Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 11, 1888, Image 6

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    ill I liMMIiSSiiMlfTI Tl r 1- t ! C
J?Vf) - l ' Hfl-" Ift
."T V
i Mil iitti ''
It Islln uv In r i iiinudlr itlv UuihikIi
Denver imiiI Mult l.nkn tlty. cnroiito tciHmi
KriiMolni'ii nml other ( nllrornln points, unit l
known ns llio ""(n o I I no" lo llio I'uclllr
ront. Tint lliirlliiKl'in llouln run oxer ll
uwn limit every day In llio jonr. Complete
trains of rulliiiiin 1'iilnco liuit iiih Klcumil
Dny I'imetics hot wren
Denver nml Chicago,
Denver nml Knn. City,
Denver nnd Oinnlin,
Knusnn City nml Pcorln,
Knuttna City nml Chicago,
Lincoln nml Chicago,
Lincoln nml St. Louis,
Lincoln nml Peoria,
Lincoln anil Kan. City
Making dhect rnuuccllonslii 1'iilou Depot
fornll point North. Kind, Kiiulli mill Wot.
It l ll'ii PliinuV Dining t'nr l.lun between
Mis-nun river mid Clilcuirw. Meal only 7ie.
Tlio lliiillimt-Mt Dlutinf Cur wore built ox
iinoiilr for the service nml mo mmiiiKcd on
tlrcly in llio Inlriiwi oriiiir patron.
Via llio Ahlniid (hit-oir. iiiiikIiik dliret eon
liectlnti wltli trains Tor Hi. Paul, Mlnn iinip
Chlcium unit nil lnt I'.nst nml NortliciiHt.
Tht'dlllumllisof the l.lllCOlll.l'ltll'nKllsiCOp-
cr vlu tlilM popular runt mo nt ritylilllre,enr
Omul loth (., whcio lierlh may bo secured
nt nny time.
A Hflilly I made of Ocean HtcniiiMiln Tick
rts, nnd pnrlleseniiteniplnlliiKnlrlp lo llio old
country or ithlriiiK I" win! flir lliH r li li int hIiouUI
not fnlitncnnrpniid with 11. (iiir rate ore Ilia
lowed, nndimrfiicllllli-suneqiwlcd, wo ivpre
wiit cncli nml ineiy lino ciihwIhk llio Atlantic.
City I'nt. Ai;t., Lincoln.
j iMtANcirt a w.iionmtun:,
(Ion. I'um. nml T'kt Ant., (Icncrnl M'trer,
Omnho. Onmlin
UuUilliig completed or In roiirno of erection
t "urn A prill, Ittt):
ihisliiesa liloefc. C I: ontnoniery, lllli nml N.
ilo d.t I. W llllllnipley, lllli nenr N.
Itotttnumiit (Odellsi U !' .MoiilKonicry, Nnenr
Hwltli'iioo, J .1 liulinrf, .1 nml I'.MIi.
ilo J imuciiirliitid, g nmt lllli,
do John .viirnint, D .nul lllli.
iti Albert Walkhw. I) del Dili niul lOlli.
ilo Win M Unwind, K bet Dili nml UKIi.
ilo P. Ituiillirlc.KthniidN.
ilo .1 K Hoed, M I), V U'l intli nml 17th
do WO M llaMnln. (I li.'t IHth mid lHth.
Bnnltarluin liullilliitf ill Mllfonl. Neb,
Hrrt llnplNt clmivli, Ulli nml K HtntW.
ortimry on 11 ml MOJivIm to nb nt Wyukn
Hooiik m nml ill
llolimclM IHloolc
Wnnteil nt onoo n rcponU)lo jMrty
t;ooit mldrcsR to represent
ltyllON. "UIOS. K HILL, nnllior of
I1II1V Manual of Soclnl nml lhisl-
iie.s lorm. In
An excellent opportunity to nccure n good
position nml nmke inoncv, S.ile onn be
mmlcon the Intnllincnl plan when tlcfclr-
cd. AiUlress for terms nml rmrtlciilnni,
103 Stnte St., CHICAGO, ILL.
AtcbUon, Lenvcnwortli, St.Joicp'i,Knnsas
City, St. Louis nml nil points South,
Knst ami West.
The direct line to Ft. Scott, Pnrsons,
Wichita, Hutchinson nml nil principal
points In Knnsntj.
The only road to the Great Hot Springs
of Arkansas. Puixma Si.kkpkrh anii
Pkkk Ri' Chair Cauh nn nil
City Tkt Agent, Gen'l Agent.
