Pr ippyww i'-"it-?p19)f!lWJ'W'SMrt'Sft''lMl( iijfwr '"" - . saym,. fff WW "jV v w---vi.!' " (mw-jft' y (NT""1"" 11 ,yiiit.w4M'njn'iT'wy """ yT'"" - r wi gyjm m ' -y w y iNtit"1 ' '"'V"11 ij,i. ..i i- rnTT.ii i ii -ri-H-'-r 'i r " i ,iiwiiai'ri'flfcy"" - Dyspepsia Miikf llio lles nf many people, miserable, and ottcn leads lit self-destruction. DIslrrM alter catlap, pour Moin.-irh, nick liemlnchc, lirattburn.lossof appotlte,nfnhit,,,nll,ouoM Ircllni!, bud hute, coated tongue, ami Irrrim latlty 'of tlio iHmrli, nro DiStfOSS jonin of the mora roinnion AftOr )iiiiliinn. Dyspepsia does .. not Rrt well of itself. It tnling u-ipilrcs cnrrful, persistent rdtmtlon, mirt n irnicily 1IK Ilood'n Harsa imtilla, whHi arts uoiitly, yrt nurcly and imclently, It tones thu Rlntnnrh and other urgntis, tcriiUIcm the dlRcMlon, creates u itood appetite, nml liy Hun Sick mrrcomlng tlm locli,)il-u j, torn icmovcs llio nynutn.oaaono thrtlc eflecls of llio disease, banl-hr-s tlio headache, nml refreshes thu tired nihul. "I hnve been troubled with dyspepsia. had Imt llltlo appetite, nml what I did rat u - distressed me, or Old mo r"Jnri" lllllo kihnI. In nn hmir QUrn nltor Mlliitf I would expe rience i faltitncM, or tlrrd, alt-conn (ccllnir, n UioiirIi I liadnntcitcniiiiythlnK. My Iron Mp, 1 think, was ncRMvntPd liy my lmlncn, whirl) Is that of a p.ilnlpr, nml from bclm? morn or less Mint up In a Sour room w llli frosli palnl. 1-ast 0iu rprlim I look Hood's Harsu otomncn rlll.i took three. ImiUIc.i. It Old mo nu lniinpiio amount of rooO. It Ravo mo nn npiHlltP, nml my food relished nnd natlsfled the cratliiit I had previously experienced." (liioiKin A. r.vtn:, Wnteitowii, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla MiUiyrdliWugsliti. pli-UforfV rrfpnrri.only j C 1. 110(11) & CO., AHiltioriuli, t." ell, Man. 100 Dosos Ono Dollar KAGBNOW & ASGHMANN, Philharmonic Orchestra AND MILITARY BAND, Oth'cc,Koonis 131; mul 140 Iturr lllock. Telephone 133. Leaders in Photography. Riley's flEU flG 5tudio$. We make 11 peclalty of tlio celebrated BROMIDE Lite sUed pictures mut furnish the Illicit work at lowest price, Bost Cnblnots $3.00 l.legiint line of Picture l'i nines In stock anil made to order. Cnll nnd t-cc m. H. W. KELLEY & CO. io:f O Street, LINCOLN, Mill. New Jewelry Store, L. BARR, 1019 O Street. IvotalilUlied 1S74. Iipolres tociiU tliu nttoutliiu of tlio pulilUi to I1I1 new nnd clotfnnt Mock of DIAMONDS, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, lIiivlnKinoivrtmuttoiiecoiiliuoOiito llio tmdo nnd kIiuw u luruvr lino tlimi over. Iloforo pur ciusliit:.i:lvo iih 11 pull nml wo will uliow you tlio tluostjluo lit lOUl'it piliHllllo prk'CH. Watch Repairing and Engraving -Vi'iitlv done nml nil work warrnnted. DENTISTRY 1. J. P. Lawton, D.D.S. Rooms 42, 43, 44, Burr Block. levator on O St.. Telephone 628 Artlliclal Teeth hunted without plate. NITROS OXIDE GAS Adinlulktcred for pnlnlt ih pxtrnettou. Ladies' & Gents' FINE SHOES jt ri jrcatly reduced prices ' - o AT WEBSTER & BRISCOE 1043 O Street. 0M FINE ART : STUDIO. 