Capital city courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1885-1893, August 04, 1888, Image 2

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    wj-iwwrhip" ?'
Ml '" jfr nlft
Make tlic itrosoi ntlon ul llc iialuru
teeth ft specialty In nil Known, nppiova
method. Golil nuil iwrrelnlti crown
t.nmili'il on the natural loot.
All operation performed wltliot pnlu
SatMnetlon guiiiiiuteeil.
We, tlio unilrislgiuil nro iHTwjimllj; no
nualntal Jonto, who Is lo Iwiyij
us soon nnl engage In tlio prnetlcn of tlotttIM
rvln vourrltv.
Wo can unlieMlnllngly m-onnni'iul hlui n4
a thorough mimlKr of hi iiioicmIoii, uuil we
nro suro Hint nil win VwitruiUil to him will
tohkilirnlly hi loi mod,
J, Uniiimuiii.I., M. 1).
1W W. MoMann, M. 1).
j. K. Mi'AiiAih,M.RAI. U.
J. Jl ItAi.Uiiimiii, i. I. H.
Oai"skii. Im.inoih, Jnu. '-'J, iw7.
115 North Eleventh St., Lincoln, Hob,
Ovor llnllelt'a .leweliy Wore.
Undertakers andErabalmers.
212 North nth Street,
Windsor Hotel Annex,
Telephone, Ollleo 145. Hchldcnco 15(1.
Open lny nnd Nllit,
Hlnndlng th
met Hint Fho-
togruiih Imvl-
on reilu oU
n nliout luilf
tho former
vrleo wo have
engnged t h e
service nf one
ortliobest tin
Uliei In New
York to (nice
rhnrgoof Hint
ilrpnrluiout ot
Ibentuillo Our
olnirlHHiinll le
untiring tb
give each em
tumor onttre
KitUfnot In 0
Miperlor work
done lifforo.
CaMnets, $3 per Dozen,
It has No Equal,
Finest nnd ltcst Mndc.
Ladles arc Invited to call and ee these;
summer commodities nnd nlno Inspect our
magnificent Mock of Ci oakery. Lump, nnd
Art 6-lasswaxe
Crll and see uur htock. Pi Ices low and
everything the very lafett.
. S. C. Elliott.
In tlwMty nil rums from
Graham Brick Stables,
1027 street, whsre nil kind' of
limits, Carriages or Saddle Horses.
Can be tnulnt any time, dnyj
or night on short notice,
well taken cam of nt lensonulilo rnierf
,M 011 and w us. 1(7 ft street, or glvo
c orders by Telephone 1 ft.
IWcr Viedln Work IndiilaTl In During
tlw Hummer Hrim.
Mntt," I' dljrji iiduimii to neoomplMi a great of tty nml uiul fnnoy work during
Uiolo .ifficr iln) s of visiting; rtnd com-
psx.UI iv To ho ngrvonhlo In warm
went' i norlc mint ho with Unlit ma
terial I i ill enough to Ui remllly lukon
up or I M I islilo.
Tor t , .o jiuhroldery or dmwn
ivoik in ) it'll No fn vin ( Olio ran nmkn
with It n variety of pretty thing), Including
carving nod ten cloth, ilolllcs, summer man
tlo Rem fn, Inncait covers, chair hacks, eta
Whltn linen, fringed out, furnished with a
lwnlcr of drawn work nml stamiKil nnd
worked In bright colored embroidery silk
nnd silver nhd gilt thread, give Very rich
nud olognut effect. Thin It nil excellent
tlmo In which to reuow olio' supply of wash
stand tplnhcni nnd mats, for nothing I
plenmiuter to Work on than tho dotted mull
or Swiss Unit , makes tho very ilnlntlest of
toilet set. CIkmwo mull with rnther largo
dots, thnt nro fnr nart, nud eiuhroldor It with
daisies. Work eneh dot over la luitlu stltcli,
with yellow nrV gold silk for tho contor of
thodnliiy, nndmnko tlin petals of whit?: or
lot tho center bo brown nnd tlionotols yellow.
