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About Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1888)
OTho DUVEim'OUinBIi Issuod Maroh and Sept., onoh your, It Is nn onoy olopodla or usoful In for. mstlon for Ml who pur. ohnno tho htxurloii or tha nooessltlos or Ufa. Wo cmi olotho you una rurnlth you with nil tho necessary and vtnnooossary nnpllnncos to rldo.vrnlk, dnnco, nloop, oM, fish, hunt, work, go to ohuroli, or nlay nt homo, nnd Jn vnrlous slsos, stylos nntl quntitltion. Just flguro out what Is roaulrod to do nil thoso thine COMFORTABLt, nn.l you onn ntrto n iYiir estimate or tho value or tho UU YBltB UUinn, whloli will bo sent upon rooolpt or 10 oonts to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111.114 MIohlRAii Avonuo, Chicago, HI, "TIME)!" The best Illustrated humorous ncvtspn-. per. The effect of the tllutrnlloiiH Is heightened by tliu use of four color. AUo printed ou cuntcd paper, Time is Staunchly Republican It vigorously advocates the innlnlnlu. mice of n protective tariff t niul It speaks In no unccrtnln olre forUcpubllean prlncl pics, nnd for doctt lues of the party lis set forth In the Kcpuhllcnn plnlform of iBSS. Such n paper, speaking directly to the eye of the voter directly thronu It sim ple nnd powerful cartoon, n well as to the mind through It editorial, will hoof potttlvo value to jou timing tlie present campaign. Till hclnj; n campaign "f education, In which It i necessary to teach the voter the plain fact of the tltuatlon hy every mean within rcach.a tiapcr uch n TI M K rIkiuIiI be found weekly In the reading loom of every Republican club In the country. Single copies, ten cent each; subscrlp Hon, 3 mo., $1.35)6 mo., $1,501 onu year $5,001 atnplc cony by request. Ak jour newsdealer (orTIMh, TIME PUBLISHING CO., . St 16 Vecy street, New York, E. T. ROBERTS & SON, Undertakers and Embalmers. 212 North nth Street, Windsor Hotel Annex, Telephones. Oll'ico H5. Residence 156. Open Hay nnd Night. Reopened 1033 O Street. Notwlth Htnnillnir Hie litct Hint Fho tniirnphs Imvo licon Willi od to about half Ho former prlco wo have ei Bilged tho service f 0110 oftho best tin Inherit tu New York to take charge or that department or the studio. Our effort Hindi be iintlrt Hg to glvo oneh cus tomer entire sntlsfnallnn nnd to produce superior work tomiy wolmvo done before. Cabinets, $3 per Dozen. It has No Equal. THE ALASKA REFRIGERATORS. Finest and nest Mace. Ladle nrc invited to call nnd sec these summer commodities and also inspect our magnificent block of Crockery, Lamps nnd Art Glassware C and see our stock. Prices low nnc everything tUc verv latest. S. C. Elliott FINEST LIYERY RIG Iu thcclty all come from tho Braliam Brick StaWes " 1 street, nil kind of a Bihs, Cirrlijes or Saddle Horses, Can bo hsdnt nuy lime, dnyj or night on short notice, "" HORSES BOARDED J2J MLN WELL KNOWN. What I'nrnarnphUt llnvo TVrlttMl About 'Itunii I'nrmninl Oomlp. Limit. T . Clay, clintnplnn rlfto shot of tlto United Htnlr nrmy, li n grnmUon of Henry Clay. CloDrgo IViineM Trnln ha tnken up til, ntmdo nt tho fmnoii Berkeley Hprlng of Virginia. IIo I writing for tho press, lect uring and linking hlniclf goucrnlly felt n iiiiiiiL Allen CiWiy chlnw to havo leaton the re cord on consecutive d.)' work In shoeinnU lug. IIo hn not tnlucd half n day from tho bench slnco May, 1881. Monarch I wild to 1m rooted hi Ibnlicllof Hint hi sou Herbeit will succeed him n tlio power behind tliu I'rutslan throne. Till thought (;lvi the old Kentleinaii great Joy. Tho grove of IHclinrd Wngnornt llayreutli I In it deplorable condltloii. Weeds cover tlio tnnrhlo iiiiiiiuincnt nnd neglect Imscnst It blighting Inllueiieo over n spot that should bo mcrcd. llolK-rt Louis Htephomon I still ciiilslng nboul tlio Hoiith seas. Ho Is In letter henltli than ho wn. In fact hi npetlto hns Im proved so iiiueli Hint hi yacht wns obliged to stop nt tliu Hniidwleh