Cor. Omul nth Sis.
owns nnd oporntes 50 miles of thoroughly
nulppod road In JIIIiioIh, Wisconxln, lowu,
M"liMlimpsotHnil Unkotu.
ah1... tll?.'.l0.t "'reel liouto betwcin all tlio
Prluclpnl Points In thu Northwest, SoutUwont
nd Fur West.
. VP !np, tlmo tnlilcs, rates of imssnsio nnd
n?:fJrr'l"y lo neurest ntutfim nijunt ol
Ihtwor'd ,luUroaa ARi"1 nnywhero In
K.uiuukn. a. v. ir. 0AmKNTEU,
r aJlJSf!lA.Ik.vR,r' ,ac"'1 l'a-". T'kt Agt.
Asm, aon'l Mgr. AssU a. l, 4 T. Agt.
MllwHUkco, AVIseonsln.
MPFor Information In reference to !-nnd
ndTowns owned by the Chicago, Mllwau-
kM4HU 1'aul Hallway Conipuny.wrlto to 11.
Q. HAuaAN,ljBd Commissioner, Milwaukee
WUc-Hlr .
Help Wanted!
Illnfs for lint Wrnllirr, wltli Inrormntlon
Alioul Nuuatrokps, Ity Dr. Ilnuiuionil.
I)r William A, llniinnoml, In r. retvnt
coimuiinlentliiii, nwikoi tlio following slnto
inrutii i;.u'i'Mlo licnt online gastrin nml In
UUInnl dlwiHS, and eopeclnlly n xcullnr
illimilor kiioHii n miiistmknor hont fovcr.
To lessen tlio llnhlllty to tliclli-rt Ri-oup luen
IIoihmI, soiiio nllcnl Ion to tlio fixxl ( Into
tlionystoin li iiecwiinry, nnd It U oiHclnlly
rriiilillo lo avoid veffotahlro or fruit tlint nr
not fully rlpo. Thcru Is senrroly n veRolalilo
Rnnm In our cllnmle, nml wlileli is ued nn n
fiMxl, which Is not wholonoiiin If cnten In
roiimiii, not In u kvinl dei-oiuiiOHsl ulnto, nnd
proin'rlyproiNiml for tlm tnbl A llko slnto
inont Is npplienblo to fiults, from tlio straw.
iHirry, which Is lhollrsttoapHar,td xac!ic,
jxnrsand npploo, which como Inter In tlio
hoiuioii. Hut m lion tlioynro liroiifjlit from n
illstiineo, hnvliiKlieon picked when st III green,
and after tholr arrival fmpiontly Ihvii kept
by tlio dealers until tlioynro mora or lew rot
ton.thoy cannot liocoiisldpreilsultahlonrtlclM
of food. Children nro wpeclnlly llnhlo to
sulTer from enthiR such sulntanees. Their
illgestlva systems nro oxceedlngly dnlleoto,
and tlielr nervous systems nro very Impres
sionable. Heat fover din's not ueoessnrlly result from
direct oxpostuo to tlio rays of tlio mil. It
may lio enured by tlio dliruwd heat endured
bynieroii whllo undor tho shelter of his
own house. In tlieso later caws thero has
usually been sonio long eoullnueil oxhaustlvo
dlsenso, or somo uiitownid mental disturb
nneohas oceurml, or tho jmtloiit has been
Indulging In oxeisslvo phjsleal oxerllon.
Tho sirsons who suller from heat fovor
through tho notion of tho direct my, of tlio
urn nro generally thoso whoso modes of llfo
bnvo Ikhmi In somo resjiecbi vicious, or whoso
lumltnry surroundlugs nro bad. Hunstroko
rarely occur to thoso who toko projicr caro
of thomselves, oven when thoy nro fully ex
posed to tho direct bent of tho sun. Tho vic
tims nro generally thoso w ho drink alcoholic
liquor to oxcew, or who bnvo overloaded
tho stomach with Improper food.
Htlll cases of Rimstroko do occur when the
modo of llfo has not been nt vnrinnco with
tho laws of health. It is therefore-noil for
ovcry oiio to tako proper precautions ngnlnst
nil risks. Tho clothing should bo light, nnd
that worn next to tho Iwdy should Ik) of
somo material capnblo of readily absorbing
tho jH'rsplratlon. Wixil is probably to lw
profend, mid it should Im puro, that l, un
mixed with cottflii. For tho head during
Very wnnn wwither nothing U Is-tter than n
stmw hot, for not only Is It of lightweight,
but, If proiierly made, freo pnssngo of air
around tho head tnkes place, Tho so called
Panama hats, which aro so closely woven
that thoy will hold water, nro tho worst k
Hlblo covering for tho hood In summer.