A full net of tlili kind, including nil tho
pieces necessary for bureau nnd washstAiul,
and lined with sateen lu u dollento Miado of
pink, yellow, bluo or green, U vory protty on
tho enameled wood bedroom furntturo now
so popular.
Menu on(t finest Cards.
Menu nnd guest card nro nlwnjn varying,
though ttiero i nothing very novel. Just at
preiout there nro single cplit put jkhU, with
tlio pons showing, most truo to nature; car
of ripe wheat, slnglo fenthei s, unrrow Blips
of gilt edged cnnlbonrd with ono corner
turned down, or sepurnto, detached petals of
roeii, orchid, lilies, oto., on which tho
guoHt'M inline li written. Tl.o jotnU look
very natural, ospeclnlly tho pink roso onei.
Wlien thoy nro on tha table tho menu In lu
tho form of tho full flower ohu, vtlth "Menu"
stamped or written In tho center, nnd tho
dUhe on tho petal consecutively. Tho
llowcr It spread opon for wrlfug, nnd lightly
closed together to stand on tho table. Homo
cards combine menu and guest cards, "Menu"
written outsldo In light metallic letters, with
a slip below for tho name. Tho dishes nro
written Inside. Celery heads nro novel for
menus nud look wonderfully rent Bomo
now envelopes have a simulated minlaturo
walklugstlck, with largo golil head, run
ihrotigh the flap. Mos green Is n now color
tor frame, writing table articles, purses, etc.
rrrrlnB lloo Imt.
Tho pleasant woik of gathering roso leaves
Is best douo early in tho morning or lata In
Ihoovcnlug, Shako Intoawldo basket tho
petals from rcc that aro about to fall to
piece. The rose louven should bo spread out
ou sheet laid down in a dry place whero
tha wind will not disturb thorn. Roso leaves
gathered on dllTerent days should not be
mixed, but each collection ou tho sheet should
bo stirred and turned 0 very day; when thoy
aro nil nearly dry thoy can bo heaped to
gether and flnlshod olT on another sheet.
When milto dry put up in self sealing fruit
Jars. Theso dried leaves alouo, pnckwl in as
tight as they can bo pressed down, may bo
used to All n faucy jar which, whon loft open
tor a short tlmo, will port umo a room It tho
roso leaves aro stirred up 11 llttlo.
A New Itecorntlvo Industry.
A now decorntlvo industry has appeared,
under tho name of wood Uiwstry, and is
quite within the reach of lady amateurs.
Tho veneers nro ot real nnd Imitation hard
woods, turned out as thin as shavings; tho
parts of a design composed of theso aro glued
to paper nnd then attached to tho wall by n
paper hanger. The art Ilea in devising good
form nnd combinations of colors, for tho
veneer Is so thin that a well tempered pen
knife llxed lu tho end of nil ovnl wooden
handlo sti dices for tho cutting. Designs may
readily l found suitable for reproduction ot
theso woods that, if well executed, nro calcu
lated to glVo n stately apearauco to rooms
that otherwise would perhaps go without
notablo adornment.
llnmUnme Floral riorum
With other very beautiful flornl designs
lately exhibited by foreign florists nnd re
produced and described by Viok nro tho two
shown in the cuts.
The floral fan has nt its base n little bou
quet of La Franco roses, set off with n fow
sprigs of fern. From this point radiate thin
polished brais rods, each wreathed with
myrtle. Tbco rods dlsapiiear In tho con
necting background of dark scablosn, upon
which rosU a wreath composed of Ln Franco
roses and rosebuds, llllum nnratum nnd
grasses. Tho field is completed by a bonier
of white senbioso, edged with clusters of
clctbra nrborea, and ouUIdo ot all is a fringe
ot isolepis, forming n lace llko margin.