Island. Simon Cntneron, although nearly 00, em Joy lino health. Ho breakfast on toast nnd ten nt 8 n, til., drink n pint of chnnipngtio nt II, illncsnt la, nnd tnlic miisli nnd milk for supKr. Ho goes to Ills room nbout 8 anil muUtlll II. Hlr Alexander Cockburn, lato chief Justlco of Lnglaud, used to work out tho llrst threo liook of Kuclld ovcry year so na to keep lilt logical faculties elcnr nud pi-ovout him from falling into n slovenly stylo of reasoning. It I snld that Mr. John Hooy, now presi dent of tho Adam Hxprcai company, mndo hi ninrk threo years ago by having such n reteutlvo moiuory Hint ho could recollect tho rntcs to overy shipping wlnt. In this way ho wn nblo to mnrk tlio mckngoi nt a won derfully fast rate, an ho nuvcr had to refer to tlio list of into. llobcrt Harding, n young nngllsh Socialist, when ho want to mnko n speech on tho streets or public sqimrcs, padlocks hlmiclf w ith n chain to an Iron funco or souio similar ilxturo. Thon when tlio ollco eoinu to tako lilm In they lmvo to spend n long tlmo In getting him uiifnstcned, nud ho can mako u pretty long speech lieforo ho Is carried olr. Tho Mnrqul Aloxnndro IL do Btluto Croix I n clerk In a Chicago hotel, nnd ho Is said to lo much Icmi haughty nud arrogant than tlio nvcrngo hotel clerk w ho can wrlto no tttlci lieforo his iinnio. Tho young manpils I only 'M yeam of ago, but ho hn had nu adventur ous enrcer, covering lioth heinUplicrM and tho two Aincrlens. B. (lovludn How Snttny Is tho tinino ot n Hindoo llrnhmlu who I passing tho summer at Saratoga. HI dchci Iptiou of India under Kngllsh govermueiit Is not crcdltnblo to tho Ilritisli. Unsays that tho morals and habits or tho people havo Ihjcoiuo corrupt nnd that thoy Indulgo in excesses formerly unknown to thoni. It Is snld tbnt wbon Jay Oould Is vory much nlisorU'd In thinking out somo big rail road schemo bo ceetiis to bo vory idle, for bo sits tipped back In his chair tem lug bits of paper into thin strips. Ho I vory particular to havo tlio strips or tho Mima width nud per fectly even, nud his wholo mind Is apparently given up to this dlvenioii, whllo ho is rutlly not thinking nt nil ot what ho Is doing with his hands. Doubtless vith a prlnco for n plijslclun innuy seusitho pnttontx would lo hastened nlong tho road to convalesceueo through tho Iniluenco or tho Imagination nlono. This ad mltteil, thcro scorns to bo no ivnson why I'rluco IOtiis Peitllncnd or Ilnvnrln, who has luissed tho Una) medical examination qtmli ryinghini to practice ns n physician, should not work up an extensive puuitleo for him self. Professor Qeorgo Davidson, who recently exnmluel tho great Lick telcscopo on Mount Ilamiltoii, Cnl., says that when tho astrono mers In chargo mnko known their discover Im tho world w ill lx astonished. Somo of tho discoveries nrc, iu fact, so novel and wonderful that Professor Holdeu nud his assistants nru timid nliout announcing them for fear tho world will consider them illu sions, Tho Into Henry Scarlett, or New Orleans, wns burled near that city last week, under a rock nbout 100x200 feet In dimensions. Ho had nmnssod n considerable fortuuo and bo caino possessed with tlio desiro or being burled under tho largest posslblo tombstone Ho (elected n hugo Iwinlder for this purpose, sent to Atlanta for a stouo cutter nud hnd a suitable inscription placcl upon tho rock, end then n cavo wns dug down under It, w hero n coflln was placed to n wnlt tho corpse Tho cavo wns then scaled up tightly. Sneaking of Dlsmarcl; n correspondent says: "If tho prlnco is not n lover or paint ingsIt is said tlint bo has uovcr put bli foot iusido tho Ucrllu museum ho is fond or music, nud when rnuliiio Lucca used to sing nt tho opera houso ho was ono or her most nssiduous listeners. Ilismarck knows and appreciates tho pvot jwets, Oocthe, Shako spenro nud Schiller, nud quotes from them frequently in his discourses. Ho also