amerlenus, works for Ktnrvntlon wugi's, lives on to us most loathsome food, and Is altogether nil object of coutemp w hero- ever found. It will lw n good tiny for Aineri en when tho operation of tho tiiiindnte, "Tho Chinese inuut go" proceeds. The uudo in art is receiving great encour agement from tho secular press. Nearly every eastern pajier that makes any preten slons to illustrating Its colums hnx, in ovury issue, a letter written in tho fuillcUm stvle, from ono of the various Atlantic resorts, profusely Illustrated with ortralU of Kcu-sldo beauties nnd belles with nil their wealth of arms nnd legs and tho various other charms of body tho modorn bathing dress permits observation of. Even that staid old news- pajier, tho Now York Hun, appeared tho othor day with a four-colum article, shuwmggnudy nnd graceful drawing of tho underpinning of somo society Imlles, nctresses and ieoplo with names not nttnche1, Wo wonder whnt tho feelings wcro of thoMi women w hoxo contour of bly and symmetrical proortions wero thusdlrplnyed to publlogaze, with minutely descriptive letter-press matter. That, we presume, is beyond tho ken of man; but it must hnvu nu immense euVct on the young who saw it. Nowspuors huvo great iiilluence In mouUing public morals ns well ns public opinion, and tho Journalism that panders t3 tho vicious side of liiimnn nnturo docs Incnl ctilablu harm. TaiiluTai.k for Hoptember niiothcr sea sonable nml entertaining iiumlier. Hummer is dead almnnlenlly and Mr. Whiton treats her douiiso with becoming solemnity in bis oper.lng ioem; then follows a variety cf household information tlio housewife cannot afford to lose; "New September Menus;" "Coffee nnd Coffeo Making;" "Housekeepers Work for Heptcmbor;" "Now Things for Tablo and Kitchen;" all by that famous authority on things culinary, Mrs. S, T. llorer. And then licr answers to "House keepers' Inquiries" this month abound fn in structive information. Other articles in this numbjr, very interesting, nro Tilllo May Forney's "Fnshlounblo Luncheon and Ten Toilets," "Our Cooking Club;" "A Dictionary of French Terms used in Menus;" "Beptom tier Culinary Economies;" nlso a dcscrlptivo paper "Jiegarding tlio ream." Tho lltorary jwrtloncf tho magazine, too, Is well sustained. In it nro several original stories by ablo writ ers, together with tho cud of Jonatlmn Ens ' Dllllculty." The Prlzo Problem Denartinout, another very attractive feature, is kept up with skill and ingenuity. $1.00 a year, 10 it nts a copy. Tublo Talk Publishing Co., 401, 401 & 400 Race street, Philadelphia. t ssa Desirable Olllee l'or itent. The CouniKH will rent desk room to any retponslble ixrson. Desk and chairs furnish ed. Location the most deslrablo in the city on O street, basement floor Burr's new block. Price $10 icr month. MORE OR LE88 NOTED. Wmt tlio Nowspnpem Hay of Well Known Hon of Attain (loiilp. John Hoblnton, tho well known showmnn, loft nn cstnto valued at $3,000,000, Don Mnnucl llnrlllnn, president of iClimto mala, Is n renowned shot with tho rifle, Tho Miuunl exKMidltnro of tho sulUinof Turkoy'fl household is over $41,000,000. Theodora Tilton Is much noticed on tho ChanijH Ely ices, Paris, liecnuso of his marked rosemblniico to M. Floqnct.' Tho king of Hnxony linn been Invited by tho emperor of Austria to tho chamois hunt ntHtelcrmnrk In September. President Ilogrnm, of Honduras, Intends covering tho walls of ono of his rooms with tho nutogrnphs nnd photographs of his friends. Henry Clows, tho banker, considers that William II. Vnudcrbllt wnsn greater (lnnn clcr thnu his father. "Ho mndo three times ns much In sovon years," says Mr. Clows, "as his father mndo in seventy." Mr. Wilfred Illunt's nununl snlo