F"J"J""'!"J"!"Jy5viT v- n r" i?--- -?y-r-r'vr'i!rtm''', ""-v tl" ' '""" ",-antwnw""" -" 'Mry"-? pmwimw. jupwup" wminpipwy iywnp q5R?J'-'W.w & Br 4 h fc ' ("S n hy fefc BE- ft' kv -. fr m .. t FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK MADRAS $ CHENILLE -CURTAINS- With Sash Curtain to match. The Nobbiest Line of Curtains of all kinds In both American anil foreign Textures. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the Latcit Novelties of Wood dml Metal. Prices Hock Bottom. A.: M. Davis & Sorj. EFFLEY K- 134 South 12th St., CASH SALE) EVERYTHING MUST GO! REGADDLESS OF COST. Having decided to go out of the dry goods business, under the hope of improving my health. I Will offer all goods at 25 per cent off the origina price, except "Domestics" which we.will close at cost O. R. OAKLEY & CO. 1031 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. FOR FINK TRADE. ED. CERF & CO., 005 0 STllLET. Have just received a largo anil elegant lino of Gold and Silver headed Fine Bilk UMBRELLASANDCANES Of tho latest designs. Also their new invoice of STYLISH : SPRING : CLOTHING. Underwear, Soft nnd SUIT Hutu, etc. GotoEdCerf&Co., for your Gent's Furnishings and AVOID PAYING FANCY PHICES. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, er PURE - I ynyr-ty. 7$v7yrxjs"z$s m & OFFICE TT 1040 g O STREET . b slit, rJi-vfr iVtjvz sfcJ. I "1 Not cut fiom the Filthy Salt Creek but from the Clenr nnd I'mc Waters of --OAK CREEK- Dcllvcicd to all parts of the citv nt rc.isonnhle prices. JOYCE, CHOICEMILLINERY, 123 North 15th Street, For MAN ! 2r9 " VBSSr mar &' Mmv .CiT. Jv Mustang TdUV z&:rt LUnTOOLIT, nSTZmrB. j- TELEPHONE $ , 1 . OMAHA. For BEAST !l ' w7SftuN Liniment a S8r$r y' K "W .Si . B X .V Vo- a r! xt; 3- -2 c ll8 "5 $ NUMItEK -5 ' it, ij ft i rtrJ rCrCV suJr sAtSi LITTLE LIVE LOCALS. A MelntiRa of Ileum, rerpitnn) mill Other Avion Alunil Our I'mipln. No iiroupccU of f nt yet, MI- KlngMoy in vMtluic In Denver. Mm. K. T. Ondd U vWtliiK In Hontrlee. Mrs. M. Trenim) left Thursday for ChlenKO. MIm Llbblo I logo In vIMthiK her (Inter In Denver. Thermometer Moriw nro drug on tho market. Mrs. M. W. Kroner started Thumlny for Lnporte, Iud, Mr. II. J. WnlMt lcnve today for n trip to Niagara Falls. Work has boon tagun on the Christian col lege foundation. "Mulvvmia's Flirtation" nt the Fuuka next Tuesday evening. II. II. Oakley left Ratunlay to rejoin hi family In California, Mr. II. L. Colomnn and wlfo went toltapld City, 1). T., Thursday. , Mis Tilllo lloonoy Is homo after nearly n month's visit nt McCook. C, C. Piico engineered a b.R sale of Innd In Perkins county this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hat per linvu gout) to Helenn, Mont,, to setld tho summer. Mrs. Tlioums Noonan nnd dntiKhter nro on J ivIiib the summer nt Denver. Miss Mary l'otvln left 'Vodnenday for n visit of sovernl woeks In Denver. Dr. Marina shows soma Improvement this week, hut ho is still n very sick man. It. N, I'nrk and family left Tlmrwlny for CroHMo, Wlf their future home. Mrs. Helen Foreman left Thurwlny for New Yirk to lay in n new stock of ro1s. Miss Lymt Ihxich loft Tlmrwlny for Gi anil Haplds, Mlcli., on n visit of sovernl wwtks. Tho Domestics nnd O'Neills play n match gnmoof ball ntCuxlunan park this afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. I). H. Slovens left Thurwlny for I'ortxmnuth, Ohio, via tho Union I'aclllc. Mr. It. O. Phillips' olcgnnt now rofldenco, Nineteenth mil I) Ntrcots, hns liecn couuuenc el. Mrs. J. C. Mcllildo und dnuehtor Itlrdlo nro dondlng n fow weoks nt Mllf 3rd on tho Dlue. John Lyons left Saturday for Denver to take n Kwltion in n morchuutllo establish ment. Meters. MeAithur nnd Gcorgo Camp with their families will go into camp at Milfonl next week. MIhs Grnco M. Ilnrrott loft on Ratunlay lust for KingHvillo, Ohio, tosiiend tho month of AllRlHt. