-v " V H. W. BROWN, Dealer In Drugs and Medicines lMNTS,OIIsS, GLASS. Books, Stationery, etc. 117 S. Kleventhst. Help Wanted! Wanted nt onro n responsible party of good nddics to represent -XTtt-W "WORK IlyHON. THOS. H. MILL, author of Hill's Manual nt Social and Hutl nc Forms. In LANCASTER COUNTY An excellent opportunity to secure n good position and mnkc money. Sales enn be nindcon the Initnlltucnt plnn when dcslr ctl. Address for term nnd particular, HILL STANDARD BOOK CO.. Publishers, 103 Stnte St., CHICAGO, ILL. J. II. V. HAWKINS, ARCHITECT AMD SUPERINTENDENT, ItulMltiK completed or In courw of erection liwis from April I, ittinlitem block do 1I0 I. W Illll Ilemaurant tOilells) 0 K 11m. Itonlilnee, J J Iiiihofr, J niul Kth, 0 K onliroiiiery inn igsley Montgomery Illll Mill N. llthlienrN, N near u , minimi., u n u i,,,. tto J I) Maufarlanti, g niul Mill. no joiiii ft'iirung, 11 Mia inn. 1I0 Albert Watkln. I) bet Ptli niul IO1I1 ilo Win M Lennant. K Ivt Pill ami 10th. do K It (Intlirie, nth niul N. ilo J K KihiI, M I), K brt 10th ami mil do Ii (I M llalilwln, U liet tKlli niul lHth. Sanitarium building nt Mllfonl. Noli, Ftrrl IlnptlKt chunm, lltli nnd K street, ortuary out lul nnil recoh ln tonili nt Wyuka oerariery, ALL AROUND THE H0U8E. New nit Pretty Men About Framing Mirror nnd rirtitrrs nt lttnie. Painted frame with designs extending over tho mirror nro law fashionable tlinu formerly, according to Decorator nnd Fur nlsher, which glveu now nnd protty designs an follow! Tho foundation ihould lo of ooino rather soft, finegrained wood; holly Is brat of nil, but cherry, or oven boss wood, will answer. The wood ihould 1 very smooth nnd mny thou bo coated with shellac, nllowcd to dry, Mnd papered and varnished again. It mny then haven coat of spirit vnrulsh, or, Ifn dark ihnda In desired, of tho finest coach vnr nlh. If not perfectly smooth wliou dry, Mod paper and varnish ngaln. Figure are made with fnnoy brnM headol tack of various sort. In order to lusura regularity tho linen whero the tnoks are to ba driven must bo marked out with the greaUwt care. A plcnslng vnrloty will bo produced by tho tiso of buttons or heads of leather In stead of tacks. These coma In nil sires, shape and color. A beautiful design can be mode by obonlxlng the wood ami using tacks of gold nnd bronco. A frame of wood covered with rich black velvet with silver tacks Is a recent order by a Herman family for tho portrait or tlio into emperor. For Landsocr engravings nro advised frames of Hllhed chestnut or oak, bended on tho Inner sldo with mnnllla ropo, to which i coat of gilt paint can bo given If liked. For flower pieces In colors, hnvo frame of pollihod whlto wood, draped from corner to corner across tho top with n scarf of bolting gnute, upon which you can pniut or em broider n flornl design to correspond In a measure with tho picture, securing tho scarf at each comer with n bow of ribbon or run nlng it through gilt slides, tho omls being fringed or bordored with Oriental or flno torchon laec, 1'loco Ineo of delicate chnrao. tor, edged with liorderlng lace, make a tasteful draery for ploturo frames, with finish of ribbon bows, especially for the dec oration of young ladies' bedrooms. YOUNG FOLKS' COLUMN. ENTERTAINMENT FOR D0Y8 AND INSTRUCTION AND QIRL8. A lltlrf Description of the a real Catlie ilrat of Notre name M Antwerp What Charles V smt Napoleon tlia Great Hold About It. Tho Cathedral of NotroDamo, nt Antwerp, tho chief commercial city of Belgium, Is one of the largest a well as most beautiful structures 1 1 Europe, It was erected be tween l!V3nnd 1411, nnd is of surpassing in terest to the architect and art lover. Offl. Richards Rooms X nnd HI Bloolc Monarch oftlie Dailies! -TI-IE- Omaha Bee! Delivered to any part of the city for 20 cents a week, every day in the year Leave sub scriptions at Lincoln bureau, I027 P street. ilfVkVi m m !. Mr Of )l v xS-vti .jJL U IVI d t IOW.t, LiiHiiiPllraTVa?iV FAST MAIL RODTE. 