It Is n roninrkallo fact that sunstroke nro
verywjliloin met with among persons who
exjioso themselves to tho full hent of tho sun
In tho country or ontsldo tlio limits of largo
Chills nml rover.
Tho sovereign remedy in tho treatment of
Intermittent fovcr Is quinine, and tho most
common forms In which It is employed nro
llio sulphnto and blsulplmto, and Tlio Iloston
Journal of Health olllrms that, owing to Its
great solubility, tho latter Is preferable,
Boveml methods are-employed In giving
quinine. Bomo ndvocato thousoof n slnglo
largo tloso toward on an oxjiected attack,
other prefer to glvo tho remedy In small
doses, repented at Interval of twoorthroo
hours. Tho weight of ovldonco Is In favor of
tho latter method, still, in somo cisos, tho
former will lio moro elective. If tho dlseaso
has oxlstod but for n short time, snys Helen
tlllo American, flvo crnlns or mtlnlnn ci.m.i.i
bo taken during tho sweating stage, or ns
ncnrnsX)ssinio 10 mo viroxj-sm w lileh has
passed, mid ropented every four hours until
ringing noises In tho oars nro experienced.
Even If hy thl method tho second occurrenco
of n paroxysm Is provented, tho uso of tho
drug should forsoveral week lo (icrslstod In,
nnd lio given throo or four times dally in do
creasing doses.
Itulrs That SIny Piifuly Ilo Observed by
Tverj body nt Taltlo
As an Invited guest novcr lie into for dim
ncr. This is nn Incivility to your host, to
tho other guests nnd to tho dinner. Don't bo
lato nt tho domestic- tnblo, as this Is wrong to
your family nnd Is not calculated to promoto
nariuouy nnu goon icciing.
Do caroful not to seat yoursolf nt the tnblo
until your host or hostess gives tho slgnnl.
A gontlemnn ought never to seat himself
until tho Indie aro all soitcd.
Nover servo gentlemen guostsatyour table
until all tho ladies aro served, Including
thoso who nro members of your own house
hold Do not eat soup from tho end of tho spoon,
but from tho side, Tnko caro not togurglo,
draw lu your breath or mako other noises
when eating soup. Do not ask for n second
service of soup.
Do not blto your bread from tho slice, but
break It ofT, n little nt n thno, as you require
It, It Is consldored 111 bred to break or
crumb bread Into your soup nt n dinner
Avoid eating vegetnblos with n spoon. Eat
thoso with a fork. In n word, observe the
rule not to eat anything with n spoon that
can bo eaten with a fork.
Do not devour tho last mouthful of soup,
tho last fragment of bread, tho last morsel of
Never stretch across another's pinto In or
der to reach anything; avoid nsklng your
nolghbor to pass articles, when there is a ser
vant In nttemlance.
A gentleman, should not fall, nt dinner,
to rise when the ladles leavo tho table. Re
main standing until they bnvo left tho room,
ami then reseat yourself If you Intend to re
main for cigar.
Society's Demand of a Ho t trs.
Certain hostesses In curtain cities have be
come enormous social powers; they have tact
nnd Intelligence, thoy become tho admired of
men nnd the envied of women. Certain wo
men who have no social position know that
if they nre seen nt such a house, Introduced
by such a woman, tholr social position can
bo advanced. As such n hostess is very apt
to bo good hearted, many uudcslrablo people
get Into society through her good naturcd but
Inconsiderate introductions. Society may be
a falso condition of things, but it demands of
n hostess tho highest order of virtues. She
must bnvo solf possession, memory nnd tact,
coolness and gentleness, and composure, po
ll tonesa and seronlty, Hut she must also havo
tho negative virtue of knowing whom not .to
introduce, sometime a very hard thing to
Don't Make Endless Adleux.
Avoid making endless adloux in parting
with friends. Tlio woman who begins at th
top of tho stairs, and overflows with fare
well nnd parting admonitions every stop on
tho way down, nnd reiat thorn a hundred
tlmm at tho door, simply madden tho man
who Is her escort, he he br husband or lover.
IJo iMrsuadcd, ladies, to say "good-by" onoo
and buvo done with It.
Knur Cooled Clock, or How tlio Chil
dren of thn Celestial Umpire Tell tho
'I lino of I lii.v hy Illumining thn Pupil
or n Cut's i:e.