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrry I'orrymnu nro now residents in tho IIoiirlliliig town of Hlotir Falls, D. T. V. C. Zeiglr IxMiglit n tickot of Agent SIoksoii Thursday nnd is now enrouto to Tn coma, W. T. Haydcn & Flanlgan, hardware merchanU, closed their doors Tuesday. Lick of capital wns the cnuse. Prof. E. "W. Hunt left Tuesday for Clnr uuce, N. Y,, whero ho will remain until tho university omus. Ilov. E. H. Itnlston of tho Vlymouth Con grvgational church, is ending n short vaca tion nt Brooklyn, N Y. Mayor Sawyer made his first apearanco on tho street Thursday. Ho rtxmlred the aid of a crutch to K't about. Messrs. J. H. MoMurtry nnd F. M. Hall have returned from Colorado. Their families remain In tho mountain?. Mr. Morris of Itudgo & Morris, with his family, and Prof, llnrber and family will camp nt Milfonl noxt week. Mrs. IV. Ii, Ilownn nnd daughter, left Tues day for Syracuse, N. Y., for a visit during tho balatico of tho heated term. Mr. J no. C. Ilonuoll of this city has Itccn appointed advertising ngont of tho Union Pn cltlc with headfiunrters at Omaha. Tho liver and kidnoys must Ira kept in good condition. Hood's Sarsaparllla is a great remedy for regulating theso organs. O. A. Mohreustocher of the firm of Her (K)lhelnior & Co., has gone to Now York nnd Philadelphia to buy u big stock for tilt lr fall trade, Mr. Guile of Louisiana, Mo., a brother of A. D. of this city, has moved Ids family and worldly lot to Lincoln nnd located on C street near Tenth. Itov. E. II. Chnpln nnd family tlepnrted Tuesday tor tho east. Tho llrst stop was made nt Kiikwood, III., whero Ilov. Chnplu's parents reside. Mr. Clem Cliuso of tho Omaha Kxcelntor Is being felicitated by his numerous friends on his acquiring tho dignity of a papa, which oc cured last week. Mrs. L. E. Donaldson, mothor of the opu lar theatrical manager, Mr. Iloliert Mcltoy nolds, started Thursday for Evansvlllo, Intl., hur former homo. LADIES, before making your departure for tho summer vacation don't fail to call and oilier some of our now calling cards which no will print on short notice. A noto received yestonlay at tho CouniElt olllce from Dr. C F. Ladd gives the interest ing nevtH that ho is enjoying life In its bright est phuMM nt Wliito Hull, Illinois. Mr. PorUir neilgo was called to Onkuloosa Tuesday by a telegram announcing the seriwus illness of his father. The aged gentleman was dead when Mr. Hodgo nrrivod. Manager Mclteynolds will lw tendered n tienellt nt tho Funko next Tuesday evening, tlio eccentric comedians, Barry & Fny np pooring In "McKennn's Flirtation." Mrs. F. A. Drown left Hatunlay for Day ton, O,, to sjiend tho Imlnuce of the summer, whllo our corpulent Mr. II. will tussle with the eirects of old Sal while hatching It. Mrs. L. T. Gaylonl and daughter Minnie wro enjoying mountain llfo near Denver. They will lo gnuo soutiiI weeks, and wotrust Mix Gajlonl's health will bo benefited. Mr. Ed Church was In a ferment of excite ment nil duy "Wednesday, nnd for n good reiiMiii Mrs. Church having on that dny pi e swited him ith n lovely little daughter. Hon. Patrick Egan returnwl homo Thurs- day from the rait, Mr. Egan embraced the opportunity to call on General Harrison, who pxpieed himself as confident of success. Dr. Dnlby nnd wlfo left Wednesday for Albion, III., on a visit of several weeks to their former homo, Tho doctor will stay nlsmt two weeks, but Mrs, Dalby will remain longer nt tho old homo. Mr, nnd Mrs. Frank Webb nro rejoicing over the arrival of a lino, healthy-looking boy whocamoto their homo last Satunlay. It has cost Frank threo boxes of cigars nlrwidy, but he is recklessly happy. Tho west wall of the burned MeConnell building on 0 street was blown In on New mail's btoro Thurwlny evening and demolished things generally, several Krsons In the stoio uni row ly escaping Injury. Mr, Beth Moore, a farmer near Blackburn, Mo., wyH ho would not tnko llUOUfortho lsmoflt ho received from Chnmberluiu's E o and Skin Ointment. It cured him of chnmio sore eyes of many years standing. It also oun totter and salt-i heum. Sold by W. J. Turner. Mr. K. Hnllett nnd family nro enjovlnpc