Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, September 08, 1888, Image 3

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Drayage and Moviag,
olivi:r magcJaku
Desire to Inform the public that hU equip
ment for moving Household (iooiU,I'lnno
Safes, MarchandUe, Heavy Mnchlnen
etc., Is the best In the city. Special men
and wagons are kest for the removal ol
Pianos and Household Goods,
Which arc always handled by eotnpetiuit
and experienced help, and the latest tipnll
nnccs used for handling Safe and othei
heavy goods. Call, address or telephoni
Telephone 1 1 i OlHce 917 ()
Fremont Elkliorn & Mo, Yallej
Trains leave 10:litn. 111. and J2M0
Tofreo homes In Northwestern Nebrnikn nn
Southwestern Dakota.
To tho lllnek HUN and thu Hot Springs.
To Ccntrnt Wyoming ronl nnd on Ik-UN nn
cattle rniiKox.
To Chicago nnd tho Kjst.
To Ht. 1'md, tlio Nortli nnd Northwest.
For further Information Inquire of
(IKO. N. rOlWHMAN, ARcnt.
15 South 10th street, I.lncob
W. F. Fitch, J. K. lli'tnANAN,
(lencrnl M'Rer. Hen'l Pass. Ag't
Missouri Valley. Ion a.
( iPITAL Htock f 300.000.
O.W Moaner, l'riwldont. W. J Wftliu, V- Pr
It. O. OutCAlt, Cashier.
Ion.r loaned on tnnfc or abort time at lowe
it,' Ofllce In Illchards' lllock, room 2.
Ta':e elevator on Eleventh street entraua.
N. R. IIGOK, M. D.,
diseases of women.
drlnary and Recta Diseases a Specialty.
Treats rectal tllcno hy ItltlNKEtlllOFI
PAINLKSS HY8TKU. Onice. rooms lit!. li nml
121 lliarr lllock. Twelfth nnd O streets. Onice
telephone Alt. Itesldi'iico M'jn Q street. "Phono, 6.1.
Ofllco hours, 0 to 12 n.m. 2 to & and 2 to 5 p m
feundnys, luto It u. m
Homosopatliist Physician,
Toleahonc No OS5.
16 South 1 ith Street, Lixcoi.m Nkii
Steam Laundry
1117 P Street.
Still in tho front and nlisolutely loading all
xjnietiUira. Thoiougbly equipped for th
unest work, giving to encb customer an un
qualified guarantee for all woi k dono. All ot
nur work douo with neatness mid dispatch
Wo solicit orders for suburban villages and
indglilwi ing towns, paying the express on ai
aiders ouu uuy. Uespectfully,
Rborthann and Tjpewr'tlnB. limit nml largcat ooIIpkc
In (ho went. Sliul'iit iiretiaml for Imslm a in from
8 to it months. Individual Instruction. Kmlnnaex.
perlcncrtl faculty, fcenit for collcgo journal and
rpeclmenf 'if iwumnnrlitp to
Old doid tfiptl. .iTilAtn
k tlio (llllitvcmi Ol lllixxl
i iHiiriiii! unit (nn fwniimv
It, giii-lilns out of old iccih
at crry moil nnd ho
llftlllllivt Tlliiki. tnj.ll. n.A
dead, ulccratod, unit nltliv
troiucnlly rnu'c a hcJJoI
fsco. tliouId ccrtsl-y Imj
extracted and roplai-al with
cood, nrtlnclnl tcctli ihit
nccrsche. Can booitrnct
rd nttnout palu. No huta.
1 be ntxivu cut shows the teeth of a man 43
years of uiro, from Dr. Hell in 18111. Wo meet
Ith thlsHlfectlonln tho teeth lu various forms
ami dcfirci a. The ends of the crowns seem
evj soft, having alow denrceof vitality and
weir down showing a dark j'ellowlih cupped
oMn tbu center. Many are so foollih aa to
'" Uiat molar teeth aro of little account.
,1 ret tlicm no by default; after which all
the. force of the muscles aro extended to the
front treth, wearing them down rapidly.
The hest. and orly n raedy, is to cover and
buildup the ends with irold and platinum,
which wi ors like rteel and saves tlum niatit
rRrs We mnke n spprlalty of fine gold wort
on building tlum up, contour ullluga, etc
a. n
Cuts A and B aro from John Tomes, of Eng
land. A Twnlnclsors with notches in the ends.
II shows tho peg thapid tielh withyillovrhb
filts tu the cuds
For such teeth we Imvu two remedies : First
To II I Iih pits In tliu ends with gold. Bee
ond Kxlrait them aud rtplucn them with
artltW'iul tiuth. Hut the bonus nlisnrh ana)
rapidly so that they will need rrtetllng fro
We make tho finest artiadal teeth In the
We uo Juitlct' and White's patent teeth,
with luug, neuvy pint, mounted nu etrong
elastic plates. Tlioi-o who patrimlzn us will
not bu troubled with broken Ueth iud cracked
plates, canucr soro mouths, etc.
