-g9, ,. mmnMm wumrUm- mm i.K,,mmfia!,.v mMf imwnm.Fth,.,) XI It; i-s K" fr 1 t FOR THE SPRING TRADE SILK MADRAS CHENILLE - CURTAINS With Sah Curtainn to match. The Nobbiest Line o( Curtain of nil kinds In both American and Foreign Texture. CURTAIN POLES AND RINGS In the LateU Novelties of Wood ami Metal. Price Rock Bottom. A. M. Davis & Sorj, (Dfs 134 CASH SALE) EVERYTHING MUST GO! REGADDLESS OF COST. Having decided to go out of the dry goods business, under the hope of improving my health. I Will offer all goods at 25 per cent "off the origina price, except "Domestics" which' we, will close at cost O. R. OAKLEY Zk CO. 1031 O Street, LINCOLN, NEB. FOR FINE TRADE. ED. CERF & CO., 005 0 STREET. Have just received n largo and elegant lino of Qold and Silver headed FinoBilk UMBRELLASANDCANES Of tho latest designs. Also their now invoice of STYLISH : SPRING : CLOTHING. Underwear, Soft and Stiff Hate, etc. GotoPMCerf&Co., for your Gent's FurnlshlnKs and AVOID PAYING FANCY PRICES. LINCOLN ICE COMPANY, &- PURE -sa I ICE :jrz$s"z$V7vs"7vi-z$"vr A J- OFFICE 1040 B. O STREET 4 njic $t.tit yxjh. sbSt Not cut from the Filthy Salt Creek but from the Clear and Pure Waters of --OAK CREEK- Delivered to all parts of the city at reasonable prices. JOYCE, 123 North 15th Street, For MAN ! Xx 8Rw raor . W .tW "CW K m. jr'xr .w . . irj. jbP . Xiov ik Mustang KjJpNOuj ttoiuw, Cuuu JJiuunia '- ;z SP-JV .. Wi iM 55 011 r 7.i. s ms-" '.X. ,.&.7M.3(2MBP V ;y South LIK"OOLIsr, 35TE3B. F i J- TELEPHONE g J- NUM11ER Kjrfs rfufr rfz.rf7.sto: CHOICEMILLINERY, OMAHA. J For BEAST ! &. '?.! Linimenf a md nil lurtiiuutio; O?1 .. JvV sr fe L Wv jm fiSTS '.w, & ..w. V 5 K.X a. wx "X CX WM XX. NV LITTLE LIVE LOCALS. A Melnnnn of ttrnm, IVmiiiiitl nmt Other Wine About Our People. Go out to Cuthmau park tomorrow, Mr. .1. C. Klcr and mm lift Monday for Maultou. Mr. J. A. Harrett N summcriUK at Like Chautauqua, Row O. A. William left Tlmtrday for Phllndelphla. Mm. F. F. Hoo-m In vIsIHiir friends and rclnttvr In Illinois. Hon. Patrick Krhh left Tuesday on a IiukI nous trip to Chicago. Kluirr llonlilo, I. C WIo and Im WtMil sjHMit last Buudny In Oinalia. Mrss Helen Merrihow left WednrMlny for n several weeks vacation to Duluth, Mln. Will MeAitlmr returned yeterday fixim ills sovoral weeks vacation in Missouri. Mrs. J. 7,. Ilrlscoo and i1aii;hter loft Mon day for Pueblo, Col,, for n six weeks' out- lug. Hon. Alexis Halter returned Thursday from Colorado, where his family is summer iiR. Itov. O. A. William and wife left Thursday for u visit to his former homu in Philadel phia. Miss MattloOillpipio Is spuiidltiK thn sum mor at York with her sister Mrs. Harry Wells. Miss Laura Easferday left Monday for BnuttHto Marie, Mich., to spend tho summr mouths. A comjiany of Chinese gave a plcashi); en tertalnmontat the First Daptlst church Mon day uvouIdk. Mrs. Hurr II. Polk, mother and daiiKhter, left Wednesday for Uayflold, Vls., to stend tho summer, Train loaves at 2:!K) p. m. tomorrow for Ctishman jmrk and ntturns nt 7:110. Hound trip 1ft cent. Mrs. T. II. Hyde, wlfn of the senior of the AVte, Is scudlni; a few weeks nt her old homo In Illinois. llev, Iiewls (Jregory of tho First Congro Kational church Is spending his vacation at Mauslluld, Ohio. Dr. Holyoko ix'turncd Saturday from Iowa after having passed nearly two weeks In the prohibition Mate. Tho board of mnnngers of tho state fair will meet at the Windsor next Wednesday in n businehs X'snIou. Mrs. J, E. Hill and daughters of llcatrlce, nro vMt'stg IV vaptuiti, who Is the govern .8 private secretary, Sllss Omin II. Wwmr will lei'rto Wwlues day for Albany, N. Y, where she intends spending several months visiting. Itov. A. Marino of Bt. Paul's is lying very ill at the iwi'sonngt', and fears are expressed that his sickness may result fatally. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Iieeson anticipate with pleasure a summer trip of several weeks, leav ing hero about the middle of August. Lincoln seems to have Its full pioto of ten cent circuses. Itanium, Septemlwr 18th will be the first good show of tho season. Mr. L. C. Humphrey and family left Mon day afternoon for Wisconsin, where they projwso remaining until about Septemlwr 1st Mr. M. Ackennan of tho Famous loft Wed nesday for a three weeks trip to New York and Saratoga, combining buslnen h pleas ure. Mrs. A. E. Kenuai d and Mrs. J. E. Itlggs left Thursday for a months' stay In Indiana. IndfauoioU will be their principal stopping placo. Mrs. Itewlck leaves next Wednesday foran extended eastern trip of soveral weeks. Mr. Itewlck will visit most of tho time near Troy, N. Y. Do you suffer from scrofula'salt rheum, or other humors Take Hood's 8arsaiarllla, the great blood purifier. One hundred doses one dollar. The night force of tho Col'iukh desires to return thanks to Mrs. II. W. Drown for u Jar of delicious buttermilk sent to the olllce last evening. Miss Grace Wood of Trover, la,, arrived in tho city Wednesday for a soveral weeks visit at the Zchruug mansion comer Eleventh and D streets. Mr. D. Hayes, managing editor Df tho Jour nal, was summoned Thursday to tho bedside of his father, who is lying very ill at his homo Fostoria, Ohio. Mr. E. E. Henklo went to Kearney on n liuslnetts trip in the Interest of his Iioumj, Zeh rung, llurnes & Henkle. Ho visited other poiutit while gone, LADIES, before making your denature for tho summer vacation don't fall to call and order fome of our new culling cards which wo will print on short notico. The unreprcssihlo C. E. Ferguson, travel ing representative for Eastman's delicious perfumes and extracts Is in the city and will sjieud Sunday at the Windsor. Our genial friend John Detts can nowadays le found at H. II. Ihirnham's otllco In lllch ard'n block. Mr. lhirnliam Is now rusticating in the east and John has charge. Zehrung &. Dunn's new fountain is n big drawing card to East 0 streeters. It attracts l'oplo from far and near, as the fcoda dcxuii sed is of tho finest and purest served hi Liu coin. Mr. A. II. Harrington, deputy clerk of tho district court, was called to Earlvillo, III., Tuotidny by a telegram announcing the serl ous illness of his father who is visiting at that placo. H.J. Green and wife who have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Iieeson, returned to their home in Lofayette, Ind., Sunday, ac companied by Miss Kate Miller, sister of Mrs. Iieeson. Mr. Falkeuburg and wlfo returned 'Wed nesday from Stiang, where they had sieut several daj s. Mrs. Falkeuburg and child left Thursday for Gnrdey, Neb,, whero she will Tislt several weeks. MK II. II. Oakley, who was called home on account of tho O. H, Oakley the, exacts to return again and complete hU California visit as soon as Insurance agents adjust the claims, nnd Mr, Oakley expects to start next week. A party of eight left Monday for tho cool and Inviting resort at Maultou to s)K.'iid the rest of the summer. They were J, '.. Uiiseo and wife, Mrs. MeWhlnnie, Mr. and Mr. W. P. Phillips, Mlfs Mary Wukoland and .Mrs. J. C. Kler nnd sou. M. A. New mark, tho energetic managing partner of tho Globo clothing houso, left Tuesday for New York on his semlaiihual purchasing trip. Ho will lie gone about three weeks and when ho returns look out for tho very latest and best, Mr. Ed Hlgnell has chargo of the eastern division of the Ilurllngton during I). E. Thompson's absence in Europe. Mr, Hlgnell lias removed his family to the cltv, ami ore onco more enjoying tho delights of' living In thu best and prettiest city In the west. Mm. O. Adler and Mrs. M, Kohn of Seward and Mis. M. Kohn of Nebraska City, threo inter, visited In Lincoln Wednesday, whero a sort of periodical union was enjoyed, sliov plug and taking in the sights of this festive capital city. The ladles returned on tho even ing train. ELEGANT RECEPTION To ttiit Teiielirrs or I.nnrantpr fount y Wed ticsday livening. One of