Uvrrjlxxly knows that cat can o In the
dm k, niul tlio re'iMin thoy can do so Isbo
cnuioof llio peculiar construction of tholr
eyes. You may havo noticed lu a inodernto
light tho pupil or black part of pussy' eyt
is small mid of mi oval stint), while In n full
glnro of light It tieconio so narrow ns to look
llko n met o silt.
a roun rooTKn ci.ook.
Now In tho dnrk It expands to a clrclo nnd
ncnrly Mil tl o surfneo of tho oyoball, that
II. collect and transmit to the ictlnatho
fnltit rays of light that nro lu what appears
to our moro limited power of vUiou to bo
nbsoluto darkness. ,
This jiecullarlty of tho cat's eye Is turned
touccoiiiit lu ucurlouA manner by tho Chi
noo. ThoAbbolIuo related that when he
was traveling lu China ho nskeil his attend
ant what time, It wax. Tho man went ton
cat that was qiilntly basking In tho sun and
examining Its ryos told tho ahlw that It was
about two hour utter noon. On being que,
tiouod how ho knew that ho explained that
the pupil of u cat' o) tm worn largest in tho
morning, nnd thnt thoy gradually grow
smaller a tho light Increased until thoy
reached their minimum at noon, that then
they began to widen again, until at night
thoy onco moro bocmno largo.
Tho good nbbo was filled with admiration
for tho Ingenuity of a oplo who could uso
cut as clocks. Hut it must bo admitted that
this way of telling tho tlmo of day is rather
n loose one, mid could only Imi trusted lu very
serene, clear weather, for temporary gloom
or tho darkness of n storm would sadly do
rnngo tho four footed clock mid put It nil
Tlio Weaving of Lire's Web.
Jom Phillips, ns represented in our cut, is
at vhat ho calls "a loose end," which means,
I suppose, that ho ha nothing to do; and
from his nppcarnneo one would imagine that
his want of occupation I not troubling him
very much. Just now ho Is watching a troop
of Irish harvest men on their way to Farmer
Gray's, and presently ho will stroll down tho
villngo to kco If nny other Idlo person I
lounging nbout there who can join him In
planning a "lark" for tlio nftcrnoou or oven
lug. So tho day will pass, and it will bo
straugo if Jom gut to tho end of It without
doing something wrong.
AT a loosi: urn
Wo henr tho expression "nt a looso end"
from tho lips of both young nnd old fnr too
often. If our wob cf llfo Is being woven
carefully and neatly thero should be no such
thing n n looso end about It fttch shred of
tlmo nud energy has Its "place, and If it Is
wasted It will bo missed by nnd by when
thero is no chance of recovering it, Tho
looso end, onco dropped, can never bo woven
In again. Itemombvr, then, that the odd
minutes, tho lcUuro hour., tho days sot apart
for rost or recreation, linvo tlielr value, and
must lio accounted for as exactly as tlio peri
ods of tlmo which are devoted to regular
work. Tho weaving of our llfo wob
Is continuous; It growth keeps paco
with our own, and though wo may spoil
It, we. can never for a momout cease
from working nt it. Tho threads nro count
less, tho pattern constantly chonglng, but wo
havo not a slnglo thread placed in our hand
which Is not needed. If you havo an odd
mlnuto depend ujion it thero is nn odd duty
to bo dona In it; nml if you wnsto the min
ute, tho duty will perhaps l left undone al
together, or, nt nny rate, It will bo done nt
the wrong tlmo or by tho wrong person, nnd
bo the pnttern of your own llfo or of somo
body cko' llfo will not bo just what God in
tended it to be. Wo inane a sad mess of our
weaving, oven when wo uro doing our very
best; but wo may always be suro that wo aro
spoiling it if wo como to "a Ioomj ond."
IYarl Diamond's Mental Arithmetic,
My name is Mental Arithmetic, I am a
book, and I belong to a llttlo girl of tho
namo of Pom I Diamond. I am tbo book she
does not like. If she does not know her les
son sho will mako n terrible fnco at mo nnd
shako mo. Somotlmw I think my back will
como oft", as If it was my fault that sho does
not know her lesson. Dut it 1 not; I ara
there prlntod right beforo her. I havo some
very hard examples In my life, I was very
pretty when she first bought mo, but I am an
old, torn, dirty book now.
