ii LADIES I?! -v CT 1-v v--,! AND SLIPPERS. MEN'S 1 r "S 4 AND SLIPPERS. cm 1 1 iiIM:n' Fine Shoes AND SLIPPERS. AT- Perkins Bros. SPECIALTY SHOE FITTDTG- HOUSE 1 1 29 O Street. it r I M K !" The hvt illustrated per. Tin effoit of liuiuorniis new spa the illustrations i- heightened h tin-uc of lour (.olnr. Al-o printed nn coated paju'f. Time is Staunchly Republican It vigoroush advocates the maintain nnce of n protective tariff; ami it speaks in no unco tain voice forUepublican princi ple, and for doetilnes of the paity ns set foithinthe Republican platform of iSSS. Such a paper, speaking directlv to the eve of tho voter directly througli Its Mm pie and pom fill cartoons, a well as to the mind through its editorial, will he of positive v nine to vou dining the present uiinpalgii. This being a campaign of educntlon. in which it is necessary to teach the otcr the plain tints of the situation tv evcrv means within icach.a paper such as' TIM I; should ' be fo.iud wccklv In the reading- room ot even Republican dub In thu country. j Siii'dc copies, ten cents ench; ul)sciip- tioii. 3 mos., si.25 ; iiio., ?j.5i: one venr $5.sj; sample copv In request. Ask uini' new sdcalcr for TI Si I'.. TIME PUBLISHING CO.. 1 1 .V 10 S'cscv street. New York. fARTHUR'S c:rf:aai SODA WATER Coin 111 Ma llle.veles 11 ml Ti Icjoles, sIOSt. It D DD1S. MIT s-mOKt. KING STEEAR, SHOE STORE, Is the next thing ton Savltiusllauk. Tho only dlllMelieu In we L'fvo Vou Real Leather Shoes llltoiiil of I'll per holed Shoes, lor the siiuie or lessilolliirs t in t thcatherrtiiiirKClor shod illcs. Wo sell tliciu on 1 1 nil' mollis. The rht-Hiii si 11ml liost liluoe In America lor Ileal I.t nt her Shoes forlhe mime amount or money Iteiiieiubor the place, KUDO stieet. KING STEEAR. LITTLE LIVE LOCALS. Mctilligfl nf 1 1 III wlsn A limit , I'oisniiul unit Kllio Olll People, IlIuU'i- lVikitit Is visiting t Ann Ailior, Midi. U. M. ItariiO' Im rctu I ititt from trip to tho HtVdei. i L'lty ' MIssMittl-Oilbort pnlil Nuliiiuku (. niiilii, September tith Miss Nellie Ciiuunlngs started Thursday 1 for Ilclmniit, Mo. .Mr. J. H. lUchiipNnnd faintly are visiting in Ilmiiugtoii, low 11. Mr. II. M. Myers left Monday for Superior on 11 two weeks' visit. Mrs. A. II. Ileneh left Thursday to visit ti lends nt Sedalln, M . Tli wink nf niviug has loen progressing very satisfactorily this week. Dr. Mniitu Is nipidly convalescing, and now takes n ilrlvi o leh day. .Ml". l. I spending III Mr. O. C. linker, ileputv isMtunster, Is spending Ills vacation at Manlton. s handsome largo circus ndvertlso pK'ni' in one next Issue. The tldil Fellows held a very pleasant pte- 1 nle at Cushnmu p'trk ednesilay. 1 Mr. and Mi . .Imepli llo'hmor left Wislues- ' day to spend a few week In Coloiado. See tlie iiohhy ehlldii n's and Misses clonko jllst lee Ived liy Ability Mills-mugl-. ' Mr. .1. .1. D.ivls uud wife len Wuluc'dii) 011 n trip to the principal cities of thu east. Mrs. W. K. Kul'i'i-li-rt Tlnii-silny for Far mer City, III., to visit filends and lelutlves. Mr. t'ltaili-s West, manager of the tioin Irani (ompaiiy, left Tliuixltiy for I'hilndcl ptiin. Miss Helen Merrihew has returned from a delightful trip to Diilntli, St. I'anl and Mill 1 iieapolls. Mr. W W. Wheeler, who has leen "11 tlio kid; list for M.ino time jiiiM, Is Im proving. 