To loose tbu front teeth, Is to looto half
thoporerof speech, tod more thau halt the
f 1'.'08 O Sthkkt.
rrh- . r? m
If I'Hk
It Is Bomcllinra Well to rrnrltro What
Vou 1'rrnrli.
Ho was very prnetleal, mid luordor to have
everything fair and s.iunro beforuhand bo
"You know, dat Hug, I promised my mother
that my w Ifo should lw n Rood housekeeper
and n domestlo nonmn. Can you eooki'
"Icnn,"sho said, sw allow lug a great big
lump In her throat,
"Can you mako good bread f That Is tho
fundamental pilnciplo of all housekeeping."
"Yej 1 wont Into a bakery and learned
bow to mako nil kinds of bread." 8ho added
under her breath "may bo."
"And can you do your own dressmaking!
I am comarntlvcly n Hxir man, love, and
dressmakers' bills would soon bankrupt mo,"
"Yes," sho said frankly, "I ran mako ev
erything I wear, especially jwittern ltonnots."
"You nro n Jowcl," ho cried with euthusb
asm, "como to my arms"
"Walt a mlnuto there's no hurry," sho
said coolly. "It's my turn to ask n few ipiei
tlons. Cnn you saw wood and carry In coal!"
"Why, my love, I should hlro that work
"Can you mako your coat, vct, trousers
and other wearing apparel I"
"Hut that IsiVt to tho purixwe."
"Cnn you build n house, dig ditches, wcavo
carets, and"
"I mil not a professional."
"Neither am I. It has tnkon tlio most of
my life to ncqulro tho education and accom
plishments that attached you to mo. Hut at
hooii as I have learned all tho professions you
sjienk of I will send you my card. Au rovolr,"
nnd klio swept away.
And tlio dlsconsolato young man went to
tho nearest drug store and bought n two-for-u-quarter
cigar, with which ho pecdilj
solaced himself. Detroit Fivo Press.
How Ho Can I-oiirn.
Dmiclcault snys It is of tho highest Im
portance, licforo trying to act, that nn ncto.
should know how to walk. Let tho actor ge
out with 11 snap company; by tho tlmo lit
gets homo bo will know bow to walk. Non
Orleans Picayune
I.tfo nt Ml. DracrU
IIo (who has just bojn acceptedj Woro
you ever engaged IjoforoJ
Sho Only onco this sunnncr.
He Whatr And hero it Is tho last of
August f
Bbo Out I only camo last wool:. Life,
Ono Way to Iteromo ruinous.
Author You say tho story has merit.
Then why do you hesitate about taking It?
I!oo!t Publisher Why, you see, sir, you
havo not nn established reputation. You nro
not widely known yet Tho announcement
of a story by you would not of itself bo sulll
clout to mako a spontaneous demand for it.
Author I' vo fixed nil that. I havo a friend
that is n book loviouer, and as soon as my
story appears bo is to brand It atouconsn
plagiarism from ono of Zola's earlier works.
Chicago Tribune.
Iroflt.Ulo i:nipln) incut.
Vigorous Friend Well, George, bow do
you feel today, mid how do you employ your
Confirmed Invalid Oh, I'm feeling as mis
crablo as usual, but I'm prolltubly employing
what tlmo I havo.
V. P. What aro you doing?
C. I. I'm writing n bcricsof articles on
"How to Always Unjoy Oood Health."
Doston Uudget.
Tlio Slerclful lITmi.
Pother Johnnie, I was very much grieved
last evening by booing you nbuso tho dog.
Cruelty to nnliinli Un slu which I cannot
pardon. Hut why aio you tdaring out of tho
window when 1 am hpeaking to you?
"I sco Unit Diugluy' cow has broken Into
our garden."
"It has, eh? Oct mo tlio gun, quid;, and
I'll 1111 tho thrnod brutu with buckshot."
Lincoln Journal.
Nut a rnlr Trlul.
Fitst Wliotlmnn I can mako it from hero
to Jugvillo in thrco hours.
Second Wheelman Stumper says ho can
doit in two.
First Wheelman Oh, well, ho is a profes
sional. Second Wheelmnu nicyclist, do you mean I
First Wheelman No. Liar. San Fran
cisco Kxnmlncr.
To rinlsli Off With.
Lady (angrily to tramp at tho back door)
You can't get anything to eat bore.