the most enjoyablo reception evei held in the city was given Wednesday oven lug by MesM-s. I.llllbrldgo & ltooo of tin Lincoln HiHiicm College to tho lincastei county teachers, A very cntci tabling pro gram hail leon prepared, and tho rooms weu crowded with Lincoln's lest jHsiplo. Thn first uumlier was a solo by Mlm Nan ulo Lllllhildgo,oue)f Lincoln' sweet singers, followed by an addroni on "Higher Educa tion" by Prof. tauo. Ml Nellie Young wu next on the program witlia violin solo, which was heartily applauded. Mr. W, H Huirmau followed with an ex cellenlly rendensl rondhig, "Aux Halloim,1' This was Mm Huiriimn's llrst nptiit alien 1k fore a Lincoln audlenco n u nailor, and Hit appUuso given ludlcattMi tho luipivsslon hoi ability made uion tho audlenco. Mis hthol howc. whoso attalumeiite everv Llncolnlle knows, sang tho "Echo Hong1' In her usual brilliant maimer, and received an enthuslnstlc rm'orc. Itov. Allen next deliver cdn pleasing address, follow (si by Miss PcshIc Ijiiio, n i Wng young elocutionist with ono of her HpuIar sehvtlons. Prof. V, I). McClmky, county suH'rluleud ant, inado a fewietuaiks, MUs Howe sang another solo, Prof. Hunt read a selection, the Gaeckler Itros. artlJL. T. Gaylonl closing the prograin with ono of their splendid r.lthei and guitar ducts, which wasluartllyapplaud ed, A pleasant informal social followed, and the audlenco dlHrHd with the tatlsfactlou tl nil evening well sjient. I.iieul Mini l'eriMinl. Mr. Kobert Melleynolds has securoil tho lease of tho new Ixivo opera houso at Fre mont, and will open tho samo some time In Novoinlier. Hob has a thorough knowledge of tho ins nnd outs of thn theatrical business, nnd will give Freuiontem the best attractions going. Mn, Harry Hotton, who linslin'iiuMiUVit'i for a uumlier of yearn front n complication of diseases died at her homo In this city Tiles day morning. Thn remain were taken to Unadllla for liiternieut. The deleaved Iiiir Inud has the Hympathy of many fi lends In hi time or tril. Dr. Nuually, who halls from Kiiusa City, made nu autl-prolilbitioii sjKMich .)ii Govern ineiitHipiiireou 'I'm lay evening ton largo audience, ThU Is rather a novel Idea, and as tho gentleman wishes to divide his time any owning with n prohibition scakor, lively times liny bo looked for. Mr. Audiii informs (lie CoimtKH that the concert preared for tomorrow nt Cimlimiin )nrk Is the most cxKnlvo ho hasyet furnish ed. The high class of the ifillslo rendered will prove tho most artistic success tho park has had this s'iisoii. Go out ot i!:!ll) p. m. to enjoy thoafternoop, llrlck work on tho now Zehrung block cor ner Twelfth and N streeUhas been coiumenc esl, and it is exiH-cted that tho building will lw ready for occupancy by November first. Each room will bo supplied with water, both hot nnd cold, hrnled liy steam and in short will contain all modern Improvements. The third Moor will lie used as a lodge room, CouuiEli renders will oblige tho publishers by sending In the names of all such tieoiiln as are sjiendlng tho summer abroad. On our eighth page will bo noticed a long lint of Liu collides who nro abroad and as It Is our aim to get this list complete wo kindly request you to assist us in furnishing snch desired infor mation as you may be ablo to Impart, Tho Springfield, O., AVim of last Sunday contained the following: W. S. Huffman, founder of Lincoln, Neb., Ixsigo, No. b(), and Post Kxaltod Huler or Hpringllold Lodgo.No. ftl, siK'iit several davs in this city with his im- rents last' week, curoute from New York city and the east whore ho attended the grand lodge. Ho was looking and feeling well and was warmly welcomed liy hl host of friends EvorylKxly is a disgusted at tho slowness of the lwuing contractors hi putting tho streets lu presentablo condition. It is very true that such a careless matliod or doing buslnosH Is very aggravating, but any ono so a filleted is cordially InviW to drop into Hallett's and reat their eyes and gratuy their sonso or the beautiful by examining his excellent as sortment of jewelry, diamonds and precious stones of nil kinds. Our number Is 11!) North Eleventh street. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Zlemcr will return in a day or two from Dunvlllo whero they have Ikvii visiting tho past week. Noxt week, oc roiniMinled by Mm. H. P. Foster, they will start on an extended tour of tho east, taking In Now York, Washington, Saratoga and the fashionable seaside resorts. The CouitlKll tenders tho party Its slncerest wishes for a Bate and enjoyable trip and trusts tho recro atlon and absenco from home for a mouth w ill prove beneficial to all. Mm. Foreman has lcen busy tho past week arranging her damage! stock of fancy goods prejwiratory to disposing of tho entire lot. There was, however, scarcely anything suvul and nearly everything has soino damaging inaik. Mrs. Foreman has rented the west half of Mr, Hair's jewelry store, 10111 Ostreet, and will occupy It about 8iptmbor first with a complete new i,tock which she will iersou ally select in New York, leaving for the oast next week. Tho windows of the Famous have lieen nr rayed in political festoons, the east window Iwing tastefully decorated with democratic emblems, lumdamias and a cabinet picture of O rover C,'lovo:and, while tho west window shows tho Amerloin fiag handkerchief and otherartlclesem' natico.'i epjbllcan m i d victory, with tho word "Protection" plain y displayed. Mr. Hussol llrydon is the artist and the windows reflect credit on the youu man. Peep in and see them as you pass tho ojtera house corner. Mr. Geo. H. Knowics was pleasantly sur prised Tueulay evening while sitting ipiletly at homo by a number of friends nnd neigh Ixirs entering in a body nnd informing him that as on mat day he attained the dignity of thirty threo yearn or ngi, It was but meet that It should bo projieiiy celebrated. After ' receiving tho congratulations of Ids guests, Mr. Knowies invited them to make them selves nt home, and tho ensuing houm were pleasantly sjient at caiils, social couveivitlou and kludrisl amusemeiits, a substantial siis tier lecelving duo attention. It was a very agrecabla occasion, and will long Ihj remei. -tiered by tho particlimiitf, Tho hiiiiuiH'r Is Horn. This may boom rather a jiLvullar remark to make, but it's true nevertheless nnd while las.slng up O street yesterday our genial fiind DonnU, tho oiHira house hattor, In formwl us that his lino of summer coats and vests, In silk or llannel, were never liner and I not only has ho a lino of line gcsxls but In I medium grades ns well, ranging from f 1 60 to $10 and tho prices being cut so low now n to affonl every ono n thin, cool and comforta ble garment, HU lino of light stiff hats are also being sold at prices cheaper than ever at this uvuion of tho year. Go and seo Dennis and let hltn show you how to keep cool. Light colored hats, coats and vests are tie lug sold nt and Mow cost to close out the stock. Look nt tho prices marked on goods lit Dennis' whitlow as you us the store. Great corset sale at HerjioMilemer & Co. MILLER'S Special intention is paid to 1DRESSG00DSI Stock Large. Assortment Complete.. All the New Shades. All the New Fabrics. J. E. MILLER'S 145 South Tenth Street, EVERYBODY KNOWS That wc keep n general assortment of CLOTHING ! And Gents' Furnishings. All the Latest styles in Collnrs, nnd the season's novelties In Ncckwcnr. FINK LINHN COLLARS, n't cr.s. Call and sec us If you want to get good In our llf 3 Just ten per cent cheaper thun at nny other house In town, BAKER, The Clothier, 1125 O STREET. IT'S THE THE PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER. This is the only mower made that vill cut high grass. Guar anteed to give satisfaction. Call and see it. ZEHRUNG & HENKLE, Full line of Door and Window Screens, Cutlery, cte. Quick Meal Stove. BUDGE & MORRIS, 1 122 IT Street. i! " m AT- BEST MADE. r f