1 Mr. Fred Kelley Is ciis'tingn very unlipio 1 flue residence on C stleet. It will hea lieimty when llnishcil. I Tlie Domestics defeated the Maroons in a well-plnycd gnuiunt Cusliiuau jmrk Wodnes day, -Score, i! too. Mr. C N. Italrdnf Weeping Water, was In the city Thursday looking after his state tleaslirt'hlllpliooni. 1 Mis. I. C. Wlso returned Weduevlny from a very pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs. I. Doutsoh, at Atchison. Mvron Wheeler returned Tuesday froni his ' outing nt Spirit fjike. Mr. W, it spending a lew weeks hi Omaha. 1 l'rof. Ifaitley and wife lmo returned from 11 delightful dip through Nntioual pail. and other western jiolnts. Mr. W. Meyer returned this week from Denver and other Hilut.s In Coloiado, miU'h lefreslusl final his vacation. Mi. S. M. Ashbv is In Chicago lay hit; hi 11 liig stork of fall mid winter goods for the house of Ashliy it MilNpaugh Dr. I.. 11. Fuller anil gland-daughter. Miss Dot St I iv. have returned from a scvctul mouths' visit in Massachusetts. Fire Wiiiilen Newbury Is attending theau imiil convention of the 1 ill t liiual association of the ihlefs at Miuueapo'.is tills week. Messrs. .1. II. Harley, .1. D. McFailand and !. M. IjimlieitMiii have ret tuned Iroin their ', hunting and lishlng trip hi Wisconsin. , I'iiuples, hoils and other 1 union, are liahle to appear when the blood gets heateil. To euro them takes Hood's Sursapnrillu. News was receivtsl 111 Lincoln this week 'of tlie death or t. It. 1 1 in Unit, son or Dr. lliirlhut, a former lesiileut or tills city. Tm: Commit will hcicaftcr he found on hide at the L. 1). T. news stand under State 1 National hank, corner Tenth and O sheets. Walter Davis, of Lincoln's only exclusive eaiK't store, returned lioiuu Tuesday after liaving spent several weeks very pleasantly ahroad. I The I. lueohi LiiCros.se chili was organized last evening. Will practice Tuesday evening at grounds, cornel ol Seventeenth and South stleets. Yesterday was picnic day for the Christian chinch )H'o:ile, and a great ninny went out to llctlmny heiglitsmid ciijo)ed a ilellghtlutihty Iu tlie grove. Mls.s Jennie Liiipiuan will leave shortly for Davenport. Iowa, wheie sho will atleud the ' ..vollelil wr-tmnl ill' tin. Ill iiiifii.itli.tit f.uif.... 1 - ! v "' - !'- 1 Hon Acaileniy. I Mr. David ltemick, wife and daughter, left Tluiixluy morning for the west. They will I sH'lid 11 lew weeks ill tlie Hookies and then ! proceed to tlie coast. Ashhy .Millspaugh hav o Just opened their utile lliioof ehildleu's and Misses cloaks. It ' is a good plan to make stlccllnus early, before 1 the si.os are broken. Mr. A. S Fielding of the Klkhoru city ollii'e, 1 aei'oinp,iuinl by Ids lie, left this wiel: lor n visit to fiieiiilsiu Indiana. They will be 1 absent about two nicks. Mr All' Kind received as a present this week Irom a lady filend m Cnliloriiiii 11 homed toad, which he has ln-eii exhibiting to friends at ( nklc) ' coal olll. e. Mrs. II. W. llro'.vii. aecoiiipanlisl by her daugliter Miss I'loreiiee, vlsltisl in Council hluri'son Satmdiiy and iu Uiu.iha 011 Suudiiy returiilug home 011 the night 1 1 am. Charley Clark and Frank Hathaway