like to rend sentimental nnd dramatic novels. Weak Iu science, ho Is strong in history and mod ern languages. Hospeuks 1'Ycncli and Kng llsh fluently, and knows lUi&slau, Italian and Spanish well." P.ipcr Pulp from Cotton Stalks. Several samples of pulp made from tho hulls nud b talks of tho cotton plant havo lately bo;n on view nt Atlanta, On. Iho pulp is us whlto ns snow, and it Is snld that it can bo converted Into tho finest writing pajicr. Tlio ligneous substances of thohulla and stalks nro removed by n" now process. Firty per cent, or tho libers nro extracted from tlio hull, which has hitherto been used elthcrfor fuel In tho mills or for fertilizing purposes, nud S3 per cent. Is obtained from tho btalks, which nro generally allowed to rot iu tho fields. If tho process proves success ful, tho raluo of thoso comparatively useless products will bo Increased tenfold. Once a Week. llrltUli Civil fccwlco Itmvngauce. Thooxtrnvagancoof tho lirltish civil service bna beon revealed by n recent investigation. It wns round that tho solicitor of tho treasury had n stalt of forty-eight colleagues, that when special work wns on band outsldo help was obtained, and that the otllco was eo man aged m to produco tho least work nt the greatest expense, All tho arrangements nro wasteful mid costly. Tho j carl v outlay is $110,000, nud tho samo work might bodouo for half tho money. Foreign letter. To Rebuild, n Jnpaomo Temple, A correspondent writing from Nam, Ja pan, sayss "Tho priests of tho Dal Uutsu tomplo nro trying to rnlso mouoy to rebuild it, and by small contributions tboy hopo to gather a fund In time. Foreign visitors are handed n book, on tho tly leaf of which is wvlttcnt 'This templo has broken very much, therefore wo have tbo plan to beg all our friend's sociable Binds to repair it, Ws wish all our friends will c&st somo money,' M 0 lobe- Democrat. .iiSfo:ib-.!',.n,.. , ji'k.UM. :. tv. "mhsanrJL u .' l SOIKNCE AND PROGRESS. THINQ9 THAT ARE TALKED AOOUT IN THE SCIENTIFIC WORLD. An l!im r.iprrlnicnt Tlint Illiiitratr In Nlmplo but Very P.flVctlvo Muiiurr (he IMOronro In the Hprrltla Orsvlty ul MauliW. Tho egg oxpcrlment shown In thonccom imnylng Illustration, whllo without novelty, I, says Tho Beloutlllo American, interesting on ncoount of Its simplicity and effective- TUB l:0(l EXI'ICIIIMI'.NT, Two pint tumblers, or similar vosscls, nro necessary for this oierlincnt. Hair fill ono with water and tho other with strong brliio. Into tho wnter drop nu egg. It goes to tho bottom (seo Fig. I). An egg dropped Into tho brlno Moats (Pig. 2). Ily cnrcfully pour ing tho brlno through n long runnel or through n funnel with nn attached tubo, which will roach tho bottom of tho tumbler containing the puro water, tho wnter nud tho egg will Iki lifted nnd tho egg will Mont In equilibrium nt tho mlddloot tho tumbler. (Fig. a.) Thoflrstoxcrimont shows that tho egg Is n little mom dviiso than puro wnter, tho sec ond tlint brlno is moro douo than tho egg, nnd tho third that tho egg can bo supported in equilibrium between two liquids or differ ent densities. riiotocTupby n a Detect Ire. Photography Is gaining prominence In tho criminal court. With Its help n Ilcrllumtr chant wns lately convicted of crooked wnys in keeping his nccounts. Tho slightest dif ference In color nnd shades of inks are mndo manifest iu tha photogrnphlo copy, llluo Ink appear nearly white; brown Inks, on tho contrary, nlmost black. A coutomiorary states that tho book of tho accused wcrosuli m It ted to n photographer, who took o!T tho pages concerned nnd brought Into court tho most undoubted ocular proofs of tho Illegiti mate nf tcr entry of somo or tlio nccounts. A subsequent chemical test substantiated this ovldeuco. Tlio photography Is to bo preferred to tlio chemical test, explains Scieutlllo American, becnuso it brings Its proofs Into thocourt, and submits them to Inspection, nt tho