Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 25, 1888, Image 2

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    Fff . ' '
mm ii A MonSE'3 AQE'
m m JMMH. An oiit
; ... lii.
Milken the nreservnllon of the niitiinit
teeth n specialty liv "II known approved
method. ioh'l mill porcelain crowns
mounted on the natural root.
All operations pcrformeil without pain.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Wo, llio undersigned nm personally nc
nuiiltitod with Dr. L. lonto, who is to lenyo
iin soon uml engage In tho practice of dentls
try In vonr cltv.
Wo mil unhesitatingly recommend him ns
a ttioroiiKli ntir or I1I1 profession, nud wo
nro mini Uml till work entrusted to lilm will
bo skillfully poi formed.
,1. Uniuciiiiill, M. I).
W W. MoMan.v, M. 1).
J. K. MoAiiamh, Si. H. M. 1).
J. M. (lALLKHIKIII, I). I). H.
OAHDNKII, lLLINOIH, Jllll. '-"J, 1!WT.
115 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Neb.
Over IliilU'U'a Jewelry Wore.
Undertakers a anMiiibaliiiers,
212 Nortli nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephone, Ollicc i.$. Residence
Open Day and Night.
O Street.
'landing tlio
fuel Unit Kho
tn?rnphs baw
bee n roilu oil
to about Imir
llio form or
price wo have
c gaged tho
services of ono
oftho best fin
isher In Now
York to take
cliurgoof that
department of
thvMltulIu Our
efforts shall l)t
tuillrlHU to
nlvo each ens-
. lomor ontlro
naturae no n
unit 10 produce
superior work
douo before,
Cabinets, $3 per Dozen;
It hasNo Bqutl.
rtiTT-r? A . CI. A
w uuriiiuuiiAivxiUs
Finest and llest Mace.
Ladles arc Invited to call nud see these
summer commodities and also Inspect our
rnagiilficcut stock of Crockery, Lamps and
Art Glassware,
Ct II and sec our stock.- Prices low
everything- t!tc very latest.'
Juthc:lly nil coma from tho '
G-ialiam Brick Staples,
1' street, wh r'j all lilints of
lfvsv-r. .fHBir-riJ-W.1t
I ,-----B-iAtT,'T-----'V
- ,li-iiir.i riffivVATnwwia--iv
ill. Reopened 1033
Eft 1 "" 'miip-
'-R i- P i .r "
iw j,- -jjga
WW. - - r
Mm " B.
Bugles, Carries or Saddle Horses,
:Oinlo liailnt any time, dny
or tiliflit on short notice.
ndwell taken caro of nt rensonnblo rutos
Cull m id see us, It Sf Q street, or givo all
order by Tolophono 117.
Jm'kry (lhr it IVw Hue pstliins
1111 I No Hulueel.
A doron different nrtlllcos mo rciKitiil to
hy horsemen nml hoio thnrixni to conceal
thonguof mt .inluinl nflcr ho ha paynil liU
tenth cnr. No hnyer iiecil Im ili-coheil,
hoMoier, who will follow thu iiilvi horuwlth
laid ilown. Von iv.iiil to lmy n horxo an
nnlinnl not over Ujoaii of hko. Tho ivjioit
Ret out Boino iiy, nml yon ivwlvo u xMnl
onlil Inviting Jon to call ntncuitaln lacv.
Tho Mould Ik roller tnl.M you foninrconliorn
nml U nil 1 (:nly for you. Your lluo of pro
ritilliiK N niibtrnlRht nn ti honnl. Ak to
liavotho homi IuihikIiI out Into tho nllcy,
hero you Imvo tho full light of il(y. Uctfln
hy looking at liln fixl.iiiul nflor you litivo
lnfiKeteil tlioni nhiiko your hooil In n ihihlom
way, iw If you wouldn't kIvh $10 for tho
Nuxt hold tho lioi-Mi'd head clow to your
fneo mid jnh your Index (Inner ul liU eyen.
