" TSv-w ' "r'T WJWT'' ' f Drayago and loving, OMVliR MAOGARI) Desires to Inform the public th.it his equip ment for moving Household (ioods,Pl.ino .Safes, Murcliandlsc, Heavy Machinery. etc., U the b'st In thi; city-. Special men ' ami Wilson me kest for the removal of j Pianos and Household Goods, Which nrc nlwnis li.uulletl hy conipolnnl . anil experienced' help, ami the latent npnll- ' nnces ucd for handling- Safes mid other ' heavy good. Call, address or telephone, OLIVER MACiGARI) 'relephone 1 1 1 Olllee yt 7 O s ! Fremont Elkliorn & Mo, Valley Trillin tf.no 10:15a. in. and 12: in i.in , TlIK Pl.KUnlltt VaLITV I .INK. To froo homes In Northiielern Nebraska nn Kimthiu-MeniPakoln. To tin; Ill.irk llllli ntul ln- ll.it rtpilngs. To Ccntinl WjiiinliiK coal mill 1111 fields 1111 J cattle ranges, j To flilc-nrc mid tlit ftist. vo Nt. I'n il, Hie North niul Northwest. ' i-'orfiirtlierhifnriti.itinii liHiulroof ui'.o. n. roiti:M.N, Agent, i 1.1 South lOlh street, IJneoln W. I Pitch, J. IS. Itl'Cll.lNlN, (leiicral M'ger. (len'l Pass. Ag't Mlssouil Vnlli'V. town. n I ' ( amtai. Stock $200,000. Ja W MosIiit. 1're-dil.nit. W.J- Walsh, V-Pre It. C. Ouicilt, Casliler. Ar.TAL NATION At. HANK S. I-I. BUKNHAM, BROKER. Hon.Y loaned on long or short time at lone tie. Onicc In lllclmioV Mock, room 13. Ta':e e levator on Eleiciith street entnuie. N. R. HOOK, M. D., diseases op women. Urinary and Recta . Diseases a Specialty. - Trent rcclul diseases liy IIIIINKEUIIOIT PAINLESS SYSTEM. Ofllcc, rooms Ml. KM nml 121 llivrr Mock. Twelfth mid O streets. Olllee tluihom MS. lteslit.'neitlfl-.!!lQbtns'l 'Phone, Mi Orllco hours, 0 to I'.1 11.111. a to ft itmlto .1 i in bun. lays, into II 11 in 3.A.SH0EMAKER.M.D. HomtBopalliist Physician, T-'le !ione Nn 0S5. ifis; South I Ith .Sticot, I.imoi.u Nkii PEEB1ESS Steam Lwmdrj 1117 1 Street. Mtilllntho front nml nbbohm-ly leading nl iiiiH.'tit()rs. Thoioughry cipiipsl lor tin uiiet-t work, giving to eneli iiistniuer mi 1111 qualified giinruntco for nil woik done All ni our work done with neatness nml dispatch 'e solicit onleCH for subtil Imu v Wages unr nclghlioilug towns, pnylng thoc.xpicsaou ni inUrs one uuy, ltctpcct fully, C. J. PRATT. i. i'JI.N AMI IMiTllirKIlP IVNMtNKIIIl', filiorihnnaauil Typewriting. Host and tni-Kitt coIU-kc In tlio west. Hluili'iitH n isml fur Imslm-nt In from a to y inontlw. linthkliiiil liiatrui-tlnn. Kuilunilox iwrlonral fnculty. Ki-int for collide Juurcals and rpoolmi'iii r ixMiinarmhlp to Uf.I.UlltllKIK. K ItOOSK. Lincoln, .Vb. BLOOD POISON. Olil 1I1M11 iM'tl. 'nn'.ilii 1 ttlO fiillntfiairo lit IjIihnI Ipolron! li inn unjllmv It, gushing oiiliir old lu-ili at liny moil niul li licnllliy) TIll'Hil f .-r II. nni dcail, tihrralwl, 1111I1 allhy trciiuciHiy ra'i'H a rui furo. hlmiii.l corlalr.y oe citractiil mul ri'Ka-nf Hlih tocxl, art)i-lil iirili ihut nevcrachu. 1 nn Iwoi tract. l ullliout pulti, No hum. bug. AllUASION OV TI1K TKKTH. 1 he abovo cut shows the tilth of man 45 ft ira of apo. from Dr. Hell In 18.11. Wo meet with this affection In the teeth In various forma nd iliftri'is. The mils of tliu c.-owhr item ri-v mft, havlnir a low decree of vitality anil wrardown slioalnn a dark jtllowUli rupjicd potju tho renter. Many am an foollth to "" '.hat molar teeth aro of little aicouut, ,-.i it them irony default; after which all Itie force of tho liuiseles are extended to the front treth, wrarlim them ilonn rapidly. Tho Jicat, and nrly remedy. Is to cover and tiutlil up the ends Mllh cold and platinum, hleli wears like dtnel anil eaves them manv yr rs. We make a speelalty of fine cold wort building tlirm up, coutour Ullltigs, etc a. n mm Iff V'tj !&QrQQ( Cuts A and II are from John Tomes, of Ene laud, A Two Incisors with notches In the ends. li slums tliopcgrtiapul teelu ivltbytllowlfli pits In the emli for such teeth we have two remedies: First To fill ill" pits In the tuds with iild. See nml Extract thciu and n place them with artificial tietli. Hut the hones ahsnrh awat upldly o that they will need resetting fre (iieully. We make the Uneat attUclal teeth hi the northwest. WeuseJustlea' and White's patent tietli with lonu, ucavy pins, mounted m strone elastic platia. Thoso who patrnnlze lis will not bo trouhlcd with broken teeth and cracked plates, caniier fore mouttn, etc. ToliKise tno front teeth, Is to Ioojc hair Hieporerof HH-etti, and more than half Ut heauu DR. A. P.'BURRUS, i, J 208 O Rjiu:i;t. i GREAT flESULTS MAV DEPEND ON I SMALL EVENTS. Tlirrt Aik No 1 rxtuiillloiinrr In One l.liei". Tin' C'lKiiul. Hit