loft Tlmr-slny lor a two mouths liip tluoiigh 1101 them Wyoming, and will probably net asaiellef c.K'ditlou to the Stniit-MiiNWell paity. Mrs Frank I'erklus retuiinsl jeste:-dav ' nfter a two mouths visit to Aim Arbor, Mich. Frank has hoeii batching quite long enough to suit him, so that homo eoiuloits are again enjoyed. Aaron llioicstnll' jolnisl tho pleasure seek er nt Mmitoii ThurMluy, After a week's stay Iheie he will leave for Salt I Jike City uud Is exiHs'teil to lie baek aliout the IliNt of SepteuilKT. Miss Maitlia Funl.e leaves (ierinany next Maturiiay, tlio -..tli, 011 ii"i 1 etui 11 toner lioiuu in tins city, fsne win lie ncconiiannsi ny mv. and Mrs. Carl Fiinke, Miss Fannin Miss mis- sey and others. Harry HelVelllnger Is liaek again to Ids old love Omaha Is n gay and evil inelroHilis, but Lincoln life suith Harry better, so here- after h j will bo found in his old place as chief cleikiitO II. ChupumuV phnrmaoy. bidlos who have chlldieii to ill ess will llnd it very deslriiblo to pick out their winter! cloaks enily while the asvutmeiit is complete. 1 Ashhy it Millspaugh liave just lecelvid thu I lines, line ol tlioo goisls ever hioiight to I Lincoln. 1 Mr. II. It. Krug.ol thellnuof NMur&Co., , has ivturiusl from an extensive trip through the nist, during which he secured miiiiu great , bargains for tlio house as well ns jiayiug a visit to his old homo In Lancaster county, 1 l'enusylvnulu. I Tlie Nebraska City I'n-xi of Tuesday con tains tho following: Mr. Kdgnr Kdwards, or Lincoln arrived iu tho ( ity Saturday evening and ivtiirnisl homo yesterday. It is said by knowing ones that "dig" canto down to sou about "m ''Vu" In wliloli he is interested. WHAT SHALL WE WKAI1? I FASHIONS IN DRESS WHICH HAVE FOUND FAVOR. A St)lltli Homo Dinner (iuwii wild Drnpril ttoillro mid High ClicmliicHiv, lllustr.ited anil Drscrllieil for Hie llriirtK of lMy Kemleis. In this Issue wo pivscut an unusually pleat lug nuskl of 11 homo dinner dress Unit cat hardly fail to iloao thu most fiutldliiun. UO'iU IJINNKil PIIUSS. Tho iirnppil bodice, full '.leuvpi, kiltfd flclrt uud apron draplu;; is of apricot colored 1 fcilk canvas with trimmings of 11 fringe com- loscd of opalescent, jet uud chenille strands. I Tho high chemisette, finished by 11 Mi-night ! collur of tho Fimio, u of (.prigged net; tlm 1 foldeil felt Is of pongee hllk. Tho knot of loops mid ends on tho trnlo are of idiot iimlro rlbtxju. ttnltiiin Mlllltirry. Nuts find their wny on to both huU and I bonuctn, Intermixed not only with hops, but with nut boughs, and otio liiiirmliig ttotmot j wan coinKMd of oak leavi-s of tho tender . green vvlikh cornea when thn trei Is iu full I leaf; this was accompanied hero and thero ' by the pink balls, 11 frequent parasite, grow ing on tho leaf, (iaulfered tulle, is being' used for tho ontlro bonuctR hi v.liltound all 1 colore, uud this Is 0110 of the liest foundations I for bouquets of lloweiu Toques which nro notc.iKy to distinguish from Ktriuglcas bon 1 uots uro being inndo in antique iiLIkjii of n round sb.'ije, and houiewhnt high. Natural rushes mid iritiirul reeds nro mlic'lisl uith i many bouipieU, and thu rushes are bent into 1 bows which niv singularly quaint uud pretty ou bonnets. Tho real