Tlio rich and beautiful horseshoe ha a
groundwork of light blue flowers of stocks.'
upon this and over tno arch aro placed flow
ers of gloxinia in carefully selected shades
of blue, surrounded and Interspersed wfth
grasses, fern and splrea blooms. Two bows
of belIotroM colored ribbon complete tho
Curtains for Country Homes.
For a count' ybouso white or dotted ius
Iln or Madras furnishes pretty and nppro-
nruHQ curuiuw. iuf iuuuiu uo (uiiu iuu,
hemmed ami hung by rings ton rod across
tlw top of tho window mud caught book on
either tide wfth ribbou. Whea even cbper
materials than those mentioned aro dsslred,
cheeso cloth affords curtains that may be
mode quite attractive by tying back with
pretty ribbons.
Romn General Observation.
If I vims to llvo my life onfer again I OS'
poet 1 do no (tetter ash (lofore. No;ody
kuons how to llvo until ho rhas about ready
to die.
In trying to get something for nothing In
ills world we cheerfully buy 13 worth of
cigars fer dor nmn who glfs us n tooekut to a
M.1.J VTJIIV ........ (
I iIiiiiii' soo somo loafer around mldout I
wonder dot nnturo vhns so foolish. Sho could
shust ah well hnf ued oop dot material to
grow fence rails nnd hitching jkmK
If you Hud mo soma man who vlias satis
fied mlt der weather und der icoplo nnd
dcr world, I show you somoliody who vim
rlm for olthor heaven or dor Idiot asylum.
Vhon I llko to Kund on my dnim I forget
dot 1 hnf soma neighbors who may llko to
shlcep, Vhen I like lo shlcep myself my
uolghlior should bo put In shall If ho plays on
der piano.
Wo llko a man who shponks dor truth by
us, und yet shust so soon ash ho tells us some
thing unpleasant wo vhns mad at lilm.
Vhen I hear ahoy whistlo I feel safe. I
know dot so long a ho whistle ho doau' put
up somo shop to shtenl my npplos or curry oir
my front gnto.
If you tnko n man's bad luck und truco It
back you vhllt discover dot ho vims to blmuo
ten time vhero omc)ody olso vhns onco, und
yet ho remembers onlyMot onco,
Wodonn know somo men until doy vhns
gone lo der bad. Den It vhas wo hear nfcry
poly sny how shmnrt und tnlonted dojMhas
nil dor tlmo.
Bomctlme It scorns to mo dot dor world
vhns too wicked to stnnd much longer, nud
dot it vims hnrd to find ono honest, upright
man. I take somo liver medlclno, und lol
dcr uoxt day dcr world vhas good enough
und all men vim all right.
1 lint soen a funeral procosslon a inllo long,
und two weeks lntor 1 hat nsktxl who vhns
burled dot dny, und nopody could remember.
Vhen a man got through mlt dor world dcr
world vims through mlt him. Cnrl Duuder
lu Detroit Free Press.
Tnken to Illinselr.
Mrs. Parshloy (as the boat pitches n trlQe)
-How delightful this llttlo swell is, Mr.
Young Ilrockclsby (complacently) I nl
wnys try to bo entertaining, Mrs. Pawhley.
Nut I)uiigcrntts.
"Iloso Kaektus," exclaimed tho gloomy
lover, "Incu you won't marry mo I've
nothing to llvo for. I'm going to shoot my
self." "Let mo seo your pistol, Mr. Lariat."
IIo reluctantly showed it to her.
"Shoot yourself with n 83-callber pop!"
said tho beautiful Arizona maiden contempt
uously, n sho looked nt tho wenpon. "If
Jou do, nnd It hurts nuy, como to ino nnd 1
will glvo you n plcco of court plnstor." Chi
cngo Tribune.
Why Iln 8topMd Kntlng.