An lileiilul, Am l'mt nl it (li rut I'I.iii -Tin Unililpreoiic' nf n Stnttier' 1'rnjrr. I fSltiMstiY, Ciiiiiidn, Aug. 2(V Tho llev. T. I Do Witt TiihnnKi', I). IV, of llrooklyn, I preached on tho r.inii Rroiind nt IhU plaeo I toilny. All Camilla Is represented hi tho (in- ' iiienso Iht-ougH irttcuihlcd. Dr. TiiIiiiiiko has I pleached nt Orliichy ninny auiiiinera. This 1 clones his Milliliter nhvnee. Helms preached, lectured und visited In tlilrteon hluleiof tho Union this Riuiituer, hliiitidieners nmiibcrhiK Urn nml fifteen thoiKind iKiple. The wthject af his seritioii hero today was "(Irent ltiwulta . May I)epml on .Siu.ill ISventa," Dr. Till ' mngo tool; for hi tcxti "Through a window, In (i hnsket, was 1 let down hv tho unll'' (II 1 Cor. II, SKI). IIoNiidi '. J Dniuajcii'i Is 11 eity of whito and KH-tcnhiK t nrclilU-etinr, somicI lines railed "tho ovo of tho east," sometime mile I "a pwnl Mir- 1 rotiudeil by emeiiildi," at 0110 thuc ilMIn- ' KilMieil forsuoidsof thohei', iniitei liil, called Daumseus hlndea, mid upholstery of richest fabric called dainnki. A hoivnian hy tho imtiinof Paul, rldlnj; ton mil this elty, had ' been thniuii from thoKiildle. Thohoi-wj had . dmpiHil under 11 llah feoni the aky, xihleli at tho sauio tlino was m bright It hlluded tho rider for many iIiijn, mid, I think, mi peniia- ' neiitly Injuml his ei-i;ht that this defect of vision been mo tho tlnarii in tho lli-h ho lifter Mitnlaapxiikiof. Ho started for Dniuniuiis to Imtcher Chriiliaus, hut utter that hard fall from his horxo ho ivaa 11 ehani;el man and preached Christ In DauiiiMMistill thoeily was shaken to Its foundetioii. Tho mayor jjlvos uuthority for his nrrcst, nml tho popular cry Is, "KlUhhiil ICtUlilui1 Tho city is aiirromidcd by a high wall, and tho twites aro watched by tho ihiIIii- lest tho Clliciau pivacher escniKr, Jinny of tho houcs nro built on tho wall, and their bal conies projected clear over and hovered nbovo tho gniileus ouUlde. It mis custom. nry to lower baskets out of these balconies nml pull up fruits rtiid (lowers from I ho kiii dens. To this day vMtorx ut the monastery of Mount Slim I nro lifted mid let down in bankets. Detectives prowled nroiuid front liuit-M.' to housu looking for Paul, hut his friends hid him now in 0110 place, now hi another. Ho is noeoirard.nailft Incidents In his life dcmoiiHtmta. Mut ho feels his work Is not 1I0110 yet, nml m ho evades usimIiui- tioii. "Is that preacher heivf' tho foiimiiiR I mob shout nt 0110 houso door. "Is that fanatic hrm!'' the ihiIIco hout ntmiotlnr housoilour. Koiiiet lines on tlii'Mrvt. lueoj; llito, he t uisses thuaiKh 11 crowd of elenelieil list, und Miuietllili'S ho seel ell s blllisell oil the hoiiM-top. At last tho Infuriate iHipiilnco Rt on 1 tiro track of him. They Imvoposi tlvo oiilenee that he Is In tlio houso of unit of tho C'lirUtians, tho balcony of w hos- homo reaches over tho nll. "Hem ho isl Hew lie i'." Tlio vociferation nml blasphemy nml Imnhnt; of tho puesiii'rs nro ut tho limit dour. They bn-nU in. "Ft ti li mit that tlo polizer. mid let us hr.11;; Ida bead on the city jjnto. Whew It lief" Tlio emergency was ter rible. Providentially there was a KO".l, Mont basket in tlm house. Paul's friends fasten a rope to the b.T-l;i;t. Paul hteps into it. Tim basket Is lifted to tho odo of llm balcony oil tho wall, anil t -en while Paul holds 011 to tlm rojo with In tli bauds hixlrJcnds lowerawny, carefully and euutiously, slowly but mrely, further down mid further down until tho basket Mrikes the. earth mid thoiipoitln Mi'i out, mid afoot mid alouo starts on that famous missionary tour, the story of which has astonished earth und heaen. Appro- , priato entry in Paul's diary of travels: 1 "Through n window, lu u buskot, was 1 let ' down by tho wnll." OliM'rve, first, on what u hlender teuuro I Bivat iv.tiilts luiuj;. Tho iiipemaker who I twisted that cord tasteueil tn that lowering 1 basket uuver knew how much would ilepeiiil . on tho streiiRth of it. How if It hud ln-eu I broken und the apostle's llfo hud bis'iidaslieil , out? What would haie bcniiuoof tin Chris tian oliurcli? All that magnificent mission jury work In Pamphllla, Capjudocin, (Jala j tin, Muceilonfa would uovor have lieeli no , complMied. All LU writings that make up ! so iinlisjH-iiJinlilo und eiichaiitlug a art of , tho Now Testament would never huvo lieeu written. The story of resurrection would never hao lnen mj gloriously told as ho told It. That example of heroic mid triumphant eiidurnuco at Phillppl, hi