direetolro Miapo with flaring brims turning up from tho face, n worn iu I'ariti, aro gradually Whig udoptisl here. I Indeed, each bonnet is mi distinctly dllTcr , cut that it is not. only difficult, to in.il.o 11 L'uolca of u bo.inet, hut t j di-seriho the many vuiielies. A blade laco laid been trimmed with laburnum nud green leaves, mid thii graceful fulling flower hhov.s to advuutago In millinery. Tne-el flowers aro mod mid much watered ribbon. Tho Ix'ghoru hats uro crumpled up into most extraordinary shapes, but no word painting will brins their form to tho mind's eye. Tho largo hnUaro rendered moro Incoming by tho high trimmings, which lake olf from their breadth. A Myhsh 0110 was black, with largo while watered ribbon lions. Insects Ktill uio 11 feature iu millinery, mid somo of tho most incongruous l.lmli js-ep out 1 1 0111 bows uud gathering of lace. Wasps aro tho last idea; earwigs, doubtless are tonillniin utlve; -11-011 and ml beetles aro tho kind most used. Ijico Is employed 11 great deal, and it l.ccs 111 form iu tho high upstanding erections by menus of concealed wire. Chan tilly is tho black laco tiKMt used. 1'lorul Shoo for llrldesiualils. Numbered with other ilorul concvlts pa tronized by ladies iu seurch of novelties is thu brjtlouuuid's Mine, illiifctruted iu tho cut. IIUIU'-MIAIDi Kiton. The fchoa I j of palo jink satin with ribbon, lllillo to match in color. This ihoe, flllod ban with cholco lloucrs, is designed to bo carried by biidctn:ai(s inatsud of 11 wicker work Uovmt basket. St.vles In Comets. Fashionable cj:seta r.vo now cut to glvo ft long tlcnder waist with high bust; to do this thero aro transversa soanu making a closo zouo ubout t ho vvr.ist liu?, with long darts that hold tho flesh ubeve, while thu lower parts lit over the hli3 liko 11 cuirass. How ivcr, tjarr.n-jof n nil tlgures, corsets nro laado r.s glovca arc, I.i thrco sizes, short, lncdli'.m r.ud long, the difrercuce Uing In tho length of ths v.aiLt. Colored corsets aro now iu great favor, tho light shades being used , for timsmcr, sv:ch r.o dovo, pulo rose, clean i bluo and t.v:rlcti black corsxts nro also worn, U'lng Hke.l by many ns well ns nro black stockings. A now fancy combines two colors In tho tamo carsct, as n Gobelin bluo 1 Kitlu corset with tho bones covered with copper red, or 11 blr.ek coi-set strixsl with ' plstaeho green, or v.hito with reseda; tho 1 beltliko pieco Is nLo tnndo In eoutrasting , cu.or lo ,a5 l:, ' mm "I". Jeau, coutillc, nud sateen nro tho fabrics of washing coieta that may bo cleaned nt home, whllo those of satin need n professional tcouix'r. Summer eorwta of transparent canvas as tiilu as Inco aro held to tho llguro by n r.ouo of saUcii. For nursing mothers nro corbcts that liavo n slit down each breast that can bo e-jsdy cjicucd or can lio closed by a single button. For (.tout figures nro long corsets with clastio plows set in tho lower parU of tho front, and sido lacings to adjust tho hip pieces comfortably. Hones nro 1 crossed on tho hip to hold tho llguro hi goal slmpo, nud to tho ixm shaped front stceli aro now milled three vviilo sido steels, rrctty stitching in colored silk Is douo oil thcto stiels, ami embroidery in neat designs edges tho top of tho