1214 O street Cxamine samples of our ork before ordennt; elsewhere. Cabinet Photographs reduced from $4 to $3 ptr ovvma THE COURIER A Vimiir J'.iyirrof .IWrru 'flint. I'UHMMlt!D SATUUUAY Hi'MtcmrtioNt Onp War by , Mall or Cnrrlrr f'i.m Hlx months, fl.OO, Tlirru months R0 CYlits. Ono 1110111I1 vi) Out linnrnltty In Adinnce. M)KHTlr.MKST: Unit riiriilshsl on nppllrntlan nt Hip nfllcp, HMelid rntm on Tlnio (.'oniret. CoxTiuniiTloNH! Hliott upley ukrlrlii-, ikm-iiih, niul Morlpn Millpllnl. IVrnoiml nnd Hoolnl iiolcn nro pH'clBlly ilrMrnlilp. I'nlNTlviu Wo initko n KHi'lnlly of linn 1'rlnllnK I nllld lira-nlnt. Hulfly rork n nppclnlly AililrrKK nil iMiiiliiiliik'nlliiini dlirctlo llio ofllrr. wicuuicu nt noiiuiNs, rlllTOIIII AMI I'RIII'IIO.TOIIH. Now Iturr lllncU, Cor. IStlimul OHIirrl.1. 'ri:i.i:i,uiiM:,r.l. Tlio 1111111 who enn hoop tun'k if tlio liillir ilcliuto iN'twii'ii Nyo nnd MiiriliMy In tlio (dunlin World iiiuit linvu 1111 oxtiviucly ImiK hi'iid mid 11 wdihIvi fill inoiitnl dlRcstlve iippni'iitiH. Kim tlio Information of our frli'inUof llio Cull wo would xtnto tlmt Henry (litiwlmim, Itcntou'ri pilnclpiil llvnl for tlio ntidltm-Kiilp, Ii 0110 your the youngi'i'. Ho tlmt tlio plpii of lli'iiton'ri youth wont hold wiitor. Tin: Ni-wk won a llttlo pii'iimtuio In Its 10 lolehiKH over tlioonrryliiK of miIhiiMoii. Tlio ipiostliiii, liowovor, will dovi'lop miiihi thliiK of tlio uiituro of u hur.-Hiiw If tlio to piilillciiiM eontltutoto iiioukoy with It. Tiik eoinlilmitlou Milo of Mock nt the l'nlr (Imuiidt thin wri'k wiih not n very groat m' itiis. NehruHku linn ild moro thin your for trotting liUxxl thiiii nny other xtnte, mid It U n-nlly tii Imd tlmt thoy m- not U'tter en efiurnRitl. Tiik dnlly mKi-n nnuniiueo tlmt tlio owner (if n vnluiihlo lot on Kontli Kluutli Ktreot will dliortly n iiunciieo tho erection of n two story hrlek liloek. Men who luivo no mom enter pllvuiliont tlll'lll tlimi tlio owucixof thocou templntcd ImlldliiK nro of llttlo 110 in u elty llko I.liii'oln, Homo local cupltnlbt clioilM liny tho lot, mid put up 11 InilldhiK like W001U, now In eon mo of eomd ruction. Tin: ivpulilleniiH of DoukIiih county 111 wuh expcetwl, did not endorse Lei-ne, for tho hilly reason that it nilfiht hurt Yost' candidacy for stnto treitHtirci'. Tlio pAiirino wholiwilu liU'lcliiints of Umnlia mhi in Ias.'ko tho man who has forced them to do IiiihIiichs 011 1111 eipmllty with wholoMilem in Lincoln, llnxt lugs nnd other cHIch of tho htnte. Hut, as has licen Kitcclnctly remarked, Omahn Is not thohtato of'elirnnka. Tho .Iournal'8 plneo nt tho public erlb Is RetthiB untenable. In it wild ihro nt no longer U-hiR tho jiojltical dictator of Ijincas ter county, It Kit Ike's feebly nt ICh opponent.s nnd huiu only Itxclf. Thu outMpokeii denuii vlntiouH of its attempted bullying of republi can primaries by tho Call, and tlio Inttor 'h frwpii'iitexposuiesof Its Mipprcvsed hoitlllty to Lincoln Imx piixhutil n reaction in tho minds of ninny ivpublicnns, who now repu diate tlmt IiIiMmhiiiiI organ of rallroadlsiu. A'o havo nothing but pity for tlio Journal, pity that It was not nblo to see what a elinnco it gnvomi opiKwitlon ueKMier to gain more than n foothold. Tito Journal wns mice- 11 neUHpapor; but look nt it now, Timk is ono of tlit-KO uowspapi-re which from Intrinsic merit have lenjHsl from tho btnrt into popular favor, nnd it is now 0110 of tho best humorous papers published. Wine IsKtaunehly ivpubllcnnj It vigorously advo cate tlio nmlntnlnnneo of n piotectlvo tariir, mid It iHnk In no inuvrtaln volco for re publican principles and for