of Arabs 6eoms to grow lu favor, although ho does not yet obtain sensational prices. Eight mares realized MO guineas, nnd tho samo number of horses 400 guhioni. Tho nvcrago was C2)i guineas. "Undo" Znch Hash, tho oldest settlor of Cb.iudlcrvillo, Ills., romombcrs tho tlmo ho saw Abraham Lincoln piloting nu odd look ing flat boat loaded with hogs, whliky nud corn down tho Sangamon rlrcr. Tho emperor of China has n toy railway of his own. It is thrco miles long nml Is laid in tho palaco grounds on tho borders of nn orna mental lake. Ills majesty Kwnng Su took his first rldoon It in May, aecompnuled by tho empress regent. Tony Hart, tho actor, who is nn Inmnto of tho Worcester asylum for tho insane, Is well enough to umpire tho baseball games that nro played nearly every day by tho doctors, attendants nnd milder patients. Tony's de cisions nro said to show good Judgment nnd great kuowledgo of tho game. A blacksmith nt Ovledo, Fin., nppenrs to bo n second Ellhu Ilurrltt, Ills sign reads: 'Thurston Hulllngworth, general repairing nud Jobbing In nil materials neatly nnd promptly dona. Specialties Surveying nnd photography. Information given on felon tlflu nnd mecbnulcal subjects." Among tho cabin passengers luthostenmcr Pnrthin, which sailed from Sail Francisco for Hong Kong somo tlmo ngo, wns n distin guished Chtuamnu who registered ns Chun Lee, Peru. Ho is raid to bo worth $1,000,000, which ho bns 11 massed from his Peruvian plantations. When bo went to Peru thirteen years ngo he had but (-100. A blind guitar player named Manjon, from Spain, Is creating n stir lu the musical world abroad. Ho uses nu instrument with cloven strings. It was seventy years ago that an other Spaniard named Lor created n sensa tion with his guitar nml made n perfect crnzo for tho Instrument, so that tho piano cccracd likely to bo driven out of tho field. Mr. Whltbread, ono of Mr. Gladstone's thick nnd thin followers lu tho houso of commons, is tho owner of a browcry which Is said to pay him $1,500,000 n year. Ho Isu man of magnificent physical proportions, but Is such a tedious nud uninteresting orator that Mr. Qladstono ouco thought of mnklng him speaker to get rid of him. Probably tho czar wns glad that ho wns not obliged to receive tho Emperor William nt n country seat, when special preparations would havo been necessary for tils reception, ns tho expense of such visits nro prodigious. It cost tho emperor of Austria $000,000 to entertain tho czar for three days at Krcm slor, in 188.1, ami tho bills for putting tho nrchblshopof Olmlltz's palaco in repair nud for decorating and furnishing it for tho oc casion nniountod to nearly f'.'OO.OOQ. Mr. F. NIcholls Crouch, tin vonernblo com poser of "Kathleen Mavournecn" nud other popular songs, hns been revisiting Portland, Me., us tho guest of Mr. Ueorgo II, Tliomax Although, hays Tho Portland Transcript, nhnosta generation has passed away since Mr. Ci-ouch resided horo and was 11 leader lu musical circles, tho years havo doalt kiudly with him, nnd his friends nro glad to scothnt his step is elastic nnd his oyo ns bright as in tho old days, although ho is SO years of ngo. Ho oven retains somo of tbo best notes of his powerful and well trained volco. His life, both beforo nnd since ho left England, has been full of romantla incident. Ho went very early upon tho lyrlo stage, nnd In his youth often appeared beforo royal nud princely audlouccs. Tho other evening a birthday reception was given Mr. Crouch nt Mr. Thomas', at which ho sang "Kathleen Mavburnceu" and others of his old songs with wonderful vigor and precision. An Indiana correspondent tells The Tribuno that Mr. James Whitcomb Riloy, tbo poet, has n curious inability to