Tramp (politely) I bog your pardon,
madam, I don't want nnytblng to cat. I
havo just eaten n good dinner at tho house of
your neighbor, but it you could givo mo a
small cup of coireo and nclgarctto you would
place mo under many obligations. Washing
ton Critic.
A Sllfht Difference.
A physician teports that ho was saved a
two 111II0 rldo ono night by having tho in-
ticnt, a child, brought to tho tclephouo nnd
held thcro until it coughed. Ho diagnosed
croup mid prescribed therefor. Iu order to
collect tho bill, however, ho found that n
personal call was necessary. Tho telephone
cau't do 0 very thing. Norristowu Hciald.
Almost Ncccsjiuj.
A "literary toclcty" iu Hamp.ou is to givo
a conceit to rnUo funds to purchase a
library. This Ij a n&iv duparturo for n lit
erary club, but it Is uot a bad idea. A few
books will not hint a literary club. They
rtro n'most as necessary r.s n pool tabic, cbesi
board or a banquet. Norrjstown Herald.
Two Supremo Occasion.
A cynical man wys that thoro nro two oc
casions w hen ho would liko to Iki present.
Ono is when tluj gas company jmja iu water
bill; tho other U when the water company
payo its gas bill. Texas Siftlugu
A ChluesD Dude,
llcrry AVull used to ba tho Ling of tho
dudcj. Now it is said that there is a young
Chinaman who outdivsjcs Mr. Wall. Won
Slug, tho now dandy, is known as tin Clilncsa
Wall. Detroit Free Press.
Not Alwnjs Within Homo One's 1'owir.
We must admit that thoro is such n thing
us being too fresh. Hut most of us draw tbo
lino at butter. Uurllngton Pico .Press,
Inhalation nf Iprrao In T.utig lllseasp.
Vit;iirles ot tho Apprlltr.
A writer In Medical Piths ndvocnloitho
inhalation of Ipecao for various iIInHi uf
tho lungs nnd nlr passages, llo ivtortslx
cases greatly licnellted by tnbnlntlons of
wlno of Iperao lu spray, (lieatest benellt
was obtained from this In caves of rhroulu
bronchitis nnd bronchial entail li, In
ihthlsls theit) was maiked amellnratlou. A
tluglu inhnlntiou will sometimes ivstorn tho
volco lu cava duo to congestion of tho vocal
cords. Tho pray should lw given warm, and
tho itlent khoiild remain IiiiIihiik forhomo
tlmo after tho Inhalation. Cam should bo
taken to Ik suro that tho spray enters tho
chest and Is not stopHd by tho arching of
tho touguo against tho wall of tho mouth.
Ten minutes' spraying three Union n day w III
Tho M j ntr-rlcs of Tun to.
Medical Heglstcr pronounces tho vagaries
of tho appctlto as far beyond tlio explana
tory science of physiology. It nlllrint that
what wo call tolcraneo hi iiuhIIcIiio Is lu Itself
n mystery. Wo cannot tell why thin thing
agrees with this Individual and at thosamo
tlmo utterly destroys bis brother. Thotrlto
old saying that ono mini' meat Is another
ninn's poison mut Iki accepted empirically.
Still lesi can wo iiccouut for tho variations
of tasto. Why ono man's gustatory nervo
should rcsitoml agreeably to s;ilt, whllo nn-
other's repels It with violence, wo cannot
understand. Doubtless education has most
to do with it, and yet tho man
ner in which education operates continues a
mystery. Tho preference of the Chluesu for
food that seems to our appetites absolutely
disgusting is well known. In Canton rats
sell for fifty cents a do7cn, and dogs' hind
quarters command n higher price than lamb
or mutton. Fnucy rating birds' nests worth
(ISO 11 pound I This is w lint n mandarin level
In. Tho French havo beguiled us into eating
frogs' legs, which were onco tabooed In this
country, and wo hnvo even como to esteem
diseased goowi llvtr lu thuform of pato do
folo gras.
In tho West Indies, baked snal.o is a com
mon dish, ns tbu reptiles abound, nnd it i a
good way of getting rid of them. Hut when
it comes to frying palm worms lu fat, 0110
would think tlio stomach would rebel. His
not so. however, though, by nstraugo incon
sistency, stowed rnbbltfs looked upon with
disgust. On tho Paclllo const tho Digger In
dians eat dried locusts, and in tlio Argeutino
Republic skunk llosh is n dainty. Our own
fnvorito bivalve, tho oyster, is very disgust
Ing ton Turk, while tho dovll fish, eaten in
Corsica, is equally bo to us. Wo cannot un
derstand, cither, how tho inhabitants of tho
West Indies and tho Paclllo coast can cat
lizards' eggs with n relish, still less, how tho
eggs of tho turtlo uud nlligator can becomo n
favorite article of diet. Tho Hrnzilianncat
nuts, probably to get rid of them, for they
literally Infest tho country, nnd 1110 of nn
enormous size.