samo tinio leaving tho document under examination un harmed; while tho results of a chemical test must bo takou on tho ovldeuco of tho chemist alone, nnd tho writing examined Is pcrhapj destroyed. Iu another case, similar to tho above, tho changing or tho date or n noto by an Insignificant erasure nnd addition was proved by means or photography. Irrigation of tho Arid lloglon. Tho impropriation of S3.10.000 for tho pur- poso of investigating tlio extent to which tho arid region of tho United States enn bo re deemed by Irrigntlon, uud tho segregation of tho irrlgnblo lands, nnd for tho selection or cites for reservoirs nud other hydraulic works necessary for tho storago nud utilization of water for Irrigation, nud to mako tho. neces sary inajw. which was attached to. tho sundry civil appropriation bill by tho senate, will, Iki agreed to by tho house. In authorizing tho beginning of this important work, tho gov ernment enters upon an enterprise or greater magnitude than nuy or tlio kind it has over cugnged In. Director Powell or tho Geolog ical survey has estimated, that, or tho arid region, now not susceptible or cultivation, 15 per cent., or 160,000 cquaro miles, or nn area exceeding that or one-halt tho land now cul tivated in tho United States, may bo ro deemed. lies Shell Method of Prvservlnc rood. Tho egg shell method of preserving food, particularly meat, without cans, recently pajontod, consists essentially in Inclosing tha meat or other nrtlclo iu nn expansible wraj per, such nsnnlmal membrame, nud subject ing it to n sterilizing stenm heat long enough to kill oir nil germs. It is then immersed iu melted vaseline, which forms n permanent coating on hardening, nud finally inclosed in a protective wrapicr, such as gimzo coated with plaster or Paris, or tho coating or plaster or Paris may bo applied directly on tho expanslbto envelope, mid tho nrtlclo then placed iu n bath or vnsclino or other plastio substance, tbo package thus prepared being wrapped iu paper or Unroll. An Amusing Kxpcrliucnt. A very nmuslng experiment may bo pir formed, claims Popular Bclonco News, by taking n saturated solution or tiltrato of pot ash (saltpeter), and, with a quill pen or lino brush, drawing nuy picture, design or words ujkjii a piece of whllo absorbent jKipcr. Tho lined should bo kept nwny from each other; and tho entire subject coarsely drawn In out line, llko tlio elephant iu tho illustration. Whoa dry, tho lines will bo nearly invisible; but ir ono or them bo touched with tho glow ing cud or nu extinguished match, n spark ot flrowill run through the paper, following tho Hues already traced, and cutting out tho Ucslgu as if with an invisible knife. 7.'- X YlVJt D1U.WLVO. This experiment is explained by tbo chemi cal constitution of the taltpcter. This salt coutaiiu a largo amount of oxygen, to loosely combined t list It readily leaves tho nltrogeu cud potash, nnd unites with tho carlicn of tho paper, when heated to tho point of Ignition. Tho heat dovelopcd by tha sombustiou is not safflcicnt to ignite tho pnpor, except where ii Las beeu taturatod with the oxygen civlng tclt; and so tho spark of fire, which is really only en Indication of u violent chemical re liction, follows the lines previously traced. If an r.ctual Mania was brought in contact with tlio paper, of course tho wholo would be consumed; but tho heat of tbo glowing char coal is jmt sufllclent tobtart tho combustion, by Ih'j eld of Uio oxygon lu the caltpotcr. Bait may ho placed ou tha table in the largs cut ilia or silver collars Inherited from one's crAiidtuotbcr. Guest transfer a portion of K to Individual ofJUari with tha old Una salt Wvv C'jixtMjj. jjjju?jHija jjfjMi'igtjfei a, neiw. jgr i (g (cczr&i 3E3ET ffvmft "12i2ItJ mmw ITCMS OF ALL SORTS A mocking bird In Albany whistles Don langer's maiclL Tho (Jormnnx call this tho "saucrgurken zelt," or tho pleklo season. Irrigntlon