corsotb. llarjKr's Uaxjr. f LADIES SOCIAL SESSION 't'hn l.liirnlii I.IUs Kiiteilnln 'lliell' l.nit.V I 1 lends eilni'ilii,v I veiling (llieof the most ngrvcnhlii mh'IiiI events of thu year, was tlm hocihI session given Wed nesday evening by the meniheiof the Lin coln lodge of I'.lks to their Inily (1 lends. Willie no claliornte luepariitlous weiv inule, tlienlfnlr was by far the pleasantest siwlety has Indulgisl iu for 11 long time. Monsi's llulitimn, llecMiu mid I'iiivmu in, ivcelvisl the guests its tliev 111 1 lvil. The ptilors were brilliant l llglihsl with Incnudes.-eiits. -iml liitilensl Lie s-riiii most bountiful, the bright colors of the ladles tolllctt'iVcoiitrastlug vvilh the conventional black of the gentlemen. An Informal social preccdisl the oiciihig of the xession liy l.xaliisl Miller I . C. .ehiung nt ten o'clock. Tho llrst number on the program was plalin nolo by Miss Willoughhv, followed I 11 soprano solo, "I'nrilcii of sloop. ' by Mndnin Weber, A tenoi solo, "Loves Sor low." by Mr. II. C. K lily was next on tin" program uini was wei' te 'elviM, Mis. W. S. 1 liitrm 111 gave 11 dialect re iln tloii,"(lTiiiielVtaiid.Miiris.ilL'orgfi 'anil hue spouse enthusiast loplaiidiUrcnilousl us uiien coie, "The First (.tuirol " Mrs. Iluft' mill Is 11 delightful olo'iitloiilst. and captivated nil by hoi mustoilv lendltloiis, Oilier iiutsleal miuihers Here a contralto solo by Mnilame linker, and duos by Mint aiuo els'r and Dr. Ilolvoke, iiiii,.Mesi(imes WiIh'i- nud llikei, all of which rv-is-ivpil en ioi es. At cloven nelo-k, ns N iinuil In all l.sljim 1 of tho Ulks the tnist to aliseut uieiiilK'iH was iliunk staiidltig, all Joining hi a nw nf "Auld Ijing Syne." iliwsrt, FurpRiiiiiii nud I CiirrntheiniicUd as poliepiueii, uud vveie mi timidly alert in brhiglng dplluqiieiitN befoie I the 1'xaltisl Kuler I After the close of the mtlienl pmgrillll, relivshnientsnr eake, Ices, I creaiuiilid loin- ' oliiide vvere servtsl 011 small tables In thesii Ion. Alter these dllltltlos hud been duly ills ! cussed, the social session was brought Ion' close by all Joining hands Iu n dice and1 I hinging first vene and ehoius ol " 11I1I Lang ' , Syne." ' llio rooms wre then rleaiisl for ilaiuing, mid the happy young siplo enjoyislan hour orinore hi din eujoyuieiit ol that ilellghtl'ill , exercise. 1 A.MI.KIW. Tho lilks have tlie llncsl quarters hi theclty, and their sessions 111 e most pleasant. I Lincoln lodge is but live mouths old, but ' it can give Mime older organizations 'miutcrx ' 011 How to enlci lain. I (,llilu 11 iiuiiiIht of the ladies and geiitleinell ap)H'arisl hi full dress. Many very pietty costumes were noticed. tU'nrj,!' I'oresinali prnvisl so elllelout as a pollceiniiu that hi' fiieinls think seiloiuly of urging him for a position on the city force A nuintier of Dr Holyoke's friends weie 1 uunwaieof his taleutMiis a voisillst, nud the i Doctor was IihiiiiixIcsI to iesioiii to an en I isiro Wislnexlny of each week has I von sot apart as ladies dav. and the wives and lady fi lends I of the members will lie given tho fieedoui or the looms. i Several buehelor members of the K ks did j not arrive until after II o'clock, and no In- I formation of their vvheiealiouts previous to that tl 1 e was