An Unguent for Kemurlng 'WrlnUlcs.
A rcciw for n preparation to lcmovo
wrinkles is going tho rounds. It is a nub
stauco derived from tho wool of sheep by
steeping tlio clippings in hot nlcohol. Hy
this process n yellow givaso is precipitated
chemically ldentlllcd witltnn element found
in certain vegetables, as ioas and lcnns.
When applied with rubbing it passe3(liroctly
through the skin, and in thh way acts nu n
nutrient to the fatty tissuo beneath. Thus it
has tho effect of smoothing out tlio wrinkles
produced by thonttenuatlon of thew tissues
which como with nge. Ono nutiquatcd fash
l:n bello Is said to have nearly removed from
her temples the footprints of n thousand
Ugurutlvo crows by six weeks' uso of this
marvelous utu'ueut.
A Curious Cast) nf Left Handedness.
A French physician mentions n curious caso
of left handedness. Ono child luiiccitaiu
family was left hnudul, nnd n fioeond np
pcared, at tho ago of 1 year, nlso to Ikj left
handed. It was then learned Hint tlio mother
always carried herchlld on her left arm. Sho
wrs advised to carry her child en her right.
Tlio infant, having Its right arm free, began
to grasp objects with it, rind toon bccair.O
1 igbt handed.
A I'leasuut Warm Aromatic.
Ksscnco of icppcrmint Is 11 pleasant warm
aromatic; comfortable to mojt stomachs; not
qulto m strong r.s cloves or ginger; good for
collo and sick utoui'ich. Doso ton dropi for
n grown perron. For infunt, ouc-hnlf to two
dropj in n tcaspoouful of water. Add ona
drop to two teaspoon tub of water aud givo
ono tcaspoouful of this.
Minor Manners .Sometime 1 Ni-slcc'cd liy
Tlio word gentleman Is so often vulgar!. '--d
liy improjicr uo that Mrs. Sherwood, who U
excellent authority, has called attention ns
follows to tho wayi iu which this frequently
hapix;ii3 iu our country, as well as to soino of
the neglected minor manners of mankind:
When Tom on tlio ball Held snys to his gener
ous antagonist, "Horatio, you nro n gentle
man," ho U'cs it correctly. When n driver
says to his fare, "If you nro tho man who is
going to ride, I am tho gentleman as is to
drive j ou," houses it Incorrectly. When a
servant announces a plumber us a '(Jcntlc
man to 11.x tho pipes," olio uses it incorrectly.
'iho word "gentleman," ono of tho noblest,
sweetest, grandest woids lu tho language,
bhould not Ik used too much. Put iu tho
better word man, iememlcring that gentle
man implies much breeding, much culture, n
certain reilucmoat of occupation, and a moral
tono of tho cry hlghcrt.
A nd to to tho lowest thing about n
gentleman, wo should remember that his
minor manners must lo nttended to; ho doci
rot swear iu tho prcscucn of women; ho does
uot cat his diii'ier iu a hurry; ho does uot
crumblo his bread al'our, making it into
piU.1, ho docs not cat hU soup with a lushing
sound, or tip tho pluto to get tho last drop;
ho mends his tablo maimers it they aio bad;
lu dresses himself well If his means will
allow; bo ho ecr so iioor bo must Ikj clean.
If ho commits any llttlo orror at tho dinner
table bo must learn to bo composed; ho must
bo deaf and blind to the errors of others lu
feocbty. Out etlquetto nover means stiiruess;
tin best bred people nro tho unconscious.
So sudden nro the rises in American society
that many 11 man has Iweu Inritod toadinner bis dinner off tho which
bo lutely washed.
Hints for tho Uninitiated.
Rcinovo tho spoon from tho coffee or tc&
cup md let it llo 1 11 tho saucer.
Whon j ou aro a guest for ono meal do not
fold your napkin, but leavo it lying loosely
on the tahlu.
Always break j-our bread. Do uot cut It
with tho knife, nor butter u largo piece aud
blto mto it.
Put bones or pits of fruit on tho sldo nf tho
plate, not 0.1 tho tablo cloth. At umio tables
imaK Ijoiio plates aio provided.
Do not, while, waiting to Ikj served, rub
your lingers on tho edge of tbo plato in front
of you or feel around ou tho inside of tho
tumbler. If jour plato should bo exchanged
lor that of another, tho person receiving it
would feel unpleasantly. Hollies, such inun
tiers nro childish as well as inelegant.