"Polhemus, you look llko n ghost. ITavo
you hnd n spell of hlckncssP "No, Mngrudor;
there's nothing tho matter with mo but my
microscope." "Your microscope! Whntdo
menu!" "I was a happy man, Mngruder,
until my last birthday. My wlfo mndo mo n
present of n microscope, nnd in nu evil hour
I took it nnd liegnu oxnmlulug tho nrticlus of
food wo eat nnd drink, Mugrudor, I've lived
for two necks ou distilled water. It's tho
only thing that Isn't full of unmoless hor
rors." Chicago Trlbuuo.
It Vu Past Color.
"I'm nfrnld that cullco will fade," sho ob
served, ns sho looked nt it lu a doubtful way.
"Oh, no, inn'nm."
"Ever tried It!"
"Yes'm. A woman who had n nress o
this iattern fell Into tho river and her body
was not llshod out for n week. The color
hadn't ntintod in tho least, I assure you."
Detroit Freo Press. .
Always Tlo Truthful.
Father I hear, my' boy, that you nro in
tho habit of telling falsehoods. This grloves
mo to tho heart. Always tell tho truth, oven
though It may bring sulfering uiou you.
Will you promUo rue!
"Yes, sir."
"Very welL Now, go nnd seo who is knock
ing nt tho door. It it is Blngloy, tell him
I'm not nt home." Lincoln Journal.
A Cuo of Ahsentintndcdnets.
'Til never glvo up my scat in n street car
(o a woman ngnln ns long as I llvo!" ho said
"Didn't sho thank you for UP nsked his
"Sho not only didn't thank mo for It, but
two minutes nftcrward sho shoved a nickel
at mo und soldi 'Conductor, stop tho enrat
Forty-second street.'" Now Yoik Sun.
IIo Should ITavo Itrought Bomo Home.
Wlfo You loft mo without a cent this
morning, John, nml tho lusult is there Is
nothing but potatoes ami bread nnd butter
for dinner.
Husband (cheerfully) Oh, well, it's all
right, my dear; I bad a big lunch today at
noou. Now York Sun.
Too I.lbernl.
Tourist What aro your terms, Mr.
Landlord Browno Twenty dollars a weok,
Tourist And what nm I expected to do!
Landlord Do! Why, you surely don't In
tend paying me $30 a week Just for staying
hero, do you! It's too high. Fifteen dollars
would bo enough. Harper's Bazar.
Knew Hint.
DInguw Shadbolt, can you spare Sf
Bhadbnlt Certainly, Dingusj. Hero It is.
Diuguis Thanks. I'll Just give you my
note for tho ainouut
Bbadholt (who knows him) No uso wast
ing ia)or, Dinguss. I told you 1 could spare
tho (3 Chicago Tribune,
A l'rlor Illiiht.
"Seo here, Brown, you took thnt umbrella
from my oIIIm, and 1 waut it."
"I know 1 did, but this umbrella belongs
to Smith."
"What If it doe I stole it first," New
York Suu.
Admitting tho Bon Impediment.
Barber (to uutciuer whoo face looks a
though It had uudergou several surgical cp
rraMoas Tho man who shaved you hut must
have been a fooL
Customer He wsls. I shaved myself,
New York Sun.
Wilder Thought Tlmt Klrklnr Was Too
(liHid fur Mini.
Mnrthnll P Wilder 'mot Nat Goodwin In
the Htrnnd, In Loudon, a fow days ago, and
this Is what pass.Mli
"Hollo. Murxhl I'm IminUomo In my Lon-
don get-up, ain't II Arthur Itohert, told mo
this morning that I looked llko you, anil 1
kicked him."
"Only kicked lilmr respondeil Wilder.
Why. If ho lind sold thnt to mo I would hnve
klllo-i him ou tho S)t," New York World.
IIimt Mret llnrte Oot llrrn.
At n Wedding In London, ono day, thero
wn a guest who seemed notablo from tho
nttentl6n ho attracted. Ills face was deeply
lined, hut very red porhop tho word ruddy
would convoy n Itetter notion of tho tint
tho close cllpK)d mustnehowas black, nnd
tlio hnlr, ns white n snow, parted lu tho
mlildln nnd allowed to fall over the forehead
lu n fasliion that suggested studleildlsoriler.