tho Mislitei1 raucaii euroelydou, under lla'ellatlou and at his beheading would not have kindled thocouragoof ten tlioiifand maityr dolus. Hut that mpo holding that bni.l;i', how much depended on itl Ho iigniu ii'jj again (rrout result 1 hivo hung 011 what seemed blender circumstances. Did over ship of many thousand tons cross ing tho sen Imvo such inuiortant passenger ' as had onco 11 boat of Icav es, from tnfTraii to stern only three or four lift, tho vested niado waterproof by a coat of bitumen, mid Uout- J lug on tho Kilo with tho infant lawgiver of tlio Jews 011 boan'.f What if some crovodllo should crunch it? Whntifbomo of the cat tle, wading in for 11 drink, should sink it? Vessels of war toinetimes carry forty guns looking through tho iortlioIes, ready to open ibnt.lo. Hut that tiny craft on the Nile seems I to bo firmed with nil tho guns of thunder thnt ! bombanlisl Hlnai at tho law gi ing. On how . frngilo craft sailed how much of hi-torical Impoilnucol Tho iiar&oungo nt Kpworth, Unglniid, Is on llro In tho nlg'at, und tho father rushed through tho hullway lor tho tv-icuo of hit j children. Koven childwu nro out mid sufo 01 1 I tho ground, but one remains In tho cnnsuui iug building. That one wake, mid lludiuc, liU led on llw and tho building cruiuhliiig, 1 comes to tho w'iiiil()u-,iiiid two peasants iniiku a ladder of their bodied, 0110 iH-iLsnut standing I on tho shoulder of tLo other, and down tho human ladder tho boy descends John Wes ' ley. If you would know how much depended ' on thnt ladder of peasants, ask the millions I of Methodists on both bidet, of these.i. Aslc their mission stations nil around the world. Ask their hundreds of thousands already as cended to Join their founder, w ho would liavo IcrUlicil but for tho llvlug ktait'A of pca&iiit: bhouldurs. An Knglish ship stopped nt Pitcnlrn Inland, and right in tho midst of surrounding canni balism mid Npialoi-tlio passengers discovered a Christian c do ly of churches and schools niul beautiful hoine-i und hljliest stylo of re ligion mid civilization. For lllty years no missionary mid no Christian iuflueuco hud lauded t hew. Why this oasis of light uuild u desert of heathendom? rilxty years beforo 11 ship had met disaster, mid 0110 of tho sail ors, unable to sau anything else, went to his trunk mid took out n lliblo which liU mother had placed there, mid bwam ashore, tho lliblo held if. l.is teeth, Tho Pool; was read 011 till siiUs until tho rough and ielous iopulatiou iero eviiu i;clted, and a church wai Marl nl, mid mi enlightened comuiuuwealth usiablisiied, and tho world'a history has no mow bi'lliaut page than that which tells of thotraiiffonua tiouof 11 nation by on book. It did not boem of much importauco whether the bailor continued to hold tho book in his teeth or Ut it fall In the breakers, but upon what s mull tauiauk in Canada. ('In'iun.lniirc ilrpeuOcsi wuitt tnlplity ro talis! Practical intereinxi Thrw mo no Insl nllleanees in 0111 lie. Tho minutest thing lsmitof 11 magnitude. Inllnll) Is mado up of iullultislmals. (Irtsit things nn upgregn tlon of s-iiiill things, lletlilehcm inaiigcrpull lug 011 n star in tho eastern sky. Ono IhmiIv In n dreueliisl sailor's mouth thiHiiungclliuv t Ion of 11 multitude. Ono boat of pa pi run on the Nile freighted with events for ullage. Tho fato of Clu'lsleudum in 11 basket let down fnini n window 011 tho wall. What yon do, do well. If j 011 iiinko a wpe make II strong and tine, for you know not hmviuuel. tuny depend on your workmanship, jf j,m fashion a Imat let It Ih wateipwof, for joii know not who may sail hilt. If you pitta lliblo In the t nink of your boy 111 ho goes from home, let It Iki heard In your pra.iers, for It ina. haxo n mission us fur ivaehlug as tho book wh'ch tho sailor carried In his teeth to tho Pitcnlrn beach. Tlio plainest man's llfo Is mi Island between two eternities eternity past rippling against his shoulders, eternity income touching his brow, 'lho casual, tho accidental, that which merely hapH'im so.nio parls of n gwat plan, und tho mpo that lets tho lugltlMi nH)ttlo from tho Damasetn wall is thecnblo that holds to its mooring the ship of the Church In the iiorihi'i--t storm ot tho centuries. Again, tiotiooliuroi'irriil;'.cdulid ruiissmleil services, W'lui x,nfi tlio rope.' Who t list it to tho tMisket f Who steadied tho illuslrlou1: pix'iichi r 11s hostepK-d ititii It? Who ivlnxod not 11 uut'clo of tho mm or dMiiUvil nil mixlous loot; from his. faeo until lho basket tnuehisl tho gwutld mid illschargisl its