camp life at Milfonl near tho banks of the Blue. Mr. Hnllett cnino down for several days this week to look after business and re turned t camp Thursday, Mrs. Henry Zehmng, uciimipitnlisl by her daughter Miss Nellie and win Harry, nin KKndlng sm eral weeks vUltlng nt thelMtld homo nt West Point, Neb. Mr Zeluung Is rusticating nt homo Imtchlnjj It, Mr. Htillmnu and wife, late of 1niWntm, Mo., and a hiothilulnw of Mr. 0, H. Flet cher lias concluded that Llurolu is n K1! enough place to pitch Ids tent nnd i-oiiMspiont-ly Is now n full fledged I.lncohilte. Mr. J. II. Htnnlo left yestcnlny for Hot Springs, Dak., via tho Klkhorn. Ho has bcn n mifferer from rhomuntlsm, nnd will try the ofllcncy of the springs In palliating his nllllc tlon. He will be nlwont about two weeks. Mrs. L. II. Hobblui ilM nt her home In this city Wednesday morning. She hud Iksii n resident of Lincoln tor many years, nnd had endeared henwlf to a host of friends who mourn her loss nnd extend thlnr nyninthy to tho lennvel family. .Messrn, John Stout, Will Maxwell, (leorn MuArthur nnd Clmrllo nnd Frank Burr leave tomorrow for u mouth's camping out In the wilds of Wyoming. They go fully supplied with ever tiling necessary for n uood time. Thondveitls incut of Ashhy & Mlllaugh printed In red In last week's CountKli nttrac Uxl wldesprvad attention nnd wns the subject of much comment, Ashby ei.M lllxpnughnre among the most IIIhtiiI uilvertlxerH In the city nnd their trade Is correspondingly large. Nearly two hundred eoplo nttendisl tho W. C. T U. social at "Orehnnl Homo," tho residence of Mr, nnd Mrs. A, Unbelts, Wed. lies iny evening. Ice cream, enko nnd lemon ndewtfromrvisl, and n neat sum netted for tho union. It wns a veiy plenwiut tKvnslon, Tho Woiklugmeu's Building AKsm-latlon is a now coihmny Just liii'oiMrat'l. The ob ject is to sell houiies and lots nnd vacant lots on nwntlily payments, Mr. Alexis Halter Is secretary nnd manager, city, while W. C, Austin attends to business nt tho woolen milk Tho Flint PrcHhyterlnn church held their animal picnic at Cushmau park Tuesday. Nearly thn'o hundred sisous boarded the train nt !i o'cliK'k, returning nhout half-past eight. Boating, swinging ami divers other Hiiiuseiueuls helped jiass n most delightful nfteriKMin, The olllce forco of tho CouniKH nro under obllgntions to Hnrgreaves llros. for two lus cious watermelons sent up to help dissipate tho heat of Tuesday. If they Hit) indicative of tho quality furnished their customers by tho Hnrgreaves Bros. Lincoln mortnls nm In deed fortunate. Tho corpulent form of Tom Low cry of Lowroy Bros., Is not sxsm on our streets theso hot days. Mr. Iiw ley loft Thuisday for Du luth and after a shot t stay there will go west to look up the grain pro-oets of that section. During his alsenco the junior menilK.r of tho Arm, tho genial George, has charge of tho of fice. Miss Tilllo Ho loft Thursday for a fow months visit nt her old home in eastern Iowa, Quite n number of friends gathered at her homo, corner Sixteenth and (I streets Wed nesday evening, nnd gnve her a farewell re ception. The, evening was passed nt gumes, music and kindred amusements, mid nil voted ft n plensnut occasion. CoimiKli leaders will oblige tho publishers by sending in the names of all such peoplo as are swudlug tho summer nhioad. On our eighth pago will bo noticed a long list of I.lu colnitoH who nro abroad nnd as It is our aim to get this list complete wo kindly nspjost you to nsslst us In furnishing such desired infor mation as you may Ik) to ublo impart. Mr. W. H. Berger, who recently returns! from the northwest, has concluded to live, la hornnd love Lincoln hereafter tatter than nny plnco on earth, and accordingly has pur chased the broom manufactory of N. W. Fra iler. Tho olllce and salesroom has Ih-oii mov ed to 111.1 und 1115 P street, when) Mr. Ber ger will be pleased to meet his friends nnd the tiudo. MisiZadlo Rector, who recently returned from Cincinnati where slio completed n course nt tho Cincinnati College