It whs tho flrst time I had ovor seen Hret
llnrte, nud whilo I looked nt him a man told
mo nlwut ii dinner nt which tho western nov
elist nnd Ueorgn Augustus Sola wero present,
thin hnd liccuuxkodto meet Hnrto, nnd whon
ho nrrlvcd tho itwjutmuut ovor ninrody thnt
Ilnrto had onco written satirizing tho Lou
don correspondent's stylo still rankled In
Hnla's bosom. Tho host took him by tho
arm ns tho guest stood lu tho drawing room
uniting fordlnucr to lie announced, nnd saldt
"Lot mo present you to Sir. Hret llnrte,
"Thanks, no," said the other, shortly and
lu n pointedly loud nnd nggresslvo Umo; "I
don't enro'to know him."
There wns u dend hush for n moment. It
was broken by Hnrto's remarking In n tono
( plncld Inquiry to tho host:
"Is It posslblo that men allow themselves
to drink a heavily as this boforo dinner!"
Tho assumption thnt no, man could bo so
tinpardonably rudo unless actually drunk
pleased tho Ktiglishinan. Thoy crowded
around tho novelist, nnd Bala loft tho house
boforo dinner. Now York Suu.
Only Ono Fourth, Anj-wuy.
Representative Alton, of Mississippi, has a
darky among his neighbors nt homo who, if
tho statement of tho professional humorist of
tlio house. Is to bo believed, is oven mora
shiftless than tho nvorago negro of tho south
generally is found to lie. Ono day this no
gro, so Allen says, went into tho country to
pick cotton, but presently returned vory
much disgusted.
"Didn't you got any offers to pick oottonl"
Allen asked.
"Yes, slch ns doy was. A white man offered
mo ouo-fourth of what I picked. I Jess took
a look nt do Hold, nnd I saw for myself dnt
whon hit was all picked, lilt wouldn't amount
to ono-fourth, so I Jeff for homo. I tell you,
boss, I was In luck dat 1 didn't git fooled.
Out my 'rcfmctlo was all what saved me. I
toll you, send yor chllluna to school." New
York Tribune,
An Apt Comparison.
They toll a story in Dublin about Balfour
and nn eminent bishop who has fought hard
for tho unfortunate people of his country.
Tho two men met for tho first tlmo at din
ner, and in thocoumoof tho talk Mr. Balfour
"But after nil, I fancy that tho nows
paers mako inoro uolso than tho masses. Do
you think now that the people really dlsllko
"Ah, Mr. Balfour," said tho priest, "If tho
Irish only hated tho devil halt ns much as
thoy hate you my occupation would bo gone"
New York Hun.
Tor This Heller Murli Thanhs.
I am nfrnld thnt tho habit of "Jumping nt
conclusions" is sometimes being curried too
fnr. Two congressmen both of them from
tho south occupied the other day, in tho nb
sonco of their families, tho snmo room nt Wil
lard's. They wero grcntly annoyed during
tho first portion of tho night by n neighbor
who was snoring nt n terrlblo rate, Thoy
lay sleepless nud silent for n long tlmo, listen
ing with u horrid fascination to tho efforts
of "tho man who snored." Finally tho
slcc)cr made ono mighty elfort, nud with nn
awfully convulsive, gurgling gasp, relapsed
Into silence, vhlch was short!' broken by
ono of tho congressmen, who lu n fervent
"Thank God, he's deadl" Washington
Cor, Now York Tribune
Wouldn't Olvo It Away.