If you Jah haul cnouuh ou'll lilttlioojehall.
Then pull hi i lulil ear down and Mow Into
ll. You may hlow lilm olT hi foot, hut It U
not prohahlo. Then punch lilm In tho ribsi,
pi cm on liM fpliie, liHik very duMmis mid In
"How old do 3011 call lllmr
"Kltflit last dprluit," thu man will reply.
Then you Mill for tho llrtt tlmuopen tho
horvo'ri mouth, takon IlKhtnlng survey, and
turn uwny ivlth tho iviumki
"llo'll novel- ko !i"i attain."
"llMiH eiy foollnh lujou to put up such
11 Joh on 1110."
"Jolil Why, Mr, you nro widly tulstaken."
"Yen, I know; hut 1 didn't mint lilm Juit
tho mule. Ho'h i;ot all the iimiks of u homo
Mho hits imsHed Ills tvwmty-llf til year. I limit
an old naK for kiIuiHur tan Uirk, hut I can't
take ono over III yearn old."
"Bay, iiilnter, 1 kh you know your Knit,
mid it'a no uo to try to work you. lie'
15 mid a mouth, and ou can h.ivo lilm for
You can innko any excuso yon wMi to Rot
niiny, hut you hnvo iieeomplUlicil llio K'cat
(Kilut in n lioino trnniuietlou.
If you mo k'IIIiik mi old horso llio caw will
hodlirrrcnt When tho Mould ho buyer
makes liln call ktep lilm Mulling for at leant
llvo minute. Then, m lieu ho Ium Mated hi
errand, you must dubiously olwervoi
"1 did xay 1 Mould roll lilm, as I want to
i;etu hi;; curl liooo, but thoiilfo and clilh
ilreu tnkoou olliiailRocmiKalnttlio;nilii.
Wo raised him, you know, mid lio'a lil.o ono
of tho futility."
"If you raised lilm you know Ids
exnet iikc"
"Oh, certainly, (lot his birthday down In
mi old diary, llilllo Is t) yearn and u mouth
Tho man loobi nt IHIIIu'h teeth mid replies:
"Ten years old I Why, llio beast U nliovo
Now you M'aut to load tho horso back Into
tho Mall mid Innocently iviunrk to tho vis
"Yen will excuso me, sir, but I am very
lnny this moriilng."
"Hut nliout tho horsef
"Oh, ho Mouldn't ploaso you, sir. You'd
alivaya fin;! that you Mcro cheated."
"Isn't ho SOr
"Didn't 1 my I had liU birthday In writ
liiRf Didn't I feetl him milk Mltli my own
haiulsl" '
"Ho has tho teeth of an old horse."
"Very well, sir. No harm douo, of course."
"I-lrntlicrllko Ids looks."
"8o does everybody. Hu'a n horso to lie
proud of."
"Just Mlint I want It I Mas only euro about
his nge."
"Kxeuso mo, Mr, but I must go In nml
sootho llio children. Tlioy nio crying for fear
I'll sell llilllo,"
"Well, I'll tako hluint $IK). If you my
ho's only 10 that settles it, for I know you to
lo n man who wouldn't Honor deceivo Inn
trade of any sort." Detroit 1'rvo Press.
"When I wns young and callow," said Mr.
Hreut Good this morning, "I fell tnlovo with
n winsome llttlo lass of 17. ftlio Eoemcd to
mo to Iw tho iierfcctlon of grace nud licnuty,
and I, In the Hush of lovo, dolllicnitcly ret to
work to win her affections. My suit pro
gressed favorably and I Mas In the habit of
'jicttln' In' with her in tlio parlor of her moth
cr'a house. Ono Wednesday night about II
o'clock I was sitting on tho sofn very close to
my darling when hcrniothcrcamo to the brail
of tlio Mnlrs nud shouted:
" 'Jlorlul
"'Yes, motder,' dutifully ivsimtulci! tho
"'Well,' mid Uie .mother, In a loud nnso.1
voice, 'has Mrs. Oood's Iwy gono homo yetT
'I. Wont thou, but nover went baet." New
MfbrlclCvciiliig Bun.