doctiines of tho party as set forth in tho republican pint form of IbSA Tho cartoon has nsgrcat Inlluence uIkib tho mind of the publlo nn the editorial, and In tho hand of urtistacuch as Jf'iine'.i Ktatr comprises, will Ui of incalculable value to tho voter. Hlnglo copies, It) cents; three month, l.ttt; one year, .00. Time 1'ublMilug Co., 14 and It! Vesoy stiwt. Tin: republican have (uomlunttsl a most excellent county ticket, with jsisslbly one ex cepiion. Raymond nud CennNley for tho senate, McHride, Hull, Soverin, Cnldwell nnd Dickinson tor the house, Stenrns for county attorney, and Alba Ilrow 11 for county coin mlssioner. Delegates to tho congressional convention weio instructed for H. H. llrown, while Uentoti and Carter seeured tho dele gations to the stnte convention. Much op poiltion will Iki eugendei-ed against Alba Hrowu, who ns county commissioner allow ed tho stone fur tho court house to lie cut out side tlio state. It was most an uiiwNo se lection, nnd ho will bo opjioscd at th h1Is, ns ho dercn cs to In1, by the solid worklngmeus vote. It is a fnvoiltoamusenieiit of senile papei like tho Journnl, when cojiy is shoit, to Mku fun nt what they ore pleased to call tho "pinto lnem," nnd attempt to jn-ove that tho matter contained hi these paiers Is nntlipmtcd. The, Cot'iiiEH uses thu plntisi of the American Press Association, n fact of which it is proud for several reasons. First, tho matter con tained in th4) plates, (tho miscellaneous mat ter wo refer to) is fresher than any tho Journnl uints. In proof thereof, wo have merely to cite that In Wednesday morning's Journal appeared n ocin f 10.11 tho ion of Robert J. llurdette, dislicuttsl toJumesWhltcombRiloy w lileh aiMicnixtl in tho C'OL'lilKll. Must rat fit. ' I July tilth; 1111 iirtii la entitled tho. "Oiigln of O. K.'Mn our iiKiiniug luminary a few days I ngo had 11 place in tlieso columns two uionth i ago, andevciy ono of Hill Jfyu's articles pi hit- isl in tho Journal appear fronmuo week to two months previous In tho Couiiikh. Kecond, 1 Tho mnmigem of tho ircss asso.lntioii employ talented men nt high snhu ies to do their cli ping, w hllu papers of tho Journal's class pay 1 Kinnll wages to u man whoso work with the shear Is tho munllest part of his day's Inbor and tho tlrst ptipercuught up Is tho tint l-n-per served. Third, The "plate" matter is profusely illustrated in tho best style of the nrti something its decryem can not nrford. There nieumny otlierivnsonwhytho"plat( matter is thu letter, but those cited aio luflV cicut to piovc the Jounial's (lositlou false. LITEnARY NOTES, Vow lloolis, New ilniilni ninl (inii'iit l.tlrtrntuif. Match Ameileniimiileli-mnLers say that "the lmprocuicnt to bo hxikcd for In tlio uiiiti'hcs of the future will cuncciu ipiallty rather thnu cheapness," ThU Is ns It should l. Homo of the nmtclirs icecntly nindo weru of mich n )xMir ipmllty that the ninrrlnge wns soon fnllouol by a divorce. Mntchcsof tho fiitmo should havo no hilm MouoalNiut them. Homo of the most chii hleo urns of Into year linvo Ikhjii lunch pi.oie in ipmllty thnu many which wir. mi cheap tlmt tho minister received only fifty cents for milking two oiie.