of Music, is, wo are pleastsl to state, meeting with abundant suc cess In establishing u class for iiiHtiuiueutal music. Miss Zadlo is a thorough scholar nnd in teaching the rudiments of this charming accomplishment to thoo HeeHng knowledge thereof Is competent to successfully llHti net all. During tho mst wek she has added twelve new pupils to her class, A ltollnlitful lteci ration Trip, On Tuesday A. C. Zlemer nnd wifo loft for Duluth, Minn., for a mouth's visit and rcc itMitloii. They loft there Thursday via Like .Michigan steamship lino for Buffalo, which is over a thousand miles entirely by wubir. They are nrcomanlcd this fnr by Mrs. II. P. Foster nnd children. Enrouto they will stop nt Detroit, Clevolaud nnd other prominent cities. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Zicmer will visit Cincinnati, Niagara Falls and as many other points of Interest ns they may find. Mrs. Foster and children leave tho irty at Buffalo to go to Geneva, N. Y. Tho CouilIKIl extends best wishes for an enjoyable trip l.ndlos Niinmtei' Costumes, Our female friends ba oof course noticed from time to tlmo tho many lsjuutiful Illus trations published in our fashion detriment uniler bending "Whnt Shall Wo Wearf Tiik Coi'HiKH is lensel to noto tho success with which this feature of tho paper is meeting nnd accordingly It shall bo our endeavor to lniprov o same and mnku it oven mora Inter esting hereafter. In this Issuo wo publish two very pretty ' illustrations, one Bhowing u complete dress, including lint nnd parasol, all being mado of I white material, while tho other bhows a vor) attractive bodlcx,t lutcntlng description of Isith ara given and wo me suro our lad) i enilers will llnd the entire column of notes intent ting. Another department on our iusido jwigo contains several interesting nrtlcles on nle nacs nnd fancy work about the homo. It is under head of "All Aiound tho Hoiiko" mid " tho two Illustrations of lloml woi k w ill cer tainly lw pleasing to the eo of e ery lover of mi nttractlvo homo These depuitmeiits m umn every week hi The Couihkii. Slurried, Mr. Will Holimnu of this city was inariltd on Thuisday of last wuek to Mls Flora M Iteno, at thobiido's homo in low a City, Iowa Thojoung couple bnve nnived Intliotity, nnd nre now at homo to friends. Mr. Hob iii-in Is well known In Lincoln, bos been chief clerk for Mr J. C Kin- for a number of years, and numbers his f i lends by thesooio. The CouilIKIl extends congratulations to the , huppy young couple, nnd wishes them all tho ' happiness ncconled to inoi tals. Now that the season for using Ice has com ' menciHi it ieiioovis consumers to lw very rnreful what they use. Much of the lee now adnys ushI Is impuro nnd eonduche of lad rer.ults to good health. The ice sold by the Lincoln Ice commiiy cut from Oak envk Is sti ictly pure und healthy and will lw deliver ed to any part of tho elty. Uvive onleii. nt HMO O street or telephone No, I IS. Pnnuols, to close stock, very.eheup at Her polsheimer & Co. - - AT jVLiller'S Special attention is paid to DRESS G00DSI Stock Large. Assortment Complete. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. J. E. MILLER'S : . 145 South Tenth Street. EVERYBODY KNOWS That wc Keep n general assortment of CLOTHING ! And Gents' Furnishings. All the Latest stlc 111 Collars, and the season's novelties In Ncckwcnr. KINK LINEN COLLARS, 1 l'A crs. Call nnd sec us If jou want to j;et jjood In our lire jut ten per cent cheaper than nt nny other BAKER, The Clothier, 1125 O STREET. IT'S THE THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that vill cut high grass. Guar anteed to gio satisfaction. Call and see it. ZEHRUNG & HENKLE, Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, etc. Quick Meal Stove. RUDGE S MORRIS, 1122 N Street. ' PPM m VvMlH HHHB .tllFIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIllllil.llliiiiiiib- IHIB H house In town. BEST MADE. I 1 1 2myifr Mtv. .Mi.,r. Jjim , UI..M.-I I1 '- U,-.titl., - --J- igitiiaWiili tn..i'i.r-.