mag lilllivnt eargo? Not ono of their names has come to us, but Ihew wns no work done that day In Damascus or in nil thofiirthcoms'ircd v Ith lho Impel tauisi of their win k. What If they had In thu ugitatiou tied a knot that iiiuldslip) What If tho sound of a moliiittho door had led them to sayi "Paul must take care of hiui'clf, und we will tuko caw of ourselMvO' No, no! They held tho roH, und In doing to did morn for the Christian chinch than any thousand of us will evi r accomplish. Hut (1ml knows mid has mado etirnal record of their under taking. And they know. How exultant they mutt have felt when they rend his let ters to tho Koiunns, to thoCoiiuthians, to the Oalatlaus, to the Kplicsiuus, to tlm Phil Ippiitus, to tho Colossliins, to (lio ThcFsaln uliiiis, to Timothy, to Titus, to Philemon, to the Hebrews, mid when thoy heard how ho walked out of prison with tho earthipiako unlocking the door for htm, mid to k com mand of tho Alexandrian coinshlp when tho sailors wcw neaily seined to death, and preached a sermon that nearly shook Felix oil' bis Judgment sent, 1 hear the men mid women who Iic1hsI him down through tho window und over tho wall talking in piivati nice the matter mid saying: "How glad I am that weelloitisl that rctcun! In coming limes others inl get tlm glorj of Palil'i Work, but 110 nan shun lo,iii-"l t ohalisfnc tlon of knowing that wo held tho rope." There nro si Id to 1 10 about (I'J.OOO uiiuisteii jfwliglon in this country. AlHiut .'o,ooo ! wnrraul eaiuo i.iun early homes' which line to btrugglo for t ho necessaries of life. The sous of 1 leh baukeis and uierchutiti gnerally beeonni bunkers niul inerehmits. The most of thutn who becoino luiiiiKterH nn the sons of those who hsil terrilli ntiuggU to ,;et I heir everyday lavr.d. Tlm collegiate and theological iilue.it Ion of Unit sou took every luxury fwiu the parental tuldo for eight years. Tliu other cliililii-u wcro more scintily fipimrclcd. Tho sou ut college every littlo whilo got u bundle from home. In it were the tucks that mother had knit, sitting up Into at night, her bight not us good us mice il was. And there alio woro eoiiio delicacies fruiu lho sister'u hand for I lie voracious npM'lito of a hungry student. Tho luther uwtmg the heavy crudlo through tho wheat, tho sweat rolling from Ins chin lxsluwiug every step of tho way, mid then sitting doun iuul"rthe cherry tieo ut noon thinking to himself: "J am fcurl idly tired, but it will pay if I cat. onco sis) that Isiy tlirough college, und if I ciiii know Hint bo will lio preaching tliu (iov pel lifter 1 am dead." Tho onager cliildreii wmit to know why they can't havo this and that as others do, and tho mother says: "lie patient, 1113 children, until jour bwther ,-iindliates, mid then you shall havo more luxuries, but wo mustbco that boy through." Tho J ems go by and tliu son hat lieeu or dained and is preaching the glorious tlnsX'l, au.l a great roWval comes, und touts ! 'CDii-smiil hmidwsLs accept tho (Jospcl from the lips of that ,oung preiicier, and father and mother, ipilto old now, nrc Initlng the ion nl tho village parsonage, mid at the close jf ui Sabbath of mighty blessing, father mid mother retire to their loom, the 1011 lighting tho wn mid asking them If ho co,i!d do any thing to uiuko t hiaii mow com foi table, say ing if they wnut anything In ttiomght jina to knock on tho wall. And thin nil ulnno father mid mother tulk over the gracious iulhieucesof tho day, and say: "Well, it was worth all wo went through to educate that boy. It was 11 hard pull, but we held mi till the work win done. Tho world i.iay not know il, but, mother, wo held the rope, didn't wof And tho voice, tremulous with joyful emotion, resjionds; "Yes, futlier, wo held tho i-ojK-i 1 tool my work isdoiio. Nu.v, Lord, lettctl thou thy tenant dcjviri iu peace, lor mine oyes luive been th silva tion." "Peliawl" inji. tho futhir, -:l never felt so much lll.o living In my hfu as now. 1 wuut to see 1 hut ihut fellow Is going uu tu do, lie has begun ni wclL" Koiuothing occurs to mo quite pcraoiial. 