2 DAILY TRAINS 2 -TO Atchison, Leavcnuorth, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louts nnd nil points South, East nnd West. The direct line to Ft, Scott, Parsons, Wichita, Hutchinson and nil principal points In Kansas. The on)v road to the Great Hot Springs of Arkanw. Pullman Slebpkks and Fr'aib Reclinino Ciiaik Caks an all train. H,G. HANNA, R. P. R. MILLAR, City Tkt 'Agent, Gcn'l Agent. Cor. O and latli St. rc fMamwA 0&Mt 9tuJ ItKit . ZTe Two Ooml Creams. Most peoplo like well nioilo crenmt of any kind, but oftou they lenvo much to bo de sired, being concocted of milk nnd n llttlo flavoring. If cream nlono Is used they nro delicious. Strawberry cream is vory easy to make. Pom about half a jiot of strnwltorry Jam or ono pound of fresh strawberries through ilovo, whip up a pint of cream, add tho strawberry juice, sweeten if neeoiwnry, ills sol voouo-hnlf ounce of isinglnsR In a llttlo milk, mix with It, stir well togethor, turn into n mold nnd let It set. In warm woathor It will requlro lea Itleo cream Is particularly good. Holt a tAblespoouful of rico in rather more than a half pint of milk until quite soft, turn it Into n mortnr nnd ikhuhI It so that no whole ernlns nro visible; put It In n lxu In, whip half n pint of cream, sneoten nnd flavor with van 1 11a, add oue-qunrter of nn ounce of IslnghiM dis solved In n toncup of milk, bent up with tho rico and pour into n mold. Homo whipped cream, slightly colored with coehlnoal anil placed In tiny heaps round it when turned out of the mold, mnkes n pretty dish. Buoeotash. To mako succotash in perfection requires tender corn, says a Ynukeo housewife; but If not qulto as tondcr as you would like, do not cut too clono to the coo. Uso u sharp lull fa Limn bonus should bo used it possible, though sometimes string benus nro used for tho purpose. When this is tho enso string them nnd cut in small pieces. When Limn beans nro ufd they should bo boiled somo tlmo first, as tlioy requlro longer time to cook than corn. Uoll till both are qulto tender, tl-oii cover closely and add a pleco of butter, n teaspoon ful of salt and somo cp pcr. It cream Is plenty n half pint added tho last thing will Improve it. Tho quantity of com should bo twice that of beans. Owus and operates 8,500 miles of thornuglily Quipped road In Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Missouri. MIllUMtnLiL niul Mnlintjl. iv is ine nesi Direct Koute ix'iMijnau ino -"rUielpni Points In tho Northwest, Southwest Bd Far Went For maps, time table, rates of passage and freight, etc., apply to nooreU station agent ol Ghioauo, Milwaiikkk A HT. l'AUI. 1UIL JTAV.ortoany Hull road Aitent anywhere lis tke world. K.MILI.BR. A.V.1I.0A.UPKNTEK, ,tl?Snil.R.l.Rf' Qan'l I'aM.iT'ktAgU J, F. TUOKKlt, OKO, II. HKAFFOHD; Asrt. aon'l Mgr. At. 0. 1 AT. Agt. Milwaukee, W1m.-oiiIh. The Cnrpet Hurtle. Of ordinary ways to kill tho carpet beetle, ironing wot cloths over tho ntTected jmrt has mot with much favor nmoug practical house wives. Place two or tlirvo thlcknwsoH of common toweling, wr'ung out of wntcr Just ro It will not drip, on tho carpet nnd Iron till dry. Tho Iron must bo very hot, ns tho ob ject is to nmko steam enough to thoroughly penctrnto tho carjiet nnd kill tho moths. Woolen garments not In uso nro best pro tcctcd by tying up in paper bags or putting awny in perfectly clone boxes. Every crevice, even that whoro tho cover meets tho box, must bo pasted over with paper, as those mall Injects will cuter tho tiniest cracks. I'lnnn Hack Decoration. A handsomo drapery or ornamented back Is now