When tho teacher says, "CHrls, In order for
mental," somo pupil pout. Thou I am
thrown lu tho desk, and then when sho takes
out another book I am suro to fall and get
hurt, and sho Is so mad because I fell thar
tho kicks mo very hard. Then tho throw
mo in the desk ns hard as she can, at if it was
my fault thnt I fell out Now tho strangest
thing of all Is this little girl's mamma al
ways calls hor "Pearl, dear." I do not un
derstand that, when the is to mean and spite
ful to me, a poor book, who Is not to buuns
for having been made. Do you I
Term Crrnln Applied lo IVmmu
Hum Ni-ur thn Tropic.
Creole Is u corruption of tho KkiiiIIi wnrd
crlollo, which slgnlllot ono Ihu-ii In Aiiuiicii
or tho West Indies of KuropOHti mu-itdiiis.
In this sense nil tlio native wlntn viplc of
tho United State might ho called tiixilo
Hut tho word In It Ituglisli form lias under
gouo Imth a limitation and nu extension. It
Is limited to erwiii born within or near tho
tropic, mid I inmta lo Include croii of nil
colors. Thus tho lerin cmilo negro Is em
ployed In tbo Itugllsli Went Indies to dlstln
gulsh tho negroes born thero from tho Afri
cans Imputed during the tlmo of thosluro
trade. Thl application of tho term to tho
colored pcoplo has led to an Idea common lu
somo pari of tho United Hliitcs, though
wholly unfounded, thnt It implies nu admix
ture, groutor or less, of Afi icau blond.
(.'untie (lurili'ii.
Ciistln Garden, Now York, wns originally
laid out as n tough fortification, nt Dm most
southern part of Manhattan Island, in 1(110
It w as subioquuntly known as Fort Nassau
then, under tlio Dutch, as Fort William. It
was surrendered by tho Dutch to tho Eng.
Ilsh, and then chrisU'iied Foit James. It
took tho namo of Custlo Garden soon after
.lio breaking out of tho Involution. It was
Viuilt for mid iim.iI us a fortllleation. In 1817
It wo ojicned as a plnco of amusement, and
for n number of year was occupied a such.
Jenny Mud inndo her llrst apviranco in
America tljorc, under tho management of P
T. llnrnum, Sept, 11,1850. Tho celebrated
Jiillen concert wero nNo given there. Dur
ing tho summer of 1MI, IBM nnd 1&V1 kov
ernl noted ojieratlo artist upcarcd thero
under tho managomciitof Max Marot7ck. It
ha been occupied ns an emigrant lauding
depot sluco August, 1S.V.
Senators President.
Tho question has been asked: Wn thero
over a president elected thnt had been United
Stnte senator
Answer John Qulncy Adams was elected
United Stntes senator ami served from Oct,
17, 1803, font full term; Jamo Monroo was
United State honntor, from ITIH) to ITDIj
Andrew Jackson from Nov.STJ, 17117, to April,
ITOS; Martin Van Huron from Dec, 0. I!l,
to Doe. 'J()v 1828: Franklin Plerco from Sept.
4, 1B.T7, to 181',', and James Huchanau, Dec,
lf, 18IH, to March, 18-13. Andrew JoIiiimiii,
who was elected vice president and bcenmo
president of tho United Stntes, wusn t'tilted
Stnte senator from Tonn R3ee, serving from
Deo. 7, 1837, until ho wnsnppointed by Piesi
dent Lincoln to lio military govornor of
Tennessee, March 4, lfifl'J.
Tho lleurllts of Salt.
Dr. Jacobl maintains that salt !sneco:ary
in milk ns well ns vegetable, for sick or well,
nnd csjieclally for children. Its action In
tho circulation Is well understood; It en
hance tho vital processes, mainly by nccel
crating tlssuo changes through tho elimina
tion of moro urea nnd carbonic ncld; It
prevents tho solid coagulation of milk by
cither rennet or gustrlo Julco. Tho cow'
milk ought never to bo given without tublo
salt, and thu latter ought to 1k added to n
woman' milk when it behaves llko cow'
milk In regard to solid curdling nud conse
quent indlgestibillty.
Coca 1 tho dried leaf of n South Ainoncnn
throb, valued. for Its stimulating nnrcotio
properties, which It I Hiid to possess In a
greater degrco thnn opium, totincco or any
other vegetable production. Tho leave me
gathered and dried in tho sun, nud mixed
with quicklime, nnd nro chawed by tho Pe
ruvian Indians, tho effect lielng to support
tho strength for n considerable tlmo lu t lie
absence of food. It uo I attended wltl
pernicious consequences, ns tho appetite foi
it increases, and tho power of resUtauco di
minishes, until nt last death comes as a ro
ller. Itrd Tupo llnreiui.