1 wns tho jounm'stof 11 largo family of chil dren. My parents weru neithir" ileh nor poor; four ut the sons wniiUd collegiate ulu cation, and tour obtained it, but not without givathoino btrugglo. Wo never heaid tho old people say onco that they wew denying themsoUi's to cll'eet this, but I ivinemUrnow that my parents always lisihed tired. I don't think that they over got rested until they lay down tu tho riouiuicrvillo leineiery. Mother would bit down iu tho evening und sa: "Well, 1 don't know what makes 1110 feel so tlredl" Father would full miincdi utely to sleep, leated by tho evening htuid, ovcrcomo with the day's fatlgui-s. Ono of tho four brothers ufter prcuchlug tho tlotjiot lor about lit ty yenm entered uiiou his hca euly rest. Another of tho four is now 011 the other bldo tho earth, 11 missionary of tho rrobs. Two of us nro In this land iu the holy ministry, mid 1 think nil of us nro wilting to iickuowlcdgn our obhgutiou to the old folks utliomo. About twenty -two yenrs ngo tho one, niul idwut twenty-four jean ago tho oilier, put down tliu bind sr of this Ulu, but they still hold the rope, O men and women hero resembled, you brag tometlines how you havo fought jour way in tlm world, but I think theno havo been helpful influenced that ou ha o never fully acknowledged. Has there not beeu soi no iullueucu in your early or present homo that thowoild cannot see? Does t hew not reach to on I111111 among the Canadian hilU, or western prairie, or irotu bout hern plun tat ion, or f 10111 Knglish or Ktottidi or lruh borne 11 (Dill of iutlueuio that ban kept ou light when j 011 would hnvo gone astray, and which, ufter joii had mado n crookid truck, recalled you? Tho jvjio may bo ns lung us thirty jeaia or live hundred uiilis lung or tluvu thou.vmd miles long, but hands that weut out cf mortal bight long no still hold tho rope. You w ant u very uwift horso, and jou i.lx-1 to rowel him with sharpest spins, ntvl to let (In reins lli loose "upon tl.o neck, und t give a shout to n rnor, If ymi nro j.Mltig to rlii" nut, . r wneh of jour innther's ptajer. y, n ship crossing the Atlantic In 1 'eu da,s can't sail ux.ny from thatt A sviilor Ihuls them on tho lookout as ho takes his plmv, ami lludsthmi on lho inn' t as ho clhnlis the ratlines to dlKciitntiKlo a iilo In the t-niH st, nml Mints them swing lug nn the hniimiock w lieu ho turns In. Why not Imi frnnk acd aeknow ledge It the mol of us would long ago havo lseu dal ed to plecen had not r.i'aelous and lining minis steadily mid lovingly and mightily hod the rono. Put Ihew tnttst come a tlino when wi shall II nd out who these Daiuaceucs were who lowered Paul In the Inskel.nnd greet them and nil those who hale rcntlcrnl totlol and tho woild uuriH'ogulM'd and uureeordeil ser vices. That is going to bo one of the glad excitements of heal en -tho hunting u,iiiud picking out of thiHowho did good on earth and got no credit for It. Hew lho church has bivn ('."lug ou tilueteeu celltlll'li , and Ibli Is proli.iblv the llrst sermon over lecng llllllg the servleis of lho people I that Damascus balcony. Chin lei II. I'inie nald toudjlug t'hrhilan: "(IUo my lovo 1 l-l Paul when ou meet him." When joii und I mis't him, ns no will, I shall ink him li triHluci) me tu thoo HnpKi who got hlta out of tho Dauiiisceuo peril. U'o pn Intu long KM'inon to pwve tbati will ts utile to iis'iigulrji people in le a 1, when Ihew Is one wiium wo fall to r sent, unit that Is Is-tter than nll-OfHl will hit' iluisi us. Wo shall have them nil pointed out. You would not bo guilty of tho Imp lltcncHiof buving filends iu our parlor not llitroiliiced. mid celestial Killtetiess will de maud that wo Ih mado ueipialulcd wllh all tho heavenly household. What whcnral or old tlniesaud 1 ecllnl of stirring reiultiisceneen If others fail to give Introduction, Oed Will take us through, mid liefoio our llrst tweiilj-four hours Iu heaven If It were calculated by cart hi j tluicphs'os have pastil, wenhall meet and talk with mow heaieulj cclihrltlcs than In our entire mortal stale wo met v. ith earthly celebrities. Many who made great imlso of usefulness will sit on tho lift seat by tlm front door of tho heal enlj temple, while tight up within arm's reach of the heavenly throno will bo many who, though Ihej could not preach themsches or do givut exploits for (lod, nevertheless held the ioh'. Come, let us go right up und accost those 011 this circle of heavenly thronys. Kmvly, they must have killed hi bittlo a million men. Huwly, they iniisl havo Ihhmi hurled with all tho cathedrals sounding 11 dirge, and all tho towers of all tho cities tolling tho na tional gi icf. Who ml thou, mighty ono of lienvenr "1 livisl by cholin the umuurriul daughter iu an humble homo that 1 might take caw of m parent 1 Iu their old age, and I eiiilmvd without coiuplaliits nil their ipicrulontiiits and udmliilsiewil to nil their wr.i.t 1 foi l.i etj j. .ir. Let u p.is nn rouiiil tho circle of tin ones. WI10 mt 1 Ik.ii, mighty ono of