IloiT tlm Kt-CoiiurfSKiiian (lot Abend of
Ills llnitlier.
nx-Congressman A. A llauupy, of Mnssa
rhusetts, hns n dry bimor, which often loses
Its cIToct by icason of Its onuer'a preter
natural solemnity of mien. People have fre
quently lieeu know 1 to guffaw heal tlly III
tho fticcts oor Miim remembered remark of
tho witty law) er, which, on account of tho
way It was uttered, did not at tho tlmo atrlko
them as at all funny When thoex-congresv
man was a hoy ho fas noted for his obsti
nacy and orlglunllty lb did not strive to
bo original, lis wus built that way. HI
father couldn't get along any Iwtter with
him than other eoitu Tho old geutlemnu
wns often liothcrcd by tho boy's itruugo
Young Ilnnuny didn't nss mllato with I1I1
schoolfellows, nor did bo oven take much
stock lu his brothers, Fatn and Ida mother,
however, iimtln him aud ono of his brothers
occupy tho anino lied. Tho brother Is now a
distinguished physician of this city, but then
ho wns ono of tho worst kickers mortal boy
ever bad for a bedfellow llo kicked lu his
sleep llkn a bucking iny, and many a mark
did ho loavo on tho futuro congressman. In
vain did A, A. leliol against hU fate. Tho
maternal edict had goun forth, mid thcro was
no cs(7iv Ouo bltUT winter's night, 11 bout
midnight, tho paternal Hanney w nsaw nkened
by a tremendous hammering nbnvo stairs,
Rounding as If It enmo from his sous' room,
Tim clrcutnstanco wns alarming, and, putting
Ids bare fe-t lu a p.ilr of slippers, Father
Itauuey hnstened up stairs In Ids night shirt.
Tho light of tho cold winter moon, which
shown through the windows, treated him to
tho sectaclo ot his black sheep on his knees
on tlio lloor besldo tho lied, hammering a
piece of hoard Into tho sldu of tho couch.
"Halloa, thorol" roared tho liiitu tmront.
"What nro you doing f
Young Ambrose raised his oyes, but did
uot desist from his woi I; until ho had com
pleted it to Ids Mitlsfnctlou. Crossing over
to that sldo of tlio bud tho father saw with
surprise and auger that tho boy bad nailed
tho sheets uuil.'r tho hoard, thus fastening
them securely to tho sldo of tho bed.
"I want to keep those liodolothos over me,"
said tho boy, coolly. "He's always kicking
them off," Indicating his sleeping brother.
Tho situation was too much for tho old
gentleman, who, without another word, left
to think tho matter ocr. Now York Sun.
A Kiigiiclnn Tramp.
Woman (to tramp)-If I givo you a nlco
dinner will you help 1110 put up tomo patent
sslf rolling window cm tuiusf
Trump No, uia'nm. I'll saw wood, carry
in coal or dig post holes, but I wouldn't help
a woman 011 window curtains If sho gavu mo
a Delmoulco spread. Now York Sun.
A Vast Hold.
"Whon I wns In congress," said Hon. Mr.
Mufty, of Raccoon Illdgu, "a certain pro
fes'or used to como miles to hear mo speak."
"Ah I What was bis iiamer' Inquired
Professor Surtout, to whom tho eminent
statesman had spoken.
"Professor Tootles, of Haltlmore," said
Sir. Mufty.
"1 thought so," said Professor Surtout.
"Ho has since becomo celebrated as tbo au
thor of 'Ten Thousand Mistakes iu Hugllsh
Qrummiir.1" Chicago News.
Not Kit I'lrmnnt After All.
"Did you havo a good tlmo on your vaca
tion I"
"Pretty fair. I visited sorno friends nt
their charming country homo. Thoy havo 11
groat cmooth lawn, dotted with trees, with
plenty of Keats and hnmmocki"
"That must havo been glorious."
"Well, it wasn't."
"My friend owns a lawn mower." Lincoln
"Dlstnili Not tho Kins."
Mllllonilro (entering sanctum) Ha! ha!
old lioy, how do ou do today!
Editor-in-Chief (intiwhUperj-'.Ssh! Don't
sponk bo loud.
Millionaire- Why not!
Editor-in-Chief Tlio baseball reporter Is
writing his report in tho next room, nnd ho
has Just giron mo orders that bo is uot to 1m
disturbed either by cullers or by noises. Hos
ton Courier.
Nothing to Show lint Scars.
Fred (tochum) What luck, Charloy! Con
gratulations iu older!
Charloy (faintly) Fred, sho told mo that
sho loves another.
Frod (sympathetically) That's tough,
Charloy, after all your dovotlon.
Charley Tough! Why, Frod, In tho past
tbivo mouths her fathcr'c dog has bitten me
no lis than sovon times. New York Sun.
llin llrlc-n-Ilrno C'mzc.