qulto tho thing for tho piano, as this article is no longer necessarily placed rigidly against tho wall or across a comer, but mny bo set out in tho room in such position ns suits the owner's fnnoy or convenience. Tho drapery conceals tho plain wood nnd adds to the elegant decoration of n room. atfln'o For Information In reference to Ijmda 'owns owiiml hv tliA Chloflfrn. Mllwnu. kM A &t. Paul Hullwuy Compuuy,wrlto to II. si, HACBAX.Ijina OommUstuner. Milwaukee Wtanlr MEN TALKED ABOUT. TUB ANTWKIU' CATniDIUU ItlsoOOfeet In length by&IO in breadth, with a root supported by 125 pillars and n vory lofty spire. In tho cut hero presented Is given n good vlow of this spire, which dates from tho Fifteenth century, nnd is of world wide celobrity for Ita marvelous beauty. Of tho tower's and stccpIo'H elaborate Qothlo workmanship, Charles V snld it deserved to bo kept In n com; nnd NaKleou cornered it to a structure of Mechlin laco. Tho Interior of thisrcmarknblo cathedral is enriched by two of tho greatest of nil Ilubens' pictures, "Tho Elovatlon of nnd tho Descent from the Cross." An Interesting Chnpter tin Ants. 8lr John Lublwck Iioh nddod much to our kuowledgo of. uuU by many curious expert incuts. Ho foupd that nlthough thoy mny not 1m denf to tho sounds mndo by them selves, tho loudest nolso mndo by htm did not nlTect them in tho least, l)ut thoy w ere nioro sonsltlvo to smell. A camel's hair brush dlpiod In nuy odorous liquid nnd held nlxive them caused tho insects to hurry on tholr wny, or ovon to turn back ngaln. It appeaix Hint auto, nlthough of n vory bloodytlilrsty disposition townrd tholr eno mlifl, do not show nuy euro for companions who may bo In trouble. If twoor throo wero burled out of Bight of their comiwintons tho rest walked over tholr grave without any ellort to rolon-so thorn. U'hou sotuo nuts worn put into n small Ixil tlo, with tho mouth closod with thin muslin, tho others from tho nest close by did not try to set thorn free. Hut no sooner wero somo from another nost placed near them iu n simi lar bottle than they began bltlug olT tho muslin to got nt tholr enomles. Ono of tho strangers hpcnod to put out a leg, mid it was soon seized. After somo tlmo n liolo was mndo in tho muslin nud all tho strangers woro killed. A New Kind of Stousu Trap. Ono of Bt. Nicholas' young peoplo, In n letter to Jack, tells nil nbout n new kind of mouso trap. Ho writes; Dear Jack I want to tell you about n now kind of mouso trap. It Is the turtle. I never enw ono catch n mouso, but my cousin told mo aliout it, Sho snld they oiled Its Ixick nud put It In tho cellnr whero thero woro a groat many mice. After n few days thero did not Kcom to ln many mlcu around; hut as sho did not think tho slow tin tlo could havo caught thom, sho asked her boys to watch. Bo ono day thoy put n mouso iu tho room, nnd thuy wit uou n table. Pretty soon tho mouso enmo up and ran upon tho turtle's luick, nnd, whon It wns near tho head, the turtle's head camo out in n hurry nud caught tho mouso. Hut I don't bollovo tho turtle really nto tho mouso; I think It only wiuecrcd tho body liotwoon IU sho) Is. Thoy oiled its back bo that tho mouso would bo attracted by tho odor. The Domino Oracle. Arrango twelvo of tho dominoes as shown In tho Illustration, nnd inform any ono pres ent that if ho will think of one of tho domi noes and remember it, you will point it out to htm. .w I-IANO BACK. The looped up drapery represented in the cut la in art serge, Itomon sheeting or plush, lined with twill silk in n contrasting color, and edged with a fluffy ball fringe, in either chenille or flaw silk, recalling tho two tlnU of tho drapery, and matching tho thick cord. Panel slightly draped In bright colored sheet ing or velvet, adorned with wreath of ap