heaven? '1 was for thlrtj leni-sn Christian Invalid, und suffered all the while, occasionally writing 11 note of rj rupithj' for thoo worse off than 1, mid wns gi in nil coulldaul of nil thotwho had trouble, and onco in a whilo I wasstiung cuough 10 m.iko a garment for that poor family In tho buck lane." Pass 011 to nn other throne. Who art thou mighty ono of hruvcuf "1 wsi lio inothci who rin-.'d 11 whole familj- of childwu fur (iod and they are out iu the world Christian merchants, Christian uieehunies, Christian wivca, nud 1 havo had full wwnr.l uf nil my toll." Iel 111 pass on In tho circle of thrones. "I bad 11 Hubbath sellout class, and tlmy v.ero ulwuyii ou my In art, und they all entered tho king dom of Cud, mid I am walling fir their ar rival." Hut whom t thou, the mighty ono of hea ven, 011 tills other throne,' "In tlino of hitter (srsocution I owned 11 houso hi Damascus, a house on lho wall. A man who preached Chi 1st was hounded fruin .trect tostrcct.and j 1 hid him from the us-iismiis, nml when I found them breaking in my hoiisonnd I could i 110 longer keep him safely I advised htm to (ten lor his life, und tho basl.i t was letdown over I tho wall with the maltreated man In it, mid I was 0110 who lieljHsl hold tho rope." And 1 said, "Is that all?' and he imswered, "That lisnll." And while I wns jist luumnemeiit i 1 heard a strong ojro that sounded ai ; though It might once have lieeu boaito from many cxiMnurcs and triumphant as though it might have belonged to ono of the nmityrj, and It said: "Not many might)', I not iiiniiv iioblo inn called, but tlod hath I chosen the weak things of the world to con I found the thiuis which mo mighty, mid hiuu things of tho w 01 M and things which mode splvsl hath (Sis! ehii.-eu, e.i, nml things which me not to bring to naught 1 lungs which are, that no llesh should glo ) iu his presence." And I looked to ben from wheiico tho voico came, and lo! Il was tliu wry ono who hud bald: "Ihrougri a window, in 11 hiskct, wns I let down by tho null. ' j Henceforth think of notuiiig nsinslguill- cant. A littlo tiling maj dccldn your nil. A Cimarder put out from Luglaud for New York, li was well spitpn-i, but inputting up 11 stow iu tlio pilot ho a nail was driven 1 too near tho compiss. You know how that unit would a licit the compass? The ship's ofllccr, di-celved by that distracted compass, lait thosliip two htmdiit! inilesolV her right couim, mid suddenly the man on tlio lookout cried, "Land ho! and the ililji w. s lialted within 11 few yurdsof hi.rdeuiolitio:i 011 Nun tueki-t shoals, A sixpenny nail camo mar wiockiug a t'liuuiiler. .Small ropes hold mighty destinies. A minister si-uted iu Ho. ton nt his table, lacking a word, puts hU hand behind Ids head and tilts buck lus chair to think, and ' tho celling fulls mid crushes tho tablo und would hau crushed him. A minister iu Jamaica nt night by the light uf an insect, calhsl the candle- Hy, Is kept from stepping over a precipice a hundred feet, F. W, itob crUou, tlm celebrated P.uglisli ilergyiu.iu, , said that hu entereil tho ministry Ipjiu u train ol cireiiuistauces btiirtiil by the ! barking of 11 dog. Had tho wind blown ono way on a certain day, tho . Swinish Inquisi tion would havo been established In Uug land; but it blow tho other waj.aud that dropped tho accursed liistltutioii with 7.',0u0 tons of shipping to the bottom of tho mm or flung tlm splintered logs on Hie rocks. Nothing unimportant iu join lite or mine. Three noughts placed 011 the 1 iglu side ol tlm llguw one makes a thousand, ami si noughts ou the right bldo of lho llure one, a million, nud our nothingness placed 011 the right side may bo augmentation illimitable. All lho nges of tlino und eternity all'oet.sl by lho basket let down from 11 Duinux-us t.ileoay. An Old (his Well. Poi'v Huron, Mich., has a gus well that is , fcl.v jears old. lho tinders did not know w hat it was w hen they struck It. it wu. put 1 down for oil, and, tho objects lor which the 1 work was tmdcrtiil.'cn not huWng boon icnehed, il wa.i nb.uMoaed, and bj uuuo ' strange phase iu lids wide awuki i-oiiuuunlty itlsUltig forgotten. Tlio site of lho hole I was originally a hollow lux. tu. Ills now n mound. Tho net ion ot tho pis through tlufeo ' j eai-s bus forced oicr.MA) Ions of mutter out ot tho IkjwoW of tho earth nud U still at work. A power that iniyht have b.vu util ized iu lighting und heating our city U thus running to wtuto In bulldtn? u lulubuiw 1 hllLPort Huron Tlnits, NEW SPING STYLES! JUST ARRIVED. Anil now rciiil) for inspection nt John Morrisons' All the Finest Qualities niul Lnl.tst PatteniH in stock. I Imu the line-it eulter in the cit and guarantee satisfaction. Call and see my jijoods and woik. 121 North Eleventh street. BOOKS, THREE CENTS EACH! Tnt fiillnwlnu tini'H urn uliliilioil In iirnt mntslilnt fnrm, I'llnlril frnm cmiil f aitalit tjrn on r'-oj rr aii-l inany -1 many m iiinni iininniiiiiiuir luii'llsir.i rnoy lllai ntin ft 1 llm aiiit.i I In Riiy Nn. I tic huiiiiais, nn.l I11111i.l1 in n.o A llnr nt lun lniiil trinilnr I'tnpl!. lllil .,.