Mm iiiimiiiiii ' i i i in m ii i mi mi p ipii mi mi iw ! mi wf iiiliii wvrrwiymim'iim?KxaimmwmmBmm-'mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmimm'm-m Epw IRWHIMJIU -UjinMivijH I riiiiiMii, iiijiwiiii Br""- P- s "vrirw SCROFULA U l lint Impurity In tho btoml, which, nr aumiilatinit In llm uhmli of tho neck, irtv dws tnnlulitly lumps or swellings) whlrh rkUK pilnfut tunning sons on tlio nnni, Iciw, or Joel which devolopos ulrrrn hi tlio eye, mw, or 11050, dJloii raining blindness or tlcsinMM wlili Ii Is llm 01 lulu o( pimples, can cerous growth, or tlio many other nmiilfcstii ttons nsinlly ascribed to "humors!" which, fctriilHB upon (ho lungs, causes consumption ami dentil, living tlio most nnclont, It Is tho most pononil of till diseases or ulTeclloin, for my few persons mo entirely frou from It. "irr cured Hy taking Hood's Bnrsaparllhi, which, by tho rcnutkablii onto It Jim nremnpllshril, niton when oilier medicines failed, has iiven Itself Id ho a iolont nml peculiar wcdlrlno Jor this disease. Homo of thcio Kiros nro realty wontlotfiil. If jou sutler from scrofula, ho mint to try Hood's H.irs'ip.irllli. "In or) spring my wife nml children have hem troubled wllh scrofuln, sore breaking oiitonthcnilnvntloiis phiees. My lllllohoy, three cars old, has been u torrlhlo niilTcror. hast spring ho vv as ono mass of sores f rniu homt to feet. lwnndvled to use Hood's Barsap.v illla, ami wo hnvo nil taken It. Tho result I Hint nil hmo hum cured of tho scrofula, iny llttlo hoy being entirely froo from sores, nml nil Jour of my i hlhlron look bright nml healthy." W. It, ATiir.Mo.v,rassnloClty,N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla HoliUijrMlilrtingUti. Hi six for JV, l'rornrnlonly lijr 0. 1. 1I00H A CO., Aputlitiiulus, Lowell, Musi. IOO Dosoo Ono Dollar HAGENOW & ASCHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Olucc,Rooms 1 39 n ml 1 1 llurr Ulock. Telephone 13? Leaders in Photography. Riley's ffEU.5 5tudio5. We make a specialty of the celebrated BROMIDE Life slxcil pictures nml furnUli the Illicit woik nt lowest prices. Bost Cnblnots $3.00 line of Picture Kintnca hi stock mul made to outer, Cnll nml see u. H. W. KELLEY & CO. Jo:fi O Street, LINCOLN, Ni:U. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, toil) O Street. IMnblUheil 1S71. JiMlroitoeall thu nttentlou of tho pulillo to I1I1 new nml clennt ntocl of DIAMONDS, ClocXs, Jewelry, Sllverwaro, Watches lliwInKinororooiiitoiiceominodato llio lindo iliut show u tnri) r lino llimi er lloforo pur elinsliiif, kUoukuciiU and wo will show oil the itiiest lino nt lowest posstbto pi Ices. Watch Repairing: and Engraving No.illy done mid nil woik warranted. DENTISTRY W. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 43, 43, 44. Burr Block. levator on O St.. Telephone 628 A1llficl.1l Teeth Inserted yllhcut plates. NITROS OXIDE GAS Administered forpnlnloss extraction. Ladies' & Gents1 FINE SHOES At greatly reduced prices AT WEBSTER &BRISC0E, 1043 O Street. em FINE ART : STUDIO 1 3 14 O etrcia. Examine samples of our ork bcfoie ordering elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced from $ to &3 per dozen "eafta THE COURIER A limlttrltitrofMiulmi Timr. 1UMMHIIICD SATUHOAY HunscniifioNi Ono Vcnr hy Mull or Currier f .',( Hit mnnllii), $ IM Thrvo months M CVntu, One month fill Out lav limbic In Advance. ivnnTisrocNT! Itatos furiilliiMl on application nt tho olllee, Hin-cIhI rates on Tlntn Contrails CoxTMtinioiHt Short sploy slo'lclios, pornis, nud Merles solicited. I'erMiiml nml Hoclnl note nro especially desirable. I'mtrrixdi