ha produced n great crop of miiMiiltoesnt ln Angeles, Cnl. Itnly has ndiiilttod 2,CO0,O00 moro jicrsons to tho right to vote nt local election. Tlio wool Interests In Australia hnvosuf reivd severely from drought. Tho sheep hmoillcd by million. There will bo nu International horso show In Pnrl next J oar, where $13,000 will bo dis tributed Iu Tho slowest train In this country Is a North Carolina "express," which consumes nine hours In running 100 miles. Tho Crnlg-y-Noa property, which Mmo. Pnltl-Mcolltil wants ti wll, comprises 3.7) nei-es, nud Iki.isU tho Mnc3t trout streams tu Wales. Thero nro n ilorcn men Iu Milwaukee who carry n llfo linurnnco of moro thnn &XX),CC0 ciilMi. One, n prominent railroad man, Is Insured for (.7)0,000. Decnttso n Texnn woman had not C-00 ready to pny a discharged laborer ho went Into her Held and shot Kin on mules and n horso that wero worth (1,300. A citizen of Wlntieconno, Win., hns suc ceeded In tempering brass, nnd hns exhib ited brass knlve nnd nxes that wilt cut i4asoncil hemlock knots without turning tho edge Tho only recognized O. A. IL jot outsldo of tho United State lsnid to bo In Honolulu. It Is called Post Oeorco W. Do Ixmir. nud nlwnys observes Memorial dny with llttlng ceremonies. Hdltor Criswell, or Tho Oil City Derrick, ha a cauo mado from tho skin of n rattle snake, tanned, stretched tightly over n hick ory stick, varnished nnd linndsomoly mounted. It looks nn though mndo or highly ixilisheil mottled wood. Tho waiters In n Now York restaurant having struck, tho Almrp proprietor mug ror' n number or district messenger boy, and thus temporarily supplied tho places or tho strikers until other waiters could bo secured, Thcro Is rcmnrkablo activity In Imdon in tho formation of stock companies, nnd tho class known n "promoters" nro wnxlng wealthy. Olio of them is said to havo mndo nearly two million and u Inlf or dollars this year. Ancngloslxfcct from tip to tip nnd with tnlons near two Inches long was killed In Georgia tho other day, hut it took two load of shot nnd n rlllo ball to do it, nnd then tho bird t;ok such n death grip on Its jicrch tlint tho tree hnd to bo cut down to secure It, Samuel Nickcrson, president or tho First National bank or Chicago, hn probably tbo llnest collection or rock crystals in tho world. Olio or themisns big as a goose egg nnd is valued nt (15,000. It Is supposed to lm tho largest In existence. Ono of tho nngllsh regiments is experi menting withn ninchluo called u ceutercyclo, which has four small wheels n root iu diame ter and ono largo onu in tho center. It Is said that tho Invention makes climbing n hill n easy ror u cycler ns rolling oir n log. A butcher In Livcrjiool wns recently sum moned lieforo n mnglstruto on tlio ground of selling horseflesh ror beer. IIo was fined llfty shillings, not for selling tho horseflesh, but because it wns unsound. Tlio magistrate said that ho know of nothing to prevent n butcher from Belling such meat, provided it wero good nnd sound. A bill in tho Hngllsh parliament nronosos to compel tho sellers of ibrelgn meat to an nounco that rnct by u conspicuous placard on their shop or stall, tlio Idea being that peoplo nro deceived into buying foreign meat for tho Hnglfkh nrtlclo us they nru into purchasing oleomargarine for butter. Tho latest gratuity of tlio clgnrotto innkeri isn little vial of cachous for tho breath packed in ovcry box of tho goods mndo by ono linn or manufacturers. Something for tho breath was always needed for cignrctto smokers, but no maker over heforo showed tho candor to ncknoulodgo tho fact hi this substantial wny. Tho khcdlvo of Egypt has, by n decree, taxed land dovotedto tho growing of tobacco In his domains $l.')T..7) nu ncre, cud tho Egyptians havo refused to grow tobneeo. Tlioicsiilt Is that, instead of tho usual crop or liJ.OOO.OOO pounds, not moro thnn 1,000,000 poundH nro exjiected this year, whereat