- . . . . .. .. r .,. n..- ... . ..." .1 .... .1 IIIQ I'll.-., ni Hill. 11 Mirj niu lir.u liu"iptl Kai-h IVonili-ra nl llm It nil', S.tibii f Onus. I'.. Iilsa il . ..nl 1 miimii ni ll.p 11. il w.inl.i .11 MVl Imi. il I In in , till it tii. 1.1 1 litllnirll. - It iiinlri- ir tin- srM. il-m ill 1 1 in mmir Mri.ii.i., IhI fit I 111 ill I I' 11 il l.'lll. I M f !- I.. II I .-1 I' f .lll,lll, l..fl Illll.l ill li- " I'lriimri- I litltnn," mi.l (lllipr Strlrliih Hi 'Jii. in ai 1 1 s a v n 1 1 . iiro 11 , 1 tr.t.t. iii.i rmm jr llili I. In I ..I . ..I , .it 1 I iiiMitnit , h. . .t Hi, MJ 'I lio 11t1l Kiilnli I'iiim is, 1 1 1 1 . .i.niri atiilisr Sl "llm Ilnt II. t.U In .II M Ihiiluliltf f lltilljr l.t..h Inirrrrvi, r i .il I Wil' 'I ll.-'l'ill I lirlilinils Mn,l,, Iv linsiia (iiiarsi, CmlAlm a Itllllll- r l llif tin .1. l.illllllllf I IllHlltlnl llnllrl ,i I Mtllllll til Oiiarnti.il ti rti. r t icn-ilO'l Is. I. imi. ti. it 1. 1 llnilllit thtt lllt'lllnir l.lltill. A I' I. ' lotltl,lrllilll, l-IIMlilSII I 1 nil. 9 ..f tliu IIIIlM I. Ikl III I ..nn l'ntttliir Ut'i Uitlliitis iitt.l llliilnuiirsi inimnt.1111, .Ira.na llnsit I r.lii. 1 IliMftlllt.i lrfl..i,l mi 1 iin.it ,t tutu. 'I'liiiHrlr.iiiitilt' It, ti rtr Mn.lt 1 il I Intra. I iilaim t.r lialtiatitli . hi 1 a I liiixiiia i.ll ma liiAmitliaiil.fiiilil llif Urn .il i'iimSm 1 It. si.irttt. rnlitlllnr llllnhilliitia. Ciililn1li U.ar.ilgln at. I aitllmr llitinl masr ln a fi.ii.irtill, nt. In ira lliif an I itittinla tl..n A laliiilili- v.. .ih f-l Tvlii.nra l.ntr I ir,t It, Nrtr t air ! A iiilianf mil ii i Iriitrn llii.wlnc ma .lull .1.1. .,f III. In O., (iialrllr Hiiilmlt.l, 'I tilt Knuil til Itiiitlli. N"l an a.ltitllilnf .n.uUr tiul a tli.imuiMf iallnl suhV, t-ilnllnt nn a nay Vr . t-lehall tnai tsalin l.ii.l.r, ralllr. ta, t.111 ainl linlirillr Unit llunilrml lttpntnr rttlia, aftitlni.tilal i.allitl .! tutst' ,tn, hi Hue 1 1 ..It! a I tin Mai i an I a 1.1 Sllr Nnrl'a llilr. A N t-1 llvlln Hit Ausia ri iMiru A llnrl'rr.l I Ifrs A Nntil. II, li.. ll.al isn An Olil Jlnn'a Mlu'tlflris A .No,. I. lr Ilia Aa S Srsraiai, il-Wi villi armt nnr .mr uf llm almrn linnValir inailinial m. tiisni ri-fdrlef nnlr lUVnla niiy leu fts- S)rt.iilashy luriiluliiiirfto f'rnla Ilii- rnUrti lint ( til l.iMikal fur 7 A I rnallm piillin ll.l Imiitiil Intuisiil llliiliitlilMik.fiirail ia liiHtlatltnurralnalliajrititln Itl ImmiIi usnr nirjrf-tl llnlnil fall liiMkpn.ltanlii-anf IL ll(lirllimvi'irmilmlnrmniiri'rrrtin.lril, l'ii'liin iliii.a UWrn (nr fraf lliinliif n iliillar. Aa liiniir rsllslilllll, lafar tit any iianai-anpr inilillilipil In Npw Vntlt. IIKartian In llm llniiiiiirrlal Acrlirl'S. All iifilrranilpil b in in i It. Aitdifaaalllatlarii l'. M, I,Ul"i'O.Nlulittaltcri.ii, till MiirmyNlrcct. Neva Yarta. ni on - Pacific - Railway The Overland Route. Shortest and Safest Route lo all points in Colorado, Utah, California, Montana. ,j&v&r9aaia6aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaL.aVV 'hike lliciivniliindlljt mud hiivi oi.t-daj tonll Paellle coast points. mi- i'nion pac'Iiic is thi: i ui:i-; chair cap. link Itiliinlug Into Ifiilmi Depots und eoutieelluix wllli the fist limited trains of nil llnesfnr n points east, noi III niul koiiIIi. TIii.iiikIi llehels iiii iiiinlt in day eon-lies. Ilagu'iilie ebeibo lliiouulitiiiltsiluiitliin Iroiiiall points cunt In llm I 'nlled Htnlis and Canada. Slicpcr uccoiniiiottatioiis iccrM-il hi through Pullman Palace cars from the Ml- u il ci In the Pud Ik-coast. IC. H. SLO.SSON, Agent. THOS. I.. KIMISAI.Ii. Acting ( icni'i nl Manager m UNAOQUAIHTED WITH THE OEOOnArilY Or THE OOUNTIIY, WILL ODTAlIi MUOIt VALUABLE INFORMATION mOM A STUDY Or THIS MAP Or THH aiijiaaaaaayaaaanaaajaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaajaaaaaaaaaaa 'aaMaaaaMaaaaaayaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ( NwaUJTOiiifsXVVf!s:JV,jOfl'iJilr' .1"'? "" MI71 i - i ), tWAflLflTUWri 'K.zZir rSVl-tfa---- r's -V. iia'ifi "V C . All L I 1 