plique embroidery, or lustra painting. Trade Recipe for h Silver Cleaner. The following "silver cloanor" U said to be aeeordtng to tho formula of one of tho boat sliver manufacturing companies of tho coun try: Dissolve one pound bt Spanish whiting la water nnd let it settle ; then pour off the top so the grit will lie freed. Let tho residue settle again and pour off the top, thus ob taining the pure whiting; add one ounce of borax dissolved in as llttlo water as neces sary; add one-half pint spirits of camphor and ono pint aqua ammonia; put in a bottle and cork tightly. Larding, To mention tho word lording is to discon cert the nvenxgo cook, and Its presence in a recipe kills that rcclpo for most housewives. Nevertheless, larding greatly Improves tur keys, chickens, cutlets, birds, etc. Cut very firm bacou fat with a sharp knlfo Into strips of equal size. Put one end into tho lordJpg ueedlo and draw through the skin nnd a little of tho meat or fowl of tho article to bo lard ed, leaving tho strip of pork In the meat, with the two exposed ends of equal length. x s EZ3 rwi " i i i a flunrnisi.fo trick. Now, supposing the doublo dcuco is tht domino selected, you toll the person who hai chosen it that you will count around tb circle, and whon you havo counted twonty. including tho uumbor of spoU on tho selected domino, bo must tell you to stop, and that your flngor will then rest on tho domino chosen. The secret is simply this: You count carelessly around, 1, 9, U, 4, 0, 0, 7, or any of tho dominoes; but at tho eighth count you always manage to point to tho doubl six, and after that you contlnuo counting around regularly to tho right. Do suro and remember this, for it Is thi koy of tho trick. For example, as wo have before said, wo will suppose tho doublo deucs to bo the selected domino. We follow th abovo instructions, and count and point at tho dominoea promiscuously tho first sovon counts; but at the eighth count wo point ttt tho doublo six, and contlnuo to the right on the six-five, doublo flvo, and so on In succes sion until wo arrive at tho double deuce, when wo will ba told to stop, becauso by that tlmo Wo will havo counted sixteen, to which, if wo add the fciwts on tho domino chosen, we will hnvo twenty. This rulo holds good, no matter what domino happens to bo solocted. It U porhaps useless to Inform our reader that bo must not count out loud, or appear to couut mentally, but lot It soom as if ho were only jxjlnting at tho dominoes by clianco. You must let tho person who selects thodom ino appear to do all tho counting. Personal Item anil Pamgrnptis Clipped from the Newspaper of the Land. Tho Thnkoro snhlb of Uohdom has Just married his fifty-first wife. James Hussell Lowell and Joseph ChnmlieT lain nro recovering from tho gout In London. Dr. Oliver Wondell Holmes is to furnlth the chnpter on tho Massachusetts dialect In n forthcoming IkjoU on Amorlcanisms. Mr. Wluans, who hires so many deer for ests Iu Bcutlaud, has lieen sued by tho trus tee of Lord Lovnt for 0,500 for rent due, nnd condemned to pay. Tho lato Dr. K, It. Lofflngwell, of New Haven, had a fine collection of autographs, estimated to bo worth nearly $100,000. Tho Into James Freeman Clarke left nn au tographic will giving his entire estate to bis wife, from whom he say he roceived it. Tho Into Knlser Frits, over after his msjv ringo with tho English princess royal, kept tho anniversary of AVaterloo as a foto day. Walter Desant, tho well known English novelist, Is In xxr health nud has gone to tho continent to recuperate. Ho is suffering from overwork and writer's crump. The vcnorablo Hnunlbnl Hamlin has a pump, not ns voncrnblo as ho himself, but even lietter preserved. It was set up in his back yard over forty years ago and is as good