-fm.r'A .l(fuoii'. There Is In the IhkiIi miiiket 3 llttlo of n standiml character relnttug to modrrii Mex ico that 11 well-wiltu-n, well-digested woik on Hint subject w III meet w Ith n hem ty welcome. Tho jN'oplo of tho I'nltod Htntes, ns a whole, mo uono too well Informal as to the history, Kovcriuut'ui, nun preseiu nwinl nml Mitlcal condition of tho Mcxlenn republic; nor hnve I hey any adiipiate Idea of the country Itwlf, or Its plcturenpie scenery, Its archltirlurnl pisiillniltlcH, itKclhiuite, its inclliixNof travel nml Its thoiisiiud nnd one chariicterliitlcswhl.'h innko It m thoroughly foreign to dwellers 011 this nldo of the border. We hnve just iccclvtsi fiom Ieo & HI1epn.1l nuew vohimo of tinuds through our sU'criepllblle, eutltlisl "Mexico, I'ictuicupie, rolltlcnl, l'i gl-csslvc,-' tho Joint woikof .Mis. Mmy KIIwiIhIIi Hlake, of Hus ton, mid Mis. Maigmet K. KulllMin of fill cngo. Hot Ii ladles hae attained u high p'i sltloii In American lltciaturc, uud'eiieh has 11 distinct indiviilunllty of her own. Their olisorviitlonsdiirlnir thi-lr Journey wcierou. Ilmsl to 110 one thing, but wciocloM1. thought ful and imhciKal. The keen analyses of the hnblts mid chnine t(ilstlcs of tho icople, the story of how they live, tho ilescrlntloii of their houses nnd of tho milliner in which they conduct their iIoiiiih l airahs 1110 exceisllngly Inteicstlng. The mithois also tieat of tho manner of dress nml M.rsoiml appeal mice of tho noiIc, of the wx.'ial condition of the women, of tho iuhi triesof tlio country, methiKls of business, railroads, agriculture, form of govciumeiit, isnnts of law, ciiilueut men, literutuiv: In fact everything which goes to mnko up th history Oomestle. goicrniucntnl, litetnry, Hilltlcal nml eeon. mlc of n cop)o who havo more thnu once shaken olV tho yoko of their oplircswim nud taken now departures 011 tho hlghwny or prngi em mid clvlllatlon. Ml'.XICO, rilTl'ltKKgl'K, rol.lTIC'AI.AXI) I'm I- IIHKNSIVKi Ia'O nml Hhepard, Publishers. For miIo by A. T. U'lnlng ,t Co. Tho third book of the series or Hipuhir cln hIcs for homo and school, tho preceding mini Item of which nro "Htorios of American "His tory," mid "Noblo Deisls of Our Kntliem," Is enllisl "Tho Itosfin Tea I'aity nnd Other Ktorlesof tlio Revolution," lelatlug ninny daring deeds of tho old heroes, revised and adapted f 1 0111 Henry C. Wntt-on. As n book for suppleiiieutary reading it IsunsurpasMsl. The stories aio told by surviving nieiiilKMHof the "U'banon (Maine) LiU'i'ty Club," the llmt oigaulisl in the colonics, who nro gath ered around a festal boaul In Itostou on 11 Fourth M July. Tho book contains details of exploits only touched ukii in school his tories, ami nsliiipicfslng upon tlio mind of the student the heroism, glorilied by Mill'erlng, of our foivfathi'i i it is liivahliible. As 11 bookto iuteiest young 'uple In the ftory or the Aineilcan ivvolutioii, it U uttrnctlvu nnd isl ucntlug, mid It will eiisllyciioiigh taken high place us 0110 r tho shining volumes in tho popular series of classics A: Hhepard nro now publishing. Tiik Huston Ti:a lun iiiii10t'kuHtoiiih di'tiii: Huvoi.vtiox, revl-tsl and adapted from Henry V. Watson. I.o it Shepard, publishcm, Ihton; for s;ilo by A. T. l.ein- ing .t Co. Tin: Call Ismud n spis-hl tslltlon Sunday morning, and nimouuces that it will com mence 1I10 tegular publication next mouth of n Hundiiy morning edition. The Cnll Is evi dently determined to let tho Join mil have no foothold at all. Ik