Wo mnkn n ktIh1Iv of l'lnn Printing In nil It hr ni'io i. U ) ) loty w ark a spool illy Address nil oominuiilonlliiiiu illrectlo tlio olllc'. wicssicl a DomiiNS. KlUTOItA AMI) I'HOI'IIIKTOIIK. Now llurr llloolc, Cor. lath nml O HIivrM. TKi.t:i'it()Ni:'J.M. Tiik CntliolIcK luno pmclmsisl tho Yoik Methodist college unit mounds nml will ro model tlicin for educational purocs. Tiik runners of Nebraska innylHi mmip In money, lint thoy p wn tlchuosunf iips.tltc, tho envy of ninny n i led limine men. A man eommtttiMl mili'lilo nt Hpoloiuo P11IU tho other ilnv, wlnnu lirnhi woIkIkh! Mxtymm oimreM Too much Imiln iipponrN to ho iih hiul iih tooll'tlo Imiln. Tiik Now Hopuhllo lnt wok Isfiiol 11 oiv Imuilmnuo (ilrloiliil nml hloi;rnphlcnl edition of tlio ciiiiillilnteH nml piomlnont woikem of Ihnpiohlhltlon piuty. Hwmh n (kmI htioke ofeuloipiNo HciKNTlH' pooplo nro ilellKhloil out lln illiivry of nlciHofmirh power tlmt SiH, ToO.OOOIh pm t of nn Inch can lM)illhtliiulHliel, An hixlnimoiitllko Unit would eomo hiinily In onihvivnrlitfr to llud out how tho Journal Mmulx oil tho huIiuiIhhIoii tpuutlon. Till! WeHtoin Hnllroiul (liiretttvi In tho iinmo of a now publication Unit will ho Issued in thU elly Octohcr M. Mr. I" V IUhim) N IiiirIuchs mnmiKor of tlio (Inetteor, whnli, iin ( iinmo InillcntcH, will Iki devoted to tlioiall wuy lutercsl of tho wi nt mid northwest. Homk (M-opIo limn erv louder oonsolonecH A Iventuekv wommi linn iceehrd h letter contnlnliiK f'.M fiom "ono who took u piK'kot knlfo fi 111 lierKinmlfntherri Morollfty jonix iiKo." Tlio cliames urn Unit tho follow bout tho old mm out of 11 lil hill, mid sent tlio Wi m n Miho to hU eonselouco Tiik (juoritlim whether tho Memo motoix liiivou light on thoHtrtoUormit Is nnlttitliiK' UiomhiiNof ouretty fntherH. Vi oni nil o I deiico tho Countlilt enn anther, it would Kt'in Hint tlio city Imi hi anted tlio finnclilso, hut w bother tboy hud 11 1 lht to ho do If 11 inib leni weighty loRnl iiiimU cannot dotermluo. Tho motor dhould go, how over. Mil. Dion Com:, late of tho DcnMoIuokMiiII mid Times, with another Dos Moines now m imper imiii, linspiiiehnsisl tho Uiiind Island Time'. Mr. Colo Is a Hjilendld, albrouud iiowsjupor man, nnd for seeinl jearswas tho iiomluiil islitorof Persliigei's (DeHMolues) Tlniij', iK'foro IIh consolidation. ThoCoumr.ii hoiin to mh) Mr. tole succeed, but ho ha a herculean task hofoio him In bucking the In dependent, Iloddo Is very well fixed, and by doing work for nothing mid luscitlni; ml- MMtlseuicnts forn Blinllar iqulvahnt he has fiozon every ono out who has attempted to compete with him. Tiik inco. In pollticti is not to tho swift or tho strong, but tho cunning, How many of us in our school nud college days liino not Ihs.ii filled with patilotlc. tiro mid piido us wo coiuhmI the gient speeclu-H of Wehter, Clay, Ronton, Cnllioun mul the other Ktntesmaii of that leglinel How many times have we men tally vowed to place ouioles on thosacrb Octal iiltars of miibltlnn, mid 1 ivnl tho states men of old in ininlstei lug to tho ikhsIs of the pjnplaf Hut as we groiv to man's estate, nnd essay to enter tho 111 enn, how d'lTcicnt It nil s.eiint How many promises do wo lime to mike, how many elements topi opiltlate ono way or tlio other, how much "seeing" of poo- plonnd wirepulling to seeuiti . en tho least of legislative jiosltlons. Tho jwllth-s of our youthful Imagination, mid tho ikiIUIcs of reality nm widely dillVivut, and disgusting mo tho means one must employ to secure s sition. Tho young man In politics has little ehaiico; expei lenco gives tho older