Friend Is your daughter Jennie as fond
of brlc-u-brac n over!
Mother Fonder.
F. Indeed!
M. Yea. Sho has Just married a baseball
pitcher. lioston Courier.
An Approprlato Jlotto,
Dude Ycth, MIth Fnnuy, I'vo ijot n family
c west, but whut would ou suggeth for a
Miss Fanny Tlio best motto for you, I
think, would bo: Thcro is room nt thu top.
Taxas Sifting.
A Graphic .Simile.
Tho Jospins raft Is described as looking
llko "u big cigar drawn through tho water
by two btoant tugs." Any ony ho lias over
wsn a big cigar drawn through tho water by
two s'.cam tugs will know at onco what tho
raft looks like. Hasten Transcript.
An lUcusc.
"I Riy, Clam, nro you going to Mrs. Shun
hy'a lu that drussl" "Certainly. WhynotP
"Isn't it rather-cr-Moudr" "Oh, well,
that doesn't matter Mrs. Shunby's as deaf
as n ost." Judy.
lliiiuiiii Nutnro tn Nutahell.
Tlut lucky man would bo happy if ho
wo.n't ulwajb afraid his luck would change.
And now ready for inspection at
John Morrisons
All tlio Finest Qualities and Latast Patterns in stock. I have
the finest cutter in the city and guarantee satisfaction. Call
and see my goods and work.
121 North Eleventh street.
Tits fnllnnlntf linokn ftm tmlillhit In nnnt hmnMt fnim. itlni.l ...., ..i ....i.m.. -. .. .mj
i-.ii, ho.i iiihiij ,., 11.111 iMiMiiKitinrir uiu.tTBipti
mlitil In n UnJ or Iihukp, kii.I Imniti, in (,o
lutrsinia .f Hi day st Ilia hum tilninir ci.iio
Mf, sinl msnjr of tlitm ImiiiUiiiiiMr lllii.irsiixl They
li.uva tii .,ro . niiivu ,nry ! llcrn Illloiril I.HCII
Vnnilrr nf llin IVArld. N.Ttittl. mti (IrHin Cnn
Utfll ilr.i.liI.Mi illl lllHIIimlnlit ftf IS Imi.t wnn.l.fful
nf kt i.l stint v itmlurtniii .ry Int.r.allnf ml liillnirll.t
tVon.lrrr llinHrM. A lnllloi, i,r ilia ,ititjr wnnl.r
fnUnl liulllnl llilnn luan III Ilia IxilUut nl IIkik. an, Willi
ptpln.a llln.lraltona.
. "A I'lrMaiirn liirrllnn," nml (llhrr NLrlrlira, 1r
Jiim Aitni'a Win " X tilirfllim n fiiim
k.lrli.a t.jttia inual ffpnUr liiihinit.tia w ,titr nl llta .in jr
'llin iint Kvfliiti rnpira, I rCl ta Aluii'aik, anllmr
t ' Ilia lliiif Ihwiiiiivnla A innal rMlruluualf luiinr UmiW
-Intt.rr w.r.'l'UlM Wl.l.iw M..I..II '
lirlllnna Hlorlra, I Chinim lliravai Cnnlalfit a
mttuliar rl Ilia tiinalrliannlnff Clitlklltiaa atntl.a avtr wrlllnt
l' lliafrral-.l wrltar lntm llta.l larn,u lla
IIouhiI t,r l'.rnlnaT I.iiihi. A Iwih nf loll.a.l'lclaiti,
sniil.f an I raima, fi.r ll.ailllla l.-llia at linln.
1'itpliliir Krrlliitlima nml llliilngi,ra, hamflrnnt, itrarna
tlaatiil.4tli.lli, MiiIiiIIii all Ilia lair. i, UK an I hmal n.iutar
'I linHiir.iitiiil frii nT MtnlrrH I linra. Cnnlalna iir
Iralu an I I.l if ra liiia nr (.mini, aril ttiaila Antftlraiia, flimi Ilia
lima nl rranalhi In Ilia rrarnl
lnmlllnr Uniitntlniia, (n(alnlnff tlianrllln an I anlhnr
llitimf nianr piia.ia lia.iti.nllr ni.l IntfaJliiK an I lanraira
(Inn A atnal.l wnrli nl ralrirnra
Low I .Ihi In ,rr Yuri.. A tl.i nl l,l I .n rllmn
linxlnc lliailaik il la nf Ilia In Ilia irralrll. lUuilmliJ
'I lie llnnil In Vtrntlli. Nnl an ..mll.ln tlimlar
al a llinrnuclilf riarllral woik, lnlln( nut a waj I7
'tlrhall rnar M.lia ninnfr. ra.llr, ri.. ant linnrallf
(Inn llumlrnl I'npiilnr nii., t.nllmrnlal.iallilla
Wlcnnili., liiclulliif nn. .i(l itia l.i.i lira, n.w an I nil
If Nnrl'a llrlr. A Nnr.l II, Hi. tilt Aim.. Kl anl.u
Am (Hit Muii'a Hacrinrr.