form trua conceptions of distances and directions. He dreads a Journey more thau a child does iti first stsp alono, nud nover feels suro of reach ing his destination unlcsj accompanied by o friend. Even in Indianapolis, his homo foi so many years, bo often becomes bewildered nnd loit, Thcro is n story which describes him as viewing with alarm tho prospect of being obliged to escort to hor homo a lady who happened to S)cnd tho evening with hhn at tho homo of mutual friends. Too gallant to glvo expression to his fears, however, he undertook tho mission. After an hour or two his hostess of tho evening, being sum moned to tho drawing room, found thcro n very embarrassed Illloy. Ho explained that after taking tho lady homo ho had wandered about in n vain effort to find his own homo, had nt last found hlnuelf again at her gate, and wanted a guldo. TComen as Street Inspector. Tho ladles of Now York, who recently formed themselves Into n Health Protective association, rocommonded that Mayor How itt appoint women as inspectors of street cleaning. They aro warmly supported In their demand by tbo Philadelphia Lodger, which says: "Thoy understand tho business of sweeping and cleaning better than men, nnd having nothing to do with politics could attend strictly to tholr duties ns inspectors. A crent mlstako is mado lu not utilizing tc tho full tho special capabilities of women foi municipal government say in directing the affairs of tbo public schools and in such in spections as a good housewife Is qualified tc make. Thcro need bo no question In this o( equality of sexes, but au actual recognition of tho inequality duo to training ami educa tion, which makes women better fitted fcr su:h work than men." Now Orleans Plci yuue. Victoria In Dowdy Dress. Tbo queen Is rathor fond of a straw bat, and ono of the latest photographs represent! hor at au al fresco breakfast in tho bosom oi her family, wearing a garnlturo of this primitive species. As her majesty Ignore! thrones and scepters and objects to appearing among her people clothed in tho symbols of royalty, but prefers to hide herself in ths Highlands and don the dowdiest dresses, there is no doubt that another photo will toon bo (published in which tho empress will bo tbo central figure, sitting on a Scottish cairn, with a Pitcairn straw bat on her im perial head. Londou Letter. Tbo night Ownership. Stranger (In Hoston street car, to nged cit izen) Excuse me, my venerable friend, but I think you havo dropjied your spcctailcs. Aged Citizen That's something I nover wear, sir. Young Lady Thoy belong to me, sir. I wns nbout to nsk the conductor to kindly come to my nsslstnnco. Now York World. A .linn of 111 Word. "Promlso mo, John, that you will not get Into nny terrible railroad accidents, or 1k burned to death nt n hotel Promise me that, John, or my heart will break I" John promised faithfully that ho would not. Life. A Suspicious Sinn. Thcro wcro half a dozen of us smoking and talking on tlio veranda, ono ovenlng, whon n young man enmo along with a bank noto in his hand nnd nskedi "Can nny of you gontlsmon break n twenty for mof If wo could wo didn't enro to, nnd when ho bad gono tho man nt thoond of the row said: "I've got plenty of small bills, but ho looked llko n sharper to me." "On tho contrary, ho had n very honest look," observed n Hostou man. "Well, tho bill was probably counterfeit." "Como, now, but don't bo so suspicious of human nature." "Uut I'll bet it wasn't a bankable bill. Why didn't ho go to tho hotel olllco f "My dear sir, I should bato to bo suspi cious. Havo you any money to losoT' "Howr "Any money which says tho bill is badf "Yes $00." "Dono." Tho young man was coming back down tho