Sloro Ttiiin Jlcrn Adilltlon.
"I hear you havo had nn addition to your
family, Mr. Hrown."
Mr. Hrown (sadly) Multiplication, my
dear madam twins! Lite;
A Consutninatloii Ilovoutly to Do Wlsheil.
"Now, Ueorgo," said his rich uncle, "you
know that you nro my heir, nqd If you will
ouly liehnvo yourself nt college, do what is
I Ight, study hard and graduaw with honor,
I feel that J bhall die happy."
"Dear undo," res;oudKl Ocorgo, with emo
tion, "words cannot express my gratitudo to
you nor tho eat uestneus with which 1 shall
go to work," Now York Bun.,
Ills Money's Worth.
Mrs. Isnacstcln (to husband at Coney 111
awl) Vot you stluiy in dot water so long for,
Mr. Isnacstcln (teeth chattering and bltto
with coM) Qot u-batli vns t-t-venty-flvo
c-ccnts tnlt no Mlmlt, 1 sthny In eo Mar.3 in
I c-c-cculd, so hellup mol Now York Bun.
' i
Not Win til While.
Blr John Lubbock, of England, lias studied
the habits of nuts for twenty two" years to
discover that their nvcrago lifo Is ouly thirty
llvo days. If this tic truo, It will liardly pay
thoslusgurd tocallupou her. Dctra't Frca
Pi ess.
A I'celluB Song.
A new song has for a title, "My Mcthrr's
Hand." Wo can lmaglno"that thcro U a Rood
deal of feeling In It. Yonkcrs Btatesmnn,
Tho Rrrret Oat.
A Hroad trct inotlnr tend n child's story
paper regularly to her litllo dnttgliter, and
iiinsl of t'to tale nro continued from week to
week. Tio oilier day thollttloonolienid tho
expiesMon, "Milti'm' cramp," mid tmked nhat
It meant, "It lin ttlireulngor cramping of
tho lingers, my deer," was tho reply; "pco
plowhowiito n great deal often get It, and
liavo to stop writing for n while." "Olil"
mid tho llttlo iiiIks, as n great light brol.o
UH)ilnr pcrceptlvu faculties, "tlmt Is it, Is
it) I've often wondered why tho writers of
thofo nlco stories nlMiiyiMop In such Inter
esting places." Philadelphia Ilecord.
Ilhllidiiy (lift.
Dinky Hello (to dealer) I wan'ster git er
ennn ro' er gemmeu rren' or initio. It's
'tended fo' er hlrfday glf.
Dealer Yos'mj you want something hi
ebony, I s'Kisof The Kpoch.
A Story About Hen lliitler.
Tliero was n Iwy in Lowell, tho son of a
poor limn, who wasmii over by a railroad
train. Hoth logshud tolio amputated closo
up to tho hips. Tho company told his father
thoy would givo him $l,0iX) or llio lioy n
nraetleal education. Tho father accepted tho
latter nlteriintivo, and tho railroad mntlo n
telegraph oierator of tho crippled Iwy. When
ho heenmo of ago ho found ho wns not getting
ni good pay in other operators. Ho wroto to
Ueu. Hutleraiid uskid if nuytliiug could Ik)
douo. lieu. Hutler sunt for tho boy. Tho
wholo story was gono over.
"I'll toko your case," said tho noted lawyer.
Then ho sont for thofollcltor of tho railroad
company. When tho solicitor arrived at tho
general's ofllco tho legless hoy was In a chair
on tho top of it long table, (leu. Hutler ex
plained that lie proMMcd to bring suit for tho
boy to get damages.
"Hut," mid tlio solicitor, "wo agreed with
his father to givo lilm u practical education.