A iinrirrrii i.irr. i mmi m lltanm lliai in
a horii, 17 im, a n
Pir-Wn will atml anr ! nf Oin nliorn limiValijrmsilpnal pal.l uprni rtfalptnfnnly 1SInla any Ifri tor
BntVntaiaiiyfuirnlyivlorrrOCritlaitlinantlmllatldlliiMiliiirnrinOiilaitlia rnllra llrt liutnul Inboard!
lllirmlilMik,rrll .10, TlilalailiPKrcslMtliarRaliiitibiHikiiraroiri-rril lin tint fall to taan ilranlaaof It
tl tflict Ion iiunrunfiYcl nr tnnnry rrftiinlcil. I' runipa utan f nr f racllnna iif a ilnltar, A In our r liability .
rfr i any iianaiianar IMihllilifl In Ni-rr Vmk lilianlaa in Ilia Cnnminrrlal Asanrlaa. All onlararUlad W
rn iuiIL AdJrtu all letlrrn l II. I.Ur'l'UN.l'utrllalior. .u. Oil Murrrty Hlrcct, Nw Yaiit,
nion - Pacific - Railway
The Overland Route.
Shortest and Safest Route to all points in
f Ti iTIMIwI Oregon,
f'1 I jT It Ui ''aaaaBaA
'In We llieiiM'rhiiul llyerund smooueiliiy to all l'nelile coast inlnis.
Iliinnlm; Into llnliin DeiiolHiiiiilroiiiieelln'X with tho fast limited trains of all lines for a
points en l, nnrlli nml Mouth. Throimh tlehels 011 iiiixlern hiy eoaelitir. Ilnuimvocheeko
tliroiiKli toilosllnullon from nil point cast In tlm Pulled Hlulrs nml Camilla.
Sleeper acioinmndations reserved in through 1'iilliiinn I'nlncc cars from the Miss u
river to the Pacific coast.
11. H. SLOSSON, Agent.
Acting (lencral .Manager,
As JprJrV-JNl
rAMaaawaiaaAaMaa.aaaaawaaMaaaMMaaafcaaaaaaiaiaaaaiiaiaiMMia -iMnaaaiaaBaaaaiajaaaaaaaaMaafcaaaAaaaBaaaaaaBBaal
It8 contral position nnd cloai oonnoctton with Eaatorn llnot nt Chlcatro
and contlnuo8 llnoe nt tcrmlnul p dnta, Wot, Northwost, nnd Soutli
W08t, malco It tho truo mld-llnl: In that tratmcontlnontul cbuln of utool which
uniiouiuo iVlinnuo urui i-iiciuc n,o
nnrro, Joiiot, ottuwn, utaano, rconn, uonosoo, wriino unit uock isiana, m
IllinolB , Davenport, Muscntlno, Viuhlnuton, Fairtlcld, Ottnmwii, OoknlooBa,
Wootfjiborty, Iown CPv, Uot, Moines, Indinucda, Wlutorsot, Atlantic, Knox
vlllo, Audubon, Hnrltm, C5uthrii Ccnlro nnd Council Tit iro, in lowrv; Uttllatln,
ITi.nH.AM -.,mn. .. C3- T.r.n.xl . ...1 Ifniinna 11.1 I. Tl t iitnl 11 . T Jiniiiim.ini.tli
nml Atr-hlnnn. In kiiiibus! Minnnnnnllii and fit . in V.nnoaota: WnLor-
1 I IIMLIIU. tjllllll III. I . 1.1 U illJUUIJIl L 1 IU
tovn and Sioux Fulln In Daltotn, and tnnny othor proap'-rouotownuund cltlco.
It also otlortt a CIIOIOK OF r.OUTES to and f. -m tlio Puolllo Count and intor
modlato plucos. tnnUlner all trnnbfori In U 1 n eU pots. Fnot Trntnn or lino
SLEEPING OAItS, and fbotwnon Chic-afro, St. Josoph. AtchU a and Knnuiis
Cltyi restful nuuLlNINQ CHAIU CARS, uoutn FREE tc holdora of through
llrbt-cliieu tlcltots
Extends wioi nnd uouttrwost from Kcnor i Olty and St. Josoph to Fair
bury, Noltion, Horton, Topoka, Horlncton, Ilutchlnu n, Wichita, Cnldwoll,
and till polntu In Southern Nobrr-ho Int-rlor V mouo and beyond. Entire
paiiionBor oaulpmont of tho celebrated Pullman rai nuf-cturo. Solidly hnl
luntod truck of hoavy stool rail. Iron and utono brldcrcs. All sufoty npnllauoos
nnd modem hnprovomonta. Commodtouu, woll-hullt PtutlonB. Colorlty, cer
tainty, comfort und luxury asaurod
Is tho favorite uotwoon Chlcapo, Uock Island, Atchison, Krtntms City, and
Jilnnoapoll uind Si Paul Tho t mrlot routo to ull Mcrthoni SumraiT ncuorta.