street nnd wo called to him. Ho still bad tbo bill in his hand. "Let mo seo It," snld n'oston. Ho scanned the bill closely for ten seconds nnd then handed it back with tho remark: 'I see. Scrvod mo right. I'll pay tho bet." It was a busted Canadian bank bill, nnd tho man 011 tho end and tho bearer of tho bill wcro confederates. Ilo3ton didn't rnlso nny row over it, but ho retired very early that night. Detroit Freo Press. A Fund of Information. Countryman (to tho celebrated nindoo snako charmer) I s'poso you know n good d:nl about snakes, mUterl Hindoo Snako Charmer Snakes, sir, havo been tho study of my ovontful Ufa I know all about them. Countryman Tlio hull bnsincssl Hindoo Snako Charnior Yes, sir. Countryman Well, I wish you'd tell a feller whero tho body leave oil nn' tho tall begins. Now York Sun. Tlio Wood Arc Full of Bnch Men. A "Blizzard" representative witnessed a novel sight in a country storo yesterday whero n farmer actually refused to buy h!s wlfoa calico dress becnuso ho couldn't af ford tho oxpenso, but beforo bo left tho storo invested half n dollar In cigars for himself. Our Judgment upon such 11 man is that ho should bo kicked to death by wooden lecged women or stoned to death in tho streets of Gaza. Oil City Blizzard. Tlio Croat Atluntlo Cable. Every day brings us fresh proof of tho great advantages afforded by tho Atlantic cable. For instauco, n Now York dally papor prints n cablo dispatch stating that "a now dovico is a Louts Phillppo cravat, llko thoso our great-grandfathers wore." If tho cablo bad not 1ocii laid wo should havo been obliged to worry along nearly two weeks longer without this vital bit of information. Norristown Herald A Cuto Customer. Justice Do you know that you are charged with tho theft of npoor laborer's dinner! Tramp Yes, slrl J. And did you know that you violated tho law I T. No, slrl It was n caso of necessity, nnd necessity knows 110 law. Boston Bud got. I Answered. ' "Havo you any data on which to baso n prognostication of tho duration of tho pres ent period of oxceeslro cnlorio in tho circum ambient ntmoapheror' asked a young woman with spectacles of a man at tho Union station yesterday. "Ycs'm," was tho reply, "tho noxt train for Boston leaves in half an hour." Pittsburg Chroulclo Telegraph. Ills Great Misfortune. Teacher Try to romombcr this: Milton, tbo poet, was blind. Do you think you can remember Itt "Yes, ma'am." "Now, what was Milton's groat misfort unot" "Ho was n poet." Lincoln Journal A Smart Otflee Iloy. int" nskod a visitor, of "Is Mr. ofilco boy. tho 'Naw." "Do you know where ho Is?" "Nopo; his nunt's dead, nn' I guess bo's cither nt tho funeral or at tho ball game." Exchange. Variety Is tbo Splco of Llfo. Miss Nnnnygoto, of Harlem (visiting in tho country) Isn't this cow's milk, Auutyf Aunty Yes, dear; don't you llko ltl Miss Nannygoto, of Harlem An, yes, I find it very nice for a change. Tho Epoch. Whnt It Describes. A now allegorical poem called "Alono in tho Desert" is often quoted nt tho summer rosorts this 6eason. It describes tho ml von turcs of a huckloberry lu a hotel pie. Now York Star. Uasobull Literature. Old Gentleman (to boy in book stand) I want a copy of "Jack, theOlant Killer." Boy Yes, sir; I s'poso yer goln' up to tM gamo this afternoon, Now.York World. Consequently Could Ifot aim Assent. Stryi.e Will you do mo a favor, old man! timyko (rapidly) I havo not got a cent Town Topics. Mk& THE YOUNQ PEOPLE. A Yonmr rlitloioptier Tackles an Tim l'robtrm. Master Bobby's papa is tho happy owner of a hatching machine, Tho other day, ns tho former was watching n chick energetically breaking its way through Its shell, ho Inquired! "I reo how ho gets out, but however did