n know I odgoof the Ins uud outs, nud tho younger must be content with potty delogateshtps and committee woik. Wo want to see jouug men In higher official positions, young blood in fused hi tho sluggish currents of legislation. A (.' thrown lomid our streets this week, conlnlnlng extracts from Powderly's nrtlcloon "Puiijicr Imiulgratlon" is one that thinking people, should road. Thero mo fow who understand to what proKrtlons tho im imitation of contract labor hns grown. It is terrifying to see thousands of these men, the scuni of Luropo, jiour Into this country every day, nud nn InconnHitent, blow-moving con givss mnko no nttonipt to stop It, Tho writer lias seen hundwls of Hungarians, Poles mid Italians huddhsl together in shanties In tho coal nud iron districts of Pennsylvania, shin ties recking with ollVnslvo odors, nud more like the dens of vv ild beasts than the ubodo of mill. Koiimof tho employ era of those men are eousiessuien, representatives of n liberty loving, prosjHirous mee, who dispossess their constituents of positions w 01 th twifitollurs a duy, nnd till them vv iih ignoimit, btwtlul for eigners utility nml fcovtiity.fhoceuU n day. America Is and will remain tho land of tho free nud tho homo of tint bravo, but it should not bo tho asy him for Indigent Kurojieans and boastx hi tlio shape of humans The clr culur Is a timely one, uud the thanks of the public should Iw tendered Mr. J, A. Kllroy, at whoso oxense it was Itsued. Desirable Ollleu l'or Iteul. The CouniKK will rent desk room to nny rei-iionslble iiersou. Dtk nud chairs furnish ed. LoeaUoiitha most desli able iu the city on O street, baseniciit lloor Uurr' now block. Price eiOjier month. SCIKXOK AND PROGRESS. POPULAR SCIENCE JIEW3 MANY SOURCES. FROM A New Hummer Hport In llio 1'orni of n Jlfuiliio ToIiockmii 8II1I0 Wlilt It tin I'iowii Km eedlnnly t'npiitnr Among llio llullierit nt Scmldo I'iiiIc. I TohogKniihiB Inn Ikcouio micIi ii finoilto wlnttr pant lino that tho Men. oeeuri ed eomo tlmo ii;o to n icsldent of lli'l(IgoK)i t, Conn., tlmt It inlyht Iki ndiipted lo tho Miimmr innulln ntv. In IS37 ho built n iimiino to boKKnii Nlldo, It Is mi ndjiiuct of thn la run bithliiK chtiiblUhinent ntlSenildo Park, neiir llrldKoport, PollowliiKlniidweilptlon with illuitrntloii taken from Ketciitlflo Amci lentil A MM1I.NK TOllonOA.N HMPR. Thonitlflclnl kIoihi rlei from hlj;b water iiuirl. to tho height of thiity.two fextnhovo II, wheio tlicio lin sultnlilo plntfoiin that In (tficheil hy 11 Illnht of Mejw. Tho cbuto U H'lf Is but twenty Inches wide, mid contains Til wheels for tho Mods to i tin on. It Ih tho luuMitor'rf Intention thin hcmhoii to replaco thoHo wheel') by n holies of bins lollcis each Hixtoon lueheH long. Almost uuy common toboggnii will miswer tho purosa; but tho pntouted "tnr oenl lionnl" will encounter less friction Hi An 11 (kit surface, uud w 111 meet with lex ivslstauco on strlkliiR tho water. Tho Mldo Ih ojieii to nil nt eertnln htoges of tho tide, but nt high water 110110 mo admitted but good rw luuncru. Tho ehutt Is 178 feet long. Tho toboggan fitnrttint I ho signal glon by u IhiII, only ono beini; allowed to go nt u time, nud on being projected fiom tho lower cud. they I iooohot neiosvi tho wntersof thoMUiml for n dlstmieo nrylng fiom 75 to 275 feet, nklpplng utongliko n Hut pebble, till tho force acquired In tho descent in lost, after which tho bather huIiiis ashore, pulling IiId hied after him. Tho facial exprcs Ion of novices taking their lht luhenturous hlido Is quite rcmai kable, mid tho honsntlous feltnioeoirespondlngly tiocl mid peculiar. Tho K)iulnrity of this now form of Kiimuier ijiort iproed hy tho fact Unit, during tho month of August, 18S7, 11,000 Mldea wero paid for nt two cents a rllilo. Ctowdiof.sjiectntors w ore dully uveuiblud to w itncja tho excltins scene. 