Wo Hindoo telegrapher gut of him, and tliero
Is tin law forgetting tiny further damages."
" on cant tell mo miyailug about tlio
law," was Ocn. Hutlor's reply; "but how
much damages do you think that boy would
get If lie silt on n table like that before n
Tlio railroad lawyer caught tho iolnt nt
once, "I do not know," ho mid; "how much
do you thltik ho would getl"
"About 610,000," replied Uen. Hutler.
"I'll comproiiilso with yon," hurriedly ro
turned tho Inwjcr, mul by his sluowdstago
effect Gen. Hutler got over $7,000 for tlio boy
without oven go'ng Into trial. Tho lawyer
know Hutler could mnko it cot tho compnuy
that much, as well as a good deal of trouble,
uml ho was glad enough to coitipromUo.
Chicago Tribune,
Kutlnfjllift livcrj lmly.
"Wlint's tho matter with you people, my
howl'' said an irnto merchant as ho rushed
into tho counting room of a uowsiaprr otllee.
"Anything wrong, Mr. JIngsbyr askwl
ono of tho clerks mildly.
"I should my tliero was something wrong.
Look nt my advertisement. 1 ordered it ut
tho top of tlio column. Hero It Is clean down
at tho liottom of tho page, and you didn't get
it In right side up. Hvcry lluo of it's ujwUlo
"Oh, I sco," mid tho clerk, "you nro not
looking at it proticrly. Just turn tho impcr
with tho heading downward mid you'll Unit
everything satisfactory. Wu have to udont
that plan in order to satisfy all tho nitrons
who.wniit their ads nt tho top of tho column.
Merchant Traveler.
No Cure M'lintod.
Doctor I hear, Mr. Qulllltoppcr, that you
cixj partially deaff
"Yes, I nm."
"That's unfortunate; but my success In
the treatment of deafness encourages mo to
IhjIIovo that I mm restore your hearing com
pletely." "I don't Mnnt It restored."
"You don'tl"
"No; but If you can increase my deafness
I'll pay you handsomely."
"That's very unusual."
"Perhaps so; but 1 havo four daughter?,
and they ull practice on tlio piano. "Lincoln
Oolnt; Too I'ar.
A woman in Wntklnsvillo, On., on retiring
to bed the other night saw a largo sutiko
crawling leisurely along Just nlxivo Iter head.
The report that her scrvamiMci-o heard in
tlio next comity, fifteen miles distant, li nn
exaggeration. They were heard only uti far
r.s tho adjoining township, a distance of not
tnoro than thirteen miles and n iialf. This
habit of exaggeration should bo frowned
dow n. Norrlstoivn Herald.
To h is v fond father, who hail asked hut
whero he is in his class now; "Oh, m, Pvo
got a much letter place than I had tho last
quarter." "Indeed I Well, whero aro youl".
"I'm fourteenth." "Fourteenth, jou llttlo
Jazybouea! You were eighth hist term. Do
ybu.cnll that n letter placet" "Yes; it will
bo nearer tho stove."- Albany Journal.
Tho ""OVay t I-( nt It.
Tho negro" Ista great phlloRopher. Old
John Spradler had jusbjjd up tho last dollar
on the mule ho bought Ust spring, whon Mid-,
deuly tho animal .died, leaving him a finan
cial wreck. On being sympathised with l:o
said: "Well, his timu cbmo tcr go, sab, nit'
I ladder him dan me.'" Smlthvlllo (Uxy,
OKI t'lloiulii.
Magistrate (to jirlsonor) Is lids' tho first
tlmo you haveliccn licforu tne, Uncle Ilastual
Uncle Ilnstus t, salt; but yo' jioo' olo
father, who was Jcgo fo' fo'ty jcars, I was
offeii up licfo'. Ho nud tno was olo fivii'a,
yo' honah; 'deed wo was. Njw York Sun.
All Tastes Suited.