ho go to work to get inr' Judg-s. Misfortune- Itntber Than fault. An Indignant parent, in rebuking a re fractory son, oxclalmodt "Itoinombor who you nro talking to, slrl Pin your father!" To which tho youth rejolnodi "Oh, como now, I hopo you ain't going to blnnio mo for that." Troy Times. Tim Corrrct Thing. Mother Tommy, nln't you nslfnmed of yourself to strlko your llttlo sister! You ought to know better. Tommy Yes, ma, I tloj but wo'ro playing school, nud I'm the teacher. It's nil right. I swell Citizen. Itcnniriiipd. A podngogtin threatened to punish n pupil who had called him n fool behind his back. "Don'tl don't I" snld lhoboy;"I won't do It ngnln, sir, novcrl I nover will sny whnt I think again in my llfol" Mllwaukco Sen tinel A Iltrtbdny Trcscnt. A boy was teasing his llttlo brother nbout tho shupo of his ncso, when tho llttlo fellow quietly remarked: "I can't holp It; I didn't buy it myself It was n birthday prcsout." Now York Evening World. llnnl on the Young Man. Tho youngor society clement of Philadel phia nro laughing heartily over an adventure that befell 0110 of their number somo tlmo since, 1 1 nppoars that during a local boat raco tills young gentleman took occasion to express in no measured terms his disapproval of the decision of tho referee, who ruled out tho boat that our horo was interested in on ac count of an nlleged "foul." A fow nights afterward this doughty champion, In telling of tho affair wliilo sitting arouud 0110 of tho tables of a prominent cafe, expressed his in tention of Interviewing tho offending refprco 011 tho morrow, for tho purpose, ns ho stated in classic lauguago, of "doing him up." Judgo of his astonishment when 011 awaken ing next morning (with, it is trno, nrathor misty recollection of tho last night's conversation), ho wns handed a let tor from tho gcntlomun against whom ho had cherished theso hos tlio intentions. Tho lottor stated that tho writer hall learned of his expressions and in sisted upon nu iinmcdlato apology or satis faction, whero and when ho pleased. Hero was n dilemma truly, nnd, Pad to state, our young friend did not fee' equal to tho en counter. Tho paternal advlco was sought nnd tho young flro eater, aided by his father, a prominent lawyer, concluded tbnt, ns dis cretion was tho hotter iart of valor, it would bo best to prejiaro an humble letter of apol ogy, which was sent by tho olllco boy, with tho favor of nu iinmcdlato reply. It soon came, Tho other jiarty kuow nothing what ever of tho nfTnlr, and it slowly dawned upon them that tho challongo w-as got up by somo outside wag for tho purposo of obtaining a llttlo harmless amusement. Tho explana tions all round nro said to havo been very funnr. Philadelphia Times. I'attl'n Castle for Sale. Mme. Paul's castlo at Cralg-y-Nos, Wales, Is advertised for sale. The reason given by tho diva for this course it tho fnct that sho is being robbed by her neighbors. Thoy over whelm her with nppcals for alms, uud whilo sho is searching in hor purso for tho whero witlial to satisfy theso demands the appli cants pockot her cbolcost bits of bric-a-brao or books. Tho park about tho castlo is over run with )Kachcrs, and oven tho crop nbout tho place nro being cut and carried off ut ulght. Frank Lcsllo'u. King Ja-Jn of Opobo, tho deposed West African sovereign whom England exiled to tho West Indies, hi being feted at St. Vincent A Good llotliclno Which evory Family Should bo Provided With. There Im no iiiudictiio so often needed in ovory household, ns u good rullublu liniment hupIi sin Clinnibeiiuin's ruin IJulni . llnrdly n wimk passes but koiiiu member of tho funiily litis need of it for Miuio iiilincnt. A toothache or lionilnciiu niuy bo cured