'llio Itoomio Tunnel. Tho total length of tho Hoosao tunnel, nt I North Adams; Mass., is SB.C31 feet, or four I nnd thn.ii.foui hs miles. It is twenty feet in height nnd twenty-four feet In w Idtu. Prom Itwiisexcivntcd l.lKJO.OOOtonsot roek. Its fiitliocost was ?1 1,000,0.0. It is soon to is) lighted by electricity. A I'oftntl Itiinmu I'outprlnt. In nrlous localities, notably upon tho locks of tho Connecticut valley, thero hnvo been found tho-footprlntsof various animals belonging to former geological period, which h.ivo been picscrvod by tho Imideulug of the toft sand or mud Into solid rock. There hnvo lately been discovered in Nica ragua certain human footprints which have Ihx'U preset veil in the samo manner, although of much later dato than Uiomi referred to above. Thoy hnvo boon described nt length hy Dr. Daniel llrluton, nnd Jour of them have been removed to tho labody Museum of Archaxilogy nt Cambrldgo, Mas., vv hero thoy are now on exhibition. Theso footpiints occur on tho borders of n lako near tho town of Muuague at 11 depth of twenty-ono feet lielow tho turfnee. Hevcrnl different fctintn of limestone, calcareous tufa, Kind, clay and volennlo nshet wire found abovo them, Indicating mi unusual activity of geological forces. Tho wholo region Is of n volcanic nature, and iu former jeara erup tions nnd changes of level were much moro frequent than at present. m&. A IICUA!.' KOOTJ'MNT. Tho footprint repieseutediii tho illustra tlouU about ten Inches loug nud fromthreo to four nud a half inches wldo; tho excessive width In proportion to tho length Is doubtlesi duo, explains Popular Science Rons, Iu which tho illustration originally appeared, to tho soft cat th spreading uudcr tho weight, Tho great too is largo nnd prominent, nml is longer than tbo becoud one. This peculiarity is considered hy sonio nrchxoIogUU to bo a sign of iuferioi ity of race. Tlioforo parto! tho foot has mado tho deepest Impression, show lug it to bo mado by n vigoious uud strong galled person. Tho ago of theso footpiints is very uu cei tain. Certain fossils nccompmiying tbo footprints have been refoi red to tho quartei nary era, and tho Issues of a mastodon weio found in n lryerof earth aliovo tho foot prints. Tho country surrounding tlio Lako Nicaragua Is 1 ich in relics of prchUtorio in habitants, who were evidently a distinct raco from thoso inhabiting tho country nt tho tlmo of tho Spanish conquest; nnd although it is at present impossible to set n dato fiV theso literal "footprints on tho sands of time," thero cnu bo no doubt that thoy aro ct great antiquity, and may oven dato back to tlmt remote period when tho northern pait of tho country was covered with tho snow and ice of tho glacial epoclu Flour is n great alisorbcnt of odors. Do uotstoro mar it oulous, fish or other stroug sau 11 he subsUuces. 