vouchsafe I. Mrs. II11II111.111 was elegantly attired Inn 1 cream cnluied satin slo.voless outturn.. Me ihess 1 dames It.iker and Wehur wore full I costume, of black with eorag hcquot. Not (Julio Hiiro of Illniicir. $&) Slaglstrato (to witness) You do olomnly swear, I'lielo Mtastus, that the 1 v idenco that you ale about to give Miall bu the Until, tin whole truth, uud nothing but the truth! Wltncs--Yo-os, yo' houoli, but cuihlent yo' svvn1 me 011 11 hiuallor lhble Do hlo uh dat book. mIi. makes du old man nnrvon--, 'deed it do. W1111I1I linprovo with Time. All ngei.l for too ralo or lome household aitlcln nltoniptcil to mount tho steps of a homo recently, but 11 dog cnuio around tho corner and tool; Imlf u jnidof cloth from tho back of Ins coat. The limn was sliding out when the owner of tho house cnuiu and inked; "Did doo dog bidu you." "Ho didu t bite me, tint he ruined my coat," vvns tho reply. ".My goot friend, excuse doo dog ir ho didn't hide you. llo Ish 11 young dog now, but by 111,(1 by ho shall tuko holt or fcome agents mid eat dec poues lido oud of dem. Ho bides a coat now, but lie shall soon do jietter." Now York Commercial Advertiser. 1 Illgli but Not Dpiiu Euoiigli. Ill I'rnv Idenco tho other day tiny wero fet tlmr boino verv tall ikoIoh for ths telcnhono wii-es t-oventy footers. A countryman canio along mid ni.ked tho foreman what Ids men woio doing. Now, tho foreman of thrit ir tlciilar gang is a mild inaiiuered citizen nud means to Ihj patient ami forliouril.g, but he is woriied n gooil deal witii questions nud gets tiled or answering them. In this particular etiso lie told tho count rviuan that ho was building a wiro fetico. "Is that sof sjdd tlio farmer, looking aloft, ami then added "Well, I guess jou'vo got it bull high, but I don't lichovu you can make it pig tight." That foreman has been very sin of lthodc Uluud farmers ever since. Hoston Ilcraid. A Qiio.tlnn of Nenr. r?4s 0 ''ifi. ,"ttTk ' Young TittieJ (faint hearledi angel mine, how oor 1 aui. Just think, Why, what cou M 1 unlioot your Hho ibravely) Well, you could mako Mis. Tilljes of mo if you had any nerve.- ' "" "' D D 5 ;fe; ! wmmiSl : 1 ! irai--K s6l'. MILLER'S Special attention Is paid to Ndressgoods r-y ol(C k Larv. Assortment Complete. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. E. MILLER'S LJ5 South Tenth Street. Peffley a SonsT 1 .iiW " WATC I-I FOR NEW GOODS Next Ash by & IT'S THE IliifsSbr THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. Ills is the (inly mower made .ntcetl to 4ie satisfaction. Call ar.d see it. ZEHRUM), BURNS &HENKLE. Full line o( Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. Most Popular Resort in the City. ODELL'S DINING HALL, MOVMiOMI.KY 1 1 1 1), 1 1 1 and 1 1 j M eaK 2 as. For MAN ! X js& .j&.&'K,fo & a jsyjSf A' AfT .1T. KV, A- T V -sj Mustang Liniment MLXICAN'MDSTjIMlI.INIMKS'Tliili-AthlnPlirc lo,,- rt UUi WV. i.fcw 1 "o , 'l 1. jh &&. YJ T.iis. 'm y.r va Kr . T 1 -W ? w AT- 134 South 12th St., LI3STCOIj1T, 0STE1B. Week, Millspaugh. BEST MADE. that will cut hi'l jrass. (liiar- lll.OC K, x N Stn-a. S, per wee For BEAST ! m. $ !.,sr ' v .r- w ,"fc. . i.' ? V "W ... A -c & MMt9 ,u I... AltAMAtlVm XjsPS KWjT &y sjs?ri mr.m. AT s m . v k. yurmfix' -v