to bacco mnuufucturer-j juirticularly rejoieo. Twenty bngs containing f.7),000 wero be ing convoyed by two men in n cab rrom ono or tho Ijondon luniks recently, w lieu tho bot tom or tho cab guvo way uud all tho bags fell Into tho street. It wns n miiiuto or so lieforo tho men could attract tho attention of tho driver nnd got him to stop, and tho bags weroieitbomo itistniico bciiiiul. They wero nil there, howover, when tho men hurried back. Thero wero (nw persons on tho street at tho time. Man led on Probation. Onoof tho curiosities of Now port is npair of young nnd oxcellent persons, who resido in Fifth nvenuo when in New York, who be long to a very fashiounblo clrclo or society, nudwhohnvo married on probation. That is to sny, they nro betrothed, nnd tho wed ding Is to tnko placo In October, unless thoy become convinced lu tho meantime that thoy would not get nlong well together In matri monial harness. Tlioir method or testing tho question is to sustain toward each other ror threo mouths, so rar ns In pcrrect propriety they may, tho relations or husband nnd wire, Sko agrees to submit to his dictation as to how sho shall clotbo herself, with whomsho shall dance, nud, lu short, nsccrtulu by ex perience whether sho would bo willing to mako him her lord and master ror llfo. In ca&o sho Mnds his dominion irksoino sho has only to sny so nud tho match is off. On his part, ho has tho samo prlvilego cf breaking tho engagement If ho discerns ovidenco that sho would bo not tbo kind ofn wlfo ho de sires. Tho arrangement is approved by their familial nnd is well known to their acquaint nuccc. Pittsburg liullctln. rurally Tomb of Sophocles. Tho tomb of tho family or tho poet Sopho cles, mentioned by his ancient anonymous biographer, nud constructed in tho llftti cen tury beforo Christ, has Just lieon discovered a mllo nnd a half from l'a!a;ol;astron, tho supposed ancient rock ot Decelcn. Tho arti ficial tumului contained threo tombs, which wero opened (uprcsoucoof tho king or Greece ami wero round to consist or threo funeral urns, ono In Poros stouo nud two iu marble. Tho body placed In tho first nppears to havo liccn tlint of n woman, as n mirror wns found lu it; the other two appear, from tho strlglls found in thorn, to havo belonged to two young men. No Inscriptions wero found. llomuJoumrJ. A familiar figure at tho Wblto Sulphur Springs is Ocn. Custis Loo, a son of tho great Confedcrato loader nnd president of Wash ington nud L university, nt Lexington, Va. Ho is about CO years of ago, is a bachelor and Is held In great astoeni by tho people of Virginia. . 4mLjdLi'j?b. - Sj ,-d,4iiM..,.L. Mtf.lnia. - jwlfl' NOBBY Spring Suits $20 AND $25. MADE TO ORDER DAVID OPPOSITE Ifl IS jiffttftrt&RiCfirER I rrrrrrr&h i-i i-itri imnimii nn n-n-u 1 1 1 u i rixo -. Wn Rl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmm rvs- sj oflslCTRi2la osiMiiricofflSBsE) IT'S THE THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that vill cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction Call and sec it. ZEHRUNG. BURNS & HENKLE. Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. Heffley & Sons, iSi-. -o. J. Ji: f (OS FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK o MADRAS c CHENILLE -CURTAINS- With Sablt Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of all kinds in both Amcilcnn and Foreign Textiues. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Pi ices Rock Bottom. A. ISA. Da, vis & Sor), LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, PURE ICE SSSHSSSSHHSSSkMSMHSSSSSSMSSSSiSSSSISSISSHSMSlSSSSSBSSSSSSSI Not cut from the Flllliy Salt Creek but from the Clear nnd Pure Waters of -OAK CREEK-- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. - ii i --immjj . .JJtij IN LATE STYLES. MAY, POST - OFFICE. BEST MADE. r' ? j rt r j inn " a sZTmL)& f , . Mil" i- 0jr v w t - " .JTfc LZjSTCOI,:". ITT & A a . t v Mi 4i n T M