'pig jfiJjJS 1 381 IsS J-m!iwuh 1 llrt 1 Illffi 'llio Zulu Ilnhj' Cmdlp. Pfthspsof all tho Minnga cradles In the world, tho ono hi which tho Zulu Imby rtose lit tho ntrmitfost, Tho cradle Is inndo of u wldo htrlp of Kofi kin iMsscd nroiiml tlio motherV wnht mi ns to form n sort of at tho I wick hi which tho little ono can lie. Tho poorer classes of Hutu mothcru, who hnvo to ilo long. i work all day long", carry their children nlwiit with them In thoKoi'indlei). Homo of tho wealthier women hnvo oiy elaborate atTnlm inndo of nuteloiM hklu wi h the holr outside, ornament ed with tnsscl)) nml black and white bcadwork,at which the Villus are ex tremely clovor. Tho mothira as a rulo r.Vt.V cradle. nro kind to their children. Tho audio llhutrntod in the nccom pan big cut In ouo of these, nud strmigo ns it may nppcnr to our readers little, Zulus con nldor it oillto mi elegant nrraugemcut. AVIiy O'.tl Ijires Aro Vntualilc, Many of our girls do not know w hy old Inco Is often mi much inoto vnlunblu nud I goniinllysoinueli moro beautiful than new lace. Tho fact Is, tnys Uolden Days, that tho alunblo old lace Is all woven in lost pat terns. It U t iwiuciitly as lino us a spider's Him, and cannot Ik) reprothiced, Tho loss of patterns was iii.oveio cheek to lace ma'cing In l'rauco and Ilclglutn, nud was occasioned by tlio Krench ravolutioii, llefoio that tlmo whole villages Mipportcd thomsehes liy Inco making, mid patterns were hnnded down from ono geneint ion touuothcr. 'lliey woro valunblo hell looms, for tho moU celebrated weavers always bnd as many orders as they could cxeeuto In n lifetime, nud thoywero Itoimd by mi oath, tnkei on tho four gaspeU, to work onlj for certain dealers. When tho relgii of terror began all work of this kind was interrupted for n time. After the storm hid subsided, the dealers ami woikers were far npurt sonio dead, somu lost, nud somu escaped to foreign lands; nnd such of tho women ns mnalucd wero bound by their oath to work for but ouo; nud this oath, in spite of Robespierre's doctilnes, was hold by thu iKwreut of them to bo binding, and Micro wero instances where thoy Mirrored actual want rather than hi cak their wont Some, however, taught their children and thiir grandchildren, nud runny patterns wero in this way ptchervcd. Bomo of tho dulnticst nud finest patterns w ere nover recovered, mid today specimens of theso laces known to be woith their weight In gold. Itow to Sign. When n married v.onnu has occasion to nddicsa 11 person to whom slio is personally unknown she should sign her own name, without tl.o addition of her matrimonial title. Then iu a lotur corner of tho note luo Miould put In brackets, thus Mrs. John """' '' '" ' mrZn "" S"1".,1" 'r ,nytl,01n" "5J I" "S 'i"'1 ?.f. uswcrvvill boar being directed to MNs Juno Smith, for example. Ilutlier Hnvo ttie lloy AV lilpped. Editor John, If nHjtiody calls tell him I uni very busy writing nn editorial. Olllro Uoy (ten minutes later) Jran down tairs wants to know who wroto that urth lo in yestei day's paper. IMitor (lo back nml tell him 1911 wroto it. I'm not feeling flnt rate today. Judgo. A 1'tnu l'rorotsluu. Sir. Crupper (to his jocko ) How did it hnppeu, Mueklusl You uro tho sixteenth of dm ounce over weight. Slucklus I kuowed PdgltinnscrnpoBomo Low, I stopped on 1110 way down tor git me boots bhlnod, sir. Time. 12 REASONS WIT? St. Patrick's Pills Are the Bes 1. Jici'Attso thoy mo iimilo ncrorriing to tho heat forimilu that hits ovor been iluvinoil. 2. lluuattso thhy tiro mnilo from tho bost and purest nmterinls, eaicfull ptoparcil nml hiignr contetl. II. lli'cauiiu thoy 1110 tho most search in ami most loliublo cnthurtlo in use I. lloctinu tlmy ooricct bilious ilis orders, ami prevent nil discuses iirisinj; from tlicin. fi. lh'cmiso thoy itlwas produco n ploiiMint catluutk elVeet. 0. Hce.uio the euro jaiindlco, regu lntu tlio liver, nml aid iu removing all inoibhl mutter from tho xjntom. 