tho detectives arrested for shooting Into the crowd at the II. & M. deixit Inst Saturday evening nro guilty of so cowardly nnd nu wuriaiitcd an net they should lie swiftly nml fpetsllly tiuuished. Lincoln wants 110 such blots on her i-sciiteheou. Tut: comiulttce on icsnlutlous evinced n happy thought Thursday In tpiotlng, in tho resolution presented to the convention, i.uu grnphs from the Declaration of Independence. It is well to keep such things In-fore the jK'ople who an npt to forget the Itingungn of that immortnl document. Tiik ContiKic- prefernsl caiidldutcs for tho Icglslatlllo got them lupitty good shniH', Mcllrldc. Rayiiiond and Hall mo gentlemen who will stand up for Lincoln lirt, htst and every time. As we hnvo befmv reinnikcd, they know whnt the jieoplu of Lincoln w.uif and you can deienil on it they will have the coinage to demand Justice. Tin: question "f school books is troubling educational circles in Lincoln again. Tho school lxwk trust Is ono that uirects tho peo ple almost as directly its the sugar ti list, and w lieu 11 publishing hoiiso not in llio jhhiI of fers to publish hooks to our city at fair prices they should net-opt, It It docs not Im pose too great n hnid-hlpou tho ones who hnve to pay for theiii, as well as tholiook sellers w ho keep them in stock. It f lnijssl that tho republicans will do more than talk about the adoption of a law excluding armed detectives from entering our state and doing police duty, but muku It a law as hi their ower to do. The l'iiikerton's are nn lrrcsKnsIblo bedy, nt least It so up ix'nm, ami Nebrnskn has many uillltlnmeii who will ieKnil promptly when duty calls them. Men, too, who can calm the angry IKissious of a mob w hlch f rothes at the sight of a I'iukcrton; men, too, who know when to shoot high, and nro 110 cownrds at hcait. Tho passenger deixirtmrnt of the Union I'lielllc, "The Ovoi land Route," hn Issiusl 11 neut llttlo pamphlet, sckot sie, entitled "National Platform Hook," conlosiiiiig tho Dcmocintic, Rcpublicnn nnd lVohlliltlou pint foini.s, together with the nddroscs ot ncccpt unco or (lpver Cleveland, Honjainln Hni 1 (son and Clinton H. Fisk, also tabttluttd tnbUs showing thu plurality vote, the electo ral voto and an analysis of tho vote, as cast for C e vela ml nud Hlabio in IbHl, This book is Just what is needed ntth' timo and should I si in tho hands of every voter. It plainly sets forth whnt each mity hits to of fer and every reader can draw his own com Kirisous. Sent to uny address on applica tion. Address J. S. Tkiiiuctk, (enenil Passenger Agent, Union l'ucide Railway, Oiunhn, Nt-b. J DELIGHTFUL LUNCHEON. Malinger Mcllcy 110I1U Kuterl'ilns I Nruspiipe ttrpin Ins mill (Iprrii I llonso Atlnelies, llir To further .-rment the good will nud friend ship existing betWH"!! Malinger M 'Reynolds of theopirn home n-i'l the univsptper men of the city, tho latter gentlemen wproentir talnel Thuisdiiy evening nt n social nud lmieheoii given by tho former, nt the Windsor hotel. Hhortly lufore lOo'cli)'" tho tiled Into tho Win lior's spi -10111 dining roim, nud M-ntud themselves round three well laden tables, plucfd in the form of the letter "I'." After tin' ex 'fllent ivpiit hi I Imjii duly dis cussed, Mr. Wnltar Huge of tho Wkm, who had Issmi Kvlectisl as toast maker, called the assembly to older, nnd