Ita Watortown Brunch tr.vvun.. m iho moot prouuctlvo lando ofthoproat
"whoafcund dairy bolt" of Northorn Iowa, Southwestern Mlnnoooto, and East
Contral Dakota.
Tho Short Line via Sonoca and KankuUoo offora ouporlor fucllltloa to travel
botwoon Cincinnati, Indlanupollti, I-utayotto, cud Council Dlutle, St. Josoph,
Atchison, Louvon rorth, Ktuiuiui City, Mtnnoapollo, und 8t. Paul.
For Tiokot-s, Mapn, Foldoru, or any doslrod Information, upply to any Cou
ponTickotOtUjo In tho Unltod Stutoo or, Oanadu, oruddrobs
Oeneral Msnajcr. OHIOAOD, 1 I.l. Oou'l Ticket Pais'rAgont.
inpjr ra Niinmii iirfinnn ins riifArO'l 1
iiim. nl llm iximI tn nnixirtuimr In
In uny ntlitr miIk Ii. urcit itui
r wlllimit ipiiiiii inn t hpot lo.iVs i?r rub.
11 tffurn 11 ixm
huuM coil minf
0110 I rUIUl0IO HI llltfflll
Tim Knrrrlllnl llnklra. A Karri, flf II. T C.lnna.
'I tinOltl llnkrH 1 lual. A sat.1. HySrLf aaui Cnaa, Jr.
'I hi I'rnrl nrtlirOrrun. A, llf CI 4aa Alitfliart.
Ilallnv? A all Hull, a Hortl, 11; lliaaiarr iluukt.
Kirn llmur. A Xairl K rrr W, naara.
Ilmlrr thu l.llnra, A Karri, Uf Hit aalkar af "Kara
II iina.1
'I'hn lllnninmt llrnrclfb X Xtril. ft tin. tlttar
Wnnn llMrlrarrif.
'I lin l.mryrr'aHnnrrf. A Nrrl, K.tiarnaaa.
'I Ni. Hirmiiir) t'nan r llr. Jvkyll nml Mr. Ilde. A
ov.l llr 1 atarraaua,
A Wlrtr.l (llri. A Kuril. Hr lr Crnl. Ilir.
I. n ilf ulMiirtll'a lllamamla. A Karal, Uf "Tat
lli'i nrar "
llntirrrn Tbo Mna. A Karri, tf Ilia antUr af " Data
llmtin '
'Ibii Milti af llrnrfa. A Karat, tit t. t fiajaoir,
Karla'a I nrtmir. A Snrrl ll Tl vara, a Waaoaa,
A l.inr Mnrrluir. A Nnrrl. Mr Mlra Muinra, Ihir.
'I lin (Jnlllr Ijlrrr. A Snrrl, llr Wnaial'tii Mat.
Tlin I'ulartit of Aana. A Nnfrl llr Kl oarai a Mr iatat.
Miiiit llranarr. A Nnrrl llr Mir llraar Wnon.
rnratitt; (In, t'rflrra. A Korrt. llr 111. Aiaiianaa.
A Ilanrliitil'a Irauiliftr. A Karri. Ilf li. Aaaia
PiiwAana llH.narrif
fulr hut fnl.f. A Karri. S; tit aallor af "Haft
llionir" IllmlrnfJ
l.ananalrr'a Cabin. A Karri, t); lira, M.V. Vinaa.
r'lnmnra Itlnilma llalht A Karri, n; Mrr. Uit
A. Ilaairiia ltlunrmi4.
'I lin Woman llaltr. A Karri. Flf Ir i II.Htaiaati.
lUuHrtlnt ,
Ihn fnlirbrnU 'nbln. A (loirl, nr u, T. OAtcoa.
Washing 'n j
ion u Hlrcet, Lincoln, Mclimxka.
Ash. (len. Puns, mid Ticket A?t. (Jon. Puns and Ticket Agt.
ilium iiuuu uuu ui uuumia uiuiuuu viii
1.&.U11U14U J ly III MA la-IUUW t a UUU V 1
. - -.! MV 1
nwnnHr.-ir-a'"' -,