as over. Joaquin Miller is living thooxUtenco of a hermit In tho mounta ns near Oakland, Cat. Ho Is engaged upon a poem of somo length, entitled "Legends of Christ," em bodying quaint stories picked up by Miller when ho lived iu tho Levant Joe JclTerson Is tho only actor possessing a sepnndo summer nnd winter estate. When tho icy winds nro howling about our heads hero tho veteran plajer is in Louisiana among his (loners. His summer homo is iu Now Jersey, nnd In both places ho is a free handed entertainer Lnurcnco Ollphnnt, the author of "Irene Macglllicuddy," has lieen interviewed on tho subject of novels, nud has confessed that "of all tho older writers of fiction Charles Hemic stands nt tho head." Ho prefers tho w ritlngs of Dickens to Thackeray, but of tho men ho cared most for tho latter. Col. Lamar Fontnlno, of Canton, Miss., drives n pair of pet bears to n buggy. Ho has trained tho animals himself, and mny bo seen out behind his novel team every lino afternoon. Tho beam run a sort of nwkwnrd trot nud seem to tnko their position with the liest possible good nature. Thoy are, of course, muzzled. Tho sksfh of Persia has requested Charles A. Ashhurner, of tho United States geologi cal survey, to tako chargo of tho Persian en gineering corps. The Shah Is of tho opinion that valuable deposits of coal, iron, wtro leum nnd (icrhaps tho precious metals nro to lo found In Persia, Hitherto nothing but turquols hns beou mined In that country. Mlk Chu Pnk, Corean minister nt Wash ington, wears a most rcmaikablo costume when ho goes for n walk Iu these days. His droa Is whlto, nud on his head towers tho steoplo shaped Corean lint. Over his whlto coctumo ho wenrs u long coat of bluo nnis qulto netting, with tails that iech tho ground. In Ills hand Pnk carries u cheap gingham umbrella. Thus nttlred he stalks solemnly along, ncoompnnlod by his secre taries. John Rrlght, tho English stntesmnn, learned how to woik before ho began to iipcnk fur nnd represent worklngmen, and his throo sons wero taught trades. His father, old Jacob, was n poor man, with nearly as many chlldien as ho had shillings a week for his work as n weaver. At tho present day tho I) right mills nro scarcely to bo surpassed in tho country. Over 2,000 linuds nro em ployed In them. Sidney Boo'th, tho 15-yoar-old son of Agnes Booth Bchoctfcl, hns n passion for collecting eggs. Ho has three large cabinets in his room filled with nil sorts nud conditions of eggs, from tho humming bird to that of tho ostrich, nnd his library in largely conqiosed of books on tho subject of his hobby, Young Booth will probably follow in tho footsteps of his brother, Junius Brutus, nnd go upon tho stugo nfter ho has finished with his school books. Oliver P. Ilnhm, inventor of tho self scratching match, is living quietly in Boone vllie, N. Y, Ho Is now nn old man, nud his fortune, estimated at (250,000, gives him ovcry comfort nnd successfully Weeps the wolf from tho door. His famous match wns an Inspiration which camo to htm In bleep. On lotiring ho hud attempted to light his gas with nn ordinary match nud had burned his fingers. Ho had a dream which suggested tho dovlco by which ho mado a fortune. Mr. Herbert Ward, tho explorer of whom much is now hoard in connection w 1th Mr, Stanley, is n nophew of Mr. Rowland Wnrd, tho naturalist. It Is told that ono morning, when Mr. Btanloy wns preparing for his ex pedition, Mr. Wnrd called at tho explorer's rooms nud nskod to bcu him. Ho wus lucky and obtained an audience. "What is your business!" asked Mr. Stanley, looking tho young fellow down with his penetrating eye. "I want a billet. Can you givo moonef" "Whnt, to nccomjwuiy mer' "Certainly." "Whoro nro your crodent'als!" "Well, I havo Just corno back from British Borneo, whero