atiiiouuccl tlmt Mr. Os-ni'A. Million woull respond to the toast, 'Tho Htngi'." Other tout were; "The Press," K. I). Cox; "Our Host." John M. Cotton nud rcsinscsby Messrs. McReynolds imd Crawford: "The IMitr," Hairy Hnrt- ntir. As tlio program wits simply nu Im promptu one, Mr. Hoe aiiuouti'el that if the eoiiipimv ih'slre.1 to heir from imv one pivspiit they sli'inld ill out. Ill reipousa the following geutleii "ii linden few leinnrks cadi; Messrs. lln.d, Trick", Hoiriuiili, Jones, R'sl. Ilvile, l'!mili'ius, Si'ii-rest, Wessel, Kligllsh. Rowe, Ddiblns, M.-Vleker, Regnler, Oppeiiheliner. Kriiukllii, lletts. Wa.uer and others. IVcif. Weber nlo ga en viiilln solo. Thomiiny gool ipnlities or Mr. M.-Reynolds welc ton 'lud Upon in turn by thospc.tkcis. nud ns no one kmnv nuythiiig but gisl of Hob" he came out of the -eethliig mass of orat'iiy in gooil hnK. Tim press "f the city, or innre properly siM'iil.liig, t'le newspaper Ikivs of the elty nre under many obligations to Mr. McReynolds lormiiiiy couitcsles extended hi tho past, and this last adds but to the kindly feeling oi fra ternity existing lietweeii them. I'nltti nml AVurlts. She was b 'jinrs old nml llxed In tho rountry ; she had Mm ted ono day lather Into to school with another llttlo girl about her own ago. On their way they caught n elhnpso of 11 clock ilial through an open door; it lacked II vo iiiluutcs of 1). "Oh, dear!" cjclnlined tho jiious llttlo girl, "it's llvo minutes to I), nud we'll bo Into to school." "I'mnfruld wowlll." "Jennie," said tho pious llttlo girl, Im pressively, "I'll tell you what wo must do; we'll kneel right dow 11 here nud pray tlmtwe won't Is Intel "H'ml" said thu other, "I guess we'd bet ter skin right nlong and pray as wo go!" They "skim " undgot there. Huston Trail script lio Dliln't I'nss. Tho Ingenuity of some school children in getting over tho knotty questions-projioimdcd to them in the recent examinations was cer tainly surprising, according to tho stories some of the school teachers tell. Ono lioy In tho Summer nvenuo school, in the Klg'hth ward, scratched his bend for n long tlnio bo lero iitteniptlng to "ooinparo tho iiiilninls of North America with tlnso of KuroMj." At last, in Ids desire- to say something', ho wrote: "Tho animals ef North America mo not is largo ns thoso of Lurore, but they got .here Just tho kuuc." It t,ixi MiUiijt Niylus thnt that boy didn't ?nss. Nuwnrk Journal. Too Liberal. Tourist What nro your terms, Mr. Brow no! Landlord Ilrow no Twenty dollars! 11 week, sir. Tourist And what am I oxiwctcd to dol Landlord Dol Why, you surely don't In tend paying me WO a week Just for staying here, do you I It's too high. Fifteen dollars would be enough. Harper's Hazar. Knew dim. Slindbolt, enn you spare $.! Sluidbolt Certainly, Dinguss. Hero it is. Dingms Thnuks. I'll Just glvo you my note for thu amount. Slindbolt (who knows him) No use wast ing imjier, Dinguss. I told you I could spure 1.