BaaaaBBBMaHaaBaaMaaaaMniaaanaMaHaaManMaaaHiHBBaHBBaaaBBBBaBBaHaaBwSvaaBaaaBaBaaaaBaBaBaBaa CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y. Itu control powltlon and cloiio cniinoctlon with Ruutorn lluoa at Ohlcntro and oontlnno'tB Itncu ut tormlinil points, Woat, Nortlnvoat, ir.ni Soutli wout, mako it tlio truo mld-llnk In Unit trunucontlnonttil cliuln of Btoel which imltoa tho Atlantic unit Pncltlc. ltd nmln llnoo and brnnchoa Includo Olit- ti iidiiiiuuii., iuwii v iv iou uaiiiii'-o, aiiviiuiiwiu, i iiitui nut,, aviuuiiu. miuA vlllo, Aiiiliibon, Hiirlun, Clin In lit Cr-ntro mid Council Qlwftu, in Iowa; aullatln, Tronton, CiiniDri.'i, 8t Joeeph iiiul Kihibuo City, in Mlasourl ; Lonvonworth miii Atclituou, In KiuiBao; Miiincnpollo nud St. ul, In Mlnnosotu: Water town anil Bloux Fultu In Dakota, mid ninny otlior proBiioroua townu and cltlca. It iiIbo ollord a OHOlon OF nOUTES to mid t Jtii tlio Piiclllo Const nud inter modluto pJucori, tnnklntT nil tnuiBfora In Utiln depots. FiiBt Triitna oftlnn DAY COACHES. olOLfiint DININQ CMtS, mtirfnlilcont PULLMAN PALACK HL13BPINQ OAUS, und (botwoon Clilcniro, St. Josopli. AtcliL n and Kunsaa City) roBtful HUoLlMUIO CIIA1U OAKS, Beam FREE tc holders or through tlwt-cliiBO tickotd THE CHSCACO, KANSAS & NEBRASKA R'Y (GREAT ROCK ISLACJH RO'TF' ExtondH w-jat and northwest from ICmiBru Utv nud St. Joeoph to Faiis bury, Nolnon, Horton, Tjpoku, H irintTt.ni, Ili.u-hlnji n, Wichita, Oaldwoll, and ull polntu In Southern N- or. jl- Int. -rln- I -nuao und beyond. Kntlru puuijonrror onulpmont ci tic- colobrntoil Pullman im.mif cturo. Solidly tonl lut toil trnolc of lioavy .Jto 1 rail. Iron and utoiv brklcrca. All eufoty upnltuncoB and modern lmprovoiw nt m Commodtouu, woll-bullt t'tntlonu. Colorlty, cor tftlnty, comtortuud lir:ur" iiaaurod. THE FAMOUS A3..BHRT LEA ROUTE In tho tuvorlto b"w irn ciu.irr.j, Itock lelund, Atchtnon, Knnsua Clt, , nnd MiuniHipolliuii I i i ui 'in- uii a rout t tj i.'l Tlorthorn Ci.' inter Rv 3irtt. ltd Wutartown Un-'irli . .- .- j . m -hi. pr.icAtu ilvc lando of i .-.i ci'cut "wlioat,' nd du'i v bolt" ol Uortlior.i lo.vu, SoiiUiwojtorn MlnncHotft, mid East Uontral Dakota Tlio Short Line via S'nocu, unit K.mi'.akooorVorii ouporlor fiicllltlca to tnivol botwoen Clnclnmitl, Iintl .nopolli., L.ifcyi.tte, end Council Dluttu, St. Joaoph, AtohlHon, Ijcavervortlt, Kniibiui City, Mlnno.ipolltj, and St. Punt. Vor Tlokoui, MtipR-i .''oldens, or any dOBlrod liifoi'miitton, upply to any Oou pou Ticket Oltluo In ihu United Stilton or Cunudu, oruddroais E. ST. JOHN, General Muuagei. fllUJAC.O, I LI a. inaiara nl llm '(uil an oeisitlunli In trrnrn Ids I ml am MUHniil vti-iUiiii His ilisaiwtt ln.k rr ;n lllv In nnv ntlisr iprlra IIh.i., input kiiiIb moiiIiI rn,l mint - : : .. . . . : . . . - .. - ---- nne is i-imii.Mh a i-aa( 'I tin I'lini lllnl lltililra, A Nam 11 11 T fiiloa. i hnlllil liilrii 4 lital A Km. I. llyStt iat a Cnaa it 'I tin I'inrI iilllit-Oiiuii. A NiiiiI. My 1'Liai Atjiitira. Iliill.ntr Aalt Hull, A Nmil Uf lliaulur Im-si. ;...(.. J i 1 1 iris ll.niir. I Nnul Hi ittl W I'lfarr. I n.li'P Hi ii I, Hull. A batil. Uf ll.a aullmr cf " IV la lli..ma 'lltn lilti tit nn.1 llrttrilil. A Koiil. Itf Ilia linn lion. fMlliarr.1 'I lot l.nntrr'aNrrrrl. IViil, Hrlll.itl K. naansaa. 'I lit- Mrtiiiift I'tia,. ,il Hr, Ji'hjU unit Mr. Ilitlis A Nut. I III II I Si.iiaaiiN. A W Irki.l lllrl. A S.ii.1 riiMiaiCrrn Hit. I, lull Inlttnrlll'a lllniniiitila, A Sutil, Ut "Tan lit ' Hi I n t tit Tn Mni. A Vi,i,i rif Ilia anlli i. " tsna l.. ii.. ill.,. I... I.. I 'Hit. Miiii ,ir llrnrla, A Nm.i r.fll l,.rnia a. Ilnrla'a Inrllllll. tSi.-.l III I'l nans, H IVini.l'a A l.'lll llnrtliiar. AS.nl Hi Una Munnk t'aa. 'I In. tlnllly llltir. I w.i lii Wo am I'm i taa 'I lie I'tilami u( Aapa, I Ni.i.l Mi l'iiiaiL lliiatir. Jlinil Olilnur. A N-.irl Hi Hu llisai H ion I ttriiltiK Hit- I'rllrra, A Sai.l. Hr lln, Aiaiiasas, A I'lii) itilulil's Duuulilcr. A Nanl. H; Ilia, urn fl.iilai.i llltiilmlitt I nlr Imi I'nlar. A Xottl tf III ullnr a( " ISna II I- " llln-lrnli.1 I rnalrr'a I'nbln. Idaul, l llll. It V. Vtrtci .lr.., I liirrmn lilngl.n.'a Oalli. Afoul, li; Hra A. Ilaali.ia 1mi.ariit 'llm tliiinnit llnlrr. A Sot. I II r Wr.i II Miai.ata. 'I Im Inlirurnln fntilit. A Noril llj It. T Ciimii Idalio, Oregon, Washing'!! Territory. HMI O Htreet. I.lnroln, Nebniskiu K. I.. I.O.M X, .!. H. TKHIIKTK, Ass, (leu. Pass, mid Ticket Agt. (Jen Pass und Ticket t. JpiBtWvii' E. A. HOLBROOK, Ooa'l Ticket & Pass'r Agent, 11, n.vgtirngfpfifVi'ti mnttmitmmmmitt