7. Ilecaiiso they are cei tain in their action ami can alvvayn bo depended upon. 8. Heoait-o they euro constipation, nml prevent all ilNordeifi pioiluceil hy it. II. lluciitiso tlmy tone up tho slonmeli nml nhl hi tho digestion and assimila tion of tho food. 10. Hecaiiso the do not produco piles 11 llceniiso the do not nauseate tho stoniiicli, nor gi llio tlio how els, nor produco painful iliseimrges. l'J. Ilccuiisn thin cluniiho tho entire svhteni, 1 iirify tho blood and regulate tlio liver and lio'w els. St. Patrick's Pills are sold by drug glstHitml niediulno dealers at 85 cents per bo. or livo hoses for 0110 dollar 1)0 not let thein porsundo jou to lake any other kind, until jou hnvo oueo tried St. Patriuk's ufter that you will never ho witiilled vvltliany other. Sore Throat can ho cured In ouo day hy using (.'hnmbcrluin'ti Pain Ihihii. P.heumatism. Many cases of chronlo ilioimnitlsm that had resisted till other treatment, liavobeen cured hy Chain herlniu's Pain llnliii. Cuts, Wounds and Bmlses, aro henlcd iu onohiilt less time ami without leav ing a scare when Chamberlain's Pain lhilm Is promptly applied. Burns and Scalds. Tho pain Is al most instantly relieved and tho pnrts nulokly healed by Chamberlain's Pain Halm, Neuralgia can bo cured by UBlng Chnmborlnin'fl Pain Iialin. Sprains can ho cured within onothlr.d tho usual tlmo by applying Chnmhor lnln's Pain Hnlni beforo tlio parts bo coma swollen or Intlmneil, which cnu always bo done If you hnvo tho lunicdy at hand. 60 cent mid dollar bottles, told by W.J. Turner ilfip I?i!fiirP LI WMw ( BARNUM-BAILEY 15 NEW UNITED SHOWS 15 'I I l Sl M r linpftln ThiTOdflv Sent A JJ111VV1H. lUUlUUUli WVill. Vi l P. T. BARNUM'8 Greatest Show on Knrth, forcvei united to tne Great London Circus. PAKIS OLYMPIA, HlPPOnUOML AND MONSTER WORLD't. FAIR. G NowShows clclecl TliJts Year. &te&&Z&y- JS2&jf' rJFPfErr-'M. -t? -s& && sr 'jk&mrntmiJXMv&j&im&s&-i? iiss- ' -r " -- 15 Tremendously Big Shows Combined 15 Three Chcues in 3 Kings, Two Menageries in 2 Tents, Horse Fair, 3S0 IlorsCHin spe cial tent. Pails Olvnipln lllppodiome, -Huge Llev.ited Stage Performance, Museum of Living Wonders, Artificial Lake of Real Water, Talking Seals, Trained, Clephnnts, Ostriches, Giraffes, etc., etc. JUMBO, as natural as life, and his big SKELETON CpT.Bovron cM j?ftwr!...H.ii !A20iSZ-.ZZ i-ft&Z. Bt--. Ikm . mm wi amr iZZMr- Il. . , I WI' P i'M 1 hbksi uuwiui j-'rmkv--rm rf .. --r3 mV-"-Z' TS I I Ml" I Y-mT iir lilt ll ,-.r-,.;, . -. - -- ,j mr -. - -- jm liiSiiMii1!Sf ti?'1 iirTfMll'f iwwf mri QPT, EBO'Y'T'ON, The Aquatic MARVEL REAL WILD MOORISH CARAVAN, GENUINE TR1HE OF WANDER. 1NG HEDOL'INS, Algerian Dancing Girls', Arabian Horses, War Weap ons, etc. Tluilliug Races, Daring Feats, Atnaing Acts, Japanese Troupe of Expeits. 101 Sensational and Novel Display s,:oo IMienouienal unit Dashing Performers, iooo NEW FEATURES NEVER HEFORE SEEN. t5!?" Impofslhlc to produce another such sivovv. TWO Performances Every Day, at 2 and 8 P. M Doors open at 12.30 nnd 6 30 p.m. ADMISSION TO ALL, So Cents, Children under 9 yrs , 35 Cents. All tents remain up until 9 o'clock at night TREMENDOUS NEW FREE STREET PARADE! With n 111 absolutcl new features, at 9 n. in. To accommodate visitors, reserved numbered scats will be sold at the icgulnr price, and ndmlsildn tickets nt the usual slight advance nt J. II. HARLEY'S DRUG STORE, CORNER 11TII & O STREETS. Low Excursion Rates on all Railroads. Will Exhibit in HASTINGS Sept. 7. Z'Y--. r?-ft. JK S m X,'aLa. 4EiU,'-? .wj i - ibwi' t. i vsraL - 1 r a 3mMJ9Mmtfb2&W27M'ilA mMm?ir?xv;wximn .BKic:hni i Voyage. HfeioTDw. ?J rt ,ii -" - TlJZIiSV-- ..iJSftWrW r?jttxsmzZt2x&?& c r mm -. y - j'Zj-mr ir8i. 1 I, h. 11 1