Ilousckceiicr Can you furnish tno with a
good plain cookt
Intelligent Intelligent Officer Wo can
givo you n very nice coloied one, ma'am.
lioston Commercial Huilotln.
Not Coioplelril Yet.
llcportcr "Can you namo tho licst hun
drcd books, Mr. Jauicsr'
Mr. Henry James "I hnvo only written
sixteen boo.'s up to date," Detroit K,'co
LaiU to Wurao Things.
"Can a yoing tniui marry conifortn'hly on
1500 a ycarr-nsks a coiTesjioudent. Vcs, ho
can; but ha will bo dottccd uncomfprUiblo
sitcrwards.Hurliugtou I'rco Press, i
"You don't know what loto Is, Mr. Bwack.
Iinnimer," protcstcil tho beautiful, girl, with
usmlloof Incicilullty on hcrfacoj "tho sen.
tlnient j on entertain for tun is only u asslng
fancy. When It has had its brief day nud
j on look ut It In the cold light of reason you
will lie surprised that you ever mistook so
palSahlo n delusion for the genuine thing It
nisumos to rcprcocnL"
"Hut hear mo, ,MKs Onrllnghouso," ex
claimed tho young ninii, calmly, yet car
uestly, "am 1 not old enough to know my
"It Is not n question of nge, Mr. Swnck
hnnuner," lntcrMKcd Miss Onrllrighotise,
still smiling Incredulously, "but of scientific
ilciuouMintlou. As you nro proliahly aware,
I liavo devoted inyself for tho list two or
three yeai-s to n severe courso of sclcutl(lo
ttudy, and I InviMiiiiulird tho habit, per
haps unconsciously, of accepting no'.lilng as
truo that Is not demoustrablo by tho Inex
orable titles of mathematics or the soundest
proceis of logical Induction, fc'cleneo has
liecomo with mo the toitehstouo of all things
nsbcrted, claimed or propose I, and"
"Hut bow do oil apply tho rules of sclenco
to mntters of tlio henrtr" ituiulied tho young
man. "now can jou subject my lovo to tno
to.t of n mathematical or sclentlllo demon
strjllonr "In this wny, Mr. Rwackhammcrt Tlio ac
tion of the nsfoii or emotion of lovo iiiou
llio various sympathetic ganglia of tho hu
man organism cmcra rertnln well established
tml clearly di'Iliiod phenomena. When you
jienk to mo of lovu I took for tho npe.irauco
f tho'o phenomena, l'roiii a scientific point
of vlow thoy are not satisfactory. Tho
tremor In your voleo Is tint sufficiently pro
nounced. Your urticulntiou Is not thick nud
husky. Tlio color In your faco is hardly n
shade paler than its normal hue, nml you
hnvo no nervous movements of tho hands.
Do you think u mcro assertion can disprove
thu ovldonco"
"Alvira Oarllnghousc," camo Impetuously
from tho ll(s of tlio young man, as l.o roso to
his feet, "tliero nro facts in mental as mcII as
physical science that are not wholly beneath
your notice, Konio men nra gifted with n
marvelous faculty of self control, so far ns
external manifestations nro coticcrnoJ. He
noath tho apparently unmoved exterior that
you liavo subjected ton scientific test thcro
rages n volcano of pansiou. D'i you doubt
itl I will demonstrate
certainty I foresaw tho skepticism with
which you would rceeivo my nvownl, nud
camo prepared. Listen to the lieatiug of my
And with n quick movement ho drew from
boneath his waistcoat tho lloxlblo tubo of a
stethoscope mid placed it against her car.
"Count tho ptilrAtlousi" ho continued.
"They will run nearly 100 to tho minute.