by it. A touch if rheumatism or netiruliii quieted. Tlio covcro pnin of 11 burn or t-culd promptly rulloviul, nnd tlio soro honied in much less tlmo than when medicine litis to bo hunt for. A spniln limy be promptly (routed boforo inllimimution Mtts in, which insures 11 euro in about ono third of tho timu otliorwisu ro ijuircd. Cuts nnd bruises should ro c.'ivo inuucdlnto treatment bo fori) tliu purls boconio swollen, which enn only lio dono when thu l'jitu Itultii is kept on hnml. A soro throat may bo cured bo foro it becomes t-urous. A trouble conn) corn iimv bo removed by apply ing it twice 11 day ior n week or two. rjtiiiiMiyand glumlulnr swellings may bo Mirprussed beforo mutter litis beuu to form in them. Boils aro o.teu the result of nn injury and may lie prevent ed by timely treatment. A Initio back niuy bo cured and several dnys of valu able time saved. A pain in tho side or chest relieved without paying n doctor bill. When so much pain ami siiU'ering imiy bo saved by tlio trivial outlay of llfty cents, it is certainly siirprisrng that any family would do without such a remedy. Tlio fact is, few of thoso who have used Chamberlain's Pain Halm are willing to bo without it. A Kansas City traveling man snys Chamberlain's Pain Halm enables him to earn $1,S00 per year. It cured hhn of neuralgia with wliicli ho hail been an almost constant sufferer. A, II. Klliott of South Cedar, Kansas, Btiysi "My father who lives near me wus thrown from a buggy, and nearly killed, Chamberlain's Pain Halm saved his life." Mr. Win. Westlako, n prominent fanner and stock-raiser noar Avoea, Neb., was so badly injured by being thrown from 11 sulky, that ho could not ralso his hand to his head, by using Chamberlain's Pain Halm, he entirely recovered tho ufie of his arm in two weeks time, which enabled him to ex hibit his stud of horses ut the fair and they took the tirst premium. L. O. Ilurlinglmm of Now lioston, 111., sprained his bnck so badly that ho could not cut oil' n stick of wood, Chamberlain's Pain Halm cured hi in in ono day, m 1 St. Patrick's Pills cleanse thu system, purify thu blood and regulnto the liver and bowels. Thoy havo no equal, try them, 20 cents pur box. 1 Eold by W. J. Turner LADIES Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. CHILDREN'S Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. -AT- Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE PITTING- HOUSE. 1 1 29 O Street. DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. Tclephonc628 Artificial Teeth inserted without plates. NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered for painless extraction. THE ONLY LINE DIRECT TO TIIK It LACK HILLS AS'Ii CENTJIA L WYOMING, JtKADWOOl), HA I'll) CITY, VHADltOX, lll'FFALO OAl', DOUGLAS, Tho heart of the Coal, Oil nnd Mfncrnl regions of yonilng. Through Sleeping and Day Cars on all Trains THOUGH SLEEPING CARS. Lincoln to Chicago. Dining Cnrs oa Through Trains, Direct Con nections ut Chicago for nil points E3JL.ST1 JL.1-TZ3 SOTJO?"E-I. CIoao connections nt Missouri Valley for 8t. l'nul, Minneapolis, .-iiilrlt Iiku nnd Kioux City. GKO. N. FOIIBSMAN, Agent. 115 8. 10th Bt., Lincoln. Neb. W. F Fitch, J. It. Huchanan, Clen'l Manager. U. P. nud T. A. KING STEEAR, SHOE STORE, U tho next thin? ton Bavlncn Runic. Tho only dlllcrence U wo ulvo vnu Real Leather Shoes luitend of Paper Holed Rhncn, for the mnnn or Icm dollar that the othor churi;n for shod lien. tYonell them on tholr merits. Tho hennest and best place- In America for Heal Leather Hlioes for tho same amount of money llemember the place, 101U o street. KING STEEAR. jF HHnMPnil l t: s. '.- , ' tttfkiV tlii.I- -1- ijjiu, &.V ..d.f...l 4h L.j WlM' ggjjfcj tatH&Mkk. I