"Red Tope Uiirenu" means nny depnrt-
moni wuero uusiness is transacted through a
regular routine. Tlio term rarer to olllcial
formality, and It is m called from tho red
tnpo used In public olllccs for tying up of
ficial documents. Tho "Iteil Tnpo Ilurenu"
I synonymous with tho "Circumlocution
Onico" hi Dickens' "Llttlo Dorrit," which ho
deficrllioN ns tho chief of "public departments
lu tho nrt of perceiving how not to do It."
Tho Oldest Kiiriipciin Tongue.
Tho oldest EiiroiMMti lunguago Is that
spoken In tho Unsipio provinces in Spain,
nnd also In Navarro. It I called the Hasquo
lnnguago, and Is spokou by nbout 000,000
French nnd Spanish people. It cannot bo
classed with any Indo-Eiiiopenn or Semitic
tongue, nnd appears to bo of earlier origin,
presenting some grammatical analogies with
Mongol, North American mid certain Eust
African languages.
Trunk! In's Kpltapti.
Many persons havo written their own epi
taph. Franklin wroto his, which wns as
follows: "Tho lody of Ilenjnmln Franklin,
printer (like t)io cover of an old book, Its
content torn out nnd stript of it lettering
nnd gilding), He her, rood for worm; yet
tho work itself shnll not bo lost, for ft will
appear onco moro in n now nud moro beauti
ful edition, corrected and amended by tho
Origin of n Term.
Tho term "sinews of wnr," ns applied to
monoy raked for war purposes, was tlrst
used by Jacob Cats, n Dutch ioot and states
man of tho Soveuteetuh century. In one of
his works ho says: "Tho prowess of the sol
dier or tho power of tho statesman amount
to nothing unless the monoy men supply the
tluows of war."
Tho Irish I.iuicuaRo.
According to census returns, tho Irish
languago i spoken exclusively by nbout 820,.
000 icrsonJ, principally In tho provinces of
Minister and Conuaught, and both English
and Irish by about 1,200,000, thus showing
thut with nearly one-fourth of the populatlou
of Ireland it is still a living tongue.
Without taking Into account tho small
variations duo to refraction, eta, tho days
and nights nre always of equal length at all
points on tho equator, without regard to the
poattlon of the ecliptic.
A Duty of electors.
If the nominee for president should die the
night beforo election tho election would be
hold and Ills doctors would cLjom a now
man. Greeley died before the college met.
Tho Courtly l'lurnl.
Tho uso of "we" Instead of "I" by sover
eigns Ijegan in England with King John,
UW. Tho German emperors and Frtucn
kings used tho plural about 1200, '
Th Wool Crop.
The United States raised in 1870 165,681,
751 pound of wool, and Ijnportod In 1870, 150,
003,165 pounds of wool; In 1880, 128,191,747,
and In lbS7, 114,404,174
inest: Production.
i ;
r l
(-1. .
Jams'. California Pear Cider.
This delicious summer beverage Is made in California, from vcrv lipe mellow
Hnrtlett Pears, In the height of thu ripening seat-on mnnv tons of pears btcome too
ripe for shipping or cunning purpose, they can then he utnllzed by pressing them into
elder. I he fresh juice 1 boiled down two gallons into one, nml Is then btinincd through
pulverised char coal. This homing, condensing mid straining completely deuroys fcr
mcntatlon.nnd the elder ever afterwards i cumins sweet nnd good and is a most health v
nnd nutritious nrticle for family use.
Knowing there nro innny spurious ciders sold In this market we offer I lie nbov
explanation with the eminent testimonial of Piof. J. II. Long. Very Respectfully,
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Sole Proprietors,
San Jose, California. 39 x. Stnte Street Chieng .
THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Gentlemen: '
I have made made a chemical examliintfon of the snmple of Jarvls' Pear Cider
submitted to me n few days ngo, and would report these points among others noted.
The liquid is non-nlcohollc and hns a specific gravity of 10.65. The total cxtrne
live matter amounts to 10.25 er cent., containing only .025 per cent of free ncld. The
tests show this acid to bo malic acid as usually found in fruit juices. I find no olhcr
ncld or foreign substance ndded for color or flavor.
I believe ib. therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear ns represented.
Yours truly,
J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist,
Chicago Medical College,
San Jose, Cnl. 39 N. State St. Chicago.
W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman.
Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants.
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