Normal heartbeat, sovonty pulsations. Note
tho revelation of deathless lovo conveyed by
this tvspiromctciT' Ami ho produced nil
other lloxlblo tube. "Itcspiratluns er min
ute, tnciity-elghtl Twenty-light, Alvlr.i
count thoin twenty-eight! Normal respira
tions per minute, from fourteen to twenty in
nil u Its. Obscrvo tho mathematical certainty
of tcmpcstuoiu passion demonstrated by my
tcinpcruttirol" And opened his tightly closoil
left hand lie showed her n small thermom
eter. "Temperature, Alvira, I It! dogs. I Nor
mal temperature, about 100 dogs. Fahrenheit!
Have I proved my lovoT'
"Alpheus," murmured tho lovoly girl, ns
ho placed her betid mi his shotll'Jcr, with her
llis nt nn accessible angle, "you havol"
Chicago TrlLiino,
Ko Uc.
Bhc's nich a duliity llttlo tiling,
With Mich a cliannlng way.
Thai, if eIiu'iI let me. 1 tJioulil sla
Her praises ntRhl and day.
fi!io H so witty end so brlgtit.
Ho blithe, cud full of lire,
That It would fill mo with dellfiUt
If silo woillJ U ntj wlfo.
Bho's simply xrfrct nothing lea
Or bo nt least stio Mollis.
Li tier I (hid, I laiisi confers,
Tlio ideal of my drnun
Cut nh I tlio pain that brrnLs my heart
May uovcr Ut assuaged,
ncrwaylind uiliiotuust lie apart,
for, liang Itt bUo'b en n(Tiil.
oourvUU Journal.
A Kucgesttonu
"fTrnelwrsr How well it is preserved," said
ono traveling mad to another as they gazed
nt u mummy In n museum. "U looks ns If It
might wnko up and speak. If you could only
nrouso It with soino familiar words."
"Ho it does. Hupposo you try It with that
story you just told me." McrchaiitTravctcr.
A Snro netwily.
Wo heard of n farmer near Elston who
sent for on advertised tininty-flvo rent io
tato bug killer. Ho nfclved two llttlo
wooden mallets with Instruction to catch tho
bug mid smnsli him with tho mallet, and if
lie did not kill the llrst lick to nta-at. Jef-
fctsoti City tMfti Time
Th Cnt That n mini) Man Can See.
"If you 6tart out on n journey," mj-s nu old
book of wisdom, "and meet a cat, jou should
nt onco turn tack and postpone your jour
ney." Yes. nud taken With and bury jonr
clothes. If it's that kiwi of a cut. Uuntette.
Cliihlrcn, who hnvo lieen cautioned not to
teaso their llttlo brother Elmer, as, ho was
cutting a tooth, waited expectantly n few
'ihlnittcs. TheiwNeil spoko up: "1 say, auntie,
luvshoctttlt yctr llnrjrV Young People.
IxmiIiIiir Alirnd.
Old Man (c:i rou(o for tho races) Pleasant
ride, this, to tho rr couio.
Young Mnu (nertx,ly) Yes; but think of
tho long walk Uackl Time.
icnirult to nt.
Miss Clara I havo lieen shopnlnz this af
ternoon for shoes. Mr. Busy. 1 think It'is
such a tailito Hud shoes to exactly suit oimj'ii
Mr. Blssyvtuovor nt a loss) Yo as. I Im
ciglno you mjjjlit find it a furmldublo under-
rf A.
mjJmJm .
I ti (y
Spring Suits
$20 AND $25.
QTrwyri? ri m ivi n 1 1 1 1 in 1 1 li 1 1 nmaJli mm I'lTn
jUL. . . -' jr W
This is the only mower made that vill cut high grass. '
nntuccT to give satisfaction. Call and sec it.
Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutler)', etc.
s fflll 9y 134-South 12th St.,
With Sash Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of all kinds in both
.Vi American nnd Foreign Textures.
In tlu Latest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Prices Hock Hottom.
TSL. Davis & Sorj.
LINCOLN ice; company,
Not cut from Ihe Filthy Sat Creek hut from the Clear and Pure Wnturs of
Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices.
&t V
tuUlng. nw oru huii,