I was exploring." Mr. Stanley spoke a fow words in Malay, and Mr. Ward re plied iu tho samo language. Pleased with tho young fellow's readiness, and liking his looks, Mr. Stanley gave him his chance and engaged him. rittlng Up Hotel Itoofs. Thero is n movement on foot to fit up gar dens oil tho roofs of the different hotels some what after tho stylo of tho roof garden on tho Casino. If tho idea is carried out it will, no doubt, keep n greut many people in tho city during tho summer who w ould otherwise go to tho country or beashoru. A greut many private dwellings in town are fitted up with these beautiful gardens, where, during tho warm summer evenings, tho tenants sit nud enjoy thomselvca iu an atmosphere fcoverul degrees: cooler than in tho street. If tho movement becomes genoral, as it is thought, this city in a short time will resent bio tho city of Babylon, with tho famous hanging gardens. Then tlio w orkers on their way to their dally toll will walk through av enues of flowers and nn atmosphere laden with sweet perfumes. New York Star. CALIFORNIA'S Finest Production. Ilogus Pictures at High Irlces. Tho now cntaloguo of tho Dretdon gallery issued by tho director, Dr. Wocrmanu, de clares that a careful examination of tho pictures recently purchased at comparative ly high pi ices sho rvs that thoy nro not tho gcnuluo work of tho artiste to whom they hnvo been attributed. Soma nro only copies; somo, tho works of other less dlstluguUbed artists; some, forgeries. In 1874 and 1875 eighteen pictures, said to bo by old masters, wero purchased out of tho money paid to Saxony as tier share of tho French wur In demnity, Too of them aro impostures, three only copies, two not by tho painter to whom thoy aro assigned, but by somo of his pupils, ono U a hastily fluted uud unfinished work of tho artist, one isdoultful, and three by different urtlsU than those unmed as their painter Chicago Herald. K , i .0 pa. & - (-' 0 O -A t i 1 0 W M (J), -z! 0 1-1 I-1 -H l-f sO en 0 t3 do w p) 7D CD- P o p CD Jarvis' California Pear Cider. This delicious summer beverage is made in California, from very ripe mellow Dartlett Pears. In the height of the ripening 6cnion many tons of penrs become too ripe for flipping or canning purposes, (hey can then be utallzcd by pressing them Into elder. The fresh juice Is boiled down two gallons Into one, and is then strained through pulverized chnr coal. This hcutlng, condensing nnd straining completely destroys fer-' mcntntlon.nnd the elder ever afterwards remains sweet and good and is n most healthy nnd nutritious article for family use. Knowing there are many spurious ciders sold In this market we offer the abov explanation with the eminent testimonial of Prof. J. II. Long. Very Respectfully, THE G. M. JARVIS CO., Sole Proprietors, San Jose, California. 39 N. State Stieet Chlcag. TUB G. M. JARVIS CO., Gentlemen: ChlCaS' jHV 7thl I hnve mode made n chemical examination of the sample of Jnrvls' Pear Cider submitted to ine n few days ago, and would report these points among others noted. 1 he liquid Is noiwilcohollc and has n specific gravity of 10.65. The total extrac tive matter amounts to 10.35 per cent., containing only .025 per cent of free acid. The tests show this ncld to be malic acid as usually found In fruit juices. I find no other ncld or foreign substnnce added for color or flavor. I believe It, therefore, to consist simply of the juice of the Pear as represented. Yours truly, J. II. LONG, Analytical Chemist, Chicago Medical College. THE C. H, JARVIS Cft THE G, I JARVIS CO San Jose, Cal. 39 N. State St. Chicago. W. B. HOWARD, Traveling Salesman. FOR. SALE BY ALL Druggist and Leading Wine Merchants. v"v A 3 i "Zi r I K a. '. f -j T iWi Iri-iWliAna m fr.i uln .-. ... j.am E3M&SML3E