A now senator, being told by a nowspaper
correspondent just what tho feuato had douo
lu executive session, exclaimed: "Why, wo
haven't been two hours out of executive ses
sion. How did you get hold ot nil this! Did
a senator tell your' "No," said tho corres
pondent. "An cmployo of tho senate!" per
sisted tho senator. "No," said tho correspon
dent, "Well, then, how did you Und it nil
imtf" nsked tho senator, anxious with curios
ity, "I'd llko to tell jou,"sa!d tho corres
pondent, with n droll smllo, "but I can't.
Senators nro so lenky." Washington Cor.
Philadelphia Record.
A Peculiar Diet.
Small Boy (to grocery clork) Como, can't
you get my things! I'm in un awful hurryl
Mother wants them for suppcrl
Clerk What will you hnvo, young man!
Small Boy A bar of ivory soap nnd n
qum t of keroooue. Detroit Froo Press.
Just So,
Jones I don't believe in taking off flan
nels, not oven ln summer.
Smith Well, I do. I chnngo mlno twice
a week. Bobtou Courier.
Those Whltowiulifld Stones.
"Well, I'll be bio wed 1 Who'd have thought
that lieu tould have laid that eggt" Life.
A llroad Hint.
Clurgj mou should bo brief "and to the
point. A Boston clergyman once had a broad
hint to that effect. "H'o would llko to hav
you short when you marry us," said a pros
pective bridegroom, "becuuso we aro going
wet." "How soon after tho ceremony wifl
you ttaitr asked tho clergyman. "In about
a week," wns the reply. Then tho minister
realized Lu had a reputation as one possess
ing tho gift of contiuuuuce. Harper' Maga
tin for August
Bandy stretches, surging surf, saltj in ells,
BhMrlng shor, pvx'bJDa sun, shining shells,
Bprtukllng snjr, narkllug surface, stormy sky,
OtiilTed stages, sprlKhlty spinsters, suiters shy,
HtvlUh milts, soaketl stockings, spfnhet skirts,
Sly sarkliig, soft sxechrs, summer shirts,
8tuikhig swlinnicrs, lmely shoulders, sick
Rklany shins, sunshade, stretching seines.
Bcuddlng chooners, screw steamers, sloops, salts,
Binsll mnacks, xtrong sailors, itllvery scales,
Bat lug stations, fclgiials, blivuiiiorn, shrouils.spars.
Hklllful sktp)Hn steering shlM, seats, stars.
Hnvngn shnrks, seasereiits, skates, soles,
Hnlo, snnpcrs, shrimp, scollops, sunken shoals,
Bea spiders, sw arming 'skecters, seagulls,
Billy singers, soulful strollers, swift sculls.
Boliil-sloep, startling scores, snllne sniffs,
Btrnpied strniigers, stern sires, shallops, skiffs.
Bplurglng striplings, sappy snobs, sudden squalls,
Bedgy swainiis, scarfs, satins, silks, shawls,
Bnhhath sinners, social scandal, sinkers, snells,
Hcheinlngscnuis, Bhnple Blmons, sportlngswclls.
-II. 0. Io.lgo In New York World.
A r.irtiinitto Occurrence.
I'atron Wnlter, how's this!
"How's what!"
"I found thi cigar holder in tho soup."
"Well, welll I'm glad of that. Pvo boon
hunting for tlio bunged thing an hour." De
troit Freo Press.
A riensiint Dinner Companion.
Miss Kthol Who was tho old gontlemnn
who took you to dinner, Clara)
Miss Clara An old bacholor friend ot
papa's. Ho was delightful.
Miss Ethel I shouldn't think you would
And a bald bonded old bachelor a very do
llghtful companion nt dinner.
Miss Clara Oh, but ho was; ho attracted
all tho file. Now York Sun.
Kitmvn franco.
Mr. Cawdcll, as wo may call him accent
on tho second syllable, of courso had been
nbusinghis wlfo for buying somo dry goods
which ho did not regard us necessary.
"Look hero," said Mr. Cawdcll, "I gavo
you $ 2.50 yesterday, nnd you wont nnd spent
it right olf, ns you know, for n lot of calico
and needle and thread and that sort of thing.