- c-, -ciilcairo Tribune CHAMBERUJN'S Colic. Cholera and Disrrhoea P.cir.:dy. In almost cory nciKhborlmod llinnilioiit the North Irest there ixoiiic p-r:i whoso life hus been mimmI liy liiisiivat roinciiy, suUi jierMins loosi no opportunity in spemkinc; of Its good iii.illths nml what it kas done for tlicm. Ilie:'!1 are also a great many who liuvc lio.'ii cured of i-ln-onio diarrhoea b.v it utiii 1:111 not suy enough in ii-;iisc of it. Such persons it is who have 1110-t nil vertlsi'd tlio remedy, nml brought it in i general iiso, until it lias bccoinu tin in. tin reliunco for bow id complaint in nil It- forms, throughout tho west. No one wlio needs such n remedy can use !l without great bciiclit. A.s .1 sufe guard many families always keep u bottle tit hand for 11-0 when needed niul liy doing so, sum much siilVcring inul not iinfic(i:c:itly the life of some pi'i'MiiiRtiddouiy uttiickcil with cramps, coll or clioleni iiiorbiis. IJ -Iflnti-wiui havo seen it- good work nnd boon told by tholr patients what u splendid medicine it is, have tried it, ami as one of thou suyri: "I found it us good or lioiL'r than anything 1 could prepare" .iiul now 11-0 anil prescribe it with the In M ivtuiltH. Unllko most oilier pre pariifnu.s in use for the same purposes it is rather pleasant to take especial), when reduced with water and sweeten ed. Children do not object to taking it after thoy havo once tasted of it. It cures pain in the stomach, colic, cramps.. cholera morbus, dysentery, di arrhoea, chronic diarrhoea, bloody flux, cholera infantum and cholera. Tim following testimonials will gle the leader an idea of what people think of the preparation after using it: You can sa,, that the bottle of C'liinu borluinV Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy left 1110 by your agent two years ago. proved to lie the best remedy 1 ha vo ei or used. I lmo no doubt hut it saved my eldest sou's life (it.o. It Iiimmiciti:, IMitor Ton ganoslo, Knu Mirror. I was MiHcrlug with 11 severe attack of diarrhoea and got a -mall bottle of Ciiuiiibuiialii's Colic, Cholera and 1)1 MTluija Remedy, 0110 do-o iiiiieted apd cased me and tlio second iloso cured mo entirely. 1 had u chance to try it la a bud case of Woody Flux, it eased, checked ami cured it. I think it 11 good remedy and will continue to (est it us opportunity oll'cis tint i the bottle is us ed up. A. I'inluy, Mai.d.ridgo, lud. gold by W. J. Turntr. SPRING SEASON 1888, THE- Globe One-Price Clothing House. Is now showing an elegant line of New Spring Styles IN- Mens, Youths, Boys and All the Latest Novelties and Nobby Designs are included in our Complete Assortment, to which we invite an early inspection. "i" VHIZ GLOBE One-Price Clothing House. E. M. EISFELD & CO., Proprs. COR. O AND TENTH STS. fff RMS MHnHiiHiHM fl-V sj FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK if I ADR AS i CHENILLE - CURTAINS With Sash Curtains to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of nil kinds in boll. American nnd Foreign Tctures. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Litest Novelties of Wood and Metal. Prices Rock Uottoiu. A. M. Davis & Sor). LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, ' PURE ICE Not cut from the Filtliv Salt Creek but from the Clear and Piire'Wnters of --OAK CKkvBK" Delivered to nil pails of the cltv at reasonable price-. NOBBY Spring Suits $20 AND $25. MADE TO ORDER DAVID MAY, OPPOSITE POST-OFFICE. Children's Fine Suits. LxXXJOXX IN LATE STYLES. ( A MiiiimliJUJI;i,l"M"''HlH1,HI "W1" , v ' nyiiU'i i m yi m 11 khmsMmi. -.Ia . --- y-3--- tf"-- i.jL.I.1, -.-JL.aat,.. n--.ii j.ij-ij. Hte lt.fllll --' - '-if ;-W 'TintVli-tttsr.vjfc&'iti --tf Arf JLAJ- .