Didn't your
"Yc-es,"said Mrs. Cawdell, timidly.
"And I rebuked you for it last night!"
"Yes. you d Id I"
"Klif Well, f hope you bcortily repented
your extravagance?"
"Yes, indeed, Mr. Cawdcll! I cried so last
nigh that I-I soaked threo handkerchiefs!"
"Soaked threo handkerchiefs! Theroyou
go again running up n washing bill in that
perfectly rocklesj way I" Youth's Compan
ion. .
Tricks of the Trade.
"What b-o-a-u-tlful peaches!" said on old
lady as sho stopped nt n stall in tho market
and admired u basket of early peaches. They
wero coveted with pink gauzo and looked
very tempting.
Tho old lady bought tho peaches and took
them home. Tho next day sho appeared
again at tho stall and showed tho stall keeper
a email plcco of pink net.
"Do you keap that kind of veiling forsalor
sho nsked.
Tho stnll keeper told her that ho did not.
"Well," sho said "w lion I got them ieaches
home, thoy wero small, nud sour nnd green,
ami I thought If I could got somo of that
ttuff that mndo them look so pretty nnd
plunip in the basket, I'd wear it myself. If
It would Impi-ovo mo ns much as it did tho
pjuches, folks would think I'd found tin
nilja of life." Detroit Freo Press.
A Srrnnd Munchhuuson.
Ouo morning before It was light I went np
on Pigeon creek to shoot pigeons. I tied my
bono to a swinging limb, nud waited for it
to become light enough for mo to seo how to
shoot. When it was light enough I shot at
homo plgoons near by, and when tho smoko
cleared away -I noticed that my horso wns
gone. I looked nil around for him, but could
see him nowhere, until hearing n groan I
looked up and saw him hanging In tho nlr.
I had tied him to tho top'ot a treo ou which
tho pigeons wero roosting, nnd when I flrcil
tho gun tho plgeous flow, tho treo straight
cned up nnd cnrrled my horso with it. Tnl
lwttoii lOa.) Now Era.
Not a Success.
Sho had tried oil tho systems of mnemonics
that wero known, yet never could remember
name. When sho was introduced to a gen
tlemnu bearing tho jiecullar nnmo of "Slam"
sho told her mother that sho would never bo
ablo to remember It
"Why, yes, you can, dear," said her
mother. "Just think of slam-bang and It
will como easily enough." -
So sho recited slam-bang every tlmo sho
thought of her now acquaintance, and whon
sho met him uguiu held out her huud cold
lally as sho said:
"I am ery glad to meet you, Mr. Bang."
Detroit Freo Press.
Tho Oennliio Article.
"Now, ladles an' gents," vociferated au
orator In front of a Boston dlmo museum,
"walk right in and view tho great Athenian
knife i wallow er, tho only buo ou exhibition.
Ton cents, ladles au' gouts, it will neither
make nor break"
"Is he a genuino Athenian!" demauded tin
"So help me, ho was born, brought up and
captured in tho wilds of Athenla."
Then thoy rushed lu. New York Sun.
Herolo Measures.
George (to beet girl) I see that you are
wearing a bang, my dear Clara.
Clara Yes, George, aud I don't think it is
vory becoming to me.
George Then why do you wear it, dar
ling! Clara (shyly) Because 1 am tired ot being
kissed ou tho forehead, George. Texas
IIo Was Open to Conviction.
Ned (at the club) Where's Tom! Us Is
generally ou time. '
Fred Tom's choir wJU be empty for some
days. Ho bought n bicycle yesterday. Theu
he thought it would be "such a 'pleasure to
bo able to ride." Now he writes Hint it would
bo "such n plvasuro to be abb to walk?'
Hamilton (Can.) Times.
Au Important Feature.
"George," said the happy bride, "papa has
placed a check among the wuddlugpreeeuU."
"1 that sol" whispered George, auxiously.
"Did jou Lotlceif It's certified I" Life.
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